Role of credit rating agencies in developing Caribbean

The Role of Credit Rating Agencies
in Developing Caribbean Corporate
and Government Bond Markets
Caribbean Connect: High Level Symposium on CSME
Barbados: June 28-30, 2006
S.Venkat Raman
CEO & Chief Rating Officer
Caribbean Information & Credit Rating Services Limited
Presentation structure
Key elements of bond market
The role of rating agencies
 CariCRIS: A rating agency for
the Caribbean
What is a credit rating ?
What a rating is:
A current opinion on the relative creditworthiness of debt
An debt specific evaluation
Aimed at differentiating credit quality
A response to the market’s demand for information
What a rating is not:
Not an audit of the issuing company
Not a one time assessment of creditworthiness of the issuer
Not a general purpose certification of “goodness” of a
Not a recommendation to buy, hold or sell the rated security
Key elements of bond market
 Issuer diversity
 Investor diversity
 Transparency and disclosure
Accounting standards – to give true financial picture
Corporate governance – for predictability of corporate
Credit ratings – to provide a comparative framework
 Independent regulator
 Market infrastructure – brokers, exchanges,
settlement systems etc.
Role Of Rating Agencies In
Debt Market Development–
At The Core
 Creation of market for corporate credit and pricing of credit
 Readily usable risk indicator
 Tool for price-discovery, particularly for non-sovereign debt
 Creating of a proper yield curve
 Key information intermediary between issuers and investors
 Reduce information asymmetry between investors and issuers
 Facilitate comparison of investment options
 Facilitate pricing of credit risk
 Creation of secondary market in debt
 Creates liquidity in bond portfolios
 Leads to clarity in pricing of credit risk
 Makes structured debt issuances easier
 Building of financial awareness
 Best practices for company analysis, risk assessment
Role Of Rating Agencies At The System Level
• Widen access to funding for smaller
• Compliments regulatory oversight
– Prioritises regulators’ concern areas
– Prudential practises predicated on ratings
• Effective self-corrective tool for
managements & businesses
• Enhances trust and market confidence
=>Expands savings pool
Role Of Rating Agencies At The Application Level
• Estimation of credit risk
– Unbiased opinion arrived at through structured process
– Publicly available information
– Single, easily comprehensible grade
• Basis for scientific risk management in banking
Better lending decisions, less NPAs going forward
Fundamental benchmarking for IRB (Basel) approaches
Better pricing of credit risk
Improved loan portfolios lend strength to the banking
• Basis for securitisation
– Unlocking liquidity in loan and asset portfolios
Rating agencies:
Role Vs Obligations
• Independence : Real & perceived
– Ownership
– Governance architecture
– Financial independence
– Conformance to recognized codes of conduct
• Transparency
• Integrity in analytics & operations
• Investment in market education &
The Caribbean Perspective
The need for ratings
in the Caribbean
• Need for a vibrant bond market
– Efficient financial intermediation and credit allocation
– Alternate funding source to banks
– Financial System Stability
– Liquidity & financial crises management
• Caribbean
Small sized economies limiting local bond market development
Businesses with appetite for funds and vice-versa
Credit research in public domain relatively scare
Sizeable regional economy
Increasing evidence of cross border financing
• The Caribbean needs an integrated, regional debt
• A regional credit rating agency is a critical ingredient
• First Caribbean rating agency and world’s first
regional credit rating agency
• Launched in 2004/2005
• Fruition of an idea long espoused by CARICOM
• Promoted by regional Central Banks, CDB, IDB
and other pan-regional institutions
• Shareholding by CRISIL Ltd., the 4th largest
rating agency in the world and a subsidiary of
• Currently ratings being conducted in
Barbados, Jamaica, OECS & T&T.
CSME and role of
Key Themes of CSME
• Integration of Financial Markets
• Seamless cross-border financial flows
CariCRIS role & benefits
• Strengthen markets and facilitate unified regulation
Strong impetus to capital market development;
Energise the CSME initiative to create a unified debt markets
Strengthen financial systems through diversified markets
Investor Protection & better Market Discipline
• Facilitating regional penetration of companies Increases
– Enhance credibility & independent profiling/risk analysis
– Increased access to funding sources
• Facilitating cross-border investment/lending
– Enhanced ability to compare credits across the region
– Reduces information risk and facilitates informed decisions
The Road Ahead
• The Beginning : has been WELL DONE
• Rating Agency : needs to stick with its
values and mission
• Policy Makers & Regulators: Need to
act further – to consciously build
ratings into financial architecture
• Investors & Issuers : The leaders need
to show the way
Caribbean Information & Credit
Rating Services Limited /
Tel: (868) 627-8879
Fax: (868) 625-8871