Curriculum vitae Europass


Curriculum vitae


Personal information

First name(s) /



Address(es) nr.66, apt.12, Prof.dr.Gheorghe Marinescu Str., cod. 540136

Tg.-Mures, Romania

Telephone(s) +40 265 215525

Fax(es) +40 265 212085,+40 265 307250

Mobil:+40 744503331


Nationality romanian

Date of birth 01 februarie 1949, comuna Craiesti, jud. Mures

Gender male

Desired employment /

Occupational field

U.M.F. Tg.-Mures, Chief of Radiology and Medical Imaging discipline

Radiology and Medical Imaging

Work experience 39 years of professional experience

Dates 1 noiembrie 1973 - prezent

Occupation or position held

Medical activity

 Family doctor com. Vânători-Neamţ, jud. Neamţ, 1973-1979.

Rezident radiologyst at Radiology Clinic Târgu Mureş, 1979-1982.

 Specialist Radiologist at Radiology Clinic Târgu Mureş, 1982-1991.

 Radiologist MD degree I at Radiology Clinic Târgu Mureş, 1991-prezent.

Didactic activity

 Assistant Trainee at Radiology Clinic Târgu Mureş, 1979-1982.

Assistant at Radiology Clinic Târgu Mureş, 1982-1992.

Lecturer at Radiology Clinic Târgu Mureş, 1992-1996.

Associate Professor at Radiology Clinic Târgu Mureş, 1996 - 1999.

Professor at Radiology Clinic Târgu Mureş, 1999-prezent.

Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

U.M.F. Tg.-Mures, Chief of Radiology and Medical Imaging discipline

Type of business or sector

Medicine and health care

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Education and training

Dates Faculty of Medicine 1967-1973

Title of qualification awarded

Medical doctor, specialist, physician radiologist

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Certificate of Further Education in CT and IRM

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

U.M.F. Tg.-Mures, Radiology and Medical Imaging discipline

National Training Center in CT and IRM

Level in national or international classification

National and international recognition

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) Specify the language (s) mother (s) (if relevant second language, see instructions)

Other language(s) English, French, Hungarian

Self-assessment understanding yes speaking yes

European level (*) Listening Reading Conversation english

Spoken english Language

Language english french english french

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages f french french writing yes


Social skills and competences

Organisational skills and competences good organizer in the leadership and management of radiology and medical imaging clinic

Technical skills and competences

Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. (Remove if not relevant, see instructions)

Computer skills and competences

Average use

Artistic skills and competences

Documenter Movie Producer

Other skills and competences

Driving licence Yes, cat. A and B english french

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Nume Prenume



Scientific Concerns:

• Main areas of research:

• cerebrovascular disease,

• diagnostic imaging of brain tumors

• storing, processing and transmitting images remotely using the Internet.

Other areas of interest:

• positive and differential diagnosis by imaging methods to trauma,

• positive and differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis by means of imaging,

• Three-dimensional reconstruction and virtual reality imaging.

Scientific activity:

• Doctor of medical sciences UMF Cluj Napoca, 1995.

• Author of three specialized monographs and the Treaty of computed tomography in 3 volumes.

• Author and co-author of 45 scientific papers published in extenso specialist in the country.

• Author and co-author of over 300 scientific papers with abstracts published in the country and abroad.

• Active participation in scientific sessions of teachers, symposiums, conferences, national and international congresses.

• President and organizer of the National Congress

• Radiology-Medical Imaging, issue 15, Targu-Mures, 23-25 September 2004.

• President and organizer of the National Jubilee Conference of Computer tomography with international participation: 20 years of exploration CT in Transylvania, Targu-

Mures, 11-14 May 2011.

Membership of Societies:

• Member of the Romanian Society of Radiology and Medical Imaging, 1979-present.

• Vice-President of the Romanian Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine from


• Member of the European Society of Radiology in 2002.

• Member of the American Society of Radiology in 2005.

• Member of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine in 2005.

• Member of the Academy of Sciences in New York in 2007.

• Member of the European Society of Neuroradiology in 2007.

• ne founding member of the European Society of Neuroradiology, Diagnostic and

Interventional from 20.12.2008.

• founding member of Romanian Society of Neuroradiology and Interventional

Radiology, 2009.

• founding member of Romanian Society of Musculoskeletal Magnetic Resonance,


• founding member of Romanian Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2007.

Membership of Societies:

7.1. Member of the Romanian Society of Radiology and Medical Imaging, 1979-present.

7.2. Vice-President of the Romanian Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine from 2006-2009.

7.3. Member of the European Society of Radiology in 2002.

7.4. Member of the American Society of Radiology in 2005.

7.5. Member of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine in 2005.

7.6. Member of New York Academy of Sciences in 2007.

7.7. Member of the European Society of Neuroradiology in 2007.

7.8. Founding member of the European Society of Neuroradiology, Diagnostic and Interventional from 20.12.2008.

7.9. Founding member of the Romanian Society of Neuroradiology and Interventional Radiology, 2009.

7.10. Founding member of the Romanian Society of Musculoskeletal Magnetic Resonance, 2009.

7.11. Founding member of the Romanian Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2007.

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Pagina / - Curriculum vitae al

Nume Prenume

Membership of Societies:

• Member of Romanian Society of Radiology and Medical Imaging, 1979-present.

• Vice-President of the Romanian Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine from 2006-2009.

• Member of European Society of Radiology in 2002.

• Member of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine in 2005.

• Member of European Society of Neuroradiology in 2007.

• Founding member of the European Society of Neuroradiology, Diagnostic and Interventional from


• Founding member of the Romanian Society of Neuroradiology and Interventional Radiology, 2009.

• Founding member of the Romanian Society of Musculoskeletal Magnetic Resonance, 2009.

• Founding member of the Romanian Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2007.

• Founding member of the european Society of Emergency Radiology, 2011 Vienna.

• Founding President of the Romanian Society of Emergency Radiology, 2012.

Active participation in international scientific events:

• European Congress of Radiology in Vienna, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005.2007, 2008, 2009,

2010, 2011.

• European Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Seville, 1999.

• European Symposium multisecţională CT, Las Palmas de Mallorca, 2002.

• North American Congress of Radiology, Chicago, 2004.

• Investigators Meeting for multiple sclerosis, Paris, 2004.

• Investigators Meeting for multiple sclerosis, Rome, 2004.

• Investigators Meeting for multiple sclerosis, Budapest, 2004.

• Investigators Meeting for Multiple Sclerosis, Paris, 2005.

• Investigators Meetings Bayhill Prague, 2005

• Magnetic Resonance World Congress, Seattle, USA, 2006.

• Magnetic Resonance World Congress, Berlin, 2007.

• Investigators Meeting for Multiple Sclerosis, Athens, 2008.

• Magnetic Resonance World Congress, Toronto, 2008.

• First European Symposium of PET / CT, Barcelona 2008.

• European Congress of Neuroradiology, Athens 2009.

• European Congress of Radiology, Vienna 2010.

• Balkan Congress of Radiology and Medical Imaging, 2010, Alexandroupolis, Greece.

• European Congress of Neuroradiology, Bologna, 2010.

• European Congress of Radiology 2011, Vienna.

• European Congress of Radiology 2012, Vienna.

Other points to note:

• We have established and put into operation the National Branch Mures - Tirgu-Mures to Bucharest

Institute of Comparative Medicine, based in Tg-Mures, str.Tudor Vladimirescu, No.12, was appointed by decision No. 6 of 2002, BMI Bucharest Branch General Manager Mures BMI Bucharest.

• We won a grant session in January 2008, admitted by the number 1271/14.01.2008 NASR, entitled

"Cellular and molecular imaging center" (project type Impact) - currently awaiting funding.

• We Affiliated European Society of Neuroradiology, Diagnostic and Interventional, the Romanian

Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, the National Delegate of Romania to the abovementioned European society.

• Are the CNCSIS chartered assessor

• I am an expert of the Institute of Legal Medicine Targu-Mures.

• I am a member of the International Editorial Board European Journal of Neuroradiology, Diagnostic

Neuroradiology Section of the European Society of Neuroradiology, Diagnostic and Interventional.

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Nume Prenume

• I was part of the Romanian team with quality-invited speaker, with an important contribution to

Romania's entry into the European Society of Radiology at ECR Meets conduct scientific session


Awards / honors

• I was awarded the Diploma of Excellence awarded by the Institute of Comparative Medicine

Bucharest no. 115/07.05.2007 for outstanding contribution in the field of higher education and scientific research in comparative medicine.

• I was awarded the second prize of the Romanian National Congress of Radiology and Medical

Imaging with International Participation, Bucharest 1992, for his "Acoustic neuroma diagnosis of radioimagistic".

• I was awarded the title of honorary citizen and diplomas awarded by the City and Local Council of

Hunters-Neamt County Council based Decision no. 41/24.08 2006 for dedication and commitment to the inhabitants.

• I was awarded the title of honorary citizen and diplomas awarded by the Mayor and City Council of

Targu-Neamt County Council based Decision no. 78/26.06 2009 for dedication and devotion to city residents for outstanding contribution to scientific professional line, over the years.

• We were awarded the grand prize of the Romanian National Documentary Film Festival 2012 for the documentary film "OLD CHURCH BOOK" with a producer of the film.

• Finalist of the of the World Festival of documentary movie Tokyo 2012

Tg.Mures 13.12.2012


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Nume Prenume
