Super LWR (SCWR) Conceptual Design Yoshiaki Oka Professor The University of Tokyo UT-UCB Internet seminar December 8, 2006 Generation IV Reactor Concepts SCWR (Super LWR / Super FR) VHTR SFR GFR LFR MSR 3 Features of Super LWR/Super FR • Simple & compact plant systems – No water/steam separation – Low flow rate, high enthalpy coolant • High temperature & thermal efficiency (500C, ~44%) • Utilizations of current LWR and Supercritical FPP technologies – Major components are used within the temperature range of past experiences BWR PWR Supercritical FPP Super LWR/ (once-through boiler) Super FR Evolution of boilers and supercritical fossil fired power plant technologies Circular Boiler LWR Water tube boiler Once-through boiler Super LWR (SCWR) Evolution of boilers Supercritical Water in the Power Industry Coal-fired SC plants in the world and their performance Country / Region U.S.A. Japan Eastern Europe Western Europe Other Countries TOTAL Number of SC Units 149 108 123 53 29 462 Installed MW 106,454 67,900 51,810 29,310 13,520 268,994 Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Subcritical 82.0 83.8 83.7 86.6 88.5 Supercritical 89.8 83.0 84.7 79.5 90.3 Source: World Bank Organization Most new coal-fired power plants are supercritical. SC turbines are proven technology Major vendors of SCW components include GE, Toshiba, Hitachi, MHI, B&W, Siemens Toshiba: 700 MWe (24MPa, 593/593°C) MHI: 1000 MWe (24.5MPa, 600/600°C) Density and specific heat of supercritical water (25 MPa) Super LWR • Super LWR: Supercritical-Water-Cooled and Moderated Reactor developed at Univ. of Tokyo • Once-through direct cycle thermal reactor • • • • Pressure: 25 MPa Inlet: 280℃ Outlet (average): 500℃ Flow rate: 1/8 of BWR Control rods Supercritical water 500℃ Turbine Generator 280℃ Core Condenser Reactor Heat sink Pump Scope of studies and Computer codes 1.Fuel and core Single channel thermal hydraulics (SPROD), 3D coupled core neutronic/thermal-hydraulic (SRAC-SPROD), Coupled sub-channel analysis, Statistical thermal design method, Fuel rod behavior (FEMAXI-6), Data base of heat transfer coefficients of supercritical water 2. Plant system; Plant heat balance and thermal efficiency 3. Plant control 4. Safety; Transient and accident analysis at supercriticaland subcritical pressure, ATWS analysis, LOCA analysis (SCRELA) 5. Start-up (sliding-pressure and constant-pressure) 6. Stability (TH and core stabilities at supercritical and subcritical-pressure) 7. Probabilistic safety assessment Fuel and Core design Core design criteria Thermal design criteria Maximum linear heat generation rate (MLHGR) at rated power ≦ 39kW/m Maximum cladding surface temperature at rated power ≦ 650C for Stainless Steel cladding Moderator temperature in water rods ≦ 384C (pseudo critical temperature at 25MPa) Neutronic design criteria Positive water density reactivity coefficient (negative void reactivity coefficient) Core shutdown margin ≧ 1.0%ΔK/K Fuel assembly design Design requirements Solution Low flow rate per unit power (< 1/8 of LWR) due to large ⊿T of once-through system Narrow gap between fuel rods to keep high mass flux Thermal spectrum core Many/Large water rods Moderator temperature below pseudo-critical Reduction of thermal stress in water rod wall Uniform moderation Control rod guide tube Insulation of water rod wall Uniform fuel rod arrangement ZrO2 Stainless Steel UO2 fuel rod UO2 + Gd2O3 fuel rod Water rod Kamei, et al., ICAPP’05, Paper 5527 Fuel enrichment Fuel enrichment is divided into two regions to prevent top axial power peak Average fuel enrichment 6.11wt% 1.26m 5.9wt%UO2 4.2m 6.2wt%UO2 2.94m (a) UO2 fuel rod 1.26m 5.9wt%UO2 +4.0wt%Gd2O3 6.2wt%UO2 4.2m 2.94m +4.0wt%Gd2O3 (b) UO2 + Gd2O3 fuel rod Coolant flow scheme Flow directions Coolant Moderator Inner FA Upward Downward Outer FA Downward Downward CR guide tube To keep high average coolant outlet temperature Outlet: Inlet: Inner Kamei, et al., ICAPP’05, Paper 5527 FA Mix Outer FA 3D Coupled Core calculation Neutronic calculation: SRAC code system (JAERI) Thermal-hydraulic calculation: SPROD (Univ. Tokyo) 3D Core burnup calculation (1/4 core) FA FA segment 2-D FA burnup calculation (1/4 FA) SRAC and ASMBURN Macro cross section N -TH coupling Single channel thermalhydraulic analysis(SPROD) coolant qc(i) Calculation mesh Average condition Water rod wall qw(i) pellet cladding moderator 3-D N-T Coupled Core Calculation • T-H calculation based on single channel model • Neutronic calculation; SRAC Core consists of homogenized fuel elements 3-D core calculation Homogenized Fuel element Single channel T-H model Coolant qc(i) pellet Cladding qw(i) Moderator Water rod wall 1/4 Fuel Single channel symmetric assembly T-H analyses core Fuel load and reload pattern 120 FAs of 1st ,2nd and 3rd cycle fuels and one 4th cycle FA 3rd cycle FAs which have lowest reactivity are loaded at the peripheral region of the core to reduce the neutron leakage This low leakage core is possible by downward flow cooling in peripheral FAs 1st cycle fuel 2nd cycle fuel 3rd cycle fuel 4th cycle fuel (a) 1st → 2nd cycle (b) 2nd → 3rd cycle ¼ symmetric core (c) 3rd → 4th cycle Coolant flow rate distribution FA with ascending flow cooling Flow rate to each FA is adjusted by an inlet orifice to match radial power distribution 48 out of 121FAs are cooled with descending flow 0.4 0.4 FA with descending flow cooling 1.02 0.8 0.8 0.5 1.02 0.84 1.13 0.8 0.7 1.02 1.08 1.02 1.13 0.8 0.5 1.08 0.84 1.08 1.02 1.13 0.8 0.95 0.95 0.84 1.08 0.84 0.8 0.4 0.76 0.95 1.08 1.02 1.02 1.02 0.4 Relative coolant flow distribution (1/4 core) Control rod patterns X : withdrawn rate (X/40) Blank box : complete withdrawal (X=40) At the EOC, some CRs are slightly inserted to prevent a high axial power peak near the top of the core Prevent a high MCST 12 32 16 32 24 24 24 32 0 32 3212 3216 24 32 24 24 32 0 32 0.0GWd/t 32 36 28 28 32 28 4 28 3632 4.4GWd/t 24 32 28 24 32 0 32 3224 0.22GWd/t 1.1GWd/t 24 36 32 28 36 4 24 20 28 36 28 28 32 0 32 28 3224 2.2GWd/t 32 4 32 3628 3.3GWd/t 36 36 5.5GWd/t 32 20 20 4 28 4 32 20 20 4 28 6.6GWd/t 28 32 7.7GWd/t 20 8.8GWd/t 36 36 24 28 24 24 16 28 24 24 32 24 4 28 9.9GWd/t 32 28 36 11.0GWd/t 32 32 28 12.1GWd/t 36 36 28 28 36 36 32 32 13.2GWd/t 32 28 36 36 32 14.3GWd/t Power distribution Axial power peaking factor is 1.25-1.45 Core averaged axial power Radial power peaking factor is 1.24-1.39 (Only Upward flow cooling region 1.12-1.22) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 BOC(2.2~3.3Gwd/t) MOC(7.7~8.8Gwd/t) EOC(13.2~14.3Gwd/t) 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 Core height (m) Axial power distribution MOC BOC 2.2~3.3GWd/t 7.7~8.8GWd/t EOC 13.2~14.3GWd/t Radial power distribution (¼ core) 0 0.1800 0.8000 0.9000 1.000 1.150 1.250 1.350 1.500 Coolant core outlet temperature and Maximum cladding surface temperature distribution Coolant temperature of inner FA is 420-570C (average 500C) Coolant temperature of peripheral FA is 350-530C BOC MOC EOC 100.0 300.0 330.0 384.0 430.0 470.0 500.0 520.0 550.0 610.0 650.0 (a) Coolant outlet temperature distribution (1/4 core) BOC MOC (b) Maximum cladding surface temperature distribution (1/4 EOC 100.0 300.0 330.0 384.0 430.0 470.0 500.0 520.0 550.0 610.0 650.0 MLHGR and MCST MLHGR and MCST are kept below 39kW/m and 650C throughout a cycle respectively Thermal design criteria are satisfied 660 Maximum linear heat generation rate (kW/m) 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 Burnups (GWd/t) (a) MLHGR 12 14 Maximum cladding surface temperature (C) 40 650 640 630 620 610 600 0 2 4 6 8 10 Burnups (GWd/t) (b) MCST 12 14 Water density reactivity coefficient (⊿K/K/(g/cc)) Water density reactivity coefficient and Shutdown margin Water density reactivity coefficient is positive (negative void reactivity coefficient) Shutdown margin is 1.27 %dk/k 1 0.1 0GWd/t 15GWd/t 45GWd/t 0.01 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Water density (g/cc) All CR clusters are inserted except the maximum worth cluster Fuel and coolant temperature are 30C No Xe or other FP in the core Neutronic design criteria are satisfied 1.0 Super LWR characteristics summary Core Super LWR Core pressure [MPa] 25 Core thermal/electrical power [MW] 27441200 Coolant inlet/outlet temperature [C] 280/500 Thermal efficiency [%] 43.8 Core flow rate [kg/s] 1418 Number of all FA/FA with descending flow cooling 121/48 Fuel enrichment bottom/top/average [wt%] 6.2/5.9/6.11 Active height/equivalent diameter [m] 4.2/3.73 FA average discharged burnup [GWd/t] 45 MLHGR/ALHGR [kW/m] 38.9/18.0 Average power density [kW/l] 59.9 Fuel rod diameter/Cladding thickness (material) [mm] 10.2/0.63 (Stainless Steel) Thermal insulation thickness (material) [mm] 2.0 (ZrO2) Sub-channel analysis coupled with 3D core calculation Principle for Preventing Cladding Failures • Super LWR: no boiling, limit cladding temperature BWR, PWR Normal Sufficient operation margin to BT Abnormal transient No BT Super LWR No creep rupture1) (Design limit temperature for normal operation) No plastic strain & no buckling collapse2) (Design limit temperature for abnormal transient) Accurate evaluation of the peak cladding temperature is essential 1) A. Yamaji, Y. Oka, J. Yang, et al., “Design and Integrity Analyses of the Super LWR Fuel Rod.,” Proc. Global2005, Tsukuba, Japan (2005) 2) A. Yamaji, Y. Oka, Y. Ishiwatari, et al., “Rationalization of the Fuel Integrity and Transient Criteria for Super LWR,” Proc. ICAPP’05, Seoul, Korea (2005) Characteristics of supercritical water cooling • Large axial Δρ ⇒ induces flow distribution within FA • High sensitivity of (ΔT/ΔH) near the core outlet Subchannel analysis is required to accurately determine Maximum Cladding Surface Temperature (MCST) –Underestimated MCST Temperature [℃] –T-H calculation based on single channel model Inlet Outlet 600 800 Temperature 700 550 Density 600 500 500 450 400 400 300 350 200 300 100 250 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Specific enthalpy [104J/kg・K] Density [kg/m3] •3-D core calculation: Evaluation of Max. peak cladding temperature DNBR 1.0 (95/95) → 1.17 Failure limit Margin DNBR 1.3 Overpower/ Over temperature (abnormal transients) DNBR 1.72 Engineering uncertainties Applicable local flux factor Applicable radial and axial flux factor Limit for design transients (95/95) Maximum peak steady state condition (95/95) Nominal peak steady state condition Nominal steady state core average condition 25MPa, outlet 500℃... etc Plant safety analyses Statistical thermal design Subchannel analyses 650℃ 3-D core calculations Yamaji, et al., Global 2005, Paper 556 Method: Calculation Flow 3-D core calculations (Homogenized FA model) Core power, burnup, density, distribution CR patterns N&T-H coupled subchannel analyses Pin power distribution f(burnup history, density, CR insertion) Reconstructed pin power distribution Subchannel analysis Peak cladding surface temperature Subchannel Analysis Code • Subchannel analysis code for Super LWR FA developed at the Univ. of Tokyo1) • 3 type of subchannels – Type A: corner of WR – Type B: side of WR – Type C: corner of FA • WR thermally insulated (ZrO2) • Heat transfer correlation: Watts • 2.5% neutron heating assumed (1) T. Tanabe, S. Koshizuka, Y. Oka, et al., “A subchannel analysis code for Supercritical-pressure LWR with Downward-flowing water rods,” Proc. ICAPP’04, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2004) Basic Characteristics of Super LWR FA 3 types of subchannels and fuel rods Heat transfer to WR (Wetted length/ Heated length) A Low Small (1.43) B High Large (1.70) C Mid V.Large (2.53) Type “B” Type “A” Uniform outlet temperature Power Temperature Fuel rod number Coolant temperature Type “C” Relative fuel rod power Type Pin power (Thermal neutron flux) Reconstruction of pin power distributions Core power distributions (3-D core calculations) Coupled subchannel analyses Pin power distribution f(burnup history, density, CR insertion) Height [m] Homogenized FA Normalized power Reconstructed pin power distribution Mass Flux and MCST Distributions [kg/m2sec] 1120 1060 1000 947 889 832 [kg/m2sec ] 1130 1110 1080 1050 1020 [kg/m2sec ] 990 964 938 912 887 861 992 Mass flux distributions [℃] 732 676 621 565 509 [℃] 709 665 622 578 [℃] 730 680 631 535 491 531 481 453 FA-a2 (Large gradients) MCST distributions FA-b (Gadolinia rods) 581 FA-c (CR withdrawal) Comparison of Single Channel Analysis and Subchannel Analysis • MCST predicted by subchannel analysis is about 58℃ higher than that predicted by single channel analysis • Large power gradient inside FA should be avoided by design MCST ΔT from single channel analysis to subchannel analysis FA-a1 (large power gradient) 44℃ FA-a2 (large power gradient) 58℃ FA-b (Gadolinia rods) 49℃ FA-c (CR withdrawal at EOC) 46℃ Peak Cladding Surface Temperature Peak cladding surface temperature Failure limit Limit for design transients Maximum peak steady state condition Nominal peak steady state condition Nominal peak steady state condition (Homogenized FA) Nominal steady state core average condition Criterion: ? Plant safety (ΔT4= ? ) analyses Statistical (ΔT3=?) thermal design Subchannel (ΔT2=58℃) analyses ? ? 708℃ 650℃ 3-D core calculations (ΔT1=150℃) Ave. outlet:500℃ Statistical Thermal Design • Taking uncertainties into evaluation of peak cladding temperature Methods to evaluate the engineering uncertainty Classification: (1) The direct method: All uncertainties are set at their worst values and occur at the same location and at the same time. Traditional and conservative. (2) The traditional way by using hot spot and hot channel factors: (a) The deterministic method by using factors. (b) The statistical method by using factors. (c) The semi-statistical method: Two groups of uncertainties: direct and statistical factors. The factors are evaluated separately and combined statistically. (3) The statistical thermal design method: System parameters uncertainties are combined statistically. Uncertainties of nuclear hot factors are considered statistically. Engineering hot spot factors are used in a statistical way. Uncertainties considered in statistical design procedure system parameter uncertainties Inlet coolant temperature uncertainty Core power uncertainty Inlet coolant flow rate uncertainty Core pressure uncertainty Uncertainty of the ratio of the flow rate in water rods to the whole flow rate hot factor uncertainties Nuclear hot factor Engineering hot spot factor Heat transfer correlation uncertainty Nuclear and engineering hot factors Nuclear hot factors are used to consider the power distribution in the hot assembly, in the hot channel and at the hot spot. Factors Definition f Rn The radial nuclear hot assembly factor. The ratio of the hot assembly power to the average assembly power The axial nuclear hot assembly factor. The Ratio of the max planar power to the average planar power in the hot assembly The nuclear hot spot factor. The ratio of the maximum linear heat flux to the average linear heat flux in the core f Zn f Pn Engineering hot spot factors are used to consider some engineering uncertainties, such as manufacturing tolerances, data uncertainties, etc. Factors Definition fl e The coolant temperature rise engineering hot spot factor f cse The cladding surface temperature rise engineering hot spot factor Engineering sub-factors Sub-factors Uncertainties explained by sub-factors Nuclear data Nuclear properties of the fuel rods Power distribution Shapes of power distribution in hot assembly Fissile fuel content tolerances Enrichment and amount of fissile material Inlet Flow maldistribution Assembly hydraulic resistance and orifice uncertainties Flow distribution calculation Intra-assembly flow maldistribution Subchannel flow area Geometric tolerances of fuel rod diameter and pitch on sub-channel flow area Pellet-cladding eccentricity Eccentric position of fuel pellet within cladding Coolant properties Data of coolant properties Cladding properties Thickness and thermal conductivity of cladding Gap properties Conductivity of gap between fuel and cladding Monte Carlo statistical procedure Step 1: To sample all parameters and hot factors uncertainties following their distributions and to combine them into groups. Step 2: For each group of samples, sub-channel code is used to calculate the MCST of the core. Step 3: The MCST distribution is analyzed to get the standard deviation of system parameters and hot factors PF . The correlation uncertainty C is evaluated. Total uncertainty is: T 2 T2 PF C2 Step 4: The engineering uncertainty is evaluated as: kσ T Monte PF Carlo statistical procedure C 2 T2 PF C2 Engineering uncertainty is evaluated as: kσT k=1.645 is to ensure 95/95 limit. Sub-channel area uncertainty - Fabrication tolerance, Cladding strain, etc. Monte Carlo Process 5000 groups of samples of locations and diameters of all fuel rods in the 1/8 hot assembly Calculation conditions Results of MCST distributions by Monte Carlo procedure Distributions of MCST of case 1 (Left) and case 2 (right) Case 1: system parameters are sampled as normal distributions Case 2: system parameters are sampled as uniform distributions Statistical characteristics of MCST distributions Case 1: system parameters are sampled as normal distributions Case 2: system parameters are sampled as uniform distributions Thermal margin for engineering uncertainty Standard deviation of system parameter uncertainty and hot factor uncertainty PF 18.32C Standard deviation of correlation uncertainty C 6.33C Engineering uncertainty: 1.645 2 PF 31.88C 2 C Peak Cladding Surface Temperature Peak cladding surface temperature Failure limit Limit for design transients Maximum peak steady state condition Nominal peak steady state condition Nominal peak steady state condition (Homogenized FA) Nominal steady state core average condition Criterion: ? ℃ Plant safety (ΔT4= ? ℃) analyses Statistical (ΔT3=32℃) thermal design Subchannel (ΔT2=58℃) analyses ?℃ 740℃ 708℃ 650℃ 3-D core calculations (ΔT1=150℃) Ave. outlet:500℃ Mechanical strength requirements for fuel cladding at normal operating condition FEMAXI-6 Fuel Analysis Code Models • Fuel analysis code for LWR • Thermal and mechanical coupled analysis • Temperature, FP gas release, FEM calculations for each segment • SUS304 for cladding • Irradiation creep and corrosion by oxidation are not calculated Basic Fuel Rod Behavior 103 600℃ 650℃ 700℃ 102 10 PNC1520 PNC316 600℃ 650℃ 700℃ 750℃ 10 102 103 750℃ 104 Cladding primary membran stress [MPa] Creep rupture strength [MPa] • Peak cladding centerline temperature: 757℃ at Segment No. 9 (peak cladding surface temperature: 740℃) • Creep rupture strength becomes most limiting at high temperature • Primary membrane stress needs to be evaluated • Compressive (BOL) ⇒ tensile (EOL) due to PCMI 105 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 0 Segment no. 8 Segment no. 9 Segment no. 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 Fuel rod average burnup[GWd/t] Time to rupture [h] Creep rupture strength of advanced SS (JNC) Primary membrane stress on cladding Yamaji, et al., Global 2005, Paper 556 Fuel rod designs and cladding hoop stresses • Placing gas plenum in lower part of fuel rod is effective in reducing stress (required gas plenum volume reduced to 1/5) Constraints on Gas plenum Pinternal position Less than Pcoolant Upper part Lower part Upper part No constraints Lower part Gas plenum / fuel vol. ratio Clad hoop stress (at seg. No. 9) [MPa] 0.1 -140~+129 0.5 -118~+100 0.1 -96~+100 0.5 -75~+59 0.1 -93~+97 0.5 -66~+68 0.1 -64~+71 0.5 -34~+36 (“Zero PCMI” design) SCWR IEM Tsukuba, Oct.12, 2005 Mechanical Strength Requirements for Fuel Rod Cladding (at normal operation) • Requirements: – Life time:36,000~48,000 hours(500days×3~4) – Peak temperature: 757℃(centerline)/ 740℃ (surface) Primary membrane stress on the cladding (plenum/fuel) Plenum position Constraint on Pinternal vol. ratio 0.1 Bottom No constraints 0.1 Bottom Less than Pcoolant Stress -64 to +71 -96 to +100 • Requirements exceed mechanical strengths of commercially available stainless steels (e.g. SUS316) • Advanced Austenitic Stainless Steel of JNC(PNC1520)almost meets the requirement - Creep rupture strength of approx. 90MPa (750℃, 10,000hours) Safety Super LWR design features Once-through cooling ⇒ No circulation Low flow rate (large ΔT) Supercritical-pressure ⇒ No phase change No boiling transition No water level Downward-flow water rods ⇒ Large volume fraction Heat sink Large coolant in top dome water level circulation outlet inlet BWR PWR Super LWR Safety principle of Super LWR • Keeping coolant inventory is not suitable due to no water level and large density change. • Coolant inventory is not important due to no circulation. • No natural circulation Safety principle is keeping core coolant flow rate. Coolant supply (main coolant flow rate) Coolant outlet (pressure) BWR Requirement RPV inventory Monitoring RPV water level PWR Super LWR PCS inventory Core flow rate Pressurizer water level Main coolant flow rate, Pressure Summary of transient analysis Peak pressure [MPa] O Peak cladding temperature [ C] 29 850 800 Criterion 750 700 650 600 300 250 Criterion 28 27 26 25 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Transient number 1. Loss of feedwater heating 2. Inadvartent startup of AFS 3. Partial loss of main coolant flow 4. Loss of offsite power 5. Loss of load with turbine bypass 6. Loss of load without turbine bypass 7. MSIV closure 8. CR withdrawal from hot-standby 9. CR withdrawal from full power 10. Main coolant flow control system failure 11. Pressure control system failure 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Transient number Highest cladding temperature: 730℃ = initial temp. + 90℃ Highest pressure: 26.8MPa = 25MPa×1.07 (ABWR: 7.07MPa×1.12) No plastic deformation of cladding Very shot duration of high cladding temp. over 700℃: < 1s, over 670℃: < 5s O Peak cladding temperature [ C] Summary of accident analysis 1200 Criterion 1. Total loss of reactor coolant flow 2. Reactpr coolant pump seizure 3. CR ejection at full power 4. Large LOCA 5. Small LOCA 1000 800 960 830 790 780 700 600 1 2 3 4 5 Accident number “Containment pressure high” signal at Small LOCA (12% cold-leg break): Not considered (like ABWR) ⇒ late ADS (7.6 s) ⇒ PCT= 960℃ Considered (like PWR) ⇒ early ADS (1.0 s) ⇒ PCT< 800℃ LOCA cladding temperature sensitive to ADS timing (ADS delay) 1300 1200 1 Loss of offsite power 2 Partial loss of reactor coolant flow 3 Loss of load without turbine bypass 4 Loss of load with turbine bypass 5 MSIV closure 6 CR withdrawal at normal operation 7 Main coolant flow control system failure 8 Pressure control system failure 900 800 700 600 1 2 3 4 5 6 Event number 7 8 Peak pressure [MPa] Criterion: 1260 C No depressurization Depressurization (5s after scram signal) Without scram With scram 31 O O Peak cladding temperature [ C] Summary of ATWS analysis Criterion 30.3 MPa 1 Loss of offsite power 2 Partial loss of reactor coolant flow 3 Loss of load without turbine bypass 4 Loss of load with turbine bypass 5 MSIV closure 6 CR withdrawal at normal operation 7 Main coolant flow control system failure 8 Pressure control system failure 30 29 28 27 26 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 Event number Highest cladding temperature: 890℃ (initial temp. + 250℃) Highest pressure: 26.8MPa = 25.0MPa × 1.07 (ABWR: 7.07MPa × 1.27) Maximum reactor power: 150% (SCLWR-H) 450% (ABWR) 7 8 Start up Sliding Pressure Startup System Sliding pressure supercritical water-cooled reactor The reactor starts at a subcritical pressure, which increases with load. 100 500 90 450 80 core outlet temperature 400 Ratio (%) 70 60 50 40 350 feedwater temperature feedwater flow rate 30 300 250 main steam pressure 20 10 200 150 100 reactor power 50 0 start of start of turbine pressurization feedwater nuclear startup pump heating 0 line temperature switching raising power raising Temperature o(C) / Pressure (bar) Sliding Pressure Startup Curve Stability Thermal-hydraulic stability Coupled N-TH stability supercritical and sub-critical pressure (start-up) Plant System CR drive Upper dome Upper plenum RPV Turbine control valve Turbine bypass valve Exit valve Active core Fuel channel Water rod Downcomer Lower dome Feedwater pump HP heaters LP heaters Stability Criteria The same stability criteria for Decay ratio = y2/y1 y(t) y1 BWR are used for Super LWR. steady-state t1 0 y2 t2 t time (t) Normal operating conditions All operating conditions Thermal-hydraulic stability Decay ratio 0.5 (damping ratio 0.11) Decay ratio < 1.0 (damping ratio > 0) Coupled neutronic thermal-hydraulic stability Decay ratio 0.25 (damping ratio 0.22) Decay ratio < 1.0 (damping ratio > 0) Sliding pressure startup curve (Thermal criteria only) (Both Thermal and Stability criteria) 500 100 500 90 450 90 450 core outlet temperature 400 Ratio (%) 70 60 50 40 350 feedwater temperature feedwater flow rate 30 300 250 main steam pressure 20 10 200 150 100 reactor power 50 0 start of start of turbine pressurization feedwater nuclear startup pump heating 0 line temperature switching raising power raising 80 main steam temperature 400 70 Ratio (%) 80 Temperature o(C) / Pressure (bar) 100 60 50 350 feedwater temperature feedwater flow rate 40 300 250 main steam pressure 200 30 150 20 100 10 core power 50 0 start of start of turbine pressurization line feedwater nuclear startup switching pump heating 0 power-raising Temperature o(C) / Pressure (bar) Sliding pressure startup curve Economic potential 1 43m SCLWR-H(1700MWe) ABWR(1350MWe) PWR(1100MWe) PWR(1100MWe) Comparison of containments Improvement of 1700MWe Super LWR from 1350MWe ABWR Super LWR ABWR improvement in % Thermal efficiency, % 44.0 34.5 28% RPV weight, t 750 910 18% CV volume, m3 54% 7900 17000 Steam line number 2 4 50% Turbine speed, rpm 3000* 1500* 50% 2 3 33% Condenser *3600rpm and 1800rpm in the western Japan Super fast reactor (FR) • Once-through coolant cycle is compatible with tight lattice fast core because of high head pump and low core flow rate. (Less design limitation than high conversion LWR) • Super LWR can be a fast reactor with the same plant system. Research and Development Status and Collaboration and Related Researches 1989: Started at The University of Tokyo ; Conceptual design 1998: JSPS-Monbusho funding (University of Tokyo) ; Pulse radiolysis and heat transfer 1998: US DOE-NERI funding (ANL); water-chemistry (pulse-radiolysis) experiments 2000: HPLWR program by EC (FZK, CEA, Framatome, VTT, PSI, KFKI and Univ. of Tokyo) 2001:Japanese NERI of METI funding (Toshiba, Hitachi, Univ. of Tokyo, Kyushu Univ. Hokkaido Univ.) Thermal hydraulics, materials screening, plant concept 2001:US DOE-NERI funding, 3 programs; (INEEL, WH, Univ. Michigan, Univ. of Tokyo, Univ. of Wisconsin, GNF, SRI International, VTT) Corrosion, thermal hydraulics, design studies 2002: Japanese NERI of MEXT (Univ. of Tokyo, CRIEPI, JAERI, Toshiba, Hitachi) Water Chemistry 2002: US Generation 4 reactor (only one among water cooled reactors) 2004: I-NERI between Japan and USA material/corrosion 2005: Japanese NERI of MEXT (Univ. of Tokyo, JAEA, Kyushu Univ. TEPCO) Super Fast Reactor 2006: HPLWR 2nd phase (Europe), Heat transfer (KAERI) References of Univ. Tokyo studies • SCR2000 symposium, Univ. Tokyo,(2000) first symposium of SCR • J.Nucl. Sci.Technol. pp.1081-,(2001),AESJ summary of design • ICAPP’02; review of past concepts • GENES4/ANP2003; 8 papers; overview, fuel/core, safety, LOCA, control, start-up, stability • Global’03; 4 papers; overview, core, ATWS and stability • ICAPP’03, ICAPP’05 papers • J. Nucl.Sci. Technol. papers