RNIB Three Spires Academy Special Needs Policy Rationale RNIB Three Spires Academy is a special educational needs (SEN) school for pupils aged 3-11 with moderate learning difficulties and additional needs. Over half of our children have autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and others have additional needs, including sensory impairment, communication difficulties and physical difficulties. Admission to the academy is through Local Authority referrals and fully explained in the Admission Policy. All pupils of school age have a statement of special educational needs (SEN) or are on an assessment placement awaiting completion of one. The aim of this policy is to clarify SEN access and entitlement and explain how the academy meets the individual needs of its pupils through the effective allocation of available resources. Purposes The aim of all staff working at RNIB Three Spires Academy is to provide an education appropriate to the specific needs of pupils, achieved by structured, well-planned and broadly based programmes of work with regular review procedures as part of a continuous assessment process. At Three Spires Academy, pupils are provided with a “supporting and stimulating learning environment, celebrating individual achievements and preparing for life in the community” An essential element of this provision is the emphasis placed upon close working relationships with professionals from other agencies who share in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of pupils’ needs. All adults are required to interact with pupils in a way which is designed to promote a positive attitude that is age appropriate to their learning needs and disabilities. The school environment and the expectations of staff are designed to promote maximum independence for pupils while providing the appropriate level of individual challenge and support. RNIB Three Spires Academy – Specialist Learning Academy sponsor: RNIB Specialist Learning Trust, registered company number 8478985 Our Vision and Our Values Our school vision is “That every individual is valued and is given the greatest possible opportunity to achieve their best.” We want to achieve this so that every individual can become an active, happy and fulfilled citizen in the world. To achieve our vision: Teaching and learning will be creative, relevant and enjoyable ensuring that everyone learns and develops. The curriculum will be flexible, imaginative and relevant ensuring equality of opportunity for all children, to ensure they gain key skills in an enjoyable and motivating way. We will provide quality care that is appropriate and consistent, in a safe and secure environment, for all individuals. Assessment will recognise attainment and achievement, whilst providing opportunities for teaching teams, parents and children to plan the next steps in learning. A partnership based on our shared vision will be sought with parents, carers, governors and the community through effective communication, team work and by valuing all contributions. Three Spires will ensure that ‘Every Child Matters’ by providing a safe, positive, caring and nurturing environment, where the individual is celebrated. At Three Spires: We all try to achieve our best. We all are confident learners. We all care for each other. We all have fun and are happy. We all trust and respect each other Organisation Teachers and support staff at Three Spires recognise the individual needs of each pupils a set out in his/her Statement and set precise Individual educational and social targets to fulfil that Statement. The academy prides itself in providing access to a full curriculum for its pupils. threespires.rnib.org.uk All pupils have Annual Educational Reviews where a detailed report is produced by staff assessing attitude, attainment and progress. It is at these reviews where parents, Teachers, Support staff and Local Authorities assess progress and determine future targets for the pupil. The close partnership between teaching staff, parents and carers is seen as the key to the successful education of our young people. Aims The following aims have been devised to enable this to happen: The academy seeks to provide a curriculum and an environment, which will enable all children to enjoy quality learning experiences where they feel involved and valued. To ensure access to all areas of the curriculum for all pupils through well devised and well documented programmes. To provide a concentration of staff knowledge and expertise for children with a wide range of learning difficulties. To place emphasis on the importance of the development of social skills and personal autonomy. To work closely together with professional services to provide all round support for pupils, family and staff as appropriate. To provide an enhanced environment in terms of buildings and resources. To provide strong home/school links so that parents/carers feel supported by the school and work closely with staff to support their child. To continue to develop links with other schools which promote inclusion. Objectives To further develop a systematic approach to all areas of the curriculum using the small steps/objective method of delivery. To ensure the professional development of all staff (teaching and nonteaching) by means of National, LEA and in-house training and support. threespires.rnib.org.uk To develop a systematic approach to the acquisition of self-help and social competence skills and encourage the establishment of effective personal and social relationships. To give access to support agencies such as Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychological Service, Area Health, Sensory Support, where deemed appropriate and available. To provide a working environment enhanced by improved pupil/teacher ratios enabling small group/individual provision; and materials and equipment to facilitate access, e.g. Information Technology; specifically designed programmes and resources. To ensure that equality of opportunity is an intrinsic part of the whole curriculum, and is regularly reviewed. Curriculum The Governing Body's statement of curriculum aims insists that the curriculum offered at RNIB Three Spires Academy must meet the needs of individual pupils, take into account and respond to all elements of the National Curriculum, and mirror the aims of the Local Education Authority Policy which states "that all pupils are entitled to a curriculum which is characterised by breadth, balance, coherence, relevance, differentiation and progression". The school therefore aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which is structured, carefully planned and based upon the needs of each pupil. It will address the need for continuity, consistency and appropriateness through methods, which will include oral, written, practical and physical activities. Sex education will be included as part of a wider pupil development programme incorporating practical, emotional and spiritual components. Underpinning all of this is a commitment to ensuring that all children feel valued and to raise their self-esteem. The school promotes positive behaviour, self-discipline and an awareness of others. This can best be achieved against a background of moral values. threespires.rnib.org.uk The Foundation Stage The Foundation Stage for learning has been in place since September 2000. It is intended to be delivered over a two-year period beginning at the age of three and continuing through to the end of the Reception year. However, for some children this will be continued through year one and possibly two where it is felt that the content is appropriate to a particular child’s level of learning. The main aim of the Foundation Stage: “is about developing key learning skills such as listening, speaking, concentration, persistence and learning to work together and cooperate with other children. It is also about developing early communication, literacy and numeracy skills that will prepare young children for Key Stage 1 of the National Curriculum”. (Margaret Hodge 2000). The curriculum covers the same subjects as the other Key Stages, however these are categorised into six areas of learning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Personal, social and emotional development. Communication, language and literacy. Mathematical development. Knowledge and Understanding of the World. Physical development. Creative development. National Curriculum Children will begin to access the National Curriculum at pre-level 1. Since 2001 QCA have attempted to support the planning, development and implementation of the curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties by introducing performance descriptions (known in the trade as P Levels). They outline early learning and attainment before level 1 in eight levels from P1 to P8. Performance descriptions for P1 to P3 are common across all subjects. From Level P4 to P8 it is possible to describe pupils’ performance in a way that indicates the emergence of skills, knowledge and understanding in specific subject areas. Key Stage 2 Target Setting now incorporates the use of P scales for children who do not reach National Curriculum Levels. threespires.rnib.org.uk The majority of children at Three Spires begin school with significant language and communication difficulties. Some children have no spoken language whilst others have some spoken language but have very real difficulties with comprehension. All curriculum areas have been modified to meet the needs of all the children in the school. The Literacy Strategy and Numeracy Strategy have been adapted from Year 2 and above, to create a balanced but appropriate curriculum. Other subject areas have carefully considered schemes of work, which are the result of a whole-school approach to curriculum development undertaken by all staff at weekly meetings. Further information can be obtained through the policy documents for individual subjects. All children have an Individual Educational Programme (I.E.P.) taken from the objectives written into their Statements, in the form of targets. Each target is addressed and reported on through the Annual Review process. I.E.P.s reflect the additional and different needs of every child and also detail where extra support is needed from outside support agencies. Personal and Social Development Personal, social and health education (PSHE) is planned provision of the personal and social development of all pupils within a healthy school. Implicit within this provision is the personal and social development of individual pupils. The acquisition of Skills, attitudes and values and knowledge and understanding is essential to ensure the entitlement of all pupils to spiritual, moral, social and cultural, mental and physical development and for their preparation for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Successful PSHE and Citizenship education is achieved through formal and informal learning and from experiences and relationships throughout the school. This academy believes that personal and social development, the raising of self-esteem and the building of self-confidence lies at the heart of educational achievement. All staff and adults in the school have an important role to play in promoting these factors for all our pupils. On the one hand this will enable them to develop the confidence and abilities to become effective learners and on the other, it will support pupils as they move from childhood through adolescence to become independent young people and responsible citizens. threespires.rnib.org.uk The practice of PSHE can be seen throughout the school in the following ways: The academy has a Code of Conduct, which every child is expected to work within and this is referred to often in assembly and is the basis for discussion with individuals who break the code. The Code of conduct is clearly stated for parents in the home/school agreement. A broadly Christian assembly is held each day either in class or the hall. A daily act of collective worship is held which also promotes the children’s spiritual and moral development – we often use this time to think about local and world issues. Displays of work reflect the multi-cultural nature of our society and seek to celebrate our own culture and those of others. Children, staff and parents work together to maintain a quality physical environment which reflects the orderly and caring values of the school. The whole school community works together to improve the school site and demonstrates to the children the importance of caring for the environment. The school has received an award for being litter free for many years. At appropriate times children take responsibility for jobs in and around the school. We believe that these factors help to create a moral ethos and help children to build self-esteem in an understanding and accepting environment. Staffing and Organisation The teaching staff of the academy is comprised of Teachers, Nursery Nurses and Educational Assistants, all of whom work directly with the pupils. There are currently seven teaching areas: Reception / Year 1 - Rainbow Class Year 1 / Year 2 - Blue Class Years 3 and 4 - Yellow and Orange Classes Years 4 and 5 - Purple Class Years 5 and 6 - Red and Silver Classes threespires.rnib.org.uk All classes are staffed with a teacher and a member of the support staff. All classes also have a third adult for at least part of the day. Each class teacher is responsible for the development of a particular curriculum area within Key Stages 1 and 2. They are able to plan and coordinate curriculum to meet the needs of pupils across the school. In addition teachers: are trained and experienced in meeting the need of pupils with Autism are able to implement programs for pupils with a variety of motor and speech difficulties are aware of the effects of sensory loss and able to implement development programs are responsive to the personal care needs of pupils have a good sound knowledge of child development. Monitoring and Evaluation It has been found that, over time, the Statement and subsequent Annual Reviews build up a picture of a child’s individual progress within the academy. However, these represent the broad milestones of a pupil’s life and if progress is to be maintained it is necessary to continually monitor and evaluate. The curriculum is designed to allow for regular assessment by the teacher and each child’s individual targets are monitored half- termly. However, it is recognised that “the curriculum” is dynamic, it does not stand still. It is subject to changes, not only from legislation, but also to interpretation of need. For this reason a systematic review of all curriculum areas is written into a rolling programme within the School Development Programme. In this way the school recognises the need to not only monitor the child’s progress but also to evaluate our own part as enablers and providers within a Special Needs framework. Agreed by SLT Signed: Date: threespires.rnib.org.uk Reviewed Dates Amendments threespires.rnib.org.uk