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Organizational Behavior Lecture Notes

org behaviour (OB) -- the importance -- this course links to mgmt
- how they interact with people and the importance of interacting with people
- managers need to be with people; humans are complex and therefore you can't just
replace these roles with AI; situational variables/contingent variables that influence
yourself and others; practical problems; people skills; understand yourself and
interact with others
- studies three levels of analysis OB: individuals, group and structure
- three types of variables: inputs (causes), processes (mediators/ underlying
mechanisms), outcomes (consequences/ impacts)
- field study: apply knowledge: needs to use a systematic study for accurate
predictions by combining theory and practice; EBI
- OB: is a combination of psych, sociology, social psych, anthropology
- there are few absolutes .. "it always depends" -- since dealing with people who are
extremely complex
- opportunities" continuing globalisation, workforce diversity, employee well-being,
positive work environment, improving ethical behaviour
important terms
- employer and employee
- manager and subordinate
- leader and follower