CAMC Tender: Computer/Printer Maintenance, Mumbai

Dated 07-8-2015
Subject: Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of
Computer/Printers/UPS, LAN, Server etc.
Sealed quotations are invited for the Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for
computer/printer/UPS/Server and networking hardware and other accessories installed in
the office of Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal 3,4&5TH FLOOR, JAI
CENTRE, 34, P.D’MELLO ROAD, MASJID (E), MUMBAI-9. The general scope of work
a) The contract would be comprehensive i.e including replacement of parts of Original
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) except Consumable parts, physical damage, and
replacement of exhausted battery of UPS and Printer Head, Cartridges for printers.
b) Upkeep and maintenance of the hardware installed.
c) To provide and maintain the required drivers and additional peripherals and
hardware for maintaining the equipment.
d) Repair to be carried out at the location of the equipment.
e) Standby arrangement to be made in case the equipment is to be taken to workshop
for repairs.
f) Support for users and troubleshooting of commercial software packages and
removal of virus and re-installation of software, if corrupted.
g) Coordination with OEMs for troubleshooting of the computer and other peripherals
under warranty.
h) This office is using one web based software and have AMC of maintenance of
software with M/s Races Solutions. Therefore, firm/company should have to
maintain co-ordination with them regards to maintain system in proper
LAN/Domain, maintaining required system configuration etc.,
i) Any other maintenance work to be undertaken related to the computer/peripherals.
Interested firms are hereby requested to furnish their proposals/rates through two
bid systems i.e Technical Bid (Annex2ure-A) and Financial Bid (Annexure-B)
The list of computers, printers, UPSs, Server, networking hardware etc. is attached
as Annexure-B. However, new equipment purchased from time to time, after the
expiry of warranty/guarantee period, will also have to be serviced/ maintained at
the same terms and conditions, and the AMC has also to be done at the same terms
and conditions for these new equipment. CESTAT reserves the rights to
add/remove any item from AMC during the contract period.
The Technical and financial terms and conditions of AMC shall be as follows:
The firm/company must be registered as a firm or as a company with the
Registrar of Firms or Registrar of Companies.
The firm/company should be in existence for over 3 years in the trade as on
31st March 2015 with maintenance turnover of more than Rs. 5 lakh per
annum during the last 3 years ending 31st March 2015.
Audited balance sheet for last three years showing that the bidder has a
minimum per annum turnover of at least Rs. 1 Crore.
Company should be an ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 20000-1: 2005 certified for
The firm also must have expertise and experience in LAN troubleshooting.
The bidder should have executed satisfactorily minimum one Annual
Maintenance Contract of more than 100 Computers connected in LAN under
Linux/Window NT environment for at least two years consecutively.
Firm should be Authorized Supplier of any one of the companies like /HP
/Lenovo / Dell / etc. The vendor will be required to liaison with the O.E.M.
for Maintenance of these computers/servers/UPSs and network equipment’s
Firm should be authorized Warranty Service Provider of any one of the
companies like /HP /Lenovo/Dell /IBM etc. & certified copy of the same has
to be submitted against this tender.
(viii) List of Engineer with Resumesdeployed under the contract must have Any
Graduate or 1/3 Years Computer Hardware Diploma or BCA/B.Sc (IT)/M.Sc
(CS) with or MCSE, MCP, MCITP, and CCNA Certified.
Customer satisfactory certificate (at least 05 Nos. of Copy) issued by the
clients (by Govt. Deptt. only).
List of customer along with copies of order of AMC executed within last 3
The address of the workshop with telephone and fax numbers at Mumbai.
The firm/company applying for this tender would produce certificate for the
previous financial year from the concerned authorities about the payment of
service tax, income tax, works contract tax and any other tax applicable.
(xiii) The firm must be registered with the Registrar of companies and with the
Mumbai Sales Tax Department for Works Contract Tax and should have
valid ESI and PF registration.
(xiv) The replacement of any part of the computer/peripherals, whenever
required, must be carried out by the vendor with genuine part of same
specification and warranty.
The firm shall maintain the equipment as per manufacturer’s guidelines and
shall use standard OEM components for replacement. Until and unless
written order of the Deputy Registrar, CESTAT are conveyed, the original
specification/characteristics/features shall not be changed.
(xvi) The firm/company should produce the self attested photocopies of
documents related to allocation of Registration Number, PAN Number,
Service Tax number, etc.
The other terms and conditions for awarding the AMC shall be as under:
The vendor will provide one qualified Engineer, with experience of at least
three years in windows software and linux software and maintaining
computer equipment in Govt/PSU Sector, service engineers on all the
working days from 9.30 AM to 6.30 PM for attending and redress of
complaints. The engineer shall also be available on holidays as per
requirement of CESTAT if needed. Engineers shall be equipped with mobile
phones to ensure their availability. An amount of Rs. 500/- will be deduced if
any Service Engineer remains absent/leave without providing substitute.
The initial period of contract will be for one year from the date of award of
contract. The rates quoted will remain in force for the full period of contract.
No demand for revision of rate on any account shall be entertained during
the contract period. The AMC can be extended, if so desired by the CESTAT,
based on the performance of the service provider.
The firm/company will prepare logbooks for each of the machines to be
taken under the AMC and Preventive maintenance with virus scanning and
virus removal and special cleaning of the Monitor, printer, keyboard, mouse
etc. from outside with liquid cleaner and inside will be carried out on
quarterly basis. A Preventive Maintenance Report from the user would be
submitted to computer section failing which an amount of Rs. 500 as a
penalty would be imposed.
The service engineers would take up any reported fault with one hour. As far
as possible, the repairs would be carried out on-site. However, in case the
equipment is taken to the workshop, the firm would provide a standby for
the same.
If the firm fails to carry out repairs with 48 working hours, to the satisfaction
of the user, a penalty of Rs. 500/- (Rupees two hundred only) per day or part
thereof will be charged for delay beyond the one day till such time the
PC/accessories are repaired.
The successful bidder shall provide necessary support for maintaining virus
free computer environment in the CESTAT and help in upgrading the
Software’s/Virus Detection mechanism.
Immediately on award of the contract, the contractor would give a report
taking over all equipment (giving their configuration in working condition
also). It shall be the responsibility of the firm/company to make all the
equipment work satisfactorily throughout the contract period and also to
hand over the systems to the Department in working conditions on the
expiry of the contract. In case any damage on the systems of the department
is found, compensation which would be determined by the Competent
Authority will have to be paid by the firm.
(viii) An Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 20000/-(Rupees Twenty Thousand
only) through a Banker Cheque/Demand Draft on any scheduled bank in
Mumbai drawn in favour of Deputy Registrar, Customs Excise and Service
Tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai must accompany the quotation letter.
Quotation received without EMD will not be considered. Earnest money
received from other unsuccessful tenders will be returned without interest
on demand. The successful tenderer shall submit a performance guarantee as
determined by the Department while awarding the contract for the
fulfillment of performance of the terms and condition of the contract. The
security deposit will be refundable after successful completion of the
contract to the adjustment of dues against the contractors.
It may also be noted that in case of contactor backing out in mid terms
without any explicit consent of CESTAT, the firm/company will be liable to
recovery at higher rate vis-à-vis, those contracted with it, which may have to
be incurred by CESTAT on maintenance of machines for the balance period of
contract through alternative means.
The above act of backing out would be automatically debar the firm from any
further dealing with CESTAT and EMD/performance guarantee amount
would also be forfeited.
No advance payment in any case would be made. However, quarterly
payment on pro-rata basis on satisfactorily rendering of service would be
The interested firm may submit sealed envelopes for “Technical Bid” and
“Financial Bid” in a sealed cover super scribed “Quotation for AMC of
Computer, Printer, ups and networking hardware and related accessories”
addressed to Registrar, Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,
Mumbai-9 latest by 4.00 PM on 28/08/2015.
Bids shall be opened in public and authorized representative of the bidder
shall be permitted to attend the bid opening. Technical bids shall be opened
at the first instance. Financial bids of only technically qualified bidders shall
be opened for further evaluation and awarding of contract
Late submission of tenders will not be accepted. Tenders by
“Telex/Telegram/Fax/E-mail” will not be accepted. Tenders may be
submitted by Registered Post, by hand in person or by courier. However, any
delay on this account shall not be accepted as reason for exception.
Quotation received after due date, those received without separate sealed
cover and rates not quoted in specified Performa will not be accepted.
CESTAT reserves the right to reduce or increase the number of items offered
for maintenance contract during the currency of the AMC.
The rates quoted should be NET (exclusive taxes) and no discount or free
services/offers quoted will be considered. The rate should be quoted per
piece of each item of hardware and LAN separately. This is to facilitate
addition or removal of equipment from the list covered under the contract.
For comparing quotation of different parties the total of annual value will be
considered for a fixed number of equipment and LAN taken together.
The tender is not transferable.
CESTAT reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons.
It will not be open for the contractor to refuse maintenance of any equipment
which on the date of entering in contract is in working condition and is not
more than six years old. Equipment which are more than six years old may
be brought under contract by mutual agreement.
The contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage caused to any of
the machines owing to negligence on his part. The contract will be on
comprehensive basis inclusive repairs and replacement of spare parts
without extra payment.
The contractor will comply the prevailing wages of resident engineer as per
the Mumbai Minimum Wages Act (Skilled) category rate.
Contractor has to conduct the police verification of the resident engineer and
copy of the report submitted after the finalization of contract/verification.
In case of any dispute, the settlement will be made in the Courts of Mumbai.
(T. Viswa Prakash)
Deputy Registrar
Name of firm
Address of Firm
Registration Number, PAN number, service tax
Name of the authorized signatory
Specimen Signature of the Authorized signatory.
Telephone Number of the authorized signatory and
other Telephone Number of the firm.
Whether the firm had enclosed EMD. If “Yes: then
DD/Pay order no.
Ministries/Department/Organization/PSUs etc. in
which the firm is engaged in computer AMC activities
from the F.Y 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15. Copies of
work orders in which they have been given AMC of at
least 100 computers in one single order in any
Govt/Min./Deptt./Org. may be enclosed.
Whether proof/copies of AMC work order of last 3
Audited balance sheet for last three years showing
that the bidder has a minimum per annum turnover
of at least Rs. 1 Crore
The firm should be in existence for over 3 years in
the trade with Annual Maintenance Contracts worth
more than Rs. 5Lakhs per annum during the last 2
years ending 31st March, 2015.
Company should be an ISO 9001:2008 & ISO
20000-1: 2005 certified for servicing.
Firm should be authorized Warranty Service
Provider of any one of the companies like /HP
/Lenovo/Dell /IBM etc
List of copies of documents enclosed.
Firm should be Authorized Supplier of any one of
the companies like /HP /Lenovo / Dell / etc.
The firm must be registered with the Registrar of
companies and with the Mumbai Sales Tax
Department for Works Contract Tax and should
have valid ESI and PF registration.
Customer satisfactory certificate (at least 05 Nos. of
Copy) issued by the clients (by Govt. Deptt. only).
Name of firm
Address firm
Name of authorized Signatory
Specimen Signature of the Authorized
Telephone Number of the authorized
signatory and other Telephone Numbers of
the firm
Product Description
Quant Unit
Model: 39
2280, 6120, 8100, 7200 8200
& Etc.
HP LASER JET Model: 35
Canon F151300, Samsung
ML2010 and EPSON LQ 1150
II Etc.
HP SCANJET 200, HP Deskjet 02
ink advantage 4625
2003, 02
Windows Server 2008
Offline UPS
Networking Networking Nodes
* For quoting LAN network please inspect and visit the site.
Copy to:
1) M/s. FincomInfocare,
Balaram Apartment, Office No.1,
Ground Floor, Shimpoli Cross Road,
Borivali (West),
Mumbai – 400 092
2) M/s. Innovative Systems,
Shree Shiv Sainath Co-op. Hsg. Scy.,
L.N. Garodia Marg, S.V Road,
Santactuz (West),
Mumbai – 400054
3) M/s. Sum Computer Services,
G-13, Ground Floor, Navyug Nagar,
Building No.1, Forzett Street,
Opp. Bhatia Hospital,
Grant Road (West),
Mumbai – 400 036
4) M/s. Core Infotec Inc.
A/503, Gautam Complex, Sector-11,
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai
5) M/s. Genesis Datacom Pvt. Ltd.
1st Floor, Trade Centre, S.V. Road,
Santa Cruz (West),
Mumbai – 400 054
6) M/s. Avion Electronics Pvt. Ltd.,
101, Economic Transport House,
1st Floor, 1st Flank Road,
Off. K.N. Road, Chinch Bunder,
Mumbai – 400 009
7) M/s.Rohm Computers
Shop No.4, Vidhya Building, S.V. Road,
Next to Dena Bank, Kandivali,
Mumbai – 400 067
8) M/s. PC Care,
Mumbai – 400 071
9) M/s. IMS Computers,
C-2, Gordon Hall Apartment,
Safia Zuber Road,Nagpada,
Mumbai – 400 008
10) M/s. Computer Shopee,
421, Umrigar Building,
Opp. Crawford Market,
Nagdevi Street,
Mumbai – 400 003
11) M/s. Kaizen Infotech,
122, Gala Industrial Complex,
DindayanUpadhyay Marg,
Mulund (West),
Mumbai – 400 080
12) M/s. Thymus Solutions Limited,
B-502, Om Sai Niwas, Subash Road,
Vile Parle (East),
Mumbai – 400 057
13) M/s. AksharInfosystem
Shop No.2, Leela Cliff, L.M. Road,
Opp. Mary Immaculate Girls High School,
Borivali (West),
Mumbai – 400 103
14) M/s. Thukral Trading Pvt. Ltd.,
SenapatiBapat Marg,
Mumbai – 400 016
15) M/s. Active Infotech,
25, Vasant Indl. Estate,
Near Sakinaka Post Office,
Saki Naka,
Mumbai – 400 072
16) M/s. Bhanu Enterprises
Off. No.3, Ground Floor,
183, Bazar Gate Street,
Fort, Mumbai – 400 001
17) M/s. KJM Group System Solutions
Bldg. No. 1 Shop No. 31, OstwalOmate,
Opp. Jain Temple, Jesal Park,
Bhayandar (E) -401105.
18) CESTAT Website
19) Notice Board