WHERE IS THE RAIN-ON-SNOW ZONE IN THE WEST-CENTRAL WASHINGTON CASCADES? Monte Carlo Simulation of Large Storms in the Pacific Northwest Matt Brunengo Northwest Scientific Association 81st Annual Meeting March 2009 Does this sound familiar? After snowfall in December – accumulations of up to several feet by Christmas at Olympia, Cowlitz Landing, Portland, and in the mountains; then — 8 Jan: “ … we would observe that the almost constant mild, warm rains of the last two weeks have completely annihilated the snow on the various prairies, and it is fast disappearing from the woodland.” A storm to remember … 15 Jan: “The heavy rains which have followed in the wake of the unprecedented depth of snow, have almost flooded the country between [Olympia] and the Columbia river. The Cowlitz, we understand, has become as wild as a cataract—completely forbidding navigation of its usually indignant waters, and all the intermediate streams come ‘like Alpine torrents down’.’’ A storm to remember … 15 Jan: “The Newaukum and Skookum Chuck, particularly, … are said to be higher than ever before known in the recollection of the ‘oldest inhabitant’ … A large portion of the Chickeeles country has been inundated—all intercourse with …. Oregon has been at an end for weeks, and all travel between this place and Cowlitz Landing has been suspended.” The Columbian, Olympia, Puget Sound, Northern O.T., 1853 Introduction So – what is rain-on-snow? • snowmelt during rainfall – commonly big storms – temps typically warmer than seasonal • rain + melt can be major water inputs • rain doesn’t cause most of the melt When does ROS occur? Synoptic scale • southwesterly frontal–cyclonic storms – warm air holds more water Seasonal storm occurrence • most in fall & winter: rain > melt • some in spring: melt > rain Seasonal & interannual climate • circulation patterns, MJO, ENSO, PDO Where is ROS most common? Timing • warm rain + snowpack • requires storm arrival in aut–win–spr Western North America • intercepts winter storms • snowpacks on mountains, at least Most other regions: ROS is uncommon When / where? McCabe et al., Bull. AMS, March 2007 • • • • • spatial & temporal characteristics of ROS data from 11 western states WY 1949 – 2003 4318 NWS sites, detailed analysis of 477 “ROS event” a day on which precip fell and snow depth decreased ( SM) When / where? McCabe et al., Bull. AMS, March 2007 • spatial: – ROS occurs almost everywhere in the West – more common in the PNW • temporal: – most common Oct – May (Nov – Mar in PNW) – possible in any months (esp at higher elevs) When / where? McCabe et al., Bull. AMS, March 2007 • correlations of ROS events with – number of rainy days – snow on the ground (temperature, elev) • interannual variability: apparent trends – – ENSO: more common in north during La Nina – recent years: declining frequency at lower elevs How does ROS work? Sequence: shift from • T < 0C to build a snowpack • T > 0C with warm air and rain Energy supplied for aut–win melt • long-wave >> short-wave radiation • some heat supplied by rain • minor ground heat How does ROS work? Energy for melt, cont’d • sensible and latent heat – major – latent heat of condensation 600 cal/g – latent heat of fusion 80 cal/g • both depend on turbulent transfer – wind ROS melt function • snowmelt = f [ temp, precip, wind ] simplified Major ROS events in the PNW Wellington disaster 1910 ? Vanport flood, Memorial Day 1948 Christmas 1964 January 1965 1975–76 1977 1980 Major ROS events in the PNW 1983 1989–91 Feb 1996 1996–97 (November 2006 – not really ROS) December 2007 January 2009 February 1996 February 1996 Why does ROS matter? Important water-input process in the PNW ROS affects people: • floods • landslides, avalanches • roof loads, transportation problems, etc. Geomorphic work (long-term) People affect the process: • effects of land use, climate change Why does ROS matter? Issue of hydrologic significance • • • • ROS input relative to simple precipitation magnitude? frequency? geography? Background: previous work Public & scientific recognition Field studies • Pacific NW, Calif, SE Alaska, Alps, … Use of instrumental records • weather and snow data Physical / mathematical modeling • accumulation, melt, infiltration Using the record of ROS events Limited sites and instruments • National Weather Service – usually temp, precip, snow depth (wind) – typically low elevations • Cooperative Snow Survey (NRCS) – snow courses to SNOTEL – depth & SWE, later temperature – typically higher elevations Most sites only 60+ years maximum Record is too short and limited to get a large & broad sample of events Probabilistic modeling Monte Carlo methods – (capital of Monaco gambling) • use of random sampling techniques (commonly computer simulation) to obtain approximate solutions for mathematical & physical problems M–C modeling, cont’d Use Monte Carlo simulation to • sample frequency distributions – precipitation, snow, temperature, etc. initial and hourly conditions during storms • combine with deterministic models – snow accumulation and / or melt – infiltration through snowpack M–C modeling, cont’d for ROS simulation • advantages – simpler than continuous models – sample from many large populations – simulate long “records” of realizations • limitations – still tied to the actual record (distributions) – watch for false assumptions Running a virtual experiment The problems Hydrologic significance • amount of water delivered (WAR) w/r/to precip? – (i.e., relative magnitude) • frequency of occurrence? Elevation • where is the peak ROS zone? Later • effects of climate change? • vegetation and land use: forests vs clearings? Objectives Create a computer-based model • M–C simulation for probabilistic factors – choose weather & snow conditions • deterministic parts – calculate snow accumulation and melt – track percolation of rain + SM • keep account of hourly values • store conditions and output for analysis Run the model – test hypotheses Study region Data to feed the model • area: west-central Washington Cascades – Tacoma and Seattle watersheds – data-rich environment • National Weather Service – 7 Coop stations: T, P, snow depth – 1 first-order site – Stampede Pass Stampede Pass • NWS airways obs’n site • 3958 ft / 1206 m (1065 m eff elev) • T, P, W, snow, etc. • hourly or better • staffed: high-quality observations • almost continuous since mid-1940s • snow course & pillow downhill (3860 ft / 1175 m) Stampede Pass Precipitation 70 1 hr PD 1 hr PD trend 6 hr PD 6 hr PD trend 12 hr PD 12 hr PD trend 24 hr PD 24 hr PD trend 48 hr PD 48 hr PD trend LCS PD LCS PD trend 60 Precipitation ( cm ) 50 1 hr AM 1 hr AM trend 6 hr AM 6 hr AM trend 12 hr AM 12 hr AM trend 24 hr AM 24 hr AM trend 48 hr AM 48 hr AM trend LCS AM LCS AM trend LCS 48 hr 40 30 24 hr 20 12 hr 6 hr 10 1 hr 0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Recurrence ( yr ) 1000.0 10000.0 Stampede Pass – Snow 250 Snow-water equivalent ( cm ) 200 NWS max Course max Snotel max NWS avg Course avg Snotel avg NWS min Course min Snotel min 150 100 50 0 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 Water year day 180 210 240 270 300 Snow measurement • • • • 20 courses 8 SNOTEL many co-located 10 yr record Meadows Pass SNOTEL site, Cedar River basin Cascades terrain • Swath 1 (south) • Mitchell & Montgomery, Quaternary Research, 2005 • Cedar River area Modeling of storms / ROS Extension to long times and large areas • models + weather records long series of realizations Problems • requirements for input data • spatial extrapolations difficult Not a ROS model, exactly (still can’t answer some questions) Model architecture Parameters, random numbers, codes Probabilistic section: calculate values • probabilities from random numbers • inversion values Deterministic section • snow accum / melt section • infiltration section WORKBOOK: MONTE CARLO SIMULATION PARASTART METERS RANDOM NUMBERS SIM TEMP CODES CODES TABLES TEMPLATE SITE ELEV # YRS PRECOPT WORKING EVTs/YRs NEXT YR/EVT SAVE EVENT PAGE PARAMS + R #s + CODES EVENT QUANTITIES CALCULATIONS: Hourly temp wind precip Snow ? Liq water ? ± accum ± melt net ? precip+SM perc WAR R #s, codes, quantities hourly T, W, P, snow perc WAR END time SUMMARY OF RESULTS FINAL ? SAVE WORKBOOK for all events: EVENT INFO: R #s, codes, quantities REALIZATION AMOUNTS: precip liquid WAR P L WAR R I Table 4 .2 Summary of model parameters, sources, statistical models and associations Parameter Source in Record Series Model, Distribution Correlations & Functions Notes “Storm” Timing Number of model events per water year Event starting date (water year: 1 Oct ? 1) Starting time hourly precip, all stations LCS PD series hourly precip, all stations LCS PD series truncated normal ( ? 1/yr) normal (adjusted around modal dates) uniform Event duration hourly precip, all stations LCS PD series log-normal NWS stations: 7 Coop, 1 airways; hourly rain gauges (heated at StpP) hourly precip, all stations PD series on long continuous storms (also: PD & AM on 1 to 48-hr periods) 1000 LCS events (SIM codes) exponential (by regression) (alternate: extreme-value type 1) 4th-order polynomial on cumulative precip + random component Initial SWE NRCS: 20 snow courses 8 SNOTEL sites NWS: StpP station all avail daily data (?10 yr record) mixed log-normal with P[0] Initial depth NRCS: 20 snow courses NWS: 8 stations all avail daily data (?109 yr record) mixed log-normal with P[0] direct calculation direct calculation from solid & liquid phases PD series comprise 1 69–290 events per sta snow depth & WE central temperature radiation melt in mid-day elevation total precip temperature code bivariate log-normal with total precip Precipitation Total amount Hourly distribution elevation event duration derive separate elev fcns for high- and low-precip stations total precip hourly snow accum or melt event SIM codes chosen randomly elevation event date (polynomial fcns) change in depth during accum or melt initial SWE percolation rate SWE/depth density & irreducible saturation percolation rate density & grain diameter percolation rate P[0] estimated for depth & SWE together event date elevation (lapse of site from StpP) duration hourly snowmelt rate set of 120–133 StpP LCS events with 1-h to 3-h obs all T params number & duration of frontal segments bivariate normal with event duration Snow Initial density Porosity (effective) Permeability hydraulic conductivity Shimizu empirical eqn k (cm2) hyd K (cm/h) bivariate log-normal with SWE see notes Temperature Central temperature Temperature range StpP station: 1-h to 3-h temp; with other sta’s winter/storm lapse rate Hourly temperature 133 LCS events 100 T codes (based on LCS events ; 123 avail) both normal central: std dev constant range: params constant frontal (T codes) + diurnal + random components on range Wind Central wind speed Wind speed std dev Hourly wind speed StpP station: 1-h to 3-h wind 122 LCS events both normal both with constant params (no date or elev fcns) random component on range hourly snowmelt rate set of 120–133 StpP LCS events with 1 -h to 3-h obs all W params no good model Model input, cont’d Initial snow depth and SWE • mixed distribution – probability of no snow P [0] – log-normal distribution of non–0 values • trend surfaces for parameters – functions of date and elevation Model input, cont’d Temperature during event • central value & variation/range • hourly: combines frontal, diurnal & random elements Wind speed • central value & variation • hourly: no good model – just random Deterministic components Accumulation and melt • mass and energy balance methods • melt calculations based on USACE snowmelt equations Infiltration: Colbeck and others • porous-medium flow • kinematic-wave approximations Model architecture, cont’d Single event mode (S–E) • specify hourly T, W, P values • single event hyeto- / hydrographs • good for calibration & validation – test model parts – check against snow / WAR in actual events – sensitivity analysis Model architecture, cont’d Monte Carlo mode (M–C, “full Monte”) • • • • specify parameters of fcns & distributions model generates values many events long series of realizations good for hypothesis testing – comparison of “long-term” F-M curves Model products Output files for model event runs • comparison with actual events • could be used as input for other models Output files for long series • for frequency analysis • tests of hypotheses WORKBOOK: MONTE CARLO SIMULATION PARASTART METERS RANDOM NUMBERS SIM TEMP CODES CODES TABLES TEMPLATE SITE ELEV # YRS PRECOPT WORKING EVTs/YRs NEXT YR/EVT SAVE EVENT PAGE PARAMS + R #s + CODES EVENT QUANTITIES CALCULATIONS: Hourly temp wind precip Snow ? Liq water ? ± accum ± melt net ∆ precip+SM perc WAR R #s, codes, quantities hourly T, W, P, snow perc WAR END time SUMMARY OF RESULTS FINAL ? SAVE WORKBOOK for all events: EVENT INFO: R #s, codes, quantities REALIZATION AMOUNTS: precip liquid WAR P L WAR R I Model operations Program based on Excel workbooks & spreadsheets • total file size ~ 30 Mb Code in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Monte Carlo mode, 1000 “years” (about 4400 events) • run takes approx 1 hour at > 2.8 GHz Model operations, cont’d Keep in mind: model built for simplicity – (originally on 1981 computer) • based on events (not continuous) • based on sites (not distributed) • lots of numbers (realizations) for post-run analysis some things poorly / weirdly / not at all Results 1: S–E for DEMO 4 DEMO Event #4: SE Model Input / Output 0.5 Precip: Liquid Precip: Solid Data from Wetherbee, 1995 Net SWE 0.4 Rain + SM WAR (liquid to ground) Water ( cm ) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 0 12 24 36 48 Run hour 60 72 84 Results 1: S–E for DEMO 4 DEMO Event # 4: Comparison with SE Model 0.5 Data: WAR SE model: WAR 0.4 Net SWE Water ( cm ) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 0 12 24 36 48 Run hour 60 72 84 Results 2: basic M–C Results 2: basic M–C Results 2: basic M–C Results 3: example ROS Results 3: example ROS Results 3: example ROS Event 3230: Summary of Precip / Liquid R+SM / WAR Amounts 25 total precipitation Precip / liquid R+SM / WAR (cm) 20 liq R + SM to pack WAR to ground 15 10 5 0 1-hr 6-hr 12-hr 24-hr Duration of Filter 48-hr Dur DurE Results 4: Precip vs WAR Results 4: Precip vs WAR Results 5: Elevation Table 6.1. Statistics of model realizations for elevation experiment (MC version EXE) Parameters 500 m Storm duration : true event value Mean 46.22 Std dev 20.76 Skew 1.540 Temperature : nominal central value Range –8.92 to +20.85 Mean 3.615 Snow: event initial amount % starting with no snow 84.13 SWE: maximum 325.2 Mean 1.917 Std dev 9.026 Skew 15.24 Depth: maximum 562.7 Mean 3.025 Std dev 14.45 Skew 17.09 800 m Site elevation modeled 1100 m 1250 m 57.77 25.35 1.367 72.33 31.77 1.298 1500 m Notes 97.31 40.73 1.032 min = 7 (500 m) –14 h (1500 m); max = 252 h at all elevs program limit 80.95 34.94 1.224 Results 5: Elevation –10.78 to +18.98 1.740 –12.67 to +17.10 –0.135 –13.61 to +16.16 –1.073 –15.17 to +14.60 –2.635 38.96 23.67 25.45 22.84 445.0 13.00 23.57 5.29 1113 33.59 47.84 5.12 748.1 20.19 34.09 5.36 Precipitation : event total P Rank # 1 (# 2) 52.93 (38.90) 76.85 (56.00) minimum 5.655 6.748 Mean 9.416 12.152 Std dev 3.474 5.166 ExpD regression intercept: on event / year 5.949 11.154 6.995 14.73 8 log slope 7.985 11.876 ln slope 3.468 5.158 Liquid rain + snowmelt : event total R+SM Rank # 1 (# 2) 52.93 (46.54) 76.85 (54.25) Mean 8.186 8.922 Std dev 4.017 6.358 Skew 1.353 1.4015 ExpD regression intercept: on event / year 4.312 10.129 2.701 12.040 log slope 8.924 14.325 ln slope 3.876 6.221 Water available for runoff : event total WA R Rank # 1 (# 2) 52.93 (46.48) 76.85 (54.23) Mean 8.171 8.873 Std dev 4.023 6.363 Skew 1.342 1.400 ExpD regression intercept: on event / year 4.293 10.116 2.648 11.994 log slope 8.931 14.336 ln slope 3.879 6.226 Volume of WAR vs P: % of events WAR = 0 0.58 2.81 0 < WAR < P 41.27 57.23 WAR = P 49.63 20.79 1256 1577 4135 93.67 113.40 2.305 15771 336.7 654.26 6.63 48.42 64.17 3.76 1472 62.30 84.52 3.89 116.15 193.91 6.08 100.8 (73.095) 7.9915 14.8835 6.851 112.7 (81.64) 8.273 16.248 7.694 8.045 18.312 15.749 6.840 8.568 20.098 17.686 7.681 100.8 (59.64) 7.618 7.591 1.904 112.7 (61.38) 6.600 7.704 2.199 0.0853 11.395 17.348 7.534 –1.0575 10.439 17.635 7.659 –2.4805 8.558 16.9325 7.354 100.8 (59.62) 7.523 7.587 1.909 112.7 (59.76) 6.466 7.684 2.207 125 (58.76) 4.6425 7.4005 3.054 –0.0062 11.2985 17.341 7.531 –1.170 10.294 17.585 7.637 –2.609 8.278 16.701 7.253 10.01 66.68 12.01 17.52 66.73 9.85 33.81 57.86 6.46 125 (95.89) 8.701 18.5185 9.077 9.451 23.065 20.882 9.069 125 (58.76) 4.872 7.480 2.972 std dev = 3.513, skew = 0.812 for all elevs min = 0 for SWE and depth at all elevations; extreme maxima lowprobability events in lognormal distributions; statistics derived from real izations at all dates – many low values with fewer e xtremes high variance & skew means and maxima of precip rise with elevation all skew = 2.30 8 except 2.24 at 1500 m (more events at program max = 125 cm) min R+SM = 0 at all elevations close to R+SM though slightly smaller min R+SM = 0 at all elevations counted as WAR = 0 if < 0.01 cm Results 5: Elevation Summary of EXE Simulations: Series Means & Standard Deviations (High–Precipitation Sites) 20 precip mean 18 precip std dev liquid R+SM mean Mean or std dev value ( cm ) 16 liquid R+SM std dev 14 WAR mean 12 WAR std dev 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Elevation ( m ) 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Results 5: Elevation Results 5: Elevation Results 5: Elevation Results 5: Elevation Table 7.1. Evaluation of rain-on-snow zone using various parameters from MC – EXE experiments Parameters Rain-on-snow zone elevations maximal (peak ROS) Results 5: Elevation lower boundary upper boundary Elevation range of EXE experiment runs High-precipitation sites 200 m 1500 m Low-precipitation sites 400 m 1250 m Statistics: event WAR relative to event precipitation High-precip ~400 m ? 700 – 800 m ~1000 – 1100 m ? mean P – mean WAR > 10% peak of mean WAR curve WAR < lower bdy, COV > 1 Low-precip ~500 m ? — ~1100 m ? mean P – mean WAR > 10% steeper curve > 600 m ? WAR COV > 1 Exponential regression parameters: event WAR relative to event precipitation High-precip intercepton event / yr ~500 m ? 800 – 900 m ~1300 m intcpt P – intcpt WAR > 10% peak of WAR intcpt curve WAR < WAR at lower bdy log and ln slope ~500 – 700 m ? ~1100 – 1250 m < ~1500 m ? increasing WAR > P curve peak of WAR slope curves slope curve for WAR < P Low-precip intercept on event / yr — — — steeper curve > 800 m ? log and ln slope ~500 – 700 m ? 800 – 1100 m — increasing WAR > P curve peak of WAR slope curves Volume of WAR vs P: %ROS vs rainy vs snowy events High-precip ~500 – 600 m 700 – 800 – 900 m 1100 m sharp increase in %ROS; peak of WAR > P curve WAR > P and WAR = P WAR = P below WAR < P curves fall below WAR = 0 Low-precip ~500 – 600 m 700 – 800 – 900 m 1100 – 1200 m sharp increase in %ROS; peak of WAR > P curve WAR > P and WAR = P WAR = P below WAR < P curves fall below WAR = 0 Integral of magnitude x frequency: M × F dR of event WAR relative to event precipitation High-precip > 500 m 800 – 1100 m — WAR > P max difference WAR > P, gentle decline of WAR curve for > 1250 m up to peak of WAR curve Low-precip > 400 m 1200 m 800 – 1000 m WAR > P WAR falls below P curve max difference WAR > P, and peak of WAR curve Notes Ldbg+Pmr3+CdrL+SnqP+StpP Ldbg+MMtD+Grnw+XcWR see Fig. 6.2 WAR falls off P thru all elevs examined no WAR peak see Fig. 6.3a modeled magnitudes for P & WAR depend on both intercept & slope in combination see Fig. 6.3b small differences in most values subtle curves see Fig. 6.4a see Fig. 6.4b see Fig 6.5 integral values in cm / yr × yr cm; evaluated range 1–1000 yr Results 5: Elevation Summary of Rain-on-Snow Zone Elevations High– (H) and Low–Precipitation (L) Site Functions 1600 <? 1400 >? 1200 ? parameters using low-precipitation elevation functions ? ? ? Elevation ( m ) 1000 800 ? ? 600 > ? ? 400 ? > parameters using high-precipitation elevation functions 200 0 mean (H) ExpD int (H) ExpD sl (H) %ROS (H) ∫ M × F (H) mean (L) Data and parameter types ExpD sl (L) %ROS (L) ∫ M × F (L) EXE Model Realizations: 800 m (High-Precipitation Sites) Frequency & Magnitude of Precipitation vs WAR Realizations, R # Seeds 1, 2, 3 80 R# 1 precip 70 R# 1 WAR R# 2 precip 60 Precipitation, WAR ( cm ) R# 2 WAR R# 3 precip 50 R# 3 WAR 40 30 20 10 0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Recurrence ( yr ) 1000.0 10000.0 Results 6: Climate Change Conclusions Monte Carlo simulation is a useful tool for studying highly variable phenomena such as storms producing ROS The M–C model seems to work • reproduces the input series • generates reasonable snow and percolation responses • calculates interesting F-M distributions Conclusions The model isn’t perfect or universal • some limitations and oddities • even though simplified, still requires data Model suggests a maximum in the frequency & hydrologic significance of ROS between 500 – 1200 m in the study region, peak at ~ 800 m Conclusions Future efforts: • confirm F-M relations for other stations • confirm F-M relations for representative elevations • find easier ways to extrapolate the model to other regions • use the model to examine issues of climate change, forests/clearing, ?? M–C modeling • In essence: – distribution function established from data series (mean, std dev, etc.) – random number probability of occurrence or exceedance – inversion routine returns the value corresponding to that probability for that function • (repeat …..) Problem statement, cont’d Hypothesis 1: at individual sites • low elevation: – frequency-magnitude for WAR F-M for gross Pr? • middle elevation: – F-M for WAR > F-M for Pr? • high elevation: – F-M for WAR < F-M for Pr? • null hypothesis: no or other differences Problem statement, cont’d Hypothesis 2: by elevation • can we find the peak ROS zone ? – where F-M for WAR is max > F-M for Pr? • null hypothesis: – no / other differences among elevations Objectives, cont’d Collect hydrometeorological data • storm: precip, duration, temp, etc. • snow: depth, SWE, etc. Use these data to generate frequency distributions for the model Objectives, cont’d Validate the model • deterministic parts: – against actual ROS events • stochastic parts: – against input parameters – against available frequency distributions at sites (especially Stampede Pass) Objectives, cont’d Run the model: virtual experiments • test hypotheses – hydrologic significance – elevation zones – (later – climate change, forest vegetation) 30 40 25 35 20 30 15 25 10 20 5 15 0 10 -5 5 -10 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Month May Jun Jul Aug Sep Precipitation ( cm ) Temperature ( ° C ) Stampede Pass: Average Monthly Climate 1971–2000 Stampede Pass: Storm Start Dates (LCS, PD) 12 100% 11 90% 10 80% 9 70% 60% 7 6 50% 5 40% 4 30% 3 20% 2 10% 1 Water year date (Oct 1 = 1, 1944 – 2004) 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0% -80 0 -90 Frequency 8 0% Duration ( hr ) 264 0 252 10% 240 5 228 20% 216 10 204 30% 192 15 180 40% 168 20 156 50% 144 25 132 60% 120 30 108 70% 96 35 84 80% 72 40 60 90% 48 45 36 100% 24 50 12 Frequency Stampede Pass: Storm Duration (LCS, PD) Stampede Pass: Snow Sites 1.1 1 0.9 Probability of no snow ( P [ 0 ] ) 0.8 0.7 y = -2.6754E-09x4 + 1.4908E-06x3 - 1.7374E-04x2 - 9.6189E-03x + 9.4844E-01 R2 = 9.7286E-01 0.6 0.5 0.4 NWS d course d NWS we course we NWS d - we corln Snotel we course d - we corln all - avg all - wtd avg all - wtd avg trend 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Water year day 210 240 270 300 330 Stampede Pass: Snow Sites 6.0 y = -2.1330E-07x3 - 1.3812E-04x2 + 5.7684E-02x + 7.3366E-01 R2 = 9.6293E-01 5.0 ln of depth and swe ( cm ) 4.0 3.0 y = -5.0715E-07x3 + 1.8589E-05x2 + 3.8289E-02x + 3.6546E-03 R2 = 8.8568E-01 2.0 1.0 0.0 y = -4.4121E-08x3 + 8.7803E-07x2 + 3.8581E-03x + 4.7201E-01 R2 = 8.4848E-02 y = -4.3889E-08x3 + 3.2772E-06x2 + 3.4907E-03x + 5.0275E-01 -1.0 R2 = 9.7443E-02 -2.0 -3.0 -30 0 NWS mean d NWS mean we snotel mean we course mean d course mean we wtd avg - mean d wtd avg - mean we 30 60 90 wtd avg, mean d wtd avg, sd of d NWS std dev d NWS std dev we snotel std dev we course std dev d course std dev we wtd avg - s d of d wtd avg - s d of we 120 150 180 wtd avg, mean we wtd avg, sd of we 210 240 270 Water year day 300 330 SWE Trend Surface: 4th date x 1st elev 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 ln avg SWE 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 0 750 Effective elev (m) 1500 2250 -50 50 15 0 25 0 35 0 W Y date Stampede Pass: 30 Nov – 3 Dec 1977 14 12 Temperature (°C), wind speed (m/s) 10 8 6 temperature 4 wind speed 2 0 -24 -12 0 12 24 -2 -4 Hour 36 48 60 72 WORKBOOK: MONTE CARLO SIMULATION PARASTART METERS RANDOM NUMBERS SIM TEMP CODES CODES TABLES TEMPLATE SITE ELEV # YRS PRECOPT WORKING EVTs/YRs NEXT YR/EVT SAVE EVENT PAGE PARAMS + R #s + CODES EVENT QUANTITIES CALCULATIONS: Hourly temp wind precip Snow ? Liq water ? ± accum ± melt net ? precip+SM perc WAR R #s, codes, quantities hourly T, W, P, snow perc WAR END time SUMMARY OF RESULTS FINAL ? SAVE WORKBOOK for all events: EVENT INFO: R #s, codes, quantities REALIZATION AMOUNTS: precip liquid WAR P L WAR R I Results 1: S–E for DEMO 4 DEMO 4 vs SE Comparison: Cumulative WAR 12 10 SE model cumulative WAR ( cm ) cum comparison 1:1 line 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 DEMO 4 cumulative WAR ( cm ) 8 10 12 Results 3: example ROS Event 3230: Wind 12 Wind K 10 WindHr avg wind speed 4.6 m/s, s.d. 2.3 m/s Wind Speed (m/s) 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 0 12 24 36 48 60 Event hour 72 84 96 108 Results 5: Elevation Results 5: Elevation