MT Continuum Status Jake Aplanalp, AIM Pgm Mgr Gerry Cullison, SSP Mark Campbell, LM SS for SSP Mike French, LSI Jamie Stewart, AIM team 15-17 Feb 11 Overview • MT Continuum overview • Application to other communities • Project status MT Continuum Prototype Project • Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) re-engineering 30+ week training pipeline for TRIDENT Ballistic Submarine (SSBN) Missile Techs (MTs) into blended just-enough/just-in-time ILEconformant Instructor Led (ILT) and self-paced segments • AIM CPM and LO Module toolsets part of SSP’s baseline business process for this re-engineering • First major end-to-end design, development, and maintenance project that’s defining CPM/LO Module business rules and data exchange mechanisms • MT Continuum team: – – – SSP / contractors - Requirements Owners NAWCTSD / AIM team - CPM/LO Module support LSI, Inc. - ISD and self-paced content design/development Application to Other Communities • Based on NETC-mandated JDTA as fleet performance requirement basis for learning content design and development • Closely coordinated with NAVEDTRA 136 development • NETC N7 staff recommended as “Poster Child” for ongoing NETC Continuum effort with all Centers • Integrated development and maintenance environment for blended, SCORM and 136compliant learning content Project Status • Plan, Analyze and Design Completed – JDTA – Establishment of initial 3 major projects – Approval of revised 11-project structure • Approval of learning objectives • Approval of ISD considerations elements • Production Phase Kickoff Pending – Will be followed by export of 11 projects from CPM to LO Module for production development in AIM I Rel 4.1 on fedsun Questions? Backup Slides AIM Tool Usage • Dedicated MT Continuum Prototype CPM and AIM I Rel 4.1 instances hosted in Orlando • Local AIM I Rel 4.1 instances running at GD-AIS Pittsfield (SMEs) and at LSI Jax (ISD/CD) • Bi-directional data exchange between LO Module and LSI LDC authoring toolset in place • Excellent feedback from MT Continuum team on enhanced functionality and performance needed in CPM & LO Module AIM Tool Usage (contd) • Status: – Per GD-AIS feedback, performance-enhanced version of AIM I Rel 4.1 running locally in Pittsfield and Jax as well as on Orlando server – Per GD-AIS feedback, significant enhancements made to AIM I Rel 4.1 storyboard functions/output – Several additional enhancements recommended by GD-AIS incorporated into AIM I Rel 4.1 (Jan 11 delivery) – AIM team resolved performance and reliability issues with Orlando fedsun Metaframe instance Issues/Concerns • “End to end” surveillance/maintenance test on TLO/ELO in process to: – confirm existing change impact identification functionality in CPM and LO Module – identify near-term updates – refine longer-term enhancements • Testing begun by Mark Campbell and Mike Lueken (LMMS) w/ favorable results • Identified critical issues addressed as part of AIM I Rel 4.1 and 5.0 • Further testing surveillance testing on LDC is still required and ongoing with Rel 4.1 by Jamie Swaim (CSF) • Team continues to refine versioning business rules/process Modernized AIM Technical Data Repository Links to Authoritative Tech Data / Updates Performance Reqts (Navy Job Duty Task Analysis / Competency data) Baseline Performance Reqts Performance Reqts Updates Learning Content Planning and Design (learning objectives, content outline, content mgmt data) Content Outline Draft w Versioned Learning Objectives and Metadata Versioned Learning Objective Updates [CPM] AIM focus areas Other govt repositories COTS/GOTS CBT toolsets Change Impact Reporting (based on performance reqts updates; specifies learning objectives that may need changing) Learning Content Dvlp And Maint (complete ILT / storyboards for learner-directed content) Baseline ILT Learning Content Learning Content Storage and Delivery Versioned ILT Learning Content Updates (learning object aggregations managed via ties to learning objectives) [LO Module] List of learning objects linked to impacted learning objectives List of learning objects linked to impacted tech data Learner-directed Content Development and Maintenance [Venus] Change Impact Reporting (based on learning objective updates; specifies learning objects that may need changing) Baseline and Updated Learner-directed Learning Content Modernized AIM can tie the entire process together 11 MT Continuum Process Technical Data Repository Links to Authoritative Tech Data / Updates CPM - baseline JTA data - learning objectives - content outline Content Outline Draft w Versioned Learning Objectives and Metadata Versioned Learning Objective Updates - content mgmt data) List of learning objects linked to impacted learning objectives List of learning objects linked to impacted tech data metadata, links to IETMs, SME inputs on narrative, interactions, & graphics LDC Dvlp/Maint Change Impact Reporting (based on learning objective and tech data updates; specifies learning objects that may need changing) Baseline Learning Content Versioned Learning Content Updates Updated metadata and graphics files Change Impact Reporting (based on performance reqts updates; specifies learning objectives that may need changing) LO Module Outputs: - complete ILT lessons/sections - storyboards for learner-directed content incl. metadata, links to IETMs, SME inputs on narrative, interactions, & graphics Inputs: - updated storyboard content from - amplify and finalize storyboard data from LO Module - dvlp initial LDC lessons/sections - coord review comments - finalize LDC content - export data back to LO Module Baseline and updated run-time learnerdirected content CM’d source files for LDC Lessons/ Sections ????? 12 FRM Inputs on Enhancements • Item Add support to update Section content using the No-Change Change capability like AIM I. • Item Add ‘Select Later IETM’ functionality in the LO Module to update your Section’s IETM links with a later version of an IETM without having to reselect nodes