Name __________________________________________________ Date ___________
Comparing Vertebrates: Non-mammal vs. human
Kingdom: Animal
Phylum: Chordata
Sub Phylum: Vertebrata (animals with a spinal nerve cord within a backbone made of vertebra)
Use the web site below to choose one non-mammal vertebrate animal (any type of fish, amphibian, reptile or bird) and to research Homo sapiens.
Find out the common name and scientific name for that animal. (Bonus if you can write down the complete phylogeny of the species) KPCOFGs
Common name Scientific name
Create a power point presentation (at least 6 slides) comparing the following features.
Use this chart to check off and keep track of your progress:
Slide 1 Title slide: introduce your animal
(give a general
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5
Slide 6 description of these)
Overall body plan
What and how does it eat?
Stages of growth and development
Reproduction overview
Environment where found
Start with:
Animal diversity Web
Be sure to site other web sites and sources of information.