Multicultural Marketing Communication ADV4411 Mode of Instruction: Online School of Communication Florida State University Fall 2012 INSTRUCTOR: Sully Moreno, M.A. EMAIL: PHONE: (860) 631-7784 OFFICE HOURS: Phone by appointment Teaching Assistants: Antonieta Reyes( Young Hwang ( Welcome to multicultural marketing communication! We live in an ever more diverse environment, which means that the consumer landscape in the US is changing. This course is ideal for students who are interested in learning about cultural diversity in the US and crafting marketing and communication strategies for these audiences. Why multicultural marketing? Simply put, because we live in a multicultural environment. According to the 2010 Census, Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian Americans make up over a third of the US population. The purchasing power of these consumers cannot be ignored, so marketing and communication strategies need to take these audiences into account. All marketing relies on consumer insights, and multicultural marketing creates communication strategies that rely on cultural insights. The purpose of this course is not to teach students a set of facts about different cultural groups, but rather to enable students to find cultural insights. COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of the semester, students should: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Understand and articulate why multicultural marketing is necessary. Develop awareness and sensitivity of our cultural diverse environment. Understand the importance of cultural insights. Be able to find cultural insights through research and apply these insights to marketing strategy. Produce an effective multicultural marketing strategy. FORMAT: This course is designed for active participation, with a combination of discussion board posts and assignments. Each student is expected to make meaningful contributions to the discussion board throughout the semester that show both understanding of assigned materials and critical thinking that goes beyond the readings. TEXTS: Each week, we will read chapters from this text that will inform your assignment or discussion board post. The texts are REQUIRED: 1. Communicating with the Multicultural Consumer, Barbara Mueller. Published by Peter Lang (2008). 2. Multicultural Intelligence: Eight Make-or-Break Rules for Marketing to Race, Ethnicity, and Sexual Orientation, David R. Morse. Published by Paramount Market Publishing (2009). The first chapter of each book is posted in the course library. Additional resources and readings are posted in the course library and in the assignments tab. COURSE SCHEDULE Each week, check the assignments tab in Blackboard for the week’s readings, learning objectives, and assignment. WEEK Week 1 TOPIC Introduction to the course Discussion board post: This discussion board posts will serve as first day attendance. Post an introduction by Tuesday, August 28 at midnight ET to avoid being dropped from the course. Mention your name, major, and why you are interested in multicultural marketing. Assignment: Read the syllabus carefully and answer the following three questions: By what time should students submit their discussion board posts? By what time should they respond to a classmate? By what time should students submit assignments? What is the late penalty? Week 2 Overview of the multicultural marketing Reading: Mueller Ch. 1 & Morse Ch. 1 Discussion board posts: Respond to both questions by Thursday at midnight ET. Respond to at least one classmate’s post by Sunday at midnight ET. What is the difference between a melting pot and a mosaic approach to multiculturalism? What are the implications of each approach from a marketing perspective? Which factors make multicultural segments attractive to marketers? Week 3 Tailoring the marketing mix Reading: Mueller Ch. 2 Assignment: Choose a marketing campaign that targets a cultural segment and explain how product, place, price, and promotion are being used and whether you think it each element is being used effectively. If you feel that an element is not being used, explain why you think it has been left out. The format may be either a 2-3 page paper or a 10-slide Powerpoint presentation (not including name slide or citations). Week 4 The concept of culture, and how culture affects communication Reading: Mueller Ch. 3 Discussion board posts: Respond to both questions by Thursday at midnight ET. Respond to at least one classmate’s post by Sunday at midnight ET. What is culture? How does culture affect communication? What is the difference between assimilation and acculturation? Why is this distinction important? Week 5 Hispanic Consumers Reading: Mueller Ch. 4 & Morse Ch. 2 Assignment: Create a profile of Hispanic consumers using information from your texts and from online resources such as the Pew Hispanic Center, American Fact Finder, Selig Center, etc. At a minimum, include: Population Geographic dispersion Purchasing power Household size & income Levels of acculturation Important differences within the segment Implications to marketers for each characteristic and overall The assignment may be completed as either a 3-4 page paper or a 10-slide Powerpoint presentation (not including name slide or citations). Week 6 African-American consumers Reading: Mueller Ch. 5 & Morse Ch. 3 Discussion board posts: Respond to both questions by Thursday at Week 7 midnight ET. Respond to at least one classmate’s post by Sunday at midnight ET. Browse through the segments of African American consumers posted on Blackboard and choose a segment. Explain what makes this segment unique and how marketers can target this segment. From a marketing perspective, how do you feel about grouping African and Caribbean immigrants with native-born AfricanAmericans? Can the same message resonate with all groups? Use research to back up your position. Final Paper Proposal Reading: None Week 8 Assignment: Your final project is creating a marketing strategy for a product or service to target a cultural segment. Your proposal must include the product or service, the target segment, an explanation of why you chose the target segment, and at least 5 sources that you plan to use for the project. The format must be a 1-2 page paper. Asian American consumers Reading: Mueller Ch. 6 & Morse Ch. 4 Discussion board posts: Respond to both questions by Thursday at midnight ET. Respond to at least one classmate’s post by Sunday at midnight ET. The label Asian-American encompasses many nationalities and languages. What commonalities unify Asian-Americans and how can marketers use these insights to reach this segment? When would you recommend targeting Asian-American nationalities separately? Use research to back up your position. Week 9 Beyond race and ethnicity Reading: Morse Ch. 5 & 6 Assignment: We tend to think of culture in terms of race and ethnicity, when in reality people can share a common identity based on other types of group membership. For example, Morse treats the LGBT community as a culture. Write a 2-3 page paper about another group that can be treated as a cultural segment from a marketing perspective. Give an overview of the group’s characteristics, explain why you feel this group can be targeted as a culture and why they are an attractive segment to target, and provide suggestions for how marketers can reach out to this group. Week 10 Ethics and multicultural marketing Reading: Mueller Ch. 7 Week 11 Discussion board posts: Respond to the question by Thursday at midnight ET. Respond to at least one classmate’s post by Sunday at midnight ET. In your opinion, should companies be held accountable for their consumers’ well-being? How can brands show respect for their consumers’ culture and well-being? Give an example of a campaign that does. Final paper draft Assignment: Submit a draft of the first two sections of your final paper. Week 12 Guidelines for multicultural marketing Reading: Morse Part II Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Assignment: Choose two of Morse’s “make or break rules” and find a current or recent advertising campaign that follows the rule. Explain in a 23 page paper how each campaign embodies the rule and why it is successful at reaching its target audience. Do not draw examples from the textbooks; you must search for your own example. Work week for final projects Work week for final projects Final projects due by Friday, December 7 at midnight ET Assignments: All assignments are due by Sunday at midnight ET. Assignments should be submitted via the appropriate link on Blackboard, NOT via email. Assignments are graded on a 10-point scale. Each assignment specifies whether the format is essay, Powerpoint presentation, or either one. Your assignments will be mainly evaluated on the following criteria: Your assignment answers all the questions or addresses all the areas specified in the assignment guidelines. Your assignment is in the appropriate format and is of the appropriate length. Your assignment is written in correct grammar and uses vocabulary appropriate for a university-level course. Your assignment shows thoughtful reflection beyond the week’s assigned readings. Assignments ARE NOT a summary of weekly readings. Always include implications to marketers and examples aside from the book. A good question to ask yourself to make sure your assignment meets this criterion is: what can marketers do with this information? You cite all of your sources in APA style or a similar citation style. All assignments require additional research. Discussion board posts: Discussion board posts consist of two parts: posting your own thread and replying to a classmate’s thread. You must post your own thread by Thursday at midnight ET and reply to a classmate’s post by Sunday at midnight ET. Discussion board posts are graded on a 10-point scale. Always be respectful in your responses. The purpose of discussion board posts is to share ideas, not to win arguments. Your discussion board posts will be mainly evaluated on the following criteria: You have answered all the questions specified by the discussion board post. You have replied to a classmate’s post. Your post is at a minimum 150 words and your response is at a minimum 100 words. Your posts are written in correct grammar and use vocabulary appropriate for a university-level course. Your post shows thoughtful reflection beyond the week’s reading. Posts ARE NOT a summary of the week’s readings. Always include implications to marketers and examples aside from the book. A good question to ask yourself to make sure your assignment meets this criterion is: what can marketers do with this information? Your response shows you have considered your classmate’s point of view and you would like to add to the discussion. You can express agreement or disagreement, but always include why you either agree or disagree. Or if the post made you think or made you ask yourself a question, explain why it did. You include additional sources when the assignment so requires it and you cite your sources in APA or similar style. Late penalties: Assignments turned in after midnight ET on Sundays will incur a 2 point late penalty per day. This means that assignments that have not been turned in at least 4 days after their due date will receive a 0. Discussion board posts submitted after midnight ET on Thursday will incur a 2 point late penalty per day. This means that discussion board posts that are not submitted at least four days after their due date will receive a 0. If you have posted a response but you did not create your own thread, 6 points will be deducted from your grade. If you do not post a response, 3 points will be deducted from your grade. No late responses will be accepted. Final Project: Your final project is a communication strategy used to market a specific product, service, or idea to a specific culturally-based target audience (Hispanics, Asian-Americans, or African-Americans; if you have another idea for a culturally-based target audience, please clear it with your TA before proceeding). The paper will include: Introduction: explain why you see a need to market your chosen product, service, or idea to your chosen culturally-based audience. Here you will define the marketing problem and opportunity and describe the competitive environment. (2 pages) Statement of marketing objectives: specify what you hope to achieve through marketing. Remember that marketing objectives must be measurable. (1 page) Target segment and its justification: define exactly who you will be targeting and why. Your target segment needs to be more specific than just “Hispanics.” What type of Hispanic are you targeting? For example, what age, what level of acculturation, etc. Your justification needs to be supported by research. (1-2 pages) Positioning and message strategy based on consumer insights: explain how you will position the brand and list the consumer insights that led you to your ideas. Your consumer insights must be derived at least in part from primary research. Conduct personal interviews, focus groups, and/or surveys to find out pertinent information about your target audience (i.e. how they feel about the product, service, or idea & their behaviors relating to it). Your insights may also be based in part on secondary research. (2-3 pages) Identification of media resources and strategy: specify which media outlets you will use, how you will use them, and why you have chosen this approach. (2-3 pages) Test of message and media approaches: run your positioning and media strategy by members of your target audience and report their feedback. Explain how you tested the strategy. Again, you may use personal interviews, focus groups, and surveys. (2-3 pages) Guidelines for implementation: all the special considerations that must be made when implementing your strategy as well as any constraints. (1-2 pages) Suggestions for the evaluation of effectiveness: the measurements that should be conducted to determine if the strategy has been effective. (1-2 pages) Each of these sections is worth 10 points. The main criteria for grading the assignment will be: You included all of the information specified in the guidelines for each section and each section is of the appropriate length. The strategy clearly articulates why it is necessary to market your chosen brand to your chosen target audience, what you hope to achieve through marketing, what message you want to send through marketing, and what cultural insights led you to this message. Your strategy shows the required research. Each section should reflect that you have researched your chosen brand and target audience and that you have thoughtfully implemented your research throughout the strategy. Your strategy is written in proper grammar (10 points). Proofread carefully, even the best ideas can be lost in a sea of typos. You cite all of your primary and secondary sources in footnotes and in a reference list at the end of the strategy (10 points). The final assignment is worth a total of 100 points. The late penalty is of 20 points per day late. Final projects over 4 days late will not be accepted. Formatting for all assignments: Assignments should be types in 12 point font, double-spaced, and have one-inch margins Assignments should specify the project’s name and the student’s name on the first page Sections should have a title/subtitle to identify them References must be properly cited both within the text or in footnotes and in a references page, preferably in APA style. Not citing your sources amounts to plagiarism. Overall grade Assignments Discussion board Final project 35% 35% 30% I hope you will enjoy learning about multicultural marketing. If it is an area that interests you, you can learn more about it at the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication ( If any issues arise over the course of the semester, please contact your TA first. I trust their judgment completely, and they will refer the issue to me if they find it necessary. Now for the required sections of the syllabus: The grading scale is as follows: A AB+ B 94-100 90-93 87-89 83-86 BC+ C C- 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 D+ D DF 67-69 60-66 60-62 <59 FSU POLICIES: GRADE INFLATION The Department of Communication is committed to reducing grade inflation in its courses. To that end, a department-wide grading standard has been adopted to insure that an "A" is reserved for outstanding performance. "A" and "A -" grades represent work whose superior quality indicates a full mastery of the subject. An "A" represents work of extraordinary distinction. University Attendance Policy: Excused absences include documented illness, deaths in the family and other documented crises, call to active military duty or jury duty, religious holy days, and official University activities. These absences will be accommodated in a way that does not arbitrarily penalize students who have a valid excuse. Consideration will also be given to students whose dependent children experience serious illness. Academic Honor Policy: The Florida State University Academic Honor Policy outlines the University’s expectations for the integrity of students’ academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty members throughout the process. Students are responsible for reading the Academic Honor Policy and for living up to their pledge to “. . . be honest and truthful and . . . [to] strive for personal and institutional integrity at Florida State University.” (Florida State University Academic Honor Policy, found at Americans With Disabilities Act: Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should:(1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center; and(2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This should be done during the first week of class. This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request. For more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the: Student Disability Resource Center,874 Traditions Way,108 Student Services Building Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-4167 , (850) 644-9566 (voice), (850) 644-8504 (TDD), Syllabus Change Policy "Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice.”