FUTURE NETWORKING PARADIGMS (Sensor Networks and InterPlanetary Internet) Ian F. Akyildiz Broadband & Wireless Networking Laboratory School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Tel: 404-894-5141; Fax: 404-894-7883 Email: ian@ece.gatech.edu Web: http://www.ece.gatech.edu/research/labs/bwn SENSOR NETWORKS ARCHITECTURE Internet, Satellite, etc Sink Sink Several thousand nodes Nodes are tens of feet of each other Densities as high as 20 nodes/m3 Task Manager I.F.Akyildiz, W.Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, E. Cayirci, “Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey”, Computer Networks (Elsevier) Journal, March 2002. IFA’2004 2 SENSOR NODE HARDWARE Location Finding System SENSING UNIT Mobilizer PROCESSING UNIT Processor Transceiver Sensor ADC Memory Power Unit IFA’2004 Small Low power Low bit rate High density Low cost (dispensable) Autonomous Adaptive Power Generator 3 MICA Motes BWN Lab @ GaTech Processor/Radio Board MPR300CB Speed 4 MHz Flash 128K bytes SRAM 4K bytes EEPROM 4K bytes Radio Frequency 916MHz or 433MHz (ISM Bands) Data Rate 40 Kbits/Sec (Max) Power 0.75 mW Radio Range 100 feet (prog.) Power 2 x AA batteries Processor and Radio platform (MPR300CB) is based on Atmel ATmega 128L low power Microcontroller that runs TinyOs operating system from its internal flash memory. IFA’2004 4 Examples for Sensor Nodes UCLA: WINS UC Berkeley: COTS Dust UC Berkeley: Smart Dust JPL: Sensor Webs Rockwell: WINS IFA’2004 5 Examples for Sensor Nodes Rene Mote Dot Mote Mica node IFA’2004 weC Mote 6 SENSOR NETWORKS FEATURES APPLICATIONS: Military, Environmental, Health, Home, Space Exploration, Chemical Processing, Disaster Relief…. SENSOR TYPES: Seismic, Low Sampling Rate Magnetic, Thermal, Visual, Infrared, Acoustic, Radar… SENSOR TASKS: Temperature, Humidity, Vehicular, Movement, Lightning Condition, Pressure, Soil Makeup, Noise Levels, Presence or Absence of Certain Types of Objects, Mechanical Stress Levels on Attached Objects, Current Characteristics (Speed, Direction, Size) of an Object …. IFA’2004 7 Factors Influencing Sensor Network Design A. Fault Tolerance (Reliability) B. Scalability C. Production Costs D. Hardware Constraints E. Sensor Network Topology F. Operating Environment G. Transmission Media H. Power Consumption IFA’2004 8 Sensor Networks Communication Architecture Data Link Layer Physical Layer IFA’2004 Task Management Plane Network Layer Mobility Management Plane Transport Layer Power Management Plane Application Layer Used by sink and all sensor nodes Combines power and routing awareness Integrates data with networking protocols Communicates power efficiently through wireless medium and Promotes cooperative efforts. 9 WHY CAN’T AD-HOC NETWORK PROTOCOLS BE USED HERE? Number of sensor nodes can be several orders of magnitude higher Sensor nodes are densely deployed and are prone to failures The topology of a sensor network changes very frequently due to node mobility and node failure Sensor nodes are limited in power, computational capacities, and memory May not have global ID like IP address. Need tight integration with sensing tasks. IFA’2004 10 APPLICATON LAYER SMP: Sensor Managament Protocol System Administrators interact with Sensors using SMP. TASKS: Moving the sensor nodes Turning sensors on and off Querying the sensor network configuration and the status of nodes and re-configuring the sensor network Authentication, key distribution and security in data communication Time-synchronization of the sensor nodes Exchanging data related to the location finding algorithms Introducing the rules related to data aggregation, attribute-based naming and clustering to the sensor nodes IFA’2004 11 APPLICATON LAYER (Query Processing) Users can request data from the network-> Efficient Query Processing User Query Types: 1. HISTORICAL QUERIES: Used for analysis of historical data stored in a storage area (PC), e.g., what was the temperature 2 hours back in the NW quadrant. 2. ONE TIME QUERIES: Gives a snapshot of the network, e.g., what is the current temperature in the NW quadrant. 3. PERSISTANT QUERIES: Used to monitor the network over a time interval with respect to some parameters, e.g., report the temperature for the next 2 hours. IFA’2004 12 APPLICATON LAYER Sensor Query and Tasking Language (SQTL): (C-C Shen, et.al., “Sensor Information Networking Architecture and Applications”, IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, pp. 52-59, August 2001.) SQTL is a procedural scripting language. It provides interfaces to access sensor hardware: - getTemperature, turnOn for location awareness: - isNeighbor, getPosition and for communication: - tell, execute. IFA’2004 13 APPLICATON LAYER Sensor Query and Tasking Language (SQTL): By using the upon command, a programmer can create an event handling block for three types of events: - Events generated when a message is received by a sensor node, - Events triggered periodically, - Events caused by the expiration of a timer. These types of events are defined by SQTL keywords receive, every and expire, respectively. IFA’2004 14 Simple Abtract Querying Example Select [ task, time, location, [distinct | all], amplitude, [[avg | min |max | count | sum ] (amplitude)]] from [any , every , aggregate m] where [ power available [<|>] PA | location [in | not in] RECT | tmin < time < tmax | task = t | amplitude [<|==|>] a ] group by task based on [time limit = lt | packet limit = lp | resolution = r | region = xy] IFA’2004 15 Data Centric Query Attribute-based naming architecture Data centric protocol Observer sends a query and gets the response from valid sensor node No global ID IFA’2004 16 APPLICATON LAYER Task Assignment and Data Advertisement Protocol INTEREST DISSEMINATION * Users send their interest to a sensor node, a subset of the nodes or the entire network. * This interest may be about a certain attribute of the sensor field or a triggering event. ADVERTISEMENT OF AVAILABLE DATA * Sensor nodes advertise the available data to the users and the users query the data which they are interested in. IFA’2004 17 APPLICATON LAYER Sensor Query and Data Dissemination Protocol Provides user applicatons with interfaces to issue queries, respond to queries and collect incoming replies. These queries are not issued to particular nodes, instead ATTRIBUTE BASED NAMING (QUERY) “The locations of the nodes that sense temperature higher than 70F” LOCATION BASED NAMING (QUERY) “Temperatures read by the nodes in region A” IFA’2004 18 Interest Dissemination Interest dissemination is performed to assign the sensing tasks to the sensor nodes. Either sinks broadcast the interest or sensor nodes broadcast an advertisement for the available data and wait for a request from the sinks. 71 75 68 Sink 67 66 71 71 68 71 69 Query: Sensor nodes that read >70oF temperature IFA’2004 19 Data Aggregation (Data Fusion) The sink asks the sensor nodes to report certain conditions. Data coming from multiple sensor nodes are aggregated. 71 75 68 Sink 66 67 71 71 68 71 69 Query: Sensor nodes that read >70oF temperature IFA’2004 20 Location Awareness (Attribute Based Naming) Query an Attribute of the sensor field Region A 71 75 68 Sink 67 66 71 71 Region C Query: Temperatures read by the nodes in Region A IFA’2004 71 68 69 Region B Important for broadcasting, multicasting, geocasting and anycasting 21 APPLICATON LAYER RESEARCH NEEDS Sensor Network Management Protocol Task Assignment and Data Advertisement Protocol Sensor Query and Data Dissemination Protocol Sophisticated GUI (Graphical User Interface) Tool IFA’2004 22 TRANSPORT LAYER Reliable Multi-Segment Transport (RMST) F. Stann and J. Heidemann, “RMST: Reliable Data Transport in Sensor Networks,” In Proc. IEEE SNPA’03, May 2003, Anchorage, Alaska, USA Sink RMST Node Source Node IFA’2004 RMST provides end-to-end data-packet transfer reliability Each RMST node caches the packets When a packet is not received before the so-called WATCHDOG timer expires, a NAK is sent backward The first RMST node that has the required packet along the path retransmits the packet RMST relies on Directed Diffusion scheme 23 Transport Layer PSFQ - Pump Slowly Fetch Quickly C. Y. Wan, A. T. Campbell and L. Krishnamurthy, “PSFQ: A Reliable Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” In Proc. ACM WSNA’02, September 2002, Atlanta, GA – Packets are injected slowly into the network – Aggressive hop-by-hop recovery in case of packet losses – “PUMP” performs controlled flooding and requires each intermediate node to create and maintain a data cache to be used for local loss recovery and in-sequence data delivery. – Applicable only to strict sensor-sensor guaranteed delivery – And for control and management of the end-to-end reliability for the downlink from sink to sensors – Does not address congestion control IFA’2004 24 Related Work Wireless TCP variants are NOT suitable for sensor networks – Different notion of end-to-end reliability – Huge buffering requirements – ACKing is energy draining BOTTOMLINE: Traditional end-to-end guaranteed reliability (TCP solutions) cannot be applied here. New Reliability Notion is required!!! IFA’2004 25 Reliable EVENT Transport in WSN NEW NOTION: Reliably Detect/Estimate EVENT features from COLLECTIVE information Challenges: – Significant energy and processing constraints, multihop ad hoc communication – Network congestion Need to address Congestion Control and Reliability in Sensor Networks ! IFA’2004 26 Event-to-Sink Reliability O. B. Akan, I. F. Akyildiz, and Y. Sankarasubramaniam, “ESRT:Event-to-Sink Reliable Transport in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings of ACM MOBIHOC 2003, pp. 177-188, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, June 2003. Also to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2004. Event Radius Sink Sensor nodes Sensor networks are event-driven Multiple correlated data flows from event to sink Goal is to reliably detect/estimate event features from collective information Necessitates event-to-sink collective reliability notion IFA’2004 27 Event-to-Sink Reliability Event Radius Sink Sensor nodes Sink decides about event features every time units Observed event reliability Di , the DISTORTION observed in event estimation in the decision interval i at the sink Desired event reliability D* ,the desired event estimation distortion level for reliable event detection – Application specific, known a priori at the sink Normalized reliability i = D*/ Di Reporting rate f packet transmissions rate at source nodes IFA’2004 28 Network States State Description Condition (NC,LR) (No Congestion, Low reliability) f < fmax and < 1 - (NC,HR) (No Congestion, High reliability) f fmax and > 1+ (C,HR) (Congestion, High reliability) f > fmax and > 1 (C,LR) (Congestion, Low reliability) f > fmax and 1 Optimal Operating Region f < fmax and [1- , 1+ ] OOR IFA’2004 29 ESRT Protocol Overview Determine reporting frequency f to achieve desired reliability D* with minimum resource utilization Source (Sensor nodes): f – Send data with reporting frequency f – Monitor buffer level and notify congestion to the sink Sink: – Measures the observed event reliability Di at the end of decision interval i – Performs congestion decision based on the feedback from the sources nodes (to determine f >< fmax). – Updates f based on i = D*/ Di and f >< fmax (congestion) to achieve desired event reliability D* IFA’2004 30 ESRT Congestion Detection Mechanism ACK/NACK not suitable We use local buffer level monitoring in sensor nodes B bk : Buffer fullness level at the end of reporting interval k Db : Buffer length increment af B : Buffer size f : reporting frequency bk bk-1 Db Mark CN field in packet if congested Event ID IFA’2004 CN (1 bit) Time Destination Stamp Payload FEC 31 ESRT Operation Frequency Update State (NC,LR) Frequency Update fi+1 = fi / i Comments Multiplicative increase, achieve desired reliability asap fi+1 = fi (i + 1) / 2i Conservative decrease, no compromise on reliability (C,HR) fi+1 = fi / i Aggressive decrease to state (NC,HR) (C,LR) fi+1 = fi i (NC,HR) OOR IFA’2004 fi+1 = fi Exponential decrease, relieve congestion asap Unchanged 32 ESRT Performance S0 = (NC,LR) S0 = (NC,HR) IFA’2004 33 S0 = (C,HR) S0 = (C,LR) NETWORK LAYER (ROUTING BASIC KNOWLEDGE) The constraints to calculate the routes: 1. Additive Metrics: Delay, hop count, distance, assigned costs (sysadmin preference), average queue length... 2. Bottleneck Metrics: Bandwidth, residual capacity and other bandwidth related metrics. REMARK: All routing algorithms are based on the same principle used as in Dijkstra's, which is used to find the minimum cost path from source to destination. Dikstra and Bellman solve the SHORTEST PATH PROBLEM… RIP (Distant Vector Algorithm) -> Bellman/Ford Algorithm OSPF (Open Shortest Path Algorithm) Dikstra Algorithm IFA’2004 34 Routing Algorithms Constraints Regarding Power Efficiency (Energy Efficient Routing) E (PA=1) F (PA=4) Maximum power available (PA) route Minimum hop route Minimum energy route D (PA=3) T Sink Maximum minimum PA node route (Route along which the minimum PA is larger than the A (PA=2) B (PA=2) C (PA=2) minimum PAs of the other routes is preferred, e.g., Route 3 is the Route 1: Sink-A-B-T (PA=4) most efficient; Route 1 is the Route 2: Sink-A-B-C-T (PA=6) second). Route 3: Sink-D-T (PA=3) Route 4: Sink-E-F-T (PA=5) IFA’2004 35 Why can’t we use conventional routing algorithms here? Global (Unique) addresses, local addresses. Unique node addresses cannot be used in many sensor networks - sheer number of nodes - energy constraints - data centric approach Node addressing is needed for - node management - sensor management - querying - data aggregation and fusion - service discovery - routing IFA’2004 36 NETWORK LAYER (ROUTING for SENSOR NETWORKS) Important considerations: Sensor networks are mostly data centric An ideal sensor network has attribute based addressing and location awareness Data aggregation is useful unless it does not hinder collaborative effort Power efficiency is always a key factor IFA’2004 37 Some Concepts Data-Centric – Node doesn't need an identity What is the temp at node #27 ? – Data is named by attributes Where are the nodes whose temp recently exceeded 30 degrees ? How many pedestrians do you observe in region X? Tell me in what direction that vehicle in region Y is moving? Application-Specific – Nodes can perform application specific data aggregation, caching and forwarding IFA’2004 38 Taxonomy of Routing Protocols for Sensor Networks Categorization of Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: (K. Akkaya, M. Younis, “A Survey on Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Elsevier AdHoc Networks, 2004) 1. Data Centric Protocols Flooding, Gossiping, SPIN, SAR (Sequential Assignment Routing) , Directed Diffusion, Rumor Routing, Gradient Based Routing, Constrained Anisotropic Diffused Routing, COUGAR, ACQUIRE 2. Hierarchical LEACH, TEEN (Threshold Sensitive Energy Efficient Sensor APTEEN, PEGASIS, Energy Aware Scheme Network Protocol), 3. Location Based MECN, SMECN (Small Minimum Energy Com Netw), GAF (Geographic Adaptive Fidelity), GEAR IFA’2004 39 Conventional Approach FLOODING Broadcast data to all neighbor nodes A C B D E F G IFA’2004 40 ROUTING ALGORITHMS Gossiping GOSSIPING: Sends data to one randomly selected neighbor. Example: IFA’2004 41 Problems of Flooding and Gossiping PROBLEMS: Although these techniques are simple and reactive, they have some disadvantages including: * Implosion (NOTE: Gossiping avoids this by selecting only one node; but this causes delays to propagate the data through the network) * Overlap * Resource Blindness * Power (Energy) Inefficient IFA’2004 42 Problems Implosion (a) A B (a) (a) C D Data Overlap q r A s B (a) (q,r) C (r,s) Resource Blindness IFA’2004 No knowledge about the available power of resources 43 Gossiping Uses randomization to save energy Selects a single node at random and sends the data to it Avoids implosions Distributes information slowly Energy dissipates slowly IFA’2004 44 The Optimum Protocol A “Ideal” – – – – Shortest-path routes Avoids overlap Minimum energy Need global topology information IFA’2004 C B D E F G 45 SPIN: Sensor Protocol for Information via Negotiation (W.R. Heinzelman, J. Kulik, and H. Balakrishan, “Adaptive Protocols for Information Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proc. ACM MobiCom’99, pp. 174-185, 1999 ) Two basic ideas: Sensors communicate with each other about the data that they already have and the data they still need to obtain to conserve energy and operate efficiently exchanging data about sensor data may be cheap Sensors must monitor and adapt to changes in their own energy resources IFA’2004 46 SPIN Good for disseminating information to all sensor nodes. SPIN is based on data-centric routing where the sensors broadcast an advertisement for the available data and wait for a request from interested sinks 1. 2. 1. ADV 2. REQ 3. DATA 3. IFA’2004 47 SPIN ADV REQ DATA IFA’2004 ADV DATA REQ 48 ROUTING ALGORITHM (DIRECTED DIFFUSION) (C. Intanagonwiwat, R. Gowindan and D. Estrin, “Directed Diffusion: A Scalable and Robust Communication Paradigm for Sensor Networks”, Proc. ACM MobiCom’00, pp. 56-67, 2000.) This is a DATA CENTRIC ROUTING scheme!!!! - The idea aims at diffusing data through sensor nodes by using a naming scheme for the data. - The main reason behind this is to get rid off unnecessary operation of routing schemes to save Energy. Also Robustness and Scaling requirements need to be considered. - IFA’2004 49 Directed Diffusion Source Sink Data Delivery Gradient Setup Interest Propagation IFA’2004 50 Directed Diffusion Features Sink sends interest, i.e., task descriptor, to all sensor nodes. Interest is named by assigning attribute-value pairs. source source sink Interest Propagation source sink Gradient Setup sink Data Delivery Drawbacks Cannot change interest unless a new interest is broadcast. IFA’2004 51 LEACH Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) (W. R. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, “Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor Networks,'' IEEE Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 1-10, January, 2000.) - * LEACH is a clustering based protocol which minimizes energy dissipation in sensor networks. Idea: * Randomly select sensor nodes as cluster heads, so the high energy dissipation in communicating with the base station is spread to all sensor nodes in the sensor network. * Forming clusters is based on the received signal strength. * Cluster heads can then be used kind of routers (relays) to the sink. IFA’2004 52 LEACH Optimum Number of Clusters ---???????? - too few: nodes far from cluster heads – too many: many nodes send data to SINK. IFA’2004 53 Other Protocols 1. Energy Aware Routing R. Shah, J. Rabaey, “Energy Aware Routing for Low Energy Ad Hoc Sensor Networks,” IEEE WCNC’02, Orlando, March 2002. 2. Rumor Routing D. Braginsky, D. Estrin, “Rumor Routing Algorithm for Sensor Networks,” ACM WSNA’02, Atlanta, October 2002. 3. Threshold sensitive Energy Efficient sensor Network (TEEN) A. Manjeshwar, D.P. Agrawal, “TEEN: A Protocol for Enhanced Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE WCNC’02, Orlando, March 2002. 4. Constrained Anisotropic Diffusion Routing (CADR) M. Chu, H.Hausecker, F. Zhao, “Scalable Information-Driven Sensor Querying and Routing for Ad Hoc Heterogeneous Sensor Networks,” International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol. 16, No. 3, August 2002. IFA’2004 54 Other Protocols 5. Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems (PEGASIS) S. Lindsey, C.S. Raghavendra, “PEGASIS: Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, Montana, March 2002. 6. Self Organizing Protocol L. Subramanian, R.H. Katz, “An Architecture for Building Self Configurable Systems,” IEEE/ACM Workshop on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, Boston, August 2000. 7. Geographic Adaptive Fidelity (GAF) Y. Yu, J. Heideman, D. Estrin, “Geography-informed Energy Conservation for Ad Hoc Routing,” ACM MobiCom’01, Rome, July 2001. IFA’2004 55 Open Research Issues • Store and Forward Technique that combines data fusion and aggregation. • Routing for Mobile Sensors Investigate multi-hop routing techniques for high mobility environments. • Priority Routing Design routing techniques that allow different priority of data to be aggregated, fused, and relayed. • 3D Routing IFA’2004 56 Medium Access Control (MAC) in WSN IEEE 802.11 [1] – Originally developed for WLANs – Per-node fairness – High energy consumption due to idle listening S-MAC [2] – Aims to decrease energy consumption by sleep schedules with virtual clustering – Redundant data are still sent with increased latency due to sleep schedules [1] IEEE 802.11, “Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications,” 1999 [2] W. Ye, J. Heidemann and D. Estrin, “An Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” In Proc. ACM MOBICOM ’01, pp.221 –235, Rome, Italy 2001 IFA’2004 57 Related Work TRAMA[3] – Based on time-slotted structure – Information about every two-hop neighbor is used for slot selection – High signaling overhead for high density networks – High latency due to time-slotted structure [3] V. Rajendran, K. Obraczka, and J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, “Energy-Efficient, Collision-Free Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proc. ACM SenSys 2003, Los Angeles, California, November 2003. IFA’2004 58 MAC for Sensor Networks WSN are characterized by dense deployment of sensor nodes MAC Layer Challenges – Limited power resources – Need for a self-configurable, distributed protocol – Data centric approach rather than per-node fairness Exploit spatial correlation to reduce transmissions in MAC layer ! IFA’2004 59 Collaborative MAC (CMAC) Protocol M.C. Vuran, and I. F. Akyildiz, “Spatial Correlation-based Collaborative Medium Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks,” submitted for publication, Nov. 2003. If a node transmits data then all its correlation neighbors have redundant information Route-thru data has higher priority over generated data Filter out transmission of redundant data and prioritize filtered data through the network! IFA’2004 60 Collaborative MAC (CMAC) Protocol Source function: Transmit event information Router function: Forward packets from other nodes in the multi-hop path to the sink Two components – Event MAC (E-MAC) – Network MAC (N-MAC) IFA’2004 61 Node Selections Choose representative nodes such that – They are located as close to the event source as possible – They are located as farther apart from each other as possible. IFA’2004 62 CMAC Performance Medium Access Delay IFA’2004 Packet Drop Rate 63 CMAC Performance IFA’2004 Avg. Energy Consumption 64 Conclusions Spatial correlation in sensor networks is exploited on both Transport and MAC layers Redundant transmissions are suppressed Number of transmissions are reduced instead of number of transmitted bits Both protocols achieve low energy consumption IFA’2004 65 Research Needs for Sensor Networks • An Analytical Framework for Sensor Networks Find a Basic Generic Architecture and Protocol development which can be tailored to specific applications. • More theoretical investigations of the Architecture and Protocol developments • Follow the TCP/IP Stack, i.e., keep the Strict Layer Approach ??? • Cross Layer Optimization • Explore both Spatial-Temporal Correlations for Protocol development IFA’2004 66 FURTHER OPEN RESEARCH ISSUES Research to integrate WSN domain into NGWI (Next Generation Wireless Internet) e.g., interactions of Sensor and AdHoc Networks or Sensor and Satellite or any other combinations… Explore the SENSOR/ACTOR NETWORKS Explore the SENSOR-ANTISENSOR NETWORKS IFA’2004 67 Need for Realistic Applications • Clear Demonstration of Testbeds and Realistic Applications • Not only data or audio but also video Overall I Integrated Traffic. SOME OF OUR EFFORTS IN BWN LAB @ GaTech • • • • • MAN for Meteorological Observations SpINet for Mars Surface Airport Security Sensors/Actors Sensor Wars Wide Area Multi-Campus Sensor Network IFA’2004 68 MEDIUM ACCESS CONTROL (MAC) FURTHER RESEARCH NEEDS MAC for sensor networks must have inbuilt power management, mobility management and failure recovery strategies Need for a self-configurable, distributed protocols Data centric approach rather than per-node fairness Develop MACs which differentiate Multimedia Traffic Exploit Spatial & Temporal Correlation IFA’2004 69 Error Control Some sensor network applications like mobile tracking require high data precision Coding gain is generally expressed in terms of the additional transmit power needed to obtain the same BER without coding FEC is preferred over ARQ Since power consumption is crucial, we must take into account encoding and decoding energy expenditures Coding is profitable only if the encoding and decoding power consumption is less than the coding gain. IFA’2004 70 ERROR CONTROL RESEARCH NEEDS Design of suitable FEC codes with minimal encoding and relatively higher decoding complexities Feasibility of ARQ schemes in multihop sensor networks (hop by hop ARQ instead of end-to-end). This is needed for reliable communications (data critical) Adaptive/Hybrid FEC/ARQ schemes Extension to Rayleigh/Rician fading conditions with mobile nodes IFA’2004 71 Optimal Packet Size for Wireless Sensor Networks Y. Sankarasubramaniam, I. F. Akyildiz, S. McLaughlin, ”Optimal Packet Size for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE SNPA, May 2003. Determining the optimal packet size for sensor networks is necessary to operate at high energy efficiencies. The multihop wireless channel and energy consumption characteristics are the two most important factors that influence choice of packet size. Header (2) Payload (<=73) IFA’2004 Trailer (FEC) (>=3) 72 PHYSICAL LAYER New Channel Models (I/O/Underwater/Deep Space) Explore Antennae Techniques (e.g., Smart Antennaes) Software Radios?? New Modulation Schemes SYNCH Schemes FEC Schemes on the Bit Level New Data Encryption Investigate UWB IFA’2004 73 FINAL REMARKS IFA’2004 74 Basic Research Needs • An Analytical Framework for Sensor Networks Find a Basic Generic Architecture and Protocol Development which can be tailored to specific applications. • More theoretical investigations of the Architecture and Protocol developments • Network Configuration and Planning Schemes IFA’2004 75 FURTHER OPEN RESEARCH ISSUES Research to integrate WSN domain into NGWI (Next Generation Wireless Internet) e.g., interactions of Sensor and AdHoc Networks or Sensor and Satellite or any other combinations… Explore the SENSOR/ACTOR NETWORKS Explore the SENSOR-ANTISENSOR NETWORKS SECURITY ISSUES IFA’2004 76 Some Applications • Clear Demonstration of Testbeds and Realistic Applications • Not only data or audio but also video as well as integrated traffic. SOME OF OUR EFFORTS IN BWN LAB @ GaTech • • • • • MAN for Meteorological Observations SpINet for Mars Surface Airport Security Sensors/Actors Sensor Wars Wide Area Multi-campus Sensor Network IFA’2004 77 FURTHER CHALLENGES Protocol Stack • Follow the TCP/IP Stack, i.e., keep the Strict Layer Approach ??? • Or Interleave the Layer functionalities??? • Cross Layer Optimization • Standardization??? IFA’2004 78 Commercial Viability of WSN Applications Within the next few years, distributed sensing and computing will be everywhere, i.e., homes, offices, factories, automobiles, shopping centers, supermarkets, farms, forests, rivers and lakes. Some of the immediate commercial applications of wireless sensor networks are – – – – – – – – Industrial automation (process control) Defense (unattended sensors, real-time monitoring) Utilities (automated meter reading), Weather prediction Security (environment, building etc.) Building automation (HVAC controllers). Disaster relief operations Medical and health monitoring and instrumentation IFA’2004 79 Commercial Viability of WSN Applications XSILOGY Solutions is a company which provides wireless sensor network solutions for various commercial applications such as tank inventory management, stream distribution systems, commercial buildings, environmental monitoring, homeland defense etc. http://www.xsilogy.com/home/main/index.html In-Q-Tel provides distributed data collection solutions with sensor network deployment. http://www.in-q-tel.com/tech/dd.html ENSCO Inc. invests in wireless sensor networks for meteorological applications. http://www.ensco.com/products/homeland/msis/msis_rnd.htm EMBER provides wireless sensor network solutions for industrial automation, defense, and building automation. IFA’2004 http://www.ember.com 80 Commercial Viability of WSN Applications H900 Wireless SensorNet System(TM), the first commercially available end-to-end, low-power, bi-directional, wireless mesh networking system for commercial sensors and controls is developed by the company called Sensicast Systems. The company targets wide range of commercial applications from energy to homeland security. http://www.sensicast.com The Sensor-based Perimeter Security product is introduced by a company called SOFLINX Corp. (a wireless sensor network software company) http://www.soflinx.com XYZ On A Chip: Integrated Wireless Sensor Networks for the Control of the Indoor Environment In Buildings is another commercial application project currently performed by Berkeley. http://www.cbe.berkeley.edu/research/briefs-wirelessxyz.htm IFA’2004 81 Commercial Viability of WSN Applications The Crossbow wireless sensor products and its environmental monitoring and other related industrial applications of such as surveillance, bridges, structures, air quality/food quality, industrial automation, process control are introduced. http://www.xbow.com Japan's Omron Corp has two wireless sensor projects in the US that it hopes to commercialize in the near future. Omron's Hagoromo Wireless Web Sensor project consists of wireless nodes equipped with various sensing abilities for providing security for major cargo-shipping ports around the world. http://www.omron.com Possible business opportunity with a big home improvement store chain, Home Depot, with Intel and Berkeley using wireless sensor networks http://www.svbizink.com/otherfeatures/spotlight.asp?iid=314 IFA’2004 82 Commercial Viability of WSN Applications Millennial Net builds wireless networks combining sensor interface endpoints and routers with gateways for industrial and building automation, security, and telemetry http://www.millennial.net CSEM provides sensing and actuation solutions http://www.csem.ch/fs/acuating.htm Dust Inc. develops the next-generation hardware and software for wireless sensor networks http://www.dust-inc.com Integration Associates designs sensors used in medical, automotive, industrial, and military applications to costeffective designs for handheld consumer appliances, barcode readers, and wireless computer input devices http://www.integration.com IFA’2004 83 Commercial Viability of WSN Applications Melexis produces advanced integrated semiconductors, sensor ICs, and programmable sensor IC systems. http://www.melexis.com ZMD designs, manufactures and markets high performance, low power mixed signal ASIC and ASSP solutions for wireless and sensor integrated circuits. http://www.zmd.biz Chipcon produces low-cost and low-power single-chip 2.4 GHz ISM band transceiver design for sensors. http://www.chipcon.com ZigBee Alliance develops a standard for wireless low-power, low-rate devices. http://www.zigbee.com IFA’2004 84 InterPlanetary Internet (Deep Space Network): State-of-the-Art and Research Challenges* * I.F. Akyildiz, O. Akan, C.Chen, J. Fang, W. Su, “InterPlanetary Internet: State-of-the-Art and Research Challenges”, Computer Networks Journal, Oct. 2003. IFA’2004 85 InterPlaNetary Internet Architecture InterPlaNetary Backbone Network InterPlaNetary External Network PlaNetary Network IFA’2004 86 PlaNetary Network Architecture PlaNetary Satellite Network PlaNetary Surface Network IFA’2004 87 CHALLENGES – – – – – – Extremely long and variable propagation delays Asymmetrical forward and reverse link capacities Extremely high link error rates Intermittent link connectivity, e.g., Blackouts Lack of fixed communication infrastructure Effects of planetary distances on the signal strength and the protocol design – Power, mass, size, and cost constraints for communication hardware and protocol design – Backward compatibility requirement due to high cost involved in deployment and launching processes IFA’2004 88 Planned InterPlaNetary Internet Missions Mission Name Schedule Description/Objective Galaxy Evolution Explorer 2003 To measure star formation 11 billion years ago with UV wavelengths. Rosetta February 2004 Comet orbiter and lander to gather scientific data. Messenger March 2004 To study the characteristics of Mercury, and to search for water ice and other frozen volatiles. Deep Impact December 2004 To investigate the interior of the comet, the crater formation process, the resulting crater, and any outgassing from the nucleus. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter July 2005 To study Mars from orbit, perform high-resolution measurements and serve as communications relay for later Mars landers until 2010. Venus Express November 2005 To study the atmosphere and plasma environment of Venus. New Horizons January 2006 To fly by Pluto and its moon Charon and return scientific data/images. Dawn May 2006 To study two of the largest asteroids, Ceres and Vesta. Kepler October 2006 Search for terrestrial planets, i.e., similar to Earth. Europa Orbiter 2008 To study the Jupiter’s Moon Europa’s icy surface. LISA 2007 To probe the gravity waves emitted by dwarf stars and other objects sucked into black holes. Mars 2007 Late 2007 To launch a remote sensing orbiter and four small Netlanders to Mars. Mars 2009 Late 2009 Smart Lander, Long Range Rover and Communication Satellite. BepiColombo January 2011 To study Mercury’s form, interior structure, geology, composition, etc. IFA’2004 89 Proposed Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Protocol Stack for Mars IFA’2004 Exploration Mission Communications 90 Proposed Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) Protocol Stack IFA’2004 91 Transport Layer Issues – Extremely High Propagation Delays – High Link Error Rates – Asymmetrical Bandwidth – Blackouts IFA’2004 92 Extremely Long Propagation Delays IFA’2004 Planet RTTmin RTTmax Mercury Venus Mars 1.1 5.6 9 30.2 35.8 55 Jupiter Saturn Uranus 81.6 165.3 356.9 133.3 228.4 435.6 Neptune 594.9 646.7 Pluto 593.3 1044.4 93 Performance of Existing TCP Protocols Window-Based TCP’s are not suitable!!! For RTT = 40 min 20B/s throughput on 1Mb/s link !! O. B. Akan, J. Fang, I. F. Akyildiz, “Performance of TCP Protocols in Deep Space Communication Networks”, IFA’2004 94 IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 478-480, November 2002. Space Communications Protocol Standards – Transport Protocol (SCPS-TP) Addresses link errors, asymmetry, and outages SCPS-TP: Combination of existing TCP protocols: – – – – Window-based Slow Start Retransmission timeout TCP-Vegas congestion control scheme – variation of the RTT value as an indication of congestion SCPS-TP Rate-Based: – Does not perform congestion control – Uses fixed transmission rate New Transport Protocols are needed !!! * Space Communications Protocol Specification-Transport Protocol (SCPS-TP)", Recommendation for Space Data Systems Standards, CCSDS 714.0-B-1, May 1999. IFA’2004 95 TP-Planet *O. B. Akan, J. Fang and I.F. Akyildiz, “TP-Planet: A Reliable Transport Protocol for InterPlaNetary Internet”, to appear in IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), early 2004. Initial State Steady State t=2*RTT Hold t=RTT Immediate Start Blackout FollowUP Follow Up Decrease Increase Objective: To address challenges of InterPlaNetary Internet A New Initial State Algorithm A New Congestion Detection Algorithm in Steady State A New Rate-Based scheme instead of Window-Based IFA’2004 96 Multimedia Transport in InterPlaNetary Internet Additional Challenges * * * * IFA’2004 Bounded Jitter Minimum Bandwidth Smoothness Error Control 97 RCP-Planet: Overview J. Fang and I.F. Akyildiz, “RCP Planet: A Rate Control Scheme for Multimedia Traffic in InterPlaNetary Internet”, July 2003. t=RTT OPERATIONAL State Increase BEGIN State Decrease Blackout Objective: To Address the Challenges Framework: * A New Packet Level FEC * A New Rate-Based Approach * A New BEGIN State Algorithm * A New Rate Control Algorithm in OPERATIONAL State IFA’2004 98 Transport Layer Open Research Issues End-to-End Transport: – Feasibility of the end-to-end transport should be investigated and new end-to-end transport protocols should be devised accordingly. Extreme PlaNetary Distances: – Deep Space links with extreme delays such as Jupiter, Pluto have intermittent connectivity even within an RTT. Cross-layer Optimization: – The interactions between the transport layer and lower/higher layers should be maximized to increase network efficiency for scarce space link resources. IFA’2004 99 Network Layer Issues Naming and Addressing in the InterPlaNetary Internet Routing in the InterPlaNetary Backbone Network Routing in PlaNetary Networks IFA’2004 100 Naming and Addressing Purpose: To provide inter-operability between different elements in the architecture Influencing Factors: – What objects are named? (Typically nodes or data objects) – Whether a name can be directly used by a data router in order to determine the delivery path? – The method by which name/object binding is managed? IFA’2004 101 Domain Name System (DNS) Approach in Internet If an application on a remote planet needs to resolve an Earth based name to an address: Problems: – If query an Earth-resident name server: A significant delay of a round-trip time in the commencement of communication – If maintain a secondary name server locally: State updates would dominate communication channel utilization – If maintain a static list of host names and addresses: Not scale well with system’s growth IFA’2004 102 Tiered Naming and Addressing Name Tuple = {region ID, entity ID} – Region ID identifies the entity’s region and is known by all regions in the InterPlaNetary Internet – Entity ID is a name local to its entity’s local region and treated as opaque data outside this region The opacity of entity names outside their local region enforces Late Binding: the entity ID of a tuple is not interpreted outside its local region which avoids a universal name-to-address binding space and preserves a significant amount of autonomy within each region. IFA’2004 103 An InterPlaNetary Internet: Example and Host Name Tuples Earth’s Internet SRC The “Backbone” GW1 IPN region: earth.sol Mars’ Internet DST GW2 IPN region: ipn.sol IPN region: mars.sol Host IPN regions Host name tuples SRC earth.sol {earth.sol, src.jpl.nasa.gov:6769} GW1 earth.sol ipn.sol {earth.sol, ipngw1.jpl.nasa.gov:6769} {ipn.sol, ipngw1.jpl.nasa.gov:6769} GW2 ipn.sol mars.sol {ipn.sol, ipngw2.jpl.nasa.gov:6769} {mars.sol, ipngw2.jpl.nasa.gov:6769} DST mars.sol {mars.sol, dst.jpl.nasa.gov:6769} IFA’2004 104 Challenges Network Layer Long and Variable Delays – Without timely distribution of topology information, routing computations fail to converge to a common solution, resulting in route inconsistency or oscillation – The node movement adds to the variability of delays Intermittent Connectivity – Determine the predicted time and duration of intermittent links and the degree of uncertainity – Obtain knowledge of the state of pending messages – Schedule transmission of the pending messages when links become available SCPS-NP possible solution??? IFA’2004 105 Open Research Issues Network Layer Distribution of Topology Information – Combination of link state and distance vector information exchange – Distribution of trajectory and velocity information Path Calculation – Hop-by-hop routing is expected using incomplete topology information and probabilistic estimation – Adaptive algorithms are needed for rerouting and caching decisions Interaction with Transport Layer Protocols IFA’2004 106 Challenges Network Layer (Planet) Extreme Power Constraints – Space elements mainly depend on rechargeable battery using solar energy Frequent Network Partitioning – The network can be partitioned due to harsh environmental factors Adaptive Routing through Heterogeneous Networks – Fixed elements (e.g., landers) – Satellites with scheduled movement – Mobile elements with slow movement (e.g., rovers) – Mobile elements with fast movement (e.g., spacecraft) – Low-power sensor nodes in clusters IFA’2004 107 Medium Access Control InterPlaNetary Backbone Network Challenges: – Very Long Propagation Delays – Physical Design Change Constraints – Topological Changes – Power Constraints IFA’2004 108 Medium Access Control InterPlaNetary Backbone Network Vastly unexplored research field The suitability and performance evaluation of fundamental MAC schemes, i.e., TDMA, CDMA, and FDMA, should be investigated Thus far, Packet Telecommand, and Packet Telemetry standards developed by CCSDS are used to address deep space link layer issues (Virtual Channelization method!!!) IFA’2004 109 Error Control InterPlaNetary Backbone Network Deep space channel is generally modelled as Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel Scientific space missions require bit-error rate of 10-5 or better after physical link layer coding Error control at link layer is necessary IFA’2004 110 Error Control InterPlaNetary Backbone Network CCSDS Telemetry Standard: (Telemetry Channel Coding): – For Gaussian Channels ½ Rate Convolutional Code – For Bandwidth-Constrained Channels Punctured Convolutional Codes – For Further Constrained Channels Concatenated Codes (i.e.,Convolutional code as the inner code and the RS code as the outer code) Own Experience TORNADO CODES!!! IFA’2004 111 Error Control InterPlaNetary Backbone Network Advance Orbiting Systems Rec. by CCSDS Space Link (ARQ) Protocol (SLAP) Packet Telecommand Standard of CCSDS Command Operation Procedure (COP) (GoBack N) IFA’2004 112 Open Research Issues Link Layer MAC for InterPlaNetary Backbone Network MAC for PlaNetary Networks Error Coding Schemes Cross-layer Optimization Optimum Packet Sizes IFA’2004 113 Physical Layer Issues InterPlaNetary Backbone Network Possible approach is to increase radiated RF signal energy: – Use of high power amplifiers such as travelling wave tubes (TWT) or klystrons which can produce output powers up to several thousand watts – This comes with an expense of increased antenna size, cost and also power problems at remote nodes Current NASA DSN has several 70m antennas for deep space missions DSN operates in S-Band and X-Band (2GHz and 8GHz, respectively) for spacecraft telemetry, tracking and command – Not adequate to reach high data rates aimed for InterPlaNetary Internet New 34m antennas are being developed to operate in Ka-Band (32 GHz) which will significantly improve data rates IFA’2004 114 Open Research Issues PHYSICAL LAYER Signal Power Loss: – Powerful and size-, mass-, and cost-efficient antennas and power amplifiers need to be developed Channel Coding: – Efficient and powerful channel coding schemes should be investigated to achieve reliable and very high rate bit delivery over the long delay InterPlaNetary Backbone links Optical Communications: – Optical communication technologies should be investigated for possible deployment in InterPlaNetary Backbone links Hardware Design: – Low-power low-cost transceiver and antennas should be developed Modulation Schemes: – Simple and low-power modulation schemes should be developed for PlaNetary Surface Network nodes. Ultra-wide Band (UWB) could be explored for this purpose IFA’2004 115 Challenges in Deep Space Time Synchronization Variable and long transmission delays – The long and variable delays may cause a fluctuating offset to the clock Variable transmission speed – It may produce a fluctuating offset problem Variable temperature – It may cause the clock to drift in different rate Variable electromagnetic interference – This may cause the clock to drift or even permanent damage to the crystal if the equipment is not properly shielded IFA’2004 116 Challenges in Deep Space Time Synchronization (cont’d) Intermittent connectivity – The situation may cause the clock offset to fluctuate and jump Impractical transmissions – A time synchronization protocol can not depend on message retransmissions to synchronize the clocks, because the distance between deep space equipments are simply too large Distributed time servers – Deep space equipments may require to synchronize to their local time servers, and the time servers have to synchronize among themselves IFA’2004 117 Related Work Network Time Protocol – – DSN Frequency and Time Subsystems – Can not handle mobile servers and clients (variable range and range rate with intermittent connectivity) Has time offset wiggles of few milliseconds of amplitude Uses several atomic frequency standards to synchronize the devices and provide references for the three DSN sites, i.e., Goldstone, USA; Madrid, Spain; Canberra, Australia Recommendation for proximity-1 space link protocol – Finds the correlation between the clocks of proximity nodes. The correlation data and UTC time are used to correct the past and project the future UTC values IFA’2004 118 Conclusions InterPlaNetary Internet will be the Internet of next generation deep space networks. There exist many significant challenges for the realization of InterPlaNetary Internet. Many researchers are currently engaged in developing the required technologies for this objective. IFA’2004 119 FiNAL WORDS NASA’s VISION: to improve life here, to extend life to there, to find life beyond... NASA’s MISSION: to understand and protect our home planet, to explore the Universe and search for life, to inspire the next generation of explorers… OUR AIM: to point out the research problems and inspire the researchers worldwide to realize these objectives!!!!!!!!! 120 IFA’2004