SYSTEMS THINKING Systems ecology Neža Orel INTRODUCTION A system is a complex whole the functioning of which depends on its parts and the interactions between those parts (Jackson M.C., 2003). A set of components that interact with one another and serve for a common purpose or goal. Different types of systems: • Physical • Biological • Designed • Abstract • Social • Human activity. Phylosophical systems River system Automobiles Quality assurance Living organisms Families Reductionism „A complex system is nothing but the sum of its parts.“ • Traditional, scientific method for studying systems. • Decompose complex system on less complex sub systems. • Tries to identify the parts, understand the parts and work up from an understanding of the parts to understanding of the whole. The whole is often not recognizable from the parts. The whole emerges from the interactions between the parts, which affect each other through complex networks of relationships. Holism „The whole is greather than the sum of its parts.“ • It sees the complex systems as wholes, not as collections of parts. • It is interested in the parts and relationships between them, but primarily in terms how they give a rise to the whole. • This approach can cope with problems of complexity, diversity and change in complex systems. • Encounter of holism with philosophy, biology, control engineering, organization and management theory and the physical science. PHILOSOPHY • Classical Greek philosophers: • Aristotle (384-322 BC) – The parts of the body only make sense in terms of the way they function to support the whole organism. • 18th and 19th century: • Kant (1724-1804) – Believed it was helpful for humans to think in terms of wholes, self-organization is introduced. • Hegel (1770-1831) – Introduced process into system thinking. An understanding of whole could be approached through a systemic unfolding of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. BIOLOGY • Understanding the whole organisms. • 1920s and 1930s: Organisms are more than the sum of their parts. • One of the key characteristics of the organization of living organisms is hierarchy – molecules, organelles, cells, organs, organisms. • At certain points in hierarchy one level have properties, which did not exist at levels below. BIOLOGY • Organism had a clear boundary, which separates it from its environment: • Autonomy • Sustained itself in a steady state by carrying out transactions across this boundary with its environment. It had to be capable of making internal transformations to ensure that it was adapted to its environment. The processes which maintain the steady state were referred to as homeostatic – selfregulating mechanism which controls body T. This behaviour was result of interdependence of individual parts, which gave a rise to new level of organized complexity. BIOLOGY Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1972): • Organisms should be studied as complex wholes. • Distinction between closed systems and open systems. • Closed system – has no exchanges with its environment. • Open system – allow interactions between its internal elements and environment. Depend on the environment – take inputs from environment, transform them and return them. BIOLOGY Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1972): • “General system theory”: • Interdisciplinary study of systems in general, with the goal of elucidating principles that can be applied to all types of systems at all levels in all fields of research. • A general theory of systems that would help to create a coherent theoretical model of relevance to all living systems. • The open systems in biology could be demonstrated by open systems in other domains. BIOLOGY The biological system model Properties of biological system: • Boundary: System is separated from environment. • Components: System has a complex structure – it can be divided into subsystems which also contains parts. • Hierarchy: Systems are arranged in a hierarchy of systems. • Homeostasis: The close interrelationships between the subsystems must ensure homeostasis – the maintenance of a steady state. • Management: One subsystem is trying to ensure integration and co-ordination. • Comunication with environment: The system takes inputs of material, energy and information from environment, uses some to sustain itself and transforms the rest into outputs. BIOLOGY Maturana and Varela (1980): • Emphasized the closed system of interactions that occurs in living entities. • These interactions ensure self-production of the system and its autonomy. • They named such self-producing systems autopoietic. • Autopoietic systems can change their structure, only with a view to keeping their fundamental organizational identity unaffected. • This perspective emphasis that living systems are „selfproducting“ mechanisms which maintain their particular form despite material inflow and outflow. CONTROL ENGINEERING Norbert Wiener (1894-1964): • A mathematician and control engineer • Cybernetics (1948) – the science of control and communication in the animal and the machine. • A new science for studying systems in many different disciplines because it deal with general laws that governed control processes. • Two key concepts: control and communication CONTROL ENGINEERING Purposive behaviour – a behaviour directed to achieve a goal – requires negative feedback. Negative feedback: • A process in which information is transmitted about any divergence of behaviour from a present goal and corrective action taken, on the basis of this information, to bring the behaviour back towards the goal. Positive feedback: • Tries to amplify the deviations from a goal. CONTROL ENGINEERING CONTROL ENGINEERING William Ross Ashby (1903-1972): • Variety refer to the number of possible states a system can exhibit. • System can only be controlled if the controller can command the same degree of variety as the system. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT THEORY • Two main forms: • Basic systems concepts were incorporated in the scientific management tradition to yield optimizing approaches, such as systems engineering. • Wholesale transfer of the biological analogy. • They failed to recognize that systems containing human beings are purposeful. The purpose of biological systems is survival. The parts of social systems can generate their own purposes from inside the system. • Social and organizational systems have multiple purposes: they are purposeful. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT THEORY • Terminology used for describe purposeful systems: • Stakeholder – any group with interest in what the system is doing • Decision-makers or owners – have the power to make things happen in systems • Actors – carry out basic tasks • Customers or clients – benefit or suffers from what a system does • Problem-owners – worry about the performance of some aspect of a system • Witnesses – are affected by systems but unable to influence their behaviour • Problem-solvers or analysts – try to improve the system. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT THEORY • Purposes came from the human mind – attention also has to be given to different mental models. • Mental models are made up of a mix of the understanding and values that individuals have gathered through their experiences and education. • Individual or group of people can constitute their own world view or Weltanschauung (‘world image’). • For those who want to manage purposeful systems world image becomes critical. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT THEORY • In case of purposeful systems the concept of boundary becomes very significant. • The boundary for purposeful systems, depends on the world view of the person observing the system. • Business system should include natural environment, local community, unemployed people etc. • Values and ethics play a part. THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES • Systems thinking emerged as a transdiscipline, in the 1940s and 1950s, in a large part as a reaction to the reductionism and its failure to cope with the complexity in biological and social domains. • The systems thinking was the antithesis of the scientific method. • More recently the physical science undergone their own systems revolution and holism have been welcomed in physic and chemistry. • It offered new forms of explanation and exploration. THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES • Quantum theory in physics and the study of dissipative structures in chemistry are examples of a more holistic orientation in the physical science. • Quantum physics: the concept of indeterminacy and new meaning to the concept of relationships. • Chemistry: reinforcement of the process view of systems and the idea of selforganization. • The most important has been the birth of a new kind of general system theory in science – a complexity theory. THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES • Complexity theory complements the normal systems concern for order by being equally concerned with disorder. • Complex systems appear to exhibit disorder, irregularity and unpredictability, that’s why they are hard to understand. • Complexity theorists demonstrated that a small change in the initial conditions of a system can lead to large-scale consequences later on. These two plots demonstrate sensitive dependence on initial conditions. THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES • They also found that apparent chaos has a pattern. • Complex systems never repeat exactly the same behaviour, but what they do remains within certain limits. • The patterns that govern complex systems seem to be repeated at different levels of the system. The parts of the whole are similar in shape to the whole. Example: cauliflowers, snowflakes… THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES • ‘Edge of chaos’ – Narrow transitional zone between order and chaos where systems become capable of taking on new forms of behaviour. • ‘Edge of chaos’ – A metaphor that some physical, biological, economic and social systems operate in a region between order and complete randomness or chaos, where complexity is maximal. • Systems that are too simple are static and those that are too active are chaotic – on the edge between these two behaviours system can undertake productive activity. WHY IS THE SYSTEMS LANGUAGE SO POWERFUL? • The emphasis on holism offers a useful corrective to reductionism. Systems are complex and the relationships between the parts are crucial. • The emphasis modern systems thinking puts on process as well as structure. This stems from systems philosophy, from von Bertalanffy’s open systems concept and from complex theory. • The transdisciplinarity of systems thinking. It draws its ideas and concepts from a variety of different disciplines and in so doing can draw on their different strengths. Thank you for your attention! QUESTIONS • Which are two approaches for studying systems, and what is the difference between them? • Which are impotant ideas introduced by Ludwig von Bertalanffy? How did he expaned open system model. • Describe negative and positive feedback. • How the systems thinking in physical science started? Explain the term „Edge of chaos“. • Why is the systems language important? Why is so powerful?