PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON POLICE: ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 04th JULY 2014 CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 1 VISION, MISSION AND STRATEGIC OVERVIEW VISION: A transformed and accountable Police Service that reflects the values of our developmental State MISSION: To provide efficient and effective civilian oversight of the police and to enhance the role of the Minister of Police STRATEGIC GOALS OF THE CSP: Ensuring the Minister is well advised and supported by the Civilian Secretariat and a service-delivery orientated police service that is accountable Quality and evidence based strategic research, policy advise and legislative support to the Minister of Police Deepen public participation in the fight against crime Enhance accountability and transformation of the SAPS CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 2 INTRODUCTION Civilian Secretariat became designated department on the 1st April 2014 Civilian Secretariat for Police Budget Programme structure was reviewed & reformed Systems put in place to function as independent department, i.e. payroll, time & attendance, financial management, risk management, etc Provincial Departments of Safety aligning their performance objectives with the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act Review of Sector Indicators will be consulted by provincial departments Process of reviewing provincial departments of safety Budget Programme Structures started CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 3 KEY 2014/15 POLICIES, LEGISLATIONS & PRIORITIES General Policies and Priorities: National Development Plan Outcome 3: All People are and feel safe Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development – orientated Public Service and an empowered, fair and inclusive Citizenship Criminal Justice Revamp Internal Polices and legislation: The White Paper on the Police The White Paper on Safety and Security Review of the South African Police Service Amendment Bill (Align SAPS Act with White paper on the Police and Constitution) CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 4 STRATEGIC OUTCOMES A Secretariat that provides strategic direction and has effective administrative management systems and supports the Minister of Police in fulfilling his constitutional mandate A Secretariat that effectively manages the provision of HR management and HR development management The provision and integration of communication services within the Secretariat Efficient and effective use of resources in a compliant manner A partnership strategy that mobilizes role-players and stakeholders in strengthening collaboration in crime prevention Strengthened cooperation with other government departments Communities mobilisation in crime prevention activities Strengthened collaboration between government and the private/ academic sector Clearly developed policies around major policing issues Effective research programme on policing Effective policing legislation able to be implemented by SAPS Improved performance of SAPS through engagement with the Secretariat on budgeting and planning processes A transformed professional police by monitoring and evaluating the conduct of SAPS Improved implementation of policy and legislation by SAPS through regular monitoring by Secretariat Credible evaluations of SAPS projects and plans CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 5 OVERVIEW OF STAFFING The staff establishment of the Secretariat was signed off by the Minister of Police and the Minister of Public Service and Administration at the end of 11 April 2012. The staff establishment has grown to 114 staff members. All Executive management posts have been filled. Year Staff Establishment 2011/12 Filled Posts 53 2012/13 114 83 2013/14 (current) 114 111 CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 6 SECRETARIAT BUDGET ITEM BUDGET (R’000) OPERATIONAL 28 261 PERSONNEL 71 537 TOTAL 99 798 PROGRAMME BUDGET (R’000) ADMINISTRATION 28 347 INTERSECTORAL COORDINATION & STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS 20 410 LEGISLATION & POLICY DEVELOPMENT 26 313 CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT, MONITORING & EVALUATIONS 24 728 TOTAL 99 798 CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 7 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION PURPOSE: TO PROVIDE ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT, STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT Sub-programmes Department Management Corporate Services Finance Administration (Chief Financial Officer) Internal Audit Office Accommodation CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 8 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION ITEM BUDGET (R’000) Department Management 5 286 Corporate Services 10 740 Finance Administration 8 967 Internal Audit 3 354 TOTAL 28 347 CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 9 SUB-PROGRAMME: DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT PURPOSE: TO PROVIDE STRATEGIC SUPPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF POLICE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE An effective and efficient Secretariat able to fulfill its mandate The following areas will be a priority: Effective planning in the Secretariat (Strategic Plan, APP, Annual Reporting, Performance Planning and Quarterly Reporting) Effective co operation between IPID and Secretariat (Joint consultative forums) Effective Performance Management (Performance agreements signed and implemented across the Secretariat) Compliance with the PFMA, DPSA Performance Management System MINMEC (meetings and reporting) Strategic & technical advice to the Minister Engagement of government departments through JCPS Cluster processes CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 10 SUB-PROGRAMME: CORPORATE SERVICES PURPOSE: TO PROVIDE A RELIABLE AND EFFICIENT CORPORATE SERVICE TO THE SECRETARIAT THAT INCLUDES THE PROVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AS WELL AS EMPLOYEE RELATIONS, COMMUNICATION & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES AND AUXILIARY SERVICES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE An effective Human Resource Management and Development Services in place The following areas will be a priority: Compliance with Departmental requirements (Reporting to Public Service Commission, DPSA, PSETA, Department of Labour & other relevant departments) Personnel appointed according to approved establishment Approved HRM & HRD Plans Policies approved: Diversity Management, EHW & Disciplinary Code of Conduct signed by all staff Approved WSP Effective EHW programme implemented CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 11 SUB-PROGRAMME: FINANCE ADMINISTRATION PURPOSE: TO PROVIDE PFMA-COMPLIANT FINANCIAL, ACCOUNTING AND SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICES TO THE SECRETARIAT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Ensure sound corporate governance and provide PFMA compliant supply chain services, asset management services, PFMA compliant financial accounting services in the Secretariat The following areas will be a priority: Establish SCM Committees Updates asset register Demand Management Plans Procurement plans implemented timeously Improvement of budgeting and spending patterns Payment to creditors within 30 days Midterm review reports produced Compliance with National Treasury processes CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 12 SUB-PROGRAMME: INTERNAL AUDIT PURPOSE: TO PROVIDE INTERNAL AUDIT SERVICES BY CONDUCTING COMPLIANCE & PERFORMANCE AUDITS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMING STRATEGIC RISKS BASED AUDITS & CONSULTING SERVICES DIRECTED AT IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS & EFFICIENCY OF THE SECRETARIAT OPERATIONS, RISK MANAGEMENT & GOVERNANCE PROCESSES The following areas will be a priority: Three year roll out plan Audit reports Risk management policies Risk management strategies Global Risk Assessment Reports CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 13 RISKS & MITIGATION OF RISKS Risks Security and facilities management Training not aligned to the strategic objectives of the Secretariat Insufficient HR capacity to meet the growing needs of the Secretariat Budget of Corporate Services Vetting of Corporate Services Mitigation of Risks Speedy appointment of competent security and facilities management experts Training linked to skills audit and competency identification Appointment of identified HR experts as recommended in the new proposed structure Possible shared services to alleviated budget issues CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 14 PROGRAMME: INTERSECTORAL COORDINATION & STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS PURPOSE: TO MANAGE AND ENCOURAGE NATIONAL DIALOGUE ON COMMUNITY SAFETY AND CRIME PREVENTION Sub-programmes Intergovernmental, Civil Society & Public-Private Partnerships Community Outreach CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 15 15 INTERSECTORAL COORDINATION & STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS: BUDGET SUB-PROGRAMMES BUDGET (R’000) Intergovernmental, Civil Society & Public Private Partnerships 16 366 Community Outreach TOTAL 4 044 20 410 CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 16 16 SUB-PROGRAMME: INTERGOVERMENTAL, CIVIL SOCIETY & PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS PURPOSE TO MANAGE AND FACILITATE INTERGOVERNMENTAL, CIVIL SOCIETY & PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Strategic collaborative partnerships between intergovernmental, civil society & public partnerships The following areas will be a priority: Working agreements with civil society, government departments, academic institutions Anti-crime campaign Assessments of CSF’s, SAPS Rural Strategy, SAPS Sector Policing Facilitating CSF Working Groups CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 17 17 SUB-PROGRAMME: COMMUNITY OUTREACH PURPOSE TO PROMOTE, ENCOURAGE AND FACILITATE COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN CRIME PREVENTION INITIATIVES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Maximum participation of communities in crime prevention initiatives The following areas will be a priority: Assessment of social crime prevention programmes Monitoring of implementation of community policing forum guidelines in provinces Assessment of provinces implementing Community Police Forum training programmes CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 18 18 RISKS & MITIGATION Risks Lack of participation of stakeholders on joint policy implementation programmes Readiness of municipalities to implement CSF policy Lack of participation of other cluster departments on CSF policy implementation Some provincial JCPS clusters and DevComs not functional, impacting on CSF policy implementation Mitigation of Risks Submit water tight and comprehensive explanatory memorandum to Heads of Departments and Organisation to motivate for stakeholder participation SALGA to continue facilitating municipal engagements on CSF policy implementation Obtain various HODs support to participate in JCPS cluster programmes on CSFs CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 19 19 PROGRAMME: LEGISLATION & POLICY DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE: TO DEVELOP POLICY AND LEGISLATION FOR THE POLICE SECTOR & CONDUCT RESEARCH ON POLICING & CRIME SUB-PROGRAMMES Policy Development & Research Legislation CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 20 20 LEGISLATION & POLICY DEVELOPMENT: BUDGET SUB-PROGRAMME BUDGET (R’000) Policy Development & Research 14 254 Legislation 6 781 DPCI Judge 5 278 TOTAL 26 313 CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 21 21 SUB-PROGRAMME: POLICY DEVELOPMENT & RESEARCH PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME TO DEVELOP POLICING POLICIES & UNDERTAKES RESEARCH IN AREAS OF POLICING & CRIME STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE Evidenced-based policies around policing areas and research around crime & policing The following areas will be a priority: Development of policies linked to the White Paper on Policing Serial murder and Rape policy Draft White Paper on Safety & Security Draft policy on Reducing Barriers to Reporting Crimes of Gender-based Violence Research projects on: Trends report on policing, IGR Anti-Gangs Strategy, Review of Public Order Policing, Impact of Firearms Control Legislation on firearm crimes in SA Maintenance of Resource Centre CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 22 22 RISKS & MITIGATION OF RISKS Risks • Inter-dependency on external role-players across departments and clusters on coordination, joint planning and delivery • Short timeframes for delivery of policies and projects due to cross cutting nature of work • Not effectively utilising civil society to maximise impact Mitigation of risks • Establish joint indicators to be incorporated into Governments MTEF cycle and get buyin of relevant clusters • Proper development of realistic milestones and target dates and sequencing of project coordination • Broaden networks across civil society and academia to enhance quality of research and policies CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 23 23 SUB-PROGRAMME: LEGISLATION PURPOSE TO PROVIDE LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES TO THE SECRETARY OF POLICE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE An effective and constitutionally-compliant departmental legislative framework for effective policing The following areas will be a priority: Bills for public consultation: Animal Movement & Produce Bill to repeal Stock Theft Act Bills to be developed: Revised SAPS Bill, Fire Arms Control Amendment Bill Bills to be tabled in parliament: National Key Points Amendment Bill, Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorists & Related Activities Amendment Bill Regulations: Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act (DNA), Private Security Industry Regulation Act CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 24 24 RISKS & MITIGATION Risks • Skills gap • Reliance on finalization of policy impacting on legislative Bills Mitigation of Risk • • • • Training programmes to address skills gap Engage in peer review sessions Ensure access to necessary legal material in place Revision of legislation programme and rationalization of programme CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 25 25 PROGRAMME: CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT, MONITORING & EVALUATION PURPOSE: TO OVERSEE, MONITOR & REPORT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE SUB-PROGRAMMES Police Performance, Conduct & Compliance Monitoring Policy & Programme Evaluations Information Management CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 26 CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT, MONITORING & EVALUATION: BUDGET SUB-PROGRAMMES BUDGET (R’000) Police Performance, Conduct & Compliance Monitoring 17 854 Policy & Programme Evaluations 2 765 Information Management 4 109 TOTAL 24 728 CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 27 SUB-PROGRAMME: POLICE PERFORMANCE, CONDUCT & COMPLIANCE MONITORING PURPOSE: TO MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE, CONDUCT & COMPLIANCE OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE To improve police accountability The following areas will be a priority: Effective oversight visits of local stations (oversights visits conducted and reports compiled) Trend reports on police stations service delivery (based on analysis of oversight trends) Reports on SAPS implementation of Public Order Policing policy Assessment of SAPS budget (Analysis reports) Monitoring reports on implementation of Child Justice Act, Public Order Policing, IPID recommendations Assessment reports on SAPS Litigation management Developing Complaints management policies Monitoring reports on Domestic Violence Act compliance CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 28 SUB-PROGRAMME: POLICY & PROGRAMME EVALUATIONS PURPOSE: TO EVALUATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROGRAMMES IMPLEMENTED BY THE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE To improve programme implementation effectiveness The following areas will be a priority: Evaluation reports on policies & programmes implemented Reports on implementation of Secretariat & Portfolio Committee recommendations M & E capacity building sessions CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 29 SUB-PROGRAMME: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PURPOSE: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE TO PROVIDE RELIABLE, ACCURATE & TIMELY INFORMATION THAT WILL INFORM EVIDENCE BASED DECISION MAKING To enhance information management The following areas will be a priority: Domestic Violence Assessment Tool CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 30 RISKS & MITIGATION OF RISKS Risks Access to data from SAPS Lack of common understanding on Secretariat’s mandate by SAPS Mitigation of Risks Sessions with relevant SAPS top management to discuss access to data Sessions with SAPS top management to discuss legislative obligations of these entities CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 31 Thank You Enkosi Dankie CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 32