Gait Training in Acute Stroke: A Case Study and Evidence-Based Literature Analysis By: Corinna Benjamin Doctoral Candidate University of New Mexico School of Medicine Division of Physical Therapy Class of 2015 Advisor: Ron Andrews. P.T., Ph.D. Printed Name of Advisor: __________________________ Signature: ______________________ Date: __________ Approved by the Division of Physical Therapy, School of Medicine, and University of New Mexico in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Physical Therapy. TABLE OF CONTENTS PICO QUESTION ........................................................................................... 3 ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... 3 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE ...................................................................... 4 CASE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... 7 EXAMINATION ................................................................................... 8 EVALUATION .................................................................................... 12 INTERVENTIONS ............................................................................... 15 OUTCOMES ...................................................................................... 16 EVIDENCE-BASED ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 17 METHODOLOGIES OF SEARCH ......................................................... 17 LIST OF ANALYZED STUDIES ............................................................. 22 ARTICLE SUMMARIES..……………………………………………………………………23 DISCUSSION ..................................................................................... 32 CONCLUSION/BOTTOM LINE............................................................ 34 REFERENCES............................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX A: ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS........................................................ 39 APPENDIX B: DIAGRAM OF SEARCH PROCESS…………………………………………..96 APPENDIX C: STUDY SUMMARIES TABLE…………………………………………………..97 2 PICO QUESTION In patients with acute stroke, which intervention or combination of interventions commonly cited in available research is most effective in facilitating a more efficient, coordinated gait pattern? ABSTRACT Purpose: This case study and evidence-based analysis aims to determine which intervention or combination of interventions commonly cited in available research is most effective in facilitating a more efficient, coordinated gait pattern in patients with acute stroke. Background: A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or bursts, causing damage to the brain. Stroke is the second leading global cause of death and accounts for 11% of deaths worldwide. It is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, causing 1 in every 20 deaths. A person in the U.S. experiences a stroke approximately every 40 seconds. Stroke continues to be a major cause of disability and a very common diagnosis seen in physical therapy.2,6,11 It is currently controversial which physical therapy interventions are most effective in the treatment of acute stroke and some therapists continue to use interventions that studies have found to be ineffective. Many studies investigating acute stroke have themselves been found to be underpowered, biased and misleading. Quality research in this area is sparse and requires analysis to determine which interventions are safe and effective in the acute stroke population. Case Description: The patient selected for this case study and analysis, Mrs. M, was an 85-year-old female who suffered a left cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in November. She was hospitalized 4 days, admitted to a rehabilitation hospital in early December and to a skilled nursing facility in late December. The patient presented with right hemiparesis, decreased muscle strength, right foot drop, impaired balance and transfer abilities, limited overall mobility, an inefficient, uncoordinated gait, expressive and receptive aphasia, fatigue, and confusion. In addition to right hemiparesis, she reported significant left flank pain limiting function of her left side. Outcomes: A review of current literature revealed that a combination of the specific interventions listed below, tailored to each patient’s needs, can decrease deficits, increase independence and improve overall outcomes for patients with acute stroke. However, integrating results of current studies focused in acute stroke rehabilitation is challenging due to diverse patient demographics, study designs and outcome measures, high risk of bias and variability. While more high-quality research is needed, current research supports evidence that a customized, multi-intervention, holistic approach involving the following interventions improves patient outcomes in acute stroke. Discussion: The overall quality of current research in acute stroke rehabilitation is moderate with many studies demonstrating questionable reliability, validity and generalizability. This analysis focused on higherlevel systematic reviews and meta-analyses of current stroke research to determine which intervention or combination of interventions commonly cited in current stroke research is most effective in facilitating a more efficient, coordinated gait in patients with acute stroke. This analysis found a general consensus that an individualized, patient-centered combination of interventions tailored to each patient’s specific needs including some or all of the following is most effective in stroke rehab. These specific interventions include: therapeutic exercise, task-oriented training, biofeedback, gait training, balance training, constraint-induced movement therapy, treatment of shoulder subluxation, electrical stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, and acupuncture. In the moderate to higher-quality stroke intervention studies that are currently available, these interventions have been shown to be affordable, safe and often effective in the acute stroke population. More high-quality research is needed involving similar stroke patient demographics, research designs, and outcome measures to further investigate intervention effects and to determine consistent, accepted parameters and protocols for optimal acute stroke rehabilitation. 3 SECTION I: BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE A stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), occurs when a blood vessel to part of the brain is blocked (ischemic) or bursts (hemorrhagic), causing damage to the brain. According to the American Heart Association’s 2015 stroke statistics, worldwide prevalence of stroke in 2010 was 33 million, with 16.9 million people having a first-time stroke. Stroke is the second-leading global cause of death behind heart disease, accounting for 11.13% of total deaths worldwide. It is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, causing 1 in every 20 deaths in the U.S and killing nearly 129,000 people a year. In the U.S, a person experiences a stroke approximately once every 40 seconds and dies from a stroke about once every four minutes. About 795,000 people have a stroke every year. Over the past 10 years, the death rate has fallen about 35 percent and the number of stroke deaths has dropped about 21 percent; however, stroke continues to be the leading preventable cause of long-term disability and a very common diagnosis seen in physical therapy.2,4,6,11 While each stroke is different and effects depend on the part of the brain injured and the patient’s overall health, stroke survivors often present with weakness (hemiparesis) or paralysis (hemiplegia), usually affecting one side of the body or just an arm or leg. They often have difficulty controlling movement (motor control), sensory disturbances including pain, problems using and/or understanding language (aphasia), problems with thinking and memory, emotional disturbances, visual problems sleeping issues, sexual dysfunction, seizures and fatigue. 3 Specifically, patients with left CVA frequently experience weakness/paralysis of the right side of the body, speech/language problems, slow/cautious behavior and memory loss. Right CVA survivors often experience weakness/paralysis on the left side of the body, vision problems, quick, inquisitive behavior and memory loss. Stroke survivors also frequently have numbness, stiffness, abnormal movement/patterning (synergies), fatigue and abnormal gait.3,13,14 Often after stroke, people demonstrate an asymmetrical, inefficient, uncoordinated gait pattern that affects their endurance, ability to perform ADLs, overall independence and safety, ability to return to prior level of function and 4 overall quality of life. Research has shown that stroke patients can become deconditioned and debilitated very quickly, leading to increased hospital stays, long-term health care needs and poorer outcomes. Research has also shown that regaining function within the first year following a stroke is of critical importance.1,4 Following hospitalization, stroke survivors are often transported to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) for rehabilitation. While the design of SNFs varies, they tend to be short-term health care facilities providing 24-hour medical care and a variety of services including physical, occupational and speech therapies. They accept patients with a wide range of diagnoses and conditions including trauma, surgery, illness/disease, special needs, TIA/CVA, MI, and general decline in medical status. The diagnosis of CVA is one of the most common diagnoses seen in the SNF setting. One of the most common physical therapy goals stated by patients with CVAs is to be able to walk “normally” again, which makes gait training a priority in stroke rehabilitation. There are many physical therapy interventions that clinicians tend to use with post-stroke patients including: neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT); proprioception neurodevelopmental facilitation (PNF); passive, active assist, and active range of motion; bed mobility and transfer training; functional reaching tasks; task-oriented training; overground and more recently bodyweight-supported and non-bodyweightsupported treadmill gait training; cardiorespiratory exercise; strengthening/resistance exercises, seated and standing static/dynamic balance training; constraint-induced movement therapy; treatment of shoulder subluxation; electrical stimulation; transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation; biofeedback; therapeutic ultrasound and acupuncture. However, it is currently unclear and controversial which interventions are most effective in the treatment of acute stroke. Some therapists continue to use familiar interventions, despite evidence indicating inefficacy and/or the availability of more effective, evidence-based treatments. Meanwhile, many studies investigating acute stroke rehabilitation have themselves been found to be underpowered, biased and misleading. Quality research in this area is sparse and needs to be analyzed, in 5 order to determine which interventions are safe and effective in the acute stroke patient population. New quality research also needs to be performed to determine the best possible interventions, their effects and optimal parameters. The purpose of this analysis is to present one acute stroke patient’s case and to review current literature in determining which interventions are most effective and safe in regaining gait function in the acute stroke population. The specific Person Intervention Comparison Outcomes (PICO) question examined in this article is, “In patients with acute stroke, which intervention or combination of interventions is most effective in facilitating a more efficient, coordinated gait pattern?” The case study was an acute stroke patient at a skilled nursing facility (SNF) from December to February following a left CVA. 6 SECTION 2: CASE DESCRIPTION Introduction In December, an 85-year-old female was referred to a skilled nursing facility from a rehabilitation hospital. The patient, Mrs. M., had experienced a left-sided ischemic CVA in late November while visiting her daughter, resulting in right hemiparesis. Mrs. M had been hospitalized for 4 days immediately following her stroke and was admitted to a rehabilitation hospital in early December. She was admitted to a SNF in late December for a decline in medical status, including aspiration pneumonia, and in preparation for her return home to Tucson, Arizona. Upon initial physical therapy evaluation at the SNF, the patient presented with confusion, expressive and receptive aphasia, decreased upper and lower extremity strength (right greater than left, right hemiparesis), right foot drop, impaired seated and standing static/dynamic balance, impaired transfer abilities, limited overall mobility, decreased endurance and an inefficient, uncoordinated gait. She reported that she had sustained a fall onto her right side during her stroke but had not incurred significant injury. She also reported significant left flank pain, which limited function of her left side. The patient was given PT diagnoses of hemiparesis and muscular weakness, an OT diagnosis of lack of coordination, and speech diagnoses of severe expressive aphasia, mild receptive aphasia and dysphagia. While residing at the SNF, Mrs. M received physical, occupational and speech therapies. Her physical therapy included passive, active-assist and active upper extremity and lower extremity range of motion (ROM); cardiovascular strengthening; upper extremity, lower extremity and core strengthening; seated and standing static/dynamic balance and reaching activities; task-specific training; components of neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) and proprioceptive neurodevelopmental facilitation (PNF); overground gait training (indoor and outdoor ambulation); bed mobility and transfer training (e.g., rolling, scooting, sit to supine, supine to sit, sit to stand, stand to sit); stair training, car and curb transfers. Electrical stimulation and treadmill training were never attempted with Mrs. M due to therapist preference and familiarity with the applied interventions, despite the availability of an electrical stimulation machine. 7 Treadmills were not available at this facility and a recumbent stepper was used instead. Mrs. M may have been a good candidate for electrical stimulation and treadmill training due to her right foot drop and other gait impairments. Mrs. M’s evaluation and much of Mrs. M’s physical therapy episode of care was provided prior to this analysis. EXAMINATION Date of initial PT visit: Late December. Admitting diagnosis: Left ischemic CVA. History of current illness: Patient is an 85-year-old female status post left ischemic CVA with right hemiparesis. Patient was referred for stroke rehabilitation due to decline in medical status involving aspiration pneumonia and in preparation for her return home to Arizona. Onset date: Late November. Past Medical History: Hypercholesterolemia, DVT, PE, status post aspiration pneumonia, HTN, hypothyroidism, hyperlipidemia, mitral valve replacement. Past surgical history: Status post carpal tunnel surgery. Prior level of function: Independent in all activities of daily living (ADLs), independent mobility, lived alone, drove independently. Social History: Patient previously lived alone in a single-story home with 2 stairs to enter in Tucson, Arizona. Patient is a retired schoolteacher. She had supportive family members in both Albuquerque and Tucson, including 2 daughters in Albuquerque. Her husband died 28 years ago. She enjoyed walking, gardening, reading, cooking/baking, entertaining and traveling with family and friends. 8 Cognitive status: Answered 1 out of 4 alertness and orientation questions correctly, difficult to assess cognition due to expressive and receptive aphasia; followed commands accurately but demonstrated impairments in working memory, attention/concentration, executive functions, problem solving, word finding, awareness of medical condition and discrimination. Primary Language: English Communication barriers: Severe expressive aphasia, moderate receptive aphasia, difficult and jumbled speech, impaired cognition, frequent confusion. Safety awareness: Fair, frequently demonstrated impulsive behavior, limited safety awareness, limited short- and longterm memory for instructions and education regarding safety. Repeated verbal and tactile required. Patient/family goals: For patient to walk normally again, to return home to Tucson and to prior level of function, or to be as independent as possible. Discharge Plan: Initially to return home with family and resume living alone in Arizona; however, patient was discharged to a “very nice” skilled nursing facility near her home in Tucson for continued treatment to improve independence and safety in activities of daily living. Equipment: Front-wheeled walker (patient already had a single point care, grab bars in restroom/shower/tub, and shower chair). No prior history of falls. No oxygen demands. Barriers to Discharge: Initially medical status and safety, but both improved. 9 Systems Review: Vitals: Temperature = 37.9°C, Blood Pressure= 138/79, Heart Rate = 76 bpm, Oxygen Saturation = 92% on room air. General: Calm demeanor, demonstrating occasional confusion, difficult and jumbled speech. Skin: Warm and well perfused, no rashes or evidence of skin breakdown. HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic, normal reactive pupils bilaterally. Nares patent. Mucous membranes moist. Cardiovascular: Normal heart sounds, S1 and S2 normal. Respiratory: Good air entry on room air. No wheezing or crackles noted. Gastrointestinal: Slightly distended, soft. Normal bowel sounds. Musculoskeletal: Edematous in dorsum of right hand and dorsal right foot. Neurologic: Sensation absent in right L4-5 dermatome. Neck: Supple. Hematologic and lymphatic: No petechiae, active bleeding, normal lymph nodes. FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT Bed mobility: Minimal - moderate assistance. o Rolling to left and right with stand-by assistance. o Sit to supine with minimal - moderate assistance. o Supine to sit with minimal assistance. Transfers: Minimal – moderate assistance. o Sit to stand from chair with minimal assistance. o Sit to stand from bed with moderate assistance. 10 o Stand to sit with minimal assistance, frequent verbal and tactile cues for safety and proper hand placement required. o Stand-pivot with minimal assistance. Ambulation: Mrs. M ambulated 15 feet with 2-person bilateral hand-held moderate assistance. Gait improved with front-wheeled walker, 20 feet with moderate assistance. Upon initiation of gait, patient exhibited hesitancy, impaired muscle activation, impaired motor planning and balance deficits. She demonstrated a flexed forward posture, right foot drop (“steppage gait”) and a significantly asymmetrical gait involving a short step length during left swing-through phase and long step length during right swingthrough phase. She demonstrated reduced right heel strike and reduced weight acceptance onto the right LE. She also demonstrated decreased rapid alternating/reciprocal movement of her right LE in accelerated gait. OBJECTIVE TESTS/MEASURES Endurance: Fair, fatigued very quickly, frequent deep breathing cues required to maintain SpO2 above 90% during therapy sessions. Posture: Mildly kyphotic. Static sitting balance: Fair + Dynamic sitting balance: Fair Static standing balance: Fair Dynamic standing balance: Fair – Sensation: Light touch absent in right L4-5 dermatome. Neuromuscular: Mild hypotonia noted in right UE and LE. Impaired coordination and motor planning of right UE and LE, impaired bilateral gross and fine motor skills noted. Pain: At Rest: 5/10 At Best: 4/10 At Worst: 9/10 Location: Left flank 11 Active Range of Motion Right UE AROM: Limited Left UE AROM: Limited Right LE AROM: Limited Left LE AROM: Limited Passive Range of Motion Right UE ROM: WNL Right LE ROM: WNL Left UE ROM: WNL Left LE ROM: WNL Manual Muscle Testing UE Strength (Note: AROM and MMT limited due to right hemiparesis and left flank pain) Shoulder Flex Shoulder Ext Shoulder Abd Shoulder Ext Rot Elbow Flex Elbow Ext Grip Right 3+/5 3+/5 3/5 3/5 3+/5 3+/5 3+/5 Left 4-/5 3+/5 3+/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 Plantarflex 3/5 4/5 Dorsiflex 3/5 4/5 LE Strength Right Left Hip Flex 3/5 4-/5 Hip Ext 3/5 3+/5 Hip Abd 3/5 3+/5 Hip Ext Rot 3/5 4/5 Knee Flex 4-/5 4+/5 Knee Ext 3/5 4+/5 Trunk ROM/Strength: Fair. Patient demonstrated hesitancy and difficulty completing bilateral sidebending onto elbows and return to midline, required minimal assist. Patient demonstrated difficulty with trunk rotation and weight shifting in all planes. Standardized Assessments: o Timed Up and Go: 34.2 seconds with FWW and moderate assist. o Tinetti Balance and Gait: 14/28, indicating high fall risk. o Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) score: 9/23, indicating severe cognitive impairment. EVALUATION Medical Diagnosis: Left ischemic CVA. ICD-9 code 434.91. ICD-10 code I63.30. PT Diagnoses: o Right hemiparesis. ICD-9 code 438.21. ICD-10 code I69.951. o Muscular weakness. ICD-9 code 728.87. ICD-10 code M62.81. 12 Narrative Assessment: Mrs. M is an 85-year-old female who suffered a left ischemic CVA in November, sustaining a fall onto her right side. Patient was hospitalized and then transferred to a rehabilitation hospital on in early December for rehabilitation. She was admitted to a skilled nursing facility in late December status post aspiration pneumonia for evaluation and treatment. Upon physical therapy evaluation, Mrs. M presented with confusion, expressive and receptive aphasia, decreased upper and lower extremity strength (right greater than left, right UE/LE hemiparesis), right foot drop, and deficits in seated and standing balance, bed mobility and transfers, decreased endurance and impaired ambulation. Patient reported significant left flank pain limiting function of her left side. Patient was a retired schoolteacher previously independent in all ADLs and lived alone in a single-level home with 2 steps to enter the home. She had good family support and good motivation for recovery. With skilled PT services, Mrs. M returned to Tucson; however, she was discharged to another skilled nursing facility instead of her home, per patient and family request and medical necessity. Clinical Judgments and Problem List: 1) Decreased upper and lower extremity strength bilaterally (right greater than left, right hemiparesis). 2) Decreased ambulation distance. 3) Impaired gait pattern (right foot drop/steppage gait, altered/asymmetrical step length, inefficient, uncoordinated gait). 4) Moderate A required for ambulation with front-wheeled walker. 5) Minimal-Moderate A for bed mobility. 6) Minimal-Moderate A for transfers. 7) Decreased seated and standing static/dynamic balance. 8) Decreased UE and LE coordination. 9) Fatigue/decreased endurance. 13 10) Decreased body awareness and safety. Prognosis: Patient had a good prognosis for stated goals. Short Term Goals (2 weeks) 1) Patient will demonstrate 3 sit to stand transfers with supervision only, to increase mobility and safety in home environment. 2) Patient will ambulate 50 feet with FWW with supervision on even surfaces, to improve mobility and ADLs. 3) Patient will perform 2 supine to sit transfer to both right and left sides with supervision, to improve bed mobility. 4) Patient will tolerate 60 consecutive minutes of therapeutic activities for improved ADL performance. 5) Patient will demonstrate gross right LE strength improvement of 1 strength grade to improve transfers, gait mechanics and functional mobility. 6) Patient will score ≥ 20 on the Tinetti Balance and Gait Assessment to reduce the risk of falls. Long-Term Goals (4 weeks) 1) Patient will be modified independent or independent with bed mobility for increased independence in the home environment. 2) Patient will be modified independent or independent in all transfers for improved mobility and safety in home environment. 3) Patient will ambulate 500 feet with least restrictive device (LRD) with supervision, demonstrating limited steppage gait on even and uneven surfaces for reintegration into the community. 4) Patient will be Mod I in curb transfers for mobility and safety in the community. 14 5) Patient will demonstrate a car transfer independently with family for safe discharge home to Tucson. 6) Patient will be independent in home exercise program for continued strengthening at home. Plan of Care PT Frequency and Duration: 5-7 times per week for 4 weeks: 1 hour of PT, 1 hour of OT and 1 hour of speech therapy daily. Coordination and Communication with Other Health Professionals: o OT, SLP, dietician, physician, nursing, social worker and discharge planner. Direct Interventions: o Patient and family education in caregiving, ADLs, available resources, stairs, car/curb transfers, and home exercise program. o Passive, active-assist and active bilateral upper extremity and lower extremity ROM exercises. o Upper and lower extremity and core strengthening exercises with and without weights in standing, sitting, supine and side-lying. o Cardiovascular strengthening and reciprocal movement exercises including NuStep recumbent stepper, arm ergometer and stationary bicycle, increasing resistance and duration as tolerated. o Seated and standing static/dynamic balance and reaching activities, increasing difficulty and duration as tolerated. o Functional mobility, task-specific and ADL training (e.g., obstacle courses involving various ADL and mobility tasks: picking up and placing objects on surfaces of varying heights, reaching into high/low cabinets, ascending/descending stairs, stepping onto and over objects, dressing in sitting/standing, stepping in various patterns/directions/speeds). 15 o Components of neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) (e.g., supine, prone, sitting and standing balance and reaching activities, weight shifting and weight acceptance onto right LE, kicking/tossing/rolling a ball, gait training). o Components of proprioceptive neurodevelopmental facilitation (PNF) (e.g., symmetrical and asymmetrical D1 and D2 patterns, chop, lift, rhythmic stabilization, muscle initiation/activation, contract/relax, alternating isometrics). o Overground gait training (indoor and outdoor ambulation on even/uneven terrain) with focus on increased balance, step length symmetry, decreased right steppage gait, upright posture, breathing, pacing/energy conservation. o Bed mobility and transfer training (e.g., rolling, scooting, sit to supine, supine to sit, sit to stand and stand to sit from bed, chairs and mats of varied elevations, sitting EOB, bed to chair). o Stair training with and without FWW. o Car and curb transfers. o Patient progressed as tolerated with decreased assistance. Discharge Plan: Patient’s initial discharge plan was home with family to resume living alone at her home in Tucson, Arizona. OUTCOMES Mrs. M made good progress during her stay at Advanced Health Care. Per patient and family request and medical necessity, she was discharged on January 16, 2015 to the care of her daughter and transferred to another skilled nursing facility in Tucson, AZ for continued medical care and therapies. Patient was discharged having met and partially met all of her PT goals. Upon PT evaluation, patient was ambulating only 20 feet with FWW and Mod A, demonstrating right foot drop, significantly asymmetrical step length, limited right LE weight acceptance and balance deficits. On day of discharge, she was ambulating 250 feet 16 with a FWW and Contact Guard Assist (CGA) with minimal right foot drop, improved gait step symmetry and improved balance, especially when forced to increase speed for more automatic gait. However, patient regressed to very long right LE stride length when fatigued. Patient had also improved in bed mobility and transfers; however, continued to need Stand By Assist (SBA) for bed mobility and CGA for transfers for stability and safety. She continued to have difficulty recalling safe technique with all mobility skills, particularly with transfers and hand placement. She would be receiving continued PT at the SNF in Tucson to improve independence and safety in ADLs, strength, balance and gait pattern. Patient was discharged with a front-wheeled walker with 5-inch wheels. Outcome Assessments at Discharge: o Timed Up and Go o Initial evaluation: 34.2 seconds with FWW and Mod A. o Discharge: 17.4 seconds with FWW and CGA. o Tinetti Balance and Gait o Initial evaluation: 14/28, indicating high fall risk. o Discharge: 19/28, indicating moderate fall risk. SECTION 3: EVIDENCE-BASED ANALYSIS Methodologies of Search The purpose of this analysis was to answer the PICO question: “In patients with acute stroke, which intervention or combination of interventions most commonly cited in available research and detailed in this analysis is most effective in facilitating a more efficient, coordinated gait pattern?” In order to identify all relevant articles, the major digital databases were searched, including PubMed, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), The Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. Keywords and MeSH terms included: “Gait Training Acute Stroke,” “Stroke 17 and Ambulation,” “Stroke and Physical Therapy and Gait Training,” Gait Training Post Stroke.” Limits and filters included human subjects, articles no more than 10 years old, peer reviewed, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, practice guidelines, PDF full text available, and English language. PubMed The main search of PubMed yielded a total of 362 results. Three hundred thirty-two articles were excluded by title review based on relevance, languages other than English, duplicate articles, and/or low level of evidence. Nineteen articles were excluded due to a topic/subjects not closely related to the case study or subject material and age, being published greater than ten years prior to 2015. Nine articles were then excluded due to poor study/review design, low level of evidence, high potential for bias and/or not being closely related to the case study or P.I.C.O. question. This left two articles for abstract review, both of which were determined appropriate for in-depth analysis. Refer to PubMed search in Appendix C: Diagram of Search Process. PubMed Search o Combinations of keywords and MeSH terms: “Gait Training Acute Stroke,” “Stroke and Ambulation,” “Stroke and Physical Therapy and Gait Training,” Gait Training Post Stroke”) = 362 articles total. o Title review and exclusion based on duplication, publication age more than 10 years, low level of evidence, poor design, low relevance to topic/case study = 30 articles. o With 6 limits (Humans, no more than 10 years old, peer reviewed, systematic reviews, metaanalysis, practice guideline, systematic reviews) = 11 articles. o Articles determined appropriate for in-depth analysis = 2 articles (Brosseau, Eng). 18 CINAHL The main search of CINAHL yielded a total of 157 results. One hundred forty-two articles were excluded by title review, irrelevance, languages other than English, duplicate articles with other databases, low level of evidence, topic/subjects not closely related to the case study or subject material. Ten articles were excluded for being more than 10 years old, low level of evidence, poor study/review design and/or not being closely related to the case study or P.I.C.O. question. This left one article for abstract review, which was determined appropriate for in-depth analysis. Refer to CINAHL search in Appendix C: Diagram of Search Process. CINAHL Search o Keyword search: “Gait Training Acute Stroke,” “Stroke and Ambulation,” “Stroke and Physical Therapy and Gait Training,” Gait Training Post Stroke” = 157 articles. o With 7 limits (Find all search terms, full text, published 2005-2015, English language, peer reviewed, human, PDF full text) = 15 articles. o Exclusion based on duplication, publication age more than 10 years, low level of evidence, poor design, low relevance to topic/case study = 5 articles. o Articles determined appropriate for in-depth analysis = 1 article (Kafri). Cochrane A search of Cochrane yielded a total of 68 results. Sixty-two articles were excluded by title review, irrelevance, languages other than English, duplicate articles with other databases, low level of evidence, topic/subjects not closely related to the case study or subject material, publication age more than 10 years old, low level of evidence, poor study/review design and/or not being closely related to the case study or P.I.C.O. question. This left 6 articles for abstract review, 2 of which were determined appropriate for in- 19 depth analysis. Refer to Cochrane search in Appendix C: Diagram of Search Process. Cochrane Search o Keyword search: “Gait Training Acute Stroke,” “Stroke and Ambulation,” “Stroke and Physical Therapy and Gait Training,” Gait Training Post Stroke” with 1 limit (reviews) = 68 articles. o Exclusion based on duplication, publication age more than 10 years, low level of evidence, poor design, low relevance to topic/case study = 6 articles. o Articles determined appropriate for in-depth analysis = 2 articles (Mehrholz, Saunders). PEDro The main search of PEDro yielded a total of 76 results. Fifty-seven articles were excluded by title review, irrelevance, languages other than English, duplicate articles, and/or low level of evidence. Sixteen articles were excluded due to duplication with articles from other databases, relevance, publication age, and low level of evidence. This left 2 articles for abstract review, both of which were determined appropriate for indepth analysis. Refer to PEDro search in Figure 1. PEDro Search o Keyword search: “Gait Training Acute Stroke,” “Stroke and Ambulation,” “Stroke and Physical Therapy and Gait Training,” Gait Training Post Stroke” = 76 articles. o With 2 limits (systematic reviews, practice guidelines) and exclusion based on duplication, publication age more than 10 years, low level of evidence, poor design, low relevance to topic/case study = 3 articles. o Articles determined appropriate for in-depth analysis = 2 articles (Hollands, Zijlstra). 20 Web of Science A search of Web of Science yielded 229 total results. Two hundred thirteen articles were excluded by title review, irrelevance, duplication, languages other than English, publication age and low level of evidence. Thirteen articles were excluded due to a topic/subjects not closely related to the case study or subject material. This left 3 articles for abstract review, 1 of which was determined appropriate for in-depth analysis. Refer to Web of Science search in Appendix C: Diagram of Search Process. Web of Science Search o Keywords search: “Gait Training Acute Stroke,” “Stroke and Ambulation,” “Stroke and Physical Therapy and Gait Training,” Gait Training Post Stroke” = 229 articles. o With 5 limits (Rehabilitation, neurosciences/neurology, reviews, 2005-2015, English) = 16 articles. o Exclusion based on duplication, publication age more than 10 years, low level of evidence, poor design, low relevance to topic/case study = 3 articles. o Articles determined appropriate for in-depth analysis = 1 articles (Stoller). Additional Searches: Searches were also performed in which reference lists, “grey literature” and other databases (Science Direct, SPORT Discus) where examined; however, no articles were found with higherlevel evidence or more relevancy than those stated above. 21 Analyzed Articles: Reference #1: Brosseau L, Wells GA, Finestone HM, et al. Ottawa panel evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for post-stroke rehabilitation. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2006; 13(2): 1-269. Reference #4: Eng JJ, Tang PF. Gait training strategies to optimize walking ability in people with stroke: A synthesis of the evidence. Expert Rev Neurother. 2007; 7(10): 1417-1436. doi:10.1586/14737175.7.10.1417. Reference #5: Hollands KL, Pelton TA, Tyson SF, Hollands MA, van Vliet PM. Interventions for coordination of walking following stroke: Systematic review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2012; 35(3): 349-359. Reference #7: Kafri M, Laufer Y. Therapeutic effects of functional electrical stimulation on gait in individuals post-stroke. Ann of Biomed Engin. 2015; 43(2): 451–466. doi: 10.1007/s10439-014-1148-8. Reference #9: Mehrholz J, Elsner B, Werner C, Kugler J, Pohl M. Electromechanical-assisted training for walking after stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013; 7(Art. No. CD006185):1100. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006185.pub3. Reference #15: Saunders DH, Sanderson M, Brazzelli M, Greig CA, Mead GE. Physical fitness training for stroke patients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013; 10(Art. No. CD003316). doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003316.pub5. Reference #17: Stoller O, de Bruin ED, Knols R, Hunt KJ. Effects of cardiovascular exercise early after stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Neurology. 2012; 12(45): 1-16. Reference #20: Zijlstra A, Mancini M, Chiari L, Zijlstra W. Biofeedback for training balance and mobility tasks in older populations: A systematic review. J Neuroeng Rehab. 2010; 7(58). doi:10.1186/17430003-7-58. 22 ARTICLE SUMMARIES Reference #1: Brosseau L, Wells GA, Finestone HM, et al. Ottawa panel evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for post-stroke rehabilitation. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2006; 13(2): 1-269. Level of Evidence: 2a, Pedro N/A Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to create guidelines for 13 types of physical rehabilitation interventions used in the management of adult patients (>18 years old) presenting with hemiplegia or hemiparesis following a single clinically-identifiable ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident (CVA). The purpose of developing these guidelines was to promote the appropriate use of various physical rehabilitation interventions in the management of stroke survivors. Methods: In addition to the Ottawa Methods Group (OMG), a panel of multidisciplinary experts was selected to methodologically develop high-quality clinical practice guidelines for stroke rehabilitation. The library scientist developed a structured literature search based on the sensitive search strategy recommended by The Cochrane Collaboration and modifications to that strategy proposed by Haynes et al. She searched the electronic databases of MEDLINE, EMBASE, Current Contents, CINAHL, PEDro, the Cochrane controlled Trials Register, the Cochrane Field of Rehabilitation and Related Therapies, the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group, and the University of Ottawa EBCPGs website. The reference lists of all of the included trials were also searched for relevant studies and content experts were contacted for additional studies or “grey literature.” Of the 1533 articles initially identified as relevant, 261 met inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis. The panel then selected, analyzed and rated the evidence by level and strength of evidence to develop the Ottawa guidelines. Results: Two hundred sixty-one studies were included for this review. The studies were categorized into two groups based on the outcome addressed: therapeutic exercises, task-oriented training, biofeedback, gait training, balance training, sensory interventions, constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT), treatment of subluxation, electrotherapy, electrical stimulation, TENS, therapeutic ultrasound, acupuncture, intensity and organization of rehabilitation. The range of level of evidence was 1b to 3b. Ultimately, the Ottawa Panel graded and recommended the use of many interventions: therapeutic exercise, task-oriented training, biofeedback, gait training, balance training, CIMT, treatment of shoulder subluxation, electrical stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, acupuncture, and intensity and organization of rehabilitation in the management of post stroke. Critique/Bottom line: This study systematically reviewed and rated literature examining the efficacy and safety of various interventions in post-stroke rehabilitation. This was a comprehensive literature review and, although the authors lowered the SR’s level of evidence by including studies other than RCTs, the SR and CPGs were well researched and did a good job of considering clinical significance in addition to statistical significance and grading the evidence and interventions accordingly. The evidence, grading and CPGs are easy to follow and provide a nice, evidence-based foundation for therapists considering various interventions for the post-stroke population. 23 Reference #4: Eng JJ, Tang PF. Gait training strategies to optimize walking ability in people with stroke: A synthesis of the evidence. Expert Rev Neurother. 2007; 7(10): 1417-1436. doi:10.1586/14737175.7.10.1417. Level of Evidence: 2a, Pedro N/A Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine common gait training strategies (neurodevelopmental techniques, muscle strengthening, treadmill training, intensive mobility exercises) to improve walking ability in people after stroke. The results from randomized controlled trials are presented and implications for optimal gait training strategies are discussed. Methods: A keyword search using Medline, CINAHL, and Cochrane Collaboration was performed using the terms gait, locomotion, walking, ambulation combined with stroke or cerebrovascular disease (CVA). In addition, hand searching of references from these articles was performed. Primary importance was placed on recent meta-analyses and systematic reviews if they were available. Individual randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were also assessed. For areas with multiple RCTs where current meta-analyses were not available, a pooled standardized effect size with confidence intervals (CI) was constructed across trials. Results: Of the 39 articles included, 7 investigated neurodevelopmental techniques, 5 examined strength training, 17 examined task-specific training (i.e., treadmill) and 10 examined intensive mobility training. Nine articles were systematic reviews or meta-analyses that included gait outcomes. The general consensus of this article was that: 1) neurodevelopmental approaches were equivalent or inferior to other approaches to improve walking ability, 2) graded muscle strengthening (not using functional activities) improves muscle strength, but does not transfer to improved walking ability, 3) treadmill training had equivalent effects to overground gait training in sub-acute rehabilitation and beneficial effects compared to low intensity control groups in chronic stroke, 4) a combination of treadmill with task-specific practice may be optimal, 5) intensive mobility training which incorporates functional strengthening, balance and aerobic exercises and practice on a variety of walking tasks improves gait ability both in sub-acute and chronic stroke. Critique/Bottom line: This is a well-done SR and meta-analysis examining available literature for gait training strategies to optimize walking ability in people with stroke. Much of the research on this topic tends to be of low to moderate quality, bias is common and outcome measures tend to be diverse and difficult to pool; however, the researchers did a good job of identifying a good body of evidence to perform a SR and meta-analysis. Further research is needed in this area and should include large RCTs and multi-site collaborations with larger sample sizes, long-term follow-up of walking ability, evaluation of important secondary complications (e.g., falls, fractures, heart disease and recurrence of stroke) and common outcome measures (e.g., gait speed, 6-minute walk test) and potentially new outcome measures relevant to walking abilities. Future research should also investigate mechanisms that contribute to ambulation gains (e.g., brain plasticity, postural control, aerobic, strengthening), as well as quantify the dose and intensity of training (e.g., using accelerometers, step counters and heart rate monitors). 24 Reference #5: Hollands KL, Pelton TA, Tyson SF, Hollands MA, van Vliet PM. Interventions for coordination of walking following stroke: Systematic review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2012; 35(3): 349-359. Level of Evidence: 3a, Pedro N/A Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine all current non-surgical and non-pharmacological rehabilitation interventions that treat gait coordination impairments in stroke survivors, their effects on gait coordination and overall walking ability and their theoretical basis. This facilitated an examination of the hypothesis that restoration of a coordinated gait pattern is a mechanism to improve overall walking ability. The authors also sought to identify gaps in the current knowledge base, directions for future research and promising interventions for further study. Methods: The authors searched electronic databases including the Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Trials Database host: NIH, National Institute of Clinical Studies. Rehabilitation-specific databases were searched including OTseeker, OT Search, PEDro, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Research Database, and REHABDATA. They used controlled vocabulary (MeSH) and free text terms, and limits including English papers with human participants. Results: The search strategy initially identified 1132 titles, of which 33 studies involving 9 RCTs and 556 participants were selected. The range of evidence was Oxford 1b to 3b. When combined, the interventions had a moderate, positive effect on gait coordination. However, only auditory cueing showed a significantly positive (in that the participants’ gait became more symmetrical) effect when the different types of intervention were considered individually. Exercise showed a non-significant negative effect, in that the patient’s gait became less symmetrical during or after the intervention. Overall, the interventions showed significant improvements on gait speed. Each type of intervention also showed a positive effect. Auditory cueing showed the greatest effect, task specific practice and exercise had small but positive effects, while orthoses and FES produced the least change. Critique/Bottom Line: Although these results appear to be very positive and to favor treatment, they must be interpreted with caution and should not be considered definitive evidence of effectiveness. The results indicate that interventions involving auditory cueing and task-specific practice of walking may positively influence gait coordination after stroke. They also found that overall improvements in gait coordination coincided with increased walking speed, lending support to the hypothesis that interventions targeting lower limb coordination may be a mechanism to improve walking for some people with stroke. These are relatively affordable and safe interventions that have some evidence of effectiveness and may be beneficial to some stroke patients; however, further research and future high-quality studies are needed. 25 Reference #7: Kafri M, Laufer Y. Therapeutic effects of functional electrical stimulation on gait in individuals post-stroke. Ann of Biomed Engin. 2015; 43(2): 451–466. doi: 10.1007/s10439-014-1148-8. Level of Evidence: 2a, Pedro N/A Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review was to systematically present and critically review reported therapeutic benefits in regard to body function (e.g., muscle strength and tone) and mobility-related activities (e.g., gait speed) associated with lower extremity (LE) functional electrical stimulation (FES) in individuals post-stroke. Methods: The authors searched the electronic databases PubMed, CINAHL, PEDro, and Scopus with the last full search conducted in July 2014. The electronic search was completed by a hand search of bibliographic references of the included studies. The search terms used were [functional electrical stimulation OR neuromuscular electrical stimulation] AND [stroke OR hemiparesis OR cerebrovascular accident] AND [gait OR walking OR locomotion]. The search was restricted to peer-reviewed clinical trials, the English language, PEDro score greater than 4, greater than 10 participants, inferential statistics. The titles and abstracts of all identified articles were reviewed and the full article was read to finalize decisions regarding inclusion. The authors independently reviewed and rated the level of evidence of each study using the PEDro scale. Results: Sixteen studies met inclusion criteria for review. Fourteen of the 16 studies were RCTs. The authors found moderate but clinically significant evidence that FES technology has the potential to promote gait performance and other aspects of LE motor recovery after stroke. The methodological quality of the included studies ranged from 4 to 8 on the PEDro scale. Two studies scored 4, four studies scored 5; five studies scored 6; four studies scored 7 and one study scored 8. Nine studies received a PEDro score in the ‘good’ range and six in the ‘fair’ range, with only the study by Ambrosini et al. rated as ‘excellent.’ Overall, the studies appeared to have similar/consistent results. Therapeutic effects of FES were demonstrated at the body function and activity levels when used as a training modality. Critique/Bottom Line: FES is a relatively safe, affordable intervention that, when applied to tibialis anterior muscles, has been shown to increase motor evoked potentials, especially when coupled with voluntary movement. Interestingly, fMRI studies have demonstrated that voluntary movement together with electrical stimulation was associated with increased brain activity and changes in the primary motor cortex, the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices, the sensorimotor cortex, and the cerebellum, as well as with increased coupling between specific brain regions. There is also some evidence that treadmill training with FES can influence brain plasticity with some lasting effects. Further well-controlled studies are warranted to substantiate these findings and to further evaluate the therapeutic effects of FES. 26 Reference #9: Mehrholz J, Elsner B, Werner C, Kugler J, Pohl M. Electromechanical-assisted training for walking after stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013; 7(Art. No. CD006185): 1-100. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006185.pub3. Level of Evidence: 2a, Pedro N/A Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review was to update a previous review performed by the same authors in 2007 investigating the effects of automated electromechanical and robotic-assisted gait training devices for improving walking after stroke. The authors’ aim was to estimate the likelihood or chance of becoming independent in walking as the result of these interventions, which is a main rehabilitation goal for patients after stroke. Methods: Two review authors independently selected trials for inclusion, assessed methodological quality and extracted the data. The authors utilized multiple databases including the Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, SPORTDiscus, the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), and the engineering databases COMPENDEX and INSPEC. They also hand searched relevant conference proceedings, searched trials and research registers, checked reference lists and contacted authors to identify ‘grey’ literature or further published, unpublished and ongoing trials. The MeSH terms used were Orthotic Devices; Walking; Combined Modality Therapy; Equipment Design; Exercise Therapy; Gait; Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic; Robotics; Stroke; and Humans. Searches of the electronic databases and of trials registers generated 4747 unique references for screening. After excluding non-relevant citations, the authors obtained the full text of 136 papers and included 23 trials in the review. Results: Twenty-three studies were included for this review. The results of this SR indicated that electromechanical-assisted gait training in combination with conventional physical therapy increases the odds of acute, non-ambulatory stroke patients becoming independent in walking after stroke. Specifically, people in the first three months after stroke and those who are unable to walk at intervention onset seem to benefit the most from this type of intervention. Results indicate that people in the chronic phase of stroke (3 months post) may not benefit from electromechanical-assisted gait training. Electromechanical gait training did not significantly increase walking velocity or walking capacity. Critique/Bottom Line: These SR results should be interpreted with caution because (1) some trials investigated people who were independent in walking at the start of the study, (2) variations were found between the trials with respect to devices used and duration and frequency of treatment, and (3) some trials included devices with functional electrical stimulation. Given that necessary equipment, therapist skill set, time and third party coverage are available, evidence suggests that electromechanical-assisted gait training may be a promising adjunct to conventional physical therapy and alternative to overground gait training with a low risk of adverse events. Further research is needed and should consist of large, definitive, pragmatic, phase III trials to address the frequency and duration of electromechanical-assisted gait training that might be most effective and how long the benefit might last. 27 Reference #15: Saunders DH, Sanderson M, Brazzelli M, Greig CA, Mead GE. Physical fitness training for stroke patients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013; 10(Art. No. CD003316). doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003316.pub5. Level of Evidence: 2a, Pedro N/A Purpose: This systematic review and meta-analysis is an update to a previous SR by the same authors. The purpose was to determine whether fitness training after stroke reduces death, dependence, and disability. The secondary aims were to determine the effects of training on physical fitness, mobility (gait speed and capacity), physical function, health status and quality of life, mood, and incidence of adverse events. Methods: The authors searched electronic databases including the Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, Science Citation Index Expanded, Web of Science, PEDro, REHABDATA, Index to Theses in Great Britain and Ireland, Internet Stroke Centre’s Stroke Trials Directory database, metaRegister of Controlled Trials, Internet Stroke Centre’s website, European Stroke Conference, International Stroke Conference and the World Stroke Conference. The also handsearched relevant scientific journals focused on exercise and physical fitness and are not currently included in The Cochrane Collaboration handsearching program including Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, British Journal of Sports Medicine, International Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Sports Medicine. They examined the references lists of all relevant studies and further trials identified in relevant systematic reviews. They checked all the references in both the studies awaiting classification and ongoing studies sections of the previous version of this review. They also contacted experts in the field and principal investigators of relevant studies to inquire about “grey literature,” unpublished and ongoing trials. Results: All included studies (n = 45) reported that randomization had occurred; however, many of the studies did not describe the specific mechanisms of randomization. Most of the included studies were of moderate quality. Cardiorespiratory training involving walking appeared to improve maximum walking speed, preferred gait speed, walking capacity, and Berg Balance scores after intervention. Mixed training involving walking and resistance training appeared to increase preferred walking speed, walking capacity and pooled balance scores but the evidence was weaker. Some mobility benefits persisted after follow-up. Critique/Bottom Line: Although there appears to be a trend toward improvement with the interventions of cardiorespiratory training and mixed training, these results must be interpreted with caution and good clinical reasoning. Assessment suggested some potential for bias as the variability and quality of trials indicated limited reliability and generalizability of the observed results. According to the authors, although enough evidence is available to implement fitness training for stroke, the optimal exercise prescription has yet to be defined. Future well-designed trials are needed to determine the optimal content of the exercise prescription and identify long-term benefits. 28 Reference #17: Stoller O, de Bruin ED, Knols R, Hunt KJ. Effects of cardiovascular exercise early after stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Neurology. 2012; 12(45): 1-16. Level of Evidence: 2a, Pedro N/A Purpose: The purpose of this SR was to evaluate the effectiveness of cardiovascular exercise (CV) early after stroke and to provide an overview of the currently available evidence for the use of CV training in the early stages after stroke. The aim is to identify strategies that have the potential to affect physical functioning and that might be used in future early intervention type studies for individuals with stroke. The following specific questions were evaluated: (1) What is the level of evidence for cardiovascular exercise interventions to influence aerobic capacity and physical functioning implemented within six months after the initial stroke event?; (2) How soon after the initial stroke event is cardiovascular exercise introduced?; (3) What is the common practice for measurement of aerobic capacity early after stroke? Methods: The authors searched the databases Medline/Premedline (OvidSP), EMBASE, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and Web of Science. They performed an additional focused search in which “stroke” had to be in the title or subject headings. Combinations of MeSH and keywords included: Stroke, Cerebral Stroke, Vascular Accident, Brain Vascular Accident, Apoplexy, Cerebrovascular Apoplexy, Cerebrovascular Stroke, CVA, Cerebrovascular Accident, Acute Stroke, Acute Cerebrovascular Accident, Acute = 0–6 months post stroke, age >18 years, cardiovascular training, cardiopulmonary training, cardiorespiratory training, aerobic training, endurance training, exercise, endurance exercise, ergometry, cycling, rowing, treadmill, cardiovascular fitness, aerobic fitness, condition, endurance, physical conditioning, VO2 maximal, VO2 maximum, VO2 peak, maximal oxygen uptake, heart rate, neural recovery, neural rehabilitation, functional recovery, function recovery, quality of life. Handsearching was also performed and experts were contacted by email or telephone for further information about unpublished and unclear data. Results: Of the 803 total citations initially identified, 11 studies ultimately fulfilled all criteria and were selected for review. Ten studies were RCTs or randomized controlled pilot studies, and 1 study was a prospective controlled matched design. The SR identified fair to good evidence indicating that stroke survivors may benefit from cardiovascular exercise during sub-acute stages to improve peak oxygen uptake and walking distance. Thus, cardiovascular exercise should be considered in sub-acute stroke rehabilitation. Critique/Bottom Line: Despite limitations, this SR provides some promising evidence for post-stroke rehabilitation. According to this SR, cardiovascular exercise interventions and exercise testing protocols using leg cycle ergometry have been found to be safe and feasible in the sub-acute stage after stroke. The authors assert that there is robust evidence that individuals with acute stroke, like Mrs. M, may benefit from these protocols to improve peak oxygen uptake, walking distance and endurance. Cardiovascular exercise protocols should be considered and possibly implemented into sub-acute stroke rehabilitation using sound, patient-centered clinical reasoning. Clinicians and researchers should follow ACSM guidelines for exercise testing and prescription to ensure medical safety of training protocols and comparability for future analyses. Further research is needed to develop appropriate methods for cardiovascular rehabilitation early after stroke and to evaluate long-term effects of cardiovascular exercise on aerobic capacity, physical functioning, and quality-of-life. 29 Reference #20: Zijlstra A, Mancini M, Chiari L, Zijlstra W. Biofeedback for training balance and mobility tasks in older populations: A systematic review. J Neuroeng Rehab. 2010; 7(58). doi:10.1186/1743-0003-7-58. Level of Evidence: 3a, Pedro N/A Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the feasibility and the effectiveness of biofeedback-based interventions in populations of healthy older persons, mobility-impaired older adults and frail older adults, i.e. older adults that are characterized by residential care, physical inactivity and/or falls. Methods: The authors searched electronic databases including PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, CINAHL and PsycINFO. The search strategy was formulated with the assistance of an experienced librarian and was modified for various databases that did not have MeSH key terms registries (EMBASE, Web of Science, CINAHL and PsycINFO). Detailed keyword and MeSH term lists were provided with thorough tracking of modifications within 3 main categories: 1) biofeedback, 2) Movement OR Posture OR Musculoskeletal Equilibrium, 3) Middle Aged OR Aged. To identify further studies, a ‘Related Articles’ search in PubMed and ‘Cited Reference Search’ in Web of Science were performed and reference lists of primary articles were scanned. Experts were contacted to identify grey literature, to obtain full-text articles and to provide study details as needed. Two reviewers independently screened papers and included controlled studies in older adults (>60 years old) if they applied biofeedback during repeated practice sessions, and if they used at least one objective outcome measure of a balance or mobility task. Two independent reviewers then rated study quality using the PEDro rating scale. Results: Twenty-one studies met inclusion criteria for review. Seventeen were RCTs and 4 were controlled trials. Most available studies did not systematically evaluate feasibility aspects; however the authors asserted that reports of high participation rates, low drop-out rates, absence of adverse events and positive training experiences suggest that biofeedback methods can be applied in older adults. The authors found that there was an indication for effectiveness of visual and auditory feedback-based training of balance in (frail) older adults identified for postural sway, weight-shifting and reaction time and for the Berg Balance Scale. There were mild-moderate indications for added effectiveness of applying biofeedback during training of balance, gait, or sit-to-stand transfers in older patients post-stroke. Critique/Bottom Line: While these results are clinically relevant and should be considered in post-stroke rehab and gait training, many of the studies were of lower-moderate level of evidence and the SR results should thus be interpreted with caution and good clinical judgment. Further appropriate intervention studies are needed in different populations of older adults to make definitive statements regarding the short- and long-term added effectiveness of biofeedback on measures of functioning in older adults, and particularly in post-stroke rehabilitation. 30 Excluded Articles: Exclusion based on publication age greater than 10 years, low relevance to topic/case study, low level of evidence, poor design, non-human subjects, languages other than English, and conflicts of interest/funding. Belda-Lois, et al. 2011. Rehabilitation of gait after stroke: a review towards a top-down approach. Forrester LW, Roy A, Goodman RN, et al. 2013. Clinical application of a modular ankle robot for stroke rehabilitation. Francica JV, Bigongiari A, Mochizuki L, Miranda MLJ, Rodrigues B. 2014. Aerobic program in persons with stroke: a systematic review. Kendrick D, et al. 2014. Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community. Mehta S, et al. 2013. Resistance training for gait speed and total distance walked during the chronic stage of stroke: a meta-analysis. Mehta S, et al. 2012. Cardiovascular conditioning for comfortable gait speed and total distance walked during the chronic stage of stroke: a meta-analysis. Nadeau S, Duclos C, Bouyer L, et al. 2011. Guiding task-oriented gait training after stroke or spinal cord injury by means of a biomechanical gait analysis. Pereira S, et al. 2010. Functional electrical stimulation for improving gait in persons with chronic stroke. Peurala SH, Airaksinen O, Jakala P, Tarkka IM, Sivenius J. 2007. Effects of intensive gait-oriented physiotherapy during early acute phase of stroke. J Rehab Res Dev. 2007: 44(5): 637-48. Roche A, Laighin G, Coote S. 2009. Surface-applied function electrical stimulation for orthotic and therapeutic treatment of drop-foot after stroke – A systematic review. States RA, Pappas E, Salem Y. 2009. Overground physical therapy gait training for chronic stroke patients with mobility deficits. Teasell RW, Bhogal SK, Foley NC, Speechley MR. 2003. Gait training post stroke. Xiao X, Huang D, O’Young B. 2012. Gait improvement after treadmill training in ischemic stroke survivors: A critical review of function MRI studies. 31 Discussion Much of the current literature examining interventions used in acute stroke rehabilitation is of low to moderate quality, with many studies demonstrating questionable reliability, validity and generalizability. This analysis focused on higher-quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses of current stroke research in order to answer the PICO question, "Which intervention or combination of interventions is most effective in facilitating a more efficient, coordinated gait pattern in patients with acute stroke?" Due to high variability in study design, outcome measures and results, as well as frequent risk of bias, it is challenging to assimilate the findings of current stroke studies. The results of many studies contradict each other, and occasionally even contradict themselves. Using a methodological search of major electronic databases and reference lists, this literature analysis initially identified 892 articles examining gait training post-stroke. Ultimately, 8 higher level SRs and meta-analyses were selected for inclusion. A general consensus was found indicating that an individualized treatment plan including a combination of the following interventions is most effective in post-stroke gait facilitation, and particularly in the acute phase of stroke. These interventions include: therapeutic and cardiovascular exercise; repetitive, task-oriented training; intensive overground and/or treadmill training; seated and standing static and dynamic balance training; constraintinduced movement therapy (CIMT); treatment of shoulder subluxation; electrical stimulation; transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS); biofeedback; therapeutic ultrasound; acupuncture. In the moderate- to higher-quality stroke intervention studies that are currently available, combinations of some or all of these interventions, skillfully customized to each patient's diagnosis and rehabilitation needs, have been shown to be effective, safe and affordable in facilitating a more efficient, coordinated gait in patients with acute stroke. These interventions should be implemented as organized, intense rehab programs that closely monitor patient response. Future research is needed to determine specific, effective and safe parameters for the application of these interventions in stroke rehabilitation. 32 Interestingly, many studies report that neurodevelopmental approaches, such as NDT/Bobath, were equivalent or inferior to other approaches in improving walking ability.4,5,18 This does not discount the possible benefits of NDT in other areas of stroke rehabilitation; however, in terms of gait improvement, the interventions stated above have been found to be more effective. Despite evidence indicating the efficacy of other interventions over NDT in acute stroke gait training, many therapists continue to use NDT for this purpose. Similar to neurodevelopmental approaches, according to the evidence, graded muscle strengthening and resistance training improve strength but do not appear to transfer to improved walking ability in acute stroke patients.1,4,15 However, these interventions have been shown to improve comfortable gait speed and total distance walked in chronic stroke.10 On the other hand, several studies have found that inventions such as functional electrical stimulation (FES) and electro-mechanical assisted gait training appear to benefit people in the acute phase of stroke, but not those in the chronic phase.7,9 Much of the evidence is in agreement that intensive mobility training incorporating functional strengthening (as opposed to basic resistance training), balance and aerobic exercises and practice on a variety of walking tasks improves gait ability both in acute and chronic stroke. Interestingly, many studies have reported that overground and treadmill gait training have equivalent effects in acute rehabilitation.4,12,16 Several more recent studies, however, have found that treadmill training shows significant and sometimes lasting effects on gait improvement and overall neuroplasticity in ischemic stroke survivors.19 Building on this, studies have also shown that FES applied to the anterior tibialis muscle increases motor evoked potentials and can help with foot drop, particularly when coupled with voluntary movement and treadmill training. This effect has been shown to last up to 30 minutes after gait training with FES. Functional MRI studies have demonstrated that voluntary movement together with FES was associated with increased volitional movement, increased brain activity and changes in the primary motor cortex, the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices, the sensorimotor cortex, and the cerebellum, as well as increased coupling between specific brain regions. There is also evidence that treadmill training 33 with and without FES can influence brain plasticity with some lasting effects.7,19 Task-specific practice during treadmill training, as well as visual and auditory biofeedback and cueing, have also been shown to improve gait symmetry and coordination.4,5,20 In terms of gait efficiency and endurance, there is still some disagreement within the evidence regarding the extent of benefits gained with cardiorespiratory training in post-stroke rehabilitation; however, the general consensus is that it is beneficial in combination with other interventions. Several studies have shown that cardiorespiratory training involving walking appears to improve maximum walking speed, preferred gait speed, walking capacity and distance, Berg Balance scores and peak oxygen uptake.8,15,17 Aside from functional electrical stimulation and treadmill training, all of the interventions recommended above were used with the case study selected for this capstone, Mrs. M, who had suffered a left CVA in November 2014 and was still in the acute phase of stroke throughout her rehabilitation at a skilled nursing facility prior to her discharge in February. Mrs. M made good progress in physical therapy and was able to return to Tucson, AZ, as desired; however, she was discharged to another SNF in Tucson to continue rehabilitation. Electrical stimulation and treadmill training were never used with Mrs. M and she would have been a good candidate for both. Despite availability, electrical stimulation may not have been used due to therapists’ unfamiliarity, skill or confidence using it, or simply because therapists’ preferred other interventions instead. Treadmill training was never performed because the skilled nursing facility did not own a treadmill and used two recumbent steppers instead. Perhaps receiving electrical stimulation and treadmill training, in addition to the other interventions Mrs. M received, would have further improved her right foot drop and facilitated a more efficient, coordinated gait prior to her discharge. Conclusion This evidence-based analysis compiled higher-level research on the topic of effective interventions for gait training in acute stroke rehabilitation, as well as some supporting evidence for interventions in chronic stroke rehabilitation. It is challenging to find higher-level evidence on this topic due to high 34 variability and high risk of bias; however, this is an important field of rehabilitation and research that continues to expand and evolve. One of the most significant limiting factors in post-stroke rehabilitation research is the wide variability of outcome measures used in studies. The implementation and development of more consistent outcome measures will help create more consistent, effective protocols and an overall higher level of knowledge. The bottom line is that even with the moderate level of evidence available at this time, the suggested interventions have repeatedly been found by higher-level systematic reviews and meta-analyses to be the most highly recommended and effective interventions for facilitating a more efficient, coordinated gait pattern in patients with acute stroke. These interventions include: therapeutic and cardiovascular exercise; repetitive, task-oriented training; intensive overground and/or treadmill training; seated and standing static and dynamic balance training; constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT); treatment of shoulder subluxation; electrical stimulation; transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS); biofeedback; therapeutic ultrasound and acupuncture. These interventions should be implemented as organized, intense rehabilitation programs that closely monitor patient response. Therapists should develop safe, individualized, holistic and patient-centered treatment plans incorporating a combination of these interventions using skilled clinical judgment and chart review, thorough knowledge of precautions and contraindications, updated evidence, ACSM guidelines and close monitoring of patients including vitals signs, the need for appropriate assistance and assistive devices, rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and signs/symptoms of adverse effects (e.g., facial grimacing, shortness of breath, palor, diaphoresis, unsteadiness). Before initiating any therapeutic interventions, therapists should have a good understanding of contraindications to beginning therapy, as well as indications for terminating therapy. More high-quality research is needed involving consistent stroke patient demographics, research designs and outcome measures, in order to further investigate intervention efficacies and to develop specific, accepted 35 parameters and protocols that provide optimal post-stroke rehabilitation and the best possible patient outcomes. 36 REFERENCES 1. Brosseau L, Wells GA, Finestone HM, et al. Ottawa panel evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for post-stroke rehabilitation. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2006; 13(2): 1-269. (ANALYZED) 2. Best Practice Recommendations for Stroke Care: 2013. Heart and Stroke Foundation. Published July 10, 2013. Accessed February 25, 2015. 3. Effects of Stroke. American Heart Association/American Stroke Association website. Published October 23, 2012. Accessed February 25, 2015. 4. Eng JJ, Tang PF. Gait training strategies to optimize walking ability in people with stroke: A synthesis of the evidence. Expert Rev Neurother. 2007; 7(10): 1417-1436. doi:10.1586/14737175.7.10.1417. (ANALYZED) 5. Hollands KL, Pelton TA, Tyson SF, Hollands MA, van Vliet PM. Interventions for coordination of walking following stroke: Systematic review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2012; 35(3): 349-359. (ANALYZED) 6. Hunt SC, Gwinn M, Adams TD. Genomics and Health: Stroke Awareness. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2013. Accessed February 24, 2015. 7. Kafri M, Laufer Y. Therapeutic effects of functional electrical stimulation on gait in individuals poststroke. Ann of Biomed Engin. 2015; 43(2): 451–466. doi: 10.1007/s10439-014-1148-8. (ANALYZED) 8. MacKay-Lyons M. Aerobic treadmill training effectively enhances cardiovascular fitness and gait function for older persons with chronic stroke. Journal of Physiotherapy 2012; 58(4):271. 9. Mehrholz J, Elsner B, Werner C, Kugler J, Pohl M. Electromechanical-assisted training for walking after stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013; 7(Art. No. CD006185): 1-100. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006185.pub3. (ANALYZED) 10. Mehta S, et al. 2013. Resistance training for gait speed and total distance walked during the chronic stage of stroke: a meta-analysis. 11. Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics – 2015 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000152. 12. Peurala SH, Airaksinen O, Jakala P, Tarkka IM, Sivenius J. 2007. Effects of intensive gait-oriented physiotherapy during early acute phase of stroke. J Rehab Res Dev. 2007: 44(5): 637-48. 13. Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Fact Sheet. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) website. Published April 2011. Updated February 23, 2015. Accessed February 24, 2015. 37 14. Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Brochure. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) website. Published April 2011. Accessed February 24, 2015. 15. Saunders DH, Sanderson M, Brazzelli M, Greig CA, Mead GE. Physical fitness training for stroke patients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013; 10(Art. No. CD003316). doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003316.pub5. (ANALYZED) 16. States RA, Pappas E, Salem Y. Overground physical therapy gait training for chronic stroke patients with mobility deficits. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2009; (3). Art. No.: CD006075. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006075.pub2. 17. Stoller O, de Bruin ED, Knols R, Hunt KJ. Effects of cardiovascular exercise early after stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Neurology. 2012; 12(45): 1-16. (ANALYZED) 18. Thaut M, Leins A, Rice R, et al. Rhythmic auditory stimulation improves gait more than NDT/Bobath training in near-ambulatory patients early poststroke: a single-blind, randomized trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 2007; 21: 455–9. 19. Xiao X, Huang D, O’Young B. Gait improvement after treadmill training in ischemic stroke survivors: A critical review of function MRI studies. Neural Regeneration Research. 2012; 7(31): 2457-64. 20. Zijlstra A, Mancini M, Chiari L, Zijlstra W. Biofeedback for training balance and mobility tasks in older populations: A systematic review. J Neuroeng Rehab. 2010; 7(58). doi:10.1186/1743-0003-7-58. (ANALYZED) 38 APPENDIX A: ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS Systematic Review – Evidence Appraisal Worksheet: Article #1 Brosseau Citation (use AMA or APA format): Brosseau L, Wells GA, Finestone HM, et al. Ottawa panel evidencebased clinical practice guidelines for post-stroke rehabilitation. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2006; 13(2): 1-269. Level of Evidence (Oxford scale): 2a Does the design follow the Cochrane method? Appraisal Criterion Step 1 – formulating the question • Do the authors identify the focus of the review • A clearly defined question should specify the types of: • people (participants), • interventions or exposures, • outcomes that are of interest • studies that are relevant to answering the question Step 2 – locating studies Should identify ALL relevant literature Did they include multiple databases? Was the search strategy defined and include: o Bibliographic databases used as well as hand searching o Terms (key words and index terms) o Citation searching: reference lists o Contact with ‘experts’ to identify ‘grey’ literature (body of Reader’s Comments Yes, the focus was to create guidelines for 13 types of physical rehabilitation interventions used in the management of adult patients (>18 years old) presenting with hemiplegia or hemiparesis following a single clinically-identifiable ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident (CVA). The purpose of developing these guidelines was to promote the appropriate use of various physical rehabilitation interventions in the management of stroke survivors. The guidelines are aimed at various users, including PTs, OTs, physicians and patients. This article discusses only post-stroke physical interventions such as therapeutic exercises, task-oriented training, biofeedback, gait training, balance training, sensory interventions, constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT), treatment of shoulder subluxation, electrical stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), therapeutic ultrasound, acupuncture, and intensity and organization of rehabilitation. Yes, the library scientist developed a structured literature search based on the sensitive search strategy recommended by The Cochrane Collaboration and modifications to that strategy proposed by Haynes et al. The library scientist expanded the search strategy to identify case control, cohort, and non-randomized studies and conducted the search in the electronic databases of MEDLINE, EMBASE, Current Contents, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL) and the Cochrane controlled Trials Register. She also searched the registries of the Cochrane Field of Rehabilitation and Related Therapies, the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group, 39 materials that cannot be found easily through conventional channels such as publishers) o Sources for ‘grey literature’ the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) and the University of Ottawa EBCPGs website. Finally, she searched the reference lists of all of the included trials for relevant studies and contacted content experts for additional studies or “grey literature.” Keywords were defined in the article. Part 3:Critical Appraisal/Criteria for Inclusion • Were criteria for selection specified? • Did more than one author assess the relevance of each report • Were decisions concerning relevance described; completed by non-experts, or both? • Did the people assessing the relevance of studies know the names of the authors, institutions, journal of publication and results when they apply the inclusion criteria? Or is it blind? Yes, thorough descriptions of criteria for selection, inclusion and exclusion were presented for each of the categories and subcategories of interventions examined. Study inclusion/exclusion occurred in two separate rounds. First, two trained independent reviewers appraised the titles and abstracts of the literature search, using a checklist with the a priori defined selection criteria. Each reviewer independently read the title and abstract of each article and created a list of all of the articles in the database along with a reason for including/excluding each article. Full articles were ordered in the event of uncertainty. Before deciding whether to include or exclude the article, a comparison of their individual lists was performed. A senior reviewer, a methodologist and a clinical expert (L.B.), checked the two independent lists of articles and the reasons for inclusion or exclusion to determine potential inconsistencies. In the 2nd round of the inclusion and exclusion process, the pairs of reviewers independently assessed the full articles for inclusion or exclusion in the study. Using predetermined extraction forms, the pairs of reviewers independently extracted data on the population characteristics, intervention details, trial design, allocation concealment, and outcomes. The pairs of reviewers assessed the methodological quality of the studies using the Jadad Scale, a 5point scale with reported reliability and validity that assigns 2 points each for randomization and double blinding and 1 point for description of withdrawals. The reviewers resolved differences in data extraction and quality assessment through consensus with the senior reviewer. The article did not report whether the assessors were blinded. Twenty-two total trials were included for comparison with a total of 923 patients. Part 3 – Critically appraise for bias: • Selection – Due to the wide variety of studies and interventions examined and the application of high-quality 40 Were the groups in the study selected differently? • Random? Concealed? Performance• Did the groups in the study receive different treatment? • Was there blinding? Attrition – • Were the groups similar at the end of the study? • Account for drop outs? Detection – • Did the study selectively report the results? • Is there missing data? • • • • Part 4 – Collection of the data Was a collection data form used and is it included? Are the studies coded and is the data coding easy to follow? Were studies identified that were excluded & did they give reasons why (i.e., which criteria they failed). Are the results of this SR valid? Appraisal Criterion 1. Is this a SR of randomized trials? Did findings into clinical practice guidelines, the Ottawa Panel did not describe each individual study design. Because the search strategy to identify articles was expanded to include not only RCTs, but also controlled clinical trials (CCTs), cohort studies, and case-control studies, the groups in these studies were likely selected differently, potentially received different treatment, were not always blinded, may not always have accounted for drop outs, may have selectively reported some results and may have had some missing data. However, the Ottawa group did a good job of identifying and including high-quality evidence. The authors reported they excluded eligible studies with greater than a 20% drop-out rate and studies that had insufficient and/or missing data. Yes, a collection data form was used and was included in the article. The studies are coded and the data coding is easy to follow. Some excluded studies were identified. The authors described in detail the number of excluded studies and reasons why articles were excluded. In total, 27 studies were excluded because: there was an inappropriate or no control group (n = 10), healthy subjects were used (n = 3), insufficient statistical data was presented (n = 2), they were not specific to stroke patients (n = 2), they lacked an intervention (n = 1) or outcomes of interest, or had an inappropriate study design. Uncontrolled cohort studies (studies with no comparison group) and case series were excluded, as were eligible studies with greater than a 20% drop-out rate or a sample size of fewer than 5 patients per group. Trials published in languages other than French and English were not analyzed, due additional time and resources required for translation. Abstracts were excluded if they contained insufficient data for analysis and additional information could not be obtained from the authors. Further exclusion criteria presented in Table 1 in the article. Reader’s Comments Yes, most of the studies are RCTs, however, the 41 they limit this to high quality studies at the top of the hierarchies a. If not, what types of studies were included? b. What are the potential consequences of including these studies for this review’s results? 2. Did this study follow the Cochrane methods selection process and did it identify all relevant trials? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 3. Do the methods describe the processes and tools used to assess the quality of individual studies? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 4. What was the quality of the individual studies included? Were the results consistent from study to study? Did the investigators provide details about the research validity or quality of the studies included in review? authors expanded their search strategy to include some controlled clinical trials (CCTs), cohort studies, and case-control studies. Given the limited availability of high-quality evidence on this topic, the authors did a good job of establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria and identifying articles that were generally of moderate to high quality. By incorporating some lower-quality evidence into their analysis instead of just RCTs, the SR’s overall Oxford level decreased and potential for bias and threats to validity increased. However, the authors were able to include some valuable data into their guidelines that otherwise would have been excluded. Yes, the authors used the Cochrane Collaboration methods in their selection process and it helped them identify all relevant trials. Yes, the authors describe how pairs of reviewers assessed the methodological quality of the studies using the Jadad Scale, a 5-point scale with reported reliability and validity that assigns 2 points each for randomization and double blinding and 1 point for description of withdrawals. The reviewers resolved differences in data extraction and quality assessment through consensus with the senior reviewer. Most of the included studies are RCTs, however, the authors expanded their search strategy to include some controlled clinical trials (CCTs), cohort studies, and case-control studies. As stated above, given the limited availability of high-quality evidence on this topic, the authors did a good job of establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria and identifying articles that were generally of moderate to high quality. By incorporating some lower-quality evidence into their analysis instead of just RCTs, the levels of evidence of the studies ranged from 1b to 3b. Given the variety of interventions and outcomes examined, the findings were not consistent for all outcome measures. However, there was more than sufficient evidence for the authors to provide guidelines for a wide variety of interventions. The investigators provided details 42 about the research validity and the quality of the studies included in the review. 5. Did the investigators address publication bias Are the valid results of this SR important? Appraisal Criterion 6. Were the results homogenous from study to study? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 7. If the paper is a meta-analysis did they report the statistical results? Did they include a forest plat? What other statistics do they include? Are there CIs? 8. From the findings, is it apparent what the cumulative weight of the evidence is? No, publication bias was not addressed. Reader’s Comments To some extent, however, due to limited high-quality evidence on this topic and the wide variety of interventions and outcomes examined, the results were not as homogenous as they could have been if more research was available. Heterogeneity (i.e., variability or difference in estimated effects between studies) was tested using the chi-square statistic. The authors tested data heterogeneity across the results of different included studies. When heterogeneity was not significant, fixed-effect models were used. A fixed-effect model is a statistical model that stipulates that the units under analysis are the ones of interest and thus constitute the entire population of units. Fixed-effect models were used to generalize data across the included studies. Random-effects models include both withinstudy sampling error (variance) and between-study variation in the assessment of the uncertainty (confidence interval) of meta-analysis results. Such random-effects models were used when heterogeneity was significant. All figures were created using Cochrane Collaboration methodology. Yes, a meta-analysis was performed and the authors reported the statistical results. Forest plots were not included in this review. Chi2, P values, I2, Z values, SDs, and CIs were included in the report. Yes, the range of evidence was 1b to 3b with the vast majority of the 33 studies analyzed being RCTs. The introduction of some lower level evidence (CCT’s, cohort and case-control studies) decreased the overall Oxford score from a possible 1a with only RCTs analyzed to a 2a. Can you apply this valid, important evidence from this SR in caring for your patient/client? What is the external validity? Appraisal Criterion Reader’s Comments 9. Is your patient different from those in The patients presented in these studies are similar 43 this SR? 10. Is the treatment feasible in your setting? Do you have the facilities, skill set, time, 3rd party coverage to provide this treatment? 11. Does the intervention fit within your patient/client’s stated values or expectations? a. If not, what will you do now? What is the bottom line? Appraisal Criterion Summarize your findings and relate this back to clinical significance to the capstone case study as the target population as they were adult patients (>18 years of age) presenting with hemiplegia or hemiparesis following a single clinically identifiable ischemic or hemorrhagic CVA, like Mrs. M. The patients had to be medically stable and able to follow simple instructions and to interpret and respond to feedback signals, also like Mrs. M. The mean duration since stroke onset in the studies varied from hyper-acute (the first 12 hours), acute (first week following a stroke), subacute (from the first to 6th week), and post-acute (from 6 weeks to 6 months) to chronic (from 6 months) as defined by the Canadian Stroke Network. According to these definitions, Mrs. M was in the post-acute phase (1-2 months post-stroke). Patients who had been identified as having multiple CVAs, other neurological problems, subarachnoid hemorrhages, or subdural hematomas were excluded. Overall, the study participants were similar to Mrs. M. The Ottawa Panel developed 147 positive recommendations of clinical benefit concerning the use of different types of physical rehabilitation interventions involved in post-stroke rehabilitation. Many of these interventions are already available and used in many SNF rehabilitation facilities. However, some are more easily accessible than others and some require skill sets, time and 3rd party coverage that may not always be available. Yes, Mrs. M wanted to “walk normally again” and, according to the research and clinical practice guidelines presented in this review, the recommended interventions have the potential to help her do this. Reader’s Comments This is a well-done and very thorough SR providing graded, evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for therapists treating patients in various stages of stroke. Ultimately, the Ottawa Panel graded and recommended the use of many interventions: therapeutic exercise, task-oriented training, biofeedback, gait training, balance training, constraint-induced movement therapy, treatment of 44 shoulder subluxation, electrical stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, acupuncture, and intensity and organization of rehabilitation in the management of post stroke. The SR and CPGs were well researched and did a good job of considering clinical significance, in addition to statistical significance and grading the evidence and interventions accordingly. The evidence, grading and CPGs are easy to follow and provide a nice, evidence-based foundation for therapists considering various interventions for the post-stroke population. The above interventions are recommended by the Ottawa Panel, a comprehensive multidisciplinary panel of experts specializing in post-stroke rehabilitation, and should be considered in post-stroke physical therapy using an individualized, patient-centered approach and good clinical reasoning. Adapted from : Jewell, D. Guide to Evidence Based Physical Therapy Practice. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA 2008 45 Systematic Review – Evidence Appraisal Worksheet: Article #2 Eng Citation (use AMA or APA format): Eng JJ, Tang P. Gait training strategies to optimize walking ability in people with stroke: A synthesis of the evidence. Expert Rev Neurother 2007 Oct; 7(10): 1417-1436. DOI:10.1586/14737175.7.10.1417. Level of Evidence (Oxford scale): 2a Does the design follow the Cochrane method? Appraisal Criterion Step 1 – formulating the question • Do the authors identify the focus of the review • A clearly defined question should specify the types of: • people (participants), • interventions or exposures, • outcomes that are of interest • studies that are relevant to answering the question Reader’s Comments Yes, the author’s clearly state that the focus of this paper is to systematically review common gait training strategies (neurodevelopmental techniques, muscle strengthening, treadmill training, intensive mobility exercises) to improve walking ability in people after stroke. The results (descriptive summaries as well as pooled effect sizes) from randomized controlled trials are presented and implications for optimal gait training strategies are discussed. Step 2 – locating studies Should identify ALL relevant literature Did they include multiple databases? Was the search strategy defined and include: o Bibliographic databases used as well as hand searching o Terms (key words and index terms) o Citation searching: reference lists o Contact with ‘experts’ to identify ‘grey’ literature (body of materials that cannot be found easily through conventional channels such as publishers) o Sources for ‘grey literature’ Yes, a keyword search using Medline, CINAHL, and Cochrane Collaboration was performed using the terms gait, locomotion, walking, ambulation combined with stroke or cerebrovascular disease (CVA). In addition, hand searching of references from these articles was performed. Primary importance was placed on recent meta-analyses and systematic reviews if they were available. Individual randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were also assessed. For areas with multiple RCTs where current meta-analyses were not available, a pooled standardized effect size with confidence intervals (CI) was constructed across trials. The authors did not report contacting experts or sources to identify grey literature. Part 3:Critical Appraisal/Criteria for Inclusion • Were criteria for selection specified? • Did more than one author assess the relevance of each report • Were decisions concerning relevance described; completed by non-experts, or both? Yes, the review focused on exercise interventions and did not evaluate the literature pertaining to assistive devices or modalities. Following the search (n=1482), studies were eliminated if they did not involve a RCT, involved populations other than adults with stroke, reported no walking outcome measures, were not journal publications (e.g., 46 • Did the people assessing the relevance of studies know the names of the authors, institutions, journal of publication and results when they apply the inclusion criteria? Or is it blind? abstracts), or were not written in English, There were 9 systematic reviews or meta-analyses which included gait outcomes. Common interventions were collated and the literature was sorted into the topics of neurodevelopmental techniques (n=7), strength training (n=5) and task-specific training (treadmill (n=17) and intensive mobility training (n=10). The article does not state whether more than one author assessed the relevance of each report. They also do not mention anything about the assessors knowing the authors, institutions, publication journal or results when applying inclusion criteria or whether it was blind. Part 3 – Critically appraise for bias: • Selection – • Were the groups in the study selected differently? • Random? Concealed? • Performance• Did the groups in the study receive different treatment? • Was there blinding? • Attrition – • Were the groups similar at the end of the study? • Account for drop outs? • Detection – • Did the study selectively report the results? • Is there missing data? Selection - The article did not provide detailed description/analysis of each study in terms of selection, randomization and concealment procedures. Performance – The groups in each study received different interventions and thus received different treatment. The article provides descriptions and charts summarizing the author, year, subjects, program description and results but the reviewers did not provide information regarding blinding within the studies or within the review. Attrition – The reviewers provided limited information regarding similarities at the end of the studies but did describe similarities found between studies. They provided limited information regarding drop-outs (i.e., one study had 2 dropouts) and did not state whether the studies accounted for dropouts. Detection – Since very limited procedural/methodological information was provided about the included studies, there appears to be missing data and it is difficult to know whether studies selectively reported results. However, the reviewers state that they only included randomized controlled trials (RCTs). It does not appear that the reviewers selectively report the results. Part 4 – Collection of the data The reviewers did not state whether a specific 47 Was a collection data form used and is it included? Are the studies coded and is the data coding easy to follow? Were studies identified that were excluded & did they give reasons why (i.e., which criteria they failed). Are the results of this SR valid? Appraisal Criterion 12. Is this a SR of randomized trials? Did they limit this to high quality studies at the top of the hierarchies a. If not, what types of studies were included? b. What are the potential consequences of including these studies for this review’s results? 13. Did this study follow the Cochrane methods selection process and did it identify all relevant trials? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? collection data form was used and one was not included. There are tables in the appendix summarizing each included study and the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) Model used. The studies are coded and summarized in tables. Both the coding and included tables are easy to follow; however, some of the studies overlapped which made it difficult to determine the levels of evidence. Some excluded studies were identified and briefly discussed. Specific details regarding the excluded studies’ failed criteria were not provided. Reader’s Comments Yes, this is a SR of randomized trials. However, the reviewers did not limit this to high-quality studies as several studies are of low-moderate quality (Oxford 1a-4). The potential consequences of including these studies are a lower overall Oxford ranking, potential for bias, heterogeneity, as well as questionable reliability/validity and generalizability. The authors did not state whether they used the Cochrane selection process, but they did state their methods to include all relevant trials. They used specific electronic databases, including the Cochrane Collaboration, as well as manually searching reference lists. The potential consequences of this are that all relevant studies may not have been identified and lower-quality evidence was included. 14. Do the methods describe the processes and tools used to assess the quality of individual studies? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? No, the processes and tools used to assess quality of individual studies were not described. The only assessment tool described was the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) model, which was for gait problems, outcome measures and potential environmental factors affecting walking ability. The potential consequences are that systematic quality assessment may not have occurred and lower-level studies were included. 15. What was the quality of the individual studies included? Were the results No. As stated above, the reviewers did not limit the SR to high-quality studies and several studies of 48 consistent from study to study? Did the investigators provide details about the research validity or quality of the studies included in review? 16. Did the investigators address publication bias Are the valid results of this SR important? Appraisal Criterion 17. Were the results homogenous from study to study? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 18. If the paper is a meta-analysis did they report the statistical results? Did they include a forest plat? What other statistics do they include? Are there CIs? 19. From the findings, is it apparent what the cumulative weight of the evidence is? low-moderate quality (1a-4) were included. Some of the results were consistent from study to study but some results varied. The investigators did not provide many details about the research validity or quality of the studies included in the review. No, publication bias was not addressed. Reader’s Comments Some of the results were homogenous from study to study; however, some results were more heterogeneous. For example, some studies reported improved gait speed with treadmill training and bodyweight-supported gait training (BWSTT) while other studies found no differences in gait speed between control and experimental groups. The reviewers stated thorough but general results for each of the categories they had divided the articles into and described the most common trends; however, they did not provide any type of forest plot or other means of showing homogeneity or heterogeneity. Heterogeneity makes it difficult or impossible to draw valid conclusions. The author’s reported the statistical results of their meta-analysis. They did not include any forest plots. They include effect sizes, d and p values, and CIs. Due to the general low to moderate level of evidence and diverse outcome measures, it is difficult to establish a cumulative weight of the included evidence. Of the 39 articles included, evidence ranged from Oxford 1b to 4. Can you apply this valid, important evidence from this SR in caring for your patient/client? What is the external validity? Appraisal Criterion Reader’s Comments 20. Is your patient different from those in Some of the participants and data were similar to this SR? my case study, such as participants with acute stroke (<3 months) requiring min-mod assistance in ambulation and having little to no spasticity. My case study did not receive treadmill training, BWSTT or EMG; however, she did receive components of some of the other interventions 49 researched in this SR (e.g., NDT/Bobath, PNF, conventional PT, motor relearning/neuromuscular reeducation, resisted /isokinetic/isometric/strengthening exercises, resistance band exercises, balance exercises, functional exercises, overground gait training). 21. Is the treatment feasible in your setting? Do you have the facilities, skill set, time, 3rd party coverage to provide this treatment? To some extent. Many of the interventions are feasible and already utilized in the SNF rehab setting. This SR found that treadmill training had equivalent effects to overground gait training in subacute rehabilitation but indicated that a combination of treadmill with task-specific practice may be optimal. Advanced Health Care SNF currently uses NuStep recumbent steppers and overground gait training for patients with acute stroke and does not employ any type of treadmill or bodyweightsupported treadmill training. They currently employ neurodevelopmental approaches and graded muscle strengthening which, according to this SR and others analyzed for this capstone, have little to no effect on walking ability. This SR found that neurodevelopmental approaches were equivalent or inferior to other approaches to improve walking ability and graded muscle strengthening (not using functional activities) improved muscle strength but did not transfer to improved walking ability. However, the reviewers did find that intensive mobility training incorporating functional strengthening, balance and aerobic exercises and practice on a variety of walking tasks improves gait ability both in sub-acute and chronic stroke. Many of these interventions are already incorporated at the Advanced SNF and the therapists have the equipment, skill set, time (45-75 min sessions), and 3rd party coverage to provide these treatments. 22. Does the intervention fit within your patient/client’s stated values or expectations? b. If not, what will you do now? Yes, the patient in the case study presented stated that she wanted to “walk normally again” and to return to Arizona. Many of the interventions found to improve walking ability are already employed at Advanced Health Care and were utilized with this patient. Treadmill training with task-specific practice and BWSTT was not used with this patient due to limited resources; however, this also would have fit within her values and expectations. 50 What is the bottom line? Appraisal Criterion Summarize your findings and relate this back to clinical significance Reader’s Comments This is a well-done SR and meta-analysis examining available literature for gait training strategies to optimize walking ability in people with stroke. Of the 39 articles included, 7 investigated neurodevelopmental techniques, 5 examined strength training, 17 examined task-specific training (i.e., treadmill) and 10 examined intensive mobility training. Nine articles were systematic reviews or meta-analyses that included gait outcomes. Much of the research on this topic tends to be of low to moderate quality, bias is common and outcome measures tend to be diverse and difficult to pool; however, the researchers did a good job of identifying a good body of evidence to perform a SR and meta-analysis. The general consensus of this article was that: 1) neurodevelopmental approaches were equivalent or inferior to other approaches to improve walking ability, 2) graded muscle strengthening (not using functional activities) improves muscle strength, but does not transfer to improved walking ability, 3) treadmill training had equivalent effects to overground gait training in subacute rehabilitation and beneficial effects compared to low intensity control groups in chronic stroke, 4) a combination of treadmill with task-specific practice may be optimal, 5) intensive mobility training which incorporates functional strengthening, balance and aerobic exercises and practice on a variety of walking tasks improves gait ability both in sub-acute and chronic stroke. These findings were interesting because many of the interventions used in the included studies were used with the case study patient selected for this capstone. This included neurodevelopmental techniques and graded muscle strengthening, which were found to have little to no effect on walking ability in this article. The case study patient, who had acute stroke, received overground gait training which was found to have equivalent effects to treadmill training in sub-acute stoke patients in this 51 SR. It was interesting that treadmill training was found to have beneficial effects in chronic stroke more than acute stroke and that the reviewers suggest treadmill training with task-specific practice may be optimal. Intensive mobility training incorporating functional strengthening (repetitive, functional tasks), balance training, aerobic exercise and varied walking tasks was also utilized with the capstone case study patient and appeared to improve her gait abilities (i.e., static/dynamic balance, walking endurance, step length and symmetry), coinciding with the findings in this article. Further research is needed in this area and should include large RCTs and multi-site collaborations with larger sample sizes, long-term follow-up of walking ability, evaluation of important secondary complications (e.g., falls, fractures, heart disease and recurrence of stroke) and common outcome measures (e.g., gait speed, 6-minute walk test) and potentially new outcome measures relevant to walking abilities. Future research should also investigate mechanisms that contribute to ambulation gains (e.g., brain plasticity, postural control, aerobic, strengthening), as well as quantify the dose and intensity of training (e.g., using accelerometers, step counters and heart rate monitors). Adapted from : Jewell, D. Guide to Evidence Based Physical Therapy Practice. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA 2008 52 Systematic Review – Evidence Appraisal Worksheet: Article #3 Hollands Citation (use AMA or APA format): Hollands KL, Pelton TA, Tyson SF, Hollands MA, van Vliet PM. Interventions for coordination of walking following stroke: Systematic review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2012; 35(3): 349-359. Level of Evidence (Oxford scale): 3a Does the design follow the Cochrane method? Appraisal Criterion Step 1 – formulating the question • Do the authors identify the focus of the review • A clearly defined question should specify the types of: • people (participants), • interventions or exposures, • outcomes that are of interest • studies that are relevant to answering the question Reader’s Comments Yes, the authors clearly state that they are examining current non-surgical and nonpharmacological rehabilitation interventions that treat gait coordination impairments, the effects of identified interventions on measures of gait coordination and overall walking ability compared to no treatment and the theoretical basis on which they are derived. The authors sought to identify all interventions which aim to address gait coordination (as a putative mechanism of gait dysfunction) in stroke survivors and explore their effects on gait coordination and overall gait ability. This facilitated an examination of the hypothesis that restoration of a coordinated gait pattern is a mechanism to improve overall walking ability. The authors also sought to identify gaps in the current knowledge base, directions for future research and promising interventions for further study. The authors clearly defined the people (stroke survivors), interventions (any PT intervention or experimental manipulation to effect gait, provided the design yielded evidence for the potential efficacy of the intervention), outcomes of interest (effects on gait coordination), and relevant studies (33 studies involving examining gait coordination that met inclusion criteria). Step 2 – locating studies Should identify ALL relevant literature Did they include multiple databases? Was the search strategy defined and include: o Bibliographic databases used as well as hand searching o Terms (key words and index terms) Yes, the following databases were searched: Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Trials Database host: NIH, National Institute of Clinical Studies. The following rehabilitation specific databases which include both peer reviewed and some un-peer reviewed content 53 o Citation searching: reference lists o Contact with ‘experts’ to identify ‘grey’ literature (body of materials that cannot be found easily through conventional channels such as publishers) o Sources for ‘grey literature’ Part 3:Critical Appraisal/Criteria for Inclusion • Were criteria for selection specified? • Did more than one author assess the relevance of each report • Were decisions concerning relevance described; completed by non-experts, or both? • Did the people assessing the relevance of studies know the names of the authors, institutions, journal of publication and results when they apply the inclusion criteria? Or is it blind? Part 3 – Critically appraise for bias: • Selection – • Were the groups in the study selected differently? • Random? Concealed? • Performance• Did the groups in the study receive different treatment? • Was there blinding? • Attrition – • Were the groups similar at the were searched: OTseeker, OT Search, Physiotherapy Evidence database (PEDro), Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Research Database, and REHABDATA. The search strategy was defined, however, the authors did not mention hand searching, reference lists, contact with experts or grey literature. The authors provided a detailed description of their search strategy which used a combination of controlled vocabulary (MeSH) and free text terms, was limited to English papers with human participants and was used for MEDLINE and modified to suit other databases. However, they did not specify which words were used. At the top of the SR, the authors listed the keywords “stroke,” “gait,” “coordination,” and “rehabilitation.” It is likely these were some of the keywords included in their search but it is difficult for the reader to know. The authors provided a nice flow diagram of their search process, identification and management of studies. Yes, selection of the studies was performed according to Cochrane Review guidelines. Two of the authors (KH, PvV) read each reference and, based on the inclusion criteria, independently ranked these as ‘possibly relevant’ or ‘definitely irrelevant.’ If both identified a trial as ‘definitely irrelevant,’ it was included in the SR. Consensus was achieved through discussion, including a third author if necessary (TP). The article did not report any blinding of the assessors selecting the studies. Studies recruited on average 17 participants (range 1–58) with all non-randomized studies employing convenience samples. Participants were typically greater than 6 months post-stroke, with only five studies involving participants in the acute stages (<3 months) of recovery. Most participants were relatively able, with self-selected walking speeds between 0.4 m/s and 0.8 m/ s, indicating they were ‘‘limited community walkers.’’ The interventions provided were grouped into 54 • end of the study? • Account for drop outs? Detection – • Did the study selectively report the results? • Is there missing data? subcategories: task-specific practice of walking (n = 13); ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) or functional electrical stimulation (FES) (n = 7); auditory cueing (n = 6) and exercise (n = 4), imagery and balance training (n=3). The intensity with which the interventions were given was broad. Nine studies only applied the intervention for a few repetitions of walking in a single session but typically interventions were delivered over multiple sessions (e.g. 36 sessions of locomotor training). Of the 33 trials included, only 9 studies were randomized controlled trials (RCT). Intention-totreat analysis was not reported in any of the included studies. However, attrition was an issue for only two; both with an approximate 30% lost to follow up. Few studies used blinded outcome assessors but the SR author’s reported that this design fault was countered by the use of relatively unbiased measurement procedures (e.g. three dimensional motion analysis and gait analysis) and that, therefore, generally these studies were of sound methodological design. The SR authors provided several tables summarizing the studies, interventions, and duration, intensity, and frequency used. All of the remaining studies employed same-subject designs allowing participants to act as their own control, hence equality of baseline characteristics was controlled for. Only four of these studies included any randomization. While none of these studies used blinded assessors, all outcome measurements used standardized protocols and reportedly unbiased measurement systems (e.g. three-dimensional motion analysis systems). Each of the studies utilized different control conditions (e.g. overground walking (OG), treadmill training (TT), therapist assisted walking and different control comparisons such as comparisons before and after the intervention (pre-, post-test) or comparing the intervention and control conditions rather than intervention and control groups. Key design features and methodological quality of the selected studies were presented in tables divided 55 into randomized and non-randomized studies. Part 4 – Collection of the data Was a collection data form used and is it included? Are the studies coded and is the data coding easy to follow? Were studies identified that were excluded & did they give reasons why (i.e., which criteria they failed). Are the results of this SR valid? Appraisal Criterion 23. Is this a SR of randomized trials? Did they limit this to high quality studies at the top of the hierarchies a. If not, what types of studies were included? b. What are the potential consequences of including these studies for this review’s results? The search algorithm was included along with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The studies are coded and the coding is easy to follow. The authors did not state which specific articles were excluded, but they did report how many were excluded and gave specific reason why studies were excluded. The included studies were presented in tables by author name, which were easy to follow and included relevant details. Reader’s Comments Yes and no. The authors reported that few highquality RCTs with a low risk of bias specifically targeting and measuring restoration of coordinated gait were found. Consequently, they took a pragmatic approach to describing and quantifying the available evidence and included nonrandomized study designs. They also reported that they limited the influence of heterogeneity in experimental design and control comparators by restricting meta-analyses to pre- and post-test comparisons of experimental interventions only. Studies that compared measurement of an intervention with a control were included. This included randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials, case–control studies, cohort studies, and before–after studies. Studies which only reported data for comparisons between healthy control groups and stroke participants or had no control or baseline comparisons were excluded. Studies that did not explicitly state the objective was to determine the effects on gait coordination, but used a coordination measure as an outcome measure were included. There were only 9 RCTs included out of the 33 studies analyzed for this SR. The quality of studies ranged from 1b to 3b. Potential consequences of this include a lower level of evidence analyzed and a potential for bias in favor of a beneficial effect, potentially biasing the results of the SR as well. The results of this SR should thus be treated with caution. The authors 56 assert that their choose of design was reasonable, given that the aim of this review was to establish the ‘state of the art’ for coordination of walking, to establish what evidence there was to inform future research directions, rather than to establish the effectiveness of interventions. 24. Did this study follow the Cochrane methods selection process and did it identify all relevant trials? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 25. Do the methods describe the processes and tools used to assess the quality of individual studies? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? Yes, the authors state that the selection of studies was performed according to Cochrane Review Guidelines and provide the Cochrane reference. They stated their methods in order to include all relevant trials using specific electronic databases. 26. What was the quality of the individual studies included? Were the results consistent from study to study? Did the investigators provide details about the research validity or quality of the studies included in review? The quality of the individual studies ranged from Oxford levels 1b to 3b. The studies were presented in tables outlining methodological quality of randomized and non-randomized studies, as well as participant demographics and characteristics of design and intervention content for studies examining task specific interventions, ankle-foot orthotic interventions, auditory cueing interventions, exercise interventions, and miscellaneous interventions. The researchers reported that they included non-randomized study designs and restricted meta-analyses to pre- and post-test comparisons of experimental interventions only, in order to limit the influence of heterogeneity in experimental design and control comparators. The results were fairly consistent from study to study. Yes, the methods described the processes and tools used to assess the quality of the individual studies. KH and PvV independently assessed the methodological quality of selected studies using a modified version of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal checklist for cohort/case control. They reported that, for rigor and detail, additional questions from Downs and Black’s checklist were added. The authors then independently extracted means and standard deviations from each outcome measure as well as participant demographics and details of the study design. These details are presented in easy-to-follow tables throughout the article. The investigators provided details about the research validity/quality of included studies. They 57 reported that the interventions that showed the most promise (auditory cueing and task-specific practice), included all the RCTs thereby giving the most validity to their effect. The author’s reported that most of these studies reduced risk of bias introduced from a lack of blinding of outcome assessor and intention-to-treat analyses, by using unbiased measurement procedures and limited loss of data at follow up. The authors also reported that small convenience samples used in the orthotic and exercise intervention studies limit their external validity and translation into recommendations for clinical practice. 27. Did the investigators address publication bias Are the valid results of this SR important? Appraisal Criterion 28. Were the results homogenous from study to study? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 29. If the paper is a meta-analysis did they report the statistical results? Did they include a forest plat? What other statistics do they include? Are there CIs? No, publication bias was not discussed. Reader’s Comments Yes, the results were fairly homogenous favoring treatment; however, the reader must interpret these results with caution. As stated above, the researchers reported they included non-randomized study designs and restricted meta-analyses to preand post-test comparisons of experimental interventions only, in order to limit the influence of heterogeneity in experimental design and control comparators. Yes, the authors performed a meta-analysis and reported the statistical results. They included several forest plots presenting the effect of all treatment subcategories on self-selected gait symmetry and on gait speed. Tau2, Chi2, df, P values, I2, Z values and CIs are included. 30. From the findings, is it apparent what the The range of evidence was Oxford 1b to 3b. Due to cumulative weight of the evidence is? the inclusion of non-randomized and quasirandomized controlled trials, as well as case– control, cohort, and before–after studies, it is difficult to create a cumulative weight of the evidence presented. Also, the authors reported they restricted meta-analyses to pre- and post-test comparisons of experimental interventions only, in order to limit the influence of heterogeneity in experimental design and control comparators. This also makes it difficult to create a cumulative weight. Because lower level 58 evidence was included and the results are to be interpreted with caution, the cumulative weight would be an Oxford 3a. Can you apply this valid, important evidence from this SR in caring for your patient/client? What is the external validity? Appraisal Criterion Reader’s Comments 31. Is your patient different from those in Much of the data presented in this SR is relevant to this SR? the case study in this capstone, such as the fact that these patients are stroke survivors, hemiparetic, mostly female, and relatively able. However, participants were typically greater than 6 months post-stroke, with only five studies involving participants in the acute stages (<3 months) of recovery. 32. Is the treatment feasible in your setting? Do you have the facilities, skill set, time, 3rd party coverage to provide this treatment? Yes, the interventions provided in the included studies were grouped into subcategories: taskspecific practice of walking, ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) or functional electrical stimulation (FES), auditory cueing, exercise, imagery and balance training. These are all interventions that are generally fairly easy to access, implement and establish 3rd party coverage for in SNF rehab facilities. AFOs and FES would likely be the most difficult of the interventions to obtain if not already available and would require skill sets that some therapists might not possess. However, according to this SR, AFOs and FES produced the least amount of change. 33. Does the intervention fit within your patient/client’s stated values or expectations? c. If not, what will you do now? Yes, these interventions would fit with my patient’s values and expectations because she had an increased right step length and steppage gait (slap foot) and wanted to “walk normally again.” What is the bottom line? Appraisal Criterion Summarize your findings and relate this back to clinical significance Reader’s Comments This review aimed to identify interventions used to treat gait coordination impairments, their theoretical basis and any evidence for their effects in order to identify those warranting further investigation. 59 Of the 33 included trials, only 9 were RCTs, which lowered the quality of evidence. Data from 19 studies were entered in to the meta-analysis to assess the effects the interventions on gait coordination and gait speed. A sub-group analysis was also carried out to assess the effect of each type of intervention on the outcomes. When combined, the interventions had a moderate, positive effect on gait coordination. However, only auditory cueing showed a significantly positive (in that the participants’ gait became more symmetrical) effect when the different types of intervention were considered individually. Exercise showed a nonsignificant negative effect, in that the patient’s gait became less symmetrical during or after the intervention. Overall, the interventions showed significant improvements on gait speed. Each type of intervention also showed a positive effect. Auditory cueing showed the greatest effect, task specific practice and exercise had small but positive effects, while orthoses and FES produced the least change. Although these results appear to be very positive and to favor treatment, they must be interpreted with caution and should not be considered definitive evidence of effectiveness. The results indicate that interventions involving auditory cueing and taskspecific practice of walking may positively influence gait coordination after stroke. They also found that overall improvements in gait coordination coincided with increased walking speed, lending support to the hypothesis that interventions targeting lower limb coordination may be a mechanism to improve walking for some people with stroke. These are relatively affordable and safe interventions that have some evidence of effectiveness and may be beneficial to some stroke patients; however, further research and future high-quality studies are needed. Adapted from : Jewell, D. Guide to Evidence Based Physical Therapy Practice. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA 2008 60 Systematic Review – Evidence Appraisal Worksheet: Article #4 Kafri Citation (use AMA or APA format): Kafri M, Laufer Y. Therapeutic effects of functional electrical stimulation on gait in individuals post-stroke. Ann of Biomed Engin. 2015; 43(2): 451–466. doi: 10.1007/s10439-014-1148-8. Level of Evidence (Oxford scale): 2a Does the design follow the Cochrane method? Appraisal Criterion Step 1 – formulating the question • Do the authors identify the focus of the review • A clearly defined question should specify the types of: • people (participants), • interventions or exposures, • outcomes that are of interest • studies that are relevant to answering the question Reader’s Comments Yes, the primary aim of this work was to systematically present and to critically review reported therapeutic benefits in regard to body function (e.g., muscle strength and tone) and mobility-related activities (e.g., gait speed) associated with lower extremity (LE) functional electrical stimulation (FES) in individuals poststroke. Sixteen studies met inclusion criteria for review. Step 2 – locating studies Should identify ALL relevant literature Did they include multiple databases? Was the search strategy defined and include: o Bibliographic databases used as well as hand searching o Terms (key words and index terms) o Citation searching: reference lists o Contact with ‘experts’ to identify ‘grey’ literature (body of materials that cannot be found easily through conventional channels such as publishers) o Sources for ‘grey literature’ Electronic databases used were: PubMed, CINAHL, PEDro, and Scopus with the last full search conducted in July 2014. The electronic search was completed by a hand search of bibliographic references of the included studies. Part 3:Critical Appraisal/Criteria for Inclusion • Were criteria for selection specified? • Did more than one author assess the relevance of each report • Were decisions concerning relevance described; completed by non-experts, or both? Yes, inclusion and exclusion criteria were specified. Both authors assessed the relevance of each report and no blinding was reported. Decisions concerning relevance were described; however, there was no mention of others contributing to decisions of study relevance. The search terms used were [functional electrical stimulation OR neuromuscular electrical stimulation] AND [stroke OR hemiparesis OR cerebrovascular accident] AND [gait OR walking OR locomotion]. The search was restricted to clinical trials and the English language. The titles and abstracts of all identified articles were reviewed, with the full article read whenever deemed necessary to finalize a decision about its inclusion. There was no report of contact with experts to identify grey literature. 61 • Did the people assessing the relevance of studies know the names of the authors, institutions, journal of publication and results when they apply the inclusion criteria? Or is it blind? Inclusion criteria 1. Clinical trials that evaluated the therapeutic effects of FES to the LE of patients following a stroke by assessing at least one activity measure before and after treatment when FES was not applied. 2. At least one experimental and one control (or placebo) group were evaluated. Cross over design studies were included only if subjects were divided into two groups and crossed over for experimental and control interventions. 3. If FES was applied with an additional treatment and the control group received the same treatment. Exclusion criteria 1. PEDro score of <4. 2. Less than ten participants in each intervention group. 3. No inferential statistics reported. 4. FES was applied only for one session 5. Studies not reported in peer-reviewed journals, and only reported as conference proceedings, posters, theses, or dissertations. Part 3 – Critically appraise for bias: • Selection – • Were the groups in the study selected differently? • Random? Concealed? • Performance• Did the groups in the study receive different treatment? • Was there blinding? • Attrition – • Were the groups similar at the end of the study? • Account for drop outs? • Detection – • Did the study selectively report the results? • Is there missing data? The specific selection methods for the individual studies were not specified. Of the 16 included studies, eligibility criteria were reported in 14 students. Baselines were reportedly comparable in 13 studies. Fourteen of the 16 studies were RCTs. Allocation was concealed in 8 of the studies. Due to the nature of the intervention, subjects were blinded in only 1 study and therapists were never blinded in any of the studies. Assessors were blinded in 7 studies. Adequate follow-up occurred in 13 studies. Attrition was never mentioned in the SR but intention-to-treat was reported in 5 studies. All of the studies had between group comparisons, point estimates and variability. Each study was analyzed in depth and tables presented the PEDro level of evidence, study name, study design, number of groups, time of evaluation, group assignments, number and age of subjects, time post-stroke, walking speed at pretest (m/s) or walking ability, outcome measures and main therapeutic results. Part 4 – Collection of the data Was a collection data form used and is it The authors did not mention a collection data form and one was not included. However, the search 62 included? Are the studies coded and is the data coding easy to follow? Were studies identified that were excluded & did they give reasons why (i.e., which criteria they failed). Are the results of this SR valid? Appraisal Criterion 34. Is this a SR of randomized trials? Did they limit this to high quality studies at the top of the hierarchies a. If not, what types of studies were included? b. What are the potential consequences of including these studies for this review’s results? 35. Did this study follow the Cochrane methods selection process and did it identify all relevant trials? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? algorithm was included with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The studies were coded and the coding was easy to follow. The studies were also presented in tables by author name. The authors did not state which specific articles were excluded, but they did state how many were excluded and the failed criteria. Reader’s Comments Yes, 14 of the 16 studies analyzed for this SR were RCTs but the 2 remaining trials were not randomized. The quality of the studies ranged from 4 to 8 on the PEDro scale. The potential consequences of this include a lower level of evidence analyzed, lower overall SR and MA quality and a potential for bias. The authors did not report use of the Cochrane methods selection process, but they did state their methods to include relevant evidence. They used specific databases and hand searched bibliographic references. The potential consequences of not using the Cochrane methods are that all relevant trials may not have been identified, validity and generalizability may be limited and there is a potential for publication bias. 36. Do the methods describe the processes and tools used to assess the quality of individual studies? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? Yes, the describe the quality assessment using the PEDro classification scale. The authors scored studies for which a PEDro score was not published. Due to the nature of the studies, blindness of the therapist providing the treatment was not possible; hence, the maximum possible score was 9. Studies were rated between excellent and poor on the basis of the PEDro score: 8–9, excellent; 6–7, good; 4–5, fair. Studies with a score <4 were excluded from this review. 37. What was the quality of the individual studies included? Were the results consistent from study to study? Did the investigators provide details about the research validity or quality of the studies included in review? The methodological quality of the included studies ranged from 4 to 8 on the PEDro scale. Two studies scored 4, four studies scored 5; five studies scored 6; four studies scored 7 and one study scored 8. The mean PEDro score of studies in which FES was applied as a rehabilitation tool in the acute and chronic phase was 6.6 (SD1.1) and 5.6 63 (SD1.3), respectively, and the mean score of studies in which FES was applied as an alternative to an orthotic device was 5.5 (SD 0.5). Nine studies received a PEDro score in the ‘good’ range and six in the ‘fair’ range, with only the study by Ambrosini et al. rated as ‘excellent.’ Overall, the studies appeared to have similar/consistent results. Therapeutic effects of FES were demonstrated at the body function and activity levels when used as a training modality. The authors provided details about the research validity and quality of the studies in the review. 38. Did the investigators address publication bias Are the valid results of this SR important? Appraisal Criterion 39. Were the results homogenous from study to study? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 40. If the paper is a meta-analysis did they report the statistical results? Did they include a forest plat? What other statistics do they include? Are there CIs? 41. From the findings, is it apparent what the cumulative weight of the evidence is? Publication bias was not discussed. Reader’s Comments The results appeared fairly homogenous from study to study with an overall trend toward favoring treatment. However, homogeneity and heterogeneity were not specifically discussed and statistical values and forest plots were not included. The authors stated general results for each of the studies and the most common trends observed. A meta-analysis was not performed. No forest plots or CIs were included. Limited statistics were provided. The methodological quality of the included studies ranged from 4 to 8 on the PEDro scale. Two studies scored 4, four studies scored 5; five studies scored 6; four studies scored 7 and one study scored 8. The mean PEDro score of studies in which FES was applied as a rehabilitation tool in the acute and chronic phase was 6.6 (SD1.1) and 5.6 (SD1.3), respectively, and the mean score of studies in which FES was applied as an alternative to an orthotic device was 5.5 (SD 0.5). Nine studies received a PEDro score in the ‘good’ range and six in the ‘fair’ range, with only the study by Ambrosini et al. rated as ‘excellent.’ Due to the limitations and lower level of evidence of some of the studies, the overall Oxford score for the SR would be 2a. 64 Can you apply this valid, important evidence from this SR in caring for your patient/client? What is the external validity? Appraisal Criterion Reader’s Comments 42. Is your patient different from those in In the studies, therapeutic effects of FES were this SR? mainly measured in individuals in the chronic poststroke phase (>3-6 months). Fewer studies measured the therapeutic effects in people like Mrs. M in the acute or subacute post-stroke phases (<3 months). A major methodological difference between studies conducted at the acute and subacute phases compared with studies conducted during the chronic phase is related to the level of independent ambulation and general higher functional performance expected of the participants. Some of the participants further out from their stroke were more independent and higher functioning than Mrs. M. Participants in the studies ranged in age from 47-80 years old. Mrs. M was just above this at 85 years old. Like Mrs. M, the participants in these studies had hemiparesis and foot drop but were able to ambulate with minimal to moderate assistance. 43. Is the treatment feasible in your setting? Do you have the facilities, skill set, time, 3rd party coverage to provide this treatment? Yes, FES is currently available at Advanced Health Care SNF; however, it is rarely employed in the post-stroke patient population. This may be due to lack of evidence; however, several therapists seem intimidated by it and/or lack the appropriate knowledge or skill set. Within 45-75 minute daily therapy sessions, there is ample time to utilize FES and 3rd party payers could potentially cover it. 44. Does the intervention fit within your patient/client’s stated values or expectations? d. If not, what will you do now? Yes, Mrs. M wanted to “walk normally again” and FES could potentially reduce her foot drop and help facilitate a more efficient, coordinated gait. What is the bottom line? Appraisal Criterion Summarize your findings and relate this back to clinical significance Reader’s Comments This SR systematically presented and critically reviewed reported therapeutic benefits in regard to body function (e.g., muscle strength and tone) and mobility-related activities (e.g., gait speed) associated with lower extremity functional electrical 65 stimulation in individuals post-stroke. Fourteen of the 16 studies included were RCTs. This study presented a systematic review of the carryover effects of lower extremity FES to motor performance when stimulation is not applied (therapeutic effects) in subjects post-stroke. A description of advances in FES technologies, with an emphasis on systems designed to promote LE function was included, and mechanisms that may be associated with the observed therapeutic effects were discussed. This SR presents moderate but clinically significant evidence that FES technology has the potential to promote gait performance and other aspects of LE motor recovery after stroke. Although available and easy accessible, FES was not utilized in the treatment of Mrs. M, the case study in this capstone, who had hemiparesis and demonstrated foot drop like the participants in this SR. FES is a relatively safe, affordable intervention that, when applied to tibialis anterior muscles, has been shown to increase motor evoked potentials, especially when coupled with voluntary movement. Interestingly, fMRI studies have demonstrated that voluntary movement together with electrical stimulation was associated with increased brain activity and changes in the primary motor cortex, the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices, the sensorimotor cortex, and the cerebellum, as well as with increased coupling between specific brain regions. There is also some evidence that treadmill training with FES can influence brain plasticity with some lasting effects. Further well-controlled studies are warranted to substantiate these findings and to further evaluate the therapeutic effects of FES. Adapted from : Jewell, D. Guide to Evidence Based Physical Therapy Practice. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA 2008 66 Systematic Review – Evidence Appraisal Worksheet: Article #5 Mehrholz Citation (use AMA or APA format): Mehrholz J, Elsner B, Wener C, Kugler J, Pohl M. Electromechanicalassisted training for walking after stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013;7. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD006185.pub3. Level of Evidence (Oxford scale): 2A (SR of RCTs; some studies not randomized/blinded) Does the design follow the Cochrane method? Appraisal Criterion Step 1 – formulating the question • Do the authors identify the focus of the review • A clearly defined question should specify the types of: • people (participants), • interventions or exposures, • outcomes that are of interest • studies that are relevant to answering the question Step 2 – locating studies Should identify ALL relevant literature Did they include multiple databases? Was the search strategy defined and include: o Bibliographic databases used as well as hand searching o Terms (key words and index terms) o Citation searching: reference lists o Contact with ‘experts’ to identify ‘grey’ literature (body of materials that cannot be found easily through conventional channels such as publishers) o Sources for ‘grey literature’ Reader’s Comments Yes, the authors clearly state that they are updating a systematic review they performed in 2007 and investigating the effects of automated electromechanical and robotic-assisted gait training devices for improving walking after stroke. They state that their aim is to estimate the likelihood or chance of becoming independent in walking as the result of these interventions, which is a main rehabilitation goal for patients after stroke. The authors describe the 23 studies used and how they are relevant to their objective. The authors clearly state that they included all randomized and randomized cross-over trials consisting of people over 18 years old diagnosed with stroke of any severity, at any stage, or in any setting, evaluating electromechanical and roboticassisted gait training versus normal care. Two review authors independently selected trials for inclusion, assessed methodological quality and extracted the data. The search strategy was defined and included in the review. The authors utilized multiple databases: Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, SPORTDiscus, the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), and the engineering databases COMPENDEX and INSPEC. They also hand searched relevant conference proceedings, searched trials and research registers, checked reference lists and contacted authors to identify ‘grey’ literature or further published, unpublished and ongoing trials and provided the sources for these as well. The authors clearly defined the MeSH terms used: ∗ Orthotic Devices; ∗ Walking; Combined Modality Therapy [instrumentation; 67 methods]; Equipment Design; Exercise Therapy [methods]; Gait; Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic; Robotics [∗ instrumentation]; Stroke [∗ rehabilitation]; Humans. Searches of the electronic databases and of trials registers generated 4747 unique references for screening. After excluding non-relevant citations, the authors obtained the full text of 136 papers, and from these, identified and included 23 trials in the review. Part 3:Critical Appraisal/Criteria for Inclusion • Were criteria for selection specified? • Did more than one author assess the relevance of each report • Were decisions concerning relevance described; completed by non-experts, or both? • Did the people assessing the relevance of studies know the names of the authors, institutions, journal of publication and results when they apply the inclusion criteria? Or is it blind? Yes, two authors (JM, BE) independently selected and assessed the relevance of each report for inclusion. Decisions concerning relevance were described. If any review author was involved in any of the selected studies, another member of the review author group not involved in the study extracted the study information. In cases of disagreement between the two review authors, a third member of the review author group (JK) reviewed the information to decide on inclusion or exclusion of a study. The authors utilized checklists to assess and record details of each study independently. If necessary, the authors contacted trialists to request more information, clarification and missing data. They did not state whether assessment of articles was blind but it likely was not. Part 3 – Critically appraise for bias: • Selection – • Were the groups in the study selected differently? • Random? Concealed? • Performance• Did the groups in the study receive different treatment? • Was there blinding? • Attrition – • Were the groups similar at the end of the study? • Account for drop outs? • Detection – • Did the study selectively report the results? • Is there missing data? Selection- Several of the included studies reported appropriate selection, randomization, treatment, attrition and detection methods; however, these factors varied between studies and the reviewing authors reported several study methods and risks as “unclear.” Many studies utilized randomization tables; random number generators, block randomization, computer- or software-generated lists or concealed envelopes; however, several studies did not specify their methods in these areas, which introduced potential bias. Of the 23 included studies, 13 described adequate random sequence generations and 13 described adequate allocation concealment. Performance – The experimental groups in each study received electromechanical-assisted gait training using robotic-assisted treadmill training 68 while the control groups received conventional or “overground” physical therapy. Groups in “crossover” studies received a duration of both overground and electromechanical-assisted gait training. Of the 23 included studies, 7 reported blinding of the primary outcome assessment and 9 reported incomplete outcome data (attrition bias). The reviewers reported that blinding methods were “unclear” in 4 included studies and blinding did not occur in 12 studies. Attrition – The groups appeared similar at the end of the study as all participants had experienced some type of stroke and received similar treatments. Most studies reported the mean age of participants as 5070 years old; however, 6 studies did not report mean age and the mean age of participants in 1 study was “unclear.” All of the studies reported the number of participant drop-outs with 10 reporting intention-to-treat, 8 not stated/unclear/unknown, 2 reporting no ITT with analysis per protocol, and 1 that did not provide ITT for all drop-outs. Detection - Two review authors (JM, MP) independently evaluated the methodological quality of the included trials using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. The authors used checklists to assess details of each included study (i.e., methods of generating randomization schedule, method of allocation concealment, blinding of assessors, use of intention-to-treat, adverse events and drop-outs for all reasons, important imbalance in prognostic factors, and participants demographics including country, number of participants, age, gender, type of stroke, time from stroke onset to entry in study, inclusion/exclusion criteria). The authors checked all methodological quality assessments for agreement between review authors and resolved disagreements by discussion. If one of the review authors was a co-author of an included trial, another review author (BE or JK) conducted the methodological quality assessment for that trial. The author’s contacted trialists to obtain or clarify any missing data. Binary (dichotomous) outcomes were analyzed with an odds ratio (OR) random effects model with 95% 69 confidence intervals (CIs). Continuous outcomes with mean differences (MDs) were analyzed using the same outcome scale. Inconsistencies across studies were quantified using the I2 statistic. A random-effects model was used for all analyses. The most current version of the Cochrane Review Manager software was used for all statistical comparisons. A formal subgroup analysis using the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions was performed to compare participants treated in the acute and sub-acute phases of their stroke (within 3 months) with participants treated in the chronic phase (longer than 3 months). A sensitivity analysis of methodological quality was also performed for each study and the largest study was removed since some of the review authors were investigators in that large trial. Two further (post hoc) sensitivity analyses were also performed which involved ambulatory status at start of study and type of device used in trials. Part 4 – Collection of the data Was a collection data form used and is it included? Are the studies coded and is the data coding easy to follow? Were studies identified that were excluded & did they give reasons why (i.e., which criteria they failed). Are the results of this SR valid? Appraisal Criterion 45. Is this a SR of randomized trials? Did they limit this to high quality studies at the top of the hierarchies a. If not, what types of studies were included? b. What are the potential consequences of including these studies for this review’s results? Yes, a collection data form was used and was included in the article. The studies are coded and the data coding is easy to follow. The studies that were excluded were identified and the reasons for exclusion and failed criteria were described. Reader’s Comments The authors reported that they included all randomized and randomized cross-over trials consisting of people over 18 years old diagnosed with stroke of any severity, at any stage, or in any setting, evaluating electromechanical and roboticassisted gait training versus conventional physical therapy. Although several studies specified adequate randomization, blinding and research processes, this SR included several studies that did not specify these processes, are ongoing or awaiting assessment. The potential consequences of including these studies includes a lower Oxford 70 ranking, potential for bias, clinical/methodological/statistical heterogeneity, and questionable reliability/validity and generalizability. Because some lower-level and ambiguous evidence was analyzed, this makes it difficult to rate this study. The author’s state that they included all randomized and randomized cross-trials which could make this a 1a study; however, several studies were included that have questionable/unclear methods and do not appear to be truly “randomized” trials. Overall, the reviewers chose some of the highest quality studies available; however, most of the studies were of moderate quality. This review indicates that further highquality research is needed on this topic. 46. Did this study follow the Cochrane methods selection process and did it identify all relevant trials? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? Yes, the author’s stated multiple times that they used the Cochrane methods selection process and identified all relevant trials. They used specific electronic databases as well as hand searched relevant conference proceedings, searched trials and research registers, checked reference lists and contacted authors to identify ‘grey’ literature. 47. Do the methods describe the processes and tools used to assess the quality of individual studies? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? Yes, the authors describe in detail the processes and tools used to asses the quality of individual studies including several independent reviewers, checklists for recording study details independently, Cochrane risk of bias tool, an odds ratio (OR) random-effects model with 95% CIs, mean differences, I2 statistical analysis, Cochrane review Manager software, a formal subgroup analysis, a sensitivity analysis of methodological quality for each included study and removing the largest study in which some of the review authors were investigators and two further (post hoc) sensitivity analyses. 48. What was the quality of the individual studies included? Were the results consistent from study to study? Did the investigators provide details about the research validity or quality of the studies included in review? The quality of the individual studies was generally moderate. Many of the studies were 1b to 2a; however, some of the studies did not adequately report randomization and blinding and would be considered a 4 on the Oxford scale. Despite this, the results were fairly consistent from study to study and tended to favor electromechanical-assisted gait training. 71 The author’s thoroughly described their search processes and presented them in flow diagrams. A “risk of bias” table summarizing all of the studies was also provided. Characteristics of individual studies were summarized in tables, along with their risk of bias, the authors’ judgments and support for those judgments. The authors stated that trials investigating electromechanical and robotic-assisted gait training devices are subject to potential methodological limitations including: “inability to blind the therapist and participants, so-called contamination (provision of the intervention to the control group) and co-intervention (when the same therapist unintentionally provides additional care to either treatment or comparison group).” All these potential methodological limitations introduce the possibility of performance bias. However, the author’s state that this was not supported in sensitivity analyses by methodological quality. 49. Did the investigators address publication bias Are the valid results of this SR important? Appraisal Criterion 50. Were the results homogenous from study to study? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 51. If the paper is a meta-analysis did they report the statistical results? Did they The author’s state that a risk publication bias is present in all systematic reviews. They assert that they searched extensively for relevant literature in electronic databases and hand searched conference abstracts. Additionally, we contacted and asked authors, trialists and experts in the field for other unpublished and ongoing trials. Reader’s Comments Yes, to some extent. There is limited research on this topic and the results were not as homogenous as they could have been if more research was available. The authors reported general results for each of the 5 comparison categories they had investigated: 1) Independent walking at the end of intervention phase, all electromechanical devices used, 2) Regaining independent walking ability, 3) Subgroup analysis comparing participants in the acute and chronic phases of stroke, 4) Post hoc sensitivity analysis by ambulatory status at study onset, and 5) Post-hoc sensitivity analysis: type of device. The authors presented forest plots indicating homogeneity between studies. A meta-analysis was not performed. Forest plots were included for the various analyses, 72 include a forest plot? What other statistics do they include? Are there CIs? comparisons and outcomes investigated. P values, I2 statistics, size effects, Chi2, odds ratios and CIs are included. 52. From the findings, is it apparent what the Due to the inclusion of some lower-level evidence cumulative weight of the evidence is? and the ambiguity of some of the included studies, it is difficulty to identify the cumulative weight of the evidence. The range of evidence in this review is 1b to 4. Can you apply this valid, important evidence from this SR in caring for your patient/client? What is the external validity? Appraisal Criterion Reader’s Comments 53. Is your patient different from those in My case study is similar to some of the participants this SR? in these studies as she is in the acute phase of stroke and has received physical therapy. However, my case study patient is 85 years old while the mean age of participants in these studies was 5070. She received conventional, “overground” physical therapy treatment and did not receive treadmill, electromechanical or robotic-assisted gait training like many of the participants in these studies. She may have been a good candidate for these interventions and may have benefited if these interventions had been available at the facility. 54. Is the treatment feasible in your setting? Do you have the facilities, skill set, time, 3rd party coverage to provide this treatment? Yes to some extent, however, treadmill, electromechanical and robotic-assisted gait training tend to require equipment that is not currently available at Advanced Health Care and many other SNFs. Additionally, many of the SNF therapists currently do not have the skill set, time or 3rd party coverage to provide this treatment. With stronger evidence, perhaps this could change. 55. Does the intervention fit within your patient/client’s stated values or expectations? e. If not, what will you do now? Yes, this intervention would fit within my patient’s values/expectations one of her primary PT goals was to walk “normally” again after experiencing a stroke. This intervention has the potential to help “normalize” gait and to help patients walk independently again with a low risk of adverse events. What is the bottom line? Appraisal Criterion Summarize your findings and relate this back to Reader’s Comments This is a well-done SR analyzing available literature 73 clinical significance for electromechanical-assisted training for walking after stroke. This SR was performed as an update to a previous SR by the same authors. The results of this SR indicated that electromechanical-assisted gait training in combination with conventional physical therapy increases the odds of acute, non-ambulatory stroke patients becoming independent in walking after stroke. Specifically, people in the first three months after stroke and those who are unable to walk at intervention onset seem to benefit the most from this type of intervention. Results indicate that people in the chronic phase of stroke (3 months post) may not benefit from electromechanicalassisted gait training. Electromechanical gait training did not significantly increase walking velocity or walking capacity. These SR results must be interpreted with caution because (1) some trials investigated people who were independent in walking at the start of the study, (2) variations were found between the trials with respect to devices used and duration and frequency of treatment, and (3) some trials included devices with functional electrical stimulation. Given that necessary equipment, therapist skill set, time and third party coverage are available, evidence suggests that electromechanical-assisted gait training may be a promising adjunct to conventional physical therapy and alternative to overground gait training with a low risk of adverse events. Further research is needed and should consist of large, definitive, pragmatic, phase III trials to address the frequency and duration of electromechanical-assisted gait training that might be most effective and how long the benefit might last. Adapted from : Jewell, D. Guide to Evidence Based Physical Therapy Practice. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA 2008 74 Systematic Review – Evidence Appraisal Worksheet: Article #6 Saunders Citation (use AMA or APA format): Saunders DH, Sanderson M, Brazzelli M, Greig CA, Mead GE. Physical fitness training for stroke patients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013; 10(Art. No. CD003316). doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003316.pub5. Level of Evidence (Oxford scale): 2a Does the design follow the Cochrane method? Appraisal Criterion Step 1 – formulating the question • Do the authors identify the focus of the review • A clearly defined question should specify the types of: • people (participants), • interventions or exposures, • outcomes that are of interest • studies that are relevant to answering the question Reader’s Comments Yes, this is an update to a previous SR by the same authors. They clearly state the purpose of the review is to “determine whether fitness training after stroke reduces death, dependence, and disability. The secondary aims were to determine the effects of training on physical fitness, mobility, physical function, health status and quality of life, mood, and incidence of adverse events.” According to the authors, although enough evidence is available to implement fitness training for stroke, the optimal exercise prescription has yet to be defined. People: Stroke patients Interventions: Cardiorespiratory training, resistance training and mixed training Outcomes of interest: Case fatality, death or dependence, disability, adverse effects, vascular risk factors, physical fitness, mobility (gait speed and gait capacity), physical function, health status and quality of life, and mood. Relevant studies: 45 studies met inclusion criteria for the review (13 new studies and 32 previously included studies). Step 2 – locating studies Should identify ALL relevant literature Did they include multiple databases? Was the search strategy defined and include: o Bibliographic databases used as well as hand searching o Terms (key words and index terms) Yes, the authors performed an extensive search and provided a detailed descriptions, lists, appendices, flow diagrams and tables of their search and selection processes, as well as the key words and index terms used. Electronic databases searched were: Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, 75 o Citation searching: reference lists o Contact with ‘experts’ to identify ‘grey’ literature (body of materials that cannot be found easily through conventional channels such as publishers) o Sources for ‘grey literature’ Science Citation Index Expanded, Web of Science, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), REHABDATA, Index to Theses in Great Britain and Ireland, Internet Stroke Centre’s Stroke Trials Directory database, metaRegister of Controlled Trials, Internet Stroke Centre’s website, European Stroke Conference, International Stroke Conference and the World Stroke Conference. The authors handsearched relevant scientific journals that focused on exercise and physical fitness and are not currently included in The Cochrane Collaboration handsearching program: Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, British Journal of Sports Medicine, International Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Sports Medicine. They examined the references lists of all relevant studies identified by the above methods and examined all relevant systematic reviews identified during the entire search process for further trials. They also checked all the references in both the studies awaiting classification and ongoing studies sections of the previous version of this review. They contacted experts in the field and principal investigators of relevant studies to inquire about “grey literature,” unpublished and ongoing trials. Part 3:Critical Appraisal/Criteria for Inclusion • Were criteria for selection specified? • Did more than one author assess the relevance of each report • Were decisions concerning relevance described; completed by non-experts, or both? • Did the people assessing the relevance of studies know the names of the authors, institutions, journal of publication and results when they apply the inclusion criteria? Or is it blind? Yes, the authors provided detailed descriptions, lists, appendices, flow diagrams and charts of their selection processes and inclusion/exclusion criteria. One review author (DS) read the titles and abstracts of all citations identified by the electronic searches and excluded obviously irrelevant reports. They retrieved the full text of the remaining papers and two review authors (DS and MS) independently assessed these and selected trials which met the pre-specified inclusion criteria. Any disagreements were resolved by discussion and if necessary in consultation with a third review author (GM or CG). One review author (DS) also screened the correspondence with experts and trial investigators for details of any additional published or unpublished trials. There was report of these 76 assessors being blinded. Part 3 – Critically appraise for bias: • Selection – • Were the groups in the study selected differently? • Random? Concealed? • Performance• Did the groups in the study receive different treatment? • Was there blinding? • Attrition – • Were the groups similar at the end of the study? • Account for drop outs? • Detection – • Did the study selectively report the results? • Is there missing data? Two review authors (MS and DS) assessed the risk of bias for the following items, as described in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions: random sequence generation , allocation concealment , blinding of participants, blinding of outcome assessment, incomplete outcome data, selective reporting , other bias , confounded by increased training time. The authors stated that, For trials of physical interventions like exercise it is not possible to completely blind participants or those delivering interventions; however, some trials may incorporate a degree of blinding. The authors assessed less that half (20/45, 44%) of the included studies as having a low risk of bias. All studies identified that randomization had occurred; however, many did not describe the specific processes. Allocation concealment was poorly reported in 9 of the included trials (20%)(i.e., unclear reporting of the use of ‘sealed envelopes’). The authors assert that participants cannot be blinded to physical interventions like fitness training and in most circumstances (43/45 trials, 96%) the risk of bias is automatically ‘high,’ though some trials implemented some degree of participant blinding. The authors considered the outcome assessment to be at low risk of detection bias in 19 included trials (42%). Outcome assessment was not blinded in 6 trials. Due to the number of included studies and variety of interventions and outcome measures examined, several groups were selected and treated differently. A total of 2188 stroke survivors (range 13 to 250 individuals, mean 44.5, median 42) were randomized to physical fitness training or control interventions in the 45 included clinical trials (mean age = 64 years; mean time since onset of symptoms = 8.8 days to 7.7 years). Trials varied in the demographics and ambulation abilities of participants, the stage at which interventions were implement, the interventions examined, and the overall study design (e.g., 3 of the included cardiorespiratory training trials had more than one 77 intervention group). Most of the included trials recruited participants during hospital or community stroke care; however, participants’ recruitment in a few trials involved media advertisements or databases of potential volunteers. These methods of recruitment make these trials more vulnerable to self-selection bias and hamper the generalizability of their findings. Twenty-one trials reported the use of an ITT approach for their analyses although one of these trials did not analyze data for the participants who dropped out. Of the 24 trials that did not mention ITT, 15 did not have any missing data. Incomplete outcome data arose from participant attrition meaning all outcomes were affected. At the end of intervention, 38 included studies reported an attrition rate of 10% or less, 5 trials reported an attrition rate between 10% and 20%, and 2 trials exceeded an attrition rate of 20%. Overall, the authors judged 33 trials (73%) as being at low risk of attrition bias at the end of intervention and 7 of 20 trials at the end of follow-up (35%). Additionally, trials in which the participants received an unequal amount of exposure to the interventions are at high risk of bias. This is a confounding source. The effects of fitness training could thus be exaggerated in more than half of the included studies (23 or 51%) due study designs in which the training intervention groups received greater time of exposure than accounted for in the training program. Part 4 – Collection of the data Was a collection data form used and is it included? Are the studies coded and is the data coding easy to follow? Were studies identified that were excluded & did they give reasons why (i.e., which criteria they failed). The authors did not specify whether a specific collection data form was used and it was not included. However, the author’s presented many detailed descriptions, lists, appendices, flow diagrams and tables of all data collected and the inclusion/exclusion criteria used. The studies were coded and that data coding is easy to follow. Specific descriptions and references were provided for each included and excluded study. Specific criteria and reasons for exclusion were also provided. 78 Are the results of this SR valid? Appraisal Criterion 56. Is this a SR of randomized trials? Did they limit this to high quality studies at the top of the hierarchies a. If not, what types of studies were included? b. What are the potential consequences of including these studies for this review’s results? Reader’s Comments All included studies (n = 45) reported that randomization had occurred; however, many of the studies did not describe the specific mechanisms of randomization. Most of the included studies were of moderate quality. Small sample sizes and the ambiguous nature of randomization and allocation in several studies made it difficult to rate the studies and the overall quality of this SR and meta-analysis. The quality of some of the studies ranged from Oxford 1b to 2b; however, some studies may have been as low as a 4. Potential consequences of this are bias, confounding sources, questionable validity and generalizability, a lower level of evidence analyzed and a lower overall level of evidence for the SR. 57. Did this study follow the Cochrane methods selection process and did it identify all relevant trials? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? Yes, the authors report that this SR followed the Cochrane methods of selection process. They developed the search strategies for the electronic databases with the help of the Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Search Coordinator and searched multiple Cochrane Databases. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. 58. Do the methods describe the processes and tools used to assess the quality of individual studies? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? The methods describe the processes and tools used to assess the quality of some individual studies. Each individual study is also summarized and risk for bias is rated in detailed tables in the appendices. The authors also described how the Cochrane methods were utilized in the selection process and the Cochrane “Risk of bias” tool was employed to help assess individual and overall study quality. 59. What was the quality of the individual studies included? Were the results consistent from study to study? Did the investigators provide details about the research validity or quality of the studies included in review? All of the 45 included studies reported that randomization had occurred; however, many of the studies did not describe the specific mechanisms of randomization. This, in addition to small sample sizes and the ambiguous nature of randomization and allocation in several studies, made it difficult to rate the studies and the overall quality of this SR and meta-analysis. Most of the included studies 79 were of moderate quality. Many studies ranged from Oxford 1b to 2b; however, some studies may have been as low as a 4, depending on randomization and allocation mechanisms, objectivity of exposure and outcome measures and control for confounders. The investigators provided details about the research validity and quality of the studies included in the review. 60. Did the investigators address publication bias Are the valid results of this SR important? Appraisal Criterion 61. Were the results homogenous from study to study? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 62. If the paper is a meta-analysis did they report the statistical results? Did they include a forest plat? What other statistics do they include? Are there CIs? 63. From the findings, is it apparent what the cumulative weight of the evidence is? The authors explained that, to quantify inconsistency across studies, they used the I2 statistic, which is included in the meta-analysis graphs in Review Manager 5 (‘RevMan,’ used for statistical analysis). Where possible, they investigated publication bias by entering data from studies included in the relevant meta-analyses in funnel plots (treatment effect versus trial size). A funnel plot of 13 studies measuring maximum walking speed showed a tendency toward asymmetry, suggesting potential publication bias during but not after patients received usual care. Another funnel plot of 10 studies measuring 6-MWT showed no evidence of asymmetry, suggesting no publication bias. Reader’s Comments Many forest plots were included in the review presenting fairly homogenous results from study to study and generally favoring treatment. These results must be interpreted with caution; however, as the studies tended to be small and of moderate quality with some ambiguity regarding design and methods. The statistical results of the meta-analysis were reported and a variety of forest plots were included. Chi2, I2, mean differences, odds ratios, effect sizes, SDs, ITT and CIs were included. Due to the generally lower level of evidence and ambiguity of some studies included in this SR and MA, it is challenging to determine a cumulative weight of the evidence presented. Most of the included studies were of moderate quality and many had small sample sizes, unclear design and/or 80 methods and potential for bias. The quality of some of the studies ranged from Oxford 1b to 2b; however, some studies may have been as low as a 4. Because of this the overall SR Oxford score is a 2a. Can you apply this valid, important evidence from this SR in caring for your patient/client? What is the external validity? Appraisal Criterion Reader’s Comments 64. Is your patient different from those in Some of the data presented in these studies is this SR? relevant to the case study, Mrs. M. Participants were stroke patients with a mean age of 65 and Mrs. M was 85. The patients in these studies ranged from ambulatory with minimal assistance to non-ambulatory. The participants’ stage of stroke also varied from acute to chronic. Mrs. M was 2-3 months post-stroke and thus still in the more acute stage of stroke. 65. Is the treatment feasible in your setting? Do you have the facilities, skill set, time, 3rd party coverage to provide this treatment? Yes, many of the cardiorespiratory and mixed training interventions presented in this SR are available at SNFs like Advanced Health Care (circuit training, ergometers, overground gait training, resistance training). However, some are not (e.g., aquatic training, treadmill training). 66. Does the intervention fit within your patient/client’s stated values or expectations? f. If not, what will you do now? Yes, Mrs. M wanted to “walk normally again” and, if these interventions could potentially help her accomplish that affordably and safely, they would fit within her values and expectations. What is the bottom line? Appraisal Criterion Summarize your findings and relate this back to clinical significance Reader’s Comments This was a moderate quality SR and MA examining whether fitness training after stroke reduces death, dependence and disability. The researchers also aimed to determine the effects of training on physical fitness, mobility (gait speed and capacity, of particular interest to this capstone), physical function, health status and quality of life, mood, and incidence of adverse events. Three categories of interventions were examined: cardiorespiratory training, mixed training and resistance training. There is fairly low-moderate evidence in general 81 and the evidence presented in this SR and MA was generally of moderate quality. Diversity and ambiguity in some study designs and methods, diverse intentions, and diverse outcome measures made data pooling difficult. Global indices of disability show a trend of improvement after cardiorespiratory training; however, benefits at follow-up and after mixed training were unclear. There was insufficient evidence to support the use of resistance training. Cardiorespiratory training involving walking appeared to improve maximum walking speed, preferred gait speed, walking capacity, and Berg Balance scores after intervention. Mixed training involving walking and resistance training appeared to increase preferred walking speed, walking capacity and pooled balance scores but the evidence was weaker. Some mobility benefits persisted after follow-up. Although there appears to be a trend toward improvement with the interventions of cardiorespiratory training and mixed training, these results must be interpreted with caution. Assessment suggested some potential for bias as the variability and quality of trials indicated limited reliability and generalizability of the observed results. Future well-designed trials are needed to determine the optimal content of the exercise prescription and identify long-term benefits. Adapted from : Jewell, D. Guide to Evidence Based Physical Therapy Practice. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA 2008 82 Systematic Review – Evidence Appraisal Worksheet: Article #7 Stoller Citation (use AMA or APA format): Stoller O, de Bruin ED, Knols R, Hunt KJ. Effects of cardiovascular exercise early after stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Neurology. 2012; 12(45): 1-16. Level of Evidence (Oxford scale): 2a Does the design follow the Cochrane method? Appraisal Criterion Step 1 – formulating the question • Do the authors identify the focus of the review • A clearly defined question should specify the types of: • people (participants), • interventions or exposures, • outcomes that are of interest • studies that are relevant to answering the question Step 2 – locating studies Should identify ALL relevant literature Did they include multiple databases? Was the search strategy defined and include: o Bibliographic databases used as well as hand searching o Terms (key words and index terms) o Citation searching: reference lists o Contact with ‘experts’ to identify ‘grey’ literature (body of materials that cannot be found easily through conventional channels such as publishers) o Sources for ‘grey literature’ Reader’s Comments Yes, the authors clearly state that the purpose of this SR was to evaluate the effectiveness of cardiovascular exercise (CV) early after stroke and to provide an overview of the currently available evidence for the use of CV training in the early stages after stroke. The aim is to identify strategies that have the potential to affect physical functioning and that might be used in future early intervention type studies for individuals with stroke. The following specific questions were evaluated: (1) What is the level of evidence for cardiovascular exercise interventions to influence aerobic capacity and physical functioning implemented within six months after the initial stroke event?; (2) How soon after the initial stroke event is cardiovascular exercise introduced?; (3) What is the common practice for measurement of aerobic capacity early after stroke? Yes, the authors searched the databases MEDLINE/Premedline (OvidSP), EMBASE, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and ISI Web of Science (WOS), and performed an additional focused search where “stroke” had to be in the title or in the subject headings. The authors used a combination of medical subject headings (MeSH) and keywords as search terms, including the following main terms for the population: Stroke, Cerebral Stroke, Vascular Accident, Brain Vascular Accident, Apoplexy, Cerebrovascular Apoplexy, Cerebrovascular Stroke, CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident), Cerebrovascular Accident, Acute Stroke, Acute Cerebrovascular Accident, Acute = 0–6 months post stroke, age >18 years. For the intervention of interest: cardiovascular training, cardiopulmonary training, cardiorespiratory training, aerobic training, endurance training, exercise, endurance exercise, ergometry, cycling, rowing, treadmill. For the 83 outcomes of interest: cardio- vascular fitness, aerobic fitness, condition, endurance, physical conditioning, VO2 maximal, VO2 maximum, VO2 peak, maximal oxygen uptake, heart rate, neural recovery, neural rehabilitation, functional recovery, function recovery, quality of life. The search strategy was well defined and supplemented by a detailed flow chart. Articles found through hand search by scanning reference lists of identified studies supplemented the search results. The authors contacted experts by email or telephone for further information about unpublished and unclear data. Of the 803 total citations initially found, 11 studies ultimately fulfilled all criteria and were selected for review. Ten studies were randomized controlled trials or randomized controlled pilot studies, and 1 study was a prospective controlled matched design. Part 3:Critical Appraisal/Criteria for Inclusion • Were criteria for selection specified? • Did more than one author assess the relevance of each report • Were decisions concerning relevance described; completed by non-experts, or both? • Did the people assessing the relevance of studies know the names of the authors, institutions, journal of publication and results when they apply the inclusion criteria? Or is it blind? Yes, the authors stated that Analysis methods and inclusion criteria were specified in advance and documented in the review protocol, which can be found in Additional file 1. The authors included randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies considering cardiovascular training in the sub-acute stages after stroke. No language or publication date restrictions were imposed and only peer-reviewed journal articles were included. Participants (age >18 years) with initial stroke in the acute phase deemed medically stable enough to participate in an aerobic exercise intervention were considered. All types of stroke and all severity levels were included. Furthermore, we considered only studies using cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary or aerobic training interventions. Any outcome representing an objective and/or subjective measure in the field of cardiovascular fitness, physical condition, endurance, oxygen uptake, heart rate, neural recovery, functional recovery, quality-of-life, etc. was included in this review. Two reviewers (OS, EDB) performed the identification and the eligibility assessment independently in a blinded standardized manner by scanning the titles, abstracts and keywords. Disagreements between reviewers were resolved by 84 consensus. If no consensus was found, a third reviewer (KH) made the final decision. Part 3 – Critically appraise for bias: • Selection – • Were the groups in the study selected differently? • Random? Concealed? • Performance• Did the groups in the study receive different treatment? • Was there blinding? • Attrition – • Were the groups similar at the end of the study? • Account for drop outs? • Detection – • Did the study selectively report the results? • Is there missing data? The 11 included studies involved 423 participants with mild to moderate deficits in motor function and functional abilities. The main inclusion criteria for the participants in the studies were: stroke in the acute and sub-acute phase (0–6 months), ability to ambulate minimally (measured using Functional Ambulatory Classification (FAC), Orpington Prognostic Scale, Fugl-Meyer Score, Barthel Index, 10-Meter Walk Test, Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment), and appropriate cognitive function (measured using Mini Mental State Examination). The main exclusion criterion was serious cardiac contraindications for exercise testing according to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The specific mechanisms for participant selection were not described. All of the 11 studies analyzed employed random allocation of participants to groups. Four studies used concealed allocation, 10 reported groups that were similar at baseline. Due to difficulty concealing these types of interventions, none of the included studies blinded either subjects or therapists. However, assessors were blinded in 3 studies. Leg cycle ergometry (5 studies) and treadmill training (4 studies) were the most common methods for aerobic exercise in the sub-acute phase following stroke. One study used task-orientated circuit class training. Two studies mixed the interventions using leg cycle ergometry or treadmill training or aerobic exercise with a stepper or hand bike. Training duration ranged from 3 to 13 weeks (mean 6.56 ± 3.7 weeks), whereas training intensity ranged from 40–80% of heart rate reserve. All reviewed studies used an intervention protocol consisting of continuous exercise of 20–90 min (mean 47.78 ± 25.8 min) for 2–5 sessions per week (mean 3.44 ± 1.0 sessions/week). The intervention started 34.28 ± 25.1 days after the initial stroke event. The earliest time was 6 days post stroke. Of the 11 total studies, 9 had less than a 15% dropout rate. Seven studies included an intention85 to-treat analysis. Between group statistics, point estimates and variability data were reported in all 11 studies. Each study was analyzed in depth and tables were provided presenting the PEDro score, study name, participant demographics, inclusion/exclusion criteria, intervention/exercise protocol, additional intervention/control group, and outcomes measures. Part 4 – Collection of the data Was a collection data form used and is it included? Are the studies coded and is the data coding easy to follow? Were studies identified that were excluded & did they give reasons why (i.e., which criteria they failed). Are the results of this SR valid? Appraisal Criterion 67. Is this a SR of randomized trials? Did they limit this to high quality studies at the top of the hierarchies a. If not, what types of studies were included? b. What are the potential consequences of including these studies for this review’s results? The authors developed a data extraction sheet based on the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions data extraction template (The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, England), which was included. The studies are coded and the data coding is easy to follow. The studies that were excluded were not identified; however, the authors gave specific reasons for their exclusion and failed criteria. Reader’s Comments All of the studies included in this SR are RCTs except one, a controlled cohort study that randomized allocation of participants into groups but did not report a randomized selection process. The SR’s authors limited the number of articles to moderate- to higher-quality studies, ranging from 4 to 8 on the PEDro scale. The lowest PEDro score of a 4 was given to one study, while three studies scored a 5, four studies scored a 6, one study scored a 7, and two studies scored an 8. 68. Did this study follow the Cochrane methods selection process and did it identify all relevant trials? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? Yes, the authors stated that they searched the Cochrane library database, based their data extraction sheet on the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews for Intervention data extraction template and used the Cochrane Review Manager (RevMan). 69. Do the methods describe the processes and tools used to assess the quality of individual studies? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? Yes, two independent reviewers (OS & EDB) assessed all studies for risk of bias. The PEDro scale was used for this assessment. Consistent with PEDro, they only considered the internal validity (10 items) to assess risk of bias, and used the cut-points: 9–10 (excellent); 6–8 (good); 4–5 86 (fair); <4 (poor). Disagreements during the quality assessments were resolved by discussion between two review authors (OS & EDB); if no agreement could be reached, a third author (KH) verified the data and made the final decision. They assessed the possibility of publication bias by evaluating funnel plots of the trials’ mean differences for asymmetry. Heterogeneity of effect sizes was evaluated by I2 statistics, where at least 50% was taken as an indicator of substantial heterogeneity. Inter-rater agreement was considered to be “very good” (Kappa: 0.81, Standard Error: 0.06, CI95%: 0.70–0.92). 70. What was the quality of the individual studies included? Were the results consistent from study to study? Did the investigators provide details about the research validity or quality of the studies included in review? The quality of the individual studies was “good” (7 studies) to “fair” (4 studies) based on the PEDro scale. The articles ranged from a 4 to 8 on the PEDro scale. One study received a 4, three studies scored a 5, four studies scored a 6, one study scored a 7, and two studies scored an 8. The results were fairly consistent overall from study to study yielding generally homogenous effects favoring the cardiovascular training intervention groups, except in interventions addressing gait speed, which did not show significant results. The investigators provided details about the research validity and quality of studies included in the review. 71. Did the investigators address publication bias Yes, they assessed the possibility of publication bias by evaluating funnel plots of the trials’ mean differences for asymmetry. They also stated that a publication bias may have been present, as well as a language bias, given that they considered only interventions described in published studies and restricted the search to English, French, and German language publications. Are the valid results of this SR important? Appraisal Criterion 72. Were the results homogenous from study to study? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? Reader’s Comments Yes to some extent. Peak oxygen uptake data were available for 155 participants. Pooled analysis yielded homogenous effects favoring the intervention group (standardized mean difference (SMD) = 0.83, CI95% = 0.50–1.16, Z = 4.93, P < 0.01). Walking endurance assessed with the 6-Minute 87 Walk Test comprised 278 participants. Pooled analysis revealed homogenous effects favoring the cardiovascular training intervention group (SMD = 0.69, CI95% = 0.45–0.94, Z = 5.58, P < 0.01). Gait speed, measured in 243 participants, did not show significant results (SMD = 0.51, CI95% = −0.25–1.26, Z = 1.31, P = 0.19) in favor of early cardiovascular exercise. 73. If the paper is a meta-analysis did they report the statistical results? Did they include a forest plat? What other statistics do they include? Are there CIs? Yes, a meta-analysis was performed using a random-effects model and statistical results were reported. Three forest plots were included. Other statistics included were I2, MD, SMD, SD, effect sizes, p-values, standard errors, Tau2, chi2, df, and CIs. 74. From the findings, is it apparent what the The quality of the individual studies was “good” (7 cumulative weight of the evidence is? studies) to “fair” (4 studies) on the PEDro scale. The articles ranged from a 4 to 8. One study received a 4, three studies scored a 5, four studies scored a 6, one study scored a 7, and two studies scored an 8. On the Oxford scale, the cumulative weight would be a 2a. Can you apply this valid, important evidence from this SR in caring for your patient/client? What is the external validity? Appraisal Criterion Reader’s Comments 75. Is your patient different from those in Mrs. M is very similar to the participants in these this SR? studies. This SR defined the “acute” stage as the first week after stroke onset and the “sub-acute” stage as 7 days to 6 months after stroke onset. According to this, Mrs. M is in the sub-acute phase, like many of the participants. Mrs. M was 85 years old and the participants were generally between 5070 years old. The participants were deemed medically stable enough to participate in an aerobic exercise intervention, much like Mrs. M. Interestingly, the participants were mildly to moderately affected, which limits the generalizability of the SR’s findings for the stroke population at large but is clinically significant for Mrs. M. 76. Is the treatment feasible in your setting? Do you have the facilities, skill set, time, 3rd party coverage to provide this treatment? Yes, to some extent. Some of the cardiovascular interventions provided in the studies are available in some skilled nursing facilities (SNFs); however, some are not. Advanced Healthcare had a NuStep 88 recumbent stepper, stationary bicycles, and arm ergometers but does not currently have treadmills. There are many forms of cardiovascular training and many physical therapists possess appropriate skill sets, time and 3rd party coverage to implement this treatment. 77. Does the intervention fit within your patient/client’s stated values or expectations? g. If not, what will you do now? What is the bottom line? Appraisal Criterion Summarize your findings and relate this back to clinical significance Yes, Mrs. M wanted to “walk normally again” and this included walking faster, safer and longer distances. Reader’s Comments This is a relatively well-done SR and MA providing an overview of the currently available evidence for the use of cardiovascular training in the early stages after stroke. The SR identified fair to good evidence indicating that stroke survivors may benefit from cardiovascular exercise during sub-acute stages to improve peak oxygen uptake and walking distance. Thus, cardiovascular exercise should be considered in sub-acute stroke rehabilitation. However, the study has several limitations that should be considered: possible publication and language bias; potentially confounding bias in one non-randomized study; participants who were moderately to mildly affected, therefore limiting the generalizability to the stroke population at large; lack of data for patients in the very early period after stroke (<7 days post event); no reports of possible medication effects on cardiovascular endurance (e.g., beta-blockers); short intervention durations without follow-up for the course of outcomes; varied study quality; limited concealed allocation and blinding of assessors; analyses of aerobic capacity strongly varied between studies or were not described sufficiently to ensure valid comparison; low publication bias that might account for some effects in the quantitative analysis. Clinical relevance: Despite limitations, this SR provides some promising evidence for post-stroke rehabilitation. According to this SR, cardiovascular exercise interventions and exercise testing protocols 89 using leg cycle ergometry have been found to be safe and feasible in the sub-acute stage after stroke. The authors assert that there is robust evidence that individuals with acute stroke, like Mrs. M, may benefit from these protocols to improve peak oxygen uptake, walking distance and endurance. Cardiovascular exercise protocols should be considered and possibly implemented into sub-acute stroke rehabilitation using sound, patient-centered clinical reasoning. Clinicians and researchers should follow ACSM guidelines for exercise testing and prescription to ensure medical safety of training protocols and comparability for future analyses. Further research is needed to develop appropriate methods for cardiovascular rehabilitation early after stroke and to evaluate longterm effects of cardiovascular exercise on aerobic capacity, physical functioning, and quality-of-life. Adapted from : Jewell, D. Guide to Evidence Based Physical Therapy Practice. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA 2008 90 Systematic Review – Evidence Appraisal Worksheet: Article #8 Zijlstra Citation (use AMA or APA format): Zijlstra A, Mancini M, Chiari L, Zijlstra W. Biofeedback for training balance and mobility tasks in older populations: A systematic review. J Neuroeng Rehab. 2010; 7(58). doi:10.1186/1743-0003-7-58. Level of Evidence (Oxford scale): 3a Does the design follow the Cochrane method? Appraisal Criterion Step 1 – formulating the question • Do the authors identify the focus of the review • A clearly defined question should specify the types of: • people (participants), • interventions or exposures, • outcomes that are of interest • studies that are relevant to answering the question Reader’s Comments Yes, the authors state that the focus of this SR is to “evaluate the feasibility and the effectiveness of biofeedback-based interventions in populations of healthy older persons, mobility-impaired older adults and frail older adults, i.e. older adults that are characterized by residential care, physical inactivity and/or falls.” Twenty-one studies met inclusion criteria for review. Step 2 – locating studies Should identify ALL relevant literature Did they include multiple databases? Was the search strategy defined and include: o Bibliographic databases used as well as hand searching o Terms (key words and index terms) o Citation searching: reference lists o Contact with ‘experts’ to identify ‘grey’ literature (body of materials that cannot be found easily through conventional channels such as publishers) o Sources for ‘grey literature’ Electronic databases used were: PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, CINAHL and PsycINFO. The search strategy was formulated with the assistance of an experienced librarian and was modified for various databases that did not have MeSH key terms registries (EMBASE, Web of Science, CINAHL and PsycINFO). Detailed key word and MeSH term lists were provided with thorough tracking of modifications within 3 main categories: 1) biofeedback, 2) Movement OR Posture OR Musculoskeletal Equilibrium, 3) Middle Aged OR Aged. Part 3:Critical Appraisal/Criteria for Inclusion • Were criteria for selection specified? • Did more than one author assess the relevance of each report • Were decisions concerning Yes. Different criteria were applied in selecting studies for evaluating (1) the feasibility, and (2) the effectiveness of biofeedback-based training programs for balance and/or mobility in older adults. To identify further studies, a ‘Related Articles’ search in PubMed and ‘Cited Reference Search’ in Web of Science were performed and reference lists of primary articles were scanned. Experts were contacted to identify grey literature, to obtain full-text articles and to provide study details as needed. 91 • relevance described; completed by non-experts, or both? Did the people assessing the relevance of studies know the names of the authors, institutions, journal of publication and results when they apply the inclusion criteria? Or is it blind? Study selection criteria for feasibility included: consideration of all available intervention studies published between 1990-2010, applied biofeedback for repeated sessions of training balance and/or mobility tasks in older adults, control-group design, mean age of 60+, and exclusion of specific medical conditions. Study selection criteria for effectiveness included: studies published up to 2010, the same criteria as stated for feasibility plus control-group designs specifically examining biofeedback effectiveness, and at least one objective measure of performing a balance or mobility task. The titles and abstracts of the results obtained by the database search were screened by 2 independent reviewers (AZ & MM). The full-text articles of references that were potentially relevant were independently retrieved and examined. A third reviewer (WZ) resolved any discrepancies. Only fulltext articles that were in English, Italian or Dutch were retrieved. In case a full- text article did not exist, the author was contacted to provide study details. No method of blinding was reported in the selection of studies. Part 3 – Critically appraise for bias: • Selection – • Were the groups in the study selected differently? • Random? Concealed? • Performance• Did the groups in the study receive different treatment? • Was there blinding? • Attrition – • Were the groups similar at the end of the study? • Account for drop outs? • Detection – • Did the study selectively report the results? • Is there missing data? 2 reviewers independently screened papers and included controlled studies in older adults (i.e. mean age equal to or greater than 60 years) if they applied biofeedback during repeated practice sessions, and if they used at least one objective outcome measure of a balance or mobility task. Since no selection criteria were applied regarding type of participants, besides the criteria of a mean age of 60 years or higher, the studies included different populations of mobility-impaired older adults as well as (frail) older adults without a specific medical condition. Studies that complied with the selection criteria for evaluating the feasibility of biofeedback-based interventions in older adults or for the effect evaluation were categorized into groups. A group consisted of at least 2 studies that evaluated similar type of interventions, or that had similar training 92 goals, and that were in similar types of older participants. The author’s reported that there was some disagreement regarding whether the groups were similar at baseline and at the end of the studies. The authors reported that blinding of subjects and therapists was not possible in any of the controlled trials due to the type of study. They also stated that only 3 articles reported blinding of assessors to treatment allocation. The authors report that there was some missing data in some of the studies that they were not able to obtain, which caused some disagreement between the authors. Part 4 – Collection of the data Was a collection data form used and is it included? Are the studies coded and is the data coding easy to follow? Were studies identified that were excluded & did they give reasons why (i.e., which criteria they failed). Are the results of this SR valid? Appraisal Criterion 78. Is this a SR of randomized trials? Did they limit this to high quality studies at the top of the hierarchies a. If not, what types of studies were included? b. What are the potential consequences of including these studies for this review’s results? 79. Did this study follow the Cochrane methods selection process and did it identify all relevant trials? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 80. Do the methods describe the processes and tools used to assess the quality of individual studies? Yes, a standardized form was developed to extract relevant information from the included articles. A first version was piloted on a subset of studies and modified accordingly. The form was included in the article. The studies were coded and easy to follow. The authors provided a list of excluded studies and clear reasons and failed criteria for exclusion. Reader’s Comments Seventeen of the 21 included studies were RCTs. The authors included some higher quality studies; however, several were low-moderate quality controlled trials. The potential consequences of this include a lower level of evidence analyzed and thus a lower Oxford score for the SR itself. There is thus a potential of bias and questionable reliability, validity and generalizability. The results of this SR should thus be interpreted with caution. No, the authors utilized the Cochrane database but did not report using the Cochrane methods selection process. The consequences are that the authors may not have identified all relevant trials. Yes, the authors described the processes and tools used to assess the quality of individual studies. They reported that 2 reviewers independently 93 a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 81. What was the quality of the individual studies included? Were the results consistent from study to study? Did the investigators provide details about the research validity or quality of the studies included in review? 82. Did the investigators address publication bias Are the valid results of this SR important? Appraisal Criterion 83. Were the results homogenous from study to study? a. If not, what are the consequences for this review’s results? 84. If the paper is a meta-analysis did they report the statistical results? Did they include a forest plat? What other statistics do they include? Are there CIs? 85. From the findings, is it apparent what the cumulative weight of the evidence is? screened papers and independently rated each study using the PEDro scale. The overall quality of the individual studies was Oxford 2b-4. The results varied from study to study. The authors provided detailed descriptions and tables summarizing the research validity and quality of studies. Yes, the authors reported that, despite the systematic approach, some potential sources of bias, such as language and publication bias, may have influenced the results of the review. In addition, some relevant studies may have been overlooked since literature was searched for in common databases. Reader’s Comments No, there was large heterogeneity in study characteristics and in study results. Some studies found strong indications for treatment while others did not. Heterogeneity makes it difficult or impossible to draw valid conclusions. This paper was not a meta-analysis and did not include any forest plots. Yes, the level of evidence ranged from a 2b to a 4. Seventeen of the 21 studies analyzed were RCTs and the remaining 4 were controlled trials. The cumulative weight of the evidence was on Oxford 3a. Can you apply this valid, important evidence from this SR in caring for your patient/client? What is the external validity? Appraisal Criterion Reader’s Comments 86. Is your patient different from those in The demographics of the subjects in the studies this SR? included in this SR varied; however, all were males and females 60 years old or greater. Mrs. M was 85-years-old. Some participants were healthy, some were mobility-impaired and others were frail older adults. Some participants had experienced a stroke, like Mrs. M, and others had not. 94 87. Is the treatment feasible in your setting? Do you have the facilities, skill set, time, 3rd party coverage to provide this treatment? 88. Does the intervention fit within your patient/client’s stated values or expectations? h. If not, what will you do now? What is the bottom line? Appraisal Criterion Summarize your findings and relate this back to clinical significance Yes, biofeedback is relatively inexpensive and feasible in the SNF setting. Some therapists may not have the knowledge or skill set; but the facility and 3rd party coverage would likely be feasible. Yes, Mrs. M and her family stated that walking “normally” again was important to them and biofeedback could potentially help her attain this. Reader’s Comments This article is a SR analyzing 21 articles to evaluate the feasibility and the effectiveness of biofeedbackbased interventions in populations of healthy older persons, mobility-impaired older adults and frail older adults, i.e. older adults that are characterized by residential care, physical inactivity and/or falls.” Twenty-one studies met inclusion criteria for review. Seventeen were RCTs and 4 were controlled trials. The authors found that there was an indication for effectiveness of visual and auditory feedback-based training of balance in (frail) older adults identified for postural sway, weight-shifting and reaction time and for the Berg Balance Scale. There were mildmoderate indications for added effectiveness of applying biofeedback during training of balance, gait, or sit-to-stand transfers in older patients poststroke. While these results are clinically relevant and should be considered in post-stroke rehab and gait training, many of the studies were of lower-moderate level of evidence and the SR results should thus be interpreted with caution and good clinical judgment. Further appropriate intervention studies are needed to make definitive statements regarding the shortand long-term added effectiveness of biofeedback on measures of functioning in post-stroke rehabilitation. Adapted from : Jewell, D. Guide to Evidence Based Physical Therapy Practice. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA 2008 95 APPENDIX B: DIAGRAM OF SEARCH PROCESS PubMed CINAHL Cochrane 362 157 68 “Stroke & physical therapy & gait training” with 7 limits 30 15 combinations & 6 limits Web of Science PEDro Keyword Search “Gait training post stroke” with 1 limit Keyword Search MeSH Database Keyword 76 Topic Search “Gait training post stroke” with 5 limits 806 Excluded: 86 Gait Training Strategies for Stroke 5 6 Gait Efficiency, Energy Conservation, CV Fit Efficacy of Post-Stroke Walking Aides 18 Interventions for Gait Coordination, Balance 3 CV Endurance, Gait Efficiency, Gait Strategies 3 Gait Efficacy 2 Walking Aides Gait Coordination 1 Topic not closely related, Non-similar population, low level of evidence, >10 years old 35 Excluded: 2 Selected based on appropriateness/ relevance of title in relation to PICO question 43 Excluded: Total Articles (Relevant to Topic) 11 Gait training acute stroke; Stroke and Ambulation, Stroke and physical therapy and gait training Irrelevant/duplicates, Low level of evidence 16 19 229 Keyword Search “Gait training post stroke” 6 Keywords used: Underpowered, bias, poor study design, study’s purpose not closely related to P.I.C.O. 8 Total Studies -Reviewed -Analyzed -Compared to PICO APPENDIX C: STUDY SUMMARIES TABLE Oxford Level of Evidence Purpose Outcome Measures Results Answer to Clinical Question # Author 1 Brosseau L, et al. (2006) 2a To create guidelines for 13 physical therapy interventions used in the management of adult patients (>18 years old) presenting with hemiplegia or hemiparesis following a single clinicallyidentifiable ischemic or hemorrhagic CVA, in order to promote the appropriate use of these interventions in stroke survivors. - Fugl-Meyer Scale - Barthel Index - Berg Balance Scale (BBS) - Functional Independence Measure (FIM) Scale - Rivermead Motor Assessment (RMI) - EADL - Gait speed (m/s) - 2-, 6-, and 10MWT - Timed Up and Go (TUG) The Ottawa Panel graded and recommended the use of several interventions to be considered in poststroke rehabilitation: therapeutic exercise, task-oriented training, biofeedback, gait training, balance training, constraintinduced movement therapy, treatment of shoulder subluxation, electrical stimulation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, acupuncture, and intensity and organization of rehabilitation. They developed 147 guidelines concerning the use of these interventions. Yes 2 Eng JJ, et al. (2007) 2a To systematically review common gait training strategies (neurodevelopmental techniques, muscle strengthening, treadmill training, intensive mobility exercises), presenting RCT results and implications for optimal gait training strategies. - Sodring Motor Evaluation Scale - Motor Assessment Scale - RMI Assessment - Gait speed (m/s) - 5- and 6MWT - TUG - FIM scale - Functional Ambulatory Category (FAC) 1) Neurodevelopmental approaches were equivalent or inferior to other approaches to improve walking ability. 2) Graded muscle strengthening (not using functional activities) improves muscle strength, but not transfer to improved walking ability. 3) Treadmill training had equivalent effects to overground gait training in subacute rehabilitation and beneficial effects compared to low intensity control groups in chronic stroke. 4) A combination of treadmill with task-specific practice may be optimal. 5) Intensive mobility training, which incorporates functional strengthening, balance and aerobic exercises and practice on a variety of walking tasks, improves gait ability both in sub-acute and chronic stroke. Yes 3 Hollands KL, et al. (2012) 3a To examine current non-surgical and non-pharmacological rehabilitation interventions in the treatment of gait coordination impairments, their effects on measures of gait coordination and walking ability and their theoretical basis. To examine the hypothesis that restoration of a coordinated gait pattern is a mechanism to improve overall walking ability. To identify gaps in the current knowledge base, directions for future research and promising interventions. 4 Kafri M, et al. (2015) 2a To systematically present and to critically review reported therapeutic benefits in regard to body function (e.g., muscle strength and tone) and mobilityrelated activities (e.g., gait speed) associated with lower extremity (LE) functional electrical stimulation (FES) in individuals post-stroke. - Gait speed (m/s) - Gait symmetry - Due to wide range of study methodologies included, outcome measures were combined and analyzed using a random-effects model. No other specific outcome measures were presented. - Interventions included: Task specific locomotor practice, AFOs and functional estim, auditory cueing and exercise were all assessed. - FIM Scale - RMI Assessment - Functional Reach Test - LE muscle work/work ratio - MVC, TCT, MI, UMC, EMG, PROM/AROM - Walking speed - Number of steps - Cadence/step length - TUG - Tinetti Gait and Balance - 6MWT When combined, the interventions had a moderate, positive effect on gait coordination. However, only auditory cueing showed a significantly positive (in that the participants’ gait became more symmetrical) effect when the different types of intervention were considered individually. Exercise showed a nonsignificant negative effect, in that the patient’s gait became less symmetrical during or after the intervention. Overall, the interventions showed significant improvements on gait speed. Each type of intervention also showed a positive effect. Auditory cueing showed the greatest effect, task specific practice and exercise had small but positive effects, while orthoses and FES produced the least change. This SR provided moderate but clinically significant evidence that functional electrical stimulation (FES) technology has the potential to promote gait performance and other aspects of LE motor recovery after stroke. When applied to tibialis anterior muscles, FES was shown to increase motor evoked potentials, especially when coupled with voluntary movement. FMRI studies have demonstrated that voluntary movement together with electrical stimulation was associated with increased brain activity and changes in the primary motor cortex, the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices, the sensorimotor cortex, the cerebellum, as well as with increased coupling between specific brain regions. There is also some evidence that treadmill training with FES can influence brain plasticity with some lasting effects. Yes Yes 98 5 Mehrholz J, et al. (2013) 2a To update a previous systematic review performed by the same authors in 2007. To investigate the effects of automated electromechanical and roboticassisted gait training devices for improving walking after stroke. To estimate the likelihood or chance of becoming independent in walking as the result of these interventions. - FAC Assessment - Barthel Index - FIM Scale - RMI Assessment - Walking speed (m/s) - 6MWT - Number of adverse reactions 6 Saunders DH, et al. (2013) 2a To update a previous SR by the same authors. To determine whether fitness training after stroke reduces death, dependence, and disability. To determine the effects of training on physical fitness, mobility (gait speed and gait capacity), physical function, health status and quality of life, mood, and incidence of adverse events.” - SF – 36 - State-Trait Anxiety Inventory - Muscle strength - FAC Assessment - Preferred/Maximal walking speed - Paretic knee torque force analysis - Biomechanical gait parameters, stance symmetry, contact time, stride cadence steps/minute, gait endurance, gait economy, walking quality - 6MWT, TUG, 10Meter Timed Walks - FIM - Barthel Index - Fugl-Meyer Scale - Health-related QOL questionnaires - NEADL, RMI, HADS, MAS, BBS, BMI, fatigue questionnaires - Additional measures Electromechanical-assisted gait training in combination with conventional physical therapy increases the odds of acute, nonambulatory stroke patients becoming independent in walking after stroke. Specifically, people in the first three months after stroke and those who are unable to walk at intervention onset seem to benefit the most from this type of intervention. Results indicate that people in the chronic phase of stroke (3 months post) may not benefit from electromechanical-assisted gait training. Electromechanical gait training did not significantly increase walking velocity or walking capacity. Cardiorespiratory training involving walking appeared to improve maximum walking speed, preferred gait speed, walking capacity, and Berg Balance scores after intervention. Mixed training involving walking and resistance training appeared to increase preferred walking speed, walking capacity and pooled balance scores but the evidence was weaker. Some mobility benefits persisted after follow-up. Global indices of disability show a trend of improvement after cardiorespiratory training; however, benefits at follow-up and after mixed training were unclear. There was insufficient evidence to support the use of resistance training. Yes Yes 99 7 Stoller O, et al. (2012) 2a To evaluate the effectiveness of cardiovascular exercise (CV) early after stroke and to provide an overview of the currently available evidence for the use of CV training in the early stages after stroke. To identify strategies that have the potential to affect physical functioning and might be used in future early intervention studies for individuals with stroke. - 5-, 6-, and 10MWT - FAC Scale - Functional Mobility LE - FMMS UE and LE - Barthel Index - Lawton ADL - Berg Balance Scale - 4 Square Step Test - Functional Reach Test - Leg cycle ergometry - RMI Score - Katz-ADL Scale - Number of stairs - Stroke Impact Scale - VO2 consumption, cost, and peak - Heart rate rest, work, and peak - Blood pressure rest, work Fair to good evidence indicating that stroke survivors may benefit from cardiovascular exercise during acute stroke to improve peak oxygen uptake, walking distance and endurance. The researchers found that cardiovascular exercise should be considered and possibly implemented in acute stroke rehabilitation using sound, patientcentered clinical reasoning and following ACSM guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. Yes 8 Zijlstra A, et al. (2010) 3a To evaluate the feasibility and the effectiveness of biofeedback-based interventions in populations of healthy older persons, mobilityimpaired older adults and frail older adults, i.e. older adults that are characterized by residential care, physical inactivity and/or falls. - COP asymmetry during standing - Sway during normal/tandem standing - CB&M Scale - 6MWT, BBS, TUG - Sway (SOT), weightshifting (100%LOS), and weight distribution - Base of support - RMI, EADL, MAS - Max gait velocity - Gait: Time-distance, kinematic/kinetic parameters - Stride width, step length, foot angle - Velocity, asymmetry and peak knee extension during walking and MAS There was an indication for effectiveness of visual and auditory feedback-based training of balance in (frail) older adults identified for postural sway, weightshifting and reaction time and for the Berg Balance Scale. There were mild-moderate indications for added effectiveness of applying biofeedback during training of balance, gait, or sit-to-stand transfers in older patients post-stroke. Yes 100 101