Tone Bratteteig

Tone Bratteteig,
February 10. 2003
Feb. 10 2003 -- IN364
Tone Bratteteig
“Participatory design — Scandinavian tradition”
Participatory Design —
Scandinavian tradition
• Bødker, Kensing & Simonsen
Feb. 10 2003 -- IN364
Tone Bratteteig
“Participatory design — Scandinavian tradition”
Systems development methods
are characterized by their:
• application area
• perspective
• guidelines
• organization of work
• techniques
• tools
(Mathiassen 1982;
Andersen et al 1986)
• domain of use & modelling
languages (product-oriented)
• frame of action & related
techniques (process-oriented)
• Weltanschauung
(Nielsen 1991)
Techniques for user participation
• interviews
• document analysis
• observations
• system descriptions
• wall graphs (w. users)
• sketches for design
Feb. 10 2003 -- IN364
Tone Bratteteig
“Participatory design — Scandinavian tradition”
• field work
• system presentations
• alternative prototypes
• computers in the work environment
• field trips
• system description and system presentation supplement
each other
• the objectives of the activity more important than the
actual technique
Feb. 10 2003 -- IN364
Tone Bratteteig
“Participatory design — Scandinavian tradition”
Techniques for mutual learning
system description for overview (the overall picture)
system description improvisations (“home made”)
system description for communication (doesn’t need explanations)
system presentation for demonstration of alternative solutions
system presentation of other people’s experiences (field trips)
system presentation for hands-on experiences
• lesson: a prototype is very far from a running system
(programming takes time!)
• establish goals, problem definition and solution
• includes:
• concepts
• principles
• techniques & description tools
• interview, obs., workshop etc
• organisation (4 phases)
Feb. 10 2003 -- IN364
Tone Bratteteig
“Participatory design — Scandinavian tradition”
Metode til forUndersøgelse i
Systemudvikling – og Teori herom
prepare — project establishment
focus — strategy analysis
study in depth — in depth analysis
renew — develop visions
• Principles
• a vision of the total change (org., IT, qualific)
• real user participation (mutual learning)
• work practice should be experienced (say  do)
• grounding (managem., employees, users, changers)
Feb. 10 2003 -- IN364
Tone Bratteteig
“Participatory design — Scandinavian tradition”
• Conflicts and dilemmas