A Research Digital Library

Meeting of CAUL/CONZUL and
CREPUQ Sub-Committee of Libraries
Montréal, Québec, October 10, 2001
A Research Digital Library : a Proposal by
Quebec Academic Libraries to Develop a
common Information Infrastructure
Sylvie Belzile
October 10, 2001
Change impacting canadian academic libraries in the past 10 years:
Increase in quantity and cost of publications (serials in particular);
Expansion of digital information resources;
Change in scholarly communication;
Development of the Internet and Web;
Access of digital information from desktops;
Mass cancellation of serial subscriptions;
Cuts in funding of post-secondary institutions by regional
Increase in collaboration and resource sharing.
Digital Environment : Quebec Academic Libraries
Local initiatives:
Subscriptions to digital databases and journals through the Internet;
Purchase of resources on CD-ROM (stand-alone and/or networked);
Evaluation and organization of external resources on the Web.
Digital Environment : Quebec Academic Libraries
Some joint initiatives :
Consortium negotiation and purchasing or licensing of digital
scholarly information resources (now 26 products);
 Hiring of a project officer to negotiate with vendors and manage
 Agreement to share cataloguing of digital resources;
 Evaluation of ILL softwares for a joint purchase;
 Staff training;
 GIRI and Sherlock.
Limitations of Current Model
Access of digital resources from several gateways;
Journal titles volatile
Search languages and interfaces vary according to
vendors and products;
License management;
Lack of statistics and analysis of products usefulness;
Updating of online catalogues;
Scattering of expertise.
The Beginning of a Research Digital Library
Project « Toute la science du monde » in 1999
Stage I : consortium licensing of scholarly digital resources
 Stage II : development of integrated tools to search and exploit
CNSLP project
Research Digital Library : Task Force Mandate
Created in September 2000
To prepare a business plan on the development of a
common information infrastructure in order to :
maximize shared investments of Québec academic libraries;
 develop a common portal that will give access to digital resources
and tools to integrate and exploit them;
 promote partnership among institutions to facilitate use of IT in
 define needs for human and financial resources;
 determine possible sources and level of funding.
Members :5 library directors (Sylvie Belzile, Gilles Caron, JeanPierre Côté, Frances Groen, Richard Dumont), director of Main
Library at UQAM ( Diane Polnicky) and CREPUQ research
officer (Onil Dupuis) with the collaboration of Laval Dubreuil.
Regional Digital Libraries : Earlier Canadian Projects
BC Electronic Library Network (ELN) : www.ola.bc.ca/eln
Partnership between the Province of British Columbia
and its post-secondary libraries (64 colleges and
System-wide access to research databases, including full text and
full image sources : negotiations of site licences and consortium
 Single point of entry to the collections of libraries : 3 union databases
 Online document requesting and rapid delivery services
ELN Steering Committee
 Staff : 4.6 FTE (mostly professionals)
 Project funding on a year-to-year basis
Regional Digital Libraries : Earlier Canadian Projects
The Alberta Library : www.thealbertalibrary.ab.ca
Responsive integrated network of partnerships linking all types of
libraries and other information providers (post-secondary, regional
and public libraries)
Services :
Resource sharing, joint licensing of electronic resources;
Interlibrary loans;
Information service infrastructure- support and management;
Library staff development;
Advocacy: communication with partners, government;
Unique library card
One time government funding of 4M$
Membership fee
13 (director, project coordinators, programmers etc.)
Regional Digital Libraries : Earlier Canadian Projects
Ontario Digital Library : www.ocul.on.ca
To leverage the content provided by CNSLP by developing an
information infrastructure for Ontario researchers
Implementation of an index, search tools and journal contents on a central
server and database at University of Toronto;
Integration of consortium purchases by OCUL;
Integration with information system of each participating library :
authentication and access control;
Interlibrary loan and document delivery;
Implementation of Fretwell-Downing software;
Scholar ’s portal.
7.6M $ over 3 years by Ontario government (CFI match)
2-3 with U. of T.
Steps Towards a Research Digital Library
Meetings with colleagues from the California Digital Library, the
Alberta Library and the Ontario Digital Library in October,
November and December 2000;
Research and writing of a proposal explaining the need to fund a
study on a future Research Digital Library in February- April 2001;
Approval of the study proposal by the CREPUQ Committee of
Vice-Principals Teaching in May 2001;
Funding requested to carry a study on the Quebec Research
Digital Library : 80 000 $ to the Quebec Ministry of Research,
Science and Technology in June 2001;
Meeting with representatives of Ministry in October 2001.
Research Digital Library : Study
Step I
To analyse needs and expectations of Quebec academic libraries
for a common Research Digital Library;
To identify other potential partners, their needs and expertise;
To analyze Canadian and international models;
To define goals and principles of a Research Digital Library;
To present a few options towards the implementation of the
Research Digital Library.
Research Digital Library : Study
Step II
To define services and products available to members;
To define collective tools to develop;
To determine the technological infrastructure;
To describe steps towards the realization of the plan;
To propose milestones for each implementation stage;
To evaluate human and financial resources needed for each stage;
To propose funding model and cost sharing.