Chapter 11 Quiz - International Business courses

Chapter 11 Quiz
1. Sales promotion is capable of almost instant demand stimulation, like the
kind that contests and sweepstakes create.
a. True
b. False
Answer: A
2. Sales promotion falls into three categories, which is NOT correct
a. Consumer-market sales promotion
b. Trade-market sales promotion
c. Business-market sales promotion
d. Economy- market sales promotion
Answer: D
3. Sales Promotion includes
a. Stimulates short-term demand
b. Encourages brand switching
c. Induces trial use
d. All of the above
Answer: D
4. In the shift of emphasis on promotional spending____________________
techniques act as an incentive to purchase the brand using promotion, even if
another brand has a lower price.
a. Coupons
b. Sweepstakes
c. Sales Promotion
d. Marketing
Answer: C
5. Which of the following is NOT one of the significant risks of sales promotion
discussed in the book?
A) Borrowing from future sales
B) Time and expenses
C) Alienating customers
D) International promotion
Answer: D
6. What do most sales promotions rely on?
A) Price incentives
B) Giveaways
C) Creativity
D) A and B
Answer: D
7. What should marketers do to stay out of legal trouble with sales promotions
particularly contests and premiums?
A) Clearly state the rules and conditions related to the program
B) Give some information regarding the program to avoid any negative
C) Make the contest easy and give the premium as a large incentive
D) Be as vague as possible to make the customer figure the incentive out
Answer: A
8. Which of the following is not an objective for trade-market sales promotions?
A) Obtaining Initial distribution
B) Increasing order size
C) Increasing store traffic
D) All of the above are objectives for trade-market sales promotions
Answer: D
9. Wineries giving incentives to wait staff that promote their wine at a restraint is
A) Push-Money
B) Free sample
C) Push-sample
D) None of the above
Answer: A
10. What are slotting fees?
A) A tax put on goods in order to sell at convenient stores
B) Grocery stores charging for shelf space in their stores.
C) Fees placed on goods by the manufacture in order to sell in stores
D) All of the above
Answer: B
11. What type of media can be tailored to local markets that are able to reach
consumers in a particular venue, neighborhood, or metropolitan area?
a. Support media
b. Public media
c. Local media
d. Special media
Answer: A
12. Which of the following is a “con” to using billboards?
Offers around-the-clock exposure for the marketer’s message
It can achieve wide exposure of a message in specific local markets
It is well suited to showing off a brand’s distinctive packaging or logo.
It’s the most expensive form of advertising
Answer: H
13. What is out-of-home media advertising?
a. Advertising that appears as interior and exterior displays on amsstransit vehicles and at terminal and station platforms
b. Assessing possible locations for billboard advertising
c. Advertising venues that reach local audiences away from home and
d. None of the above
Answer: C
14. What are some examples of off-screen within a theatre?
a. Samples
b. Concession-based advertising
c. Ads posted in lobbies
d. All of above
Answer: D
15. How long are Short Term Promotional displays used?
A: 6 months or less
B: 6 to 8 months
C: 1 year
D: 1-2 years
Answer: A
16. What is advertising that appears as interior and exterior displays on masstransit vehicles and at terminal and station platforms?
A: Out of home media advertising
B: Cinema Advertising
C: Transit Advertising
D: Aerial Advertising
Answer: C
17. Which option for Point of Purchase Advertising includes a unit that provides
the only selling for a manufacturer’s line?
A: Floor Stand
B: Interactive Unit
C: Aisle Directory
D: Full Line Merchandiser
Answer D
18. Sales promotion that entitles a buyer to a designated reduction in price for a
product or service is a (an)
a. Sweepstakes
b. Raffle
c. Coupon
d. Premiums
Answer: C
19. Objectives for Consumer-Market Sales Promotion include which of the
a. Stimulate trial purchase
b. Stimulate repeat purchases
c. Stimulate larger purchases
d. All of the above
Answer: D
20. Sales promotion that requires a consumer to pay most of the cost of the item
received as a premium
a. Self- liquidating premium
b. Free premium
c. Price- off deal
d. None of the above
Answer: A