The world leader in serving science GSK, Shanghai New User Training Cellomics ArrayScan VTI HCS Reader August 2008 version x.6.1.4 Helen Ho Field Application Scientist, West Cell: 415-902-8734 Email: ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 1 HCS Data “Quality” “GIGO”: “garbage in, garbage out” HCS assay data’s “legitimacy” depends on the suitability & quality of an assembly of steps. “A chain is as strong as its weakest link.” • Quality and suitability of… specimen image analytical input (parameters) output (features) After good sample preparation is achieved, the 1st step in HCS is getting a suitable image. But this is circular/bidirectional between adjacent links… specimen image image analysis input output HCS principles don’t differ from scientific assay development generally: • maximize/optimize signal:noise ratios • maximize/optimize max:min response windows • maximize/optimize speed vs. resolution of S:N & max:min …these are determined by sample quality, imaging, and analytical input parameters images’ foreground:background output max:min responses • images’ foreground:background depends on both… • specimen quality, including labeling reagents and support matrix (e.g., plastic vs. glass well bottoms) -and• imaging exposure times (eventually, background will rise with foreground, approaching point of “diminishing returns”) • output min/max response windows depend on both … • image foreground:background (sample quality, exposure times, etc.) -and• analytical input parameters Typical assay development principles apply: The outputs are not meaningful unless the inputs are. Certain input/outputs can be progressively optimized. For example, Reference Level-based, derived, non-intrinsic features (e.g., %HIGH_, %Responders, %<2N…) can be attended to after “raw”, intrinsic features are solid based on robust input settings. ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific imaging exposure time max:min output window image fore- : background CONFIDENTIAL 2 A Brief Cellomics Glossary Object- the item(s) in an image that you wish to analyze. This can be a cell, a nucleus, a colony, or an organism Object Identification- the process of determining which pixels in an image are part of an Object or part of the Background. This is done by creating or modifying a Threshold. Threshold- the intensity value that delineates object pixels from background pixels. Maybe specified directly or indirectly. Field- from microscopy’s “field-of-view’the area of a Well visible by the camera Channel- a collection of image acquisition settings for a single image; including exposure time, Dye selection (wavelength filter configuration) Image Set- one or more images acquired from a single field, comprising one image per channel Primary Object- generally the objects in the first Channel Sub-objects- an informal term for objects that belong to a primary object- such as neurites or spots assigned to a single cell. Object Segmentation- the process of separating objects that are very close to one another, for the purposes of analyzing them individually Parameter- generally, an input that you make to the software Feature- an output data point based on the image and data analysis process • Cell Features- numeric data points describing the measured properties of a single Object • Well Features- numeric data points describing the measured properties of a Well of cells/objects- most often, statistical calculations (Mean, SD, % responders, etc.) ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 3 Getting Started 1. Power on instrument. • • 2. 4. ArrayScan VTI: Single green switch on right side or front of instrument. For VTI Live cell chamber module, see Appendix. Power on computer. • • • 3. Order of 1 & 2 does not matter. But… Do NOT power off instrument (or components) while ArrayScan software is open. If do, close software & re-boot computer. • • • May not be able to use same login as at your desk PC. May need to be part of a Cellomics domain group. Only YOUR network administrator/IT support staff can help you with this. That person is: ____________________________________ THIS LOGIN IS VERY IMPORTANT for full functionality. Never let IT staff change name of computer without consulting Cellomics. Some functions (e.g., entire Twister) could be lost & require full re-installation. Instrument: Shortcut like “Cellomics ArrayScan Instrument” To start software in Disk Mode, have instrument powered off. b) vHCS:View Either (a) or (b) will prompt you for a Cellomics login. • NOT same as Windows login. • Default is “cell/cell”. Yours?: ______________________ • Your system admin may have/should set up each user with their own Cellomics login (see ArrayScan Administrator tab in the ArrayScan Operator’s Guide) to personalize your files, results, & activities on the Cellomics system. • NOT as secure as Windows (or your network’s) login, so keep simple, and know others may see it. Suspect problem? Use HCS Administrator software. a) Log on to Windows on the computer: • Launch Cellomics software. 5. • • • ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific If some Cellomics software behavior is suspect, launch your HCS Administrator> Diagnostics> Run Diagnostics. All Results? You’re OK. Otherwise, may need your IT staff’s support. Email Report, or drag down row buttons to select all, then Ctrl+C to copy (then paste and email, etc.). Or PrtSc keyboard button (then paste, etc.) Info also useful for learning AppSvr name, acct name, network bandwidth, server path & free space, database name & location… CONFIDENTIAL 4 ArrayScan VTI Light Source and Camera LIGHT SOURCE: EXFO • Turns on via main ArrayScan power switch. Stable in 90s. For max life, keep on ≥ 5 minutes. • Some users turn lamp off (inside ArrayScan right front door), but leave instrument on, to save bulb life – though potentially confusing. • If turned off, and try to re-light before fully cooled, flashing bulb with “no” symbol may appear on lamp display (inside ArrayScan right front door); auto-restrikes when cooled. • bulb rated for 1500h, but note drop-off begins ~1000h in plot. • bulb is 100% user-changeable (requires no alignment) • instructions come with replacement bulb ordered from Cellomics Recommendation: always have a spare on hand • (order one now? P/N = IC001001) CAMERA: Hamamatsu ORCA-ER (for specs see 12-bit: this means 4096 grey levels Usually images are acquired with the camera Binned 2x2, resulting in an image of 512x512pixels Power is automatically controlled, no user intervention required See Appendix for resolution information ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 5 Overview of Create Protocol View ArrayScan / vHCS:Scan software anatomy, top to bottom Title bar: Software name, version & build (important), current view. Here showing vHCSTM:Scan Version 6.1.0 (Build 6018) – [Create Protocol] Menu bar: Little redundancy with other controls. File Options View Tools Window Help Toolbar: The 1st three icon buttons are the main “views” in the software (shown here is Create Protocol view). Main GUI body (all pale blue background canvas). Notice the Main GUI in this [Create Protocol] view has multiple panes: • • • • Image Acquisition Scan Limits Assay Channel Specific Parameters • Object Identification • Image Display Options Status bar (gray bar along bottom) Here showing: unlocked protocol icon, Protocol Modified; Operator: cell. ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 66 Scan software’s 3 views Lesson 1: Assay Protocols How do the 3 main views of ArrayScan/ vHCS:Scan software present Assay Protocols? Create Protocol view Access all settings of an Assay Protocol Protocol Interactive view Interact with sample plate to adjust various imaging input parameters of an Assay Protocol and temporarily acquire image sets. With temporarily acquired image sets, adjust various analysis parameters and visualize example results. Scan Plate view Execute an Assay Protocol (run an assay). What is in an Assay Protocol? Objective (magnification) Imaging resolution What color fluorophores to image Exposure (CCD integration) times Autofocusing settings How many images to take per well BioApplication image processing algorithm settings Kinetic and Motility Feature Setup What’s NOT in an Assay Protocol? Plate Type Form Factor Which wells of a plate to analyze Which field of a well to start in Whether to save images Maximal image displays during scan Reference Well selections ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 7 Create Protocol View Settings accessible in Create Protocol view are the only settings saved with an Assay Protocol. (Some settings are redundantly accessible in Protocol Interactive view; if changed in that view, they’re also saved when an Assay Protocol is saved because they’re the same settings, just a different view). ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 8 Create Protocol View: Image Acquisition pane (except for Configure Focus, these settings accessible only in Create Protocol view) a) Camera Configuration- on an Instrument you will have only one choice; on Toolbox clients choose the camera that you have or plan to acquire images with b) Objective • All objectives installed on system appear in the drop-down list. • Assay Parameters: PixelSize auto-computed. Understand benefit of UseMicrometers=1 and impact of Objective setting on area- & length-based Object Selection Parameters. See BioApplication Guides. c) Acquisition Camera Mode (Generally, “Standard”) d) Autofocus Camera Mode: “AutoFocus” is likely specified in Assay Protocols provided by Cellomics. “Standard” may yield faster scan times if the Acquisition Camera Mode is also Standard, but it depends on the samples imaged in the Focus Channel; determine empirically or consult Cellomics Support. e) Intra-well Autofocus Interval • • • • Illustrated in ArrayScan HCS Reader User’s Guide (in ArrayScan HCS Reader Operator’s Guide). Determines the points within a well where a focus adjustment is performed. Conservative generalizations to start: 4 fields@5x; 3 fields@10x; 2 fields@20x; 1field@40x. Affects scan times & quality, depending on #fields scanned per well (dependent on Scan Limits). a. Therefore, best optimized during development of an assay by careful review of all images acquired during a scan (at least review images from wells with highest # of fields acquired). b. Variables to consider include 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. sample’s cell density (too sparse? “empty” fields take extended time) sample’s quality (occasional debris or stacked cells? maybe more frequent Interval) objective magnification and NA (inversely proportional to Interval) standard- or thin-bottomed plates (thin wavier? maybe more frequent Interval) plate’s well density (384, 96, etc.; esp. if thin-bottomed, lower density wavier) users’ and algorithms’ analytical tolerances… f) Configure Focus… Generally, use defaults. • Autofocus may consider a Focus Channel image out-of-focus (/sparse) & prevent BioApplication analysis (though save the field’s images). Relax… avoids this prevention (the case for all Disk Scans, since Autofocus isn’t used). • Relax the Pass/Fail Criteria may be useful when: 1. 2. 3. 4. High-NA objective on standard thick plates (see User Guide Appendix "Plate Types & Objective Selection"); Object intensities in Focus Channel vary widely; Sparse fields are potentially common; Multi-layer cells are potentially common; • Relax the Pass/Fail Criteria also has additional effects (e.g., focus accuracy may be less), so it’s not recommended as default. ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 9 Create Protocol view – Scan Limits pane Scan Limits pane Some logic is built in among checkbox selections. Scan Limits pane, Intra-Well Stopping Criteria section: • When will the ArrayScan stop scanning a well, and proceed to the next well? • When at least one check-able Intra-Well Stopping Criteria is met or exceeded. • A “Sparse Field” has fewer objects than the Min Objects For Field (always keep >0). • Max Sparse Fields For Well: Sparse Fields must be contiguous to hit this limit. • All Scan Limits can have dramatic impacts on scan time. Think through logic very carefully. • How many objects is enough? • Must be answered by assay developer’s statistical requirements, which can be arbitrary and vary between organizations.. • Cellomics has some recommendations, but these are in the context of specific assay statistical requirements, arbitrarily selected, though common. • Here’s a Good Practice: Early in assay development, scan all possible fields in model wells to create a comprehensive, stored image set. Create a series of batch rescans using the Disk Scan Wizard (or ArrayScan software in Disk Mode) to rescan the images, where the only variable between scans is decrementing # of fields per well. Such a batch is programmed using Plate Protocols, where, in this case, the Plate Protocols differ only in one regard—their Assay Protocols differ only in Max Fields For Well, with all other Scan Limits boxes unchecked. Examine the results of such batches to determine a minimum sample size at which StdDev is stable for principal output well features. • NOTE: An “object” in the context of Scan Limits is BioApplication-dependent. Scan Limits pane, Intra-Plate Stopping Criteria section: What use is Max Sparse Wells For Plate? • In mass sample prep operations (e.g., automation), if most cells are lost by unsuitable liquid handling or a treatment undergone by all wells, or a necessary labeling regent was not suitably applied… • When scanning a stack of plates, more efficient not to scan “bad” plates. ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 10 Create Protocol view – Assay pane Assay pane All subsections present in every BioApp, but options within subsections may vary. Assay Algorithm: NOTE: Generally, do not change the Assay Algorithm selection unless you are familiar with its impact. You will not be prompted that changes not saved before altering this selection are irrecoverable. No. of Channels: BioApplication- dependent (see BioApplication Guides). Best practice: begin with a default assay protocol already written for the BioApplication you want to use • For some, the standard # of channels can be scaled back. • For some, additional “gating” channels can be added. Focus Channel • Specifies in which channel Autofocusing will be performed during a scan • Generally, choose a channel imaging a dye whose quantitative fluorescence is not critical and/or is relatively photostable (e.g., a nuclear Hoechst stain or demarcating the nucleus). Features to Store: default, and a good place to start, is to store all features. Select features to Store when screening or doing intensive kinetic assays Kinetics Checkbox: used to set up time course experiments. Configure button becomes active when checkbox is ticked. Assay Parameters: List is BioApp-specific (see Guides) & varies with No. of Channels. Hide Advanced Parameters: BioApp-dependent (see respective User’s Guides). Generally, parameters that refer to Data Analysis (Levels, _CC) are Advanced Parameters Default Well Feature: see Scan Plate view window (and plate diagram coloring in vHCS™:View). ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 11 Channel Specific Parameters- “Dye” and Filter Selection 1. The Label is an image caption; for your record keeping only (Displayed as Caption in vHCS:View) 2. Dye refers to the filter configuration to be used in that channel Dye/ Fluorophore Color Classes Hoechst FITC TRITC DAPI fluorescein rhodamine DRAQ5 GFP, EGFP Whole Cell Stain Orange Whole Cell Stain Red Whole Cell Stain Blue Coumarins ® Texas Red Cy5 Alexa Fluor 488 Whole Cell Stain Green Alexa Fluor 546 Alexa Fluor 594 Alexa Fluor 555 ~Alexa Fluor 568 YOYO®-1 DyLight™ 549 YO-PRO®-1 ~BOBO™-3 ~YO-PRO™-3 SYTOX® Green Cy3™ ~SYTO®17 Fluo-4 Dil (DiIC18(3)) Calcein BODIPY-TMR Alexa Fluor 647 ® ~TOTO -3 DiD (DilC18(5)) BODIPY®-FL XF100 XF93 XF53 Hoechst good good good FITC good good good TRITC good Texas Red Cy5 XF32 XF110 sensitive good good ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific 3. Consult Appendix B of your ArrayScan User’s Guide tab within your ArrayScan Operator’s Guide binder, which explains why scans are faster if all fluors in a sample can be imaged by the same XF set. 4. All else being equal, Cy5 channels are usually the weakest (because of both excitation and detection optics). Therefore, use a Cy5-like dye only if a 4th color is needed, and use to label/ report the most abundant target, etc. 5. Other dyes/fluorophores are certainly possible; consult Cellomics Support or es/spectraviewer/ or curvomatic/spectra.php. sensitive CONFIDENTIAL 12 Imaging: AutoExpose and Fixed Exposure Types of Exposure Methods: Fixed: Specify a time in seconds for exposure in each channel- that exposure time will be used throughout AutoExpose: still must specify an Initial Exposure Time. That exposure time will be used as a starting point to identify a time that meets your criteria (see below) Key image analysis steps are tightly dependent on image characteristics that are, in turn, largely determined by exposure times. • Matching exposure times to existing input analysis parameters is often more productive that resetting analysis parameters. • Instrument components change over time, so autoexpose options that can compensate will prove useful, even when using Fixed exposure during plate scanning. • Even when stored images are re-loaded, their % of dynamic range will be reported by the Autoexpose routine. How bright should my images be? Here are some guidelines for what % of dynamic range may be suitable for a few classes of fluorescence labels. 25%: Good for mainly “structural” labels (e.g., counter-stained nuclei). Still affords some range for differentiation between, e.g., interphase, mitotic/apototic nuclei. ~20% can be tried for minimizing autofocus time & maximizing speed. Typically also sufficient for “binary” assays where the interest is whether the label is there or not, yes/no—e.g., mitotic index, negative viability (“dead dyes”), micronuclei, and others. 35-40%: For “intensity” quantifications. Localized intensity differentials may reflect >40%. Also reasonable starting range for “structural+intensity” labeling—e.g., nuclei in assays needing more discrimination (e.g., DNA content/cell cycle). 55-65%: Good for multi-modal structural labels where accurate identification of more than one intensity level is of interest—e.g., some neuronal cell bodies are considerably brighter than neurites that also must be accurately identified. High dynamic range may also be required for some indicators of cellular metabolism, physiology, health, etc. Best Practice: When trying higher %, be on guard for saturation. Optimal exposure ranges are worth careful investigation—esp. in “intensity” assay, large improvements often emerge. If your BioApplication has multiple channels measuring the same thing, fill them all with variable exposure times during assay development pilots. ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 13 AutoExpose Options and Procedures AutoExpose Options 1.Whereas Background Target(Mode) Method refers to image histograms, “Peak” does not refer to a histogram peak; after Skipping specified brightest pixels, Peak is X-axis intensity of remaining brightest pixel. “Max Intensity” 2.Peak methods good for targeting brightest signals as % of camera’s 4095 grey-level dynamic range. 3.Background… method: When signal is expected to be absent, still can get useful exposure time (typically low % so when fore-ground appears in unknowns, it extends into useful range). If a scan is executed with an Assay Protocol specifying AutoExpose as Exposure Type, before the whole scan begins, the system… Goes to 1st well in List of wells to Autoexpose. Goes to 1st field in List of fields to Autoexpose. Autofocuses (using Configure Focus…> Autofocus Options> Camera Exposure Time> Focus Exposure Time For Autoexpose—note, AutoFOCUS setting!). If Autofocus fails, so does that field! Proceeds to next. Execute Autoexposure Method. a. Failed any channel? Try in next specified field (i.e., in example, field 5 is used only if field 4 fails). b. Succeeded for all channels? Temporarily hold determined exposure time(s) in memory. Go to next well, as applicable, repeat, hold time. Compute mean of all “held” times (I.e., where succeeded) & use it for respective channel(s) for whole plate scan. Benefits: If reagents, optics, etc. vary over time or from plate to plate, this Exposure Type may be compensatory. Caveats: No automatic way to know if specified wells/fields are in good condition in every plate. And final exposure time(s) is only from successful wells. Screeners may want not to have assay variables masked by system compensations. Users need to remember what Assay Protocols have set as wells/fields to autoexpose and whether the same for every plate used with that Protocol. An Intermediate – Best Practice: Use Autoexpose in Protocol Interactive on fields deemed representative by you, but specify Fixed ultimately in the saved Assay Protocol. ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 14 Choose your BioApp by choosing an Assay Protocol Summary of Create Protocol functions Advanced training topics. Retain settings specified… • in Cellomics-provided Assay Protocol (likely Standard & Autofocus respectively) • …or… by Cellomics support • Saved with the Assay Protocol (User Guide error says “stored with results for the plate”). • Admin. changes to read/write status auto-written here. • BioApplication Event Wizard entries auto-written here. • Max 4000 characters, but keep <255 if possible. BioApp.-specific. Advanced training topic • Do not change (default=25) unless advised by Cellomics • Depends on plate type, objective (NA & mag), etc. • Best determined empirically. • Starting pointers (conservative): 5x, 4 fields 10x, 3 fields 20x, 2 fields 40x, 1 fields Must choose both a Method and a Value here; best optimized in Protocol interactive BioApp.-specific If both checked, whichever comes first. “Objects” is BioApplication-specific. contiguous “Objects” is BioApp.-specific. See Scan view window (& plate diagram coloring in vHCS:View). ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 15 Scan software’s Anatomy Lesson 2: Protocol Interactive view How do the 3 main views of ArrayScan/ vHCS:Scan software present Assay Protocols? Create Protocol view Access all settings of an Assay Protocol Protocol Interactive view Interact with sample plate to adjust various imaging input parameters of an Assay Protocol and temporarily acquire image sets. With temporarily acquired image sets, adjust various analysis parameters and visualize example results. Scan Plate view Execute an Assay Protocol (run an assay). What’s Protocol Interactive view for? Select a Plate Type Form Factor Navigate to a well and field (within a well) Autofocus (& adjust if desired, + DZ’s) Alter Dyes (filter sets) if desired Image Fields (1 at a time) Alter Exposure times (& Auto settings if desired) On an Acquired Image Set… Alter overlays & composite & colors Edit Assay parameters Run Algorithm to see results of current settings Identify Objects and adjust settings, plus modify Object Selection Parameters Double-click image to get “pop-ups” and zoom in, see numerical results, toggle overlays. What parts of an Assay Protocol are NOT accessible in Protocol Interactive view? Objective (magnification) Camera settings: Acquisition Modes (Binning) & Gain Autofocus Interval Scan Limits Assay Algorithm selected No. of Channels, Image/Channel Labels Default Well Feature & Extents Kinetics Setup Select Features to Store ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 16 Protocol Interactive View Screenshot Object Identification Settings Object Selection/ Validation Settings Image Display Settings Most bioapplication-specific image and data analysis parameters are accessed by this button ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 17 17 I-V-S : Identify, Validate, Select Intra Venous Saline I’m Very Smart It’s Very Simple Object Identification IN “PRIMARY” CHANNEL(S)** Object Identification Separate foreground from background. intensity-based (Some Assay Params can alter raw intensities [e.g., BackgroundCorrection] or shapes/sizes of Identified Objects [e.g., Smoothing].) Controlled by Object Identification Value • Results depend on Method. Object Validation Object Validation Object Selection • “Rejected” overlay* • Must be in current Ch to see • Algorithm ignores these objects, so no data is reported. “Selected_” overlays “Is this identified object valid?” Criteria are BioApplication-specific. Objects in primary channel(s) must also be Selected to be Valid. Object Selection As noted above, in primary channel(s), Object Selection Parameters also Validate objects* Most V3 BioApps have an Assay Parameter for RejectEdgeObjects ** Some BioApps have >1 primary channel (e.g., Cell data results Spreading, Neuronal Profiling, Micronucleus). * BioApp-specific (a few cases have no “Rejected_” overlay). ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 18 Object Identification Methods IsoData Method Peak Triangulation Method Threshold Threshold Object Number of Pixels Background Background Peak Object Peak Background Peak 0 Object Peak 4095 0 4095 Object Identification Value shifts auto-computed threshold by Value’s %age • How do you think FixedThreshold Method works? • What do you think the impact of BackgroundCorrection is on these methods? • What do you think happens if there is an extraordinarily bright artifact (lint, debris, etc.) in an image? ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 19 Common V3 Assay Params: BackgroundCorrection BackgroundCorrection Best Practice: Use…Whenever you can! Background image constructed essentially by blurring Raw Image. Value inversely proportional to how much blurring. Always use it, whenever you can! And, when you can,… Best Practice: Use Fixed Threshold for Object Identification Method (if you can). When can I not use it? • When any image may have near-confluent fluorescence (maybe): 1.Imagine the Raw Image is full of objects; what would the blurred Background image look like? 2.…And the Background Corrected Image? 3.In sum, has to be some background in every image, in every channel… Why every image/channel?… BackgroundCorrection is a “global” Assay Parameter—i.e., when activated (non-zero Value), it is performed on every image in that channel Adjustable individually in each channel in V3 Bioapplications High impact on all aspects of processing & analyses 1.Performed BEFORE Object Identification 2.All output feature values, etc. vary with Value Choosing a Value 1.“Aggressive” Values (low) • ~ diameter largest typical object. • for reliably monodisperse objects/signal. • affords “localized” correction 2.“Conservative” (large Values) for heterogeneous objects/signals. • Greater than 2x largest diameter? • Heterogeneity too unpredictable? Consider Max Value (255) ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 20 Scan Plate View Select which Wells to Scan Select starting Field Type any text desired, for descriptive purposes. When scan completed, this text will be searchable, too. Generally, keep this field <255 characters (though not necessary) and use simple alpha-numeric characters. In the plate Avoid non-simple characters in Plate ID (Barcode) or Plate Name. The Scan software will accept them; however, subsequent searches in vHCS:View using characters like “#” will fail. You can change the feature to display here but it is NOT saved with the Assay Protocol. ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 21 Reviewing results in vHCS:View Launch via Start> Program Files> Cellomics> vHCS:View. Highly developed software with user-friendly GUI (graphical user interface): • Almost complete redundancy between menus, toolbar icons, and right-click context-sensitive pop-up menus. • Uses Windows conventional Ctrl+click & Shift+click functions for selections on text lists, spreadsheets, etc. • Uses Windows conventional Ctrl+C (copy) & Ctrl+V (paste) from spreadsheets. • Full on-line Help menu. Best Practices – Tips for fast, easy use & learning • Frequently right-click on GUI elements (graphs, images, diagrams, spreadsheets) for command options on single GUI elements. • Use the Windows menu on the menu bar for managing arrangements of multiple windows/views and navigating between them. • Check menu bar menus for additional command options, and when multiple GUI element types are displayed (e.g., a view with multiple graphs). • Notice the interconnections of interactive GUI elements (e.g., click a point on a graph, and note spreadsheet highlight changes with it). • Be fearlessly exploratory—except for Delete Plate(s). Aside from Delete, you cannot change any data using vHCS:View: It’s only a tool for viewing data in different ways. Find a Plate result of interest: Well Details • • • • • • Row/Col mode (so lay out plates accordingly) Use down arrow key to “flip” through Feature list double-click anywhere on graph (except points) to Customize Copy/export spreadsheets or graphs Methods (bar, points, points+lines) File> Report Cell Details • toggling overlays • Maximize images (and de-max to restore; don’t click or Cell Details closes) • making New plots • Scatter plots vs histograms • maximize, copy, export spreadsheets/graphs • select spreadsheet column heading, right-click, Sort…, useful to find where to use subpop cutoffs or other assay params, as are histograms/scatter plots. • show can call Cell Details from multiple highlighted Well Details wells (contiguous) Other common uses besides Well & Cell Details: Multi-Plate View • Graph menu> Plot on Single Graph • Spreadsheet menu> Export to… Multi-Feature View • Graph menu> Plot on Single Graph (only good for similar scales, and rough with multiple rows) • Spreadsheet menu> Export to… ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 22 Quiz 1: Assay Protocol Starting with a provided Assay Protocol for the Target Activation BioApplication, 10X objective (NA 0.3), build an Assay Protocol to accomplish the following: 1. Magnification & resolution (see Appendix pages of this training packet) 1. ArrayScan 3.5/4.5, ArrayScan VTI (1.0x coupler), 0.645 micron/pixel, 512x512 pixel images 2. ArrayScan VTI (5.5) with 0.63x coupler, 1.024 micron/pixel, 512x512 pixel images 2. Analyze 93 cells in each well, but don’t take more than 3 fields per well to do it, and don’t try for a 2nd or 3rd field if the 1st field has <50 cells. 3. 2 channels, focusing on nuclei 1. Ch1: Hoechst; Exposure time that will bring foreground intensity to ~1/4 dynamic range (±0.4%, ignoring 0.25% of the brightest pixels) 2. Ch2: Alexa Fluor 594; Exposure time that will bring background intensity to ~200 intensity units (±0.4%, using smoothing Kernel Size 25) 4. In RGB composites, make Hoechst appear in blue and AF594 in red. 5. In Ch1, overlay analyzed objects in blue and Rejected cells in yellow 6. In Ch2, show Rejected object overlays, plus Modify the Ch1 mask to make it 2 pixels wider in Ch2 and show it in Ch2 as red. 7. Don’t use Illumination Correction in any channel. 8. In image captions, call Ch1 “Nuclei” & Ch2 “Target” ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 23 Redundant Access in Protocol Interactive View Redundant access in Protocol Interactive view These 4 boxed regions in this Create Protocol view window are accessible from within Protocol Interactive view too. Changes made in either view can be/are saved with the Assay Protocol. • Configure Autofocus • Number of Channels • Assay Params. (including Hide…) • Except Kinetics configuration, Select Features to Store • Channel Specific Parameters, • including all Object Identification parameters • including all Image Display Options parameters • except Label, Apply Illumination Correction, Gain Options ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 24 Pop-up windows in Protocol Interactive Best Practices rely heavily on productive uses of popups. Use Window menu inside ArrayScan software to manage pop-ups productively. Involves using Windows TaskBar to switch between main software window and popups. Both are shown in this illustration. Single images at a time: Double-click anywhere on embedded image to release a copy of the image in separate pop-up window • Draw box to zoom in for details of overlay accuracy, etc. • Use overlay toggle button to see underlying structures. • Brighten images to avoid missing accuracy detail. Series of same image, varying input parameters. • Don’t move the window once popped up. • Change a parameter, Run Algorithm, & pop up result; stacks on top of prior popup. Now use Windows’ TaskBar to flip back & forth between them to detect subtle changes in overlays. • Repeat with multiple popups, investigating a range of values for the same parameter. Type each value into popup’s text field to track which value is best. [But read note typed into text field in example shown here. Images can be saved, but not text.] Pop up images from multiple fields for side-by-side comparisons. • • • • Tile Popups Vertically (Ctrl+T). Select equivalent Bits To Display. Click Well Features button to compare numerical results. Same approach for fields from multiple wells—replicates or opposites (positive/max & negative/min). [Quiz 1 answers (2 pages) in Appendix!] ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 25 Contrast Stretching – Common Illusions There are only 2 images on this page – top & bottom row. Across each row are different display adjustments of the same image. The images in the top row are from a field right next to the field in the bottom row! In 1st column – Full or Max – do you think the bottom field is dimmer? Do the 12-bit histograms suggest that? The 1st column illustrates the common illusion of Contrast-Stretching— an auto-adjustment of brightness/contrast done on an image-by-image basis. Contrast-stretched images canNOT be legitimately compared for visual intensity differences! or Beware: Full Contrast Stretch is the default display adjustment! For image-to-image intensity comparisons, Contrast-Stretching should be deactivated, and Bits-To-Display selected. Histograms under images are 8 bits—256 gray levels—the maximum # of grays display-able on a monitor. Bitshift 3 (i.e., bits 3-10, or grays 8-1024 from the 12-bit source image) illustrates the best spread of the gray levels across the 8 display bits. For the top field, Bitshift 4 resembles the Contrast-Stretched image, whereas for the bottom field, it’s Bitshift 5. Display Options 12-bit histogram y stretch zoomed to see low frequency pixels 12-bit histogram y auto-scaled 8-bit histograms In the bottom field, the bright spot shows up on the 12-bit y-stretch histogram. When auto-remapped to 8 bits, those high values prevent expansion of the display histogram. 12-bit histogram y stretch zoomed 12-bit histogram y auto-scaled ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 26 FAQ’s- Protocol Interactive View Q. How can I see my numeric data (cell and well details) interactively? A. Use icons below image (shown at right) after Run Algorithm. • All cell and well details are shown, regardless of what you’ve selected to Store • Field details are only available if the BioApplication reports them. Consult the User’s guide. Well details Field details Cell details Q. How can I tell what the intensity in a region of the image is? Where can I tell at what Z position I am? A. Status Bar/Tray: Lower left corner of GUI. Information is only displayed for a few seconds. Windows TaskBar hiding Status Bar/Tray Status Bar/Tray info when pointing at image Status Bar/Tray info when moving stage (incl. Focus) •Top fig.: Window's TaskBar hiding Status Bar/Tray. Right-click empty space on Windows TaskBar> Properties> Lock…, Auto-hide, Keep…on top… Thenceforth, move pointer all the way to edge to get TaskBar. •Status Tray when pointing at image: Intensity (x,y)= raw value (uncorrected) intensity of pixel under mouse pointer. (x.y) are that pixel’s coordinates. •Status Tray when moving Stage/Focus (z) motor: •Position = [x,y,z]. Since only displayed transiently, to see again without moving, use 0 (zero) for Step Size (microns): and click [–] or [+] button. •Manual Focus buttons are opposite what some think: [–] moves up, toward/into sample; [+] down, away from sample. •System’s current z-position is 3rd Position coordinate shown (in example here, it's 9023.500). ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 27 Exercise: Interacting with Protocol Interactive Your trainer shall have helped design an Assay Protocol suitable for an available training sample and your BioApplication interest. When you move(d) from the Create Protocol view to the Protocol Interactive view, 3 new elements of the toolbar become active: Name them. Are these 3 settings saved with an Assay Protocol? There are 2 top-level panes: Name them, & the 2 sub-panes of each. There are two “orphan” tables with bold headings: Name them. What do you see in the Status Bar/Tray? Load the training plate: How? Go to well ___ (B02?), watching the Status Tray. What do you see there? • What Field are you in? • Move two fields left; now what Field? • Go back to the original Field without using Select Field buttons. Acquire an Image in Ch1, foreground achieving 25% dynamic range, ±2%, skipping brightest 0.05%. What steps were necessary? Is the top portion of the image fully visible? If not, make it so. How? Keep this exposure time Fixed for all subsequent images acquired. How? Acquire an Image in Ch2, again keeping the Exposure method Fixed, but getting 25% of dynamic range. How? Go to another field and get images in Ch’s 1 & 2 in a single click. How? Run the Algorithm to see the results using the current settings in Ch1. What’s your Object Identification Method and Value? Can/should you use BackgroundCorrection on this specimen (see page elsewhere)? • If so, use your pointer and the Status Bar in the lower left of the window to determine a “conservative” value. • Then use the same to determine a suitable FixedThreshold (Object Identification Method) Value. (Hint: What will BackgroundCorrection do to the background pixel values in this raw image). Adjust the Contrast-Stretching (brightness binning). Display the Well Features. Go back to the Raw Image. Then back to the overlay, then raw, then overlay. Double-click the image, then, on this “image pop-up window,”… • Zoom in on a specific region of interest (hint: drag mouse pointer to draw box around the region). • In a single click, restore the zoomed image to its 1:1 resolution. • Keep this pop-up open and click back on the main window. Change the color of the Rejected_ overlay, and turn on the Rejected_ overlay in Ch2. Are the changes immediate? De-Focus the Ch1 image one Manual Step Size, Acquire an Image Set, then set a Focus Offset (DZ) in Ch2 to restore focus in Ch2, but not Ch1. Go to a different well and re-examine the results of your settings after Running the Algorithm on an Acquired Image Set. Compare these results to the one you just did. How? ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 28 Object Identification Methods & Values Object Identification is, fundamentally, identifying foreground objects as patches of pixels that are brighter than background pixels. • An image comprises pixels; each pixel has an intensity value. • A frequency distribution histogram of these pixel intensity values is called the “image histogram” and is one form of information in an image. • Does an image histogram represent spatial information from the image? • Analyze image histogram info intensity threshold identify objects as foreground vs. background. Advantage: • 100’s or 1000’s of images from one assay have variations in foregrounds and/or backgrounds, so histograms vary from image to image. • Flexible, systematic method of analyzing each can still comparable object identification results amidst the variations. Method: IsodataThreshold • Assumes bimodal histogram, determines T by iteratively computing threshold between means on left (m L) and right (mR) sides of histogram until T does not change any more. • Good for bimodal histograms (expect every image to have similar densities of foreground objects?) • What happens in fields that are sparse, or fluorescence very low? • What happens in fields with bright fluorescent outliers, debris, or artifacts? Method: TriangulationThreshold • On image histogram, hypotenuse “drawn” from mode (tallest peak) to max intensity. • T is value on x-axis where longest normal (perpendicular line) between hypotenuse & histogram’s curve occurs. • Good for potentially sparse fields. • What are possible outcomes when fields are potentially dense? • What are possible outcomes when fields have bright fluorescent outliers (consider size of such objects, and “tightness” [kurtosis] of their peaks)? Method: 3sigmaThreshold- calculated threshold is 3 standard deviations above the calculated Mean of the distribution. Value: Shifts auto-computed threshold (Tcalc) according to equation below. mL mR Tfinal = Tcalc x (1+Value) ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 29 Common V3 Assay Params: ObjectSegmentation Image illustrates some caveats of ObjectSegmentation. Some of such debris segments can be Rejected if Object Selection Parameters are optimized, but not always. Also, other caveats less obvious include oversegmentation of a large or elongated single object. ObjectSegmentation Just when you must! ObjectSegmentation Use it only when you must. – It’s an approximation, so subject to imperfections. When must I use it? – When a prohibitive majority of cells are simply too crowded to identify individually, and individual identification is required. – e.g. let your biological assay needs guide you. How else can I deal with clustered cells? • Seed wells to achieve lower final densities, and/or more appropriately dispersed cells (some tips are provided in Cellomics’ FAQs). • Use a different cell type, if possible (a handful of cell types are known for their tendencies to cluster; e.g., HEK293, HepG2, MCF7). • Reject them using Object Selection Parameters. In such a case, weigh… • [time to acquire more images] versus [risk of inaccurate Object Segmentation]; • whether Rejection of clusters introduces bias (e.g., target phenotype expressed only in clusters?). Compare results using [Object Selection Parameters that Reject all but single cells] versus [Rejection of only/mostly single cells]. What Value should I use? • Radius (1/2 the diameter) of a typical Object. • Clusters of >2 or 3 cells may best be Segmented using a negative Value. ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 30 Caveats & benefits of different Object Identification Methods and Assay Parameters Images show caveats of Isodata (or PeakTriang or other histogram-based, dynamic) Object Identification Methods, as well as a caveat of the ObjectSegmentation Assay Parameter, and a benefit of the BackgroundCorrection Assay Parameter. ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 31 I-V-S in non-1° (2°) channel(s) 1° Object Identification 1° Object Validation fail includes 1° Object Selection “1° objects” with “1° masks” “Rejected_” overlay, usually*. • If “Rejected_” because of 1°Ch, • excluded from Valid_Count • from Selected_Count • from %Selected_ • If “Rejected_” because of 2°Ch, • included in Valid_Count • excluded from Selected_Count • reflected in %Selected_ ( = Selected_ Valid_Count) 2° channels (a.k.a. “downstream/dependent”, “ChN”) “1° object mask” “2°/sub-object masks” MaskModifierChN (Assay Parameter) Object Identification (often + Assay Params) fail Object Selection (a.k.a. “gating”) Sub-Object Selection (same list ) Selected_ overlay no overlay data results * BioApp-specific (a few cases have no “Rejected_” overlay). Also, overlay must be . ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 32 Interactive view after Identify Objects Interactive identificationProtocol and Selection ofmode: Objects This is an interactive Object Selection Clicking Identified objects makes them temporarily Selected, adding their values to the Object Selection Set Statistics temporary table that can be transferred to the Object Selection Parameters that are applied to all objects each time you Run Algorithm. To transfer only a subset, click on the row(s) of the Statistics table to toggle graying out. Restore Protocol Values is NOT an undo button!! Restores values from last saved version of the Protocol only! Common mistakes 1. Notice scrollbars. Unseen Statistics may be transferred! a) If zeroes transfer as Max for certain Parameters, all objects will be rejected! b) Esp. common in BioApps with parent objects + “child” subobjects: 1st one selected determines mode of accumulating only object or only sub-object Stats. 2. Statistics table is NOT CUMULATIVE! Many actions buttons clear it (incl. Run Algorithm, Identify Objects itself, Deselect…, Acquire…, etc.) ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 33 More FAQ’s Q: “Does my Form Factor let high field#s get outside my wells?” A: When you pass the borders specified by the selected Plate Type Form Factor, the displayed Field # goes blank. To check a corner of the well, select the max# in the list, then learn what corner it is by moving 1 field in each direction using the Select Field arrows until you find the 2 blanking directions. You can then use the arrows to step to the opposite corner where a blank appears, etc. Q: “I want to look at the same non-1 field# in many wells on my plate. Do I have to select it every time I change wells?” A: No. The remedy is illustrated on this page! Movement by Select Field arrows auto-updates this #. • And/or, a field # can be selected from list to move there. • Starting Field Offset dialog changes the default value here, but must move out of well and back in to “freshen” changes made in that dialog. (This temporary interactive Starting Field Offset reverts to default 1 when (a) a new Plate Type Form Factor is selected, (b) each time the software is started, and (c) may also when an Assay Protocol is saved, (d) a scan is completed, or other actions, so monitor closely). ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 34 34 Plate Protocols Plate ID / Barcode Plate Protocol Remaining scan settings not in Assay Protocol: • Plate Type (Form Factor) • Scan Area (which wells on plate) • Starting Field Offset (within each well) • Store Images (saves space for quick tests) • Display More (reduced GUI graphics) Assay Protocol ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 35 Anatomy of a Generic Cell Ch 1 Downstream Channels Object Circ Circ Spots Ring Ring Spots Primary Object = Nucleus Special Design for Morphology Explorer Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 or 4 Object Process Members Primary Object = Whole Cell ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific SpotFibers (high LWR) CONFIDENTIAL SpotFibers (low LWR) 36 Masks and Modifications Mask: the graphic representation of an object that is applied to separate channel in order to make a measurement in that channel Mask Modification: the enlargement or shrinking of the original mask • Positive values for the Mask Modifier parameter enlarge the mask (dilation) • Negative values for the Mask Modifier parameter reduce the size of the mask (erosion) Three major types of Mask Modifications: • Primary object mask (MaskModifier) • Circ Mask (CircModifier) • Ring Mask (RingDistance and RingWidth) The value of the Modifier is the number of pixels to dilate (positive) or erode (negative) the mask Adjustment of Mask and Circ Mask looks like this: Primary Object (Nucleus) Mask Modifier +2 Mask Modifier +4 Mask Modifier -2.0 Mask Modifier -4.0 Channel 1 ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 37 Adjustment of Circ & Ring Regions Ring Mask is described by 2 parameters: Ring Distance and Ring Width Adjustment is always relative to the Primary Object Mask CELL CELL RING CIRC PRIMARY OBJECT PRIMARY OBJECT Ring Distance Circ Modifier Ring Width ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 38 APPENDIX: ArrayScan resolutions & field sizes 6.45 1 6.45 1 6.45 1 6.45 0.63 6.45 0.63 6.45 0.63 Binning CouplerMag Acquisition Camera Camera Configuration Mode ORCA-ER Standard Autofocus HiRes ORCA-ER (0.63x)Standard Autofocus HiRes CamPixelSize MICROMETERS PER PIXEL ImagePixelSize = CamPixelSize / CouplerMag * Binning / ObjectiveMag (in MICRONS) 5x 10x 20x 40x 2 4 1 2 4 1 5 2.580 5.160 1.290 4.095 8.190 2.048 10 1.290 2.580 0.645 2.048 4.095 1.024 20 0.645 1.290 0.323 1.024 2.048 0.512 40 0.323 0.645 0.161 0.512 1.024 0.256 5x 10x 20x 40x 5 1,321 1,321 1,321 2,097 2,097 2,097 10 660 660 660 1,048 1,048 1,048 20 330 330 330 524 524 524 40 165 165 165 262 262 262 ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL CouplerMag Binning Acquisition Camera Mode Standard Autofocus HiRes ORCA-ER (0.63x) Standard Autofocus HiRes Camera Configuration ORCA-ER CamPixelSize FIELD WIDTH (in microns) ImageWidth = ImagePixelSize * 1024/Binning 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 1 1 1 0.63 0.63 0.63 2 4 1 2 4 1 39 APPENDIX: Field Scan Patterns “I’m trying to scan fields at the edges of scan-able areas, but corners are outside the wells.” See text below, right. Pattern always counter-clockwise, but field#2’s position depends on well’s total scan-able field#: System uses width of field at selected magnification. to compute how many fields fit in Form Factor’s Well Height (= Well Width), yielding a square grid of fields. When total field# is odd, field#1 is center; when even, offset by half field. Largest square grid in circular well: Well’s diameter = hypotenuse of grid. Pythagorean theorem says Well Width = Well Height ~ 70% of diameter. 28 fields x 28 fields = 784 fields 28 28 27 fields x 27 fields = 729 fields General pattern when TOTAL number of fields is an ODD number (field #2 is left of field #1). 27 27 = 729 729 728 727 726 725 724 723 722 721 720 719 718 717 716 715 714 713 712 711 710 709 708 707 706 705 704 703 25 25 = 625 626 625 624 623 622 621 620 619 618 617 616 615 614 613 612 611 610 609 608 607 606 605 604 603 602 601 702 23 23 = 529 627 530 529 528 527 526 525 524 523 522 521 520 519 518 517 516 515 514 513 512 511 510 509 508 507 600 701 21 21 = 441 628 531 442 441 440 439 438 437 436 435 434 433 432 431 430 429 428 427 426 425 424 423 422 421 506 599 700 19 19 = 361 629 532 443 362 361 360 359 358 357 356 355 354 353 352 351 350 349 348 347 346 345 344 343 420 505 598 699 17 17 = 289 630 533 444 363 290 289 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 342 419 504 597 698 15 15 = 225 631 534 445 364 291 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 272 341 418 503 596 697 13 13 = 169 632 535 446 365 292 227 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 210 271 340 417 502 595 696 11 11 = 121 633 536 447 366 293 228 171 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 156 209 270 339 416 501 594 695 9 9 = 81 634 537 448 367 294 229 172 123 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 110 155 208 269 338 415 500 593 694 7 7 = 49 635 538 449 368 295 230 173 124 83 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 72 109 154 207 268 337 414 499 592 693 5 5 = 25 636 539 450 369 296 231 174 125 84 51 26 25 24 23 22 21 42 71 108 153 206 267 336 413 498 591 692 3 3 = 637 540 451 370 297 232 175 126 85 52 27 10 9 8 7 20 41 70 107 152 205 266 335 412 497 590 691 638 541 452 371 298 233 176 127 86 53 28 11 2 1 6 19 40 69 106 151 204 265 334 411 496 589 690 639 542 453 372 299 234 177 128 87 54 29 12 3 4 5 18 39 68 105 150 203 264 333 410 495 588 689 9 2 2 = 4 4 = 16 640 543 454 373 300 235 178 129 88 55 30 13 14 15 16 17 38 67 104 149 202 263 332 409 494 587 688 6 6 = 36 641 544 455 374 301 236 179 130 89 56 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 66 103 148 201 262 331 408 493 586 687 8 8 4 General pattern when TOTAL number of fields is an EVEN number (field #2 is right of field #1). = 784 784 783 782 781 780 779 778 777 776 775 774 773 772 771 770 769 768 767 766 765 764 763 762 761 760 759 758 757 = 64 642 545 456 375 302 237 180 131 90 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 102 147 200 261 330 407 492 585 686 643 546 457 376 303 238 181 132 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 146 199 260 329 406 491 584 685 26 26 = 676 10 10 = 100 677 676 675 674 673 672 671 670 669 668 667 666 665 664 663 662 661 660 659 658 657 656 655 654 653 652 651 756 24 24 = 576 678 577 576 575 574 573 572 571 570 569 568 567 566 565 564 563 562 561 560 559 558 557 556 555 554 553 650 755 12 12 = 144 644 547 458 377 304 239 182 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 198 259 328 405 490 583 684 22 22 = 484 679 578 485 484 483 482 481 480 479 478 477 476 475 474 473 472 471 470 469 468 467 466 465 464 463 552 649 754 14 14 = 196 645 548 459 378 305 240 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 258 327 404 489 582 683 20 20 = 400 680 579 486 401 400 399 398 397 396 395 394 393 392 391 390 389 388 387 386 385 384 383 382 381 462 551 648 753 16 16 = 256 646 549 460 379 306 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 326 403 488 581 682 18 18 = 324 681 580 487 402 325 324 323 322 321 320 319 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 380 461 550 647 752 18 18 = 324 647 550 461 380 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 402 487 580 681 16 16 = 256 682 581 488 403 326 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 306 379 460 549 646 751 20 20 = 400 648 551 462 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 486 579 680 14 14 = 196 683 582 489 404 327 258 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 240 305 378 459 548 645 750 22 22 = 484 649 552 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 578 679 12 12 = 144 684 583 490 405 328 259 198 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 182 239 304 377 458 547 644 749 24 24 = 576 650 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 678 10 10 = 100 685 584 491 406 329 260 199 146 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 132 181 238 303 376 457 546 643 748 8 8 = 64 686 585 492 407 330 261 200 147 102 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 90 131 180 237 302 375 456 545 642 747 26 26 = 676 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 6 6 = 36 687 586 493 408 331 262 201 148 103 66 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 56 89 130 179 236 301 374 455 544 641 746 4 4 = 16 688 587 494 409 332 263 202 149 104 67 38 17 16 15 14 13 30 55 88 129 178 235 300 373 454 543 640 745 2 2 = 689 588 495 410 333 264 203 150 105 68 39 18 5 4 3 12 29 54 87 128 177 234 299 372 453 542 639 744 690 589 496 411 334 265 204 151 106 69 40 19 6 1 2 11 28 53 86 127 176 233 298 371 452 541 638 743 4 3 3 = 9 691 590 497 412 335 266 205 152 107 70 41 20 7 8 9 10 27 52 85 126 175 232 297 370 451 540 637 742 5 5 = 25 692 591 498 413 336 267 206 153 108 71 42 21 22 23 24 25 26 51 84 125 174 231 296 369 450 539 636 741 7 7 = 49 693 592 499 414 337 268 207 154 109 72 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 83 124 173 230 295 368 449 538 635 740 9 9 = 81 694 593 500 415 338 269 208 155 110 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 123 172 229 294 367 448 537 634 739 11 11 = 121 695 594 501 416 339 270 209 156 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 171 228 293 366 447 536 633 738 13 13 = 169 696 595 502 417 340 271 210 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 227 292 365 446 535 632 737 15 15 = 225 697 596 503 418 341 272 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 291 364 445 534 631 736 17 17 = 289 698 597 504 419 342 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 363 444 533 630 735 19 19 = 361 699 598 505 420 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 443 532 629 734 21 21 = 441 700 599 506 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 531 628 733 23 23 = 529 701 600 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 627 732 25 25 = 625 702 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 731 27 27 = 729 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 On a micron scale, plates may vary widely from specs, even in the same lots. Seating on stage and temperature expansion/contraction also cause variation. If you have verified… ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific • system is calibrated, • Form Factor’s First Well X&Y optimally approximates A1’s center, • Well Pitch X&Y are optimally approximate across a plate (use Status Bar/Tray coordinates in Protocol Interactive noting DX’s and DY’s for A1 vs. distal and corner wells)… …may be advisable to decrease Well Width & Height CONFIDENTIAL 40 Appendix: Data Hierarchy and Tiers Many terms in HCS have historical roots that are blends of photographic imaging and cell-based screening. Often the vocabulary works well, but is not a restriction on capabilities. Plate level features- E.g., exposure times, z-offsets, Reference Levels. This “plate” structure is rooted in cellbased assays in multi-well microtitre plates. In HCS, it can mean a microscope slide, too. Well level features- E.g., Z-position, CellCount, MEAN_ObjectAvgIntenCh2, SD_ObjectTotalInten, %HIGH_RingSpotCountCh2. A well is merely a subdivision of a plate. It constitutes a container for materials delivered to it. It can also be a subdivision of a micro-slide. Fields- A term borrowed from microscopy’s “field of view”. When a Field size is smaller than the image-able surface of a well, multiple fields may be imaged per well. Some BioApplications report Field features. All report Cell Features linked to Wells+Fields. Cell level features- E.g., ObjectSizeCh1, RingSpotCountStatusCh2. Historically, it was cells that were plated into wells of a plate. In HCS, the fundamental unit of analysis (primary Object) is most often a Cell, and multiple features of it are measured. Some of these features may be sub-objects (e.g., spots, micronuclei, perinuclear rings, neurites), though not necessarily. So, Cell Features are a class in this hierarchy, but Cell Features may correspond to properties of colonies or whole organisms (e.g., C. elegans). “Intrinsic/raw” Cell Features- e.g., RingSpotCountCh2 is a mere count of how many spots have been ascribed to an object based on sub-objects (spots) identified by Ch2’s label within a sub-compartment (ring) of an object. “Simple Statistical” Well Features based on intrinsic/raw Cell Features- e.g., MEAN_TargetAvgIntenCh2 represents that mean response of that well’s population of objects. That mean has a SD_TargetAvgIntenCh2 about it, too. ObjectCount is another example; it’s the sample size, n, on which the mean, stdDev, etc., are based. Status Cell Features- e.g., RingSpotCountStatusCh2. In some BioApplications, an object can be assigned to one of some Cell Feature phenotypes. For example, if an object’s TargetIntenCh2 exceeds the corresponding Reference Level, it’s classified by TargetIntenStatusCh2=1; else =0. Population Characterization Well Features based on Status Cell Features- Rather than a metric of a mean response, these report the fraction of a well’s sampled population that fall in a phenotypic class. E.g., %HIGH_TargetAvgIntenCh2 reports what percentage of the well’s sampled population exceeded a minimum Response Level. It’s simply computed by tabulating the corresponding Status frequencies. The meaning & legitimacy of intrinsic/raw features depends on the quality of input settings that generate them. The same is true of Population Characterization features. the %HIGH value is not meaningful if relevant Reference Level inputs were not used. ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 41 Quiz 1 Solution ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 42 Quiz 1 Solution ©1999-2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific CONFIDENTIAL 43