CPD for Philippine Agriculturists: Act & Implementation

Presented by
President, PhilEASNet
2nd Philippine Association of Agriculturists, Inc. National Congress, 26-27, 2014,
Tagaytay International Convention Center, Tagaytay City
Scope of Presentation
• Features of the Proposed Continuing
Professional Development Act of 2014 (SB
1005, sponsored by Sen. Antonio Trillanes)
• Pre-PAA Congress Workshop
– Implications: Issues and Challenges
– Proposals on the CPD
• Continuing Professional Development Act of
• Continuing Professional Development or
“CPD” refers to the acquisition of enhanced,
advanced and new competencies of Filipino
• Need to promote and upgrade the practice of
professions in the country, thus institute
measures that will continuously improve the
competence of Filipino professionals in
accordance with international standards of
• Need to institutionalize and strengthen the
existing Continuing Professional Development
of the PRC in each of the regulated
– 46 Professional Regulatory Boards which
exercise administrative, quasi-legislative,
quasi-judicial powers
Objectives of the CPD Program
of the PRC
• Enhance and upgrade the competencies and
qualification of professionals for the practice
of their professions pursuant to the Philippine
Qualification Framework (PQF) and ASEAN
Qualification Reference Framework (AQRF)
and the requirements of ASEAN Mutual
Recognition Arrangements (MRAs)
– Philippine Qualification Framework is a quality
assured national system for the development,
recognition and award of qualification at defined
levels based on standards of knowledge, skills and
values acquired in different ways and methods by
learners and workers.
– ASEAN Qualification Framework is a device that
enables comparisons of qualifications across
ASEAN member states
• Ensure international alignment of
competencies and qualification of Filipino
Professionals through Career Progression
mechanisms leading to specialization/subspecialization
• Ensures the development of quality assured
mechanism for the validation and
accreditation and recognition of formal, nonformal and informal learning outcomes
including professional work experiences and
recognition of prior learning.
– Prior Learning refers to the individual’s skills,
knowledge and competencies that have been
acquired through work experience, unrecognized
training, independent study, volunteer activities
and hobbies that may be applied for academic
credit towards requirement of a training program
or for occupational certification.
• Ensure maintenance of core competencies
and development of advanced and new
competencies in response to the national,
regional and international labor market needs.
• Recognize and ensure the contribution of
Filipino Professionals to the upliftment of the
general welfare, economic growth, and
development of the nation.
Nature of CPD Programs
• Activities ranging from structured to nonstructured activities with learning processes
and outcomes.
Formal Learning
Non Formal
Informal Learning
On-line Learning
Work Experience
• Formal Learning refers to
structured educational
arrangement such as curricula,
qualifications and teaching
learning requirements that takes
place in education and training
institutions recognized, by
relevant national authorities and
leads to diplomas and
• Non-Formal Learning is a
learning which is embedded in
planned activities not explicitly
designated as learning (in terms
of learning objectives, learning
time or learning support)
• Informal Learning is learning
that results from daily activities
related to work family or leisure
and are in most cases not
intentional. It is not organized or
structured in terms of
objectives, time or learning
• Self-Directed Learning refers to learning
activities and processes that have been
managed and acquired by the professional
Program Implementation
1. Review existing and formulate new CPD
Programs in their respective regulated
2. Formulate, adopt and promulgate guidelines and
procedures for the implementation of the CPD
3. Organize CPD Councils for each of the regulated
professions and promulgate guidelines for their
4. Coordinate with concerned government
agencies, academe and concerned private
organizations in the implementation of the CPD
Program and other measures provided under
this Act.
5. Coordinate with concerned government
agencies for mechanisms and guidelines to
grant and transfer credit units earned from all
the learning processes and activities pursuant to
this Act;
• CPD Credit Units describes the value of an
amount of learning that can be transferred to
a qualification achieved from formal, informal
and non formal learning settings wherein
credits can be accumulated to predetermined
levels for the award of a qualification.
The CPD Council
• For every regulated profession
• Under the supervision of the PRB concerned
• Chairperson and two members
– PRB member chosen by PRB to sit in the CPDC, as
– President/Officer of the Accredited Professional
Organization (APO) authorized by the APO Board
– President/Officer of the national organization of
deans or department chairman of SUCs offering the
course of the regulated profession
• Term of Office: co-terminus with their
respective term of office in the PRB, APO and
the national organization of deans and
department chairpersons of SUCs
• Shall determine its own budget
• Functions
– Ensure the adequate and appropriate provision of
the CPD programs for the profession.
– Evaluate and act on applications for accreditation
of CPD providers and their respective CPD
– Monitor the implementation of the CPD programs
– Assess annually and/or upgrade the criteria for
accreditation of CPD providers and their
respective CPD programs
– Provide guidelines and mechanisms for the
validation, accreditation and recognition of selfdirected learning, prior/informal learning, on-line
learning , learning processes through professional
work experience
– Conduct researches, studies and benchmarking
for international alignment of CPD programs
– Issue operational guidelines; and
– Perform such other functions related or incidental
to the implementation of the CPD
CPDC Secretariat
• Under the PRC
• Headed by an Executive Director to be appointed by
the Chairperson of PRC
• Provide technical, administrative and operational
support to the CPD Council and PRBs in the
implementation of CPD programs.
• With counterpart CPDC Secretariat at the PRC Regional
Office to provide technical, administrative and
operational support in the implementation of CPD
Programs at the regional and provincial levels
Renewal of License and Accreditation
• The Continuing Professional Development for
every professional registered under the PRC is
hereby made as mandatory requirement in
the renewal of professional license for
purpose of accreditation of competencies and
qualification in the practice of profession.
Recognition of Credit Units
• All duly validated and recognized CPD credit units
earned by a professional shall be accumulated
and transferred pursuant to Pathways and
Equivalencies Of the Philippine Qualification
• The PRC and PRBs in collaboration with CHED,
TESDA, DepEd and CSC shall formulate guidelines
and standards to implement this section
Career Progression and Specialization
• The PRC and PRBs in consultation with the APOs, CSC,
other concerned government agencies and industry
stakeholders shall formulate and implement a career
progression and specialization Program to form part
of the CPD.
• The CSC, DOLE, PRC, and PRB shall update the
qualification standards of all positions in government
and private firms or establishments involving the
practice of profession to align and meet the
requirements of the Professional Regulatory Laws ,
Philippine Qualification Framework.
Role of Concerned Government
Agencies and the Private Sector
• All concerned government agencies and
private firms and organizations employing
professionals shall include the CPD as part of
their human resource development plan and
program and allocate the necessary funding
requirement for the attendance of their
professionals in CPD programs.
Fraud Relating to CPD
• Fraudulent acts relating to compliances and
the implementation and enforcement of this
act shall be punishable by the pertinent
provisions of the Penal Code and the Civil
Code as well as of other applicable laws.
• In the case of the professionals committing
fraudulent Act relating to CPD system, the
penalty shall be suspension of revocation of the
professional registration and/or license or of the
specialization certificate, depending on the
gravity of the offense
• In the case of government officials party to fraud
relating to CPD, additional penalties may be
imposed in relation violations of anti-graft laws,
the administrative code and the code of conduct
of public officials
• Issues and Challenges
– Preparations that needs to be done
– Guidelines for CPD
– Creation of CPD Council
• Structure and representation by area of concern
• Qualifications and functions/responsibilities
– Specific implementation scheme for CPD – what, who,
how, how much
– Member organization’s training needs to be addressed
• Skills to focus CPD on
• The inculcation, assimilation and acquisition
of knowledge, skills, proficiency, and ethical
and moral values, after the initial
registration of a professional, that raise and
enhance his technical skills and competence
• To provide and ensure the continuous
education of a registered professional with
the latest trends in the profession brought
about by modernization, scientific and
technological advancement;
• To raise and maintain the professional’s
capability for delivering professional services;
• To attain and maintain the highest standards
and quality in the practice of his/her
• To comply with the professional’s continuing
ethical standard requirements;
• To make the professional globally
competitive; and
• To promote the general welfare of the public.
CPD Programs
• Consist of properly planned and structured activities,
the implementation of which requires the participation
of a determined group of professionals to meet the
requirements of maintaining and improving their
occupational standards and ethics.
• Compliance with the CPE/CPD programs is deemed a
moral obligation of each professional and within the
context of the concerned profession’s code of ethics.
• Considered a necessary, effective and credible means
of ensuring competence, integrity and global
PRC Resolution No. 466, Series of
• Each Professional Regulatory Board (e.g.
Agriculture) should create a CPD Council
within thirty (30) days from the effectivity of
the Resolution
• To be approved by the PRC
• CPD Council shall assist its corresponding PRB
in implementing its CPD programs.
CPD Technical Working Committee
• Organize CPD Technical Working Committee in each of
the member organizations
• Assist the CPD Council in promulgating guidelines and
procedures for the implementation of CPD Program for
Agriculturists including the grant and transfer of credit
units earned from all the learning processes and
• Formulate new CPD Program for each of the
agriculture fields of specialization
• Coordinate with concerned entities for the
implementation of CPD Programs
• Create a PAA Technical Working Committee which
will oversee the implementation of the CPD for
– To monitor and evaluate the implementation of
CPD programs
– To accredit providers/lecturers for CPD programs
of member organizations
– To establish guidelines for CPD credit units
Office of the President
PAA CPD Council
Technical Working Committee
CPD Provider
• A natural person or juridical entity, including
among others
– An accredited or non-accredited professional
– Firm
– Partnership
– Corporation or institution
offering, organizing or arranging CPD activities for
implementation and administration.
CPD Program Monitoring
• The CPD Council is empowered to monitor
periodically the implementation of CPD
• Monitoring may either be:
– CPD Council on-the-spot monitoring
– In coordination with accredited CPD Monitor/s
• Accredited CPD Monitors are professionals trained to
participate in the evaluation of the CPD activities.
• Accreditation shall be withdrawn from the CPD
Provider who:
– Is found not complying with the prescribed rules and
regulations for CPD,
– Has committed substantial deviation from the approved
– Has submitted false reports, or
– Has committed such other acts that the Council finds to be
in violation of the interest of the activity.
Work Plan
Presentation to 2nd PAA Congress November,
PAA Vice
Designation and appointment of January, 2015
members of the Technical
Working Committee
Preparation of guidelines for PAA June, 2015
PAA President
Preparation and submission of
CPD programs by each member 2015
Application for accreditation with July 2015
PAA respective
Launching of CPD
Thank you for