HLD Document for an Agentsheet Project

<Project Name> High Level Design (HLD) Document
1. Introduction
The Problem
The curator of a new 24-hour gallery wing that is opening in Louvre Museum in
Paris has just hired you and your developer. Maximized foot traffic in the gallery and
maximized number of art pieces they can display is needed.
Your Assignment
You and your developer have been hired to help maximize both the foot traffic in the
space provided (20x40) and the number of art pieces in the gallery (initial = 3).
There will be a random number of people (0-4) entering the gallery every time step
(60 seconds) from the right, moving around randomly to view > 50% of the artwork.
These guests will keep track of what art pieces they have viewed. They will stop
moving when they are beside an art piece for a random number of time steps (1-5).
One the guest has viewed > 50% of the artwork, he/she will head directly to the exit
happily. Each guest will also have a “crowd tolerance” of a random # (5-25) when
entering the gallery depending on the # of people in the gallery. The guest will count
how many times they cannot move because someone is in their way and when that
reaches its tolerance number, the guest will head directly to the exit unhappily. The
curator will count the # of people who leave happily and unhappily. More art pieces
will be added constantly by the curator every day to the gallery until the # of
unhappy guests reaches 80%, or the model runs for 30 days.
2. Subject Matter Experts Agreement List
Reviewer (Y/N)
Tina Lin
Phil List
Amalan Iyengar
Ron Broadnax
3. Requirements
Look at the story in the introduction and answer the following questions:
○ What are the characters in the story (the nouns)? These are the agents in the
 The agents in the story are the curator, art pieces and the guest.
○ Do any of the characters have adjectives describing them? These are the
depictions of the agent. Which agents have multiple depictions and what are
 The guests have multiple depictions and they are viewing, unhappy, and
○ What activities does each character do? These are behaviors of the agent.
 The curator counts the number of unhappy and happy guests in the gallery
and also adds more art pieces to the gallery. The viewing guests moves
around randomly to view at least 50% of the art pieces. They keep track of
what pieces they have viewed. Viewing guests will stop moving. They can
also change into a happy or unhappy guest. Happy guests leave the gallery
happily and unhappy guests leave the gallery unhappily. Art pieces appear to
be viewed by the guests.
○ When do the activities take place? Does anything have to be true for the
activity to take place?
 The curator can only add more art pieces to the gallery only when 24 hours
has passed by and will stop when 80% of the guests are unhappy or when
the model runs for 30 days. Viewing guests only stop when they are next to
an art piece for a random time step of 1-5. Viewing guests can only change
into happy guests only when he/she has viewed over 50% of the art pieces
and that is when they leave the gallery immediately in the same depiction.
Viewing guests can only change into unhappy guests when their “crowd
tolerance” number equals its count number and that is when they leave the
gallery immediately in the same depiction. Art pieces only appear when 24
hours have gone by.
○ How do the characters do each activity? Describe the behaviors in detail, step
by step.
 Guests:
 Enter the gallery from the right and moves around randomly.
 Tries to view over 50% of the artwork.
 Keeps track of what pieces of art they have viewed.
 When it is next to a art piece, he/she will stop moving for a random # of
time steps (1-5)
 Once he/she has viewed over 50% of the art pieces, he/she will head
directly to the exit with a happy depiction.
 Each will have a “crowd tolerance” for the # of people in the gallery.
 It tolerance # will be random (5-25) given to them when entered into the
Will count the number of times they couldn’t move because of some
other guest or barrier.
 When guest count # = tolerance #, he/she will head directly to the exit
with an unhappy depiction.
 Curator:
 Counts the # of people who leave unhappily or happily.
 Every 24 hours, the curator will add one new piece of art to the gallery.
 Will continue to add more art pieces to the gallery until the # of unhappy
guests is 80% or when the model runs for 30 days.
Based on your answers to these questions, create an outline that describes the
agents in the story. For instance:
a. A [Javascript/Agentsheets] model showing the interactions of agents which
exhibit the following behaviors:
i. Guest Agent (viewing depiction)
1. Guests will keep track of what pieces of art they have viewed.
2. If guest is next to an art piece, the guest will stop moving for a
random # of time steps (1-5).
ii. Guest Agent (happy depiction)
1. The guest views over 50% of the pieces of art in the gallery
without their tolerance # to be equal to their guest count #.
iii. Guest Agent (unhappy depiction)
1. Counts how many times they cannot move because someone is in
their way.
2. Leaves through the exit in frustration when their tolerance # is
equal to their guest count #.
iv. Curator
1. Counts how many people leave happy and unhappy.
2. Adds one new piece of art to the gallery every day until the
number of unhappy guests is 80% or when the model runs for 30
4. Timeline
This is due within five days of receipt of the task (that would be Friday, June 19 for
those receiving this Monday, June 15). It is better to complete this sooner, so that
you can begin implementing an HLD that one of your classmates has written.
5. Desired Behavior / Components
How would you model agent 1 doing behavior 1? Give a step by step explanation of
how each agent does each behavior. Think about how you will demonstrate the
behavior in the AgentSheets model.
a. Enter the gallery randomly (0-4) every time step.
b. Given a tolerance number (5-25) upon entering.
c. Walk around randomly with a goal of viewing >= 50% of the artwork.
d. When next to an art piece, stop moving for a random number of time
steps (1-5).
e. Keep track of the # of art pieces you have seen.
f. Count the number of times you cannot move because someone is in your
g. Leave when you see >= 50% of artwork or when count # = tolerance #.
a. Counts the # of people who leave happy or unhappy.
b. Adds one new piece of artwork every 24 hours until the # of unhappy
guests is 80% or when the model runs for 30 days.
Replace the words in bold with your own words. Add more steps if you need them.
Do this for each behavior of each agent.
6. Conclusion
The goal is this activity is to …
Complete a Modeling High level Design Document.
Be able to make decisions about the projects.
Use agent sheet or java script skills
Understand other peoples HLD Documents and create a model off of that.
Be able to figure out what set number of art pieces can bring in the most
number of happy people.
Be able to guess what size the gallery should be to make an outcome with
more happy people.
In the end, the Curator is supposed to be happy that maximized foot traffic in
the gallery and maximized art pieces they can display in the gallery occurred.
The developer and software engineer benefits from this experience and
learns or refreshes knowledge on building or creating something.