Sample of Work by Alexander Bochner

Foot Skillz Incorporated
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
Table of Contents
Foot Skillz Incorporated
Foot Skillz Competition 2011 @ Prudential Center, July 1st, 2011
Page #
Table of Contents
An overview of the documents included in this bundle.
Sponsorship Proposal for Nike Inc
A letter directed to Mr. Mark Parker of Nike Inc suggesting a prospective
sponsorship of the Foot Skillz Competition 2011.
Venue Proposal for Prudential Center
A letter directed to the administration of the Prudential Center
suggesting a prospective rental agreement of the venue for the Foot
Skillz Competition 2011.
Soccer Tricks Tournament – Mail Advertisement
An information sheet on the tournament created to entice potential
attendees. This will be mailed along with the signup sheet, the schedule
and the prize information to these potential participators.
Signup Sheet – Mail Advertisement.
A sheet designed to be mailed in to our incorporation for participation in
the competition which will be mailed in the advertisement bundle to
potential attendees.
Competition Program – Mail Advertisement
This is a program for the entire competition which will be mailed in the
advertisement bundle to potential attendees.
Prize Information Sheet – Mail Advertisement
This is a sheet outlining the prizes for the competition which will be
mailed in the advertisement bundle to potential attendees.
Foot Skillz Ad
This ad will be posted in various neighborhoods, sports stores and also
included in Mail Advertisement.
Thank You Letter
This letter would be given to all participators and visitors and the end of
the competition as a sign of gratuity.
All rights are reserved by Foot Skillz Incorporated, 2011.
Foot Skillz Incorporated
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
Mr. Mark Parker
President and CEO
Nike Inc.
Beaverton, Oregon
June 1st, 2011.
We are entering a new phase in American sports. The future will feature an increased
popularity in soccer, which has a seemingly unlimited amount potential, and we believe Nike
Incorporated, in collaboration with Foot Skillz, should take advantage of these financial
Upon attempting to secure our place in this field we have developed a national tournament
consisting of an unlimited number of soccer artists all competing to best showcase their
abilities with a ball. Nike Incorporated has been a superpower in the field of sports in North
America for decades and we believe a sponsorship of our tournament would further add to the
success, which has been achieved. Soccer is a popular sport worldwide and we have evidence
that shows that the interest in North America is only growing, leaving an important opportunity
for Nike Incorporated, that should not be turned down, to reinforce their popularity and gain
future financial stability. The sponsorship would include merchandise, which would feature the
Nike brand name everywhere, and also advertising throughout our event, visible to all
participators and spectators.
My workforce and I are looking forward to our prospective cooperation as well as any response
you may have to this business opportunity.
Alexander Bochner
President of Foot Skillz
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
All rights are reserved by Foot Skillz Incorporated, 2011.
Foot Skillz Incorporated
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
Prudential Center
165 Mulberry Center
Newark, NJ 07102
June 1st, 2011.
Dear Administrators of Prudential Center.
Foot Skillz is a newly established organization planning to launch a soccer tricks tournament on
July 1st 2011. We have sought out the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey as the ideal
location for our potential event as it would be an honor for our company to have the
opportunity to hold our first annual tournament in a well known arena such as yours.
Our competition reaches out to an entirely new audience in the sports industry in a way that
North America has never seen before. Children, men and women have the opportunity to
showcase their abilities with a ball through a concept developed by our fine staff. Our
tournament will seek to let 3 different age groups compete separately in 3 categories of soccer
tricks; juggling, dribbling and free styling. Each competitor’s performance will be rated by
judges who will eventually choose a winner of each age group to compete in a final showdown
of free styling in order to crown an overall champion of Foot Skillz Competition 2011.
We are expecting the total number of participators, whether visitors or performers, to be
between 200 and 500. Any questions can be directed toward the below listed contact
information. We are looking forward to any future cooperation - Thank You.
Alexander Bochner
President of Foot Skillz
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY or 973-555-201
All rights are reserved by Foot Skillz Incorporated, 2011.
Foot Skillz Incorporated
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
Soccer Tricks Tournament
Join the Foot Skillz Competition 2011 @ the Prudential Center.
What is the idea behind Foot Skillz?
Alexander Bochner founded the organization behind the tournament, Foot Skillz
incorporated, in the summer of 2011, based out of New York City, NY. The main purpose was
to create a place for individuals to illustrate their talents with a soccer ball through a series of
events. The competitive nature of the tournament is meant to create a fun and attractive new
sport aimed toward kids and adults of all ages.
The sport of soccer is a worldwide phenomenon with an unfulfilled potential in North
America. Foot Skillz brings the most entertaining form of the sport to its audience: the
showcase of individual ball handling abilities. Our competition brings entertainment to fans as
well as competitors. We believe the amount of talent that exists in the United States and
Canada needs a larger scene than ever before in order to reach its full potential.
How does the tournament work?
There will be three different age groups with one overall winner in each group going on
to meet in a final showdown for the title of Foot Skillz Champions. Each group winner will
receive money and sponsor prizes while the overall winner will receive an extra bonus for their
efforts. The groups will consist of ages 0-10, 11-18 and 18+ regardless of gender. Each group
will go through 3 different events;
All rights are reserved by Foot Skillz Incorporated, 2011.
Foot Skillz Incorporated
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
o 90 Seconds to perform any trick while the ball is in the air. If the ball is dropped more
than 3 times the individual event will be stopped.
60 Seconds to showcase as many dribbles and variations as possible.
Free styling
Any type of trick with the ball is allowed here. Competitors are allowed 90 seconds to
In the final showdown to crown the overall champions 120 seconds of free styling will
be permitted. The final winner will be decided based upon a voting of the 3 judges and the
president and founder of Foot Skillz, Alexander Bochner. If a tie, the four previous mentioned
individuals will decide upon the overall winner.
How does the scoring work?
The scoring scale will be based on 100 possible points and is an average of three judge’s
assessment. The judges will be former players, coaches or others affiliated with soccer or artists
within the field. The scores will be based upon three important elements;
Elegance – How well you move your body.
Ball Control – How well you are able to dictate the movement of the ball.
Creativity – How well you are able to think outside the box and show uniqueness.
How do I sign up?
Simply fill out the signup sheet and mail to:
Mail: 10 5th Ave. New York City, NY 10017 USA.
All rights are reserved by Foot Skillz Incorporated, 2011.
Foot Skillz Incorporated
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
Foot Skillz Competition 2011
July 1st 2011 @ the Prudential Center
Signup Sheet
Mail to: 10 5th Ave. New York City, NY 10017 USA.
Contact Information:
Dribbling Challenge
Juggling Challenge
If under the age of 18, attendees need to have a parent sign underneath.
All rights are reserved by Foot Skillz Incorporated, 2011.
Foot Skillz Incorporated
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
Foot Skillz Competition Program 2011
July 1st 2011 @ the Prudential Center
Foot Skillz Program - 2011
9 – 11 AM
Check-in @ main entrance of Prudential Center.
Juggling Event – All age groups.
Dribbling Event – All age groups.
Free Style Event – All age groups.
Winners of each age group announced.
Winners Final and Announcement of overall winner.
All rights are reserved by Foot Skillz Incorporated, 2011.
Foot Skillz Incorporated
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
Foot Skillz Prize Information
Age 0-10
1st place - $100 and a Nike Inc. Ball
2nd place - $50 and a Nike Inc. Ball
3rd place - $25 and a custom made t-shirt.
Age 11-18
1st place - $100 and a Nike Inc. Ball
2nd place - $50 and a Nike Inc. Ball
3rd place - $25 and a custom made t-shirt.
Age 18+
1st place - $500 and a Nike Inc. Ball
2rd place - $250 and a Nike Inc. Ball
3rd place- $ 100 and a custom made t-shirt.
Overall Winner - $1000.
All rights are reserved by Foot Skillz Incorporated, 2011.
Foot Skillz Incorporated
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
Foot Skillz Ad 2011
This ad will be posted around neighborhoods across the Northeastern part of the United States and in
sports stores if given permission by the individual store.
All rights are reserved by Foot Skillz Incorporated, 2011.
Foot Skillz Incorporated
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10017 or 973-555-201
Visitors & Participants
Of Foot Skillz Competition 2011
@ Prudential Center, Newark, NJ
Sponsored by Nike Inc.
July1st 2011, Newark, NJ
The success of our first annual Foot Skillz Competition could not have been possible without the
contribution from our participants. We saw a strong showcase of ball skills by numerous
competitors which created a solid foundation for future events such as this one. Our sponsor,
Nike Inc. revolutionized this sport by making this event possible and paving the way for another
Foot Skillz Competition in 2011. Our organizers managed to put together a competition which
has made history in North America, a contest never seen before.
We, at Foot Skillz, would like to further have your support in our efforts to advance this concept
into the next year, 2012. Therefore I would like to officially offer a 50% reduction in admission
for any of the participants in next year’s Foot Skillz Comeptition.
A humble thank you is well deserved to all participants – We hope to see everyone next year.
Alexander Bochner
President of Foot Skillz
10 5th Avenue, New York City, NY
All rights are reserved by Foot Skillz Incorporated, 2011.