to the Induction PowerPoint (2016)

The 11th North West Dioceses’
Catholic Leadership Programme
7.30 pm: Welcome and refreshments
 Introductions.
 Brief reaction to the CLP by a past participant:
 Spiritual Journey:
Kevin Quigley: Director of Education
 Content & Structure of the CLP:
Leo Conley: Course leader
9.00 pm Closing Prayer
Some Comments about the CLP from the 2014 Cohort
An aspect of the programme I particularly appreciated was….:
“Listening to all the speakers, a wide
range of truly inspirational people who
were a pleasure to listen to. Also the
mentor sessions were fantastic and my
mentor I feel went above and beyond
the role of support”.
“Understanding the challenges
catholic schools face in an everchanging educational, economic
and political landscape”.
“The residential conferences were
great opportunities to network and
share experiences with colleagues
(helps to realise your own potential).
Inspirational speakers who you respect
because of their work. Excellent
organisation and communication”.
“Time to think, assess and evaluate
my role as a Leader. The mentor
sessions have been critical”.
“The Headteacher sessions were
particularly inspiring and gave an
insight into the job as well as first
hand experiences- again good to
share different settings/contexts”
“Reaffirmation of my belief that
teaching is about service… and
finding ways to focus on this rather
than on all the bureaucracy”
“Time to reflect on what is important in a
Catholic school. All the speakers gave
me things to consider as I try to
articulate my own vision of myself as a
Some Comments about the CLP from the 2014 Cohort
The overall value of this programme for me has been:…..
“To deepen my understanding
of the role and expectation of a
leader in a Catholic school. To
give me understanding of what
it takes to be a Catholic leader”.
“Personal reflection on my own
faith and pursuing opportunities to
consider headship. Thoughtprovoking, supportive, confidence
“To confirm that being a
‘servant’ is crucial for a teacher
in a Catholic school. You don’t
need to know everything and
there is an excellent support
network to call upon”.
“To make me reflect on my own practice and gain a
deeper understanding of my personal faith and
commitment to teaching. Providing time for reflection
and to know that I can make a difference. To motivate
and inspire me to believe that maybe I am able to take
the next step in my career”.
Having the opportunity to reflect on the ‘purpose’
of Catholic leadership within the current climate
Inspirational and thought –provoking. of data driven initiatives; on commitment to the
value of ‘God’s Creation’ and the dignity of the
It has given me the confidence to
move forward in Catholic Leadership. human being; on collective responsibility and
I would highly recommend the course servant leadership.
to anyone looking at becoming a
Catholic leader.
“Excellent as I’ve had a promotion”.
Anne O’Dwyer
Sacred Heart RCP
Content and Structure of the CLP 2016
Leo Conley
By the end of the programme participants should be able to
articulate their personal values and mission, and have a better
understanding of the distinctive mission of Catholic schools
As a senior leader in a Catholic school therefore you need:
 A clear understanding of the mission of a Catholic school as part of the church’s
overall pastoral and evangelising mission to society
 In the light of this mission, to be able to secure the school’s distinctiveness as a
Catholic school
 To be able to communicate and share this knowledge of the mission and the vision it
inspires with staff, pupils, governors, parents and the parish community
 To be able, through translating the vision into action, to ensure that the school can
contribute purposefully to social and community cohesion through promoting
constructive and inclusive dialogue with the wider community
The programme lasts for one full year January to December (three
school terms).
Term 1 – focus on SELF:
i) Participants’ own faith experience/spirituality
ii) Their knowledge and understanding of their faith
iii) Their own values
“Good leadership is truthful and trustworthy. Leaders can act
more confidently if they have a strong sense of their own inner
truths and are resolute in upholding positions that may be
unpopular but congruent with the leader’s values.”
(“The Reflective Teacher” Kevin Treston)
Term 2 – focus on CONTEXT:
i) How their personal vision impacts on their present school
ii) How they would want their personal vision to impact on any future
leadership role in a school
iii) The distinctive vision/mission of a Catholic school
iv) The Catholic nature of a school
“Ethos is not something that is ancillary to the other aspects of school life,
but it is their foundation stone: every aspect of school life must be rooted in
its ethos, from the curriculum to the playground, from the staffing structure
to school policies”
(The Most Reverend Malcolm McMahon, Archbishop of Liverpool)
Term 3 – focus on TASK.
Alongside the presentations, conferences and immersion days
delegates will be asked to:
i) take part in school visits in order to clarify their ideas in
relation to Catholic Leadership
ii) keep a ‘Reflective Journal’ to help deepen their learning from
the programme
iii) undertake an optional School-based Development Project
(collaborative work undertaken in reflection and development
groups based on a theme relevant to context)
Leaders in Catholic schools must ensure that “the instruction which is given in them is at
least as academically distinguished as that in the other schools of the area” (Canon 806
§2 of the Canon Law of the Catholic Church). However, “the requirement to improve the
quality of educational provision and pupil achievement needs to be understood and
interpreted within the setting of an ethos rooted in the Catholic Church and Gospel
(Headteacher Handbook, Archdiocese of Birmingham)
The Catholic Leadership Programme in 2016 will consist of three
main elements:
1. Individual work with a Coach/Mentor who will:
 gain an overview of the specific needs of their mentee
 guide their mentee's progress throughout the course
 facilitate experiential placements which are targeted to the needs
of the mentee
 point their mentee towards other CPDF for the future
2. Practical experience through school placements of:
 different leadership styles
 schools with a contrasting intake – e.g. size, socio-economic
 schools/leaders with a particular expertise
3. Presentations / Reflection & Development Groups
 Presentation/speaker at each of four evening sessions
i) Monday 21st March – Salford Cathedral Centre
ii) Tuesday 17th May – Venue TBC
iii) Tuesday 28th June – Venue TBC
iv) Tuesday 18th October – Venue TBC
 Two residential conferences
i) Friday 26th and Saturday 27th February – Chancellors Hotel, Manchester
ii) Friday 11th and Saturday 12th November - Chancellors Hotel, Manchester
 Two ‘immersion days’ designed to consolidate and deepen learning
i) Tuesday 7th June – Liverpool Hope University
ii) Tuesday 27th September – Liverpool Hope University
CLP 2016 - Themes
1. Why do we have Catholic Schools? (History, politics and sociology)
2. The radical Mission of a Catholic School. (Including preparing for a whole school
mission review).
3. Developing a Vision for leadership in a Catholic School and translating the Vision
(‘Gospel Values’) into action.
4. What would a ‘Catholic Curriculum’ look like?
5. Catholic schools and inter-faith issues
6. Leading a Catholic school in challenging times/ Catholic Schools in a secular society.
7. Developing a spirituality of leadership
8. What makes leadership of a Catholic school different? You may wish to be specific
and examine one or more of the following: (Moral Purpose; Pastoral Leadership; Legal
Standing; Governance; Canon Law; The Common Good; The Preferential Option for
the Poor; Building a Faith Community; Servant Leadership; Looking Outwards:
CLP Concluding Reflections:
At the end of the programme delegates will be asked to deliver a
15 minute presentation (related to individual Reflective Journals
and/or to work undertaken in R & D groups). It would be a joint
presentation delivered by each individual reflection & development
group. (W/C 21st November – Salford Cathedral Centre)
100% Attendance (85% minimum)
Celebration Mass and Certificate
Presentation Evening
Tuesday 6th December 2016
A Catholic School is…
“…more than just a place where pupils are equipped
with learning and skills for the workplace and
responsible citizenship” for they are not just ‘citizens’ or
‘learners’ or (God forbid) ‘economic units’. They have a
‘divine origin and an eternal destiny’….are God-given
and full of grace”.
“In today’s unfavourable culture,
Catholic schools have to be
absolutely certain of their mission,
which is far wider than a focus on
attainment and standards. We have to
explain what ethos means”
Sister Judith Russi
“We must seek Christ in the eyes of every person.”
Closing Prayer…..
Spirit of the living God bless the work of our hands, our minds and our
May the work we offer be a reflection of all that is good within us.
In planning, creating, doing and serving…. grant us the courage to
listen patiently for the stirring of your presence.
Grace us with moments of joy in the midst of our daily routine.
Enliven our spirits with humour.
Fill us with reverence for one another and gratitude for our diversity.
Nourish our spirits with the knowledge that our work is holy.
May unity, beauty and truth be the fruit of our labour.