Activities, Services and Achievements Biennial Report January 2015 Mission Overview At Iowa Public Television, we are dedicated to providing quality innovative media and services that educate, inform, enrich and inspire. Iowa Public Television is Iowa's statewide public broadcasting network. IPTV provides quality, noncommercial programming and educational services to make a difference in the lives of Iowans. As one of the last locally-controlled media enterprises in the state, IPTV is committed to telling Iowa's stories like no one else can. Our mission to provide quality innovative media and services that educate, inform, enrich and inspire enables IPTV to present an unequaled array of programs of lasting value to Iowans regardless of where they live or what they can afford. For the past two years, this mission has been best exemplified by our work to serve Iowans on the air, online and on the ground. On the air work involves continuing to improve and expand programming options to fully utilize the potential of digital television within ever-tightening budget constraints. Our online efforts recognize the growing importance of on-demand video, as demonstrated by the increased availability of video and information at We demonstrate the value of our local service on the ground through library story times, school visits, participation in community events and conversations with community groups across the state of Iowa. More than two million viewers a month turn to IPTV for programming that reflects a range of interests for Iowans in all demographic categories. This programming is provided via three programming channels – IPTV (.1), IPTV LEARNS (.2) and IPTV WORLD (.3). Iowa Public Television stations distributing these channels to Iowans include: Channel 11, Des Moines; Channel 12, Iowa City; Channel 21, Fort Dodge; Channel 24, Mason City; Channel 27, Sioux City; Channel 32, Waterloo; Channel 32, Council Bluffs; Channel 36, Davenport, and Channel 36, Red Oak. As our principal aim, the network operates technical and production facilities that permit the creation and distribution of programming that is responsive to the varied interests of Iowans. In support of our mission, IPTV responsibilities include: 1. Increasing the availability of instruction through the development and coordination of educational telecommunications systems. 2. Facilitating access to Iowa Public Television’s expanded programming and service options available through digital television, ensuring Iowans are able to continue receiving news, information and entertainment through their televisions. 3. Developing and maintaining efficient administrative procedures that support the programming mission. Page 1 of 37 4. Maintaining a program service for the purpose of offering alternative children’s services, educational programs for classroom use, open-learning experiences for adults and unique programming about Iowa and Iowans. 5. Improving community ascertainment research of audience interests. 6. Broadening awareness of IPTV programs and services. The Iowa Public Broadcasting Board, the broadcast licensee, governs Iowa Public Television and sets broad programming objectives and policy guidelines. IPTV is an autonomous agency under the umbrella of the Iowa Department of Education. Iowa Public Television’s Purpose Television programming, in all its forms, is distributed via the most powerful media of our time. As a part of our lives each day, it provides a lens through which we see our world. At its best, it gives us insight and inspiration, companionship, comfort, fulfillment and growth. On behalf of all Iowans, Iowa Public Television uses the power of television and other forms of public service media to educate, inform, enrich and inspire with noncommercial, unique and trusted programs and services that engage individuals and communities across Iowa. Iowa Public Television’s Vision Iowa is at the heart of Iowa Public Television. We will be a vital and important part of the lives of Iowans of all backgrounds, all generations and all walks of life. We reach all of Iowa with our broadcast signal; similarly, our programs and services are aimed at all those who live here. Iowa’s youngest residents — and their parents, teachers, grandparents and caregivers — will view us as a key part of their learning lives. We will provide them with trusted, quality children’s services that educate and entertain them, encouraging them to be part of a broader community. We will engage learners with interactive educational tools through their early childhood programs, schools and teachers, taking them on trips that enhance learning. Iowans will turn to Iowa Public Television as their preferred source for information about the state they call home. Through interactive Internet – and Iowa Communications Network (ICN)–based virtual field trips to Iowa landmarks; simultaneous television programming about our legislature, our communities, our athletes and our musicians; and through educational opportunities that go beyond our broadcast, Iowans will look to us as their partner in their quest for community and lifelong learning. We will be a key source of information about Iowa, a hub for civic discourse, a center for community engagement and a leader in Iowa’s future. Page 2 of 37 Broadcast Programming Overview The 100 employees of Iowa Public Television – and more than two million monthly viewers across the state – know that Iowa Public Television is a unique and important service. We often turn to a quote by Pulitzer Prize-winning author and essayist E.B. White for inspiration. Nearly five decades ago, White had a provocative vision for a public television system that at the time was little more than an idea. “Noncommercial television should address itself to the ideal of excellence, not the idea of acceptability… [it] should arouse our dreams, satisfy our hunger for beauty, take us on journeys, enable us to participate in events, present great drama and music, explore the sea, the sky and the woods and the hills. It should be our Lyceum, our Chautauqua, our Minsky’s and our Camelot. It should restate and clarify the social dilemma and the political pickle. Once in a while it does, and you get a quick glimpse of its potential.” We are proud to do just that in Iowa, through public television programming and educational services. Meeting these high expectations has been our goal since 1969, when we started on the stage of what was then Des Moines Technical High School, and continuing today from our broadcast headquarters in Johnston. Our programming objectives reflect a wide range of interests for Iowans in all demographic categories. As a service dedicated to quality, IPTV provides the best programs in a variety of genres from a broad crosssection of television’s top producers. Unlike one-genre networks, IPTV doesn’t need to fill our schedule with anything but the best programs available to meet our mission. Programming for Children and Families Iowa Public Television takes very seriously our responsibility to provide child-focused and violence-free children’s programs that promote the joy of learning – not products for advertisers. As the steadfast ally of parents and caregivers, programs are produced in close consultation with educators and child-development experts to achieve specific curriculum objectives. Iowa Public Television primarily combines the programs and services of the PBS KIDS brand with local programming to serve Iowa’s children. There is no question that Iowa Public Television’s children’s programs are of significant value to Iowa families. More than 260,000 children ages two to eleven watch Iowa Public Television’s programming every week and Iowa families also enjoy the unique opportunities to interact with our service at nearly 550 events throughout the state each year. An important part of our local service to children is centered around the IPTV KIDS Clubhouse host Dan Wardell and his efforts to help kids make healthy choices. On-air Healthy Minutes encourage kids to wash their hands, exercise, pick healthy snacks and more. Local Production IPTV is also proud to broadcast more than 500 hours of local programming each year. Producing programming about who we are, where we live and what it means to be an Iowan is one of the most important things we do. There is nowhere else in the state where Iowans can see programs that showcase the talent, spirit and beauty of our state, and where public policy is explained and politicians are called to task. More than ever, Iowa Public Television is able to cover the entire state with our digital mobile production unit. The truck has allowed us to provide remote HD coverage of the Iowa State Fair, operas, sporting events and more. IPTV’s program schedule offers a view of Iowa that is not seen anywhere else. Page 3 of 37 Iowa Press is Iowa’s only statewide public affairs television program. Now in its 43rd season, it features politicians, political reporters and guests. Market to Market, now in its 40th season, covers the $100+ billion business of food and issues affecting the 56 million citizens of rural America. State Fair Highlights and finals of the Iowa State Fair Talent Competition are broadcast nightly for one week during the annual event. For more than four decades it continues to be among IPTV’s mostwatched programs. Iowa’s Simple Pleasures with Dan Kaercher: The founding editor-in-chief of Midwest Living magazine travels Iowa in search of hidden treasures and out-of-the-way places for Iowans to visit and explore. Iowa Ingredient explores the farms, restaurants and ingredients that make Iowa food uniquely Iowan. Host Charity Nebbe takes viewers on a journey to discover flavorful Iowa ingredients. From apples and spinach to rhubarb and herbs, each episode features a single Iowa ingredient and treats viewers to a spectacular trip from the farm to the table. Iowa Outdoors is produced by Iowa Public Television in partnership with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. It highlights outdoor recreation, environmental issues, conservation initiatives and Iowa's natural resources. High School Coverage: IPTV is proud to showcase the outstanding accomplishments of Iowa high school students by televising their performances. Programs include All-State Music, Terrace Hill Piano Competition, Iowa State Dance Team Championships and Teen Spotlight #MusicalTheatre and #SpokenWordPoetry. o Iowa Public Television is also proud to be the home for Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union Championships. Live on-air and online coverage included championship basketball games in March, 2014; soccer championships in June, 2014; softball championships in July, 2014; highlights from track and field and swimming and diving; and volleyball championships in November, 2014. Series Auction Insider Bike People Explore More Iowa Ingredient Iowa Outdoors Iowa Press Iowa Press Debates Iowa Radio Homemakers: Up a Country Lane Iowa’s Simple Pleasures with Dan Kaercher Iowa State Fair Java Blend Land Between Two Rivers Live at the Redstone Room Love of Quilting with Marianne Fons Market to Market Teen Spotlight Specials All-State Music Festival Blenko Glass: Behind the Scenes Bullying in Iowa Schools Page 4 of 37 Cinderella: A Performance by Ballet Quad Cities and Orchestra Iowa Cinema Iowa Condition of the State Des Moines Metro Opera Presents: Le Comte Ory Des Moines Metro Opera Presents Romeo and Juliet Farm Crisis Future of Iowa Caucuses: At the Harkin Institute Iowa Girls High School Basketball Championships 2014 Iowa Girls High School Soccer Championships 2014 Iowa Girls High School Softball Championships 2014 Iowa Girls High School Volleyball Championships 2014 Iowa Jazz Championships Iowa Soldiers Remember Afghanistan Iowa State Dance Team Championships Iowa State Fair Talent Championship Iowa’s National Parks Stories IPTV Sports Preview Show Melissa Etheridge: Saturday in the Park More than a Game: 6-on-6 Basketball in Iowa Norman Borlaug: Journey to Statuary Hall Nutcracker Ballet: Quad Cities P. Buckley Moss: The Lady Behind the Brush Special People in the Pictures: Stories from the Wettach Farm Photos Postville: Five Years Later Rick Steves’ Favorite Places Saturday in the Park Sidey Report: Life and Times of an Iowa Icon State of the Judiciary Terrace Hill Piano Competition That Tree Timeless Tractors Tradition and Valor TV Iowans Grew Up On World Food Prize Award-Winning Production Iowa Public Television was honored with a regional Emmy award from the Upper Midwest Chapter of the National Television Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2014: Teen Spotlight: #MusicalTheater (Teen 13 and up) Tyler Brinegar, Producer/Director/Editor Andrea Coyle, Executive Producer The following were nominated for regional Emmy awards: The Farm Crisis (Documentary – Historical) Laurel Bower Burgmaier, Producer/Director John Nichols, Executive Producer Page 5 of 37 Iowa Ingredient: Black Walnuts (Lifestyle – Feature/Segment) Cameron McCoy, Producer/Videographer Debra Herbold, Executive Producer Iowa Ingredient (Lifestyle – Program/Special/Series) Debra Herbold, Executive Producer Cameron McCoy, Producer IPTV Sports Graphic Look Brent Willet, Graphic Designer BJ Schaben Composite (Sports: Play-by-Play) Iowa Public Television Iowa Ingredient: Apples Episode Debra Herbold, Producer/Director Debra Herbold, Writer The Nutcracker Ballet Debra Herbold, Producer/Director Cinderella Ballet Debra Herbold, Producer/Director Market to Market – Temple Grandin Profile David Miller, Producer/Director Iowa Public Television was honored with 2013 News Excellence Awards from the Iowa Broadcast News Association: Farm and Agribusiness Drought Compilation – Market to Market Staff HM. Land Auction – Paul Yeager, producer Political Coverage Iowa Electronic Markets – Andrew Batt, producer Page 6 of 37 Educational Resources Overview “Families many times do not know best practices to support their children in learning needs. IPTV’s support in engaging children and families with mobile app games through family nights, after school programming and during the school day exposes families and children to PBS KIDS LAB resources such as math games and vocabulary activities. These activities and skill sets benefit our children and community in improved literacy and math skills.” Laurie Noll—Director of Curriculum and Instruction—Burlington Community School District Iowa Public Television has been in the education business for more than 40 years. Today, we’re recognized as a national leader in the development of educational video and online resources, interactive media, videoconferencing, distance learning and staff development opportunities. According to a recent survey, nearly two-thirds of Iowa teachers take advantage of IPTV’s educational resources. Children are Priority One Parents know that Iowa Public Television provides the safest and most-trusted children’s programming in Iowa. With new series like Peg + Cat, Odd Squad and SuperWhy!, as well as long-time favorites such as Arthur and Sesame Street, IPTV provides more than fifteen hours of quality children’s programming each weekday, all of which help teach children a variety of skills including science, reading, math and vocabulary. The Kids and Family portion of IPTV’s website brings families access to online videos and new interactive learning experiences like PBS KIDS Lab, a site built on the belief that every new technology is an opportunity to learn. IPTV has developed a successful Ready To Learn initiative that is built on the base of the high-quality programs and online resources that PBS makes available for children. IPTV conducts activities to help communities effectively use these resources with low-income children age two to eight and their families, caregivers and educators to increase early literacy and mathematics skills. IPTV has installed 56 PBS KIDS Raising Readers Library Corners in public libraries across the state and 117 Ready To Learn Learning Centers in health clinics to assist with this effort. The statewide effort to deploy Ready To Learn has been labeled Ready for School. This State of Iowa support has enabled IPTV to hire additional early childhood staff and to expand Ready to Learn to 25 new communities per year. IPTV’s efforts in these communities are built upon a wealth of resources developed by Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS through Ready To Learn over the past ten years. IPTV serves as a “boundary spanning” organization in each community with the ability to convene representatives of community organizations and encouraging them to work together to support early literacy for economically disadvantaged children in their communities. More than 280 community organizations have been involved in this effort statewide. In the 25 communities the following Ready To Learn activities were deployed: 25 Ready To Learn Library Corners (public libraries, Hispanic centers, school libraries). 50 IPTV Ready To Learn Learning Centers (health clinics, WIC clinics, dental clinics, etc.). 25 Martha Speaks Read Aloud Book Clubs (public libraries). 50 Martha Speaks Reading Buddies initiatives (schools and after-school programs) with each community receiving two classroom sets of the required books. Deployment of the Electric Company Extended Learning curriculum in 50 after- school and summer learning programs. Page 7 of 37 Math mentorship program focused on PBS KIDS Lab and related hands-on activities implemented in 25 school/after-school programs. 1,000 Virtual Pre-K! Ready for Math kits distributed. 300 Raising Readers: Preparing Preschoolers for Success scholarships granted to enable child care providers to take the course at no charge. Each care provider that completes the Raising Reader course receives a small library of twenty children’s books for use with the children they serve. Unlimited on-site professional development for teachers, child care providers, summer program staff and after-school care providers regarding PBS LearningMedia and transmedia resources such as PBS KIDS Lab. 25 iPad labs (3 iPads and 6 headphones) made available to community organizations to support Ready To Learn activities. Up to 25 appearances by the Martha character from Martha Speaks and 25 appearances by Dan Wardell, host of the IPTV KIDS Club. Distribution of PBS KIDS Apps via the gift code program. Participation by IPTV staff in community events such as family literacy nights, Peg + Cat pirate parties and alphabet soup supper. Classroom Connection A significant and growing portion of educational programming is available online through IPTV including educational programs like NOVA, Nature and History Detectives. Teachers can access videos, lesson plans and teacher resources through IPTV’s Classroom Connection website. Iowa educators rated IPTV as the most trusted source of educational media resources for use in the classroom with 97.9 percent of survey respondents indicating that they trusted IPTV content in the classroom. IPTV provides access to PBS LearningMedia. PBS LearningMedia has more than 11,700 registered Iowa users. A digital library that houses over 100,000 educational resources that include videos designed specifically for the classroom, interactive learning experiences, lesson plans and other teacher resources. Teachers can save the resources, create class pages to share the resources with their students, and find professional development resources to help them improve as educators. IPTV’s Iowa Pathways website challenges students to explore the people, places, events and ideas of Iowa history. Hundreds of articles, artifacts and web links in this growing collection help students choose topics that interest them as they examine Iowa history, past to present. Communications IPTV connects with teachers and students across the state through a variety of communication resources. IPTV shares news and educational resources to more than 2,400 educators through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. More than 5,600 educators access weekly email newsletters, and 44,400 educators receive quarterly printed newsletters (IPTV Classroom Connection). Each of these communication pieces is designed to provide educators with information regarding IPTV's resources, events, workshops and programming in a timely, concise manner. Professional Development for Educators IPTV education professionals conduct professional development workshops year-round, in person and through webinars – each tailored to fit districts' needs. Professional development opportunities help teachers find high-quality educational resources and how to use them to effectively in the classroom. During the period covered by this report, IPTV staff worked with over 40,000 educators. IPTV educational staff participated in 332 school site trainings and educational conferences targeted to formal educators. Page 8 of 37 PBS TeacherLine IPTV is a PBS TeacherLine station, and is pleased to offer educators throughout the state a professional development program that helps teachers to acquire the skills they need to prepare students for a successful future. Currently there are more 73 facilitated and 38 self-paced PBS TeacherLine courses offered in areas ranging from reading and language arts, instructional technology, science, mathematics and instructional strategies. Iowa teachers can earn graduate credit from Morningside College and/or license renewal credit through AEA PD Online for participation in these courses. From 2000-2014, nearly 1,800 educators have completed TeacherLine courses. In addition, more than 1,210 childcare providers have completed TeacherLine Raising Readers courses. IPTV has been recognized as an approved provider of care provider training by the Iowa Department of Human Services. ICN Sessions IPTV's K-12 Connections provides Iowa's educators, school staff and students with unique opportunities to participate in distance learning and professional development sessions via the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). Over the past two years we provided interactive educational experiences to more than 29,000 educators, school staff and students. Community Outreach Overview At IPTV, we view our work as something that is more than just television; IPTV is a community resource dedicated to serving everyone through quality television programs, educational services, outreach projects and involvement in the community. As one of the state’s last locally owned and locally controlled media outlets, we believe it is important to share more about our efforts with an “on-the-ground” movement. IPTV staff travel to each of Iowa’s 99 counties, giving presentations and talking directly with Iowans. Total Iowans reached: 126,000 IPTV KIDS CLUBHOUSE Dan Wardell, popular host of the IPTV KIDS Clubhouse, travels throughout Iowa presenting the Reading Road Trip, Storytime and special events. Dan’s original interactive stories encourage kids to eat healthy foods, read books, use their imaginations and get plenty of exercise. More than 70,000 people have attended Dan’s events at local libraries, schools and community centers in 2013 and 2014. Reading Road Trip Nearly 29,000 children, families, teachers and caregivers have joined Dan Wardell for the Reading Road Trip at 131 Libraries in Iowa during the summers of 2013 and 2014. Date 6/3/13 6/3/13 6/4/13 6/5/13 Event Location Lied Public Library Corning Public Library Waverly Public Library Walnut Public Library Attendees 227 66 435 48 Town Clarinda Corning Waverly Walnut Page 9 of 37 6/5/13 6/6/13 6/6/13 6/7/13 6/7/13 6/10/13 6/10/13 6/10/13 6/11/13 6/11/13 6/11/13 6/12/13 6/12/13 6/13/13 6/13/13 6/14/13 6/14/13 6/14/13 6/17/13 6/17/13 6/18/13 6/18/13 6/19/13 6/19/13 6/20/13 6/20/13 6/21/13 6/25/13 6/25/13 6/26/13 6/26/13 6/26/13 6/27/13 6/27/13 6/28/13 6/28/13 6/28/13 7/2/13 7/2/13 7/8/13 7/8/13 7/9/13 7/9/13 7/9/13 Redfield Public Library Marshalltown Public Library Montezuma Public Library Council Bluffs Public Library Sidney Public Library Newton Public Library Pella Public Library Carnegie-Evans Public Library Washington Free Public Library Musser Public Library Letts Public Library Clinton Public Library Davenport Public Library Bettendorf Public Library Olin Public Library Burlington Public Library Bonaparte Public Library Eldon Public Library Ericson Public Library Kirkendall Public Library Carroll Public Library Audubon Public Library Osceola Public Library Lamoni Public Library Fort Dodge Public Library Auburn Public Library Kendall Young Public Library Carnegie - Stout Public Library Independence Public Library Ackley Public Library Traer Public Library Greene Public Library Mason City Public Library Osage Public Library Decorah Public Library Ossian Public Library Maynard Public Library Clive Public Library Huxley Public Library Dunlap Public Library Sloan Public Library Le Mars Public Library Sioux Center Public Library Little Rock Public Library 85 280 170 341 68 289 330 89 288 300 51 185 216 383 117 301 74 64 264 402 600 169 170 105 440 60 170 200 330 105 165 120 420 190 330 163 90 329 163 107 80 174 222 54 Redfield Marshalltown Montezuma Council Bluffs Sidney Newton Pella Albia Washington Muscatine Letts Clinton Davenport Bettendorf Olin Burlington Bonaparte Eldon Boone Ankeny Carroll Audubon Osceola Lamoni Fort Dodge Auburn Webster City Dubuque Independence* Ackley Traer Greene Mason City Osage Decorah Ossian Maynard Clive Huxley Dunlap Sloan Le Mars Sioux Center Little Rock Page 10 of 37 7/10/13 7/10/13 7/10/13 7/11/13 7/11/13 7/12/13 7/12/13 7/16/13 7/16/13 7/17/13 7/17/13 7/18/13 7/18/13 7/23/13 7/23/13 7/24/13 7/24/13 7/25/13 7/25/13 6/4/14 6/4/14 6/5/14 6/5/14 6/6/14 6/6/14 6/9/14 6/9/14 6/10/14 6/10/14 6/11/14 6/11/14 6/12/14 6/12/14 6/13/14 6/13/14 6/16/14 6/16/14 6/17/14 6/17/14 6/17/14 6/18/14 6/18/14 6/18/14 6/19/14 Sibley Public Library Newell Public Library Stubbs Memorial Library Spencer Public Library Estherville Public Library Burt Public Library Britt Public Library Cedar Falls Public Library Marion Public Library Waterloo Public Library Hiawatha Public Library Johnston Public Library Nevada Public Library Coralville Public Library Des Moines Public Library Waukee Public Library Ames Public Library Iowa City Public Library Ely Public Library Mount Ayr Public Library Corning Public Library Shenandoah Public Library Tabor Public Library Des Moines Public Library Winterset Public Library Clive Public Library Perry Public Library Newton Public Library Nevada Public Library Allison Public Library Kirkendall Public Library Davenport Public Library Williamsburg Public Library Council Bluffs Public Library Lewis Public Library Washington Free Public Library Musser Public Library Richland Public Library Bloomfield Public Library Donnellson Public Library Burlington Public Library Wilton Public Library Edna Zybell Memorial Library Maquoketa Public Library 113 51 150 131 70 105 106 496 313 240 310 250 225 354 273 171 609 485 177 110 115 81 91 275 203 285 191 198 251 118 430 250 190 346 85 283 218 107 177 75 364 157 87 165 Sibley Newell Holstein Spencer Estherville Burt Britt Cedar Falls Marion Waterloo Hiawatha Johnston Nevada Coralville Des Moines Waukee Ames Iowa City Ely Mount Ayr Corning Shenandoah Tabor Des Moines Winterset Clive Perry Newton Nevada Allison Ankeny Davenport Williamsburg Council Bluffs Lewis Washington Muscatine Richland Bloomfield Donnellson Burlington Wilton Clarence Maquoketa Page 11 of 37 6/19/14 6/20/14 6/20/14 6/24/14 6/24/14 6/25/14 6/26/14 6/30/14 6/30/14 7/1/14 7/1/14 7/8/14 7/8/14 7/9/14 7/9/14 7/9/14 7/10/14 7/10/14 7/10/14 7/11/14 7/11/14 7/14/14 7/14/14 7/15/14 7/15/14 7/16/14 7/16/14 7/16/14 7/17/14 7/17/14 7/17/14 7/18/14 7/18/14 7/21/14 7/21/14 7/22/14 7/22/14 7/23/14 7/24/14 7/27/14 Carnegie - Stout Public Library Frances Banta Waggoner Library Bettendorf Public Library Ericson Public Library Livermore Public Library Pella Public Library Ames Public Library Marshalltown Public Library Bondurant Public Library Ottumwa Public Library Humeston Public Library Carroll Public Library Graettinger Public Library Sibley Public Library Ocheyedan Public Library George Public Library Sioux Center Public Library Akron Public Library Alta Community Library Whiting Public Library Cushing Public Library Waverly Public Library Evansdale Public Library Marion Public Library Independence Public Library Decorah Public Library Robey Memorial Library Fort Atkinson Public Library Mason City Public Library Lake Mills Public Library Swaledale Public Library Waterloo Public Library Nashua Public Library Fort Dodge Public Library Rockwell City Public Library Coralville Public Library Cedar Rapids Public Library Robert Barlow Memorial Library Iowa City Public Library Johnston Public Library 171 145 311 267 48 310 396 268 59 275 90 446 74 67 32 96 300 88 117 107 94 349 76 381 294 345 92 91 336 90 24 279 167 405 102 279 300 117 359 276 Dubuque DeWitt Bettendorf Boone Livermore Pella Ames Marshalltown Bondurant Ottumwa Humeston Carroll Graettinger Sibley Ocheyedan George Sioux Center Akron Alta Whiting Cushing Waverly Evansdale Marion Independence Decorah Waukon Fort Atkinson Mason City Lake Mills Swaledale Waterloo Nashua Fort Dodge Rockwell City Coralville Cedar Rapids Iowa Falls Iowa City Johnston Story Time More than 32,000 children, families, teachers and caregivers have joined Dan Wardell during Page 12 of 37 162 Story Time events in 2013 and 2014. Date 1/12/13 1/12/13 1/14/13 1/19/13 1/20/13 2/1/13 2/19/13 2/28/13 3/9/13 3/14/13 3/21/13 3/23/13 3/25/13 4/1/13 4/10/13 4/11/13 4/13/13 4/15/13 4/16/13 4/17/13 4/18/13 4/18/13 4/18/13 4/25/13 4/26/13 4/26/13 4/27/13 4/29/13 5/3/13 5/8/13 5/8/13 5/10/13 5/15/13 5/15/13 5/18/13 5/22/13 5/23/13 5/28/13 5/28/13 5/28/13 5/29/13 Event Location One Book Two Book Muscatine Public Library Mount Pleasant Public Library Urbandale Public Library National Mississippi River Museum Woodward Granger Elementary Grundy Center Elementary Muscatine Elementary School Reach Out and Read Orient-Macksburg Elementary I-35 Schools Carnegie - Stout Public Library Park Avenue Elementary Andrew Elementary St. Peter’s Lutheran Church St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Iowa Children's Museum Hardin County Conmigo Educational Resources Lutheran Pre-School Children's Place Uncle Sam’s Federal Child Care Ctr. Marshall County Four Mile Elementary Fairfield Public Library Berg Elementary Raising Readers Ames Tender Heart Daycare Maple Grove Elementary Laurens Public Library Storm Lake Elementary Tabor/Sidney Elementaries Community Christian School Story City Public Library Parents as Teachers Location Wallace Elementary Exira Public Library Jesup Public Library Clarksville Public Library Upham Memorial Library Sumner Public Library Attendees 125 200 147 90 1190 455 354 193 94 45 455 35 26 115 20 21 126 230 122 20 117 73 235 523 62 550 218 32 250 110 252 455 75 97 68 242 63 113 65 30 325 Town Iowa City Muscatine Mount Pleasant Urbandale Dubuque Granger Grundy Center Muscatine Des Moines Orient Truro Dubuque Des Moines Andrew Grimes Grimes Coralville Various Cities Des Moines Ankeny Wes Des Moines Des Moines Various Towns Pleasant Hill Fairfield Newton Ames Urbandale Waukee Laurens Storm Lake Tabor/Sidney Fort Dodge Story City Oskaloosa Johnston Exira Jesup Clarksville Fredericksburg Sumner Page 13 of 37 5/29/13 5/31/13 8/24/13 9/5/13 9/12/13 9/14/13 9/18/13 9/18/13 9/19/13 9/19/13 9/21/13 9/28/13 10/8/13 10/10/13 10/12/13 10/12/13 10/14/13 10/14/13 10/15/13 10/16/13 10/17/13 10/19/13 10/21/13 10/22/13 10/24/13 10/26/13 10/28/13 11/4/13 11/5/13 11/5/13 11/5/13 11/12/13 11/13/13 11/15/13 11/19/13 11/21/13 11/25/13 12/5/13 12/6/13 12/17/13 12/19/13 12/20/13 1/3/2014 1/3/2014 Kling Memorial Library Eagle Grove Elementary Cedar Rapids Public Library Spirit Lake Elementary Moravia Elementary Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad Durant Elementary School Allison Public Library Science Center of Iowa Prince of Peace Church Bertha Bartlett Public Library SodaFest Collins Public Library Benton Community School Oskaloosa Mall Center Grove Orchard West Des Moines Public Library Bondurant Public Library Roland Story Elementary Uncle Sam’s Federal Child Care Ctr. Grace Community Church Salisbury House Little Endeavors Day Care Central Elementary Independence Elementary North Liberty Public Library Hubbell Elementary Alton Public Library West Sioux Elementary West Sioux Elementary Boyden Public Library Sawyer Elementary Marshall County Walnut Hills Elementary Lake Mills Public Library Phillips Traditional Elementary Morris Elementary SE Elementary Happy Feet Legends Cowles Elementary Kingsley Elementary Red Oak Public Library Shenandoah Public Library Hispanic Center 111 482 213 587 255 150 300 47 102 225 109 55 47 282 20 75 105 48 475 60 73 21 20 135 25 100 488 62 252 165 34 495 120 140 45 195 735 25 50 416 480 40 97 30 Grundy Center Eagle Grove Cedar Rapids Spirit Lake Moravia Boone Sumner Allison Des Moines Evansdale Story City Iowa City Collins Atkins Oskaloosa Cambridge West Des Moines Bondurant Story City Des Moines Boone Des Moines Ankeny Alleman Independence North Liberty Des Moines Alton Hawarden Ireton Boyden Ames Marshalltown Waukee Lake Mills Des Moines Des Moines Ankeny Waukee Des Moines Waterloo Red Oak Shenandoah Shenandoah Page 14 of 37 1/8/2014 1/8/2014 1/8/2014 1/8/2014 1/9/2014 1/9/2014 1/9/2014 1/9/2014 1/9/2014 1/10/2014 1/10/2014 1/11/2014 1/11/2014 1/14/2014 1/16/2014 1/16/2014 1/18/2014 1/19/2014 1/26/2014 2/12/2014 2/13/2014 3/20-21/2014 3/24/2014 3/25/2014 3/29/2014 4/1/2014 4/2/2014 4/3/2014 4/4/2014 4/5/2014 4/7/2014 4/8/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/11/2014 4/12/2014 4/15/2014 4/18/2014 4/19/2014 4/23/2014 4/23/2014 4/24/2014 West Liberty Public Library Colonel Kids Preschool Roundy Elementary Burlington Public Library Keokuk Public Library Corse Elementary Grimes Elementary North Hill Elementary Sunnyside Elementary Hawthorne Elementary Black Hawk Elementary Liberty School Muscatine Public Library United Community School Marion Public Library Marion Homeschool Iowa City Book Festival Ice Fest Nevada Public Library Green Mountain Elementary Whittier Elementary Scott County Library System Clarion-Goldfield Elementary Orient Macksburg Elementary Urbandale Public Library Oelwein Elementary Oelwein Elementary Hardin County Preschools Osceola Elementaries Drake University Mercy Child Development Marshall County Preschools Leon Public Library Johnston Public Library St. Peter's Lutheran Church Shroeder Public Library Children's Place Children's Museum Tender Heart Daycare Chariton Public Library Greene Public Library Laurens Public Library Denison Public Library Leeds Elementary 60 25 307 42 28 329 411 421 525 581 500 67 400 300 50 40 125 1250 72 315 34 171 492 116 82 570 155 172 700 143 124 169 45 20 20 35 150 220 42 38 95 40 85 480 West Liberty Columbus Junction Columbus Junction Burlington Keokuk Burlington Burlington Burlington Burlington Keokuk Burlington Ottumwa Muscatine Boone Marion Marion Iowa City Dubuque Nevada Garwin Clinton Eldridge Clarion Orient Urbandale Oelwein Oelwein Hardin County Osceola Des Moines Des Moines Marshall County Leon Johnston Johnston Keystone Urbandale Coralville Urbandale Chariton Greene Laurens Denison Sioux City Page 15 of 37 4/26/2014 5/3/2014 5/7/2014 5/7/2014 5/9/2014 5/12/2014 5/14/2014 6/25/2014 7/11/2014 7/15/2014 8/8/2014 8/20/2014 8/26/2014 9/8/2014 9/13/2014 9/20/2014 9/26/2014 10/1/2014 10/2/2014 10/7/2014 10/8/2014 10/9/2014 10/11/2014 10/21/2014 10/21/2014 10/28/2014 10/29/2014 11/5/2014 11/7/2014 11/18/2014 11/19/2014 12/11/2014 4/14/2015 Belmond Elementary Living History Farms Waverly Elementary Readlyn Public Library Schleswig Elementary Dubuque County Library Roland Public Library Cedar Falls Public Library Charter Oak Public Library Maynard Public Library Sioux City Museum Ericson Public Library Hinton Elementary Spirit Lake Elementary Thomas the Train Event Reading Festival Sac Elementary Laurens Public Library Macaroni Kids McKinley Elementary Jesup Public Library Atkins Elementary Center Grove Orchard Reinbeck Elementary Reinbeck Public Library Leeds Elementary Kingsley Elementary Granger Public Library Dyersville Public Library Jessie Franklin Early Center Mitchell Elementary Downtown School Eagle Grove Elementary 225 33 240 40 155 40 37 510 122 92 325 22 430 543 150 45 170 52 103 221 76 315 150 260 37 490 520 42 21 75 200 50 465 Belmond Urbandale Waverly Readlyn Schleswig Dubuque Roland Cedar Falls Charter Oak Maynard Sioux City Boone Hinton Spirit Lake Boone Story City Sac City Laurens Story City Des Moines Jesup Atkins Center Grove Reinbeck Reinbeck Sioux City Waterloo Granger Dyersville Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Eagle Grove Special Events with Dan Wardell More than 3,000 Iowans joined Dan as he hosted other special events in 2013 and 2014. Date 4/6/13 2/3-8/14 2/11/13 4/1/13 12/3/13 Event Celebrate Families – Middle School Clifford's Birthday Week – Library Clifford's Birthday Week – Library Creative Writing Contest – DCG Elementary Ginegerbread Event – Salisbury House Attendees 124 857 1740 182 20 Town Boone Des Moines Des Moines Dallas Center Des Moines Page 16 of 37 5/7/13 4/30/13 Presentation to Librarians Presentation to Librarians - Kidsfest 200 65 Quint County Des Moines IPTV EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH IPTV Educational Outreach staff met with 60,197 people at 535 events in 2013 and 2014. Subjects included reading/language arts, mathematics, science and technology, social studies, early childhood and preschool education, and professional development. The goal of educational outreach is to connect Iowans to the high quality educational media resources from IPTV in support of enhanced learning. Date 1/15/13 1/22/13 2/6/13 2/8/13 2/15/13 2/15/13 2/15/13 2/16/13 2/16/13 2/20/13 2/26/13 3/5/13 3/11/13 3/13/13 3/14/13 3/14/13 4/4-5/13 4/4/13 4/7/13 4/12/13 4/13/13 4/13/13 4/16/13 4/16/13 4/16/13 4/16/13 4/16/13 4/18/13 4/19/13 4/20/13 4/25-26/13 4/27/13 4/29/13 4/29-30/13 5/4/13 5/16-18/13 5/22/13 5/23/13 5/23/13 6/4-5/13 6/5/13 6/5/13 6/7/13 Event Ashford University Teacher Outreach Presentation Grandview University Preservice Teacher Outreach STEM Day at the Capitol Ensuring World Class Readers Forum Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference Swea City Comm Schools Professional Development Webinar Technology to Support the Iowa Core PD SE Polk Ed Camp Iowa Girls in Science Event at Science Center of Iowa United Community School In-service APTS Public Service Media Expo Iowa Statewide STEM Summit Grandview University Preservice Monroe School, Des Moines Boone Career Fair Family STEM Festival IAAE Annual Spring Conference Iowa 1:1 Institute Conference Family STEM Festival IACON Conference Concert at Drake University Teach Meet Grandview University Elementary Teacher Training Storm Lake Elementary Family Steps Socialization Activity Parent Play & Learn East Early Childhood Center Title I Family Fun Night Storm Lake Elementary Training for Home Visitors, Head Start DMACC STEM Seminar Elementary Literacy/Reading Recovery Conference Family STEM Festival First Annual Iowa Impact After School Conference Kids & Company Training Early Childhood Consultants Meeting Kids First Conference Child Care Council Annual Spring Conference NICHE Homeschool Conference Learning Center Launch All-Care Health Center Iowa History Curriculum Design workshop Summer RTL Training Storm Lake Elementary Gilbert Technology Academy Iowa STEM Active Learning Community Partners Pella Christian Curriculum Session Every Child Reads Training Attendees 5 28 150 6 85 25 45 25 350 26 100 220 17 2 30 115 265 1,200 200 83 25 35 9 10 28 280 13 20 95 450 250 35 13 200 160 3,300 60 10 18 85 63 26 65 Location Clinton Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines W. Des Moines Swea City Des Moines Bettendorf Des Moines Boone Washington, DC Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Boone Calmar Altoona Des Moines Traer Altoona Des Moines Des Moines Storm Lake St. Mary's Storm Lake Storm Lake Storm Lake Ankeny Cedar Falls Dubuque Johnston Council Bluffs Johnston Des Moines Ankeny Des Moines Council Bluffs Webster City Storm Lake Gilbert Des Moines Pella Altoona Page 17 of 37 6/11/13 6/13/13 6/17-19/13 6/18/13 6/18/13 6/25/13 6/25-26/13 6/26/13 9/12/13 9/12/13 9/12/13 9/13/13 9/13/13 9/16/13 9/18/13 9/20-21/13 9/20/13 9/23/13 9/24/13 9/25-28/13 9/25/13 9/25/13 9/27/13 9/27/13 9/28/13 9/28/13 9/30/13 9/30/13 10/1/13 10/1/13 10/4/13 10/6/13 10/7-8/13 10/8/13 10/9/13 10/11/13 10/11/13 10/11/13 10/13/13 10/14/13 10/14/13 10/15/13 10/16/13 10/17/13 10/18/13 10/18/13 10/21/13 10/21/13 10/21/13 10/21/13 10/21/13 10/21/13 10/23/13 10/23/13 10/23/13 10/24/13 10/24/13 Heartland Summer Academy STEM COUNCIL Professional Development Subgroup TICL--Technology Integration & Instruction for the 21st Century Keystone AEA TIC Conference Presentation for Grand View, Instructional Technologies Class Best Practices Webinar - Iowa Afterschool Alliance Iowa Reading Association Conference Iowa Ag Ed Summer Conference Martha Speaks Community Event Waterloo Public Library Muscatine Professional Development Ready for School Meeting CMS Presentation Ready for School Meeting Upper Iowa University College Outreach Ready for School Planning Meeting South Union Elementary 13 Iowa AEYC Conference STEM Teacher Educators Conference Ready for School visit #2 Ready for School Planning Mtg Grubb YMCA Midwest Environmental Education Conference Peg + Cat Event at Bloomer Elementary School Peg + Cat Event at Council Bluffs Public Library Muscatine "Launch" Event - Flickenger Learning Center PK Professional Development Muscatine Schools EDCampDSM Peg + Cat Screening Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 Prairie Lakes AEA and NW AEA STEM Active Learning Conference Green Hills AEA 21st Century Learners Conference Ready for School meeting-St. Malachy School Social Studies Conference Graceland Teacher Preparation Presentation Martha Speaks Reading Buddies Training Green Hills AEA 21st Century Learners Conference Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 ITEC Conference Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 Stratford Professional Development Grandview University Pre-service Teacher Outreach Literacy Night South Union Elementary School NETA Conference Peg + Cat Screening at PK Storytime Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 Virtual Pre-K Training I-pad booth/ mobile code apps Iowa Science Teachers & Math Fall Conference Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 30 5 37 700 7 23 800 12 250 45 5 46 5 33 4 700 200 12 3 170 48 29 25 10 150 200 8 40 60 165 100 5 140 50 120 200 2 2 300 6 3 6 5 15 20 90 300 29 3 6 3 12 30 102 6 3 3 Woodward Ames Storm Lake Dubuque Des Moines Des Moines Ames Ankeny Waterloo Muscatine Des Moines Muscatine Des Moines W. Des Moines Des Moines Altoona Des Moines Marshalltown Des Moines Coralville Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Muscatine Muscatine Clive Johnston Belmond Belmond Pocahontas Johnston Creston Creston Altoona Lamoni Des Moines Council Bluffs Shenandoah Red Oak Des Moines Sioux City Hawarden Denison West Liberty Stratford Des Moines Des Moines Atlanta, Ga Muscatine Muscatine Osceola Leon Muscatine Des Moines Ames Des Moines Ottumwa Keokuk Page 18 of 37 10/24/13 10/25/13 10/28/13 10/28/13 10/28/13 10/29/13 10/29/13 Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #2 United Way for Childcare Providers Training Grandview University Ready for School-mtg #2 10/29/13 10/30/13 10/30/13 10/30/13 10/30/13 10/30/13 10/31/13 11/5/13 11/6/13 11/7/13 11/7/13 11/7/13 11/8/13 11/12/13 11/13/13 11/14/13 11/14/13 11/15/13 11/15/13 11/15/13 11/19/13 11/20/13 11/20/13 11/20/13 11/20/13 11/21/13 11/21/13 11/21/13 11/21/13 11/21/13 11/22/13 11/22/13 11/24/13 11/25/13 11/25/13 11/26/13 11/26/13 12/4/13 12/4/13 12/4/13 12/4/13 12/4/13 12/10/13 12/10/13 12/10/13 12/11/13 12/11/13 12/12/13 12/18/13 Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-visit #2 Roosevelt Elementary Ready for School-visit #2 North Iowa Community Action Ready for School-visit #2 Mason City Schools Ready for School-visit #2 Hampton Public Library Technology Institute for West Central Iowa Ready for School-mtg #2 ISU CI 302 Pre-service Teachers Manchester PD @ St. Mary's Ready for School-visit #2 Riverside Early Learning Center Ready for School- visit #2 Eagle Grove Public Library Ready for School- visit #2 Eagle Grove Middle School Story time with Dan Wardell at Hawarden Schools Reading Presentation Mitchell Early Learning Center Ready for School- visit #2 Sacred Heart School Ready for School- visit #2 Oelwein Public Library Childserve Preschool Packets Denison Literacy Coalition Findley Elementary School Iowa Pathways - Webster City teacher session Library Corner Launch Mason City Public Library Ready for School-mtg #3 Ready for School- visit #3 Hampton Public Library Ready for School- visit #3 Family STEM Festival Library Corner Launch Eagle Grove Memorial Library Library Corner Launch Belmond Public Library Ready for School- visit #3 Ready for School- visit #3 Library Corner Launch Fort Dodge Public Library Ready for School visit #3 Library Corner Launch Ready for School-mtg #3 Virtual Pre-K Training Professional Development for Afterschool Providers Ready for School-mtg #3 Afterschool Group Meeting K-4 Training for Martha Speaks Reading Buddies Professional Development for Kindergarten Teachers PK Training Burlington, West Burlington, Notre Dame, Headstart Ready for School-mtg #3 iPad Training Library Corner Launch Ready for School-mtg #3 Ready for School Library Corner Launch Clinton Public Library West Hancock Schools Professional Development Ready for School-mtg #3 North Butler High School Professional Development 4 3 4 5 15 10 4 4 1 8 3 7 150 3 16 15 3 5 1 100 30 900 2 4 24 12 3 12 10 3 45 25 3,000 25 15 5 2 30 5 87 10 16 6 6 3 16 4 13 4 3 16 3 32 30 4 24 Chariton Burlington Davenport Clinton Des Moines Des Moines Columbus Junction Muscatine Mason City Mason City Mason City Hampton Coon Rapids Des Moines Ames Manchester Fort Dodge Eagle Grove Eagle Grove Hawarden Council Bluffs Des Moines Oelwein Oelwein Johnston Denison Des Moines Webinar Mason City Des Moines Hampton Mason City Waterloo Eagle Grove Belmond Eagle Grove Belmond Fort Dodge Fort Dodge West Liberty West Liberty West Liberty Clinton Clinton Burlington Burlington Burlington Burlington Burlington Columbus Junction Columbus Junction Columbus Junction Clinton West Hancock Des Moines Greene Page 19 of 37 12/19/13 12/19/13 12/20/13 1/3/14 1/3/14 1/7/14 1/8/14 1/8/14 1/8/14 1/8/14 1/8/14 1/8/14 1/8/14 1/9/14 1/9/14 1/9/14 1/9/14 1/9/14 1/9/14 1/9/14 1/9/14 1/10/14 1/10/14 1/10/14 1/10/14 1/11/14 1/11/14 1/11/14 1/19/14 1/20/14 1/20/14 1/20/14 1/20/14 1/21/14 1/23/14 1/24/14 1/26/14 1/27/14 1/27/14 1/28/14 1/29/14 1/29/14 1/30/14 1/30/14 1/31/14 2/4/14 2/7/14 2/10/14 2/11/14 2/12/14 2/12/14 2/12/14 2/12/14 2/12/14 2/13/14 2/13/14 2/13/14 Muscatine Ready for School Library Corner Launch Ready for School Partner-mtg #3 Muscatine Public Library Red Oak Ready for School Library Corner Launch/Dan Wardell Shenandoah Ready for School Library Corner Launch Shenandoah Public Library Story Time/Dan visit Red Oak Ready for School Learning Center Launch Burlington Public Library Corner Launch Roundy Elementary School Dan Wardell Event Colonels Kids Preschool Dan Wardell Event Marshall School Professional Development Planning session Peg + Cat and Ready for School-mtg #4 Ready for School-mtg #4 Roundy Elementary School West Liberty Dan Wardell Event Sunnyside Elementary Dan Wardell School Event North Hill Elementary Dan Wardell School Event Grimes Elementary Dan Wardell School Event Course Elementary Dan Wardell School Event Keokuk Public Library Ready for School Library Corner Launch Ready for School- visit #4 Ready for School- visit #4 Martha Speaks Reading Buddies Ready for School Event iPads Black Hawk Elementary Dan Wardell School Event Norelius Public Library Ready for School Library Corner Launch Keokuk Administrators Meeting Torrence Elementary Hawthorne Elementary School Dan Wardell School Event Musser Public Library Dan Wardell Event Liberty Elementary School Dan Wardell/Library Corner Launch Ready for School-mtg #3 Burlington Ready for School-mtg #4 Hawthorne Elementary School Professional Development George Washington Elementary Professional Development Keokuk HS Professional Development Ready for School Partner Mtg #3 Hawthorne Elementary Ready for School-visit #3 Bear Basics Virtual PreK Training Chariton Public Library Ready for School Library Corner Launch Eldon Library Corner Launch Event @ Public Library St. Rosa of Lima Family Night STEM Teacher Event Beyond the Bell Ready for School Project St. Rosa of Lima School PBS Resource Training Hawarden Public Library Ready for School Library Corner Launch South Elementary School Ready for School Library Corner Launch Peg + Cat 100 Day Celebration at Color My World Preschool Peg + Cat 100 Day Celebration Bear Basics Child Care Ready for School Library Corner Launch Peg + Cat 100 Day Celebration Literacy Night The Village Library Corner Launch Ready for School-visit #3Little Huskies Learning Center Ready for School-visit #3 Sacred Heart School Ready for School-visit #3 Oelwein Public School Ready for School Learning Center-visit #3 Ready for School Library Corner Launch-mtg #3 Dan Wardell Event with Clinton Afterschool Ready for School-mtg #4 Ready for School-mtg #3 35 3 45 30 97 25 42 307 25 20 4 4 60 525 421 411 329 28 2 2 6 500 40 8 591 10 587 67 4 2 43 20 48 3 5 6 15 20 5 3 11 25 43 50 50 100 420 25 95 5 1 2 2 35 34 6 3 Muscatine Muscatine Red Oak Shenandoah Shenandoah Red Oak Burlington Columbus Junction Columbus Junction Dubuque Des Moines Columbus Junction West Liberty Burlington Burlington Burlington Burlington Keokuk Hampton Mason City Des Moines Burlington Denison Keokuk Keokuk Muscatine Ottumwa Ottumwa Burlington Keokuk Keokuk Keokuk Keokuk Marshalltown Des Moines Chariton Eldon Denison Oskaloosa Sioux City Denison Hawarden Leon Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Kalona Osceola Oelwein Oelwein Oelwein Oelwein Oelwein Clinton Des Moines Davenport Page 20 of 37 2/13/14 2/15/14 2/19/14 2/19/14 2/20/14 2/26/14 2/26/14 2/26/14 2/27/14 2/27/14 3/4/14 3/4/14 3/6/14 3/7/14 3/7/14 3/8/14 3/8/14 3/13/14 3/13/14 3/19/14 3/20/14 3/25/14 3/26/14 3/26/14 3/26/14 3/26/14 3/26/14 3/26/14 3/26/14 3/27/14 3/27/14 3/28/14 3/28/14 3/28/14 3/28/14 3/30/14 4/1/14 4/1/14 4/2/14 4/2/14 4/2/14 4/3/14 4/3/14 4/3/14 4/3/14 4/3/14 4/3/14 4/4/14 4/4/14 4/4/14 4/4/14 4/4/14 4/5/14 4/7/14 4/7/14 4/9/14 4/9/14 STEM Day at the Capitol SCI Girls STEM event Professional Development for PK teachers Ready for School-mtg #4 Family Fun Night Black Hawk Elementary School Keokuk Middle School Professional Development Library Corner Launch South Union Elementary School Ready for School-mtg #4 Dubuque Elementary PBS LearningMedia Sign Up Family Fun Night - Reading & Math North Hill Elementary Drake University Pre-Service Teachers Meeting with RTL Statewide Partner, Iowa Library Services Marquette Catholic Schools Professional Development Learning Center Launch Event Ready for School-mtg #4 YWCA EdCamp Sioux City Library Launch and Story Time at WIT Ready for School-mtg #4 Davenport United Way Ready for School Presentation YMCA City Center Clinic Learning Center Launch & visits STEM Event Family Tech Night - Reading & Math North Hill Elementary Learning Center Launch Event Aspen Dental Center Literacy Webinar Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready for School-visit #5 Ready for School-visit #5 Ready for School-visit #5 LaLuz Learning Center Launch Ready for School-mtg #4 West Liberty Elementary School Mercy Family Medicine Learning Center Launch Event Mercy South Ready for School Learning Center Launch Ready for School-visit #4 Learning Center Launch STEM Conference WOYC-mtg 2nd Annual Tama County Family STEM Festival Ready for School-visit #4 (Dan Wardell Story Times-4) Ready for School-visit #4 Child Health Specialty Clinic Martha Speaks Event Burlington Library Martha Speaks-visit at 3 Elementary Schools (K-2 Classrooms) Ready for School-visit #4 Dan Wardell Story Time Beyond the Bell parent night Hawthorne Elementary Title One Night and Martha Speaks Mapleton Library Corner Launch Martha Speaks Event at Public Library Ready for School-mtg #5 Training - Karen Erickson - The Nest Grandview University Preservice Teacher Outreach Learning Center Launch Event-Clark Co. Public Health Martha Event - South Union Elementary School Grades K-2 Ready for School-mtg #5 South Union Elementary Story Time with Dan Wardell Osceola Elementary School Week of the Young Child Professional Development Learning Center Launch event at Family First Dental Martha Story time at WIT-Education Club Martha Speaks Event West Liberty Public Library Martha Speaks Event in Clinton Public Library 200 350 21 7 125 35 50 35 99 235 21 2 22 34 6 170 63 3 4 20 60 40 6 18 6 5 6 4 25 5 9 6 5 450 10 200 5570 2 115 635 155 170 118 39 37 4 1 20 5 270 6 700 22 16 45 39 22 Des Moines Des Moines Ottumwa Ottumwa Burlington Keokuk Des Moines Keokuk Dubuque Burlington Des Moines Johnston Bellevue Clinton Clinton Pleasant Hill Sioux City Davenport, Davenport Denison Carroll Burlington Johnston Johnston Shenandoah Red Oak Mason City Hampton Hampton West Liberty West Liberty Marshalltown Marshalltown Des Moines Des Moines Traer Oelwein Oelwein Burlington Burlington Oelwein Sioux City Keokuk Mapleton Keokuk Keokuk Burlington Des Moines Osceola Des Moines Des Moines Osceola Des Moines Hawarden Sioux City West Liberty Clinton Page 21 of 37 4/9/14 4/9/14 4/9/14 4/10/14 4/10/14 4/10/14 4/11/14 4/11/14 4/11/14 4/11/14 4/12/14 4/12/14 4/12/14 4/12/14 4/14/14 4/14/14 4/15/14 4/15/14 4/16/14 4/17/14 4/18/14 4/21/14 4/21/14 4/22/14 4/23/14 4/23/14 4/24/14 4/24/14 4/24/14 4/24/14 4/25/14 4/26/14 4/26/14 4/28/14 4/28/14 4/29/14 4/30/14 5/1/14 5/3/14 5/7/14 5/14/14 5/15/14 5/15/14 5/19/14 5/19/14 5/19/14 5/21/14 5/21/14 5/23/14 5/23/14 5/28/14 6/3/14 6/4/14 6/4/14 6/5/14 6/5/14 Ready for School-mtg #5 Ready for School-mtg #5 Story time with Dan Wardell visits 14 IAAE Annual Spring Conference Iowa 1:1 conference 14 Martha Story time-Osceola Public Library Iowa Academy of Science Symposium Martha Speaks Event in Ottumwa Martha Speaks Event Ottumwa Public Library Ready for School-mtg #5 Dubuque Family STEM Event Grand View University TeachMeet Martha Speaks Event at Musser Public Library Ready for School Partner Meeting Martha Story time-Leon Community Center Dan Wardell Story Times Eagle Grove Elementary School & Eagles Wings Preschool Martha Story time-Turnbull CDC-Shenandoah Ready for School-mtg #6 Ready for School-mtg #5 Ready for School-mtg #6 Martha Speaks Costume Visit Story time with Dan Wardell Chariton Public Library Martha Speaks Event Columbus Junction Public Library Ready for School-mtg #5 WIT student training Martha Story time w/ Dan-Norelius Public Library Martha Story time-Hawarden Public Library Dan Wardell event at Leeds Elementary Family STEM Festival Impact After School Conference Martha Story time-Sioux City Library Martha Story time-Chariton Library Healthy Kids Day Event in Davenport (Martha + Booth) Ready for School visit #5 (Dan Wardell Story Times-2) Muscatine Ready for School-mtg #5 Musser Public Library Muscatine Rotary Meeting Presentation Ready for School-mtg #5 (Martha Speaks costume character) Martha Speaks costume character Marshalltown Public Library Ready for School-mtg #4 (Martha Speaks costume character) IPTV TTI Training Teacher Training and Final Ready for School meeting Marshall Family Night Martha Speaks Training at Color My World Ready for School-mtg #7 South Side Elementary School Baby Boutique-parent presentation Professional Development for Imagination Station Sioux City partner meeting Denison Partner meeting Hawarden Partner meeting Red Oak Partner meeting Shenandoah Partner meeting Osceola Partner meeting Ready for School-visit #5 Columbus Junction Learning Center/Library West Liberty Public Library Ready for School-mtg #6 Burlington Public Library Ready To Learn-mtg #1 Burlington Public Library 4 3 45 19 30 26 25 22 95 38 3000 20 110 3 11 West Liberty Clinton Leon Waterloo Des Moines Osceola Fort Dodge Ottumwa Ottumwa Ottumwa Dubuque Des Moines Muscatine Muscatine Leon 456 82 105 4 300 38 41 4 12 85 32 480 200 200 54 19 150 225 5 54 110 475 105 12 50 200 5 350 45 9 3 2 2 2 3 2 6 2 1 5 5 Eagle Grove Shenandoah Hampton Des Moines Mason City Chariton Columbus Junction Columbus Junction Sioux City Denison Hawarden Sioux City Calmar Johnston Sioux City Chariton Davenport Belmond Muscatine Muscatine Oelwein Marshalltown Fort Dodge Johnston Des Moines Marshall Des Moines Hampton Denison Denison Sioux City Denison Hawarden Red Oak Shenandoah Osceola Eagle Grove Columbus Junction West Liberty Burlington Burlington Page 22 of 37 6/5/14 6/5/14 6/5/14 6/6/14 6/9/14 6/9/14 6/10/14 6/10/14 6/10/14 6/13/14 6/16/14 6/16/14 6/16/14 6/16/14 6/17/14 6/18/14 6/20/14 6/21/14 6/21/14 6/23/14 6/24/14 6/24/14 6/24/14 6/24/14 6/26/14 6/27/14 7/2/14 7/9/14 7/10/14 7/14/14 7/14/14 7/14/14 7/15/14 7/15/14 7/15/14 7/18/14 7/22/14 7/22/14 7/25/14 7/27/14 7/29/14 7/30/14 7/30/14 7/30/14 7/30/14 8/6/14 8/6/14 8/12/14 8/12/14 8/12/14 8/13/14 8/13/14 8/13/14 8/13/14 8/14/14 8/14/14 8/17/14 Ready for School-mtg #6 Keokuk Public Library Learning Center Launch Polk County Health Ready for School-mtg #6 Ottumwa SIEDA Office Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready for School-visit #6 Bondurant TechFusion Ready for School-mtg #6 United Way of Quad Cities Ready for School-mtg #6 Muscatine - Musser Public Library IPTV Teacher Training Institute Learning Center Launches Ready for School-mtg #6 Ready for School-mtg #6 Early Childhood Center TICL--Technology Integration & Instruction for the 21st Century TIC PreK-12 Presentation Ready for School-visit #5 United Way's Active Kids Day/Summer Learning Day Ready for School-mtg #6 Clinton Felix Adler Day Google Summit Conference Social Studies Best Practice Institute IAAE Conference Iowa Reading Association Conference Summer Agricultural Education Conference Grandview Pre-service Teachers/Grade Students Ready for School-visit #6 Ready for School Learning Center Launch iPadU Ready for School-visit #7 Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready to Learn-mtg #2 Ready to Learn Professional Development Ready for School-visit #1 Ready for School-visit #1 Southeast Webster-Grand SD Ready for School-visit #1 Blackhawk County Fair - STEM Day Crawford County Fair Library Story Time and Ruff appearance Ready for School-visit #1 Eldora Public Library Ready for School-visit #1 Hubbard Public Library Ready to Learn Summer Celebration Event - Public Library Ready to Learn Summer Celebration Event - North Hill Elementary Ready for School-visit #1 Toledo Public Library School Administrators of Iowa Educational Outreach Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready for School-mtg #1 Ready for School-visit #1 Newton Public Library Ready To Learn-mtg #2 Ready To Learn Professional Development - Burlington Schools Ready To Learn Meetings West Monona Ready for School-mtg #1 STEM Day at the Iowa State Fair 2 10 3 2 2 4 60 6 3 38 12 3 4 35 740 6 590 3 365 300 40 65 159 63 10 4 15 150 2 2 2 4 2 4 13 3 7 8 200 95 91 4 4 62 180 3 1200 4 2 3 3 5 3 42 2 4 510 Keokuk Des Moines Ottumwa Chariton Leon Belmond Bondurant Davenport Muscatine Johnston Columbus City Columbus Junction West Liberty, E Storm Lake Dubuque Fort Dodge Sioux City Clinton Clinton Glenwood Des Moines Ankeny Ames Des Moines Des Moines Marshalltown Des Moines Cedar Rapids Marshalltown Farmington Keosauqua Eldon Washington Burlington Burlington Charles City Dayton Webster City Waterloo Denison Sioux City Eldora Hubbard Burlington Burlington Toledo Des Moines Fairfield Wapello Winfield West Burlington Newton Burlington Burlington Denison Onawa Des Moines Page 23 of 37 8/19/14 8/19/14 8/21/14 8/21/14 8/21/14 8/21/14 8/21/14 8/22/14 8/27/14 8/27/14 8/27/14 8/27/14 8/27/14 8/28/14 9/3/14 9/3/14 9/3/14 9/3/14 9/10/14 9/10/14 9/10/14 9/10/14 9/10/14 9/10/14 9/11/14 9/11/14 9/11/14 9/15/14 9/15/14 9/16/14 9/16/14 9/16/14 9/16/14 9/17/14 9/17/14 9/19/14 9/19/14 9/20/14 9/22/14 9/22/14 9/22/14 9/23/14 9/23/14 9/23/14 9/24/14 9/24/14 9/24/14 9/24/14 9/24/14 9/24/14 9/24/14 9/25/14 9/25/14 9/30/14 10/1/14 10/1/14 10/1/14 Ready for School-mtg #1 2 SW Valley Ready For School-mtg #1 3 Ready for School-mtg #1 Iowa AEYC/DSM 6 Ready for School-mtg #1 1 Ready for School-mtg #1 2 Ready for School-mtg #1 2 Ready for School-mtg #1 3 Ready for School-mtg #1 United Way 3 Ready for School-mtg #1 2 Ready for School-mtg #1 5 Ready for School-mtg #1 3 Ready for School-visit #1 CAL-Alexander Public Library 25 Ready for School-mtg #1 2 Ready for School-mtg #1 6 Ready for School-visit #1 8 Ready for School-mtg #1 2 Ready for School-mtg #1-Maple Valley 2 Ready for School-mtg #1 2 Professional Development K-8 5 Ready for School-visit #2 10 Ready for School-mtg #2 4 Ready for School-mtg #2 West Burlington 3 Electric Company Training/PBS Learning Media 5 Ready To Learn-mtg #3 7 Ready for School-mtg #2 Harmony Schools 5 Ready for School-mtg #2 Van Buren Schools 3 Ready for School Training 20 Iowa State Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Class 12 Ready for School W Monona/Whiting-mtg #2 9 Ready for School-mtg #2 Schleswig 5 Ready for School-mtg #2 Wapello 5 Ready for School-mtg #2 Washington 3 Ready To Learn Professional Development-Children's Imagination Station4 Ready for School-visit #2 Hubbard Public Library 4 Ready for School-visit #2 Eldon Public Library 10 Iowa AEYC Fall Institute 300 Tri-City BBQ Fest-RTL outreach 138 EdCamp 70 Ready To Learn Library Staff Training 6 iPad Training & Martha Speaks Read Aloud 3 Ready To Learn Community Awareness Event - Library 62 Northwest Iowa Reading Group Professional Development 55 Ready for School-mtg #2 Fort Madison 5 RTL Preschool Technology Night 27 Aplington Parkersburg Professional Development 52 Ready for School-visit #2 6 Ready for School-visit #2 Tama Public Library 15 Ready for School IPad Training 3 Ready For School iPad Training PK Teachers 3 Ready For School-mtg #2 Cardinal School District 4 Sioux City conferences-community awareness Liberty Elementary 118 Ready for School-visit #2 3 Van Buren/Jefferson Reading Council 20 Drake Pre-Service Professional Development 30 Ballard Community School Professional Development 30 Ready for School-mtg # 5 2 Ready for School-visit #2 Newton Public Library 8 Lenox Villisca Des Moines Douds Farmington Fort Madison Bonaparte Des Moines Eldon Keosauqua Douds Alexander Des Moines Creston Meskwaki Nation Scheleswig Mapleton Des Moines Latimer Charles City Des Moines West Burlington Des Moines Burlington Bonaparte Keosauqua Des Moines Ames Onawa Scheleswig Wapello Washington Denison Hubbard Eldora Altoona Denison Clive Burlington Wapello Burlington Orange City Fort Madison Burlington Aplington Meskwaki Nation Tama Des Moines W. Burlington Eldon Sioux City Lenox Fairfield Des Moines Ballard Des Moines Newton Page 24 of 37 10/2/14 10/3/14 10/3/14 10/3/14 10/3/14 10/3/14 10/6/14 10/7/14 10/8/14 10/8/14 10/8/14 10/8/14 10/9/14 10/9/14 10/9/14 10/9/14 10/10/14 10/10/14 10/13/14 10/13/14 10/13/14 10/15/14 10/15/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/16/14 10/17/14 10/21/14 10/22/14 10/22/14 10/22/14 10/23/14 10/24/14 10/24/14 10/24/14 10/24/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/27/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/29/14 10/29/14 10/30/14 11/1/14 11/3/14 11/3/14 11/4/14 11/5/14 11/5/14 11/5/14 11/5/14 11/5/14 11/6/14 11/6/14 11/7/14 11/7/14 Ready for School Resources for Carver Elementary 21st Century Learner Conference Columbus Community Professional Development iPad Training Ready for School-mtg #2 Ready for School-mtg #1 Maple Valley Iowa Council for Social Studies Ready for School-mtg #1 Teacher Professional Development St. Mary's Ready for School Training Ready To Learn PK Training Ready To Learn YMCA Staff Training Professional Development Dubuque Archdiocese Ready for School-visit #2 Ready for School-visit #2 Ready for School Training 21 Century Learners Conference Scenic Fall Festival ITEC PK-6 Professional Development Ready for School-mtg #3 Ready for School Training Ready for School-visit #3 Ready for School Resources - Carver Martha visits Danbury Martha visits Mapleton Martha visits Jesse Franklin Taylor at Casady Ready for School-visit #3 and Martha Speaks Events ICTM-ISTS Math & Science Conference Martha visits Des Moines Play and Learn West Central Iowa Tech Institute - 14 Martha visits Des Moines Martha visits Whiting Library PK-3 Professional Development at Elem. School Ready for School-mtg #3 /PBS Kids Lab Training Sioux City Schools Professional Development Martha Event at Washington Head Start Martha Event at Washington Public Library Martha Events at Stewart Elementary School DMACC Ankeny STEM Festival Ready for School-visit #3 Martha Speaks PBS LearningMedia at Ballard Community School Martha visits Denison Library Martha visits Schleswig 14 Fall ECE Conference - Southwest Community College Cardinal Elementary Professional Development Martha visits Onawa Library & Elementary Martha visits Creston Schools & Preschools Bennett School Professional Development Educator Professional Development Ready for School and Ready To Learn Martha Library Event Martha Events at Elementary School Ready To Learn Martha Visit to North Hill Afterschool Colo-Nesco Career and College Fairs Family Math Night at Elementary Ready for School-visit #3 Martha Visit Ready for School-visit #3 Martha Visit 1 200 38 3 3 2 143 2 15 3 5 4 30 7 50 4 200 74 1200 29 5 3 48 1 60 70 250 300 116 30 21 45 25 53 30 30 23 115 552 646 289 20 30 64 10 24 78 190 12 32 43 230 59 200 104 80 96 Des Moines Underwood Columbus Junction Washington Winfield Corning Altoona Mapleton Manchester Des Moines Burlington Burlington Dubuque Dayton Webster City Des Moines Creston Keosauqua Des Moines Wapello Wapello Des Moines Alexander Des Moines Danbury Mapleton Des Moines Newton Ames Des Moines Coon Rapids Des Moines Whiting Fort Madison Des Moines Sioux City Washington Washington Washington Ankeny Charles City Ballard Denison Schleswig Creston Eldon Onawa Creston Bennett West Burlington Burlington West Burlington Burlington Colo Washington Hubbard Eldora Page 25 of 37 11/10/14 11/12/14 11/12/14 11/12/14 11/12/14 11/12/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/14/14 11/14/14 11/14/14 11/14/14 11/14/14 11/17/14 11/17/14 11/17/14 11/18/14 11/18/14 11/18/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/20/14 11/21/14 11/21/14 11/21/14 11/24/14 11/25/14 11/25/14 12/1/14 12/1/14 12/3/14 12/4/14 12/10/14 12/12/14 Martha visits Lenox * 2 Ballard Community Schools Professional Development iPad Training in Harmony District IPTV RESOURCES Martha visits Villisca PK-12 Teacher Professional Development Cedar Valley STEM Festival Martha Event at Harmony District Martha Event at Keosauqua Schools PK Professional Development Van Buren Ready for School for Afterschool Providers Van Buren Parents As Teachers Presentation Martha Event at Fort Madison Public Library Martha Event at Lincoln Elementary Martha Events at Carousel Preschool Martha Events at Richardson Elementary Martha Events at YMCA Preschool Martha Events at Wapello Public Library Martha Events at Wapello School Martha Events at Winfield Elementary Family Night at Jesse Taylor School/Dan Event Meskwaki Nation Martha Speaks Event South Tama Martha Speaks Event Family Night at Mitchell Elementary School/Dan Event Martha visits Sioux City STEAM Professional Development Martha visits Corning & Villisca Grandview Preservice Teachers/Grade Students Martha Event at Woodlawn Des Moines NAAE Convention Ready for School Martha Event Webster City & S.E. Webster Grand Marshall Elementary PBSLM Student Training Martha Event at Cardinal Schools & Hope preschool Ankeny Christian Academy Professional Development Delhi Elementary Professional Development Taste of Lenox Lenox Library iPad 101/Appy Hour CAL Library Corner Launch Ballard Art Dept. Professional Development Marshall Elementary PBSLM Student & Teacher Training 110 6 2 1 18 33 3100 160 138 2 2 31 17 279 29 348 36 16 147 283 100 42 35 200 120 50 158 15 170 400 308 60 358 25 20 65 18 5 70 Lenox Huxley Bonaparte Des Moines Villisca Bonaparte Waterloo Bonaparte Douds Douds Bonaparte Keosauqua Fort Madison Fort Madison Fort Madison Fort Madison Fort Madison Wapello Wapello Winfield Des Moines Meskwaki Nation Tama Des Moines Sioux City Cedar Falls Corning Des Moines Des Moines Nashville Webster City Dubuque Eldon Ankeny Delhi Lenox Alexander Huxley Dubuque SPEECHES TO CIVIC AND SERVICE GROUPS IPTV communications, production and foundation staff travelled the state in our “on the ground” movement, telling the story of IPTV, and explaining why public television in Iowa matters more today than ever. We met with 44 local civic or service groups that have regular keynote or educational programs and talked with 1,800 people throughout Iowa. Date 3/28/13 4/8/13 5/1/13 5/3/13 Event Location Waterloo Women’s Club Ding Darlings: Isaac Walton Chapter Public Library Newcomers Attendees 25 37 27 52 Town Waterloo Des Moines Rolfe Des Moines Page 26 of 37 5/23/13 5/23/13 6/3/13 6/10/13 6/13/13 6/19/13 6/20/13 6/25/13 7/23/13 8/7/13 8/14/13 9/17/13 9/19/13 9/26/13 10/7/13 10/14/13 10/21/13 10/22/13 11/19/13 12/4/13 12/20/13 1/8/14 2/20/14 3/6/14 3/14/14 3/17/14 4/7/14 6/14/14 8/8/14 9/24/14 9/29/14 10/2/14 10/8/14 10/13/14 10/27/14 10/29/14 11/4/14 11/10/14 11/18/14 12/3/14 Westminster Church Kiwanis Kiwanis Lions Club Christian Women’s Club LeMars Lions and Sertoma Clubs Kiwanis at Westminster Church Rotary Rotary Compass Club High Twelve Club – Masons Kiwanis Unity Circle Alliance Retired School Personnel Association Shelby County University Women Plymouth Congregational Lions Club Kiwanis Kiwanis Waukee Rotary Indianola Rotary Rotary Des Moines Breakfast Club Rising Sun Church Northwest Rotary PEO Kiwanis 50+ Club at Lutheran Church of Hope NARFE Retired Federal Employees Connections Breakfast Club Harrison County Development Prism Breakfast Club Assn. Government Accountants Rotary The Lodge at Ashworth ISU Job Fair PEO Century Club NARFE Retired Federal Employees High Twelve Club 50 14 19 22 57 53 34 55 11 64 53 20 28 90 14 60 42 57 35 55 41 41 51 48 40 35 46 53 28 45 26 26 27 45 41 100 35 40 18 35 Des Moines Union Oskaloosa Pocahontas Des Moines LeMars Des Moines Cedar Falls Osceola West Des Moines Des Moines Vinton Des Moines Des Moines Harlan Des Moines Grinnell Geneseo, IL Rowland West Des Moines Indianola Charles City West Des Moines Pleasant Hill Urbandale Dubuque Spencer West Des Moines Waterloo Des Moines Logan Des Moines Des Moines Clinton West Des Moines Ames Cedar Rapids Marshalltown Dubuque Des Moines Looking Ahead “All of us might wish at times that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don't. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunity.” – Robert F. Kennedy Opportunity is knocking for Iowa Public Television, and the network is well positioned to take advantage of the new chances to serve Iowans before us. We look forward to expanding services, reaching teachers and students, and engaging our communities. As the media landscape changes, new opportunities for quality content creation open for us. As life in the classroom evolves, so too Page 27 of 37 must our work to serve Iowa’s children and teachers, utilizing technology in ways that best meet the needs of teachers as they do their important work. “We should remember that good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation.” – Thomas Edison To best take advantage of the opportunity now before us, and to prepare for those yet to come, Iowa Public Television is focusing on the following areas: 1. Partnerships. To expand content and share resources, Iowa Public Television will continue to seek mutually beneficial partnerships with other agencies within government, with appropriate nonprofit organizations, and with outside producers. Iowa Public Television maintains editorial control of all content that airs. Partnership opportunities also exist with regard to the distribution of IPTV’s existing content, and with funding organizations. For example, we will continue to seek new partnerships with colleges and universities to showcase the talented musicians and performers working on their campuses. 2. Engagement. Since Iowans are increasingly using IPTV programs and services in nontraditional venues – i.e. on mobile devices, social media, on-demand video and DVDs – we will continue to find new ways to reach viewers in nontraditional ways. We will look to develop new ways to reach viewers online, and will engage viewers in critical conversations about Iowa’s future. We will also invite viewers to participate in screening events, showcasing the excellent work offered by national broadcast partners, and providing localized additional information on these programs. We will seek to build our presence in the state as a provider of content, convening thought-leaders around the state to discuss issues of importance to Iowans, not always for broadcast but sometimes for general community engagement or online exclusive content. 3. Awareness. Iowa Public Television will build upon a coordinated, well-established programming schedule as a way to continue to build Iowa Public Television’s brand and to demonstrate Iowa Public Television’s value. The network will also work to communicate Iowa Public Television’s importance through on-air messaging, online communications, speeches, presentations and other ‘on-the-ground’ initiatives. In short, Iowa Public Television will continue to do what we have always done – provide excellent programming and services to all Iowans, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay. Rather than resting on our laurels, however, the network will continue to provide these important things in new ways that provide more content to more people more efficiently. Page 28 of 37 Appendix A IPTV Awards and Honors 1967 INTER-RACIAL DATING AND MARRIAGE- Creative Programming and Community Service award, National Educational Television Award for Excellence 1970 THE BICYCLE- Ohio State Award, The Institute for Educational Radio-Television, Ohio State University 1971 KISS THE GIRLS AND MAKE THEM CRY- Ohio State Award, The Institute for Educational Radio-Television, Ohio State University 1972 FALLEN ANGELS- Program Achievement Award, Central Educational Network MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT: THE PRESIDENT CAME TO IOWA- National Finalist of the Station Award, The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 1973 ORCHARD PLACE- The Chris Bronze Plaque, Columbus Film Festival, Film Council of Greater Columbus, Ohio ORCHARD PLACE- Outstanding Achievement in Public Affairs Programming Award, Iowa Broadcasters Association ORCHARD PLACE- Program Achievement Award, Central Educational Network 1973 EMMY AWARD: TAKE DES MOINES…PLEASE- National Award for Community Service (Emmy Award), The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 1974 THE ELDERS- Broadcast Media Award, Broadcast Industry Conference, San Francisco State University THE ELDERS- Certificate of Merit, Chicago International Film Festival THE ELDERS- The Chris Bronze Plaque, Columbus Film Festival, Film Council of Greater Columbus, Ohio THE ELDERS- National Finalist for National Award for Community Service, The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences THE ELDERS- Program Achievement Award, Central Educational Network ORCHARD PLACE- Ohio State Award, The Institute for Educational Radio-Television, Ohio State University TRUCKING- Outstanding Achievement in Public Affairs Programming Award, Iowa Broadcasters Association 1975 THE BIX BEIDERBECKE MEMORIAL JAZZ FESTIVAL- Best Educational Television Series (Governor's Media Award), Iowa Arts Council MEMORIES FOR A CENTENNIAL WITH MARILYN MAYE- Best Educational Television Series (Governor's Media Award), Iowa Arts Council THE OTHERS- Best Public Television Program of the Year, Corporation for Public Broadcasting THE QUIETEST VOICE- Broadcast Media Award, San Francisco State Film Festival THE OTHERS- Best News and Public Affairs Documentary, Corporation for Public Broadcasting FARM DIGEST- Best Investigative Reporting for Television Award, Iowa Broadcasters Association BIG EIGHT GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS- Best Events Coverage, Central Education Network MEMORIES FOR A CENTENNIAL WITH MARILYN MAYEOutstanding Achievement in Variety Programming Award, Iowa Broadcasters Association 1976 THE OTHERS- The Charles Stewart Mott Award, First Place in Educational Writing-TV Category FARM DIGEST- Best Investigative Reporting for Television Award, Iowa Broadcasters News Association FARM DIGEST- Honorable Mention, Best Feature Reporting Award, Iowa Broadcasters News Association FARM DIGEST- Best Public Affairs Program, Central Educational Network SEE HOW THEY RUN- Best Documentary Award, Iowa Broadcasters News Association GREAT IOWA BIKE RIDE- Best Events Coverage, Central Education Network 1977 LOGO DESIGN- First Place Network Logo Design, First Place Illustration, National Association of Educational Broadcasters Graphics & Design Awards 1978 SEE HOW THEY RUN- Special Award, Ohio State Award, The Institute for Educational Radio/Television, Ohio State University SEE HOW THEY RUN- Finalist in Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia University Awards for Excellence in Journalism FARM DIGEST ("Ag Land Trust") - First Place Investigative Reporting, Iowa Broadcasters News Association YOUR MIND'S EYE- First Place Documentary Division, Iowa Broadcasters News Association FARM DIGEST ("Ag Land Trust")- Media Award for the Advancement of Economic Understanding presented by the Amos Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College FARM DIGEST- Merit Award for entire series, Soil Conservation Society of America for Outstanding Contribution to Soil Conservation and Land Use in North America 1979 Page 29 of 37 YOUR MIND'S EYE- Finalist, Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia University Awards for Excellence in Journalism DOCTOR WOOTERS- Finalist, Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia University Awards for Excellence in Journalism DOCTOR WOOTERS- First Place Documentary Award, Iowa Broadcasters News Association IOWA HERITAGE: FROM HERE TO THERE- Instructional Award, San Francisco State Film Festival ASSIGNMENT IOWA: CAMP SUNNYSIDE- Documentary Award, San Francisco State Film Festival ASSIGNMENT IOWA: CAMP SUNNYSIDE- Iowa and National for Best Documentary Portrayal of Handicapped, National Association of Easter Seals FARM DIGEST- First Place Award for Target Audience, Corporation for Public Broadcasting CAMPAIGN '78 ("The Republican Primaries") - Runner Up Award for Public Affairs, Corporation for Public Broadcasting IOWA HISTORY-CIVIL WAR- Runner Up Award for Instructional Television, Corporation for Public Broadcasting FARM DIGEST- Promotion Award, Central Educational Network Program IOWA HERITAGE- Graphic Award for Teachers' Guides, NAEB IOWA HERITAGE- Graphic Award for Illustrations, NAEB IOWA HERITAGE- Graphic Award for Photography, NAEB TELEVISION IS LEARNING- Graphic Award for Set Design, NAEB IOWA HERITAGE (Checker Players) - Graphic Award for Photography, NAEB IOWA HERITAGE (Sunday Dress) - Graphic Award for Photography, NAEB 1980 BLESSINGS AND BURDENS- Merit Award, Religious Public Relations Council, Inc. MARKET TO MARKET ("Meat Pricing") - Media Award, The Advancement of Economic Understanding, Amos Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College MARKET TO MARKET ("Meat Pricing") - Best Investigative Reporting, Iowa Broadcasters News Association MARKET TO MARKET ("Farm Digest") - Outstanding Public Affairs Reporting, Iowa Broadcasters News Association (The judges cited programs on nitrites and policy questions which surround the development of gasohol.) MARKET TO MARKET- Service to Agriculture and Professionalism in Journalism, Iowa Farmers Union Media IOWA HERITAGE ("Roots in Soil") - Chris Bronze Plaque, Education Category, Film Council of Greater Columbus, Ohio IOWA HERITAGE ("Hard Times") - Chris Bronze Plaque, Social Studies Category, Film Council of Greater Columbus, Ohio IOWA HERITAGE ("Main Street") - Honorable Mention, Film Council of Greater Columbus, Ohio MARKET TO MARKET ("The Changing Role of Rural Women") - Second Place in TV-Public Affairs, National Commission on Working Women, Washington, D.C. BUDDY HOLLY: REMINISCING- Bronze Award, Twenty-third International Film & TV Festival FRIENDSWEEK '80- Recognition for opens and closes, Broadcast Designers Association SYMPHONIES OF IOWA- Graphic and Design award for poster, NAEB IOWA THIS WEEKEND- Graphic and Design award for animated open, NAEB SYMPHONIES OF IOWA- Graphic and Design award for animated open, NAEB MARKET TO MARKET- Graphic and Design award for animated open, NAEB IOWA HERITAGE ("Roots in Soil" and "Iowa Impressions") - ITV Elementary Award, Central Education Network 1981 DON'T FORGET THE KHMER- Special Gold Jury Award, Houston International Film Festival DON'T FORGET THE KHMER- Documentary Award, San Francisco State Film Festival DAN MILLER- Award for outstanding contribution to broadcast journalism, Jack Shelley Award, Iowa Broadcasters News Association IOWA: THIS WEEKEND- Award for Open, Third Annual Broadcast Designer's Competition BIX '80- Award for Open, Third Annual Broadcast Designer's Competition STATION I.D. - Award for Photo, Third Annual Broadcast Designer's Competition STATION I.D. - Photo Accepted for Show, Iowa Art Directors IOWA THIS WEEKEND- Poster Accepted for Show, Iowa Art Directors LARRY HAWK- National Grand Prize Winner, 1980/81 Clipper Case History contest CLAES OLDENBURG'S CRUSOE UMBRELLA- Cultural Affairs Program Award, Central Education Network MARKET TO MARKET ("The Nitrite Saga") - Certificate of Special Recognition, Council for the Advancement of Consumer Policy THE ENERGY SAVERS- Certificate of Special Recognition, Council for the Advancement of Consumer Policy MARKET TO MARKET ("Orange Over Supply") - Certificate of Merit, Council for the Advancement of Consumer Policy MARKET TO MARKET ("Food Purchase") - Certificate of Merit, Council for the Advancement of Consumer Policy THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY- Certificate of Merit, Gabriel Awards BIX (Mike Frakes) - Graphics and Design Award in illustration for poster, NAEB IOWA: THIS WEEKEND (Mike Frakes) - Graphics and Design Award in illustration for poster, NAEB MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES (Deb Reis Gruca and Mike Frakes) - Graphics and Design Award for prints, NAEB IOWA: THIS WEEKEND- Community Service Award, International Film & Television Festival of New York 1982 THERE ONCE WAS A RIVER CALLED MISSOURI- Merit Award, Soil Conservation Society of North America CHET RANDOLPH- "Friend of Agriculture" award, Iowa Chapter of the National Agri Marketing Association THERE ONCE WAS A RIVER CALLED MISSOURI- Outstanding Documentary, Iowa Broadcasters Association TAKE O*N*E ("Hospice") - Outstanding Feature, Iowa Broadcasters Association THE FRONT LINE- Outstanding Public Affairs, Iowa Broadcasters Association BIX BEIDERBECKE- Accepted into worldwide exhibit, Art Directors' Club 61 st Exhibit IOWA: THIS WEEKEND- Accepted into worldwide exhibit, Art Directors' Club 61 st Exhibit Page 30 of 37 WHY CALL IT CORRECTIONS? - Broadcast Media Award, Public Affairs category, Broadcast Industry Conference, San Francisco State University WHY ME? - Recognition of Outstanding Contribution to Victim, Polk County Court House TAKE O*N*E- Award for set, The Broadcast Designers' Association MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES- Award for hand colored photos, The Broadcast Designers' Association MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES- Award for promotional photos, The Broadcast Designers' Association MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES- Award for program open, The Broadcast Designers' Association CULTURAL AFFAIRS- Award for on-air open, The Broadcast Designers' Association WHY CALL IT CORRECTIONS? - Public Affairs Discussion/Magazine Award, Central Educational Network TELEVISION FOR HEALTH EDUCATION PROMOTION- Certificate of Excellence in Instructional Television, Central Educational Network 1980-81 INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION PROMOTION- Certificate of Excellence in Instructional Television, Central Educational Network BIX- Award of Excellence for Illustration, Art Directors Association of Iowa IOWA: THIS WEEKEND- Award of Excellence for Illustration, Art Directors Association of Iowa MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES- Award of Excellence for Poster, Art Directors Association of Iowa BIX- Award of Excellence for Poster, Art Directors Association of Iowa MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES- Award of Excellence for Photography, Art Directors Association of Iowa MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES- Award of Excellence for Audio, Art Directors Association of Iowa MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES- Silver Award for Audio/Visual, Entire Package of Materials, Art Directors Association of Iowa TOM MOORE ("Missouri River Documentary" and "Iowa Wildlife" series) - 1982 Award of Merit, The Wildlife Society, Iowa Chapter TOM MOORE- Conservation Communicator of the Year, Iowa Wildlife Federation DAN MILLER, DON HIXENBAUGH, JOHN NICHOLS AND LANCE VOGELWhite House Certificate of Appreciation 1983 THE FRONT LINE- Finalist, Alfred I. DuPont/Columbia School of Journalism Broadcast Awards WHY ME? - Finalist, Alfred I. DuPont/Columbia School of Journalism Broadcast Awards UNITED STATES HOCKEY LEAGUE- Iowa Award for Best Story, United Press International (UPI) COLLEGE WRESTLING- Certificate of Award for newspaper ad, on-air slide and black and white photo of Nate Carr, Broadcast Designers' Association MARKET TO MARKET ("U.S. Hunger") - Outstanding Economic Coverage Award, Iowa Broadcast News Association GENERAL PROGRAMMING- Garst Memorial Award for Meritorious Service in Programming, United Nations America, USA Iowa Division EARTH SHELTERED HOME (1983 State Fair Coverage) – EDDY Award, Iowa Homebuilders for promotion and development of home building in Iowa 1984 IOWA: A STATE OF EDUCATION – Award for Best Promotion of Educational Programs, Central Education Network COLLEGE WRESTLING HIGHLIGHTS – Best in Sports Category, Iowa Awards, United Press International (UPI) THE MIGRANTS – Best Documentary, Iowa Awards, United Press International (UPI) TAKE O*N*E (Iowa School of Deaf – Local and state programming) – Honorable Mention, CEN A STATE OF TRANSITION – Public Affairs Programming, CEN 1985 BALLOONS AND BLUEGRASS – Poster Accepted, New York Art Directors’ Competition for Exhibition. IOWA PUBLIC TELEVISION – Appreciation Plaque, Veterans Administration MARKET TO MARKET – (“Rosewell Garst”) – Second place in Feature, Farm and Agribusiness categories, Iowa Broadcast News Association MARKET TO MARKET – (“Farm Politics”) – Second place in Feature, Farm and Agribusiness categories, Iowa Broadcast News Association A FIGHT TO THE FINISH – Second Place in Public Affairs category, Iowa Broadcast News Association THE GABLE TOUCH – Honorable mention, in-depth category, Iowa Broadcast News Association BALLOONS AND BLUEGRASS – Best of Illustration category, Des Moines ADDY Awards 1986 BIX LIVES – Award for Illustration, Broadcast Designers Association LAND BETWEEN TWO RIVERS – Award for small newspaper ad, Broadcast Designers Association TAKE O*N*E – Award for Set Design, Broadcast Designers Association FESTIVAL ’85 – Honorable mention for fundraising, PBS MARKET TO MARKET – (“Main Event”) – Honorable Mention, Iowa Broadcast News Association 1987 MARKET TO MARKET – (“A Helping Hand”) – Portrait award, Commendation, American Women in Radio and Television PBS ENGINEERING COMMITTEE – Outstanding achievement in Engineering for Development in UHF Transmitter Efficiency, National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 1988 COLLEGE WRESTLING – Merit award for poster, Des Moines Ad Pros IOWA GAMES – First place in Sports category, Iowa Broadcast News Association Page 31 of 37 THE NEW FALL SEASON – Finalist in Advertising/Promotion Awards, PBS IOWA CAUCUS NIGHT WITH MARK RUSSELL – LET’S PARTY – Finalist in Annual Program Competition, CPB LAND BETWEEN TWO RIVERS – Program cited for assisting Iowans in developing a philosophy on how to use land, Iowa Association of County Conservation 1989 ELECTION COVERAGE – IPTV’s coverage Best in the Nation, Central Education Network TAKE O*N*E (Supported Employment) – 1989 Community Media Award for Television, Association of Retarded Citizens (ARC) of Iowa TAKE O*N*E (“Extra Efforts”) – ARC of Excellence Award, Association of Retarded Citizens of the United States 1990 IOWA PUBLIC TELEVISION BUILDING - Central State Region Design Award - American Institute of Architects SPLIT INFINITY - Finalist, 24th Annual Worldfest - Houston International Film and Video Festival 1991 DOUG BROOKER - Broadcaster of the Year - National Wrestling Media Association LIVING IN IOWA ("Agoraphobic Jack Coffee") - Television Media Award - Iowa Psychiatric Association PBS Local Corporate Support Award for Underwriting 1992 COLLEGE WRESTLING 15TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL - 1991 TV Production on the Year – National Wrestling Media Association GAMBLING ON IOWA - First Place Documentary - Iowa Associated Press Broadcasters LIVING IN IOWA ("The Barbara Fassbinder Story") - First Place - Iowa Health Care Media Division LIVING IN IOWA ("Health on Wheels") - Honorable Mention - Iowa Health Care Media Division 1993 IOWA/IOWA STATE COLLEGE WRESTLING - 1992 TV Production of the Year – National Wrestling Media Association THE LIFE AND TIMES OF DEACON A.L. WILEY - (Greg Alan Williams) - Best Actor Award – Iowa Film Board Awards DONNA REED: REFLECTIONS OF A WONDERFUL LIFE - (Dave Grove) - Best Student Production – Iowa Film Board Awards STUDENT VOICES - Honorable Mention in Children and Youth Programming - Central Educational Network (CEN) LIVING IN IOWA ("Dr. MacKinney") - Honorable Mention - Iowa Health Care Media awards – (Sponsored by the Iowa Society for Hospital Marketing and Public Relations) STUDENT VOICES - Iowa Health Educator of the Year in the Agency Division - Iowa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (IAHPERD) SHIMMER - Robert Bennet Award - American Film Institute 1994 DOUG BROOKER AND TIM JOHNSON - Broadcasters of the Year - National Wrestling Media Association SURVIVING IOWA'S FLOODS - Special Achievement for Community Service Award - Central Educational Network STUDENT VOICES ("AIDS") - Honorable Mention Children's and Youth Programming - Central Educational Network LIVING IN IOWA - Award of Excellence (top award) in TV Documentary - Women in Communications, Inc. – Northeast Iowa 1995 LIVING IN IOWA ("Gone with the Wind") - Best Entertainment Show - Iowa Film Board LIVING IN IOWA ("Gone with the Wind") - Best of Show Award - Iowa Film Board TRADITION AND VALOR - Best Documentary - Iowa Film Board Award The SONY Creator’s Award for Distance Learning presented to Gov. Branstad and IPTV 1995 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD: LIVING IN IOWA ("Four Seasons") - Regional Emmy Winner - St. Louis Mid-America -Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 1996 LIVING IN IOWA ("Trumpeter Swans") - Best Documentary - Movies to Go Iowa Film Awards A LIVING IN IOWA SPECIAL ("Four Seasons") - Best Entertainment Production - Movies to Go Iowa Film Awards OLD-TIME COUNTRY CHRISTMAS - Finalist Entertainment Production - Movies to Go Iowa Film Awards LIVING IN IOWA ("Post Office Murals") - Sesquicentennial Finalist - Movies to Go Iowa Film Awards FAIR '95 ("Fair Kaleidoscope") - Editing Finalist - Movies to Go Iowa Film Awards JUDY BLANK (Work with Trumpeter Swan Program) - Outstanding Volunteer Service Award - Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) – (Presented by Governor at ceremony on May 9, 1996) IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Regional Gold Medal – International Association of Audio Visual Communications Cinema in Industry (CINDY) IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Award of Merit - Chicago Film Festival IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Cine Golden Eagle Award THE YING QUARTET - Cine Golden Eagle Award IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Best of Show for Promo - Central Iowans in Radio and Television Page 32 of 37 IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Public Service Award of Excellence - Central Iowans in Radio and Television IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Campaign Promo Award of Excellence - Central Iowans in Radio and Television 1997 IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - International Gold - International Association of Audio Visual CommunicationsCinema in Industry (CINDY) IOWA PRESS - Certificate of Merit-Art Direction - Iowa Motion Picture Awards IOWA FOLKS AND FOLKLIFE - Certificate of Merit-Documentary - Iowa Motion Picture Awards STUDIO III PRESENTS - Certificate of Merit-Lighting - Iowa Motion Picture Awards STUDENT VOICES ("Election '96") - Certificate of Merit-Educational - Iowa Motion Picture Awards IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT – Finalist - Iowa Motion Picture Awards STUDENT VOICES ("Substance Abuse") - Award for Excellence-Education IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Award of Excellence-Entertainment - Iowa Motion Picture Awards HOWARD FRAZIER - (Work in developing audio and video monitoring of new translators) - Engineering Award (Only one award given total) - PBS IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Best Documentary - Central Educational Network (CEN) IOWA PUBLIC TELEVISION - (Nature and Environmental programming) - Communicator of the Year Isaac Walton League LIVING IN IOWA - (Contributions to the Sesquicentennial) - State Historical Society IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - (Contributions to the Sesquicentennial) - State Historical Society IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Bronze finalist - National Telly Awards STUDENT VOICES "Where There's a Will" - Bronze finalist - National Telly Awards EARTH TRAILS: LOESS - First Place, Interactive - Iowa Motion Picture Awards 1997 REGIONAL EMMY NOMINATIONS: LIVING IN IOWA (Troublesome Creek) - Program Feature IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Special IOWA: AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT - Writer other than News IOWA'S WILD PLACES - Audio 1998 CREATIVE VISIONS - Nikki Tundel-Certificate of Merit-Documentary - Iowa Motion Picture Awards NICK ACKERMAN - Jack Shepard Award of Achievement-Documentary - Iowa Motion Picture Awards RAGBRAI XXV-THE 25th RIDE - Chris Gourley, Award of Excellence-Documentary - Iowa Motion Picture Awards STUDENT VOICES - RELATIONSHIPS and STUDENT VOICES - SUBSTANCE ABUSE - Judy Blank- Education, Certificate of Merit - Iowa Motion Picture Awards STUDENT VOICES "AIDS/STDs" - Judy Blank-Certificate of Merit, Script Writing – Produced – LIVING IN IOWA - IN A NUTSHELL - Laurel Bower -Certificate of Merit, Entertainment, Iowa Motion Picture Awards LIVING IN IOWA - CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - Morgan Halgren-Award of Excellence-Entertainment – Iowa Motion Picture Awards EARTH TRAILS: LOESS - IPTV Interactive Media - Award of Excellence Interactive - Iowa Motion Picture Awards LIVING IN IOWA - CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - Robert Sunderman - Award of Achievement - Art Direction – Iowa Motion Picture Awards STUDIO III PRESENTS; HALLOWEEN HOOPLA - Robert Sunderman - Award of Excellence Iowa Motion Picture Awards LIVING IN IOWA - CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - Pat McRae -Certificate of Merit- Lighting Design – Iowa Motion Picture Awards STUDIO III PRESENTS; IOWA SONGWRITERS AND POETS - Pat McRae-Award of Excellence, Lighting Design, Iowa Motion Picture Awards RAGBRAI XXV - THE 25TH RIDE - Chris Gourley-Award of Achievement, Videography - Iowa Motion Picture Awards LIVING IN IOWA - BARN CLOSE - Jack Shepard- Award of Achievement, Editing (Short Program) – Iowa Motion Picture Awards RHYTHMS OF THE FAIR - Nikki Tundel/Tom Moore- Award of Achievement, Soundtrack Audio Mix – Iowa Motion Picture Awards A CLASS OF THEIR OWN - Award for the Advancement of Learning through Broadcasting-Education National Education Association 1998 REGIONAL EMMY NOMINATIONS: LIVING IN IOWA: NICK ACKERMAN, Jack Shepard, producer – Sports Feature A CLASS OF THEIR OWN, Boddy Media & IPTV – Informational Friends of PTV - 1st place in markets of one million households and above and Award of Excellence for Overall Membership. PBS MEMBERSHIP AWARD COLLEGE WRESTLING - Doug Brooker - Impact of the Year Award 1998 - Wrestling Institute Newsmagazine Innovator’s Award - Iowa Distance Learning Association SCHOOL TO CAREERS Elementary Feature - Award of Achievement - Iowa Motion Picture Awards 1999 PRAIRIE CONNECTIONS - Point of Presence Award for K-12 Education - Iowa Distance Learning Association Citation of Merit Award - Iowa Association of Lifelong Learning 2000 Page 33 of 37 EARTH TRAILS: MISSISSIPPI RIVER - LIVE BROADCAST - IPTV Interactive Media team - K-12 Instructional Multimedia Award - Central Educational Network (CEN) Education Awards EARTH TRAILS: MISSISSIPPI RIVER - CULTURAL RENDEZVOUS - IPTV Interactive Media team - Finalist, Educational category – Iowa Motion Picture Awards STUDENT VOICES "Celebrating Diversity" - Education—Finalist, Iowa Motion Picture Awards STUDENT VOICES "Celebrating Diversity” Finalist, Script Writing—Produced - Iowa Motion Picture Awards IPTV’s FOLLOW THE NORTH STAR - Telly Award GOING THE DISTANCE AWARD - Iowa Distance Learning Association 2000 REGIONAL EMMY NOMINATION: EARTH TRAILS: MISSISSIPPI RIVER - CULTURAL RENDEZVOUS LIVE BROADCAST - IPTV Interactive Media team - Nominated for a Regional Emmy Award - National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Awards 2001 EARTH TRAILS: MISSISSIPPI RIVER CD-ROM - IPTV Interactive Media team - Award of Excellence (1st Place), Interactive category – Iowa Motion Picture Awards EARTH TRAILS: MISSISSIPPI RIVER CD-ROM - IPTV Interactive Media team - Macromedia eLearning Innovation award, Creativity category – Honorable mention, Macromedia eLearning Innovation Showcase Program. STUDENT VOICES "Sex: He Said, She Said" - Shine Award Outstanding Outreach in Support of MISTER ROGERS’ NEIGHBORHOOD - The Trolley Award – Family Communications IPTV FIRST BOOK CAMPAIGN - Proclamation, recognizing to distribute 7,000 free books to families of low income across the state of Iowa - City of Des Moines AN EPILOGUE FROM IOWA/WAR LETTERS – Award of Merit, Integrated Communications Campaign, Public Relations Society of Iowa, Central Iowa Chapter 2002 THIS OLD STATEHOUSE DVD - Award of Achievement – Interactive- Iowa Motion Picture Awards GREGALAN WILLIAMS' 1534 CLEVELAND- Award of Achievement - Short Form - Iowa Motion Picture Awards GREGALAN WILLIAMS' 1534 CLEVELAND - Award of Excellence - Screenplay ProducedIowa Motion Picture Awards LIVING IN IOWA - NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Award of Achievement – Documentary - Iowa Motion Picture Awards EXPLOREMORE: GENETIC ENGINEERING - Award of Excellence - Educational Production – Iowa Motion Picture Awards EXPLOREMORE: GENETIC ENGINEERING - Wilbur Shramm Award of Excellence - NETA First View Conference EXPLOREMORE: GENETIC ENGINEERING (website) - Best companion content to a local broadcast – PBS Eddie Awards SCHOOL TO CAREERS - The National Employer Leadership Council (NELC) highlighted Iowa Public Television in its publication Best Practices in School-to-Careers: Rural Issues 2002 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD: CAEL SANDERSON: PORTRAIT OF A CHAMPION - IPTV - Producer/Director/Writer, Douglas M. Brooker - Regional Emmy Award – "Special" category - National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Awards 2003 THE PEOPLE IN THE PICTURES: STORIES FROM THE WETTACH FARM PHOTOS - Producer/Director/Writer, Laurel Bower Burgmaier – CINE Golden Eagle Award THE PEOPLE IN THE PICTURES: STORIES FROM THE WETTACH FARM PHOTOS - Producer/Director/Writer, Laurel Bower Burgmaier – Bronze Telly Award CAEL SANDERSON: PORTRAIT OF A CHAMPION – Producer/Director/Writer, Douglas M. Brooker – Bronze Telly Award EXPLORE MORE: WORKING LANDSCAPES – Award of Excellence – Educational – Iowa Motion Picture Awards MI PRIMER VOTO: MY FIRST VOTE – Award of Achievement – Educational – Iowa Motion Picture Awards THE PEOPLE IN THE PICTURES: STORIES FROM THE WETTACH FARM PHOTOS – Award of Excellence – Documentary Production – Iowa Motion Picture Awards CAEL SANDERSON: PORTRAIT OF A CHAMPION – Award of Achievement – Documentary Production – Iowa Motion Picture Awards 2004 2004 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD: THE FUNNY LADIES OF BRITISH COMEDY- Producer/Director Duane Huey, Mike Seymour, Julius Cain, Bill Young, Teresa Meek, Jim Leasure, Russ Wall, Jeff Horn, Joe Bustad, Alisa Kroeze – Regional Emmy Award – “Special” category – National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 2005 HENRY A. WALLACE – Best Documentary – Iowa Film Awards HENRY A. WALLACE – Producer/Director Jack Shepard and Stamats Communications, Inc. - Finalist – Regional Emmy Award – National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences HENRY A. WALLACE – Finalist – New York Film Festival Page 34 of 37 HENRY A. WALLACE – Producer/Director Jack Shepard and Stamats Communications, Inc. - Bronze Telly Award – Editing HENRY A. WALLACE – Producer/Director Jack Shepard and Stamats Communications, Inc. - Bronze Telly Award – Cinematography HENRY A. WALLACE – David Barrett – Special Achievement Award – Best Score – Chicago International TV Awards HENRY A. WALLACE – Gold Special Jury Award – TV Special/Documentary Category – Worldfest Houston HENRY A. WALLACE – Award of Excellence – Documentary - Iowa Motion Picture Awards HENRY A. WALLACE – Award of Achievement – Editing – Iowa Motion Picture Awards HENRY A. WALLACE – Award of Achievement – Script Writing – Iowa Motion Picture Awards A CENTURY OF IOWA ARCHITECTURE – Award of Achievement – Documentary – Iowa Motion Picture Awards A CENTURY OF IOWA ARCHITECTURE – Producer/Director Nancy Heather – Honorary Membership American Institute of Architects MARKET TO MARKET, AMERICAN INDIANS OF THE SOUTHWEST FEATURE – Producer/Director Laurel Bower Burgmaier – Award of Achievement – TV News Feature or Series – Iowa Motion Picture Awards TIMELESS TRACTORS – Award of Achievement – Entertainment (Long Form) – Iowa Motion Picture Awards MARKET TO MARKET, NATIONAL GUARD VIDEO – Producer/Director David Miller – Award of Excellence – TV News Feature or Series – Iowa Motion Picture Awards LIVING IN IOWA, CORN CAM FEATURE – Producer/Director Nancy Heather – Featured Film – Rural Route Film Festival LIVING IN IOWA, TRACTOR PROMENADE FEATURE – Producer/Director Chris Gourley – Featured Film – Rural Route Film Festival 2005 REGIONAL EMMY NOMINATION: LIVING IN IOWA, STANDING GUARD FEATURE – Producer/Director David Miller; Finalist; Regional Emmy Award; National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 2006 IOWA’S WORLD WAR II STORIES – Award of Excellence – Documentary – Iowa Motion Picture Awards IOWA’S WORLD WAR II STORIES – Award of Excellence – Animation – Tag or Logo – Iowa Motion Picture Awards LIVING IN IOWA – Award of Excellence – Educational for “WWII Iwo Jima Veterans ‘Upon My Honor’” – Iowa Motion Picture Awards LIVING IN IOWA – Award of Excellence – Lighting Design for “Susan Werner/Tonic Sol Fa” – Iowa Motion Picture Awards LIVING IN IOWA – Award of Excellence – TV News Feature or Series for “Side Roads” – Iowa Motion Picture Awards FIGHTING FIRE – Award of Achievement – Educational – Iowa Motion Picture Awards BILL RILEY REMEMBERS 60 YEARS ON THE AIR AND AT THE FAIR – Award of Achievement – Entertainment – Long Form – Iowa Motion Picture Awards LIVING IN IOWA – Award of Achievement – Entertainment – Short Form for “Pioneering Photojournalist” – Iowa Motion Picture Awards 2006 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD: IOWA’S WORLD WAR II STORIES – Producer/Director David Miller; Documentary – Historical Category MORGAN HALGREN – On-Camera Talent/Program Host, Iowa Public Television 2006 REGIONAL EMMY NOMINATIONS: BILL RILEY REMEMBERS – 60 YEARS ON THE AIR AND AT THE FAIR – Marlin Schram, Producer; Jim Kay, Writer; Documentary – Cultural Category; National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences LIVING IN IOWA – SIDE ROADS COMPILATION – Paul Berge, Talent/Producer; Chris Gourley, Producer; Marlin Schram, Producer; Arts and Entertainment Program Feature Category LIVING IN IOWA -- JOURNEY TO RECOVERY – Judy Blank, Producer/Director; Health and Science Program Feature Category 2007 NATIONAL SPECIAL OLYMPICS – Award of Excellence – Documentary – Iowa Motion Picture Awards TASTE OF THE MIDWEST – Award of Excellence – Entertainment (Short Form) – Iowa Motion Picture Awards IOWA PLACES OF WORSHIP – Award of Achievement – Entertainment (Long Form) – Iowa Motion Picture Awards IOWA PLACES OF WORSHIP – Award of Achievement – Script Writing (Produced) – Iowa Motion Picture Awards COLLEGE WRESTLING – Award of Achievement – Animation – Iowa Motion Picture Awards IOWA BROWN & BLACK FORUM – Lighting – Telly Award IOWA PUBLIC TELEVISION – 2007 Media Leadership Award 2007 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD: A PROMISE CALLED IOWA – Producer/Director Sara Frasher; Documentary – Historical Category 2008 PBS COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR – IPTV Communications Manager Jennifer Konfrst 2008 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD: WOODSMITH SHOP – Laura Shannon; Studio Lighting 2008 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD NOMINATIONS: Page 35 of 37 MORE THAN A GAME: SIX-ON-SIX BASKETBALL IN IOWA – Producer/Director Laurel Bower Burgmaier 2009 2009 IOWA MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION AWARD NOMINATIONS: THE IOWA JOURNAL – THE OLYMPIC EXPERIENCE – Judy Blank, Producer/Director; Entertainment – Short Form AN ARCTIC JOURNEY IN A CHANGING WORLD – Chris Gourley, Producer/Director; Documentary Category; Josh Buettner, Production Technician/Editor; Graphic Art Direction/Design Category IOWA’S ONE-ROOM SCHOOLHOUSES – Deb Herbold, Producer/Director; Documentary Category Pledge Variations – Laura Shannon; Lighting Design PBS KIDS on IPTV GUMBALL ID – Josh Buettner, Production Technician/Editor; Animation – Tag or Logo category 2009 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD: IOWA’S ONE-ROOM SCHOOLHOUSES – Deb Herbold, Producer Director; Duane Huey, Executive Producer; Historical Documentary category 2010 2010 REGIONAL EMMY AWARDS: THE IOWA JOURNAL – Paul Yeager Host/Producer - Public/Current/Community Affairs Program/ Special/Series category MARKET TO MARKET-HONOR FLIGHT CARRIES HEROES FROM RURAL AMERICA – Andrew Batt, Producer/Director; Public/Current/Community Affairs – Single Story/Feature/Segment category 2010 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD NOMINATIONS: IOWA’S RADIO HOMEMAKERS – Deb Herbold, Producer Director; Duane Huey, Executive Producer; Historical Documentary Category; Brian Vandell, Editor; Editing—Program (Non-News) category; Deb Herbold, Writing – Program (Non-News) Category BY THE NUMBERS FISCAL YEAR-END APPEAL – Theresa Knight, Producer – Community/Public Service, Single Spot category IOWA BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD – Dan Miller, Bill Hayes, Molly Phillips, Jennifer Konfrst CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING MY SOURCE EDUCATION INNOVATION AWARD: K-12 CONNECTIONS TO SCIENCE – IPTV K-12 Connections team SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS OF IOWA FRIEND OF THE ASSOCIATION AWARD: THE PRINCIPAL STORY OUTREACH - Educational services outreach team and staff of THE IOWA JOURNAL GOVERNOR’S GOLDEN DOME AWARD: READY TO LEARN – IPTV Ready To Learn team members SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES: SOLDIER FARMERS IN AFGHANISTAN – Iowa Motion Picture Association – David Miller, producer; John Torpy, videographer - Award of Achievement: TV news feature STATE OF IOWA FOOD DRIVE – 1st Place “Most Improved” Award 2011 2011 REGIONAL EMMY AWARDS: IPTV KIDS CLUBHOUSE – Deb Herbold, Executive Producer/Director; Dan Wardell, Host/Producer; Theresa Knight, Producer – 1st Place, Children (12 and under) – Program/Special/Series 2011 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD NOMINATIONS: IOWA’S BEAUTIFUL LAND – Deb Herbold Executive Producer/Director – Documentary/Cultural category IOWA HONOR: THE SAL GUINTA STORY – David Miller, Producer/Director – Military Single Story/Feature/Segment WORLD PERCHERON CONGRESS – Judy Blank, Producer in Charge, Nancy Crowfoot, Producer – Special Event Coverage (other than News or Sports) - edited IOWA BROADCAST NEWS ASSOCIATION, News Excellence Contest Awards: MARKET TO MARKET – “Couser Cattle Company” – David Miller, producer; Steve Carns videographer – 2nd place, Farm and Agribusiness MARKET TO MARKET – “North Dakota: The Oil Boom” - Paul Yeager, producer, 2nd place In-Depth Series CORPORATE FRIEND OF SCIENCE AWARD - outstanding support to science education in Iowa - Iowa Science Teachers Section of the Iowa Academy of Science – Educational Services outreach team FUTURE OF BROADCAST TELEVISION SUMMIT IN CHINA – Bill Hayes GOVERNOR’S STEM ADVISORY COUNCIL – Tiffany DeJager – Global Learning Work Group IOWA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION – Quality Time Award - IPTV Kids Clubhouse Host, Dan Wardell IOWA BROADCAST NEWS ASSOCIATION – Paul Yeager, President-elect PBS ENTERPRISE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Bill Hayes PBS LEARNING MEDIA STATION ADVISORY BOARD – Terry Rinehart 2012 2012 REGIONAL EMMY AWARDS: IOWANS REMEMBER 911 - Duane Huey, Executive Producer; Arts/Entertainment division. IOWA SOLDIERS REMEMBER AFGHANISTAN - David J. Miller, Producer; The Des Moines Register – Military program Page 36 of 37 2012 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD NOMINATIONS: CHRISTMAS AT WARTBURG – Deb Herbold, producer; Special Event Coverage (other than News or Sports category) IOWA OUTDOORS – Chris Gourley, Andrew Batt, producers; Magazine Program category IOWA PUBLIC TELEVISION’S EDUCATIONAL SERVICES – Educational Services Interstitial – Theresa Knight, Cameron McCoy, Producers IPTV KIDS CLUBHOUSE during Festival – Deb Herbold, producer; Children 12 and Under category GOVERNOR’S VOLUNTEER AWARD – Mary Bracken IOWA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION – Quality Time Award - Trista Peitzman, PK-12 Coordinator, IOWA SOLDIERS REMEMBER AFGHANISTAN - Bronze finalist - National Telly Awards, Josh Buettner for graphic design/animation MITCHELL V. CHARNLEY AWARD – Dean Borg – Northwest Broadcast News Association ; for high standards in PARTNER OF THE YEAR AWARD - Perry Community School District P.A.C.E.S. – IPTV Ready To Learn team members journalism practice 2013 2013 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD NOMINATIONS: IOWA INGREDIENT: APPLES – Debra Herbold, producer/director; Debra Herbold, writer THE NUTCRACKER BALLET – Debra Herbold, producer/director CINDERELLA BALLET – Debra Herbold, producer/director MARKET TO MARKET: TEMPLE GRANDIN PROFILE – David Miller, producer/director 2013 NEWS EXCELLENCE AWARDS: IOWA BROADCAST NEWS ASSOCIATION: DROUGHT COMPILATION – Market to Market Staff; farm and agribusiness division HM LAND AUCTION – Paul Yeager, producer IOWA ELECTRONIC MARKETS – Andrew Batt, producer; political coverage division 2014 2014 REGIONAL EMMY AWARDS: TEEN SPOTLIGHT #MusicalTheater – Tyler Brinegar, producer/director/editor; Andrea Coyle, executive producer; Teen 13 and Up division. 2014 REGIONAL EMMY AWARD NOMINATIONS: THE FARM CRISIS – Laurel Bower Burgmaier, producer/director; John Nichols, executive producer; documentary – historical division IOWA INGREDIENT: BLACK WALNUTS – Cameron McCoy, producer/videographer; lifestyle feature/segment division IOWA INGREDIENT – Debra Herbold, executive producer; Cameron McCoy, producer; program/special/series division IPTV SPORTS GRAPHIC LOOK – Brent Willet, graphic designer BJ SCHABEN COMPOSITE – Iowa Public Television staff; sports play-by-play division Page 37 of 37