Russia 5 - lucyrussianrev

Power-point 6
Chapter 8:
How did it happen?
Nicholas in March 1917 after his
Lead up to the revolution
In January 1917 the Tsar received 3 warnings
about the negative atmosphere in Petrograd:
1. Okhrana state the people hate the war,
shortages, and the useless govt. In
comparison to 1917, ‘1905 was but a toy’
2. Mikhail Rodzianko, chairman of the Duma warn
that picking between the Tsar and Russia, the
people will choose Russia
3. British Ambassador George Buchanan actually
warns that a revolution is near, and will
incorporate the people and the army
Russian Western
Calender Calendar
Key Crisis or event in Petrograd
18 Feb
3 March
20,000 workers strike at Putilov steel works
23 Feb
8 March
90,000 protestors at International Women’s day march
24 Feb
9 Mar
200,000 workers on strike. Soldiers patrol city
25 Feb
10 Mar
Strikes closes entire city
26 Feb
11 Mar
Soldiers join protesters, firing on police. Tsar does not
believe Rodzianko’s warnings of revolution,
27 Feb
12 Mar
The entire army revolts and the Duma forms the
Provisional Committee
28 Feb
13 Mar
Fighting between soldiers and loyal police. Prov
Committee declare themselves the Prov Government.
Petrograd Soviet formed by workers & soldiers
1 March
14 Mar
Petrograd Soviet assert control; Tsar allows Prov Govt
and starts return journey to Petrograd
2 March
15 Mar
Tsar abdicates; Prov Govt takes control of Russia
3 March
16 Mar
Fighting ends. Grand Duke Mikhail abdicates ending 300
years of Romanov Dynasty
Class work
Analysis activity 2 on page 75
Analysis activity 4 on page 77
Focus questions 1-4 on page 79
Analysing Historian’s perspectives. Do
questions 80-81