1 2 The pectoral region is external to the anterior thoracic wall and anchors the upper limb to the trunk. 3 Superficial compartment Contains skin, superficial fascia, breasts Deep compartment Contains muscles & associated structures 4 Four pectoral muscles move the pectoral girdle Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Serratus anterior Subclavius Clavicular head: Medial half of clavicle Medial process border of Coracoid of scapula scapula Stabilizes Lateral lip of scapula 3rd-5thand ribs near Adducts intertubercular sulcus of their costal medially humerus Protracts cartilages & rotates rotates Lateral parts of scapula humerus 1st-8th ribs Sternocostal head: Anterior surface of sternum, superior six costal cartilages, aponeurosis of external oblique muscle 5 Pectoralis major powerful adduction medial rotation of the arm clavicular head flexing the humerus sternocostal head extending it back 6 Pectoralis minor stabilizes the scapula touch an object that is just out of reach. Assists in elevating the ribs Subclavius Anchors and depresses the clavicle, stabilizing it during movements of the upper limb. 7 one of the most powerful muscles of the pectoral girdle Strong protractor of scapula –Abduction used when punching or reaching anteriorly(boxer's muscle). 8 Pectoralis major Medial & Lateral pectoral nerves Pectoralis minor Medial pectoral nerve Subclavius Nerve to subclavius Serratus anterior Long thoracic nerve 9 Deep to the pectoral fascia & pectoralis major Descends from the clavicle Clavipectoral triangle cephalic vein can be found. formed by pectoralis major, deltoid & clavicle Deltopectoral groove 10 11 In the subcutaneous tissue overlying the pectoralis major and minor muscles. lateral border of the sternum to the midaxillary line vertically from the 2nd through 6th ribs. 12 Nipple surrounded by a circular pigmented area of skin, areola (L. small area) 13 Axillary process or tail (of Spence) The mammary gland is firmly attached to the dermis of the A series of ducts andespecially associated by overlying skin, secretory lobules. These converge substantial skin ligaments to form 15 to 20 lactiferous (L. retinacula cutis), ducts, suspensory ligaments (of which open independently onto the Cooper). nipple. help support the lobes and lobules of the mammary gland. 14 Rudimentary and consists only of small ducts, often composed of cords of cells, that normally do not extend beyond the areola. Breast cancer can occur in men. 15