“All the Market Will Bear” Monopolies, Wobblies & War Monopoly™ – A Basic Glossary Robber Barons Graft Kickbacks Trusts Union-busting • Strikebreaking Tammany Hall • Boss Tweed Bull Moose Socialism Organizing Molly Maguires Wobblies Communism Anarchism Populism Jim Crow Tenements 1865-1900: Industrial Expansion & National Development “Loan from Bill Gates saves US government from bankruptcy” (?) Opening of West draws “men of unlimited capital” Railroads, land, mining, oil, steel, armaments Effect of $$$ on politics Dodging taxes with “trusts” “tramps & millionaires” Price-Fixing: Business as Usual? Consolidation of railroads under banker J.P. Morgan (1837-1913) . . . of steelmaking under Scotch immigrant Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) . . . of oil extraction & refining under John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) (“Esso”) Charged “all market would bear” Hated & feared by “ordinary” Americans Compare to __________ in 2002 Labor Unions Legitimate Association or Communist Conspiracies? Worker safety unknown – child labor common Immigration kept wages low, race tension high Strikes broken by hired guards, “scabs,” and sometimes state militias & U.S. Army “national security” (& 14th Amendment?) Morgan, Carnegie & Co.’s friends in high places Owners played on fears of Bolshevism – called labor organizing communistic & “Un-American” Some labor organizations genuinely radical, violent, e.g. Molly Maguires, anarchists Others like IWW, Knights of Labor, so tainted Urban Working Class Meets Downtrodden Farmers Farm Belt revolts – old Anti-Fed agrarian tensions surface again The Grange movement At first, a Producers’ union of black & white farmers Populist Party – working-class embraces Marxism? Never succeeded on national level Huey Long, the “Kingfish” (Louisiana governor 1928-32) Urban workers & immigrants part of Democratic machine, traditional labor vote William Jennings “Cross of Gold” Bryan vs. William McKinley (1896 Presidential election) “Honest Graft” – Think Locally Thomas Nast cartoon attacking Boss Tweed (c. 1870) Tammany Hall New York City political machine As openly corrupt as it ever got in the US Tweed dies in jail • Only one convicted Plenty of money to be made Supplying the Army with its tools of trade – Country Joe McDonald (1960s) War good for politics, good for business “A splendid little war” against Spain • Then against the Filipinos, then the Columbians TR, war hero, “Rough Rider,” “Bull Moose” • Took own correspondents along • Rode against the “dagos” and the meatpackers Child of privilege, but . . . • Irony – had power to bust trusts • First govt. regulation of food industry First “Progressive” (“centrist”) Republican? • Compare to John McCain