FLASHCARD PRINTOUTS LANG & LIT Num Type Question Answer Source 1 People Gertrude Stein Tsar:7 2 Groups a generation Tsar:7 3 Objects the sun Tsar:7 4 Objects the sea Tsar:7 5 Places Objects Religion Characters Sports Sports Description “the place from whence the rivers come” Ecclesiastes Judaism Spider Kelly middleweight gym frank and simple Tsar:7 6 7 8 9 10 11 Tsar:7 Tsar:11 Tsar:11 Tsar:11 Tsar:11 Tsar:12 12 Places military school Tsar:12 13 14 15 Places Numbers Sports Princeton 5 boxing Tsar:12 Tsar:12 Tsar:12 16 17 Numbers Numbers 3 $50,000 Tsar:12 Tsar:12 18 19 Places Places California Carmel, California Tsar:12 Tsar:12 20 Places Provincetown, Massachusetts Tsar:12 21 Plot Details editor Tsar:13 22 Plot Details the expense to maintain it Tsar:13 23 Numbers The first epigraph stating, “You are all a lost generation,” is attributed to a conversation with this person. The second epigraph states that one of this group “passeth away” and another “cometh.” The second epigraph states that this celestial body “hasteth to the place where he arose.” The second epigraph states that this body of water “is not full.” The second epigraph states that the rivers “return again” to this place. The second epigraph is an excerpt from this book. Robert Cohn belongs to this religion. Robert Cohn’s boxing coach has this name. Robert Cohn is this type of boxing champion. Robert Cohn only fought in college in this place. Jake Barnes mistrusts people who have these two qualities. Robert Cohn attended this type of school before college. Robert Cohn attended this university. Robert Cohn’s first marriage lasted this many years. Robert Cohn took out his ‘bitterness’ by playing this sport. Robert Cohn has this many children. Robert Cohn inherited this much money from his father. Robert Cohn moves to this state after his divorce. Robert Cohn’s review of the Arts began publication in this city. Robert Cohn’s review of the Arts finished publication in this city. Robert Cohn held this role at the arts review magazine. Robert Cohn abandoned the arts review magazine for this reason. Robert Cohn and Frances Clyne are in Europe for this many years. 3 Tsar:13 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 24 Plot Details Robert Cohn and Frances Clyne spent their first year in Europe doing this activity. traveling Tsar:13 25 Places Robert Cohn and Frances Clyne spent their last 2 years in Europe in this city. Paris Tsar:13 26 Characters These two characters were Robert Cohn’s only friends in Europe. Jake Barnes and Braddocks Tsar:13 27 Characters This character is Robert Cohn’s girlfriend. Frances Clyne Tsar:13 28 Numbers Robert Cohn receives this monthly allowance from his mother. $300 Tsar:13 29 Plot Details Robert Cohn discovered this interest in Europe. writing Tsar:13 30 Description Jake Barnes’ describes Robert Cohn’s novel this way. “very poor” Tsar:13 31 Objects Robert Cohn completed this type of work in Europe. a novel Tsar:13 32 Actions Robert Cohn occupied his time in Europe with these four leisure activities. reading, playing bridge, playing tennis, and boxing Tsar:13 33 Places Robert Cohn boxes in Paris at this type of establishment. a local gymnasium Tsar:13 34 Places Robert Cohn would have rather been in this place than Europe. the United States Tsar:13 35 Places Jake Barnes discovers Frances Clyne’s “attitude” towards Robert Cohn at this place. Café de Versailles Tsar:13 36 Objects Jake Barnes, Robert Cohn, and Frances Clyne drink this beverage at Café de Versailles. coffee Tsar:14 37 Places Jake Barnes suggests that Robert Cohn and Frances Clyne fly with him to this city. Strasbourg Tsar:14 38 Unnamed People Jake Barnes says he knows this person in Strasbourg. “a girl” Tsar:14 39 Places Strasbourg is located in this region of France. Alsace Tsar:14 40 Places Jake Barnes suggests walking from Strasbourg to this place. Saint Odile Tsar:14 41 Places Jake Barnes suggests traveling to one of these three cities in lieu of Strasbourg. Bruges, Ardennes, and Senlis Tsar:14 42 Description Jake Barnes knows “a girl” in Strasbourg who is this nationality. American Tsar:14 43 Places Jake Barnes suggests staying at this hotel in Senlis. Grand Cerf Tsar:14 44 Sports After their conversation at Café de Versailles, Jake Barnes says he will see Robert Cohn at this place. “the courts” Tsar:14 45 Objects Robert Cohn forgets this item at Café de Versailles. his paper Tsar:15 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 46 Characters Jake Barnes thinks this character controls Robert Cohn’s life. Frances Clyne Tsar:15 47 Plot Details Robert Cohn leaves Europe with his novel during this season. winter Tsar:16 48 Description Robert Cohn feels this way about America upon returning to Europe. “enthusiastic” Tsar:16 49 Description Jake Barnes is sure that Robert Cohn never has felt this way in regards to women. “in love” Tsar:16 50 Plot Details Robert Cohn met several of this type of woman in New York. nice women Tsar:16 51 Characters Robert Cohn “had never seen beyond” this woman before going to New York. Frances Clyne Tsar:16 52 Actions Robert Cohn discovered this action was not a “divine miracle.” “a woman caring for him and wanting to live with him” Tsar:16 53 Actions This act was Robert Cohn’s rebound from an unpleasant college experience. marriage Tsar:16 54 Characters This person is Robert Cohn’s rebound from his marriage. Frances Clyne Tsar:16 55 Sports Robert Cohn played several hands of this game in New York. bridge Tsar:17 56 Numbers Robert Cohn wins this much money playing bridge. “several hundred dollars” Tsar:17 57 People This author wrote The Purple Land. W. H. Hudson Tsar:17 58 Sports Robert Cohn is “vain” because of his success in this pastime. bridge Tsar:17 59 Sports Robert Cohn thinks “a man could make a living” playing this game. bridge Tsar:17 60 Description Jake Barnes uses this word to describe The Purple Land if “read too late in life.” “sinister” Tsar:17 61 Description The protagonist of The Purple Land is this nationality. English Tsar:17 62 Plot Detail Jake Barnes thinks the author describes this element of The Purple Land “very well.” the scenery Tsar:17 63 Plot Detail Jake Barnes makes this analogy for Robert Cohn’s affinity for The Purple Land. like a man entering “Wall Street direct from a French convent” Tsar:17 64 People The “man” mentioned in Jake Barnes’ analogy of The Purple Land is equipped with this author’s books. Horatio Alger Tsar:17 65 People Jake Barnes believes Robert Cohn read The Purple Land as if it had been a report by this company. R. G. Dun Tsar:17 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 66 Places Jake Barnes realizes in this place the extent of The Purple Land’s impact on Robert Cohn. Jake’s office Tsar:17 67 Plot Detail Jake Barnes does not want to travel to South America for this reason. the expense Tsar:17 68 Groups Robert Cohn claims this community in Paris is not “real.” South Americans Tsar:17 69 Objects Jake Barnes needs to catch this transportation “with a week’s mail stories”. a boat train Tsar:17 70 Plot Detail Jake Barnes asks Robert Cohn for this type of information after their South America conversation. “dirt” Tsar:17 71 Actions Jake Barnes asks Robert Cohn if his “exalted connections” have experienced this life change. divorce Tsar:17 72 Actions Robert Cohn makes this offer to persuade Jake Barnes to travel to South America with him. to pay his expenses Tsar:18 73 Plot Details Robert Cohn wants Jake Barnes to travel with him to South America for this reason. his Spanish language skills Tsar:18 74 Plot Details This preference makes Jake Barnes not interested in going to South America. his affinity for Paris Tsar:18 75 Plot Details This ritual makes Jake Barnes not interested in going to South America. summer vacations in Spain Tsar:18 76 Description Robert Cohn is afraid of being this way before he can travel to South America. “too old” Tsar:18 77 Objects Jake Barnes says this advantage enables Robert Cohn to go anywhere he wants. money Tsar:18 78 Description Robert Cohn claims this reason prevents him from going to South America. not being able to “get started” Tsar:18 79 Plot Detail Jake Barnes tells Robert Cohn to make this emotional shift during their conversation about South America. “cheer up” Tsar:18 80 Objects “All countries look just like” this media according to Jake Barnes. “moving pictures” Tsar:18 81 Plot Details Jake Barnes feels this sentiment towards Robert Cohn during their conversation about South America. pity Tsar:18 82 Description Robert Cohn believes his life is moving at this speed. fast Tsar:18 83 Description Robert Cohn fears he lives his life this way. “not really” Tsar:18 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 84 Groups Jake Barnes believes this group lives life “all the way.” bullfighters Tsar:18 85 Description Robert Cohn believes bullfighters have this kind of life. “abnormal” Tsar:18 86 Places Jake Barnes suggests that Robert Cohn visit this place instead of South America. East Africa Tsar:18 87 Places Jake Barnes would travel with Robert Cohn to this place. East Africa Tsar:18 88 Sports Jake Barnes suggests Robert Cohn do this activity in East Africa. hunting Tsar:18 89 Sports This sport does not interest Robert Cohn. hunting Tsar:18 90 Actions Jake Barnes accuses Robert Cohn of not doing this activity to get himself interested in hunting. reading a book about it Tsar:18 91 Groups Jake Barnes claims hunting books are “full of love affairs” with this type of people. “black princesses” Tsar:18 92 Description Jake Barnes uses these three words to describe Robert Cohn’s “streak”. “hard,” “Jewish,” and “stubborn” Tsar:18 93 Religion Jake Barnes references this religion when referring to Robert Cohn’s “streak.” Judaism Tsar:18 94 Actions After their conversation about South America, Jake Barnes suggests this activity to Robert Cohn. drinking Tsar:18 95 Places This place provides Jake Barnes with the “best way” to get rid of friends. the café under his office Tsar:19 96 Actions Jake Barnes uses this common excuse after getting a drink to get rid of friends. having “to get back and get off some cables” Tsar:19 97 Description According to Jake Barnes, it is “very important” to have out exit strategies that have this quality. graceful Tsar:19 98 Objects Jake Barnes and Robert Cohn enjoy these two drinks in the downstairs café. whiskey and soda Tsar:19 99 Objects Jake Barnes says there is “a lot of” this item in the downstairs café. liquor Tsar:19 100 Plot Detail Robert Cohn feels like he is wasting this experience. his life Tsar:19 101 Plot Details Robert Cohn fears this experience “is going by” without him taking advantage of it. his life Tsar:19 102 Description Robert Cohn thinks he and Jake Barnes have lived this much time. half their lives Tsar:19 103 Numbers Robert Cohn believes he and Jake Barnes will be dead in this number of years. 35 Tsar:19 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 104 Plot Details Jake Barnes tells Robert Cohn he is “through” doing this activity. worrying Tsar:19 105 Unnamed People Jake Barnes warns Robert Cohn that it is impossible to escape this person. “yourself” Tsar:19 106 Description Jake Barnes tells Robert Cohn he will feel this way if he travels to South America. “the same” Tsar:19 107 Places Jake Barnes tells Robert Cohn that this “town” is good. Paris Tsar:19 108 Actions Jake Barnes gives Robert Cohn this advice in the café under his office. to “start living” Tsar:19 109 Places Robert Cohn is “sick of” this city. Paris Tsar:19 110 Places Robert Cohn has lost his desire to live in this part of Paris. The Quarter Tsar:19 111 Actions Jake Barnes gives Robert Cohn this advice about the Quarter. to “stay away” from it Tsar:20 112 Description Jake Barnes advises Robert Cohn to “cruise around” Paris this way. by himself Tsar:20 113 Actions Robert Cohn claims he did this activity alone one night in Paris. walk Tsar:20 114 Unnamed People This person stopped Robert Cohn when he was out walking at night. a bicycle cop Tsar:20 115 Objects A cop asked Robert Cohn for this item when he walked alone in Paris. his papers Tsar:20 116 Plot Details Robert Cohn has these “two stubbornnesses.” his trust that “South America could fix it” and his dislike for Paris Tsar:20 117 Objects Robert Cohn got his ‘stubborn’ ideas from this type of object. books Tsar:20 118 Objects Jake Barnes insists he has to send these communications to try to abandon Robert Cohn in the downstairs café. cables Tsar:20 119 Places Robert Cohn asks Jake Barnes if he can “sit around” this place. Jake’s office Tsar:20 120 Places Robert Cohn sits in this part of Jake Barnes’ office. “the outer room” Tsar:20 121 Plot Details Jake Barnes’ gives this response to Robert Cohn’s request to sit in his office. “come on up” Tsar:20 122 Actions Robert Cohn does this action while Jake Barnes works in his office. “read the papers” Tsar:20 123 Unnamed People Jake Barnes works with these two people in his office. the Editor and the Publisher Tsar:20 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 124 Numbers Jake Barnes “worked hard” for this many hours with Robert Cohn in his office. 2 Tsar:20 125 Objects Jake Barnes “sorted out” this type of item with Robert Cohn in his office. carbons Tsar:20 126 Objects Jake Barnes stamped this item with Robert Cohn in his office. “a by-line” Tsar:20 127 Places Jake Barnes rang for a boy to take the Editor and Publisher to this place. Gare St. Lazare Tsar:20 128 Actions Jake Barnes finds Robert Cohn doing this activity in his office. sleeping Tsar:20 129 Actions Jake Barnes does not want to do this action to the sleeping Robert Cohn. wake him up Tsar:20 130 Actions Jake Barnes wants to do these two things when he finds Robert Cohn asleep. “lock up the office” and leave Tsar:20 131 Plot Details Robert Cohn utters this phrase when Jake Barnes tries to wake him in his office. “I can’t do it” Tsar:20 132 Body Jake Barnes shakes this part of Robert Cohn’s body to wake him. his shoulder Tsar:20 133 Actions Robert Cohn makes this facial expression when Jake Barnes awakens him. smile Tsar:20 134 Actions Robert Cohn makes this expression with his eyes when Jake Barnes awakens him. blinks Tsar:20 135 Description Robert Cohn describes his dream this way after waking up in Jake’s office. “rotten” Tsar:20 136 Objects Robert Cohn guesses the sound of this office item put him to sleep. the typewriter Tsar:20 137 Actions Robert Cohn did not do this activity the night before he falls asleep in Jake Barnes’ office. sleep Tsar:21 138 Actions Robert Cohn gives this reason for not sleeping the night before meeting with Jake Barnes. “talking” with Frances Clyne Tsar:21 139 Plot Details Jake Barnes has a “rotten habit” of picturing these scenes. “the bedroom scenes” of his friends Tsar:21 140 Groups Jake Barnes and Robert Cohn watch this group on the Boulevard. “the evening crowd” Tsar:21 141 Objects Jake Barnes and Robert Cohn share this drink after leaving Barnes’ office at night. an apéritif Tsar:21 142 Places Jake Barnes and Robert Cohn take an apéritif at this café. Café Napolitain Tsar:21 143 Plot Details Jake Barnes and Robert Cohn have an apéritif on a warm night in this season. Spring Tsar:22 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 144 Places Jake Barnes sits in this section of Café Napolitain after Robert Cohn leaves. the terrace Tsar:22 145 Objects While at Café Napolitain, Jake Barnes watches these objects “come on.” electric signs Tsar:22 146 Objects While at Café Napolitain, Jake Barnes watches the “red and green” of these objects change. traffic lights Tsar:22 147 Groups Jake Barnes watches these three groups go by while alone at the Café Napolitain. the crowd, the horse-cabs, and the poules Tsar:22 148 Groups Jake Barnes uses this French term to refer to prostitutes. poules Tsar:22 149 Plot Details Jake Barnes claims the poules are looking for this evening routine. “the evening meal” Tsar:22 150 Plot Details Georgette asks Jake Barnes if he is going to this type of event. a party Tsar:22 151 Objects Jake Barnes calls this drink a “greenish imitation absinthe.” pernod Tsar:23 152 Description Pernod takes on this quality when one adds water. “milky” Tsar:23 153 Objects Pernod has this flavor according to Jake Barnes. licorice Tsar:23 154 Description Jake Barnes claims this feeling happens when a person drinks pernod. “a good uplift” Tsar:23 155 Description Georgette seems this way while drinking her pernod. sullen Tsar:23 156 Plot Details Jake Barnes asks if Georgette will buy him this meal. dinner Tsar:23 157 Plot Details Georgette “made a point of not laughing” because of this problem. bad teeth Tsar:23 158 Objects Jake Barnes summons this type of transportation for Georgette and himself. a horse-cab Tsar:23 159 Description Jake Barnes calls the “smoothly rolling” horse-cab by this term. a fiacre Tsar:23 160 Places Jake Barnes and Georgette first travel on this avenue in the cab. Avenue de l’Opéra Tsar:23 161 Objects Jake Barnes and Georgette’s cab passes this “bureau.” The New York Herald Tsar:23 162 Objects The window of The New York Herald bureau is “full of” this object. clocks Tsar:23 163 Description Jake Barnes informs Georgette that all the clocks at The New York Herald display this time. “American time” Tsar:23 164 Plot Details Georgette says this phrase to Jake Barnes when he tells her about the clocks in the office window. “don’t kid me” Tsar:23 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 165 Places Jake Barnes and Georgette’s cab turns onto this street from the Avenue de l’Opéra. Rue des Pyramides Tsar:23 166 Places Jake Barnes and Georgette’s cab turns onto this street from the Rue des Pyramides. Rue de Rivoli Tsar:23 167 Places Jake Barnes and Georgette’s cab enters “through a dark gate” to this place. the Tuileries Tsar:23 168 Body Jake Barnes rejects this body part of Georgette’s. her hand Tsar:23 169 Plot Details Georgette “looked up” at Jake Barnes to indicate this desire. “to be kissed” Tsar:23 170 Inference Jake Barnes’ rejection of Georgette’s hand alludes to this ailment. his impotence Tsar:23 171 Description Georgette tells Jake Barnes that everybody is this way. “sick” Tsar:23 172 Places Jake Barnes and Georgette’s cab turns onto this street upon leaving the Tuileries. Rue de Saint Pères Tsar:23 173 Places Jake Barnes and Georgette’s cab crosses this river. the Seine Tsar:23 174 Objects Georgette tells Jake Barnes not to drink this beverage if he is sick. pernod Tsar:23 175 Unnamed People Georgette thinks it does not matter what she drinks because she is this kind of person. a woman Tsar:24 176 Characters The poule accompanying Jake in the cab introduces herself with this name. Georgette Tsar:24 177 Characters Jake Barnes introduces himself to Georgette with this name. Jacob Tsar:24 178 Description Georgette says Jake Barnes has this type of name. Flemish Tsar:24 179 Groups Georgette “detests” this group of people. “Flamands” Tsar:24 180 Unnamed People Jake Barnes uses this name to refer to the horse-cab driver. the cocher Tsar:24 181 Places Jake Barnes asks the driver to drop them off at this type of place. a restaurant Tsar:24 182 Places Georgette is not impressed with this place. the restaurant where the driver takes she and Jake Barnes Tsar:24 183 Places Jake Barnes suggests that Georgette eat at this restaurant. Foyot’s Tsar:24 184 Places Jake Barnes suggests that Georgette “keep” this thing. the cab Tsar:24 185 Plot Details Jake Barnes says he picked up Georgette for this reason. wanting to eat dinner with a woman Tsar:24 186 Unnamed People Jake Barnes forgets it is “dull” to dine with this type of person. “a poule” Tsar:24 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 187 Characters Jake Barnes and Georgette pass this person “at the desk” of the restaurant. Madame Lavigne Tsar:24 188 Description Georgette does not think the restaurant is this way. “chic” Tsar:24 189 Objects Georgette claims this element of the restaurant is “all right.” “the food” Tsar:24 190 Places According to Jake Barnes, the food at the restaurant is better than that found in this city. Liège Tsar:24 191 Places Georgette thinks Jakes Barnes means this city during their dinner conversation. Brussels Tsar:24 192 Objects In the restaurant, Jake Barnes and Georgette have another of this item. bottle of wine Tsar:24 193 Plot Details Georgette smiles after making this type of remark at the restaurant. a joke Tsar:24 194 Objects Jake Barnes and Georgette “touch” these items in the restaurant. their wine glasses Tsar:24 195 Description Georgette does not think Jake Barnes is this kind of person. “a bad type” Tsar:24 196 Plot Details Jake Barnes was wounded in this war. World War I Tsar:24 197 Plot Details Georgette thinks this problem of Jake Barnes’ is a “shame.” his sickness Tsar:24 198 Description Georgette uses this word to describe the war. “dirty” Tsar:24 199 Plot Details Jake Barnes predicts Georgette would agree that World War I was this way. “a calamity for civilization” Tsar:24 200 Plot Details Jake Barnes assumes he and Georgette would agree this event should have been avoided. World War I Tsar:25 201 Characters This person interrupts Jake Barnes and Georgette’s conversation. Braddocks Tsar:25 202 Plot Details Jake Barnes experiences of this feeling during his conversation with Georgette. boredom Tsar:25 203 Characters Braddocks calls Jake Barnes by this name. Barnes Tsar:25 204 Characters This man is at the table with Braddocks. Robert Cohn Tsar:25 205 Characters This married woman is at the table with Braddocks. Mrs. Braddocks Tsar:25 206 Characters This woman is at the table with Braddocks. Frances Clyne Tsar:25 207 Plot Details Braddocks invites Jake Barnes to this gathering. “the dance” Tsar:25 208 Plot Details Mrs. Braddocks claims to have “revived” this activity. dancing Tsar:25 209 Description Frances Clyne has this expression when inviting Jake to the dance. “a smile” Tsar:25 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 210 Description Jake Barnes observes this feature of Frances Clyne’s when she invites him to the dance. her tall height Tsar:25 211 Objects Braddocks invites Jake Barnes to drink this beverage at the restaurant. coffee Tsar:25 212 Characters Mrs. Braddocks tells Jake to bring this “friend.” Georgette Tsar:25 213 Description Mrs. Braddocks is of this nationality. Canadian Tsar:25 214 Description Mrs. Braddocks possesses this quality. “easy social graces” Tsar:25 215 Groups Jake Barnes tells Georgette his friends are these two types of people. “writers and artists” Tsar:25 216 Places Georgette thinks Paris has lots of writers and artists on “this side” of this geographical feature. “the river” Tsar:25 217 Objects Georgette concedes that some writers and artists acquire this thing. money Tsar:25 218 Plot Details Jake Barnes and Georgette finish this activity before joining his friends. dinner Tsar:25 219 Objects Jake Barnes and Georgette finish this beverage before joining his friends. wine Tsar:25 220 Objects Georgette opens this item at the table. her bag Tsar:25 221 Objects Jake Barnes tells Georgette they are going to have this beverage with “the others.” coffee Tsar:25 222 Objects Georgette makes “a few passes at her face” while looking at this object. “the little mirror” Tsar:25 223 Body Georgette “re-defined” this part of her face with make-up. her lips Tsar:25 224 Objects Georgette uses this cosmetic item. Lipstick Tsar:25 225 Objects Georgette straightens this article of clothing before joining Jake Barnes’ friends. her hat Tsar:25 226 Plot Details Georgette uses this word to signify she is ready to join Jake Barnes’ friends. “good” Tsar:25 227 Groups This group stands up when Jake Barnes and Georgette approach Braddocks’ table. “the men” Tsar:25 228 Unnamed People Jake Barnes describes Georgette as this relation to him when he introduces her to the people at Braddocks’ table. his “fiancée” Tsar:25 229 Characters Jake Barnes makes up this last name for Georgette when introducing her to his friends. Leblanc Tsar:26 230 Description Jake Barnes uses this ironic adjective to describe Georgette’s smile. “wonderful” Tsar:26 231 French Words Georgette offers this French phrase when asked if she is related to the singer. “Connais pas” Tsar:26 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 232 People Mrs. Braddocks asks if Georgette is related to this famous singer. Georgette LeBlanc Tsar:26 233 Plot Details Mrs. Braddocks has “no idea what she’s saying” when she speaks this language. French Tsar:26 234 Characters Georgette calls this person “a fool.” Jake Barnes Tsar:26 235 Plot Details Mrs. Braddocks infers that Jake Barnes made this type of remark about Georgette’s name. “a joke” Tsar:26 236 Characters This surname is Georgette’s actual last name. Hobin Tsar:26 237 Characters Braddocks has this first name. Henry Tsar:26 238 Characters Braddocks claims to have known this person “for a very long time.” Georgette Tsar:26 239 Characters This person asks Georgette how she likes Paris. Frances Clyne Tsar:26 240 Description Georgette uses these two terms to describe Paris to Frances Clyne. “expensive” and “dirty” Tsar:26 241 Characters At the restaurant, Georgette does not want to speak with this person. Frances Clyne Tsar:26 242 Places Frances Clyne finds this city to be “extraordinarily clean.” Paris Tsar:26 243 Plot Details Frances Clyne finds this idea “strange.” Paris being dirty Tsar:27 244 Places Georgette has been in this city “long enough.” Paris Tsar:27 245 Places Frances Clyne thinks this city has “nice people in it.” Paris Tsar:27 246 Characters Georgette says this person has “nice friends.” Jake Barnes Tsar:27 247 Characters This person was a “little drunk” before the coffees came to Braddocks’ table. Frances Clyne Tsar:27 248 Characters This person brings the liqueurs to Braddocks’ table. Madame Lavigne Tsar:27 249 Places The group sets out for this place after finishing their coffees at Braddocks’ table. the Braddocks’ dancing -club Tsar:27 250 French Words This French phrase is how Jake Barnes describes the dancing-club. a bal musette Tsar:27 251 Places The Braddocks’ dancing-club is located on this street. Rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève Tsar:27 252 Groups This type of people dance “five nights a week” at the bal musette. “working people” Tsar:27 253 Places The “working people” from this quarter dance at the bal musette. the Pantheon Tsar:27 254 Plot Details The Braddocks’ dancing-club closes on this night. Monday Tsar:27 255 Description Jake Barnes finds the dancing-club in this way. “quite empty” Tsar:27 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 256 Unnamed People This person sits near the door of the dancing-club. a policeman Tsar:27 257 Unnamed People This person is at the back of the “zinc bar” at the dancing-club. “the proprietor’s wife” Tsar:27 258 Objects The bar at the dancing-club is named after this mineral. zinc Tsar:27 259 Description Jake Barnes uses this word to describe the benches at the dancing-club. “long” Tsar:27 260 Unnamed People This person comes downstairs as Jake Barnes enters the dancing-club. “the daughter of the house” Tsar:27 261 Plot Details Braddocks wishes this scenario would happen at the dancing-club. “people would come earlier” Tsar:27 262 Unnamed People This person takes the group’s drink orders at the dancing-club. the proprietor’s daughter Tsar:27 263 Objects The dancing-club proprietor sits on this chair. a high stool Tsar:27 264 Objects The dancing-club proprietor plays this instrument. the accordion Tsar:27 265 Objects The dancing-club proprietor wears this item around his ankles. “a string of bells” Tsar:27 266 Groups This group dances at the dancing-club. “every one” Tsar:27 267 Description The Braddocks’ dancing-club was this temperature. “hot” Tsar:27 268 Plot Details This physical reaction happens to the people in the dancing-club. perspiration Tsar:27 269 Objects Jake Barnes tells Georgette to take off this article of clothing at the dancing-club. her hat Tsar:27 270 Actions Jake Barnes goes to the bar and Georgette does this activity with another person. dances Tsar:27 271 Description Georgette thinks Jake’s idea for her to take off her hat has this quality. “good” Tsar:27 272 Plot Details According to Jake Barnes, this type of music was “pleasant in the hot night.” the accordion music Tsar:27 273 Objects Jake Barnes orders this drink after leaving Georgette on the dance floor. a beer Tsar:27 274 Places Jake Barnes stands in this place to catch “the cool breath” of air at the dancing-club. the doorway Tsar:27 275 Numbers This number of taxis stopped in front of the dancing-club. 2 Tsar:27 276 Description The taxis drive on a street of this quality to get to the dancing-club. “steep” Tsar:27 277 Groups A “crowd” of this type of people descends from the cabs at the dancing-club. young men Tsar:28 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 278 Objects The “young men in the cab” wear one of these two articles of clothing. jerseys or shirt-sleeves Tsar:28 279 Description Jake Barnes describes the young men’s hair this way. “newly washed” and “wavy” Tsar:28 280 Unnamed People This person smiles at Jake Barnes at the entrance to the dancing-club. policeman Tsar:28 281 Description The young men at the dancing-club’s hands are this color. white Tsar:28 282 Description The young men at the dancing-club’s faces are this color. white Tsar:28 283 Description The young men at the dancing-club’s faces make this expression. grimace Tsar:28 284 Actions The “young men” make these two movements at the dancing-club. gesturing and talking Tsar:28 285 Characters This woman accompanies the “young men” at the dancing-club. Brett Ashley Tsar:28 286 Unnamed People One of the young men calls Georgette this derogatory term. a “harlot” Tsar:28 287 Characters The “tall, dark” young man accompanying Brett at the dancing-club has this name. Lett Tsar:28 288 Description Lett tells his friend not to be this way. “rash” Tsar:28 289 Actions The “wavy, blond” young man tells Lett not to do this action. “worry” Tsar:28 290 Plot Details Jake Barnes feels this emotion upon seeing Brett Ashley with the young men. anger Tsar:28 291 Groups These people “always” make Jake Barnes angry. the young men Tsar:28 292 Description Jake Barnes claims the young men at the dancingclub are supposed to be this way. “amusing” Tsar:28 293 Description Jake Barnes believes he should be this way towards the young men at the dancing-club. “tolerant” Tsar:28 294 Actions Jake Barnes wants to take this action against the young men at the dancing-club. to punch them Tsar:28 295 Plot Details Jake Barnes wants to “shatter” this demeanor that the young men possess. their “superior, simpering composure” Tsar:28 296 Places Jake Barnes goes to this place to keep from “swinging on” one of the young men. another bar Tsar:28 297 Objects Jake Barnes thought this drink was “not good” at the “next Bal.” a beer Tsar:28 298 Objects Jake Barnes thought this drink was “even worse” at the “next Bal.” a cognac Tsar:28 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 299 Characters This person is dancing with the “tall, blond youth” when Jake Barnes returns to the dancing-club. Georgette Tsar:28 300 Description Jake Barnes thinks the “tall blond youth” dances in this way. “big-hippily” Tsar:28 301 Characters This person sits at the table when Jake Barnes returns to the dancing-club. Robert Cohn Tsar:28 302 Actions While Robert Cohn sits at the dancing-club, Frances Clyne participates in this activity. dancing Tsar:28 303 Characters At the dancing-club, Braddocks introduces Jake Barnes and Robert Cohn to this person. Robert Prentiss Tsar:28 304 Characters At the dancing-club, Jake Barnes meets this “rising new novelist.” Robert Prentiss Tsar:28 305 Places Robert Prentiss lived in this Midwest city. Chicago Tsar:28 306 Places Robert Prentiss lived in this Eastern city. New York Tsar:28 307 Description Robert Prentiss pursued this profession. a novelist Tsar:28 308 Description Robert Prentiss has this accent. English Tsar:28 309 Objects Jake Barnes offers Robert Prentiss this thing. a drink Tsar:28 310 Objects At Jake’s insistence, Robert Prentiss has another one of this thing. a drink Tsar:28 311 Objects Jake Barnes orders this drink for Robert Prentiss and himself. fine à l’eau Tsar:28 312 Places Robert Prentiss asks Jake Barnes if he finds this city “amusing.” Paris Tsar:29 313 Characters This person is “a little drunk” during his conversation with Robert Prentiss. Jake Barnes Tsar:29 314 Places Jake Barnes is from this city. Kansas City Tsar:29 315 Description Jake Barnes was drunk “just enough” to be this way. careless Tsar:29 316 Description Robert Prentiss wishes he had this “faculty.” getting “charmingly” angry Tsar:29 317 Character Mrs. Braddocks insists Jake Barnes should not “be cross” with this person at the Bal. Robert Prentiss Tsar:29 318 Characters Mrs. Braddocks claims this person is “still only a child” at the dancing-club. Robert Prentiss Tsar:29 319 Plot Details Robert Prentiss says Jake Barnes is “charming” when he displays this emotion. anger Tsar:29 320 Plot Details Jake Barnes gives this reason to Mrs. Braddocks for abandoning Robert Prentiss. thinking he might “throw up” Tsar:29 321 Description Jake Barnes assures Mrs. Braddocks that he is not this way. “cross” Tsar:29 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 322 Characters Mrs. Braddocks calls this person “a great success” at the dancing-club. Georgette Tsar:29 323 Description The “whole show” makes Jake Barnes feel this way at the dancing-club. sick Tsar:29 324 Unnamed People Brett Ashley calls Robert Cohn and Jake Barnes this term at the dancing-club. “you chaps” Tsar:29 325 Places Jake Barnes asks Brett Ashley why she is not “tight” at this place. the dancing-club bar Tsar:29 326 Description Brett Ashley claims she is “never going to get” this way anymore. “tight” Tsar:29 327 Objects Brett Ashley orders this drink when she meets Robert Cohn and Jake Barnes at the dancing-club bar, brandy and soda Tsar:29 328 Places Jake Barnes observes Robert Cohn looking at Brett Ashley as if she is this place. “the promised land” Tsar:29 329 Groups Jake Barnes labels this group Robert Cohn’s “compatriots.” Jews Tsar:29 330 Objects Brett Ashley’s slipover sweater at the dancing-club is made of this fabric. wool Tsar:30 331 Objects Brett Ashley’s skirt at the dancing-club is made of this fabric. tweed Tsar:30 332 Unnamed People Jake Barnes compares Brett Ashley’s hairstyle to that of this kind of person. a boy Tsar:30 333 Objects Jake Barnes compares Brett Ashley’s curves to this object. “the hull of a racing yacht” Tsar:30 334 Description At the dancing-club, Jake Barnes tells Brett Ashley he has had this kind of night. “priceless” Tsar:30 335 Actions Brett Ashley thinks this gesture was “wrong of” Jake Barnes. bringing Georgette Tsar:30 336 Characters This person is an “insult to all of us” according to Brett Ashley. Georgette Tsar:30 337 Description At the dancing-club, Jake Barnes tells Brett Ashley she is “wonderfully” this way. “sober” Tsar:30 338 Characters When Robert Cohn asks Brett Ashley to dance, she says she must dance with this person. Jake Barnes Tsar:30 339 Places Brett Ashley says she has “a date” in this Parisian neighborhood. Montmartre Tsar:30 340 Characters This person is a “new” admirer of Brett Ashley’s, according to Jake Barnes. Robert Cohn Tsar:30 341 Groups Jake Barnes says Brett Ashley likes to “add” up this group of people. men Tsar:30 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 342 Description Brett Ashley tells Jake Barnes to not talk like this type of person. a fool Tsar:30 343 Objects Jake Barnes notices the sound of this instrument during his dance with Brett Ashley. the banjo Tsar:30 344 Description Jake Barnes felt this way while dancing with Brett. warm and “happy” Tsar:30 345 Objects Jake takes this article off the hanger at the dancingclub. His coat Tsar:31 346 Unnamed People Jake Barnes hands an envelope to this person at the dancing-club. the patronne Tsar:31 347 Objects Jake Barnes hands an envelope containing this item to the patronne at the dancing-club. a fifty-franc note Tsar:31 348 Numbers Brett Ashley says Jake Barnes is going “to lose” this much money. 50 francs Tsar:31 349 Characters Jake Barnes comments that he and Brett are escaping these two people at the pub. Robert Cohn and Georgette Tsar:31 350 Places Jake Barnes tells the cab to take him and Brett from the dancing-club to this place. Parc Montsouris Tsar:32 351 Description The cab carrying Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes from the dancing-club started in this manner. “with a jerk” Tsar:32 352 Description At the end of chapter three of The Sun Also Rises, Brett Ashley’s eyes are this way. closed Tsar:32 353 Description At the end of chapter three of The Sun Also Rises, Brett Ashley presses Jake Barnes’ hand this way. “hard” Tsar:32 354 Objects Jake Barnes gives this much money to the waiter who hails him a cab. one franc Tsar:32 355 Plot Details At the end of chapter three of The Sun Also Rises, Jake Barnes closes the cab door in this way. by slamming it Tsar:32 356 Description In the cab that picks them up from the dancing-club, Brett Ashley tells Jake Barnes she has been feeling like this. “miserable” Tsar:32 357 Unnamed People At the end of chapter three of The Sun Also Rises, Brett Ashley calls Jake Barnes by this term of endearment. “darling” Tsar:32 358 Characters The taxi going up the hill carries these two characters. Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes Tsar:33 359 Description Jake and Brett’s taxi going up the hill passes this type of square. “lighted” Tsar:33 360 Places Jake and Brett’s taxi “leveled out onto a dark street” behind this church. St. Etienne du Mont Tsar:33 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 361 Places Jake and Brett’s taxi “turned onto the cobbles” of this street. Rue Mouffetard Tsar:33 362 Places Jake and Brett’s taxi passes trees and a “standing bus” at this square. Place de la Contrescarpe Tsar:33 363 Description Jake Barnes notices the bars have this quality on “each side of the street.” “lighted” Tsar:33 364 Description In the cab, Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley “jolt” together after going down this kind of street. “old” Tsar:33 365 Objects This article of Brett Ashley’s was not on her body during the first cab ride with Jake Barnes. her hat Tsar:33 366 Description In the first cab ride, Brett Ashley’s head was tilted this way. “back” Tsar:33 367 Body Driving on the Avenue des Gobelins, Jake Barnes sees this feature clearly. Brett Ashley’s face Tsar:33 368 Places In the taxi with Brett Ashley, Jake Barnes notices this street is “torn up.” Avenue des Gobelins Tsar:33 369 Objects In the taxi with Brett Ashley, Jake Barnes notices this type of object gives light to the working men. acetylene flares Tsar:33 370 Characters These two people kiss in the taxi when the street turns “dark again.” Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes Tsar:33 371 Description In the cab, Jake Barnes describes Brett Ashley’s face as this color. white Tsar:33 372 Description “The long of” Brett Ashley’s neck shows the light from this type of flare. acetylene Tsar:33 373 Body In the cab, Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley bring this body part “together.” their lips Tsar:33 374 Places After kissing Jake Barnes, Brett Ashley retreats to this part of the taxi. the corner of the seat Tsar:33 375 Description After kissing Jake Barnes, Brett Ashley moves her head this way. “down” Tsar:33 376 Actions Brett Ashley asks Jake Barnes not to do this action after they kiss in the taxi. to touch her Tsar:33 377 Action Brett Ashley “can’t stand” doing this activity with Jake Barnes. kissing Tsar:33 378 Plot Details Jake Barnes asks Brett Ashley if she feels this way about him. if she loves him Tsar:34 379 Objects Brett Ashley claims to turn into this substance whenever Jake Barnes touches her. “jelly” Tsar:34 380 Body This body part encircles Brett Ashley in the cab. Jake Barnes’ arm Tsar:34 381 Places Brett Ashley compares not being able to be with Jake Barnes to this place. “hell” Tsar:34 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 382 Actions Jake Barnes suggests he and Brett Ashley should take this action. “keep away” from one another Tsar:34 383 Groups This group of people never knows anything according to Brett Ashley. “chaps” Tsar:34 384 Description Jake Barnes says his injury is “supposed to be” this way. “funny” Tsar:34 385 Places A friend of Brett Ashley’s brother returned from this city with an injury like Jake’s. Mons Tsar:34 386 Plot Details Jake was “pretty well through” with this subject with Brett Ashley. his injury Tsar:35 387 Plot Details Jake Barnes had considered this situation “from various angles.” his injury Tsar:35 388 Actions Jake Barnes tells Brett Ashley this activity is “a lot of fun.” “to be in love” Tsar:35 389 Body This part of Brett Ashley’s face “looked flat again” in the cab. her eyes Tsar:35 390 Description This feeling is “enjoyable” for Jake Barnes. love Tsar:35 391 Description This feeling is “hell on earth” for Brett Ashley. love Tsar:35 392 Places Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley were “sitting like strangers” in the cab next to this park. Parc Montsouris Tsar:35 393 Objects The restaurant “with the pool” has these live fish. trout Tsar:35 394 Places Brett Ashley tells the driver to go to this café from Parc Montsouris. Café Select Tsar:35 395 Places Café Select is on this Parisian boulevard. Boulevard Montparnasse Tsar:35 396 Objects This animal statue “guards the passing” trams. Lion de Belfort Tsar:35 397 Animals This animal is the shape of the Lion de Belfort. lion Tsar:35 398 Objects The Lion de Belfort guards this type of tram. Montrouge Tsar:35 399 Plot Details Brett Ashley makes this request before they reach the Café Select. for Jake Barnes to kiss her Tsar:35 400 Places Brett Ashley asks Jake Barnes to kiss her on this boulevard. Boulevard Raspail Tsar:35 401 Description Brett Ashley’s hat is made of this material. felt Tsar:35 402 Description Upon exiting the cab, Brett Ashley’s hand was in this way. “shaky” Tsar:35 403 Characters This Greek portrait-painter calls to Brett at the Café Select. Zizi Tsar:36 404 Characters Zizi introduces this “fat man” to Brett Ashley. Count Mippipopolous Tsar:36 405 Objects Count Mippipopolous wears this item on his watchchain. an elk’s tooth Tsar:36 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 406 Objects Count Mippipopolous has an “elk’s tooth” in this item of jewelry. his watch-chain Tsar:36 407 Places Brett Ashley is from this city. London Tsar:36 408 Places Count Mippipopolous guesses Brett Ashley has “pretty big doings” in this city. London Tsar:36 409 Characters This character started “a pretty big row” with the “patronne’s daughter.” Georgette Tsar:36 410 Characters This character tells Jake about Georgette’s fight. Braddocks Tsar:36 411 Description Braddocks uses this word to describe Georgette’s row with the patronne’s daughter. “corking” Tsar:36 412 Plot Details According to Braddocks, Georgette has a “wonderful command” of this skill. “the idiom” Tsar:36 413 Characters At the Café Select, Jake Barnes asks Braddocks if he has seen this character. Robert Cohn Tsar:36 414 Plot Details Jake Barnes tells Brett Ashley he is leaving the Café Select due to this ailment. “a rotten headache” Tsar:37 415 Plot Details Jake Barnes makes plans at the Café Select to see Brett Ashley at this time the following day. five o’clock Tsar:37 416 Places Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley plan at the Café Select to meet at this hotel the following evening. Crillon Tsar:37 417 Actions Brett Ashley tells Jake Barnes “not to worry” because she has never done this act. let him down Tsar:37 418 Characters At the Café Select, Jake Barnes asks Brett Ashley if she has heard from this character. Mike Campbell Tsar:37 419 Places After leaving the Café Select, Jake Barnes walks down this street. Boulevard St. Michel Tsar:37 420 Places After leaving the Café Select, Jake Barnes passes the tables of this restaurant. the Rotonde Tsar:37 421 Places Someone waved at Jake Barnes from a table at this restaurant. the Dome Tsar:37 422 Places Jake Barnes does not recognize a person at a table at this restaurant. the Dome Tsar:37 423 Places Jake Barnes sees the staff stacking the tables at this restaurant on his way home from the Café Select. the Closerie des Lilas Tsar:37 424 Places Jake Barnes notices this boulevard is “deserted” upon leaving Café Select, Boulevard Montparnasse Tsar:37 425 People On his walk home from the café, Jake Barnes passes the statue of this man. Marshal Ney Tsar:37 426 Objects This decoration hangs from the base of Marshal Ney’s statue. a “faded purple wreath” Tsar:37 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 427 Groups This inscription on Marshal Ney’s statue is from this group. the Bonapartist Groups Tsar:37 428 Objects The statue of Marshal Ney wears this footwear. “top-boots” Tsar:37 429 Objects The statue of Marshal Ney stands among this type of tree. horse-chestnut trees Tsar:37 430 Objects The statue of Marshal Ney gestures with this weapon. sword Tsar:37 431 Unnamed People This person gives Jake Barnes his mail at his flat. the concierge Tsar:37 432 Places Jake Barnes receives letters from this country after returning from the Café Select. the United States Tsar:38 433 Objects Jake Barnes receives these two pieces of mail upon returning to his flat from the Café Select. “a bank statement” and “a wedding announcement” Tsar:38 434 Characters Jake Barnes likes this “good Catholic name” found on the wedding announcement. Aloysius Tsar:38 435 Objects This symbol adorns the wedding announcement Jake Barnes receives. a crest Tsar:38 436 Characters This character at the Café Select is “funny” to Jake Barnes. Count Mippipopolous Tsar:38 437 Objects Jake Barnes sees this vehicle carrying vegetables from the window of his flat. a night train Tsar:38 438 Objects The “night train” runs on this kind of track. a street-car track Tsar:38 439 Objects The mirror is located on this big piece of furniture in Jake Barnes’ flat. the armoire Tsar:38 440 Plot Details Jake Barnes notices this “funny” feature while looking at his naked body in the mirror. his war wound Tsar:38 441 Objects Jake Barnes reads this “bull-fight paper” while in bed. Le Toril Tsar:38 442 Objects Jake Barnes reads these two sections of Le Toril. the Petite Correspondance and the Cornigrams Tsar:38 443 Places Jake Barnes convalesced at this Italian hospital. Ospedale Maggiore Tsar:39 444 Places The Ospedale Maggiore is located in this city. Milan Tsar:39 445 Places This building is next door to the Ospedale Maggiore. the Padiglione Zonda Tsar:39 446 Unnamed People This person told Jake Barnes, “Che mala fortuna!” at the Italian hospital. the liaison colonel Tsar:39 447 Characters Jake Barnes assumes he would have “never run into any trouble” if he had not met this character. Brett Ashley Tsar:39 448 Places Jake Barnes would like the colonel’s speech to hang in this place. his office Tsar:39 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 449 Religion Jake Barnes ironically remarks that this church has “swell advice.” the Catholic Church Tsar:39 450 Characters A “row” between these two women awakens Jake Barnes at his apartment. Brett Ashley and the concierge Tsar:39 451 Description Brett Ashley asks Jake Barnes not to “try and make” her this way at his apartment. drunk Tsar:40 452 Plot Details Count Mippipopolous owns a chain of this type of establishment “in the States.” sweetshops Tsar:40 453 Places “The count” offered Brett Ashley $10,000 to accompany him to one of these three places. Biarritz, Cannes, or Monte Carlo Tsar:41 454 Characters Brett Ashley tells Count Mippipopolous that she is in love with this character. Jake Barnes Tsar:41 455 Plot Details Brett Ashley tells Jake Barnes that Count Mippipopolous wants to treat them to this meal. dinner Tsar:41 456 Places Brett Ashley is going to have breakfast with Count Mippipopolous in this place. “the Bois” Tsar:41 457 Description Brett Ashley tells Jake Barnes that he makes her feel this way in his flat. “ill” Tsar:42 458 Objects Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes drink this beverage in his flat. brandy and soda Tsar:42 459 Objects Brett Ashley gets in this vehicle with Count Mippipopolous after leaving Jake Barnes’ flat. a limousine Tsar:42 460 Objects Jake Barnes “kicks off” this type of footwear after Brett Ashley leaves his flat. slippers Tsar:42 461 Objects Jake Barnes notices this type of tree “in bloom” in the Luxembourg gardens. horse-chestnut Tsar:43 462 Objects Jake Barnes smokes a cigarette after drinking this drink on Rue Soufflot. coffee Tsar:43 463 Unnamed People Jake Barnes notices this group coming up from the market and “arranging their daily stock.” “the flower-women” Tsar:43 464 Places Jake Barnes notices students going down the street to this university. the Sorbonne Tsar:43 465 Places Jake Barnes takes this boulevard from the Madeleine to the Opéra. Boulevard des Capucines Tsar:43 466 Objects Jake Barnes passes a man advertising this brand of vermouth on his way to work. Cinzano Tsar:43 467 Actions It feels “pleasant” for Jake Barnes to do this morning activity. go to work Tsar:43 468 Objects Jake Barnes passes a man selling these two souvenirs. jumping frogs and boxer toys Tsar:43 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 469 Places Jake Barnes passes through these two metro stations on his way to work. Madeleine and Opéra Tsar:43 470 Places Jake Barnes takes a taxi from his office at 11 in the morning to go to this place. Quai d’Orsay Tsar:44 471 Description The foreign-office diplomat at the Quai d’Orsay wears this type of glasses. “horn-rimmed” Tsar:44 472 Numbers The foreign-office diplomat at the Quai d’Orsay “talked and answered questions” for this length of time. 30 minutes Tsar:44 473 French Words The foreign-office diplomat at the Quai d’Orsay is from this magazine. Nouvelle Revue Française Tsar:44 474 Places The President of the Council was giving a speech in this city during the Quai d’Orsay conference. Lyon Tsar:44 475 Numbers There were this many correspondents in attendance at the Quai d’Orsay conference. “about a dozen” Tsar:44 476 Characters Jake Barnes “shared a taxi back” from the Quai d’Orsay conference with these two characters. Woolsey and Krum Tsar:44 477 Plot Details Woolsey and Krum pursue this profession. journalism Tsar:44 478 Groups Krum has not been to the Café Select yet for this reason. his “wife and kids” Tsar:44 479 Places Krum hopes that “someday” he will not work for this type of establishment. “an agency” Tsar:44 480 Plot Details This weather always happens on Sundays when Krum wants to play tennis. rain Tsar:44 481 Groups Woolsey claims that everyone in this group has Saturdays off. “the Englishmen” Tsar:44 482 Characters In the taxi from the Quai d’Orsay, this character tells Jake Barnes of his plan to get a car next year. Woolsey Tsar:44 483 Characters This character is waiting for Jake Barnes when he returns to his office midday. Robert Cohn Tsar:45 484 Plot Details Robert Cohn asks Jake Barnes in his office if he is “going out” for this meal. lunch Tsar:45 485 Places Jake Barnes and Robert Cohn go to this restaurant with “good hors d’oeuvres” for lunch. Wetzel’s Tsar:45 486 Actions Robert Cohn complains at Wetzel’s that this project is going “rotten.” writing his second book Tsar:45 487 Numbers Robert Cohn and Jake Barnes share this many hors d’oeuvres at Wetzel’s. “a dozen” Tsar:45 488 Objects Robert Cohn shoves away this food at Wetzel’s. sliced cucumbers Tsar:46 489 Objects Robert Cohn eats some of this food at Wetzel’s. pickled herring Tsar:46 490 Characters Brett Ashley is engaged to this man. Mike Campbell Tsar:46 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 491 Places Mike Campbell is away in this country at the beginning of The Sun Also Rises. Scotland Tsar:46 492 Numbers Brett Ashley has married this number of people “she didn’t love.” 2 Tsar:47 493 Actions Robert Cohn attributes Brett Ashley’s “fineness” to this action while at Wetzel’s. “breeding” Tsar:47 494 Places At Wetzel’s, Robert Cohn tells Jake Barnes to “take back” telling Robert Cohn to go to this place. hell Tsar:47 495 Body Jake Barnes claims to have this “nasty” body part after telling Robert Cohn to go to hell. tongue Tsar:47 496 Plot Details Jake Barnes thinks, “God help you,” when Robert Cohn claims Jake is this relation to him. his best friend Tsar:47 497 Places Jake Barnes and Robert Cohn have coffee at this place after Wetzel’s. Café de la Paix Tsar:47 498 Actions Jake Barnes does this activity while waiting for Brett Ashley at the Hotel Crillon. writes letters Tsar:48 499 Plot Details This time is when Jake Barnes arrives at the Hotel Crillon. five o’clock Tsar:48 500 Plot Details Jake Barnes goes to the bar at the Hotel Crillon after this event. Brett Ashley “did not turn up” Tsar:48 501 Characters This barman shares a drink with Jake Barnes at the Hotel Crillon. George Tsar:48 502 Objects Jake Barnes shares this drink with the barman at the Hotel Crillon. a Jack Rose Tsar:48 503 Places Jake Barnes looks for Brett in this place before leaving the Hotel Crillon. “upstairs” Tsar:48 504 Objects Jake Barnes sees a “string” of this type of vessel from his taxi from Hotel Crillon. barges Tsar:48 505 Places Jake Barnes takes a taxi to this place after not finding Brett Ashley at the Hotel Crillon. Café Select Tsar:48 506 Places Jake Barnes thinks it is “always pleasant” crossing these structures in Paris. bridges Tsar:48 507 Objects The taxi from the Crillon passes by the statue of an inventor of this apparatus. semaphore Tsar:48 508 Places Jake Barnes thinks this boulevard “always made for dull riding.” Boulevard Raspail Tsar:48 509 Places These two places are on the route that makes Jake Barnes feel “dead and dull.” Fontainebleau and Montereau Tsar:48 510 Places Jake Barnes “cannot stand” riding down this street. Boulevard Raspail Tsar:48 511 Places Jake Barnes feels “the way Robert Cohn felt about all of Paris” for this street. Boulevard Raspail Tsar:49 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 512 Places Robert Cohn has an “incapacity to enjoy” this city. Paris Tsar:49 513 People Jake Barnes thinks “so many young men get their likes and dislikes from” this man. H. L. Mencken Tsar:49 514 Places The taxi driver stops at this café after Jake Barnes asks to go to Café Select. the Rotonde Tsar:49 515 Places “Ten years from now,” Jake Barnes predicts taxis will drop off passengers at this café. the Dome Tsar:49 516 Places This café has “sad tables.” the Rotonde Tsar:49 517 Characters Jake Barnes sees this man sitting alone outside the Rotonde on his way to Café Select. Harvey Stone Tsar:49 518 Objects A pile of this object is in front of Harvey Stone at the Rotonde. saucers Tsar:49 519 Places Harvey Stone won 200 francs in this bar. the New York Bar Tsar:49 520 Numbers Harvey Stone claims at the Rotonde that he has not eaten in this many days. 5 Tsar:49 521 Objects This thing has not come for Harvey Stone. money Tsar:49 522 Objects Jake feels inside this thing when talking to Harvey Stone at the Rotonde. his pocket Tsar:49 523 Numbers Jake Barnes gives Harvey Stone this much money. 100 francs Tsar:50 524 Actions Jake Barnes suggests to Harvey Stone that they do this activity together. eat Tsar:50 525 Description Harvey Stone has none of this feeling. appetite Tsar:50 526 People Harvey Stone says he and H. L. Mencken discussed this person at dinner. Hoffenheimer Tsar:50 527 Objects Harvey Stone says the only people who read H. L. Mencken’s work used to read this publication. Alexander Hamilton Institute Tsar:50 528 Objects Jake Barnes invites Harvey Stone to have another of this drink. port Tsar:50 529 Description Robert Cohn refers to Jake Barnes and Harvey Stone by this term. “bums” Tsar:50 530 Description Harvey Stone refers to Robert Cohn by this term. “moron” Tsar:50 531 Plot Details Harvey Stone asks Robert Cohn to share with him this wish. “anything you wanted” Tsar:50 532 Sports Robert Cohn tells Harvey Stone that he wishes to play this sport again. football Tsar:51 533 Plot Details Harvey Stone calls Robert Cohn a “case” of this plight. “arrested development” Tsar:51 534 Description Harvey Stone claims not to be this type of person after Robert Cohn threatens him. “a fighter” Tsar:51 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 535 Actions Harvey Stone walks through traffic on his way to do this activity. eat Tsar:51 536 Description Robert Cohn claims that Harvey Stone always makes him feel this way. “sore” Tsar:51 537 Characters Robert Cohn “can’t stand” this person at the Rotonde. Harvey Stone Tsar:51 538 Plot Details Robert Cohn never made a remark that would “detach him from other people” until this event. meeting Brett Ashley Tsar:52 539 Objects Robert Cohn wore this type of shirt at school. “polo shirts” Tsar:52 540 Characters This character “loved to win” at tennis. Robert Cohn Tsar:52 541 Sports This game “went to pieces” when Robert Cohn fell in love with Brett Ashley. tennis Tsar:52 542 Unnamed People This group molded Robert Cohn “internally.” “the two women who had trained him” Tsar:52 543 Places Jake Barnes invites Robert Cohn to this place while they are at the Rotonde. “the Lilas” Tsar:52 544 Numbers Frances Clyne is supposed to meet Robert Cohn at Café Select this time. 7:15 Tsar:52 545 Description Frances Clyne talks with this speed. “rapidly” Tsar:53 546 Plot Details According to Frances Clyne, Robert Cohn did not come home for this meal. lunch Tsar:53 547 Plot Details Frances Clyne complains that “no one keeps” this type of agreement like she does. appointments Tsar:53 548 Unnamed People This person did not know Robert Cohn would not be home for lunch. the cook Tsar:53 549 Characters Frances Clyne waited at the Ritz for this person. Paula Tsar:53 550 Characters Jake Barnes thinks Frances Clyne speaks in this manner at Café Select. “imitation joyful” Tsar:53 551 Characters At Café Select, Frances Clyne asks this character to stay. Robert Cohn Tsar:53 552 Characters At Café Select, Frances Clyne asks this character to accompany her to another café. Jake Barnes Tsar:53 553 Places At Café Select, Frances asks Jake to accompany her to this café. The Dome Tsar:53 554 Plot Details On their way to the Dome, Frances discusses this topic with Jake. Robert Cohn wanting to leave Frances Tsar:53 555 Description Frances Clyne’s eyes look this way when talking about Robert Cohn leaving her. “bright-eyed” Tsar:54 556 Plot Details Frances Clyne has undergone this life change. “a divorce” Tsar:54 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 557 Description Jake Barnes tells Frances Clyne she has this kind of luck. “rotten” Tsar:54 558 Places Frances Clyne says she could have married any man she wanted in this city. Cannes Tsar:54 559 Plot Details Frances Clyne never liked this idea much, but does not want to think she will never have it. children Tsar:54 560 Objects Frances Clyne complains to Jake Barnes that she does not have these two things. published work and money Tsar:54 561 Plot Details Frances Clyne did not receive this compensation from her divorce. alimony Tsar:54 562 Places Frances Clyne says Robert Cohn wants to go to this place alone in the fall. New York Tsar:55 563 Objects Robert Cohn wants to have a “big triumph in the fall” over this accomplishment. his book Tsar:55 564 Numbers Frances Clyne made Robert Cohn give her this much money for her trip. 200 pounds Tsar:55 565 Places Frances Clyne plans on going on a trip to this country. England Tsar:55 566 Characters Jake Barnes does not know how “people could say such terrible things” to this person. Robert Cohn Tsar:56 567 Characters This character says “terrible things” to Robert Cohn at the Café Select. Frances Clyne Tsar:56 568 Objects Being mean to Robert Cohn gives Jake Barnes a destructive feeling of this thing. the world Tsar:56 569 Objects Frances Clyne’s mother put all her money into this investment. French war bonds Tsar:56 570 Unnamed People Robert Cohn did not pay the fare “back to the coast” for this person. his secretary Tsar:57 571 Plot Details Frances Clyne says Robert Cohn is leaving her to obtain this material. “material for a new book” Tsar:57 572 Objects Frances Clyne ironically says sacrifices should be made for this craft. literature Tsar:57 573 Numbers Robert Cohn is this age. 34 Tsar:57 574 People Frances Clyne mentions this French writer who “died a little while ago.” Anatole France Tsar:57 575 People Frances Clyne mentions this English writer at the Café Select. Thomas Hardy Tsar:57 576 Plot Details Frances Clyne claims Robert Cohn does not read this language well. French Tsar:57 577 Plot Details Frances Clyne claims to have this mystical experience at the Café Select. “a vision” Tsar:58 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 578 Places Frances Clyne references this religiously significant French town at the Café Select. Lourdes Tsar:58 579 Unnamed People Frances Clyne says Robert Clyne is leaving her because he has always wanted this type of person. “a mistress” Tsar:58 580 Plot Details The reason Robert Cohn will not marry Frances is because it would “end all” of this feeling. “romance” Tsar:58 581 Description While listening to Frances, Robert Cohn’s face turns this color. white Tsar:58 582 Characters Jake Barnes excuses himself from Frances Clyne’s attack on Robert Cohn to see this character. Harvey Stone Tsar:58 583 Places Jake Barnes leaves Café Select through this exit. the side door Tsar:58 584 Places Jake Barnes takes a side street from Café Select to this boulevard. Boulevard Raspail Tsar:58 585 Places After leaving Café Select through the side door, Jake Barnes tells a taxi to take him to this place. his flat Tsar:58 586 French Words The concierge uses this French flattery to describe Brett Ashley. “très, très, gentile” Tsar:59 587 Description The concierge describes the man with Brett Ashley in this way. “very large” Tsar:59 588 Plot Details The concierge used to own this business “at the Paris race-courses.” “a drink-selling concession” Tsar:60 589 Plot Details The concierge “took great pride in telling” Jake Barnes this information. which of his guests were “well brought up” Tsar:60 590 Characters The concierge at Jake Barnes’ apartment goes by this name. Madame Duzinell Tsar:60 591 Objects Bill Gorton travels on this ship. the France Tsar:60 592 Objects Count Mippipopolous holds “a great bunch” of this type of flower when he arrives at Jake’s flat. roses Tsar:60 593 Objects Brett Ashley arranges the roses from Count Mippipopolous in this object. an earthenware jug Tsar:60 594 Objects Brett Ashley places the flowers from Count Mippipopolous on this object. the dining room table Tsar:60 595 Objects Brett Ashley describes the count as this object in regards to his drinking. “a brick” Tsar:61 596 Description Brett Ashley compares her drunkenness to this imparity. blindness Tsar:61 597 Plot Details Jake Barnes asks Brett Ashley if she would enter into this arrangement with him. living together Tsar:62 598 French Words Brett Ashley uses this French word, meaning she would cheat on Jake Barnes should they live together. tromper Tsar:62 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 599 Places Brett Ashley tells Jake Barnes she is “going away” from him to this city. San Sebastian Tsar:62 600 Objects Brett Ashley claims the count is “extraordinary about buying” this type of drink. champagne Tsar:63 601 People The count offers wine from this baron who “raises the grapes.” Mumms Tsar:63 602 Objects Brett Ashley does not want to ruin this décor in Jake’s apartment. the rug Tsar:64 603 Description The chauffer brings up this type of ice. salted Tsar:64 604 Plot Details The count “always likes a good” one of this activity. meal Tsar:64 605 Animals The count’s cigar case is made of this animal’s skin. pig Tsar:64 606 Objects Jake Barnes says he would like to finish this tobacco product. his cigarette Tsar:64 607 Description The count offers Jake Barnes this type of cigar. American Tsar:64 608 Objects The count’s cigar cutter is made from this metal. gold Tsar:64 609 Plot Details Brett Ashley thinks it is “a pity” she will lose this title after her divorce. “Lady” Tsar:64 610 Characters The count says that Brett Ashley does not need this attribute because of her “class.” “a title” Tsar:64 611 Characters This person has the “most class of anybody” the count has ever seen. Brett Ashley Tsar:65 612 Unnamed People Brett Ashley says this kind of person “would be pleased” to hear that Brett has class. “mummy” Tsar:65 613 Unnamed People Brett Ashley asks the count to write out his praise for her to send to this person. her mother Tsar:65 614 Plot Details The count claims to never do this frivolity. joke Tsar:65 615 Groups The count says joking leads people to create this type of relation. enemies Tsar:65 616 Groups Brett Ashley says her joking causes her to have none of this type of relation. friends Tsar:65 617 Characters This character is Brett Ashley’s “only friend in the world.” Jake Barnes Tsar:65 618 Characters The count says for Brett Ashley not to “joke” this character. Jake Barnes Tsar:65 619 Objects The count prefers to drink his champagne from this type of bottle. magnums Tsar:65 620 Actions The count suggests Brett Ashley talks after claiming she “always” does this activity. drinks Tsar:65 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 621 Description A bigger bottle of champagne would have been “too hard” to get this temperature. cool Tsar:66 622 Characters This character puts out glasses for the champagne. Jake Barnes Tsar:66 623 Actions Brett Ashley thinks the count performs this activity too slowly. opening the champagne Tsar:66 624 Objects The count says not to mix emotions with this drink. wine Tsar:66 625 Description The count says Brett Ashley is “charming” when she is in this condition. drunk Tsar:66 626 Numbers The count claims to have been in this many wars. 7 Tsar:66 627 Objects The count has wounds from this type of weapon. arrows Tsar:67 628 Actions The count does this action to show Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley his wounds. unbuttons his vest and opens his shirt Tsar:67 629 Places The count received his wounds when “on a business trip” in this nation. Abyssinia Tsar:67 630 Actions The count claims he can do this activity because he has “lived very much.” “enjoy everything so well” Tsar:67 631 Places The count, Jake Barnes, and Brett Ashley dine at a restaurant in this place. the Bois Tsar:68 632 Description After dinner in the Bois, the count felt this way. “happy” Tsar:68 633 Actions After dinner in the Bois, the count suggests that Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley do this action. “get married” Tsar:68 634 Plot Details Jake Barnes says he and Brett Ashley will not marry for this reason. wanting to lead their “own lives” Tsar:68 635 Plot Details Brett Ashley says that she and Jake Barnes will not marry for this reason. having their “careers” Tsar:68 636 Description Brett Ashley does not understand what men love about this ambiance. “quiet” Tsar:68 637 Objects The party drinks this beverage while dining in the Bois. brandy Tsar:68 638 Places The count, Jake Barnes, and Brett Ashley go to this bar after dinner. Zelli’s Tsar:69 639 Places Zelli’s is located in this Parisian neighborhood. Montmartre Tsar:69 640 Unnamed People Jake Barnes describes this character at Zelli’s as “all teeth and lips.” the drummer Tsar:69 641 Description Jake Barnes uses this derogatory term to describe the drummer at Zelli’s. “nigger” Tsar:69 642 Unnamed People This character at Zelli’s is “a great friend” of Brett Ashley’s. the drummer Tsar:69 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 643 Characters Brett Ashley calls this character a “rotten dancer” at Zelli’s. Jake Barnes Tsar:69 644 Characters Brett Ashley says she has not thought of this character “for a week.” Mike Campbell Tsar:69 645 Plot Details Mike Campbell is trying to get his mother to “put up” for this expense. Brett Ashley’s divorce Tsar:69 646 Plot Details Jake Barnes asks Brett Ashley if he can help her with this expense. her divorce Tsar:70 647 Actions The count is “too old” for this activity. dancing Tsar:70 648 Actions The count enjoys watching Brett Ashley do this activity. dancing Tsar:70 649 Characters Brett Ashley thinks this character is “rather hard.” Zizi Tsar:70 650 Characters This character’s father was a “great friend” of the count’s father. Zizi Tsar:70 651 Characters Jake Barnes has the feeling of “a nightmare” about this person at Zelli’s. Brett Ashley Tsar:71 652 Characters Brett Ashley wants to leave Zelli’s because she is upset over this character. Jake Barnes Tsar:70 653 Places Before leaving Zelli’s, Brett Ashley goes to this room. the dressing-room Tsar:71 654 Numbers Jake Barnes gives the chauffeur this much money. 20 francs Tsar:71 655 Unnamed People This character opens the door for Jake Barnes at the end of Book I. the concierge Tsar:71 656 Places A picture of this bay is on the postcard from Brett Ashley to Jake Barnes. the Concha Tsar:75 657 Description Brett Ashley describes her state of mind in this way in her postcard to Jake Barnes. “quiet and healthy” Tsar:75 658 Unnamed People Robert Cohn says Jake Barnes can “always” reach him through these people. his bankers Tsar:75 659 Places After Brett Ashley and Robert Cohn leave, Jake Barnes puts in “extra time” at this place. the office Tsar:75 660 Characters This character is Jake Barnes’ friend from the United States. Bill Gorton Tsar:75 661 Places Bill Gorton travels to this city a few days after arriving in Paris. Vienna Tsar:75 662 Characters Upon arriving in Paris, this character was “very cheerful.” Bill Gorton Tsar:75 663 Places This city is “wonderful” according to Bill Gorton. New York Tsar:75 664 Places Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton plan to travel to this country at “the end of June.” Spain Tsar:75 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 665 Groups The “theatrical season” in New York brought a “crop” of this group to New York. “young light heavyweights” Tsar:75 666 Unnamed People Jake Barnes will leave this person in charge at his office during his trip. his secretary Tsar:75 667 Actions Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton planned to do this activity in Spain. go fishing Tsar:75 668 Actions Bill Gorton made “a lot of money” from this activity. writing Tsar:76 669 People Bill Gorton hopes a boxer in New York will “trim” this boxer. Jack Dempsey Tsar:76 670 Places Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton plan to go to the “fiesta” in this city. Pamplona Tsar:76 671 Places Bill Gorton traveled to this city from Vienna. Budapest Tsar:76 672 Description Bill Gorton claims he was this way for four days in Vienna. “tight,” or drunk Tsar:76 673 People Bill Gorton says the boxer in the Vienna prizefight looked like this boxer. Tiger Flowers Tsar:77 674 Description Bill Gorton uses this derogatory term to refer to the winning prizefighter in Vienna. “nigger” Tsar:77 675 Unnamed People Bill Gorton says the “nigger just knocked” this person down in the Vienna prizefight. a “local white boy” Tsar:77 676 Objects People at the Vienna prizefight threw this furniture after the black fighter knocked his opponent “cold.” chairs Tsar:77 677 Objects The Vienna boxer wore this article of Bill Gorton’s clothing. his coat Tsar:77 678 Objects Bill Gorton went around with the Vienna boxer to try to collect this object. his prize money Tsar:77 679 Plot Details “The local Harvard man” in Vienna studied this subject. music Tsar:77 680 Unnamed People This person translates in Vienna. “the local Harvard man” Tsar:77 681 Inference Bill Gorton suffers from this ailment. shell shock/PTSD Tsar:76 682 Plot Details The fight promoter in Vienna claims that the boxer violated this agreement. his promise to let the “local boy” win Tsar:77 683 Plot Details This problem was “everywhere” in Vienna according to Bill Gorton. “injustice” Tsar:77 684 Objects Bill Gorton was only able to recover this belonging of the Vienna prizefighter. his clothes Tsar:77 685 Places The Vienna prizefighter was from this city. Cologne Tsar:77 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 686 Unnamed People This character is going to write Bill Gorton a letter and send him the money he loaned him. the Vienna prizefighter Tsar:78 687 Places Jake Barnes asks Bill Gorton if he wants to eat at this place. “the island” Tsar:78 688 Groups This statue is “at the juncture of the Rue DenfertRochereau” and the Boulevard St. Michel. “two men in flowing robes” Tsar:78 689 Plot Details Bill Gorton states the “two men” carved as statues invented this science. pharmacy Tsar:78 690 Animals Bill Gorton offers to buy Jake Barnes this “stuffed” animal at the taxidermist’s. a dog Tsar:78 691 Description Jake Barnes says Bill Gorton is this kind of “eyed” for offering to buy a stuffed dog. “pie-eyed” Tsar:78 692 Objects Bill Gorton says the “road to hell” is paved with this type of object. stuffed dogs Tsar:78 693 Numbers Jake Barnes guesses that Bill Gorton is this many drinks “ahead” of him. 144 Tsar:79 694 Description According to Bill Gorton, this secret is the key to his success. never being “daunted” Tsar:79 695 Description According to Bill Gorton, this secret is the key to George the bartender’s success. “never been daunted” Tsar:79 696 Objects George made Bill Gorton “a couple” of this type of drink at the Hotel Crillon. Jack Roses Tsar:79 697 Animals Jake Barnes knows Bill Gorton has seen Harvey Stone because Bill references this animal. a cat Tsar:79 698 Characters According to Bill Gorton, this character “was just a little daunted.” Harvey Stone Tsar:79 699 Description Bill Gorton does not want to become this way. “daunted” Tsar:79 700 Objects Bill Gorton craves this food. hard-boiled eggs Tsar:79 701 Objects Bill Gorton promises to stuff this object for Jake Barnes “for Christmas.” the horse-cab Tsar:79 702 Description Bill Gorton identifies as this kind of writer. “nature” Tsar:80 703 Actions Bill Gorton jokes Brett Ashley is going to commit this crime. “kidnap” Tsar:80 704 Actions Brett Ashley says she has to do this action before Mike Campbell’s arrival. bathe Tsar:80 705 Description Brett Ashley uses this plague term to refer to Paris when talking to Bill Gorton. “pestilential” Tsar:80 706 Characters These two characters join Brett Ashley in her cab. Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton Tsar:80 707 Places Brett Ashley and Bill Gorton compare these two “strange” cities. Vienna and Paris Tsar:80 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 708 Objects At the Closerie de Lilas, Bill Gorton drinks “another” one of these drinks. pernod Tsar:81 709 Actions Brett Ashley “never” did these two activities while away in San Sebastian. “go out” or “swim” Tsar:81 710 Plot Details Jake Barnes tells Brett Ashley that Bill Gorton has this job. taxidermist Tsar:81 711 Description Bill Gorton always meets women who are in this “stage.” engaged Tsar:81 712 Objects Bill Gorton proposes this wedding gift for Brett Ashley and Mike Campbell. stuffed horses Tsar:81 713 Places Bill Gorton asks if Brett Ashley “is a Lady” in the taxi on the way to this place. Ile Saint Louis Tsar:82 714 Characters This restaurant is where Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes eat after parting with Brett Ashley. Madame Lecomte’s Tsar:82 715 Plot Details Bill Gorton first ate at Madame Lecomte’s in this year. 1918 Tsar:82 716 Plot Details This event took place before Bill Gorton’s first dining experience at Madame Lecomte’s. the Allied Armistice Tsar:82 717 Objects Madame Lecomte’s was listed as “quaint” in this publication. American Women’s Club list Tsar:82 718 Description Madame Lecomte’s was “crowded” with patrons with this nationality. American Tsar:82 719 Characters This person “made a great fuss” over Bill Gorton. Madame Lecomte Tsar:82 720 Numbers It took this much time to get a table at Madame Lecomte’s. 45 minutes Tsar:82 721 Plot Details This fact about Bill Gorton does not help get him and Jake Barnes a table. knowing Madame Lecomte Tsar:82 722 Description Jake Barnes offers this reason as to why he does not dine often at Madame Lecomte’s. too many Americans Tsar:82 723 Plot Details Madame Lecomte suggests Jake Barnes visits her restaurant at this time. lunch Tsar:82 724 Places After dinner at Madame Lecomte’s, Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton walk along this dock. Quai d’Orléans Tsar:82 725 Objects Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton see this “bright” boat going down the Seine. bateau mouche Tsar:83 726 Places Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton cross a wooden footbridge from this dock. Quai de Bethune Tsar:83 727 Places Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton have “steep walking” up to this place. Place Contrescarpe Tsar:83 728 Objects This light shone through the leaves at Place Contrescarpe. “arc-light” Tsar:83 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 729 French Words At Place Contrescarpe, music comes from this place. Negre Joyeux Tsar:83 730 Objects At Café aux Amateurs, a girl cooks this food. potato chips Tsar:83 731 Objects At Café aux Amateurs, a girl prepares a plate of this food. stew Tsar:83 732 Objects At Café aux Amateurs, an old man carries this object. bottle of wine Tsar:83 733 Objects During Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton’s after-dinner walk, Bill Gorton does not want this thing. a drink Tsar:83 734 Places This street leads Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton to Rue Saint Jacques. Rue du Pot de Fer Tsar:83 735 Places From Rue Saint Jacques, Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes walk past this military hospital. Val de Grace Tsar:84 736 Objects A fence of this material surrounds Val de Grace. iron Tsar:84 737 Places Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes walk along Port Royal until it becomes this street. Montparnasse Tsar:84 738 Characters After walking around Paris, Jake Barnes suggests to Bill Gorton that they meet these two characters. Brett Ashley and Mike Campbell Tsar:84 739 Plot Details This event bloodies Mike Campbell’s nose. an “old lady’s bags” falling on him Tsar:84 740 Objects At Café Select, Jake Barnes observes that Brett Ashley is not wearing this article of clothing. stockings Tsar:84 741 Unnamed People This person bought Brett Ashley’s hat. “a chap” Tsar:84 742 Description Brett Ashley introduces Mike Campbell as this type of person. “undischarged bankrupt” Tsar:85 743 Actions Brett Ashley calls Mike “indecent” for this reason. suggesting they “turn in early” Tsar:85 744 Description At Café Select, Mike is in this state. drunk Tsar:85 745 Description At Café Select, Mike repeatedly calls Brett Ashley by this phrase. “a lovely piece” Tsar:85 746 Plot Details Jake Barnes asks Bill Gorton if he wants to leave Café Select to go to this event. “the fight” Tsar:85 747 Description Jake Barnes tells Bill Gorton he thinks Mike was this way about Brett Ashley at the Café Select. “excited” Tsar:85 748 Description Jake Barnes expresses his romantic frustration in the cab to Bill Gorton by giving Brett Ashley this title. “Mike’s girlfriend” Tsar:86 749 People Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton see these two fighters compete at the June 20th prizefight. Ledoux and Kid Francis Tsar:87 750 Places Robert Cohn sends Jake Barnes a letter from this southern French town. Hendaye Tsar:87 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 751 Sports Robert Cohn’s letter to Jake Barnes says he is engaging in these two pastimes. golf and bridge Tsar:87 752 Objects Robert Cohn says he will pay Jake Barnes back for purchasing this fishing item. a “double-tapered line” Tsar:87 753 Places Jake Barnes plans to meet Robert Cohn in this city. Bayonne Tsar:87 754 Plot Details Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton plan to leave Paris on this date. June 25 Tsar:87 755 Numbers The day after the fight, Jake Barnes stops by Café Select at this time. 7 o’clock Tsar:87 756 Places This town is where Bill Gorton is when Brett Ashley asks his whereabouts. Chantilly Tsar:88 757 Actions Brett Ashley says she will not do this activity in Spain. “fish” Tsar:88 758 Objects Jake Barnes asks Mike Campbell if he can “pick up” these three fishing items. rods with reels, lines, and flies Tsar:88 759 Unnamed People Mike Campbell says he will send a wire about the fishing items to this person. “the keeper” Tsar:88 760 Plot Details Mike Campbell says Brett Ashley cannot get up at this time of day. morning Tsar:88 761 Plot Details All of the main characters plan to meet up in Spain on this day of the week. Saturday Tsar:88 762 Unnamed People Mike Campbell excuses himself from the Dingo to visit this person. the barber Tsar:88 763 Actions Brett Ashley excuses herself from the Dingo saying she must do this activity. “bathe” Tsar:88 764 Characters This person accompanies Brett Ashley from the Dingo to her hotel. Jake Barnes Tsar:88 765 Places Mike Campbell compares his and Brett Ashley’s hotel to this establishment. a brothel Tsar:89 766 Places Mike Campbell says he “should know” about this type of place. brothels Tsar:89 767 Plot Details Mike Campbell and Brett Ashley’s hotel asked if they wanted to stay for “only” this time period. the afternoon Tsar:89 768 Places Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes exit the Dingo and walk up this street. Rue Delambre Tsar:89 769 Character Brett Ashley reveals she spent her vacation in San Sebastian with this character. Robert Cohn Tsar:89 770 Objects Brett Ashley says she will give Robert Cohn a “chance to pull out” of the trip by writing this document. a letter Tsar:90 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 771 Characters Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley are surprised that this character is coming to Spain. Robert Cohn Tsar:90 772 Objects Jake Barnes “wrote out” this document for Brett Ashley and Mike Campbell. itinerary Tsar:90 773 Places Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes take a train from this Paris station. Gare d’Orsay Tsar:90 774 Places The main characters plan to meet up at this hotel in Pamplona. Hotel Montoya Tsar:90 775 Places Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton plan to go fishing in the mountains of this place. Burguete Tsar:90 776 Numbers The conductor tells Jake Barnes that he and Bill Gorton have to eat during this service. “fifth” Tsar:90 777 Objects The conductor advises Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton “to get” this food after Jake hands him ten francs. “some sandwiches” Tsar:91 778 Unnamed People These three people ride in the train care with Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton. a man, his wife, and their young son Tsar:91 779 Description The man in the train car “supposes” that Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton are this nationality. American Tsar:91 780 Places There are “seven cars” of people from this city. Dayton, Ohio Tsar:91 781 Numbers The wife in the car says her husband could have taken a trip to Europe this many years ago. 10 Tsar:91 782 Places The Americans from Ohio on the train are headed to these two cities. Biarritz and Lourdes Tsar:91 783 Groups Bill Gorton calls the Americans on the train this type of people. “pilgrims” Tsar:91 784 Actions The man on the train “never cared for” this activity. fishing Tsar:92 785 Places The man on the train is from this state. Montana Tsar:92 786 Actions The man on the train tends to do this activity on fishing trips. drink Tsar:92 787 Plot Details The wife on the train voted against this law “to please” her husband. prohibition Tsar:92 788 Characters This is the man on the train’s son’s name. Hubert Tsar:92 789 Groups On the train, these people “did not come back.” the family Tsar:92 790 Groups Jake Barnes says these two groups get “first service” on the train. “pilgrims” and “priests” Tsar:92 791 Objects The waiter on the train gives Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton this type of wine. Chablis Tsar:92 792 Actions The steward on the train sarcastically asks when he will be able to do this activity. eat Tsar:93 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 793 Objects Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton see this crop “was just beginning to ripen” from their train window. grain Tsar:93 794 Objects Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton see fields of this flower from their train window. poppies Tsar:93 795 Description Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton notice “the pastureland” was this color from their train window. green Tsar:93 796 Objects From the train, Jake Barnes notes there are “fine” examples of this vegetation. trees Tsar:93 797 Places On the train ride, this type of building was visible in the trees. “chateaux” Tsar:93 798 Places On the train ride, “big” bodies of this water are visible. rivers Tsar:93 799 Places On the train ride, Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton buy another bottle of wine in this city. Tours Tsar:93 800 Places Hubert asks if there is “good swimming” in this city. Biarritz Tsar:93 801 Characters The woman on the train says this person is “crazy” until he swims. Hubert Tsar:93 802 Plot Details This fact is what makes Jake Barnes “so sore” on the train. his Catholicism not helping him “get a meal” Tsar:93 803 Plot Details Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes finally eat lunch on the train at this time. quarter past four Tsar:93 804 Groups Bill Gorton tells a priest that “it’s enough to make a man join” this group. “the Klan” Tsar:93 805 Places “The train stopped for half an hour” at this city. Bordeaux Tsar:94 806 Description The dining-car waiter’s armpits on the train are stained this color. purple Tsar:94 807 Places Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton “watched the sunset” while passing through this French region on the train. Landes Tsar:94 808 Places After Bordeaux on the train ride, the countryside turns to this terrain. “sandy pine country” Tsar:94 809 Objects The pine trees seen from the train were full of this plant. heather Tsar:94 810 Plot Details Jake Barnes sees this type of gap “cut through the pines.” “fire-gaps” Tsar:94 811 Objects “Once and a while,” the train passes this type of building. sawmills Tsar:94 812 Plot Details On the train, Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes eat dinner at this time. 7:30 Tsar:94 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 813 Places Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton’s train arrives in this city “about nine o’clock.” Bayonne Tsar:94 814 Places The family plans to change trains at this station. La Negresse Tsar:94 815 Plot Details The man on the train leaves Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton with this wish. “lots of luck” Tsar:94 816 Characters This character is waiting for Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes “with the hotel runners” in Bayonne. Robert Cohn Tsar:94 817 Description Jake Barnes had “never noticed” this imparity of Robert Cohn’s. near-sightedness Tsar:94 818 Objects In Bayonne, the men take this type of cab to Cohn’s hotel. horse Tsar:95 819 Characters Robert Cohn has read this character’s books. Bill Gorton Tsar:95 820 Places Jake Barnes was not sure the fishing rods would arrive from this country in time. Scotland Tsar:96 821 Places The men buy a rod for Bill Gorton from this place. “a dry goods store” Tsar:96 822 Unnamed People The men have to wait for this person “to come back” at the drygoods store. the store clerk Tsar:96 823 Objects The men buy these two items at the drygoods store. a rod and “two landing-nets” Tsar:96 824 Places After leaving the drygoods store, Jake Barnes, Bill Gorton, and Robert Cohn look at this structure. the Bayonne Cathedral Tsar:96 825 Description According to Jake Barnes, the Bayonne Cathedral seemed this way. “nice and dim” Tsar:96 826 Places The bus from Bayonne starts in front of this building. Syndicat d’Initiative office Tsar:96 827 Plot Details The Bayonne bus service does not start until this date. the first of July Tsar:96 828 Objects In Bayonne, Jake Barnes, Robert Cohn, and Bill Gorton rent this vehicle to go to Pamplona. “a motor-car” Tsar:96 829 Numbers The car rental in Bayonne costs this amount. 400 francs Tsar:97 830 Objects While waiting for the car in Bayonne, Jake Barnes, Robert Cohn, and Bill Gorton have this drink. beer Tsar:97 831 Places The men rent a car from a “big garage just around the corner” from this place in Bayonne. the Municipal Theatre Tsar:97 832 Place The breeze in Bayonne comes from this body of water. the sea Tsar:97 833 Description The houses in Bayonne are this color. yellow Tsar:97 834 Animals This type of bird was in the Bayonne square. pigeons Tsar:97 835 Places In Bayonne, Jake Barnes “did not want to leave” this place. the café Tsar:97 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 836 Numbers The hotel in Bayonne costs this amount. 16 francs Tsar:97 837 Numbers This amount is the service percentage for the hotel in Bayonne. 10 percent Tsar:97 838 Animals At the Bayonne hotel, Jake Barnes spots this bug while waiting for Robert Cohn. a cockroach Tsar:97 839 Numbers According to Jake Barnes, the cockroach is this long. 3 inches Tsar:97 840 Plot Details Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes share an opinion about this aspect of the Bayonne hotel. its cleanliness Tsar:97 841 Description The rental car driver’s collar is this color. blue Tsar:97 842 Description The rental car driver’s duster is this color white Tsar:97 843 Animals The men in the rental car pass “lots of Basques” with this animal. oxen Tsar:97 844 Sports “Every village” in the Basque country had this type of court. “pelota” Tsar:97 845 Sports The signs on the walls of the Basque churches say they forbid this game. pelota Tsar:97 846 Description The houses in the Basque country had this type of rooftop. red tile Tsar:97 847 Places On the drive in the Basque country, Jake Barnes “couldn’t see” this body of water. “the sea” Tsar:98 848 Places On the drive in the Basque country, Jake Barnes could “only see” this landscape. “the hills” Tsar:98 849 Description The Spanish carabineers at the Spanish frontier wear this type of hat. patent leather Tsar:98 850 People The Spanish carabineers’ hats are named after this infamous general. Napoleon Bonaparte Tsar:98 851 Objects The Frenchmen at the border wear this item. “kepis” Tsar:98 852 Actions At the Spanish border, the chauffeur has to complete this task. filling out paperwork Tsar:98 853 Places This establishment was on “each side of” the FrenchSpanish border. a general store Tsar:98 854 Animals While waiting at the border, Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton go to the stream to check for this fish. trout Tsar:98 855 Animals This animal is “slung on the back” of an old man at the Spanish frontier. goat Tsar:98 856 Description The old man on the bridge at the Spanish frontier has this kind of hair. “sunburned” Tsar:98 857 Description The old man on the bridge at the Spanish frontier has this kind of beard. “sunburned” Tsar:98 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 858 Objects The old man on the bridge at the Spanish frontier is carrying this walking tool. staff Tsar:98 859 Objects The carabineer at the Spanish frontier waves to the old man with this weapon. sword Tsar:98 860 Objects Jake Barnes offers the guard at the Spanish frontier this item. cigarette Tsar:98 861 Places To cross the border, the old man will have to “wade” across this body of water. stream Tsar:98 862 Description The “dusty” road at the Spanish frontier is this color. white Tsar:99 863 Places The car in Spain climbs until it crosses the top of this landmass. “a Col” Tsar:99 864 Objects These two types of trees dot the landscape in Spain. pine and beech Tsar:99 865 Description Jake Barnes notices the mountains in Spain are this color. brown Tsar:99 866 Animals The chauffeur has to honk to avoid this type of animal. donkeys Tsar:99 867 Actions The donkeys in the road are doing this activity. sleeping Tsar:99 868 Objects Upon coming down the mountain, Jake Barnes notices this type of tree. oak Tsar:99 869 Description This color cattle “grazes in the forest.” white Tsar:99 870 Places This terrain is at the bottom of the Col. grassy plains Tsar:99 871 Places This body of water is at the bottom of the Col. streams Tsar:99 872 Description The “whole new range of mountains” in Spain looks brown and this way. “baked” Tsar:99 873 Description The “whole new range of mountains” in Spain looks “furrowed” into this type of shape. “strange” Tsar:99 874 Places Jake Barnes notices this structure on a hill in Spain surrounded by “fields of grain.” a castle Tsar:99 875 Description In the rental car, Jake Barnes sits in this seat. front Tsar:99 876 Action In the rental car, Robert Cohn does this activity. sleep Tsar:99 877 Characters This person nods his head at Jake Barnes in the rental car in regards to the view. Bill Gorton Tsar:99 878 Places From the rental car, Jake Barnes can see the walls of this city on a plateau. Pamplona Tsar:99 879 Places From the rental car, Jake Barnes can see this “great brown” building. the Pamplona cathedral Tsar:99 880 Religion The “broken skyline” of Pamplona is filled with this type of building. churches Tsar:99 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 881 Places Jake Barnes sees this landscape everywhere he looks from the rental car. mountains Tsar:99 882 Places Going into Pamplona, the car passes this “high and white and concrete-looking” structure. the bull-ring Tsar:100 883 Groups This crowd watches the car when it arrives at Hotel Montoya. “kids” Tsar:100 884 Unnamed People This person stays for lunch at Hotel Montoya. the chauffeur Tsar:100 885 Plot Details In The Sun Also Rises, the men pay the driver after this meal. lunch Tsar:100 886 Numbers Hotel Montoya has this many dining rooms. 2 Tsar:100 887 Places One dining room in Hotel Montoya overlooks this place. the square Tsar:100 888 Places One dining room in Hotel Montoya has a door that leads to this place. “the back street” Tsar:100 889 Animals This type of animal passes the Hotel Montoya in the mornings. bulls Tsar:100 890 Description According to Jake Barnes, the “first meal in Spain” is always this way. “a shock” Tsar:100 891 Objects The Hotel Montoya serves these seven courses in its dining room. hors d’oeuvres, an egg course, two meat courses, vegetables, salad, dessert, and fruit Tsar:100 892 Numbers A Spanish meal has this number of meat courses. 2 Tsar:100 893 Objects To get a Spanish meal down, a person has to drink “plenty of this” beverage. wine Tsar:100 894 Objects Robert Cohn did not want this course of the Spanish lunch. second meat Tsar:100 895 Objects At the Hotel Montoya, the waitress brings Robert Cohn this “replacement” course. cold meat Tsar:100 896 Characters Robert Cohn is “rather awkward” in Spain because of his tryst with this character. Brett Ashley Tsar:100 897 Numbers Bill Gorton bets this much money on Brett Ashley and Mike Campbell’s punctuality. 100 pesetas Tsar:101 898 Characters At lunch at Hotel Montoya, this character upsets Bill Gorton. Robert Cohn Tsar:101 899 Places After lunch at Hotel Montoya, Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton stop for coffee at this café. Café Iruña Tsar:101 900 Description Bill Gorton describes Robert Cohn with these two adjectives at the Café Iruña. “superior” and “Jewish” Tsar:102 901 Places This place in Pamplona is closed and Robert Cohn cannot get a shave. the barber shop Tsar:102 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 902 Numbers The barber shop in Pamplona opens at this time. 4 o’clock Tsar:102 903 Description At Café Iruña, people sit in chairs made of this material. wicker Tsar:102 904 Objects Bill Gorton leaves Café Iruña to write this type of document. letters Tsar:102 905 Places During his initial walk around Pamplona, Jake Barnes visits this government agency. Ayuntamiento Tsar:102 906 Unnamed People The old man who “subscribes for the bull-fight tickets” has this professional title. an archivist Tsar:102 907 Unnamed People This person stops Jake Barnes in the street to tell him he is dirty. “the porter” Tsar:102 908 Description Jake Barnes gives the Spanish porter two coins made of this material. copper Tsar:102 909 Actions Jake Barnes stops by a cathedral in Pamplona and does this activity. prays Tsar:102 910 Plot Details Jake Barnes prays that this event will “be good” at the Pamplona cathedral. the bullfights Tsar:103 911 Characters Jake Barnes thinks of this person when praying for money in the Pamplona cathedral. Count Mippipopolous Tsar:103 912 Religion This religion is a “grand” one according to Jake Barnes. Catholicism Tsar:103 913 Objects The cathedral in Pamplona smells of this scent. incense Tsar:102 914 Characters During dinner in Pamplona, Jake Barnes is “enjoying” this character’s “nervousness.” Robert Cohn Tsar:103 915 Plot Details Jake Barnes feels “lousy” for “enjoying” this scene. Robert Cohn’s anxiety Tsar:104 916 Plot Details Jake Barnes compares betting on bull-fights to betting on the outcome of this historical event. World War I Tsar:104 917 Characters This character tells Bill Gorton to “forget about” the bet they had made. Robert Cohn Tsar:104 918 Places Mike Campbell and Brett Ashley stopover in this Spanish town on their way to Pamplona. San Sebastian Tsar:104 919 Characters Jake Barnes feels “unforgivingly jealous” of what happened to this character. Robert Cohn Tsar:105 920 Characters Robert Cohn goes through “all that barbering” for this character. Brett Ashley Tsar:105 921 Places This café in Pamplona is where the “old man speaks German and English”. Café Suizo Tsar:106 922 Actions Robert Cohn decides to take this action while Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton go to Burguete. to stay in Pamplona to wait for Brett Ashley and Mike Campbell Tsar:105 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 923 Characters Robert Cohn confides in this character about his tryst with Brett Ashley. Bill Gorton Tsar:107 924 Groups Bill Gorton sarcastically asks Jake Barnes if he “could bring along” more of this group. “Jewish friends” Tsar:107 925 Description Bill Gorton claims this quality of Robert Cohn is “the terrible part.” his niceness Tsar:107 926 Characters This character thinks his face should be “thrown on every screen in the country.” Bill Gorton Tsar:108 927 Places Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton are “going trout-fishing” in this river. the Irati River Tsar:108 928 Characters This person holds Jake Barnes’ seat on the bus to Burguete. Robert Cohn Tsar:109 929 Objects The women on the bus were using this object to keep cool. fans Tsar:109 930 Objects Jake Barnes spills a wine on the bus to Burguete when the Basque imitates this sound. klaxon motor horn Tsar:109 931 Unnamed People On the bus to Burguete, Bill Gorton offers a bottle of wine to this person. the man next to him Tsar:110 932 Objects This beverage “goes all over” the bus to Burguete. wine Tsar:110 933 Groups Bill Gorton calls this group “swell people” on the bus to Burguete. the Basques Tsar:110 934 Description The Basque lying against Jake Barnes’s knees has this skin color. “saddle-leather” Tsar:110 935 Spanish Words The Basque with the wine skin shouts this Spanish word. “Arriba!” Tsar:110 936 Objects Bill Gorton is unable to drink properly from this container. the wine-skin Tsar:110 937 Places The driver of the bus to Burguete stops in front of this type of building to pick up several packages. the “posada” Tsar:111 938 Animals The bus to Burguete passes six of this type of animal. mules Tsar:111 939 Objects This matter covered the wagon and mules Jake Barnes sees on the bus to Burguete. dust Tsar:111 940 Objects Jake Barnes sees fields of this fruit touching houses on the bus to Burguete. grapes Tsar:111 941 Objects These five items are “hanging from the roof” of the posada. canvas rope-soled shoes, hams, slabs of bacon, white garlics, and long sausages Tsar:112 942 Spanish Words Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton each enjoy this Spanishnamed drink at the posada. arguardiente Tsar:112 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 943 Plot Details This misunderstanding causes the woman at the Spanish posada to return her tip to Jake Barnes. thinking he misunderstood the price Tsar:112 944 Numbers The old man on the bus to Burguete visited the United States this many years ago. 40 Tsar:112 945 Places The old man on the bus to Burguete traveled to these six American cities. Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City Tsar:113 946 Numbers The old man on the bus to Burguete visited the United States for this many years. 15 Tsar:113 947 Action The old man on the bus to Burguete returned to Spain to do this action. get married Tsar:113 948 Plot Details This skill of the old man impressed “the other Basques” on the bus to Burguete. his ability to speak “American” Tsar:113 949 Objects The road to Burguete “came over the crest, flattened out, and went into a forest” of this type of tree. cork oaks Tsar:114 950 Description The houses of Burguete have roofs of this color. red Tsar:114 951 Places This structure is seen from Burguete “away off on the shoulder of the first dark mountain.” the monastery of Roncesvalles Tsar:114 952 Unnamed People This man “in his cocked hat and yellow leather crossstraps” approaches Jake Barnes in Burguete. “a carabineer” Tsar:114 953 Objects The carabineer in Burguete asks Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton to show him this document. their fishing permit Tsar:115 954 Objects The fat woman at the inn in Burguete wipes this object upon meeting Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton. her spectacles Tsar:115 955 People Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton’s room in Burguete has a framed steel-engraving of this woman. Nuestra Señora de Roncesvalles Tsar:115 956 Description The weather in Burguete is this temperature. cold Tsar:115 957 Numbers The hotel in Burguete costs this amount. 12 pesetas Tsar:115 958 Places The woman at the hotel in Burguete insists that she has included this amenity in the room. a bathroom Tsar:115 959 Objects This drink is included in the price of the hotel in Burguete. wine Tsar:116 960 Objects Bill Gorton plays this instrument in the hotel in Burguete. the piano Tsar:116 961 Objects Jake Barnes tells the woman in Burguete to make him this hot drink. rum punch Tsar:116 962 Plot Details According to Bill Gorton, “direct action beats” this process. legislation Tsar:116 963 Objects Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton eat a “big bowl” of this fruit. wild strawberries Tsar:116 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 964 Objects The old woman at the Burguete hotel looks into Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton’s room to count this object. empty bottles Tsar:116 965 Animals Jake Barnes sees this animal hop up “to the roof of the diligence” in Burguete. a goat Tsar:117 966 Objects Jake Barnes finds this object in the shed behind the inn in Burguete. a mattock Tsar:117 967 Animals Jake Barnes digs in the ground to find this type of creature by the stream in Burguete. worms Tsar:117 968 Objects Jake Barnes places worms into tins originally intended for this product. tobacco Tsar:118 969 Actions Bill Gorton asks Jake Barnes if he was doing this activity with the mattock by the stream. burying his money Tsar:118 970 Actions Bill Gorton teases Jake Barnes to “try and argue” him into doing this action in Burguete. to “get up” out of bed Tsar:118 971 Plot Details Bill Gorton sings a song about these two concepts in Burguete. “irony” and “pity” Tsar:118 972 Plot Details Bill Gorton sings his song in Burguete to the tune of this song. “The Bells are Ringing for Me and my Gal” Tsar:119 973 Plot Details Jake Barnes reads a Spanish paper that is old by this much time in Burguete. a week Tsar:119 974 Objects Bill Gorton tells Jake Barnes to ask “the girl” in Burguete for this type of food. jam Tsar:119 975 Plot Details Bill Gorton wishes he could speak this language in Burguete. Spanish Tsar:119 976 Objects Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton drink coffee out of this container in Burguete. “big bowls” Tsar:119 977 People Bill Gorton asks Jake Barnes to “make a crack” about this Spanish Prime Minister. Miguel Primo de Rivera Tsar:119 978 Description Bill Gorton tells Jake Barnes to say something of this nature about Robert Cohn in Burguete. “ironic” Tsar:119 979 Description Bill Gorton gives Jake Barnes this title in response to Jake’s inability to think of something “ironic.” “an expatriated newspaper man” Tsar:119 980 Characters Bill Gorton says this character “ought to wake up with a mouth full of pity.” Jake Barnes Tsar:119 981 Characters This character calls Jake Barnes “an expatriate”. Bill Gorton Tsar:120 982 Objects Bill Gorton says this substance “puts a man on her horse and a woman in his grave.” caffeine Tsar:120 983 Groups Bill Gorton states that “nobody” from this group has ever written “anything worth printing.” people who leave their own countries Tsar:120 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 984 Plot Details Bill Gorton tells Jake Barnes that others make one of these two claims about Jake’s life. “women support” him or he is “impotent Tsar:120 985 Plot Details Jake Barnes says this type of event occurred when Bill Gorton brings up his impotence. “an accident” Tsar:120 986 Objects Bill Gorton compares Jake Barnes’ accident to this incident. “Henry’s bicycle” Tsar:120 987 Description Jake Barnes says Henry was traveling in this way instead of a riding a bicycle. horseback Tsar:120 988 Objects Jake Barnes says the joystick of this object is “sort of like a tricycle.” a plane Tsar:120 989 Characters Bill Gorton is “fonder” of this person “than anybody on earth.” Jake Barnes Tsar:121 990 Places Bill Gorton claims he could not express his fondness for Jake Barnes in this city. New York Tsar:121 991 Description Bill Gorton uses this derogatory term to describe Abraham Lincoln. “faggot” Tsar:121 992 Plot Details Bill claims that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves for this reason. “a bet” Tsar:121 993 People Bill Gorton says Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis were “in love” with this general. General Grant Tsar:121 994 Groups Bill Gorton claims this group “framed” the Dred Scott case. the Anti-Saloon League Tsar:121 995 Animals The grass in Burguete “was short” from this animal’s grazing. the sheep Tsar:121 996 Animals Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton hear the bells of this animal. cows Tsar:121 997 Animals This type of creature “spotted the sand” of the pool beside the stream in Burguete. tadpoles Tsar:121 998 Objects This type of tree in Burguete had twisted branches and roots that “bulked above the ground.” beech Tsar:122 999 Objects This wild fruit grows on the “sunny side of the ridge” that overlooks Burguete. strawberries Tsar:122 1000 Objects On the walk to the river, there were “great fields of yellow” varieties of this flower. gorse Tsar:122 1001 Spanish Words The valley near the Irati River has this Spanish name. Rio de la Fabrica Tsar:123 1002 Objects A field of this grain is on the steep hill beyond the Irati River buckwheat Tsar:123 1003 Description Bill Gorton asks Jake Barnes for this brand of fly. “McGinty’s” Tsar:123 1004 Objects Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes fish for this fish. trout Tsar:123 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1005 Objects The spring where Jake Barnes places the wine bottles flows out of this object. an iron pipe Tsar:123 1006 Objects This liquid in Burguete was so cold that Jake Barnes felt his hands go numb. water Tsar:123 1007 Objects The dam in the Irati River was built to help move this commodity. timber Tsar:124 1008 Numbers Jake Barnes catches this number of fish. 6 Tsar:124 1009 Objects Jake Barnes covers the fish with this plant. ferns Tsar:124 1010 Description Jake Barnes’ trout from the Irati River share this characteristic. size Tsar:124 1011 People Jake Barnes reads a book on the fishing trip by this author. A. E. W. Mason Tsar:125 1012 Places Jake Barnes reads a story about a man who freezes in this mountain range. the Alps Tsar:125 1013 Numbers The wife of the man who freezes in the Alps will wait this many years for “her true love.” 24 Tsar:125 1014 Numbers Bill Gorton catches this many trout at the Irati River. 4 Tsar:125 1015 Characters This character caught bigger trout at the Irati River. Bill Gorton Tsar:125 1016 Objects On the fishing trip, Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton eat this sort of meat for lunch. chicken Tsar:126 1017 Description On the fishing trip, Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton eat this type of eggs for lunch. hard-boiled Tsar:126 1018 Characters Jake Barnes tells Bill Gorton this former college friend is dead while at the Irati River. Bryan Tsar:126 1019 Places According to Bill Gorton, this place was “God’s first temple.” “the woods” Tsar:127 1020 Places Bryan, Jake Barnes, and H. L. Mencken when to this college. College of the Holy Cross Tsar:127 1021 Places Frankie Fritsch went to this college. Fordham Tsar:127 1022 Places Bill Gorton went to this university “with Bishop Manning.” Loyola Tsar:127 1023 Characters Jake Barnes says he went to Notre Dame with this person. Wayne B. Wheeler Tsar:128 1024 Actions Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton decide to do this activity after drinking wine at the Irati River. take a nap Tsar:128 1025 Characters This character asks Jake Barnes if he ever loved Brett Ashley. Bill Gorton Tsar:128 1026 People Bill Gorton says these four “business men” were dreamers. Ford, President Coolidge, Rockefeller, and Jo Davidson Tsar:129 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1027 Objects Jake Barnes puts this object in the outside flap of the rucksack. the tin of worms Tsar:129 1028 Numbers Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes stay in Burguete for this length of time. 5 days Tsar:129 1029 Characters This Englishman plays three-handed bridge with Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton in Burguete. Harris Tsar:130 1030 Places Harris walked from this French town to Burguete. Saint Jean Pied de Port Tsar:130 1031 Characters This character tells Jake Barnes he has a letter at the Burguete inn. Harris Tsar:131 1032 Actions Mike Campbell says Brett Ashley did this action on the train to San Sebastian. “passed out” Tsar:131 1033 Plot Details Mike Campbell wrote his letter to Jake Barnes on this day of the week. Sunday Tsar:131 1034 Characters Mike Campbell says in his letter that he tries to “look out” for this character. Brett Ashley Tsar:131 1035 Plot Details Harris does not join Jake Barnes to Pamplona for this reason. wanting to fish some more Tsar:132 1036 Objects The girl with “the leather wallet that hung against her skirt” gives Jake Barnes this object. a telegram Tsar:132 1037 Plot Details Bill Gorton jokes he does not understand this word from the Spanish telegram. “Cohn” Tsar:132 1038 Plot Details Robert Cohn sends a telegram to Jake Barnes stating he will arrive in Burguete on this day of the week. Thursday Tsar:132 1039 Plot Details Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton send Robert Cohn a telegram saying they will arrive at this time. “to-night” Tsar:132 1040 Places Harris calls this building “remarkable.” the monastery at Roncesvalles Tsar:132 1041 Places Harris points out this structure across the way from the monastery. a pub Tsar:132 1042 Characters This Englishman “talked Spanish quite well.” Harris Tsar:133 1043 Plot Details Harris picks up this word from Bill Gorton. “utilize” Tsar:133 1044 Description “Tight” means this state of being. drunk Tsar:134 1045 Plot Details Harris says he has not had much fun since this time. World War I Tsar:134 1046 Description Harris uses this British expression meaning “great.” “jolly good” Tsar:134 1047 Characters This name is Harris’s actual one. Wilson-Harris Tsar:134 1048 Places Harris is from this city. London Tsar:135 1049 Animals Harris gives Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton each an envelope containing a dozen of this type of creature. flies Tsar:135 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1050 Groups Jake Barnes says it is hard to tell how this group will “mix with one another.” “the English” Tsar:135 1051 Characters Jake Barnes meets this hotel owner after returning to Pamplona from Burguete. Montoya Tsar:135 1052 Places Jake Barnes makes sure Mike Campbell’s room at the Hotel Montoya overlooks this location. “the plaza” Tsar:135 1053 Description This type of bull arrives the night Jake Barnes returns from Burguete. Villar Tsar:136 1054 Description This type of bull arrives the night after Jake Barnes returns from Burguete. Miuras Tsar:136 1055 Spanish Words Jake Barnes says the bulls have never seen this type of Spanish event when talking to Montoya. “desencajonada” Tsar:136 1056 Plot Details Montoya always smiled as though this activity were a secret between him and Jake Barnes. bullfighting Tsar:136 1057 Spanish Words This Spanish term describes a person who is “passionate about bull fights”. “aficionado” Tsar:136 1058 Description Jake Barnes and Montoya consider this type of bullfighter to be “good.” those with “aficion” Tsar:136 1059 Characters Montoya’s photographs of bullfighters were dedicated to one of these two people. Juanito Montoya or his sister Tsar:136 1060 Actions Montoya did this action to the photographs of bullfighters he “really believed in.” put them in frames Tsar:136 1061 Places Montoya ultimately put photographs of bullfighters “without aficion” in this location. the waste-basket Tsar:136 1062 Plot Details Aficionados could always do this activity at the Hotel Montoya. get rooms even when the hotel was full Tsar:137 1063 Description Aficionados are “amused” at this characteristic of Jake Barnes. his being American Tsar:137 1064 Spanish Words This Spanish term of endearment is one that aficionados call Jake Barnes. “buen hombre” Tsar:137 1065 Actions This gesture signifies an aficionado’s recognition of another aficionado. touch Tsar:137 1066 Plot Details Jake Barnes has tickets to all of this part of the fiesta. “the unloadings” Tsar:137 1067 Groups Montoya forgives Jake Barnes for this group. his friends Tsar:137 1068 Plot Details Bill Gorton asks Jake Barnes what this event is like. the unloadings of the fiesta Tsar:138 1069 Animals This animal receives the bulls and keeps them from fighting. steer Tsar138: 1070 Animals According to Bill Gorton, “it must be swell” being this animal at the bull unloadings. “steer” Tsar:138 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1071 Objects Brett Ashley and Mike Campbell wear this type of hat when Jake Barnes first sees them in Pamplona. “a Basque beret” Tsar:138 1072 Actions Mike Campbell “had a way of getting an intensity of feeling into” this gesture. shaking hands Tsar:138 1073 Characters This character had gone to San Sebastian to bring Brett Ashley and Mike Campbell to Pamplona. Robert Cohn Tsar:139 1074 Plot Details Mike Campbell wishes the days from this time “were back.” World War I Tsar:139 1075 Places Brett Ashley says Mike Campbell’s horse “bolted down” this street at war. Piccadilly Tsar:139 1076 Numbers Mike Campbell has told his war story about his horse this many times. 4 Tsar:139 1077 Description Mike Campbell says Brett Ashley tells this type of story about him at Café Iruña. those “that reflect discredit” on him Tsar:139 1078 Characters This character did not request the “usual medals” after World War I. Mike Campbell Tsar:140 1079 People Mike Campbell was invited to a “whopping big dinner” with this royal guest. the Prince of Wales Tsar:140 1080 Objects Mike Campbell asked a tailor to fix him up with this type of object. military medals Tsar:140 1081 People This British general was shot the night Mike Campbell was to attend a dinner with the Prince of Wales. Henry Wilson Tsar:140 1082 Unnamed People This sort of person gave Mike Campbell military medals. tailor Tsar:140 1083 Objects At a night club, Mike Campbell gave this type of item “to each girl.” medals Tsar:140 1084 Unnamed People The military medals that Mike Campbell gives away belonged to this type of person. a World War I veteran Tsar:141 1085 Numbers Mike Campbell used to pay the tailor this much money “to keep him quiet.” 100 pounds Tsar:141 1086 Description Mike Campbell says he went bankrupt in these “two ways.” gradually and suddenly Tsar:141 1087 Groups Mike Campbell attributes his bankruptcy to these two groups. his friends and his creditors Tsar:141 1088 Numbers The wine shop in Pamplona sells wine by the liter for this price. 30 centimes Tsar:142 1089 Characters The three girls in the wine shop in Pamplona stare at this character. Brett Ashley Tsar:142 1090 Objects The “stone wall of the corrals” had these “loopholes” running along its face. “apertures” Tsar:142 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1091 Places The bulls had come by train from “a bull-breeding ranch” located in this town. Castile Tsar:142 1092 Unnamed People Each bull cage “was stenciled with the name and brand of” this person. the bull-breeder Tsar:142 1093 Animals This animal drags a bull cage “against the gate of the corral wall.” a mule Tsar:143 1094 Objects Men use this tool to “shove and lift up” a bull crate into position. crowbars Tsar:143 1095 Body “The great hump of muscle” on this body part of the bull is “swollen tight” when he enters the ring. neck Tsar:143 1096 Animals Brett Ashley thinks this creature is “beautiful” in Pamplona. the bull Tsar:144 1097 Sports Jake Barnes compares the bull’s use of his horns to this athlete’s method. boxer Tsar:144 1098 Animals This animal is gored in the first bull unloading. steer Tsar:145 1099 Actions The unwounded steer did this action at the first bull unloading. quieted down the bulls to create a “herd” Tsar:145 1100 Description Jake Barnes explains that bulls “only want to kill” when they are in this state. “alone” Tsar:145 1101 Characters Mike Campbell says he thought this character would have “loved being a steer.” Robert Cohn Tsar:146 1102 Animals Mike Campbell wonders if Robert Cohn will “follow Brett around” like this animal. a steer Tsar:146 1103 Animals Mike Campbell tells Brett Ashley only this animal “has any breeding.” a bull Tsar:146 1104 Actions Mike Campbell tells Robert Cohn that Brett Ashley has done this action with a lot of “better” people. sleep with them Tsar:146 1105 Characters Mike Campbell says this character “was not wanted” in San Sebastian. Robert Cohn Tsar:146 1106 Plot Details Mike Campbell tells Robert Cohn that he looks like a “bloody” one of this event. funerals Tsar:146 1107 Actions None of Mike Campbell’s friends would do this gesture to Robert Cohn in San Sebastian. invite him to “any of the parties” Tsar:147 1108 Plot Details Brett Ashley says Mike Campbell is “a splendid one to talk about” this concept to Robert Cohn. manners Tsar:147 1109 Characters This character “went off with Cohn” after Mike Campbell’s verbal attacks. Bill Gorton Tsar:147 1110 Plot Details Mike Campbell says Brett Ashley tells him “everything” about this type of act. her affairs with men Tsar:147 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1111 Objects Mike Campbell would not read this document that Brett Ashley shared with him. Robert Cohn’s letters to Brett Tsar:147 1112 Groups Mike Campbell says Brett Ashley has never gone off with this type of man. “Jews” Tsar:148 1113 Plot Details Brett Ashley tells Mike Campbell not to “spoil” this event. the fiesta Tsar:148 1114 People Robert Cohn calls Brett Ashley by this Greek goddess’ name. Circe Tsar:148 1115 Actions Robert Cohn says he calls Brett Ashley “Circe” because Brett does this act. turns “men into swine” Tsar:148 1116 Plot Details Jake Barnes suggests that Mike Campbell use this excuse with Robert Cohn for attacking him. that he was “tight” Tsar:149 1117 Plot Details Montoya gives this explanation for saying the bulls were “not too good.” that they just did not give him “the feeling that they were so good” Tsar:149 1118 Places Bill Gorton says Robert Cohn is in this location after Mike Campbell verbally attacked him. “up-stairs in his room” Tsar:149 1119 Characters Bill Gorton thinks that “nobody has any business to talk” like this character did to Robert Cohn. Mike Campbell Tsar:150 1120 Objects Brett Ashley wears this garment to supper the night of the first unloading. “a black, sleeveless evening dress” Tsar:150 1121 Plot Details Jake Barnes thinks Robert Cohn is happy that “every one knew” about this event. his affair with Brett Ashley Tsar:150 1122 Plot Details Jake Barnes remembers these three components to dinners “from the war.” much wine, an ignored tension, and a feeling of inevitable “things to come” Tsar:150 1123 Characters This character’s face is “taut and sallow” when Jake Barnes brings him down for supper. Robert Cohn Tsar:150 1124 People Jake Barnes reads a book by this author when drunk the night of the first bull unloading. Ivan Turgenieff (Turgenev) Tsar:151 1125 Objects Jake Barnes reads “the same two pages over several times” of a story in this collection. “A Sportsman’s Sketches” Tsar:151 1126 Actions Jake Barnes hears Mike Campbell and Brett Ashley do this gesture in their hotel room. laugh Tsar:151 1127 Objects For “six months”, Jake Barnes never slept without this household item. an electric light Tsar:152 1128 Groups Jake Barnes thinks this group “made such swell friends.” women Tsar:152 1129 Objects According to Jake Barnes, this “swell thing you can count on” always comes. “the bill” Tsar:152 1130 Unnamed People According to Jake Barnes, this person “pays and pays” in life. “the woman” Tsar:152 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1131 Actions Jake Barns thinks a person pays for things by doing one of these four actions. learning about them, experience, taking chances, or paying money Tsar:152 1132 Characters Jake Barnes thinks this person is “a bad drunk.” Mike Campbell Tsar:152 1133 Characters Jake Barnes thinks these two people are “good drunks.” Brett Ashley and Bill Gorton Tsar:152 1134 Characters Jake Barnes states this person is “never drunk.” Robert Cohn Tsar:152 1135 Plot Details Jake Barnes considers that this concept “must be morality.” “things that made you disgusted afterwards” Tsar:152 1136 Plot Details According to Jake Barnes, this language has “fewer words than the Eskimo.” British English Tsar:153 1137 Description Jake Barnes remarks that Harris is not a part of this social class. upper class Tsar:153 1138 Description Jake Barnes thinks reading Turgenieff in this state of mind will make him “remember it somewhere.” “oversensitized after much too brandy” Tsar:153 1139 Objects Workmen put up these barriers on the side streets in Pamplona. “gate-posts” Tsar:153 1140 Animals “Employees exercised” this type of horse on the bullring. “picador” Tsar:153 1141 Places This structure “was rolled and sprinkled” in preparation for the fiesta. the bull-ring Tsar:153 1142 Groups This group camped under the trees “where the horse and cattle fair would be.” gypsies Tsar:154 1143 Spanish Words This advertisement hangs from a booth near the bull-ring. “ANIS DEL TORO” Tsar:154 1144 Groups These three beings “were the only life on the square” the day before the fiesta. the motor-buses, the pigeons, and the man sprinkling the square Tsar:154 1145 Places In the morning in Spain, Jake Barnes reads papers from this city. Madrid Tsar:154 1146 Actions Robert Cohn spent his mornings in Pamplona doing one of these two activities. studying Spanish or “trying to get a shave” Tsar:154 1147 Actions Brett Ashley wants to witness Jake Barnes doing this religious activity. confession Tsar:154 1148 Places Jake Barnes, Brett Ashley, and Robert Cohn walk together in Pamplona from the church to this location. the gypsy camp Tsar:155 1149 Actions Brett Ashley does this activity at the gypsy camp. has her fortune told Tsar:155 1150 Description Jake Barnes states “you could not be” this way on the last day before the fiesta. “upset” Tsar:155 1151 Plot Details The fiesta begins on this date. July 6th Tsar:156 1152 Plot Details The fiesta begins on this day of the week. Sunday Tsar:156 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1153 Groups This group was “drinking” and “getting ready for the fiesta” in the outlying wine-shops. peasants Tsar:156 1154 Places The fiesta takes place in this town. San Fermin Tsar:156 1155 Objects According to Jake Barnes, money had “a definite value in hours worked and bushels” of this food. grain Tsar:156 1156 Description Jake Barnes explains that the San Fermin fiesta is this type of festival. “religious” Tsar:157 1157 Objects This furniture replaces the “marble-topped tables” at the square café for the fiesta. cast-iron tables Tsar:157 1158 Objects This furniture replaces the “wicker chairs” at the square café for the fiesta. folding chairs Tsar:157 1159 Objects Jake Barnes compares the café on the first day of the fiesta to this vessel. “a battleship stripped for action” Tsar:157 1160 Objects Jake Barnes, Bill Gorton, and Robert Cohn drink this beverage at the square on the first day of the fiesta. sherry Tsar:157 1161 Objects This object announces the fiesta. a rocket Tsar:157 1162 Places The rocket leaves a “gray ball of smoke” above this establishment on the first day of the fiesta. Theatre Gayarre Tsar:157 1163 Objects Jake Barnes compares the “ball of smoke” hanging in the sky from the rocket to this object’s “burst.” shrapnel Tsar:157 1164 Objects Jake Barnes hears these three instruments after the rocket announces the start of the fiesta. the pipes, the fifes, and the drums Tsar:157 1165 Objects A crowd of shouting children follows a man playing this instrument in the square. a reed-pipe Tsar:157 1166 Unnamed People Bill Gorton guesses the reed-pipe player attracting children in the square must have this role. “the village idiot” Tsar:158 1167 Objects Dancers wearing these two colored garments “carried a great banner on two poles.” “workmen’s blue smocks” and “red handkerchiefs” Tsar:158 1168 Objects Men carry a banner at the fiesta announcing, “Hooray!” for these two things. “wine” and “Foreigners” Tsar:158 1169 Numbers The fiesta of San Fermin lasts for this many days. 7 Tsar:158 1170 Plot Details Jake Barnes thinks “it seemed out of place to think of” this concept at the fiesta. consequences Tsar:158 1171 Groups This group dances “ahead of the formal procession and behind it” at the fiesta. riau-riau dancers Tsar:159 1172 Groups These four groups were all Jake Barnes could see through the crowd of the procession. “the great giants,” “cigar-store Indians,” “Moors,” and “a King and Queen” Tsar:159 1173 Groups This group moves with their “whacking bladders through the crowd.” “dwarfs” Tsar:159 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1174 Objects Brett Ashley is stopped inside the door of the church because she lacks this garment. her hat Tsar:159 1175 Objects The dancers in Pamplona wear wreaths of these vegetables. garlic Tsar:159 1176 Characters The riau-riau dancers form a dance circle around this character. Brett Ashley Tsar:159 1177 Actions The riau-riau dancers do not want Brett Ashley to do this activity. dance Tsar:159 1178 Groups This group wants Brett Ashley as “an image to dance around.” the riau-riau dancers Tsar:159 1179 Objects Bill Gorton wants a wine bottle made of this material at the fiesta. leather Tsar:159 1180 Objects Three riau-riau dancers teach Brett Ashley how to drink from this object. a “wine-skin” Tsar:160 1181 Actions The man selling wine-skins does this action to show the bottles do not leak. jumps on the wine-skin Tsar:160 1182 Numbers Jake Barnes buys two leather wine-skins for this price. 8 pesetas Tsar:160 1183 Numbers Jake Barnes fills the two wine-skins for this price. 3 pesetas 60 centimos Tsar:161 1184 Actions A man buys Jake Barnes a drink in exchange for this action. “a rinse of the mouth from the new wine-bag” Tsar:161 1185 Objects Mike Campbell eats from a bowl of this food “with several men in their shirt-sleeves” at the fiesta. tuna fish Tsar:161 1186 Spanish Words Robert Cohn passes out on this drink during the fiesta. “Anis de Mono” Tsar:162 1187 Objects Anis del Mono has this flavor. licorice Tsar:162 1188 Objects Robert Cohn falls asleep on this type of object the first night of the fiesta. “some wine-casks” Tsar:162 1189 Objects Bill Gorton urges Robert Cohn to eat this food on the first night of the fiesta. garlic Tsar:163 1190 Numbers Bill Gorton tries to trick Robert Cohn into thinking he has slept for this much time. 2 days Tsar:163 1191 Characters Jake Barnes’s sleeps on this character’s bed when he cannot find the key to his room. Robert Cohn Tsar:163 1192 Plot Details Jake Barnes could not stay awake to see the bulls run through the streets at this time. 6 o’clock Tsar:163 1193 Plot Details The meal prices in Pamplona were doubled on the first night of this event. the San Fermin fiesta Tsar:163 1194 Objects This sound indicates that the bulls are freed from the corrals. an exploding rocket Tsar:163 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1195 Plot Details Jake Barnes sees a man fall and roll “to the gutter” during this event. the bull run Tsar:164 1196 Places Jake Barnes sees the bulls running through the street from this location. the hotel room balcony Tsar:164 1197 Places Robert Cohn says the bulls “tossed six or eight people” in this location. the bull-ring Tsar:164 1198 Plot Details Café Iruña “did not make this same noise at any other time” than the day before a bullfight. a hum Tsar:165 1199 Spanish Words This type of seat at the bullfight is in “the first row at the ring-side.” “barreras” Tsar:165 1200 Spanish Words This type of seat at the bullfight has wooden backs and is halfway up the amphitheater. “sobrepuertos” Tsar:165 1201 Characters These two characters sit in the barreras at the first bullfight. Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton Tsar:165 1202 Characters These three characters sit in the sobrepuertos at the first bullfight. Brett Ashley, Mike Campbell, and Robert Cohn Tsar:165 1203 Unnamed People Jake Barnes gives his extra ticket to this person “to sell.” a waiter Tsar:165 1204 Description Robert Cohn expresses concern about feeling this way for the first bullfight. “bored” Tsar:165 1205 Animals Jake Barnes warns Brett Ashley not to look at this animal “after the bull hits” it. the horses Tsar:165 1206 Plot Details This expression of Robert Cohn’s “Jewish superiority” bothers Bill Gorton during the fiesta. his thinking he will be bored at the bullfight Tsar:166 1207 Characters Montoya introduces Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton to this bullfighter before the first bullfight. Pedro Romero Tsar:166 1208 Numbers Pedro Romero stays in this room number at the Hotel Montoya. 8 Tsar:166 1209 Objects Men “were just finishing winding” this garment on Pedro Romero when Jake Barnes meets him. his sash Tsar:167 1210 Description Jake Barnes notices this quality of Pedro Romero when he first turns to him. his good looks Tsar:167 1211 Numbers Pedro Romero is this age. 19 Tsar:167 1212 Spanish Words Jake Barnes tells Pedro Romero this Spanish phrase before the bullfight. “mucha suerte” Tsar:167 1213 Spanish Words Montoya says Pedro Romero looks like this type of person. a torero Tsar:167 1214 Numbers At the bullfight, Montoya sits this many places away. 10 Tsar:167 1215 Characters This person caught Jake Barnes’ eye “and nodded his head” after Pedro Romero kills his first bull. Montoya Tsar:167 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1216 Objects Jake Barnes compares the crowd moving from the bullfight “back to town” to this mass. a glacier Tsar:168 1217 Description Jake Barnes says this type of “emotional feeling” comes after every bullfight. “disturbed” Tsar:168 1218 Description Jake Barnes says this type of “emotional feeling…always comes after a good bull-fight.” “elation” Tsar:168 1219 Objects The dancers’ shoes are made from this material. rope Tsar:168 1220 Objects Brett Ashley remarks on this garment of Pedro Romero after the first bullfight. “those green trousers” Tsar:168 1221 Animals Brett Ashley could not help but look at this animal during the bullfight. The horses Tsar:169 1222 Description Mike Campbell claims Robert Cohn turned this color at the first bullfight. green Tsar:169 1223 Characters This character falls ill at the first bull-fight. Robert Cohn Tsar:170 1224 Description Robert Cohn called Brett Ashley this term at the first bullfight. a sadist Tsar:170 1225 Objects The main characters drink this beverage after the first bullfight. absinthe Tsar:170 1226 Places Brett Ashley wants to sit in this location for the second bullfight. “down below” Tsar:170 1227 Characters These three characters sit “at the barrera” for the second fight. Jake Barnes, Mike Campbell, and Brett Ashley Tsar:171 1228 Unnamed People Jake Barnes tells Brett Ashley not to watch the horses when the bulls charge this type of horseman. the picador Tsar:171 1229 Characters This bullfighter was “the whole show” at the second bullfight. Pedro Romero Tsar:171 1230 Objects Pedro Romero uses this object to take “the bull away from a fallen horse.” his cape Tsar:171 1231 Plot Details Brett Ashley “saw why she liked” this skill of Romero’s. his cape-work Tsar:171 1232 Objects The matadors other than Romero “twisted themselves” like this object. “cork-screws” Tsar:171 1233 Characters The death of this matador caused others to change their technique. Joselito Tsar:172 1234 Description Brett Ashley claims she has never seen Pedro Romero do something of this nature. “awkward” Tsar:172 1235 Characters Mike Campbell believes that Brett Ashley “is falling in love with this bull-fighter chap.” Pedro Romero Tsar:172 1236 Unnamed People Mike Campbell asks Jake Barnes to tell Brett Ashley that Pedro Romero “beats” this person. Romero’s mother Tsar:172 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1237 Animals This type of animal drags the dead bulls out of the bull-right. mules Tsar:172 1238 Objects After the bull fight, Brett Ashley says she is “as limp as” this thing. a rag Tsar:173 1239 Description It was “a very bad bull-fight” when this type of bull fought. Miura Tsar:173 1240 Groups During the rain storm, people watch the performers of these two groups. the Basques and the Navarrais Tsar:174 1241 Spanish Words This group of Spanish dancers “danced down their street in the rain.” Val Carlos Tsar:174 1242 Description The dancers spread their jackets of these two colors over the café chairs “to dry.” red and purple Tsar:175 1243 Characters This person interrupts Jake Barnes while he shaves in his room. Montoya Tsar:175 1244 Unnamed People Jake Barnes tells Montoya that everybody knows this person. the American ambassador Tsar:175 1245 Places The American ambassador wants to see Pedro Romero for coffee at this location. the Grand Hotel Tsar:175 1246 Characters Montoya says the ambassador wants to see Pedro Romero and this person for coffee. Marcial Lalanda Tsar:175 1247 Places Marcial Lalanda went to this city “with Marquez.” San Sebastian Tsar:175 1248 Plot Details Jake Barnes suggests that Montoya not do this action for the American ambassador. tell Pedro Romero the American ambassador wants to see him for coffee Tsar:176 1249 Characters This bullfighter went crazy according to Montoya. Gallo Tsar:176 1250 Characters This bullfighter was “flattered” by foreigners. Algabeno Tsar:176 1251 Plot Details At the hotel, Bill Gorton buys Mike Campbell this service. shoe-shines Tsar:176 1252 Numbers Mike Campbell’s shoes have been polished this many times. 11 Tsar:177 1253 Groups This type of person polishes Mike Campbell’s boots in Pamplona. “bootblacks” Tsar:177 1254 Unnamed People Jake Barnes joins the table of Pedro Romero and this man. “a Madrid bull-fight critic” Tsar:177 1255 Plot Details There is no Spanish word for this term. bullfight Tsar:177 1256 Places Pedro Romero learned English in this city. Gibraltar Tsar:177 1257 Places Pedro Romero was born in this city. Ronda, Spain Tsar:177 1258 Places Pedro Romero went to bullfighting school in this city. Malaga Tsar:177 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1259 Spanish Words Pedro Romero uses a lot of this type of Spanish expression. Malagueno Tsar:178 1260 Spanish Words Pedro Romero’s older brother acts as this role. “a banderillero” Tsar:178 1261 Places Jake Barnes lies and says he has seen Pedro Romero fight in this city. Madrid Tsar:178 1262 Plot Details Pedro Romero spoke of this subject “as something altogether apart from himself.” “his work” Tsar:178 1263 Description The bullfight critic thinks Pedro Romero’s work is this way “so far.” “incomplete” Tsar:178 1264 Description Jake Barnes tells Pedro Romero that he saw 26 of this type of bull unloaded. “arroba” Tsar:179 1265 Objects The critic says the bulls’ horns look like this fruit. a banana Tsar:179 1266 Characters This character tells Jake Barnes to tell Pedro Romero that “bulls have no balls.” Mike Campbell Tsar:179 1267 Objects Mike Campbell orders a bottle of this beverage when Pedro Romero joins their party. Fundador Tsar:179 1268 Description Jake Barnes introduces Bill Gorton and Robert Cohn as this type of professional person. writers Tsar:179 1269 Characters Pedro Romero remarks that Bill Gorton resembles this person. Villalta Tsar:180 1270 Characters The bullfight critic from Madrid has this name. Rafael Tsar:180 1271 Description Jake Barnes tells Pedro Romero that Mike Campbell has this occupation. “nothing” Tsar:180 1272 Plot Details Brett Ashley speaks this language to Pedro Romero. French Tsar:180 1273 Objects Pedro Romero drinks “a big glass of” this liquor at dinner with Jake Barnes. cognac Tsar:180 1274 Body Montoya disapproves of this bare body part of Brett Ashley when she sits next to Pedro Romero. shoulders Tsar:180 1275 Actions Pedro Romero takes “very seriously” this gesture from Jake Barnes at dinner. his toast Tsar:181 1276 Objects Brett Ashley guesses Pedro Romero uses this tool to “get into those clothes.” a shoe-horn Tsar:181 1277 Characters Mike Campbell asks this character if he thinks he “amounts to something.” Robert Cohn Tsar:181 1278 Groups Mike Campbell admits he does not belong to this group but knows when he is not wanted. “literary chaps” Tsar:181 1279 Objects Robert Cohn takes off this item when Mike Campbell “started toward him” at the hotel. his glasses Tsar:182 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1280 Objects The wind thwarts the fireworks specialist and his son’s attempts to “send up” this item. “fire balloons” Tsar:182 1281 Characters Jake Barnes refers to this “specialist” as the “fireworks king”. Don Manuel Orquito Tsar:182 1282 Spanish Words Mike Campbell uses this Spanish word to describe Don Manuel’s “collection.” “globos illuminados” Tsar:183 1283 Characters This “chap is furious” when the fire balloons do not go up. Don Manuel Orquito Tsar:183 1284 Places Bill’s friend from Biarritz is “staying with another girl” at this hotel in Pamplona. the Grand Hotel Tsar:183 1285 Places This pub is “a small, tough bar where you could get food” and dance. Bar Milano Tsar:184 1286 Groups Mike Campbell wants to leave the Bar Milano to “go look at” this group. the English Tsar:184 1287 Places Mike Campbell claims the English come from this city to see “the quaint little Spanish fiesta.” Biarritz Tsar:184 1288 Unnamed People Mike Campbell tells this person that she is “an extraordinarily beautiful girl.” Bill’s friend from Biarritz Tsar:184 1289 Plot Details Mike Campbell and Bill Gorton say they are going to do this made up term to “the English.” “festa” Tsar:184 1290 Description Mike Campbell has this nationality. Scotch Tsar:184 1291 Description Brett Ashley tells Robert Cohn that being this way is “a hell of a reason for sitting with anyone.” “tight” Tsar:185 1292 Animals Brett Ashley compares Mike Campbell’s behavior at the festival to that of this animal. “a swine” Tsar:185 1293 Characters Brett Ashley ironically says this person has been “lovely” and “pretty” at the festival. Mike Campbell Tsar:185 1294 Spanish Words Fundador is this kind of Spanish brandy. “amontillado” Tsar:186 1295 Characters Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes see this person “walk out from under the arcade” after their private conversation. Robert Cohn Tsar:186 1296 Objects Jake Barnes spreads this object on the “stone wall of the fortifications” for Brett Ashley. a newspaper Tsar:186 1297 Actions Brett Ashley requests they not do this action at the “fortifications at the edge of town.” talk Tsar:186 1298 Plot Details This reason compels Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes to leave the “fortifications at the edge of town.” the cold Tsar:187 1299 Plot Details Brett Ashley makes this confession to Jake Barnes in the park at the edge of town. being “mad about the Romero boy” Tsar:187 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1300 Plot Details Jake Barnes tells Brett Ashley to act in this way on her love for Pedro Romero. that she “oughtn’t do it” Tsar:187 1301 Description Brett Ashley tells Jake Barnes in the park in Pamplona that she “can’t just stay” this way all the time. “tight” Tsar:187 1302 Characters Brett Ashley asks Jake Barnes to help her “go and find” this character in Pamplona. Pedro Romero Tsar:188 1303 Description Brett Ashley says she has never felt such in this way before she met Pedro Romero. “such a bitch” Tsar:188 1304 Actions Jake Barnes thinks Pedro Romero doing this activity “goes well his face.” smoking a cigar Tsar:188 1305 Objects This triangular blemish is on Pedro Romero’s cheekbone. a scar Tsar:189 1306 Characters Pedro Romero reports this bullfighter was hurt in Madrid. Algabeno Tsar:189 1307 Actions Brett Ashley “spread the fingers” of Pedro Romero apart to do this activity. tell his fortune Tsar:189 1308 Animals Brett Ashley claims she sees “thousands of” this thing in Pedro Romero’s hand. bulls Tsar:189 1309 Actions Pedro Romero claims he will never do this action. “die” Tsar:189 1310 Groups Pedro Romero says the bulls are of this relation to him. “best friends” Tsar:190 1311 Actions Pedro Romero asserts he does this action to his friends so they do not do the same to him. kill them Tsar:190 1312 Plot Details Pedro Romero tells Brett Ashley that he “must not let anybody know” he has this skill. speaking English Tsar:190 1313 Objects Pedro Romero says he will get Brett Ashley this object. a hat like his Tsar:190 1314 Plot Details Jake Barnes offers this excuse for leaving Pedro Romero and Brett Ashley alone. having to go and find their friends Tsar:190 1315 Objects These two types of glasses are left at the table where Brett Ashley and Pedro Romero had sat. coffee glasses and cognac glasses Tsar:191 1316 Characters Bill Gorton’s friend from Biarritz has this name. Edna Tsar:192 1317 Places Mike Campbell gets himself, Bill Gorton, and Edna “thrown out” of this bar. Bar Milano Tsar:192 1318 Numbers Edna keeps Bill Gorton and Mike Campbell out of this many fights. 4 Tsar:192 1319 Plot Details Mike Campbell gives this reason for getting thrown out of the Bar Milano. people inside who “don’t like” him Tsar:192 1320 Description Bill Gorton’s face is this color after being thrown out of the Bar Milano. red Tsar:192 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1321 Description Bill Gorton calls the English this derogatory term after being thrown out of the Bar Milano. “swine” Tsar:192 1322 Description People at the Bar Milano insulted Mike Campbell for being this kind of person. bankrupt Tsar:192 1323 Characters This friend of Edna’s is from Chicago. Charley Blackman Tsar:193 1324 Places Jake, Mike, Bill, and Edna go to this café after Mike is kicked out of the Bar Milano. Café Suizo Tsar:193 1325 Groups This group was called upon to keep Mike Campbell out of the Bar Milano’s back room. the police Tsar:193 1326 Places Mike Campbell owed money to people from this city at the Bar Milano. Cannes Tsar:193 1327 Characters Jake Barnes refuses to tell Robert Cohn where this character is while at the Café Suizo. Brett Ashley Tsar:194 1328 Plot Details Mike Campbell tells Robert Cohn that Brett Ashley and Pedro Romero are on this trip together. “their honeymoon” Tsar:194 1329 Description Robert Cohn calls Jake Barnes this derogatory term when he hears Brett Ashley is with Pedro Romero. “pimp” Tsar:194 1330 Actions Robert Cohn does this action when Jake Barnes “swings at him.” ducks Tsar:195 1331 Objects Jake Barnes falls down under this object when Robert Cohn hits him twice. a table Tsar:195 1332 Objects “Someone” pours this liquid over Jake Barnes’ head after Robert Cohn knocks him out. “a carafe of water” Tsar:195 1333 Characters This person tells Jake Barnes that Robert Cohn “knocked Mike down.” Edna Tsar:195 1334 Plot Details Edna thinks Robert Cohn must be this type of person. a boxer Tsar:195 1335 Places Mike Campbell wants to see Robert Cohn in this place after Cohn hits Mike and Jake Barnes. jail Tsar:195 1336 Groups Mike Campbell tells Edna he owes money to this group. “everybody” Tsar:196 1337 Characters Mike Campbell borrowed 100 pesetas from this person the night Robert Cohn hit him. Montoya Tsar:196 1338 Objects Jake Barnes claims he had never noticed these three things before he was knocked out. “the trees,” “the flagpoles,” and “the front of the theatre” Tsar:196 1339 Plot Details After getting knocked out, Jake Barnes feels the same as a time he returned home from this event. “an out-of-town football game” Tsar:196 1340 Objects Jake Barnes feels like he is carrying this item as he goes upstairs after being knocked out. his suitcase Tsar:197 1341 Characters This person tells Jake Barnes at the hotel to “go up and see Cohn.” Bill Gorton Tsar:197 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1342 Characters Jake Barnes sets down his “phantom suitcase” in this character’s room. Robert Cohn Tsar:197 1343 Plot Details After getting knocked out, Jake Barnes wants this remedy. “a deep hot bath” Tsar:197 1344 Objects Robert Cohn wears this type of shirt while lying face down on his hotel bed. “a white polo shirt” Tsar:198 1345 Plot Details Robert Cohn asks Jake Barnes to feel this way about him after he knocks Jake out. to forgive him Tsar:198 1346 Actions Robert Cohn does this activity in his hotel bed after knocking Jake Barnes out. cries Tsar:198 1347 Characters Robert Cohn claims this person was “the only friend” he had. Jake Barnes Tsar:198 1348 Actions Robert Cohn insists he does this activity with Jake Barnes before they part ways. shake hands Tsar:199 1349 Plot Details This event occurs when Jake Barnes tries to take a bath in the Hotel Montoya. “the water would not run” Tsar:199 1350 Plot Details Jake Barnes had made this promise to Edna. to take her “to see the bulls go through the street and into the ring” Tsar:199 1351 Description The “ground from the edge of town to the bull-ring” was in this condition the second to last day of the fiesta. muddy Tsar:200 1352 Actions A bull does this action to a running man the second to last day of the festival. gored him with its horn Tsar:200 1353 Description The door to the bull-ring is this color. red Tsar:200 1354 Plot Details This sound “meant a charge by some bull into the crowd.” a shout Tsar:201 1355 Spanish Words The waiter calls the bull-run this Spanish word. encierro Tsar:201 1356 Body The bull’s horn went through these two parts of the gored man’s body. the small of his back and his chest Tsar:201 1357 Spanish Words Jake Barnes uses this Spanish word to tell the waiter a man was wounded. “cogido” Tsar:201 1358 Plot Details The waiter disapproves that a man was gored “all for” this reason. “fun” Tsar:201 1359 Objects The waiter uses this phrase to refer to the bulls after a man is gored. “brute animals” Tsar:201 1360 Spanish Words Two men in the street use this Spanish word to describe the gored man. “muerto” Tsar:202 1361 Characters The man killed by a bull has this name. Vicente Girones Tsar:202 1362 Places Vicente Girones came from near this town. Tafalla Tsar:202 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1363 Numbers Vicente Girones was this age. 28 Tsar:202 1364 Numbers The gored man at the bull run had this number of children. 2 Tsar:202 1365 Numbers Vicente Girones’ wife and children took this class “railway-carriage” back to Tafalla. 3rd Tsar:202 1366 Characters This bull killed Vicente Girones. Bocanegra Tsar:202 1367 Numbers Bocanegra was this number in his bull-breeding establishment. 118 Tsar:202 1368 Characters This bull-breeder provided Bocanegra to the festival. Sanchez Taberno Tsar:202 1369 Body This body part of Bocanegra is gifted to Pedro Romero. his ear Tsar:202 1370 Characters Pedro Romero gives Bocanegra’s ear to this character. Brett Ashley Tsar:202 1371 Characters Pedro Romero used this character’s handkerchief to wrap up Bocanegra’s ear. Jake Barnes Tsar:203 1372 Objects Brett Ashley leaves these three objects in “the drawer of the bed-table” at Hotel Montoya. Bocanegra’s ear, Jake’s handkerchief, and “a number of Muratti cigarette-stubs” Tsar:203 1373 Plot Details Jake Barnes wishes Robert Cohn had hit somebody at this time. “the first time he was insulted” Tsar:203 1374 Description Brett Ashley smokes this brand of cigarettes. Muratti Tsar:203 1375 Actions Mike Campbell says “chaps kept coming out” and doing this activity at the encierro. “waving their shirts” Tsar:204 1376 Numbers Mike Campbell says about this many “chaps” were taken to the infirmary after the last bull run. 20 Tsar:204 1377 Actions Bill Gorton says Edna wanted him to do this action at the encierro. “to go down in the ring” Tsar:204 1378 Places Robert Cohn found Brett Ashley and Pedro Romero alone together in this location. Pedro Romero’s hotel room Tsar:205 1379 Characters Mike Campbell says Robert Cohn “massacred” this character. Pedro Romero Tsar:205 1380 Actions Robert Cohn wanted to do this action with Pedro Romero and Brett Ashley after hitting Romero. shake their hands Tsar:205 1381 Characters Robert Cohn could not knock out this person. Pedro Romero Tsar:205 1382 Objects While discussing Robert Cohn’s fighting rage, Mike Campbell drinks this beverage. beer Tsar:205 1383 Numbers Robert Cohn knocks down Pedro Romero this many times. 15 Tsar:206 1384 Actions Robert Cohn tells Pedro Romero he would “be ashamed to” do this action again. hit Pedro Romero Tsar:206 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1385 Actions Robert Cohn does this act while he tells Brett Ashley he loves her in Pedro Romero’s room. cries Tsar:206 1386 Actions Brett Ashley’s love for this act is how she and Mike Campbell “came to go off together.” “looking after people” Tsar:206 1387 Plot Details Mike Campbell tells Brett Ashley she should expect this outcome going “about with Jews and bullfighters.” “trouble” Tsar:207 1388 Groups Brett Ashley tells Mike Campbell that she has had “such a hell of a happy life with” this group. “the British aristocracy” Tsar:207 1389 Description Brett Ashley’s ex-husband held this aristocratic rank. 9th baronet Tsar:207 1390 Unnamed People This person would threaten to kill Brett Ashley and sleep with a loaded service revolver. Brett Ashley’s ex-husband Tsar:207 1391 Places Brett Ashley’s ex-husband would make her sleep in this location. on the floor Tsar:207 1392 Objects Brett Ashley “used to take the shells out” of this weapon. her ex-husband’s revolver Tsar:207 1393 Places The man who lent Mike Campbell money is from this city. Cannes Tsar:208 1394 Numbers This number of Englishwomen rode in a “sightseeing car” in Pamplona. 25 Tsar:209 1395 Objects These two types of vehicles “made little islands of onlookers” at the fiesta. “motor-cars” and “tourist cars” Tsar:209 1396 Actions Brett Ashley’s hand does this movement when she lifts her beer glass at Café Iruña. shakes Tsar:210 1397 Description Mike Campbell refers to Pedro Romero by this term when asking Brett Ashley how he is. her boyfriend Tsar:210 1398 Actions Mike Campbell does this action after saying, “To hell with your bull-fighter!” at Café Iruña. tips the table over Tsar:211 1399 Groups This group is “very angry” about Brett Ashley. the people who dress Pedro Romero Tsar:211 1400 Places Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley see “fashionably dressed people” walking on this Spanish street. Paseo de Sarasate Tsar:211 1401 Plot Details Brett Ashley hopes this weather does not occur at the last bullfight. wind Tsar:212 1402 Plot Details Brett Ashley wants to do this act before the last bullfight in the chapel of San Fermin. pray for Pedro Romero Tsar:212 1403 Places Being inside this type of building makes Brett Ashley “damned nervous.” church Tsar:212 1404 Plot Details Jake Barnes thinks the wind is “liable to go down” by this time on the last day of the fiesta. “five o’clock” Tsar:212 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1405 Unnamed People This person in Pamplona is a “continual eavesdropper.” the German maître d’hôtel Tsar:213 1406 Description Jake Barnes witnesses Brett Ashley entering Pedro Romero’s room in this way. without knocking Tsar:213 1407 Actions Jake Barnes tells Mike Campbell in his hotel room that he “ought” to do this activity. sleep Tsar:214 1408 Description Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes describe the German maître d’hôtel in this way. “snotty” Tsar:214 1409 Places Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes eat lunch in this location on the last day of the fiesta. “a restaurant in a side street off the square” Tsar:215 1410 Characters These three characters attend the final bullfight. Jake Barnes, Brett Ashley, and Bill Gorton Tsar:215 1411 Spanish Words This passageway is “between the stands and the red fence of the barrera” in the bull-ring. the “callejon” Tsar:215 1412 Objects These two items are “bloodstained” at the last bullfight. the “fighting capes” and the “muletas” Tsar:215 1413 Plot Details Pedro Romero has this word “stenciled on all the capes and muletas.” his name Tsar:215 1414 Objects Bill Gorton thinks this substance “must stiffen” the capes and muletas. blood Tsar:215 1415 Unnamed People The only empty seat in the bull-ring before the last fight belongs to this person. the President Tsar:216 1416 Description At the last fight, Pedro Romero wears a suit that is this color. black Tsar:216 1417 Description Pedro Romero wears this type of hat “low down over his eyes” at the last bullfight. “tricornered” Tsar:216 1418 Characters This bullfighter “was smoking a cigarette” before the last bullfight. Marcial Tsar:216 1419 Animals Belmonte’s jaw resembles that of this animal. wolf Tsar:216 1420 Objects Pedro Romero has his sword-handler deliver this garment to Brett Ashley. his “gold-brocaded cape” Tsar:217 1421 Actions A man at the last bullfight tells Brett Ashley to do this action with Pedro Romero’s cape. to fold it up and keep it in her lap Tsar:217 1422 Characters The first bull in the last fight was for this matador. Belmonte Tsar:217 1423 Body Bill Gorton remarks that this feature of Pedro Romero “looks bad” at the last bullfight. his face Tsar:217 1424 Numbers Belmonte is paid this much money to fight in the fiesta. 30,000 pesetas Tsar:217 1425 Actions This method is Belmonte’s “great attraction.” working closely to the bull Tsar:217 1426 Description Belmonte would give this sensation to the crowd fifteen years ago. “coming tragedy” Tsar:218 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1427 Description Belmonte imposed these two conditions about the bulls he fought. not too large and not “too dangerously armed with horns” Tsar:218 1428 Plot Details Belmonte suffered from this ailment. a fistula Tsar:218 1429 Objects The crowd threw these three items at Belmonte at the last fight. cushions, pieces of bread, and vegetables Tsar:218 1430 Description Belmonte’s jaw “came out further” to manifest this feeling. contempt Tsar:218 1431 Characters Belmonte came out of retirement to compete with this bullfighter. Marcial Tsar:219 1432 Characters This bullfighter “spoiled” Belmonte’s return from retirement. Pedro Romero Tsar:219 1433 Description Pedro Romero has this attribute that Belmonte lacks. “the greatness” Tsar:220 1434 Characters Pedro Romero did “everything of which he could control the locality” in front of this character. Brett Ashley Tsar:220 1435 Actions Pedro Romero “never once” did this act during the last bullfight. look up Tsar:220 1436 Objects The bull watches “the triangular steel point” of this tool. the pic Tsar:220 1437 Body This body part of the bull “went up” before he charges Pedro Romero’s cape. his tail Tsar:221 1438 Actions Jake Barnes compares Pedro Romero’s cape work to this domestic action. rocking it to sleep Tsar:221 1439 Description Pedro Romero’s first bull at the last fight has this imparity. poor vision Tsar:221 1440 Groups This crowd thought Pedro Romero was afraid when fighting the visually impaired bull. “the Biarritz crowd” Tsar:222 1441 Objects Pedro Romero drops this object over the bull’s muzzle “to blind him.” the muleta Tsar:222 1442 Places Pedro Romero bows in front of this “box” after killing the bull. the President’s box Tsar:223 1443 Plot Details Robert Cohn’s punches “had not touched” this part of Pedro Romero. his spirit Tsar:223 1444 Characters Pedro Romero’s last bull killed this person. Vicente Girones Tsar:223 1445 Actions The crowd did not want Pedro Romero to do this act to his last bull. kill it Tsar:223 1446 Description Pedro Romero appears this way when he kills each bull. as if “one with the bull” Tsar:224 1447 Unnamed People This person drives a knife into the neck of Pedro Romero’s final bull. Pedro Romero’s older brother Tsar:224 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1448 Objects This object was “waving all over the bull-ring” after Pedro Romero killed his final bull. handkerchiefs Tsar:224 1449 Objects The President bows when Pedro Romero holds up this object. the final bull’s ear Tsar:224 1450 Groups These three groups made up the crowd at the end of the final bullfight. “the boys,” “the dancers,” and “the drunks” Tsar:225 1451 Actions Pedro Romero did not want the crowd to do this action after the final bullfight. lift him onto their shoulders Tsar:225 1452 Characters This man sat next to Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton’s table after the final bullfight. Belmonte Tsar:225 1453 Objects Bill Gorton suggests they order this drink at the café after the final bullfight. absinthe Tsar:225 1454 Actions Jake Barnes predicts Robert Cohn will do this action upon returning to Paris. “pick up with his old girl” Tsar:226 1455 Description Bill Gorton compares the fiesta to this concept after the final bullfight. “a wonderful nightmare” Tsar:226 1456 Description Jake Barnes tells Bill Gorton he feels this way at the café after the final bullfight. “low as hell” Tsar:226 1457 Objects Bill Gorton offers this remedy to Jake Barnes at the café after the final bullfight. “another absinthe” Tsar:226 1458 Plot Details Bill Gorton thinks that getting “tight” will help Jake Barnes get over this mental state. his “damn depression” Tsar:227 1459 Description Mike Campbell says Brett Ashley left with Pedro Romero on this train. “seven o’clock” Tsar:227 1460 Description Jake Barnes describes his drunkenness in this way after the final bullfight. “blind” Tsar:228 1461 Actions At the hotel, Jake Barnes pretends to do this activity when Bill and Mike come to invite him to eat. sleep Tsar:228 1462 Objects After the fiesta is over, children pick up this debris. “rocket-sticks” Tsar:231 1463 Description A waiter wearing this color apron tears down the fiesta notices the day after the fiesta. blue Tsar:231 1464 Plot Details After the fiesta, Jake Barnes wants to stay in Spain for this length of time. a week Tsar:232 1465 Places After the fiesta, Jake Barnes wants to go to this city before returning to Paris. San Sebastian Tsar:232 1466 Places After the fiesta, Mike Campbell travels to this city. Saint Jean de Luz Tsar:232 1467 Places After the fiesta, Jake Barnes, Bill Gorton, and Mike Campbell decide to rent a car to this city. Bayonne Tsar:232 1468 Places Bill Gorton travels alone by train to this city from Bayonne. Paris Tsar:232 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1469 Objects Jake Barnes, Bill Gorton, and Mike Campbell drink this beverage in Biarritz. a whiskey and soda Tsar:232 1470 Actions Jake Barnes, Bill Gorton, and Mike Campbell do this activity to decide who pays for the drinks in Biarritz. roll “poker dice” Tsar:233 1471 Objects Mike Campbell confesses he does not have enough of this asset in Biarritz. money Tsar:233 1472 Numbers Brett Ashley receives this much money each year. 500 pounds Tsar:234 1473 Numbers Brett Ashley pays this much money in interest per year. 350 pounds Tsar:234 1474 Actions Mike Campbell thinks this activity in Biarritz might do his “credit good.” taking a drive along the coast Tsar:234 1475 Places Jake Barnes, Bill Gorton, and Mike Campbell drive towards this city from Biarritz. Hendaye Tsar:234 1476 Characters Mike Campbell tells this character to pay for the rented car. Jake Barnes Tsar:235 1477 Places Jake Barnes stays at this hotel in Bayonne. Hotel Panier Fleuri Tsar:235 1478 Objects This substance “seemed the last thing that connected” Jake Barnes to Spain. the dust on the rented car Tsar:236 1479 Description Upon returning to the Bayonne hotel, Jake Barnes sleeps in this room. “the same” as the last time he had been there Tsar:236 1480 Objects Jake Barnes buys this paper when he is alone in Bayonne. The New York Herald Tsar:236 1481 Plot Details Jake Barnes did not return to Paris with Bill Gorton for this reason. wanting to avoid “more fiesta-ing” Tsar:236 1482 Plot Details This month starts San Sebastian’s high season. August Tsar:236 1483 Places Jake Barnes hopes to sit in this café to listen to band concerts in San Sebastian. Café Marinas Tsar:236 1484 Description Jake Barnes drinks this type of wine with dinner in Bayonne. Château Margaux Tsar:236 1485 Objects This liqueur is “made of flowers of the Pyrenees.” Izzarra Tsar:236 1486 Description Jake Barnes thinks Izzarra has these two qualities. the appearance of “hair-oil” and the smell of Italian strega Tsar:236 1487 Places According to Jake Barnes, this country is the “simplest country to live in.” France Tsar:237 1488 Actions According to Jake Barnes, one only has to do this action for “people to like you” in France. “spend a little money” Tsar:237 1489 Places Jake Barnes tips “every one a little too much” in this city. Bayonne Tsar:237 1490 Places Jake Barnes changes trains in this city on his trip from Bayonne to San Sebastian. Irun Tsar:237 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1491 Places Jake Barnes “felt like a fool” for returning to this country. Spain Tsar:237 1492 Numbers The train from Irun to San Sebastian takes this much time. 40 minutes Tsar:237 1493 Numbers The train from Irun to San Sebastian goes through this many tunnels. 8 Tsar:237 1494 Plot Details In San Sebastian, Jake Barnes “recovered” this much time. an hour Tsar:238 1495 Numbers In San Sebastian, Jake Barnes asks for this many telegraph forms. 2 Tsar:238 1496 Places In San Sebastian, Jake Barnes sends a telegram to this hotel. Hotel Montoya Tsar:238 1497 Numbers Jake Barnes asks that all wires be sent to San Sebastian for this number of days. 6 days Tsar:238 1498 Objects Jake Barnes brings these three items with him to the beach in San Sebastian. his swimming-suit, a comb, and a towel Tsar:238 1499 Places Jake Barnes visits this beach in San Sebastian. the Concha Tsar:238 1500 Actions After lunch in San Sebastian, Jake Barnes does this activity. swim Tsar:238 1501 Plot Details At the hotel, Bill Gorton buys Mike Campbell this service. shoe-shines Tsar:176 1502 Numbers Mike Campbell’s shoes have been polished this many times. 11 Tsar:177 1503 Groups This type of person polishes Mike Campbell’s boots in Pamplona. “bootblacks” Tsar:177 1504 Unnamed People Jake Barnes joins the table of Pedro Romero and this man. “a Madrid bull-fight critic” Tsar:177 1505 Plot Details There is no Spanish word for this term. bullfight Tsar:177 1506 Places Pedro Romero learned English in this city. Gibraltar Tsar:177 1507 Places Pedro Romero was born in this city. Ronda, Spain Tsar:177 1508 Places Pedro Romero went to bullfighting school in this city. Malaga Tsar:177 1509 Spanish Words Pedro Romero uses a lot of this type of Spanish expression. Malagueno Tsar:178 1510 Spanish Words Pedro Romero’s older brother acts as this role. “a banderillero” Tsar:178 1511 Places Jake Barnes lies and says he has seen Pedro Romero fight in this city. Madrid Tsar:178 1512 Plot Details Pedro Romero spoke of this subject “as something altogether apart from himself.” “his work” Tsar:178 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1513 Description The bullfight critic thinks Pedro Romero’s work is this way “so far.” “incomplete” Tsar:178 1514 Description Jake Barnes tells Pedro Romero that he saw 26 of this type of bull unloaded. “arroba” Tsar:179 1515 Objects The critic says the bulls’ horns look like this fruit. a banana Tsar:179 1516 Characters This character tells Jake Barnes to tell Pedro Romero that “bulls have no balls.” Mike Campbell Tsar:179 1517 Objects Mike Campbell orders a bottle of this beverage when Pedro Romero joins their party. Fundador Tsar:179 1518 Description Jake Barnes introduces Bill Gorton and Robert Cohn as this type of professional person. writers Tsar:179 1519 Characters Pedro Romero remarks that Bill Gorton resembles this person. Villalta Tsar:180 1520 Characters The bullfight critic from Madrid has this name. Rafael Tsar:180 1521 Description Jake Barnes tells Pedro Romero that Mike Campbell has this occupation. “nothing” Tsar:180 1522 Plot Details Brett Ashley speaks this language to Pedro Romero. French Tsar:180 1523 Objects Pedro Romero drinks “a big glass of” this liquor at dinner with Jake Barnes. cognac Tsar:180 1524 Body Montoya disapproves of this bare body part of Brett Ashley when she sits next to Pedro Romero. shoulders Tsar:180 1525 Actions Pedro Romero takes “very seriously” this gesture from Jake Barnes at dinner. his toast Tsar:181 1526 Objects Brett Ashley guesses Pedro Romero uses this tool to “get into those clothes.” a shoe-horn Tsar:181 1527 Characters Mike Campbell asks this character if he thinks he “amounts to something.” Robert Cohn Tsar:181 1528 Groups Mike Campbell admits he does not belong to this group but knows when he is not wanted. “literary chaps” Tsar:181 1529 Objects Robert Cohn takes off this item when Mike Campbell “started toward him” at the hotel. his glasses Tsar:182 1530 Objects The wind thwarts the fireworks specialist and his son’s attempts to “send up” this item. “fire balloons” Tsar:182 1531 Characters Jake Barnes refers to this “specialist” as the “fireworks king”. Don Manuel Orquito Tsar:182 1532 Spanish Words Mike Campbell uses this Spanish word to describe Don Manuel’s “collection.” “globos illuminados” Tsar:183 1533 Characters This “chap is furious” when the fire balloons do not go up. Don Manuel Orquito Tsar:183 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1534 Places Bill’s friend from Biarritz is “staying with another girl” at this hotel in Pamplona. the Grand Hotel Tsar:183 1535 Places This pub is “a small, tough bar where you could get food” and dance. Bar Milano Tsar:184 1536 Groups Mike Campbell wants to leave the Bar Milano to “go look at” this group. the English Tsar:184 1537 Places Mike Campbell claims the English come from this city to see “the quaint little Spanish fiesta.” Biarritz Tsar:184 1538 Unnamed People Mike Campbell tells this person that she is “an extraordinarily beautiful girl.” Bill’s friend from Biarritz Tsar:184 1539 Plot Details Mike Campbell and Bill Gorton say they are going to do this made up term to “the English.” “festa” Tsar:184 1540 Description Mike Campbell has this nationality. Scotch Tsar:184 1541 Description Brett Ashley tells Robert Cohn that being this way is “a hell of a reason for sitting with anyone.” “tight” Tsar:185 1542 Animals Brett Ashley compares Mike Campbell’s behavior at the festival to that of this animal. “a swine” Tsar:185 1543 Characters Brett Ashley ironically says this person has been “lovely” and “pretty” at the festival. Mike Campbell Tsar:185 1544 Spanish Words Fundador is this kind of Spanish brandy. “amontillado” Tsar:186 1545 Characters Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes see this person “walk out from under the arcade” after their private conversation. Robert Cohn Tsar:186 1546 Objects Jake Barnes spreads this object on the “stone wall of the fortifications” for Brett Ashley. a newspaper Tsar:186 1547 Actions Brett Ashley requests they not do this action at the “fortifications at the edge of town.” talk Tsar:186 1548 Plot Details This reason compels Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes to leave the “fortifications at the edge of town.” the cold Tsar:187 1549 Plot Details Brett Ashley makes this confession to Jake Barnes in the park at the edge of town. being “mad about the Romero boy” Tsar:187 1550 Plot Details Jake Barnes tells Brett Ashley to act in this way on her love for Pedro Romero. that she “oughtn’t do it” Tsar:187 1551 Description Brett Ashley tells Jake Barnes in the park in Pamplona that she “can’t just stay” this way all the time. “tight” Tsar:187 1552 Characters Brett Ashley asks Jake Barnes to help her “go and find” this character in Pamplona. Pedro Romero Tsar:188 1553 Description Brett Ashley says she has never felt such in this way before she met Pedro Romero. “such a bitch” Tsar:188 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1554 Actions Jake Barnes thinks Pedro Romero doing this activity “goes well his face.” smoking a cigar Tsar:188 1555 Objects This triangular blemish is on Pedro Romero’s cheekbone. a scar Tsar:189 1556 Characters Pedro Romero reports this bullfighter was hurt in Madrid. Algabeno Tsar:189 1557 Actions Brett Ashley “spread the fingers” of Pedro Romero apart to do this activity. tell his fortune Tsar:189 1558 Animals Brett Ashley claims she sees “thousands of” this thing in Pedro Romero’s hand. bulls Tsar:189 1559 Actions Pedro Romero claims he will never do this action. “die” Tsar:189 1560 Groups Pedro Romero says the bulls are of this relation to him. “best friends” Tsar:190 1561 Actions Pedro Romero asserts he does this action to his friends so they do not do the same to him. kill them Tsar:190 1562 Plot Details Pedro Romero tells Brett Ashley that he “must not let anybody know” he has this skill. speaking English Tsar:190 1563 Objects Pedro Romero says he will get Brett Ashley this object. a hat like his Tsar:190 1564 Plot Details Jake Barnes offers this excuse for leaving Pedro Romero and Brett Ashley alone. having to go and find their friends Tsar:190 1565 Objects These two types of glasses are left at the table where Brett Ashley and Pedro Romero had sat. coffee glasses and cognac glasses Tsar:191 1566 Characters Bill Gorton’s friend from Biarritz has this name. Edna Tsar:192 1567 Places Mike Campbell gets himself, Bill Gorton, and Edna “thrown out” of this bar. Bar Milano Tsar:192 1568 Numbers Edna keeps Bill Gorton and Mike Campbell out of this many fights. 4 Tsar:192 1569 Plot Details Mike Campbell gives this reason for getting thrown out of the Bar Milano. people inside who “don’t like” him Tsar:192 1570 Description Bill Gorton’s face is this color after being thrown out of the Bar Milano. red Tsar:192 1571 Description Bill Gorton calls the English this derogatory term after being thrown out of the Bar Milano. “swine” Tsar:192 1572 Description People at the Bar Milano insulted Mike Campbell for being this kind of person. bankrupt Tsar:192 1573 Characters This friend of Edna’s is from Chicago. Charley Blackman Tsar:193 1574 Places Jake, Mike, Bill, and Edna go to this café after Mike is kicked out of the Bar Milano. Café Suizo Tsar:193 1575 Groups This group was called upon to keep Mike Campbell out of the Bar Milano’s back room. the police Tsar:193 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1576 Places Mike Campbell owed money to people from this city at the Bar Milano. Cannes Tsar:193 1577 Characters Jake Barnes refuses to tell Robert Cohn where this character is while at the Café Suizo. Brett Ashley Tsar:194 1578 Plot Details Mike Campbell tells Robert Cohn that Brett Ashley and Pedro Romero are on this trip together. “their honeymoon” Tsar:194 1579 Description Robert Cohn calls Jake Barnes this derogatory term when he hears Brett Ashley is with Pedro Romero. “pimp” Tsar:194 1580 Actions Robert Cohn does this action when Jake Barnes “swings at him.” ducks Tsar:195 1581 Objects Jake Barnes falls down under this object when Robert Cohn hits him twice. a table Tsar:195 1582 Objects “Someone” pours this liquid over Jake Barnes’ head after Robert Cohn knocks him out. “a carafe of water” Tsar:195 1583 Characters This person tells Jake Barnes that Robert Cohn “knocked Mike down.” Edna Tsar:195 1584 Plot Details Edna thinks Robert Cohn must be this type of person. a boxer Tsar:195 1585 Places Mike Campbell wants to see Robert Cohn in this place after Cohn hits Mike and Jake Barnes. jail Tsar:195 1586 Groups Mike Campbell tells Edna he owes money to this group. “everybody” Tsar:196 1587 Characters Mike Campbell borrowed 100 pesetas from this person the night Robert Cohn hit him. Montoya Tsar:196 1588 Objects Jake Barnes claims he had never noticed these three things before he was knocked out. “the trees,” “the flagpoles,” and “the front of the theatre” Tsar:196 1589 Plot Details After getting knocked out, Jake Barnes feels the same as a time he returned home from this event. “an out-of-town football game” Tsar:196 1590 Objects Jake Barnes feels like he is carrying this item as he goes upstairs after being knocked out. his suitcase Tsar:197 1591 Characters This person tells Jake Barnes at the hotel to “go up and see Cohn.” Bill Gorton Tsar:197 1592 Characters Jake Barnes sets down his “phantom suitcase” in this character’s room. Robert Cohn Tsar:197 1593 Plot Details After getting knocked out, Jake Barnes wants this remedy. “a deep hot bath” Tsar:197 1594 Objects Robert Cohn wears this type of shirt while lying face down on his hotel bed. “a white polo shirt” Tsar:198 1595 Plot Details Robert Cohn asks Jake Barnes to feel this way about him after he knocks Jake out. to forgive him Tsar:198 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1596 Actions Robert Cohn does this activity in his hotel bed after knocking Jake Barnes out. cries Tsar:198 1597 Characters Robert Cohn claims this person was “the only friend” he had. Jake Barnes Tsar:198 1598 Actions Robert Cohn insists he does this activity with Jake Barnes before they part ways. shake hands Tsar:199 1599 Plot Details This event occurs when Jake Barnes tries to take a bath in the Hotel Montoya. “the water would not run” Tsar:199 1600 Plot Details Jake Barnes had made this promise to Edna. to take her “to see the bulls go through the street and into the ring” Tsar:199 1601 Description The “ground from the edge of town to the bull-ring” was in this condition the second to last day of the fiesta. muddy Tsar:200 1602 Actions A bull does this action to a running man the second to last day of the festival. gored him with its horn Tsar:200 1603 Description The door to the bull-ring is this color. red Tsar:200 1604 Plot Details This sound “meant a charge by some bull into the crowd.” a shout Tsar:201 1605 Spanish Words The waiter calls the bull-run this Spanish word. encierro Tsar:201 1606 Body The bull’s horn went through these two parts of the gored man’s body. the small of his back and his chest Tsar:201 1607 Spanish Words Jake Barnes uses this Spanish word to tell the waiter a man was wounded. “cogido” Tsar:201 1608 Plot Details The waiter disapproves that a man was gored “all for” this reason. “fun” Tsar:201 1609 Objects The waiter uses this phrase to refer to the bulls after a man is gored. “brute animals” Tsar:201 1610 Spanish Words Two men in the street use this Spanish word to describe the gored man. “muerto” Tsar:202 1611 Characters The man killed by a bull has this name. Vicente Girones Tsar:202 1612 Places Vicente Girones came from near this town. Tafalla Tsar:202 1613 Numbers Vicente Girones was this age. 28 Tsar:202 1614 Numbers The gored man at the bull run had this number of children. 2 Tsar:202 1615 Numbers Vicente Girones’ wife and children took this class “railway-carriage” back to Tafalla. 3rd Tsar:202 1616 Characters This bull killed Vicente Girones. Bocanegra Tsar:202 1617 Numbers Bocanegra was this number in his bull-breeding establishment. 118 Tsar:202 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1618 Characters This bull-breeder provided Bocanegra to the festival. Sanchez Taberno Tsar:202 1619 Body This body part of Bocanegra is gifted to Pedro Romero. his ear Tsar:202 1620 Characters Pedro Romero gives Bocanegra’s ear to this character. Brett Ashley Tsar:202 1621 Characters Pedro Romero used this character’s handkerchief to wrap up Bocanegra’s ear. Jake Barnes Tsar:203 1622 Objects Brett Ashley leaves these three objects in “the drawer of the bed-table” at Hotel Montoya. Bocanegra’s ear, Jake’s handkerchief, and “a number of Muratti cigarette-stubs” Tsar:203 1623 Plot Details Jake Barnes wishes Robert Cohn had hit somebody at this time. “the first time he was insulted” Tsar:203 1624 Description Brett Ashley smokes this brand of cigarettes. Muratti Tsar:203 1625 Actions Mike Campbell says “chaps kept coming out” and doing this activity at the encierro. “waving their shirts” Tsar:204 1626 Numbers Mike Campbell says about this many “chaps” were taken to the infirmary after the last bull run. 20 Tsar:204 1627 Actions Bill Gorton says Edna wanted him to do this action at the encierro. “to go down in the ring” Tsar:204 1628 Places Robert Cohn found Brett Ashley and Pedro Romero alone together in this location. Pedro Romero’s hotel room Tsar:205 1629 Characters Mike Campbell says Robert Cohn “massacred” this character. Pedro Romero Tsar:205 1630 Actions Robert Cohn wanted to do this action with Pedro Romero and Brett Ashley after hitting Romero. shake their hands Tsar:205 1631 Characters Robert Cohn could not knock out this person. Pedro Romero Tsar:205 1632 Objects While discussing Robert Cohn’s fighting rage, Mike Campbell drinks this beverage. beer Tsar:205 1633 Numbers Robert Cohn knocks down Pedro Romero this many times. 15 Tsar:206 1634 Actions Robert Cohn tells Pedro Romero he would “be ashamed to” do this action again. hit Pedro Romero Tsar:206 1635 Actions Robert Cohn does this act while he tells Brett Ashley he loves her in Pedro Romero’s room. cries Tsar:206 1636 Actions Brett Ashley’s love for this act is how she and Mike Campbell “came to go off together.” “looking after people” Tsar:206 1637 Plot Details Mike Campbell tells Brett Ashley she should expect this outcome going “about with Jews and bullfighters.” “trouble” Tsar:207 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1638 Groups Brett Ashley tells Mike Campbell that she has had “such a hell of a happy life with” this group. “the British aristocracy” Tsar:207 1639 Description Brett Ashley’s ex-husband held this aristocratic rank. 9th baronet Tsar:207 1640 Unnamed People This person would threaten to kill Brett Ashley and sleep with a loaded service revolver. Brett Ashley’s ex-husband Tsar:207 1641 Places Brett Ashley’s ex-husband would make her sleep in this location. on the floor Tsar:207 1642 Objects Brett Ashley “used to take the shells out” of this weapon. her ex-husband’s revolver Tsar:207 1643 Places The man who lent Mike Campbell money is from this city. Cannes Tsar:208 1644 Numbers This number of Englishwomen rode in a “sightseeing car” in Pamplona. 25 Tsar:209 1645 Objects These two types of vehicles “made little islands of onlookers” at the fiesta. “motor-cars” and “tourist cars” Tsar:209 1646 Actions Brett Ashley’s hand does this movement when she lifts her beer glass at Café Iruña. shakes Tsar:210 1647 Description Mike Campbell refers to Pedro Romero by this term when asking Brett Ashley how he is. her boyfriend Tsar:210 1648 Actions Mike Campbell does this action after saying, “To hell with your bull-fighter!” at Café Iruña. tips the table over Tsar:211 1649 Groups This group is “very angry” about Brett Ashley. the people who dress Pedro Romero Tsar:211 1650 Places Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley see “fashionably dressed people” walking on this Spanish street. Paseo de Sarasate Tsar:211 1651 Plot Details Brett Ashley hopes this weather does not occur at the last bullfight. wind Tsar:212 1652 Plot Details Brett Ashley wants to do this act before the last bullfight in the chapel of San Fermin. pray for Pedro Romero Tsar:212 1653 Places Being inside this type of building makes Brett Ashley “damned nervous.” church Tsar:212 1654 Plot Details Jake Barnes thinks the wind is “liable to go down” by this time on the last day of the fiesta. “five o’clock” Tsar:212 1655 Unnamed People This person in Pamplona is a “continual eavesdropper.” the German maître d’hôtel Tsar:213 1656 Description Jake Barnes witnesses Brett Ashley entering Pedro Romero’s room in this way. without knocking Tsar:213 1657 Actions Jake Barnes tells Mike Campbell in his hotel room that he “ought” to do this activity. sleep Tsar:214 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1658 Description Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes describe the German maître d’hôtel in this way. “snotty” Tsar:214 1659 Places Bill Gorton and Jake Barnes eat lunch in this location on the last day of the fiesta. “a restaurant in a side street off the square” Tsar:215 1660 Characters These three characters attend the final bullfight. Jake Barnes, Brett Ashley, and Bill Gorton Tsar:215 1661 Spanish Words This passageway is “between the stands and the red fence of the barrera” in the bull-ring. the “callejon” Tsar:215 1662 Objects These two items are “bloodstained” at the last bullfight. the “fighting capes” and the “muletas” Tsar:215 1663 Plot Details Pedro Romero has this word “stenciled on all the capes and muletas.” his name Tsar:215 1664 Objects Bill Gorton thinks this substance “must stiffen” the capes and muletas. blood Tsar:215 1665 Unnamed People The only empty seat in the bull-ring before the last fight belongs to this person. the President Tsar:216 1666 Description At the last fight, Pedro Romero wears a suit that is this color. black Tsar:216 1667 Description Pedro Romero wears this type of hat “low down over his eyes” at the last bullfight. “tricornered” Tsar:216 1668 Characters This bullfighter “was smoking a cigarette” before the last bullfight. Marcial Tsar:216 1669 Animals Belmonte’s jaw resembles that of this animal. wolf Tsar:216 1670 Objects Pedro Romero has his sword-handler deliver this garment to Brett Ashley. his “gold-brocaded cape” Tsar:217 1671 Actions A man at the last bullfight tells Brett Ashley to do this action with Pedro Romero’s cape. to fold it up and keep it in her lap Tsar:217 1672 Characters The first bull in the last fight was for this matador. Belmonte Tsar:217 1673 Body Bill Gorton remarks that this feature of Pedro Romero “looks bad” at the last bullfight. his face Tsar:217 1674 Numbers Belmonte is paid this much money to fight in the fiesta. 30,000 pesetas Tsar:217 1675 Actions This method is Belmonte’s “great attraction.” working closely to the bull Tsar:217 1676 Description Belmonte would give this sensation to the crowd fifteen years ago. “coming tragedy” Tsar:218 1677 Description Belmonte imposed these two conditions about the bulls he fought. not too large and not “too dangerously armed with horns” Tsar:218 1678 Plot Details Belmonte suffered from this ailment. a fistula Tsar:218 1679 Objects The crowd threw these three items at Belmonte at the last fight. cushions, pieces of bread, and vegetables Tsar:218 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1680 Description Belmonte’s jaw “came out further” to manifest this feeling. contempt Tsar:218 1681 Characters Belmonte came out of retirement to compete with this bullfighter. Marcial Tsar:219 1682 Characters This bullfighter “spoiled” Belmonte’s return from retirement. Pedro Romero Tsar:219 1683 Description Pedro Romero has this attribute that Belmonte lacks. “the greatness” Tsar:220 1684 Characters Pedro Romero did “everything of which he could control the locality” in front of this character. Brett Ashley Tsar:220 1685 Actions Pedro Romero “never once” did this act during the last bullfight. look up Tsar:220 1686 Objects The bull watches “the triangular steel point” of this tool. the pic Tsar:220 1687 Body This body part of the bull “went up” before he charges Pedro Romero’s cape. his tail Tsar:221 1688 Actions Jake Barnes compares Pedro Romero’s cape work to this domestic action. rocking it to sleep Tsar:221 1689 Description Pedro Romero’s first bull at the last fight has this imparity. poor vision Tsar:221 1690 Groups This crowd thought Pedro Romero was afraid when fighting the visually impaired bull. “the Biarritz crowd” Tsar:222 1691 Objects Pedro Romero drops this object over the bull’s muzzle “to blind him.” the muleta Tsar:222 1692 Places Pedro Romero bows in front of this “box” after killing the bull. the President’s box Tsar:223 1693 Plot Details Robert Cohn’s punches “had not touched” this part of Pedro Romero. his spirit Tsar:223 1694 Characters Pedro Romero’s last bull killed this person. Vicente Girones Tsar:223 1695 Actions The crowd did not want Pedro Romero to do this act to his last bull. kill it Tsar:223 1696 Description Pedro Romero appears this way when he kills each bull. as if “one with the bull” Tsar:224 1697 Unnamed People This person drives a knife into the neck of Pedro Romero’s final bull. Pedro Romero’s older brother Tsar:224 1698 Objects This object was “waving all over the bull-ring” after Pedro Romero killed his final bull. handkerchiefs Tsar:224 1699 Objects The President bows when Pedro Romero holds up this object. the final bull’s ear Tsar:224 1700 Groups These three groups made up the crowd at the end of the final bullfight. “the boys,” “the dancers,” and “the drunks” Tsar:225 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1701 Actions Pedro Romero did not want the crowd to do this action after the final bullfight. lift him onto their shoulders Tsar:225 1702 Characters This man sat next to Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton’s table after the final bullfight. Belmonte Tsar:225 1703 Objects Bill Gorton suggests they order this drink at the café after the final bullfight. absinthe Tsar:225 1704 Actions Jake Barnes predicts Robert Cohn will do this action upon returning to Paris. “pick up with his old girl” Tsar:226 1705 Description Bill Gorton compares the fiesta to this concept after the final bullfight. “a wonderful nightmare” Tsar:226 1706 Description Jake Barnes tells Bill Gorton he feels this way at the café after the final bullfight. “low as hell” Tsar:226 1707 Objects Bill Gorton offers this remedy to Jake Barnes at the café after the final bullfight. “another absinthe” Tsar:226 1708 Plot Details Bill Gorton thinks that getting “tight” will help Jake Barnes get over this mental state. his “damn depression” Tsar:227 1709 Description Mike Campbell says Brett Ashley left with Pedro Romero on this train. “seven o’clock” Tsar:227 1710 Description Jake Barnes describes his drunkenness in this way after the final bullfight. “blind” Tsar:228 1711 Actions At the hotel, Jake Barnes pretends to do this activity when Bill and Mike come to invite him to eat. sleep Tsar:228 1712 Objects After the fiesta is over, children pick up this debris. “rocket-sticks” Tsar:231 1713 Description A waiter wearing this color apron tears down the fiesta notices the day after the fiesta. blue Tsar:231 1714 Plot Details After the fiesta, Jake Barnes wants to stay in Spain for this length of time. a week Tsar:232 1715 Places After the fiesta, Jake Barnes wants to go to this city before returning to Paris. San Sebastian Tsar:232 1716 Places After the fiesta, Mike Campbell travels to this city. Saint Jean de Luz Tsar:232 1717 Places After the fiesta, Jake Barnes, Bill Gorton, and Mike Campbell decide to rent a car to this city. Bayonne Tsar:232 1718 Places Bill Gorton travels alone by train to this city from Bayonne. Paris Tsar:232 1719 Objects Jake Barnes, Bill Gorton, and Mike Campbell drink this beverage in Biarritz. a whiskey and soda Tsar:232 1720 Actions Jake Barnes, Bill Gorton, and Mike Campbell do this activity to decide who pays for the drinks in Biarritz. roll “poker dice” Tsar:233 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1721 Objects Mike Campbell confesses he does not have enough of this asset in Biarritz. money Tsar:233 1722 Numbers Brett Ashley receives this much money each year. 500 pounds Tsar:234 1723 Numbers Brett Ashley pays this much money in interest per year. 350 pounds Tsar:234 1724 Actions Mike Campbell thinks this activity in Biarritz might do his “credit good.” taking a drive along the coast Tsar:234 1725 Places Jake Barnes, Bill Gorton, and Mike Campbell drive towards this city from Biarritz. Hendaye Tsar:234 1726 Characters Mike Campbell tells this character to pay for the rented car. Jake Barnes Tsar:235 1727 Places Jake Barnes stays at this hotel in Bayonne. Hotel Panier Fleuri Tsar:235 1728 Objects This substance “seemed the last thing that connected” Jake Barnes to Spain. the dust on the rented car Tsar:236 1729 Description Upon returning to the Bayonne hotel, Jake Barnes sleeps in this room. “the same” as the last time he had been there Tsar:236 1730 Objects Jake Barnes buys this paper when he is alone in Bayonne. The New York Herald Tsar:236 1731 Plot Details Jake Barnes did not return to Paris with Bill Gorton for this reason. wanting to avoid “more fiesta-ing” Tsar:236 1732 Plot Details This month starts San Sebastian’s high season. August Tsar:236 1733 Places Jake Barnes hopes to sit in this café to listen to band concerts in San Sebastian. Café Marinas Tsar:236 1734 Description Jake Barnes drinks this type of wine with dinner in Bayonne. Château Margaux Tsar:236 1735 Objects This liqueur is “made of flowers of the Pyrenees.” Izzarra Tsar:236 1736 Description Jake Barnes thinks Izzarra has these two qualities. the appearance of “hair-oil” and the smell of Italian strega Tsar:236 1737 Places According to Jake Barnes, this country is the “simplest country to live in.” France Tsar:237 1738 Actions According to Jake Barnes, one only has to do this action for “people to like you” in France. “spend a little money” Tsar:237 1739 Places Jake Barnes tips “every one a little too much” in this city. Bayonne Tsar:237 1740 Places Jake Barnes changes trains in this city on his trip from Bayonne to San Sebastian. Irun Tsar:237 1741 Places Jake Barnes “felt like a fool” for returning to this country. Spain Tsar:237 1742 Numbers The train from Irun to San Sebastian takes this much time. 40 minutes Tsar:237 LANG & LIT NOVEL FLASHCARDS DEMIDEC RESOURCES ©2013 1743 Numbers The train from Irun to San Sebastian goes through this many tunnels. 8 Tsar:237 1744 Plot Details In San Sebastian, Jake Barnes “recovered” this much time. an hour Tsar:238 1745 Numbers In San Sebastian, Jake Barnes asks for this many telegraph forms. 2 Tsar:238 1746 Places In San Sebastian, Jake Barnes sends a telegram to this hotel. Hotel Montoya Tsar:238 1747 Numbers Jake Barnes asks that all wires be sent to San Sebastian for this number of days. 6 days Tsar:238 1748 Objects Jake Barnes brings these three items with him to the beach in San Sebastian. his swimming-suit, a comb, and a towel Tsar:238 1749 Places Jake Barnes visits this beach in San Sebastian. the Concha Tsar:238 1750 Actions After lunch in San Sebastian, Jake Barnes does this activity. swim Tsar:238