ICSI: III. Sex Determination A. Temperature: in some Reptiles. B. Chromosomes 1. Usually ♀= XX 2. abnormalities XO= ♀ ♂ = XY XXY = ♂ 3. Presence of ____Y_______ = ______ ♂ _________ – Y Carries gene proteins determine maleness 4. Early embryo (7wks) a. Undifferentiated gonads + both ♂ + ♀ ducts (Wolffian + Mullerian) b. Sex-Determining region of Y (SRY): Tells gonads to become ____Testes_____ c. Testes: i. Produce Mullerian Inhibiting Hormone (MIH) to ___Degenerate Mullerian Tubes_________________ ii. Produce testosterone to turn ___Wolffian Tubes____ into vas deferens, seminal vesicles and epididymis. C. Hormones determine Phenotypes • Testosterone converted to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to make external genitals. D. Mutations: Chromosome Sex vs Phenotypic sex -many scenarios, here are three 1. Hermaphrodites: have both both testes and ovaries a. Sex c-some mosaics: some cells _XX some XY or XXY 2. Androgen insensitivity: XY with female phenotype a. b. Mutation found on androgen receptor (AR) gene of X chromosome. i. The normal gene responds to testosterone and DHT to make a male ii. The mutant gene is insensitive to those hormones, so female developes. Results in a wide range of phenotypes usually infertile ♀ (Joan of Arc) 3. Pseudohermaphroditism: XY appears female till puberty than becomes male a. b. Pre-Puberty: Male gonads start to form, but DHT not made, so genitalia appear female. Puberty: i. Increased levels of testosterone cause testes to move down and scrotum to develop. ii. Clitoris develops into a penis. Everything is functional. E. Equalizing X c-some in ♀ (Why don’t X gene proteins show up twice as often females) 1. ♀ has XX but same amount of gene production as ♂ w/ one X 2. Barr 1949 noticed a dark body in nucleus of ♀ cells. a. Barr Body: Tightly coiled inactivated X i. Happens early in development. Random Paternal or Maternal X ii. All descendent cells have the same X inactivated. iii. Permanent except in germ cells. 3. ♀ can be mosaics a. b. some cells express Maternal traits, some Paternal traits Tortoiseshell cat i. Calico cat: wh. Gene on autosome. All ♀ 4. Process not well understood a. X becomes coated with RNA, coiled and inactivated 5. Timing: At about 32 cell stage: blastocyst a. Random: sometimes mostly maternal + sometimes Paternal. b. Identical twin may express different x-linked trait (like color blindness) F. Unusual Trait Inheritance 1. Sex-influenced genes: hormones affect gene expression a. Patterned Baldness: Dominant in ♂ needs: only 1 gene i. Recessive in ♀ needs 2 genes ii. Testosterone in males increases expression. 2. Sex-limited genes: expressed in only one sex a. b. Facial hair Milk production