ST HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST: St GEORGE’S George’s Healthcare NHS Trust: the next THE decade NEXT DECADE Corporate Objectives 2015/16 Delivery Plan and Monitoring Delivery of our 15/16 Annual Plan and Objectives This document sets out the proposed corporate priorities (in line with the discussions at the Board Strategy Seminar in February 2015), and key actions and milestones that the Trust will take to ensure these are delivered. The priorities identified by the Board for 2015-16 are: •The strategic plan •Additional capacity •Quality •Financial viability •Workforce and leadership •Research These are the priority objectives that the Board will oversee delivery of, with quarterly reporting of progress. There are further objectives that need to be delivered in 2015-16, that will be monitored by the relevant Board SubCommittees, in line with the governance arrangements detailed on the following slide (previously presented to the Board in February 2015). 2 Governance: Reviewing progress We will use a number of different mechanisms to ensure that we are able to track progress against the annual objectives. These are: • Reporting to the Trust Board quarterly on the corporate priorities for 2015-16 • The monthly scorecard for the Trust Board to monitor delivery against quality, finance, workforce and operational targets • Detailed review of key plans through the relevant Board sub -committees/ EMT: • Quality and Risk Management: QRC • Workforce and Education: Workforce Committee • IT: EMT • Estates: EMT • Business Development: Commercial Board • Research: Research Committee • Communications: Trust Board • Quarterly reviews with the clinical divisions • Clinical Divisions monitoring their own plans at Division and Directorate levels via DMB and DGB 3 Redesign care pathways to keep more people out of hospital 1 Objective Actions Lead Q1 Q2 Q3 Implement the new model of care in community adult health services (CAHS) Fully operationalise CAHS Post mobilisation evaluation Identify quality and performance indicators to measure impact of change and monitor service delivery Complete the redesign of services for frail older people Continue to work jointly on Frailty Model across both Divisions and link to overall Discharge Improvement programme work. Handover St George’s @ beds (Nightingale) to MC Division. Work jointly with commissioners via the SRG to identify required frailty provision for local population Identify and implement HARI model and OP clinics at the Nelson. Link CAHS into Frailty Model at both prevention of admission and supporting discharge to NHS or social care route Develop pathway as required Director pf Delivery and Improvement/ Divisional Chair MC Division Bid to provide Community Services to the residents of Merton Submit PQQ Submit ITT if successful at PQQ stage If identified as preferred provider for services, begin delivery of mobilisation plan Director of Strategy/ Divisional Chair CS Division 4 Q4 Director pf Delivery and Improvement/ Divisional Chair CS Division Redesign care pathways to keep more people out of hospital 2 Objective Actions Lead Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Support the delivery of the Wandsworth joint health and well being strategy TBC TBC TBC TBC Director of Strategy/ Divisional Chair CS Division Develop and implement new models of care and further develop the St. George’s network as per 5YFV TBC TBC TBC TBC Director of Strategy/ Director of Delivery & Improvement/ Divisional Chair CS Division 5 Redesign and reconfigure our local hospital services to provide higher quality care 1 Objective Actions Lead Q1 Q2 Q3 Delivering additional capacity in line with clinical need Nightingale 2nd Floor 20 beds Cardiology 7 beds Hybrid theatre SAU 8 beds CDU3 9 beds Neurosciences (Thomas Young) 16 beds Neurosciences (neruo gym) 7 beds NICU 4 beds CICU 3 beds Women and Children’s Hospital Complete enabling work/ actions for the 5th Floor redevelopment Commence work on the 5th Floor redevelopment Develop the strategy further with stakeholders Board approval of OBC for Women and Children’s project Director of Strategy Private Patients Unit Preferred bidder letter signed Board approval of business case Finalise service level agreement with HCA Commence building work Director of Finance, Performance and Informatics OBC approved by Trust Board FBC approved by Trust Board Enabling works completed Commence PPU building work Director of Strategy / Director of Finance, Performance & Informatics Renal Q4 6 Director of Estates & Facilities/ Director of Delivery and Improvement Redesign and reconfigure our local hospital services to provide higher quality care 2 Objective Actions Q1 Lead Q2 Q3 Q4 Implement all Merton CCG requirements at the Nelson Health Centre Begin service delivery and negotiate additional service developments to be included at the site; set up redesign groups; implement cardiology redesign Scope out and agree redesign for respiratory, gastroenterology and ophthalmology services Implement phase 1 changes; identify additional redesign areas for year 2 Implement final year 1 redesign changes Director of Delivery and Improvement/ Director of Strategy/ Divisional Chair CS Division Continue to work closely with the SW London Collaborative Commissioning Programme and take a leadership role in the Acute Provider and Out of Hospital projects Delivery of the Acute Providers proposal for future provision of acute services to the SWLCC Board Communication with key stakeholders Plan for implementation Implementation CEO/ Director of Strategy Trust Board to approve the outcomes of the proposal 7 Consolidate and expand our key specialist services Objective Actions Lead Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cardiology expansion TBC TBC TBC TBC Director of Strategy / Divisional Chair MC Division Deliver redesigned cancer services in partnership with MacMillan Programme Board to agree the priorities for delivery in 2015-16 from long-list TBC TBC TBC Director of Strategy / Medical Director Additional physical capacity delivered Professor of Neurology in post Appointment of senior lecturer in neurosurgery Deliver activity target – TBC by Sean Briggs Director of Delivery and Improvement/ Divisional Chair STNC Division Decision by commissioner s re. support for 6 bedded unit Director of Delivery and Improvement/ Director of Strategy Neurosciences Expansion Develop and implement a rehabilitation strategy Establish a 6 bedded spinal rehabilitation service in partnership with the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore Establish Divisional Rehabilitation Strategy Group Evaluation of pilot spinal unit and report to commissioners Cohort existing spinal beds together as pilot 8 Provide excellent and innovative education to improve patient safety, experience and outcomes Objective Actions Lead Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Implement the Trust components of the joint education strategy with SGUL once approved Joint education strategy to be approved TBC in line with joint strategy TBC TBC Director of HR and OD/ Medical Director Further develop the commercial education workstream TBC TBC TBC TBC Director of HR and OD/ Medical Director 9 Drive research and innovation through our clinical services Objective Actions Lead Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Continue to increase the number of patients recruited into NIHR studies TBC TBC TBC TBC Ensure the Trust is in a position to make a successful bid for NIHR Clinical Research Facility funding Establish Steering Group Steering Group to approve action plan Implementation of action plan Medical Director Increase collaborations between SGUL Institutes and Trust clinical directorates through the development of further CAGs: Cardiology Neurosciences Establish steering group to oversee operational delivery of Cardiology CAG CAG Chief of Cardiology appointed Cardiology CAG fully operational Neurosciences CAG established Director of Strategy Increase underlying recruitment trends on NIHR commercial recruitment from 2014/15 recruitment year by 5% TBC TBC TBC NIPT testing for Down’s Syndrome in place Commercial strategy approved Develop additional commercial income streams 10 TBC Medical Director Medical Director Director of Strategy Improve productivity, the environment and systems to enable excellent care 1 Objective Actions Lead Q1 Q2 Q3 Implement electronic document management and electronic referral system for all new out-patient registrations at St. George’s Complete recruitment to in house scanning bureau All newly registered outpatient records scanned for St. George's campus activity All GP referrals triaged electronically Choose and book referrals incorporated in the electronic triage system Tertiary referrals incorporated into the electronic triage system Complete the deployment of electronic prescribing, drug administration and clinical documentation to inpatients, theatres and the emergency department on the St. George’s Hospital site Complete exit from the BT contract for Cerner services Medical Device integration RiO Mobile working deployed in Battersea Identify, agree and enable approach to delivery of new maternity reporting requirements Completion of nursing whiteboards deployment Complete electronic clinical documentation, eprescribing and drug administration to wards, theatres, and emergency department on St. George's campus 11 Q4 Director of Finance, Performance and Informatics Cerner Code upgrade live Director of Finance, Performance and Informatics Improve productivity, the environment and systems to enable excellent care 2 Objective Actions Lead Q1 Q2 Q3 Develop and implement an Outpatient Strategy Establish OP Strategy Board Agree the optimal service model including delivery of OP flow and process Ensure each Division has a prioritised programme of local and national clinical audit activity which is registered with the Clinical Audit Team TBC TBC Introduction of a new dementia and delirium team and dementia leads TBC Provide transparency on outcomes by publishing consultant level activity data, clinical quality measures and survival rates from all nationally agreed audits TBC Q4 Agree model of care and 5 year strategy Director of Strategy / Divisional Chair CWDTCC Division TBC TBC Chief Nurse (QIP) TBC TBC TBC Chief Nurse (QIP) TBC TBC TBC Medical Director (QIP) 12 Improve productivity, the environment and systems to enable excellent care 3 Objective Actions Q1 Roll out the Friends and Family Test to day surgery, outpatients and community services Lead Q2 Q3 Q4 Successful roll out to OP and Day Surgery. Reports to PEC, EMT and Board Roll out to community services All areas are compliant with FFT rollout and reports updated to every QRC and PEC Prevent deterioration through a focus on acting quickly for patients who have sepsis Resuscitation data to identify areas where cardiac: peri arrest rate high Audit of NEWS in electronic notes Link with the ITU outreach team to identify teams requiring additional support Harm free training includes SBAR escalation and handovers Circulation of SBAR pads in clinical areas Feedback of NEWS audit results Introduction of a medication safety thermometer Finalise work with pilot areas Facilitation with each clinical team to identify the most significant harms in their areas Harm Free training Develop monthly feedback to ward areas in a user friendly and consistent format. Roll out within one Division. Pilot feedback mechanisms with clinical teams. Provide patient information through video and written comms. 13 Chief Nurse (QIP) Chief Nurse (QIP) Roll out across remaining Divisions Develop monthly feedback to ward areas in a user friendly and consistent format. Evaluate harm reduction and further actions needed Chief Nurse (QIP) Develop a highly skilled and engaged workforce championing our values 1 Objective Actions Lead Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Implement an organisational development programme that supports the Divisional governance review findings Work with divisions to identify effective team working and where there is a need for team support. Identify a coherent programme of team support that can be delivered by workforce and development department , including LiAise manager, staff support unit, HRMs and leadership development team. Where required identify and commission external programmes of support. Evaluation of programme Director of HR and OD/ Director of Corporate Affairs Develop leadership behaviours to deliver high quality Establish an agreed St George’s leadership style Develop timescale, scope and cost of programme Secure process for accreditation and assessment Agree content of programme Commence tender for programme provider Establish programme of delivery Evaluate programme delivered to date Director of HR and OD Developing a flexible workforce who can work across boundaries TBC TBC TBC TBC Director of HR and OD 14 Develop a highly skilled and engaged workforce championing our values 2 Objective Ensure the right number of skilled members of staff are available to provide the best possible quality of care Actions Lead Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Ensure implementation of care certificate for all new HCAs Review the opportunity to set up a learning zone facility and identify any actions required Review preceptor programme Review induction programme Review current activity and develop a learning and development plan based on contribution from professional leaders, annual business plans, and needs assessment drawn from appraisals. 15 Director of HR and OD Securing financial viability Objective Actions Q1 Lead Q2 Q3 Q4 Ensure that tariff payments agreed with commissioners optimise income to the organisation Director of Finance, Performance and Informatics Delivery of the CIP programme Director of Finance, Performance and Informatics Complete review of the existing IBP and LTFM. Implementation of the recommendations will be overseen by the Service Review Board CEO Refresh the current Trust strategy to determine whether the strategy remains appropriate in the current external environment; and/or whether the objectives to deliver the strategy remain appropriate Director of Strategy 16