Source Citation Form

Works Cited
(Write a Source # next to each citation.)
Source # ____
Source Citation
Book – One Author
Fill in the following information about your source:
_________________________, ____________________. ___________________________.
(Author’s Last Name)
(Author’s First Name)
(Title of Book - underlined)
___________. _____________________, ______: ___________________________,
(Publishing City)
_____________. ____________.
(Publishing Year)
(Publishing Company)
(Page Numbers)
Write it out on the lines below.
Lipsyte, Robert. Heroes of Baseball. 1st. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 2005. 30-39.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Book -Two Authors
Fill in the following information about your source:
_________________________, ____________________, and _______________________
(Author’s Last Name)
(2nd Author’s First Name)
(Author’s First Name)
___________________________. ________________________________________.
(2nd Author’s Last Name)
(Title of Book – underlined - or italicized if typed)
___________. _____________________, ______: ___________________________,
(Publishing City)
_____________. ____________.
(Publishing Year)
(Publishing Company)
(Page Numbers)
Write it out on the lines below.
Buckley, James, and David Fischer. Baseball Top Ten. 1st. New York, NY: DK Publishing,
2002. 10-13, 68-71. Print.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Fill in the following information about your source:
_________________________, _________________. ______________________________.
(Author’s Last Name)
(Author’s First Name)
(Title of Book – underlined – or italicized if typed)
______________________:__________________________________, __________.
(Publishing City)
(Publishing Company)
(Publishing Year)
Destiny Library Catalog_______. Web. __________________.
(Page Numbers)
(Library Database - underlined)
(Date You Looked at EBook)
Write it out on the lines below.
Destafano, Marcie. Babe Ruth: The Legend. Boston: Barnstable Books, 2003. 102-15. Destiny
Library Catalog. Web. 7 Apr 2011.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Article - Encyclopedia
Fill in the following information about your source:
_________________________, ___________________. “___________________________.”
(Author’s Last Name)
(Author’s First Name)
(Title of Article)
____________________________________. ______________. _____________.
(Title of Encyclopedia – underlined – or italicized if typed)
_____________, ______: _________________, ____________.
(Publishing City)
(Publishing Company)
(Volume Number)
(Publishing Year)
Write it out on the lines below.
“Ruth, Babe.” Compton’s Encyclopedia. 20. Lombard, IL: Success Publishing Group, 2002.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Article - Online Encyclopedia
Fill in the following information about your source:
_________________________, ___________________. “___________________________.”
(Author’s Last Name)
(Author’s First Name)
(Title of Article)
World Book Student__________________. Chicago __, IL____: World Book, Inc.___,
(Title of Encyclopedia – underlined – or italicized if typed) (Publishing City) (State)
(Publishing Company)
2012________. Web. _____________________.
(Publishing Year)
(Date You Looked at Article)
Write it out on the lines below.
Lang, Jack. “Ruth, Babe.” World Book Student. Chicago, IL: World Book, Inc., 2011. Web.
2 Mar 2011.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Article – Magazine
Fill in the following information about your source:
_________________________, ___________________. “___________________________.”
(Author’s Last Name)
(Author’s First Name)
(Title of Article)
_______________________________________________. ____________________:
(Title of Magazine – underlined – or italicized if typed)
(Publishing Date)
(Page Numbers)
Write it out on the lines below.
Smitty, Joe. “Babe Ruth Estate Sues Baby Ruth Candy Bar Corporation.” Newsweek. 14 July
2011: 56-58. Print.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Article – Newspaper
Fill in the following information about your source:
_________________________, ___________________. “___________________________.”
(Author’s Last Name)
(Author’s First Name)
(Title of Article)
_______________________________________________ [___________________]
(Title of Newspaper – underlined – or italicized if typed)
____________________, __________________.
(Publishing Date)
(Publishing City)
(Page Numbers)
Write it out on the lines below.
O’Malley, Tim. “Yanks Lose to Sox.” New York Times [New York]26 Apr 2012, D6. Print.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Article – Online Magazine or Newspaper
Fill in the following information about your source:
_________________________, ___________________. “___________________________.”
(Author’s Last Name)
(Author’s First Name)
(Title of Article)
_______________________________________________. ____________________:
(Title of Magazine or Newspaper – underlined – or italicized if typed)
(Page Numbers)
(Publishing Date)
Web. ____________________.
(Date You Looked at Site)
Write it out on the lines below.
Lin, Joseph. “Curse of the Bambino.” Time. 10 Jun 2010: 2. Web. 2 Mar 2011.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Article - Website
Fill in the following information about your source:
_________________________, ___________________. “___________________________.”
(Author’s Last Name)
(Author’s First Name)
(Title of Article)
______________________________________________. _____________________,
(Title of Website – underlined – or italicized if typed)
(Revision Date)
(Owner of Website)
Web. ______________________.
(Date You Looked at Website)
(Website Address)
Write it out on the lines below.
Abrams, Kenneth. “The House that Ruth Lived In Seeks Funds for Overhaul.” Babe Ruth
Birthplace and Museum. Babe Ruth Birthplace Foundation, Inc., 28 Feb 2011. Web.
2 Mar 2011. <>.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Fill in the following information about your source:
_____________________________________, ________________________________.
(Songwriter’s Last Name)
(Songwriter’s First Name)
“_______________________.” ______________________. ________________.
(Title of Song)
(Recording Company)
(Publishing Date)
(Type of Recording)
Write it out on the lines below.
Haydn Quartet. “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” Victor Records. 1908. Record.
Source # ____
Source Citation
DVD Video
Fill in the following information about your source:
_______________________, _________________, Dir. ____________________________.
(Director’s Last Name)
(Director’s First Name)
(Title – underlined – or italicized if typed)
_______________________: __________, DVD.
(Release Year)
Write it out on the lines below.
Burns, Ken, Dir. Baseball. PBS Home Video: 1994, DVD.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Online Image or Video
Fill in the following information about your source:
“_______________________________.” ________________________________________.
(Title of Image or Video)
(Title of Website – underlined – or italicized if typed)
Web. _______________________. <http://________________________________>.
(Date You Looked at Website)
(Website Address)
Write it out on the lines below.
“Babe-Ruth.” JFK50 Blogspot. Web. 2 Mar 2011. <>.
Source # ____
Source Citation
Fill in the following information about your source:
____________________________________, ____________________________________.
(Last Name of the Person You Interviewed)
(First Name of the Person You Interviewed)
________________________________. ________________________.
(Type of Interview – Personal, Telephone, or E-mail)
(Date or Range of Dates of Interview)
Write it out on the lines below.
Villa, Albert. Personal Interview. 21 Mar 2011.