Urbanization Notes

Part I: Urbanization – Effects of Industrialization
1) What is Urbanization?
a. ____________ and the ____________ of people to cities
b. Some cities (Glasgow and Berlin) tripled and quadrupled
2) Industrialization Changes Ways of Life
a. 1700s – Britain was primarily a ______ country
b. 1851 – More lived in _______ than the ___________
c. Pace of Industrialization quickened in Britain
d. Factory system – manufacturing goods in a ______________
i. Factories developed in clusters. Why?
ii. ____________________________________________
3) Growth of Industrial Cities
a. London – Britain’s capital and Europe’s largest city in 1800 (1 million people)
i. Population exploded in the 1800s
b. New cities challenged London’s industrial leadership
i. Birmingham and Sheffield became ______________ centers
ii. Leeds and Manchester dominated ____________ manufacturing
4) Case Study: Manchester
a. Formed the center of Britain’s bustling cotton industry
5) Peer Discussion
a. Using Manchester’s population growth as an example, what could be the advantages
and disadvantages of such rapid growth?
i. Provide two examples for the advantages and two examples for the
ii. Describe Manchester in relation to one of the 5 themes of Geography
6) Living Conditions
a. No __________ codes or ___________ controls
b. Lack of adequate housing, ___________, and police protection
c. Lack of __________ and indoor plumbing
d. Frequent epidemics sweeping through slums
i. Ex. Cholera
e. Eventually, better housing, healthier diets, and cheaper clothing
7) Working Conditions
a. Created ___________ for workers
b. __________ trying to keep pace with machines
c. Factories dirty and unsanitary
d. Workers running dangerous machines for long hours
e. Harsh, severe factory discipline
Eventually, ___________, shorter hours, and _______________ conditions
8) Class Tensions
a. ___________ in the new cities lived miserably
b. A new class emerged – the middle class
i. A social class of __________, ____________, ___________, and wealthy
c. Upper class of landowners and aristocrats __________ of rich middle class
d. Lower middle class of factory overseers and skilled workers
e. Workers _________ and ____________
9) Social Classes
a. _______ Class
b. ______________ Class
c. ______ Middle Class
d. Working Class
Part II: Video Worksheet – Current Events: China’s Population Problems
1.) China’s most powerful asset is_________________________________
2.) Younger adults from the rural parts of China are moving into the city
3.) What are some social impacts of the population policy described in the video? Economic? Cultural?
4.) What are some of the problems facing China in the next 10, 20, and 30 years?
5.) In what ways will China’s future challenges/problems affect the United States?
Part III: Practice – Political Cartoons
You are a cartoonist for the London newspaper during the
Industrial Revolution and feel troubled by the different problems
that are happening as a result of this “revolution.” Your
newspaper editor has asked you to create a political cartoon
(cartoons that convey a message in humorous and/or thoughtprovoking ways) that highlights a condition or problem associated
with the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain. Some problems
you may choose to illustrate are: the pollution of the air, the
hierarchy of social classes, the dangerous conditions in the
factories, and the crowded living conditions.
Remember: Cartoons should combine both drawings and text…
Part IV – Global Priority
Global Priority
$U.S. Billions
Cosmetics in the United States
Ice cream in Europe
Perfumes in Europe and the United States
Pet foods in Europe and the United States
Business entertainment in Japan
Cigarettes in Europe
Alcoholic drinks in Europe
Narcotics drugs in the world
Military spending in the world
And compare that to what was estimated as additional costs to achieve universal access to
basic social services in all developing countries:
Global Priority
$U.S. Billions
Basic education for all
Water and sanitation for all
Reproductive health for all women
Basic health and nutrition
Global Issues – http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-stats#src2
1.) Given the stats above, the statistic that surprised me the most
2.) Visit the “Global Issues – Poverty and Facts” (http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/povertyfacts-and-stats#src2) page and choose 3 additional facts about global poverty that surprised you
the most.
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
c. _____________________________
3.) Also, in what ways has urbanization contributed to widespread poverty?