Lesson Plans for March 9

Ms. Cheryl: Lead Teacher; Ms. Jen: Lead Assistant;
Ms. Denice: Assistant
Lesson Plans for March 9 - 13, 2015
Theme: Crickets/Letter O
Website: www.sceic.com
All activities are modified to ensure that all of our children learn accordingly
to their developmental stage and age-appropriate levels.
Groups rotate three times each day so all children receive teaching and
learning time with all three teachers.
Pre-Writing Skills:
Ms. Cheryl’s Group:
Get Ready For School: The children will peel then place small colored
reinforcement labels onto a small piece of construction paper. This will help the
children with their fine motor skills and warm them up for handwriting.
Activity: We will use two “Big Curves” this week to create the letter O using our
wooden pieces. The children will trace over a grey outlined circle made by an Otter
“swimming” on his back on page 34 of our Handwriting book. The children will trace
the letter O from page 35 of our Handwriting book.
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
COR: Level X-2: Child uses clay, wire or sticks to make recognizable letter.
Early Literacy:
Ms. Denice’s Group: “The Very Quiet Cricket”
Theme Book: The book this week is about a little cricket that has just been born.
A big cricket rubs his wings together to welcome him into the new world but the
little cricket cannot make a sound with his wings. As he travels through the field,
a bee, a praying mantis, a worm, a spittlebug, a cicada, and other insects say “good
morning” but the little cricket cannot make a sound when he rubs his wings
together. Finally as night falls, little cricket sees another cricket and she too was
a quiet cricket, so he rubbed his wings together one more time and this time, he
chirped the most lovely and wonder sound the little girl cricket had even heard.
Emergent Reading: After listening to the book, the children will answer questions
that the teacher has asked them.
Activity: Today the children will be starting a two day project making a cricket.
Today the first part will consist of them cutting 6 strips of black paper to
represent the legs, and two teardrop shapes from white paper to represent the
wings. We will construct and finish the cricket on Tuesday.
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
Math and Science
Ms. Jen’s Group:
Table Activity: Octopus Book
Activity: The teacher will talk about the Octopus file folder game that they will
play today and how it is played. Each child will receive the top half of an octopus
then they will be shown the bottom halves of the octopus and they will have to find
the matching tentacles.
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
Pre-Writing Skills:
Ms. Cheryl’s Group:
Get Ready For School: The children will peel then place small colored
reinforcement labels onto a small piece of construction paper. This will help the
children with their fine motor skills and warm them up for handwriting.
Activity: We will use two “Big Curves” this week to create the letter O using our
wooden pieces. The children will trace over a grey outlined circle made by an Otter
“swimming” on his back on page 34 of our Handwriting book. The children will trace
the letter O from page 35 of our Handwriting book.
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
Early Literacy:
Ms. Denice’s Group: “The Very Quiet Cricket”
Theme Book: The children will listen to the whole book today.
Emergent Reading: After listening to the book, the children will answer questions
that the teacher has asked them.
Activity: The children will finish their crickets today by gluing on their six legs,
two wings, and a pair of wiggly eyes.
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
COR: Listening to and Understanding speech, Level Q-2: When listening to a
story, rhyme, or narrative, child anticipates and fills in a word or phrase.
Math and Science
Ms. Jen’s Group:
Activity: Octopus Book
Table Activity: We will glue Cheerios onto an “O” shape that has been pre-cut
from different colors of construction paper.
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
Pre-Writing Skills:
Ms. Cheryl’s Group:
Get Ready For School: The children will peel then place small colored
reinforcement labels onto a small piece of construction paper. This will help the
children with their fine motor skills and warm them up for handwriting.
Activity: We will use two “Big Curves” this week to create the letter O using our
wooden pieces. The children will trace over a grey outlined circle made by an Otter
“swimming” on his back on page 34 of our Handwriting book. The children will trace
the letter O from page 35 of our Handwriting book.
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
Early Literacy:
Ms. Denice’s Group: “The Very Quiet Cricket”
Theme Book: The children will listen to the whole book today.
Emergent Reading: After listening to the book, the children will answer questions
that the teacher has asked them.
Activity: The children will use “fishing” worms as their painting tool today. The
children will each get a fishing worm that they will dip into colored tempura paint
then they will drag, swirl, dab, or use the worm however they choose to create a
design on the paper.
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
Math and Science
Ms. Jen’s Group:
Table Activity: Octopus Book
Activity: The children will play an Octopus counting game today using “tentacles”
with reinforcement stickers on them and an octopus body. Each child will get a
tentacle with 1 to 8 stickers on it. Each child will count the number of stickers on
their Octopus’ tentacle then they will have to find the matching number that has
been pre-programmed onto the body of an Octopus. (i.e.: 2 stickers on the tentacle
find the number 2 on the body).
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
COR: Comparing Properties, Level DD- 3: Child describes a change in an
object or situation.
Pre-Writing Skills:
Get Ready For School:
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
Early Literacy:
Theme Book:
Emergent Reading:
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
Math and Science
Table Activity:
Plan and Do: Each child will tell the teacher where they plan to play either on the
playground or in the classroom.
COR: Comparing Properties, Level DD- 3: Child describes a change in an
object or situation.
We will be making these adorable owls today using graham crackers, marshmallows,
skittles, and a piece of triangle candy.
Today we will be mixing water and oil together to find out what happens when the
two become friends! We will use a small water bottle, water, food coloring, 2
Tablespoons of cooking oil and dish washing detergent.
We will add a few drops of food coloring to the water then we will pour about 2
Tablespoons of the colored water along with the 2 Tablespoons of cooking oil into
the small water bottle. After screwing the lid on tightly, each child will shake the
bottle as hard as they can. We will then put the bottle down, look at it, and see
what happens as it settles. The oil will float to the top while the water remains at
the bottom.