Course Outline
MKTG 4175
Fall Semester 2010
Professor: Anshu Saxena Arora, PhD, PMP
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday - 9:00 am to 10:00 am;
11:15 am to 1 pm; 4:30 pm to 6 pm
Monday – 10:00 am to 12 pm,
and by appointment
1 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
Professor: Anshu Saxena Arora, PhD, PMP
“Modern Marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively, and
making it accessible to target customers. Companies must also communicate with their customers.
Every company is inevitably cast into the role of communicator and promoter.”
— Philip Kotler
Advertising and Promotion Management – Course Description
This course will broadly examine the management of advertising and sales promotions.
There will be a balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of promotion that
will make the course relevant to those interested in the careers in advertising agencies
as well as those interested in product or service marketing management. We will also
discuss the planning, implementation, and evaluation of advertising and promotional
Advertising and Promotion is quite a dynamic and fascinating field to either practice
or study. In our increasingly complex world, organizations in both the private and
public sector have learned that their ability to create and disseminate effective
advertising and promotional messages has become increasingly difficult as a
consequence of the fragmentation not just of audiences but also of the media and
methods used to reach them. This brings in a perspective of Integrated Marketing
Communications, which will be emphasized all throughout the course.
A variety of instructional strategies should be utilized to deliver instruction
effectively. Examples of these instructional strategies include, but are not limited to,
2 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
small- and large-group activities, discussions, lectures, demonstrations, teamwork,
brainstorming, simulations, oral and written reports, comparative analyses, interviews,
community/business observations, and use of business partners. Use of instructional
aids such as transparencies, handouts, videotapes, Internet access, and CD-ROMs is
Required Text
Belch, George E. and Belch, Michael A., (2009), Advertising and Promotion: An
Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (8th ed.), Irwin McGraw-Hill.
Course Prerequisites
The participants are expected to have taken and successfully passed the basic course
of “Principles of Marketing” – MKTG 3175.
Course Goals
The course goal is to further disseminate and develop the knowledge and skills in the
essential aspects of advertising and promotion management, advertising strategy, and
emerging New Economy marketing applications, with a focus on the development and
execution of programs, audits, plans, critical thinking and Information Literarcy.
Course Objectives
The overall objective of the course is to develop the learner’s advertising and
promotion related skills. The successful participant will be able to:
 Understand, describe, explain and apply basic marketing & advertising
 Understand the process of performing research in advertising and integrated
marketing communications through Information Literarcy library instruction,
 Understand the various components of advertising within organizations for
decision making,
 Analyze advertising problems and/or opportunities; advertising strategies
and marketing mix in advertising,
3 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
 Identify reasonable alternatives to deal with these problems and/or
 Select the best alternative and develop an approach to implement that
 Examine contemporary issues and technological initiatives in advertising and
promotions and their applications in business,
 Recognize the uses of marketing information & decision support systems as a
strategic ingredient in advertising world.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, you should be able to:
 critically appraise a client's advertising strategy;
 formulate a comprehensive communication plan;
 implement an advertising solution from strategy to execution.
Course Contents
The course will cover the different areas of advertising and promotion management as
outlined in the textbook.
• Introduction: Understanding Integrated Marketing Communications.
• Analyzing Integrated Marketing Program Situations and the Communications
• Developing Advertising Strategies.
• Creative Strategy - Shaping the market offering.
• Managing and delivering marketing programs.
• Special Topics and Perspectives.
Roughly one half of the course is devoted to teaching fundamental concepts and tools
in advertising and promotion management while the other half is devoted to applying
these concepts and tools, i.e. applying knowledge to selected cases and problem sets.
4 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
Course Overview and Group Assignments
The course coverage is given as follows:
An introduction to integrated marketing communications
The Role of IMC in the marketing process
Advertising and Marketing Strategies
Market and Consumer Research as it applies to advertising and promotion
Consumer behavior as it applies to advertising and promotion
Social, ethical and economic aspects of advertising and promotion
The communication process
Decision making related to advertising and promotions
Source, message and channel factors - Setting objectives and budgets
Balanced Scorecard Strategy and Advertising & Marketing
Creative strategy, planning
Creative strategy, implementing and evaluating
Marketing Mix and Communications
Media planning and strategy
Evaluation of broadcast media & print media
Support media
Direct marketing
Internet Marketing and Advertising
The Internet and interactive media
Sales promotion
Public relations, publicity and corporate advertising
Advertising and Branding
International advertising and promotion
Group Assignments
Assignment #1
Different Targets (Two students on a team: Please do not pick someone you know.)
Select two print ads for two brands in the same product or service category that
market to different targets. Include where you found them. What is the target market
5 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
for each brand? Who are they targeting to? How are they being targeted differently?
One “typed” page is needed of each ad. Please attach ad to each sheet. Please clip
everything together. You may be required to present your findings in class.
Assignment #2
After reading the chapters, and reviewing our materials, bring two/three “what you
feel are” good ads and two/three bad ones. You should prepare a brief written outline
and be prepared to discuss your selections in class.
MID TERM TEST: September 22, 2010*
FINAL EXAM: December 1, 2010*
*This schedule provides a general plan for the course. Deviations may be necessary.
Course Structure
GROUP PROJECT (Group of three to five people)
Your principal class project for the semester is to develop an advertising and
promotional plan for a business of your choice. This will be done as a group effort and
the final report is due the day of your presentation. The final report should consist
of a well-integrated and carefully documented proposal that presents strategies,
creative platform, media schedule, estimated expenses and possibly research that may
be required for your product or service. Think of yourselves as the advertising group
in a client firm or advertising agency that is preparing a promotional plan to present to
the executive committee of your client organization.
As part of this project, you and the members of your group are to prepare an oral
presentation (pitch) for the class. The presentation will be evaluated on the basis of
over-all communication effectiveness and creativity. The presentation should, as a
minimum, address the following topics:
1. Background, objectives and budget: What business is this company in?
What segment(s) do you want to reach? What explicit objectives should be set
for the advertising program? What is the budget for the entire project?
6 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
2. Creative: Develop an overall creative strategy for your client. This will
require an assessment of competitive activity, judgments as to the important
points of appeal or differentiation, and consideration of alternative theories of
communication and attitude change given in your text. In addition to the
creative strategy, you will be expected to create an advertising piece for either
print, radio or video (less than finished is fine!).
3. Media strategy and creative program: You are to recommend the overall
promotional and media mix to be used. Include a breakdown of estimated
expenditures by alternative media and/or activities (e.g., contests, prizes,
promotional materials, etc.) Justify why you have chosen specific media or
promotional activities.
4. Be Innovative and Have fun with this project! This is one time when
length is not necessarily an advantage--but the unusual is. Successful
promotional plans/advertising campaigns stand out from the clutter (among
other things), so be creative, take a chance, and prepare something different.
In summary, this project requires an oral group presentation (in which every group
member speaks) that is accompanied by a brief (about 10 pages) written group report
to be turned in at the time of the presentation.
After each presentation the other members meet to evaluate (in writing) the case
presentation based on the following criteria:
1. Preparation ……………………………………………... 20 points
2. Depth analysis (see case study format, outside research, conclusion, questions and
answer handling)………………………………………....50 points
3. Presentation (group dress, look and organization)............ 30 points
Chapter Material Exams
In addition to the semester long advertising plan project, we will have two exams – Mid
Term Test on September 22, 2010 (tentative) and Final Exam on December 1, 2010
(tentative). Students are responsible for all of the material covered from the textbook,
lectures, and any videos/DVDs shown.
7 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
MID TERM TEST: September 22, 2010*
FINAL EXAM: December 1, 2010*
*This schedule provides a general plan for the course. Deviations may be necessary.
Method of Instruction
The course is highly interactive between the class and the instructor. Through case
studies/presentations, problems, and specific company client activities, students will
have the opportunity to use the concepts, ideas, and strategies presented in class.
Problem-solving sessions occur in both individual and team/group settings.
The advanced level course of advertising will incorporate a lecture and project-based
approach to advertising management. The textbook used in this course will be used as a
reference point for the discussion(s) of the marketing management concepts, ideas,
strategies, and the advertising/IMC/campaign plan group project. Students are
encouraged to read and inculcate the major principles found in the textbook.
Note that occasionally, changes in the schedule of the course, or in the assignments, are
announced during class. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have received all of
the changes and you will still be responsible for this information.
The University is committed to a policy of honesty in academics. Conduct, which
compromises a breach of this policy, may result in academic and/or disciplinary action.
Cheating and Plagiarism is a violation of student academic behavior standards. Any
student who violates or knowingly helps another student violate academic behavior
standards will be pursued through the Office of the Dean of the College of Business
I will make all the necessary accommodations for class members with disabilities.
Those students who require or wish to request special accommodations are encouraged
to contact the instructor on the first day of the class and Student Disability Services
8 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
Course Evaluation
Three assignments, each weighted......100 points each – 20% (Best 2 of 3 graded)
Mid Term…………………………………..……...200 points - 20%
Group project.........................................................200 points - 20%
Project report………………………..………........200 points - 20%
Research paper and Class Participation…..…….100 points – 10%
Final Exam……………………………………..….200 points - 20%
TOTAL……………………………………………1000 points – 100%
Course Evaluation Description
Mid-Term Test (20% of course grade): After about 4 or 5 weeks, the students will
have to give a mid-term test judging their conceptual knowledge. This is a compulsory
test and if anyone misses it, he/she will have serious repercussions of the same in the
final term as well. The midterm examination will cover material from lectures,
exercises and reading assignments. The format will be a mixture of multiple choice
(closed questions) and open questions.
Ongoing tests and assignments (20% of course grade): The purpose of these
exercises is to make sure that the participants understand the concepts and applications
covered as a part of the course. Best 2 of 3 will be taken for evaluation. Each
assignment will be graded for 100 points each. One assignment will be compulsorily
done before the mid term exam as it will be accounted for mid term grade.
MID TERM GRADE will be calculated on the basis of 300 points – Mid Term Test
and one assignment.
Study Projects (40% of course grade): The purpose of study project is to make sure
learners understand the marketing concepts, issues, decisions and applications in real
world of business. There will be a group project comprising of five or six members,
with the total of ten groups. The participants are required to make a presentation and
report on the same. Marks also include class participation points.
Final Exam - End Term (20% of course grade): The final end term exam will have
a weightage of 20%. This will be a combination of objectives and subjective
9 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
evaluation. Thus the total weightage for the internal and end term assessment will be
100% or 1000 points.
Research Paper Assignment (10% of the course grade)
1. The students are expected to perform applied research in the field of advertising and
integrated marketing communications.
2. As a part of research paper assignment, the students must decide on the research topic
in association with the instructor.
3. Once the research paper topic is decided by August 24, the student will have their first
library instruction on August 31, 2010. The library instruction will take place in
Room # 207 in the library. The second instruction will happen on September 21,
2010 – again in Room # 207 in the library.
4. After the library instruction, they will be required to locate and retrieve five journal
papers in the area of advertising and integrated marketing communications from
academic scholarly peer-reviewed journals.
The students can take help from library staff.
5. The students will have verbal presentations and written abstracts due on October 5,
2010 – 50 points.
6. The students will need to read and research ten research papers from peer-reviewed
scholarly journals. They will be performing the applied research through surveys and
questionnaires using both primary and secondary data.
7. The final paper is due on December 2, 2010 for 100 points.
8. The references need to be in APA format. Also, Plagiarism issues need to be
addressed. The papers will be checked for any form of plagiarism. If detected, the
student will receive a failing grade in the research paper assignment.
Course Schedule - Tentative
1. August 13, 2010 – First day of class – Chapter 1 – Intro to IMC
2. August 17 – 21, 2010 – Chapters 1& 2 – IMC and its role in the Marketing
3. August 24 – 28, 2010 – Chapters 3 & 4 – The Role of Ad Agencies in IMC and
Consumer Behavior Perspectives
4. August 31 – September 4, 2010 – Chapter 5 – The Communication Process
10 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
5. September 4, 2010 –Assignments given accounting for the Mid Term Grade;
submission date – September 15, 2010
6. September 7 – September 11, 2010 – Chapter 6 - Source, Message, and
Channel Factors
7. September 14 – September 18, 2010 – Chapter 7 – Objectives and Budgeting
for the Promotional Program
8. September 24, 2010 – Mid Term Exam
9. September 28 – October 2, 2010 – Mid Term Grades evaluation on the basis of
three components – One required assignment – 100 points; Mid term exam –
200 points
10.October 5 – October 7, 2010 – Chapter 8 – Creative Strategy
11.October 8 – 10, 2010 – Fall Break
12.October 12, 2010 - Assignment 3 given
13.October 12 – October 16, 2010 – Chapter 9 – Creative Strategy:
Implementation and Evaluation
14.October 15, 2010 – Assignment 4 given
15.October 19 – October 23, 2010 – Chapter 10– Media Planning and Strategy
16.October 27, 2010 – Assignments 3 and 4 due for submission – Only 1 will be
graded; Best 1 of 2 if 2 assignments are submitted – 100 points
17.November 2 – November 6, 2010 – Chapters 11 & 12 – Broadcast Media and
Print Media Evaluation
18.November 9 – November 13, 2010 – Chapter 16 – Sales Promotion
19.November 19 – Online Exam (the portion covered after Mid Term Exam –
200 points)
20.November 23 – November 27, 2010 – Chapters 19 & 22 – Effectiveness of
Promotional Program and Evaluating the Social, Ethical, and Economic
Aspects of Advertising and Promotion + Presentation of Group Projects
21.November 30, 2010 – Group Projects Submission – 300 points
22. December 2 – Grades displayed – Mid Term Marks (300 points) + One
required assignment after mid term (100 points) + Group Projects (300
points) + Online Exam ( 200 points) + Class participation (100 points) –
TOTAL 1000 points
23.December 1, 2010 – Final exam – depending on the student to improve the
24.December 14, 2010 – Final Grades given to students
11 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
Course Grading System
In percentages: A = 90 +; B = 80 – 89; C = 70 – 79; D = 60 – 69, F = Less than 60%
Required Text: Belch, George E. and Belch, Michael A., (2010), Advertising and
Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (8th ed.), Irwin
Kotler on Marketing – How to Create, Win and Dominate Markets, The Free Press,
Focus – The Future of Your Company Depends on It, Al Ries
Turban, E; McLean, E and Wetherbe, J, Information Technology for Management,
John Wiley, 2006
Recommended additional readings: Adweek and Advertising Age magazines; and; The Wall Street Journal and The Los Angeles Times
advertising/marketing columns
Lecture Notes, Reading Material, Cases, Book, and Research Papers will be
provided during the course
Reading References
Course readings are mainly from the textbook. You should make every effort to do the
readings prior to preparing subsequent classes and cases. Course notes will be available
at the Institute’s BlackBoard and;
password: mktg4175
While working on any group projects and/or written assignments, always make
sure that you have references written in APA Format:
12 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
Group Projects
Group Projects: to be done by 5 people
Your principal class project for the semester is to develop an IMC or advertising
(campaign) plan for a business of your choice that is more tightly focused on solving a
particular marketing communication problem in a specified time. Such a plan typically
includes a variety of marketing communication (marcom) messages carried in different
media and sometimes targeted to different audiences. This will be done as a group effort
and the final report is due the day of your presentation. The final report should
consist of a well-integrated and carefully documented proposal that presents strategies,
marketing mix, market segmentation, target market, consumer behavior responses,
media schedule, estimated expenses and possibly research that may be required for your
product or service. The following outline traces the steps, and the decisions they
represent, in a typical campaign plan.
Typical Campaign or Advertising or IMC Plan
 Executive Summary
 Situation Analysis
 Background Research
 Key advertising problem(s) to be solved
 Key Strategic Campaign Decisions
Target Audience (or stakeholder targets in an IMC plan)
Brand position: Product features and competitive advantage
Campaign Strategy: Key strategic approach and marcom tools
 Media Strategy (or Points of Contact in an IMC Plan)
 Media objectives
 Media selection
 Media planning and buying:
o Vehicle selection
o Budget allocation
o Scheduling
 Message Strategy
13 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
Key consumer insight
Message objectives
Selling premise
Big idea
Message design and executives
 Other Marcom Tools Used in Support
Sales promotion
Public relations
Direct marketing
Personal selling
Sponsorships, merchandising, packaging, point-of-purchase
Integration strategy (maximize synergy)
 Campaign Management
 Evaluation of effectiveness
 Campaign budget
The outline is useful as a guide for the planning document, but more importantly, it
identifies the key strategic decisions that guide various sections of a campaign plan.
They include [1] identifying the key problems and opportunities, [2] stating objectives,
[3] targeting the audience, [4] creating or reinforcing a position, [5] identifying the key
strategic approach that will deliver the objectives, and [6] using management controls to
determine efficiency in budgeting and effectiveness through evaluation.
In summary, this project requires an oral group presentation (in which every group
member speaks) that is accompanied by a brief (about 15 - 30 pages) written group
report to be turned in at the time of the presentation.
After each presentation the other members meet to evaluate (in writing) the case
presentation based on the following criteria:
1. Preparation & Content...…………………………………….…….. 20 points
2. Depth analysis (case study format, research, conclusion, questions and answer
handling)……………….……………………………………………..…50 points
3. Presentation (group dress, look and organization)......................... 30 points
Bonuses and Penalties: This means that the class attendance is an absolute “must”
during all presentations – whether individual or group. The instructor may take
14 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
impromptu roll calls and your absence (especially during class presentations) will
lead to negative marks or penalties. On positive side, students attending all
presentations by groups and individual will get bonus marks.
Course Policies
Plagiarism is using as your own the words or ideas of another, whether written or oral.
When you use material from a source, you must quote or paraphrase accurately and
properly cite the information. Failure to do so is considered plagiarism. Examples of
plagiarism include word-for-word copying without correctly indicating that you are
quoting, inaccurate quoting and paraphrasing, and incomplete or missing documentation.
Purchasing a paper or copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own is
also plagiarism. Any misrepresentation of the source in your writing or speaking would
constitute a form of plagiarism.
Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is not acceptable. Savannah State
University adheres to the Academic Honesty policy on cheating as stated in the Student
Students are expected to adhere to the standards of academic integrity that govern
students registered at Savannah State University. The use of unauthorized material,
plagiarism, failure to cite relevant work (through relevant APA style references),
communication with fellow students during an examination, attempting to benefit from
the work of another student, and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an
examination or other class work is unacceptable to the University. Where a clear
violation has occurred, the instructor may disqualify the student’s work as unacceptable
and assign a failing mark on the paper.
2. Class attendance, punctuality, interest and involvement are important for satisfactory
completion of this course. Moreover, arriving late or leaving early will count as one
full absence.
3. Distracting practices, such as tardy entrances, leaving the room while class is in
session, excessive conversation with other students and conducting activities
15 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
unrelated to class discussions, such as working on assignments from other classes, are
unacceptable behavior. If caught, you will be asked to leave the class.
4. Please turn off everything that beeps, buzzes, rings, whirs or otherwise distracts the
people around you.
5. Directions for the group project are provided at the end of this syllabus. You are
expected to participate equally with the other members of your group. Free riders
will not be tolerated! Group members will evaluate and grade each other at the end
of the semester. Moreover, during the semester if a group member is not coming to
meetings or performing equitably, s/he may be fired by the group with my approval.
6. Incomplete Grade: Students will not be given an incomplete grade in the course
without sound reason and documented evidence as described in the Student
Handbook. In any case, for a student to receive an incomplete grade, s/he must be
passing and must have completed a significant portion of the course.
7. Disabilities Policy: If a student has a documented and declared disability, reasonable
accommodations will be provided if requested by the student according to the
recommendations of the office of Counseling and Disability Services (CDS). Contact
number(s) – (912) 356-2285 / (912) 303-1650. Please also notify the instructor during
the first week of class of any accommodations needed for the course.
8. Hat Policy: While you are in class, take off your hat.
9. Problems: If you are having trouble with the course, please see me. I will be glad to
meet you as per my office schedule or special appointments to discuss the course
materials and expectations. Please don’t wait until the last week of semester to do so.
Please remember that I, as your Professor and Instructor, is available for you at all
times in case of genuine help required / needed. Don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail or
visit my office whenever you need my help.
10. Students’ participation is very important and critical to the final grades.
16 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1
Even though the overall evaluation of student participation depends on the Instructor’s
Judgment, the elements that will be taken into account are Attendance in all
Presentations, Oral presentation performance, Positive contribution to groups’ work,
Active participation in class discussion, and Seriousness and respecting the due dates of
assignments and projects.
If any student misses 4 classes as a whole or any 3 classes in a row without any
reasonable explanation, he/she will automatically be given (100 negative points out of
1000 points or -10%) negative points in class participation and student’s assessments.
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
Dennis Gabor
"It’s an advertising world. We just live in it."
17 Advanced Marketing Management Ver 2010.1