10 Honors English/Kephart Unit 2: Dystopian Worlds Name: Period

10 Honors English/Kephart
Unit 2: Dystopian Worlds
Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Period: _________
Brave New World Chapter 1-9
Vocabulary Words
For word pronunciation go to: http://www.merriam-webster.com/
1. pallid (pg. 3)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): lacking a healthy skin color
synonyms: ashen, blanched, lurid, mealy, wan
antonyms: blooming, florid, flush, glowing, rosy
sample sentence: The pallid man looked as though he had never seen the sun.
2. proliferate (pg. 6)
part of speech: verb
definition(s): to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number
synonyms: accelerate, accumulate, balloon, boom, enlarge
antonyms: contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen
sample sentence: Rumors about the incident proliferated on the Internet.
3. susceptible (pg. 6)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): open to; easily influenced; lacking in resistance
synonyms: vulnerable, receptive, impressionable
antonyms: resistant, immune
sample sentence: The trouble with being susceptible to flattery is that you can never be sure that the
flatterer is sincere.
4. viviparous (pg. 7)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): giving birth to living young from within the body rather than laying eggs
sample sentence: Nearly all mammals and some reptiles are viviparous animals.
5. tremulous (pg. 7)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): easily frightened; marked by or given to small uncontrollable bodily movements
synonyms: fainthearted, fearful, skittish; aquiver, wobbly
antonyms: adventuresome, audacious, bold; controlled, firm
sample sentence: The frail woman extended a tremulous hand in welcome.
6. synthetic (pg. 12)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): produced by humans rather than natural processes
synonyms: artificial, man-made, unnatural, fabricated, manufactured
antonyms: natural
sample sentence: The organic farm doesn’t use any pesticides or synthetic fertilizers.
7. gratuitous (pg. 23)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): freely given; not called for by circumstances, unwarranted
synonyms: voluntary, unjustified, uncalled-for
antonyms: justified, warranted
sample sentence: Though she had hoped to leave the lecture early, several members of the audience
asked gratuitous questions, delaying her by an hour.
8. discourse (pg. 25)
part of speech: noun, verb
definition(s): (n.) talking or a talk between two or more people; (v.) to talk about something especially
for a long time
synonyms: (n.) dialogue, discussion, exchange; (v.) talk, converse
sample sentence: (n.) Thomas Jefferson is said to have been able to participate in knowledgeable
discourse on a breathtaking array of subjects. (v.) The professor discoursed at some length about the
importance of studying Shakespeare.
9. indefatigable (pg. 26)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): showing no signs of weariness even after long hard effort
synonyms: inexhaustible, unflagging, untiring, weariless, dogged
sample sentence: He was an indefatigable laborer who could work from sunrise to sunset.
10. inculcate (pg. 27)
part of speech: verb
definition(s): to impress on the mind by repetition, teach persistently and earnestly
synonyms: instill, implant, infuse, ingrain, imbue
antonyms: efface, extirpate, root out
sample sentence: It is important to inculcate a healthy respect for authority into army recruits.
11. patronize (pg. 31)
part of speech: verb
definition(s): to assume or treat with an air of superiority; to promote the interests or cause of
synonyms: talk down to; advocate, champion, endorse
sample sentence: The director had an unpleasant habit of patronizing even his most gifted actors.
12. surreptitious (pg. 33)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation; made or accomplished by fraud
synonyms: furtive, covert, clandestine, concealed
antonyms: open, frank aboveboard, overt
sample sentence: The movie heroine blushed when she noticed the surreptitious glances of her admirer.
13. warble (pg. 36)
part of speech: noun, verb
definition(s): (n.) a rhythmic series of musical tones arranged to give a pleasing effect; (v.) to sing with
the alternation of two musical tones
synonyms: (n.) song, tune, (v.) quaver, trill
sample sentence: (n.) He whistled a cheerful warble as he strolled down the street. (v.) The skylark
warbled prettily outside our window.
14. sadism (pg. 39)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): disposition to willfully inflict pain and suffering on others
synonyms: atrocity, brutality, cruelness, savagery, viciousness
antonyms: compassion, good-heartedness, humaneness, kindness, sympathy
sample sentence: He was a troubled youth with a streak of sadism in him.
15. promiscuous (pg. 39)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): having many sexual relationships; consisting of many things of different sorts
synonyms: immoral, licentious, unselective, assorted
antonyms: chaste, virtuous, homogenous
sample sentence: The promiscuous teenager was always spending time in the principal’s office.
16. pneumatic (pg. 44)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): filled with air; having a well-proportioned feminine figure
synonyms: air-filled, curvy, shapely
antonyms: shapeless
sample sentence: The movie star was remembered mainly as a pneumatic sex symbol of the 1950s.
17. euphoric (pg. 53)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): experiencing or marked by overwhelming pleasurable emotion
synonyms: elated, exhilarated, giddy, intoxicated, rapturous
antonyms: depressed
sample sentence: The euphoric winner was momentarily speechless.
18. imperious (pg. 59)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling
synonyms: domineering, magisterial, urgent, imperative
antonyms: fawning, obsequious, humble, unassuming
sample sentence: The Wizard of Oz’s imperious manner failed him when he revealed himself as a fussy
little man behind a curtain.
19. façade (pg. 75)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): a forward part or surface; a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to
deceive; a deceptively attractive external appearance
synonyms: exterior, charade, semblance, disguise, pretense
antonyms: bluntness, candor, directness
sample sentence: His interest in acting is just a façade – he joined the drama club to meet girls.
20. perennial (pg. 77)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): having an existence or validity that does not change or diminish
synonyms: ageless, continuing, enduring, eternal, dateless
antonyms: antiquated, archaic, dated, passé, outworn
sample sentence: Her perennial pessimism was really starting to annoy her coworkers.
21. imminent (pg. 82)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): giving signs of immediate occurrence; being soon to appear or take place
synonyms: impending, looming, threatening; approaching, coming
antonyms: distant; late, recent
sample sentence: When a storm is imminent, you should seek shelter immediately.
22. haggard (pg. 90)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): looking very thin and tired especially form great hunger, worry, or pain
synonyms: cadaverous, gaunt, skeletal, wasted, scraggy
antonyms: brawny, healthy, hearty, fit, burly
sample sentence: The rescued hiker appeared haggard and won after a week in the woods.
23. cajole (pg. 92)
part of speech: verb
definition(s): to coax, to persuade through flattery or artifice; to deceive with soothing thoughts or false
synonyms: wheedle, inveigle, soft-soap, sweet-talk
antonyms: coerce, force, strong-arm
sample sentence: With a smile, a joke, and a second helping of pie, she would cajole him into doing
what she wanted.
24. scrupulous (pg. 96)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): guided by or in accordance with one’s sense of right and wrong; taking, showing, or
involving great care and effort
synonyms: conscionable, ethical, moral, careful, meticulous
antonyms: dishonest, immoral, unjust, unprincipled, cutthroat
sample sentence: A scrupulous attention to detail is evident in all of her reporting.
25. stoic (pg. 104)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): not feeling or showing emotion
synonyms: tolerant, uncomplaining, emotionless, numb, stolid
antonyms: complaining, emotional, fervent, impassioned, vehement
sample sentence: At her husband’s funeral she remained stoic, and only a few imagined the depth of
her grief.
10 Honors English/Kephart
Unit 2: Dystopian Worlds
Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Period: _________
Brave New World Chapter 1-9 Vocabulary Assignment
Total: 50 points (formative assessment)
Due date: _______________________________
Prompt: Develop a five-paragraph dystopian film review that appropriately incorporates all 25 vocabulary
words from this unit. Your review must focus on a film you have seen that portrays a dystopian world in any
way (Examples: The Hunger Games, I Am Legend, Star Wars, The Matrix, WALL-E, etc.). Your film review
should be persuasive and instruct viewers to either see the movie or not. In addition, be sure to follow the basic
guidelines below.
Your film review must be/contain:
 MLA heading AND header
 Typed in 12-pt Times New Roman font
 Formatted with 1-inch margins and double-spacing
 Creative title
 All 25 vocabulary words used CORRECTLY in a complete sentence that clearly demonstrates the
word’s meaning and correct part of speech
 All 25 words numbered AND underlined throughout the review
 At least five paragraphs long (paragraphs a minimum of five sentences each)
 Well-written and free of grammatical/spelling errors (don’t forget to ITALICIZE film titles!)
Note: You CAN include more than one word in a sentence as long as it does not take away from its usage.
 Each vocabulary word in the assignment is worth ONE point and will be graded on definition, spelling
and part of speech. If any of these three are incorrect, the point for the word is lost.
 Grading Symbols:
D- definition incorrect or not shown clearly
PS- part of speech incorrect
SP- spelling incorrect
 The other 25 points will be given for correctly following the formatting guidelines, adhering to the
prompt, and demonstrating creativity
Tips for Writing a FILM REVIEW
 Your title should be based on the title of your chosen film and should give the reader an indication of
whether the rest of your review will be positive or negative
 The beginning of your review should give a brief synopsis of the film highlighting the most important
points (remember to not give away the ending!)
 The bulk of your review should analyze the film overall – was it thought provoking? Did it have lasting
images and ideas that particularly enthralled you? Did you think it was completely terrible? Make sure
whatever your review is you explain it in a way that your reader can fully understand. Never simply say
that you loved or hated a movie; always explain your opinions and back them up with descriptive
 Other specific things you could analyze: script writing, editing, setting, characterization, acting,
special effects, sound effects, musical soundtrack, costume design, set design, color, lighting
 The end of your review should restate your overall opinion in a clear manner – you may want to say
something inspiring to get the reader to want to go out and see the film or you might say something to
dissuade them!
 You should give your film a star rating out of 5 to indicate your overall evaluation
Common words and phrases used in film reviews: spectacular visual effects, excessive violence,
breathtaking, evocative, mood, atmosphere, poorly, unsuccessful, detail, scenery, irresistible, perfect, moments,
plot, this movie has been compared to ____ because, wonderful, hilarious, momentum, unexpected plot twists,
unbelievable, phenomenal, hype, suspense, disappointing, confusion/confused, fake, imitation, genre,
unoriginal, typical, thrilled, was a very moving portrayal, quality of the film, I was impressed by, credible,
cliché, a mixture of, classic, captivating, etc.