Sec# 2 Name Student Newspaper Description Like to write? Have opinions you want to share with the world in an appropriate setting? Want to deliver events impacting the Freshman Academy to your classmates? Come be a part of an exciting breakout in which we will create the FA newspaper. We need creative, passionate students who can/ want to express their ideas in writing. Just like any newspaper experts in all major fields are welcome! It will also be a great opportunity for you to showcase your writing skills to a candid world. Come be a part of something that everyone will be posting Tweets about soon! 4 Science Club Science Club 6 Cricket Must sign-up through Mrs. Mahaffey 8 Explore the World! Did you travel to an exciting place this summer? Do you want to travel the world? We will check out pictures, travel websites, and discuss our own travels whether in the U.S. or abroad. 10 Under the Sea Come discover the depths of the ocean. Sharks, stingrays, octopus and so much more. We’ll partner with and visit the Oklahoma Aquarium to dive into the deep unknown. 12 Origami Come learn the Japanese art of paper folding! In this breakout you will learn how to make origami pieces that will amaze your family and friends! You will also get to teach others what you have learned. 14 Card Games We will play a different card game each week such as Uno, Phase 10, Hearts, etc. 16 Tulsa Then and Now Study everything and anything there is to know about Tulsa? History, Art Deco, Actors/Actress, Fun Facts, Athletes, Race Riot-segregation, Landmarks, Oil Boom, Museums, Tulsa Pride!!!!!! Sec# 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Name Golf 101 Description This class will consist of everything from golf vocabulary and rules to mechanics, club grip and swing. Come join this Break-out and learn the lifetime activity of golf. Cultural Jenks is an extremely culturally diverse school district. This course will help break down Appreciation and stereotypes and promote healthy interaction between all students. Students will be allowed to Recognition openly discuss, research, and experience the differences and similarities among the student population. Students of various backgrounds and cultures are highly encouraged to join and share with fellow students. At times, students may be asked to bring food, games, music, etc that will help in the sharing of their culture. The class as a whole will outline a schedule for the semester/year that will highlight specific cultures and promote recognition throughout the Freshman Academy. This may be in the form of posters, food presentation, performances, videos, etc. Pinterest Party! Obsessed with Pinterest? Feeling limited with the hot glue gun of the 90’s? Be green and upcycle! We will make recycled t-shirt bracelets, t-shirt headbands and t-shirt belts. We will have t-shirts you can use or you can bring one from home. "Old School" This includes games like UNO, Scrabble, Jenga, and many more. Weather permitting; games games may include four square, red rover... old-fashioned elementary school PE games. Spanish Disney Disney movies in Spanish with English subtitles. (This was popular with Spanish aficionados and Movies native speakers last year) InvestEd Stock Market Investing Club Creative Nails We will learn what to look for when figuring out what stocks to purchase. We will then put together a portfolio of stocks and monitor their progress over the school year/semester. We will discuss current economic trends and current events that may affect our stocks. Bring your own supplies and ideas to use and share. We will also try ideas from Pinterest and other sources. Sec# Name Description 32 Yoga for Girls We will explore breathing and meditation to help with relaxation and focus. We will work on yoga poses to help with strength and flexibility. Comfortable, stretchy clothing that meets school dress code is required. Yoga mat is optional. This is a girl only session. 34 Basic Birding Students will learn a few basics about some of the birds found in Oklahoma. We will go on short bird walks to see if we can identify some of the birds we learn about. 36 Sports movies Students will have the opportunity to watch and critique several football movies. Themes of the movie(s) that illustrate parallels between football and life will also be discussed. 38 History of Rock 'n Learn the influences that helped develop our modern day music scene. Roll 40 Film Club 42 Trojan Volunteering 44 WWII Movies 46 Girl Talk 48 Chess for beginners Through a variety of games and activities, Girl Talk will provide a safe environment to explore issues that freshman girls are facing today. This is a girl only session. This breakout will focus on teaching the foundations of chess to the beginners and enhancing the skills of the more experienced chess players. 50 Repurpose and Recycle Crafts Develop your creative side by participating in craft activities that may just take you on a trash to treasures adventure. Movies that affected film making--Watching major movies and discussing their impact on film making and modern culture. Such topics as historical adaptations, cross film continuity, and major culture impacts are included. List of movies include Star Wars, Wild, Wild West, Iron Man, Thor, Captain American, Hulk. For students wanting to get an hour of service for DSG or Key Club each week. We will help teachers, participate in campus beautification projects, and provide tutoring for all ages of kids. Sec# Name 52 Drawing 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 Description Have you always wanted to learn to draw? Come learn the techniques that make drawings realistic. Then discover and practice drawing what interests you. Already like to draw? Come draw with us. Materials will be provided. SO (Special This Break-out session is for students that are interested in helping with different sports as Olympics) Get partners when they begin 10th grade. This year is an introduction to Jenks Special Olympics Into It Club opportunities for students without disabilities. Fun, interactive, creative activities and experiential role plays that promote respect and acceptance among all people, with or without disabilities. Walking to Take a break - Walk off your stress. Explore the campus and outdoors while learning to let go De-stress of your stress. Self's Savvy, After each Break-out session the participants will leave with a completed low budget project. Southeast Corner Examples are dough artwork, woven paper and fabric chains, tee-shirt scarves, and food Crafts garnishing. Simple sewing projects will be included such as trendy headbands and decorative pillows. Board Games Are you tired of being bored? Do you enjoy playing games? Then come join the Board Games Breakout! We will play such games as Battleship, Trivial Pursuit, Chess, Checkers, Scattergories, Jenga, and many others. Walking for Walking has many health benefits such as improving your mood and keeping you strong and Fitness fit. We will walk outside for 30-40 minutes around campus and around town. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a jacket if needed. Gather your friends and come walk and talk!! Knitting Club This is a girls only club. Our first project will be a scarf, and you MUST supply your own yarn and needles. Ultimate Dodge This is a game that is not made for the weak of heart and should be considered as an athletic Ball challenge. All practice and tournaments will take place in the peg gym during normal breakout hours Sec# Name Description 68 Soccer Soccer 70 Cross-stitching 101 Create pictures and designs of your choice using cross-stitching. Great for making gifts, wallhangings, decorations. 72 Exploring Colleges This break-out session will show you pictures of colleges and let you learn different aspects of college such as admissions, athletics, traditions, prerequisites, student body demographics, rankings, majors, dorm life, intramurals, clubs, and Greek life. Some of the colleges to be covered are OSU, OU, TU, Baylor, KU, LSU, UCLA, UK, Harvard, and many more! Join this group so you can start thinking about college and learn what options are available for you. 74 Reading for fun Bring whatever book you are reading; that you are enjoying and just spend time reading for the pleasure of reading. Time will be given to those who would like to share what they are reading with the group and for book discussions. 76 Comedy! Do situations involving mistaken identities, idiots, and cross dressing crack you up? Do you love films such as 10 Things I Hate About You and She’s the Man? Then this breakout is for you! Join us for an hour a week to read, watch, and discuss a few of Shakespeare’s hilarious comedies, and their various film interpretations 78 Pack your suitcase Ready to go on a trip? Learn how to preplan for a trip. Where will you go, how much will it and let’s travel cost, how will you get there, and what will you take with you. These are a few of the things will be discussed. Is it better to take a tour or go on your own? Learn about the best travel websites. Once you have the basics, you will be given a budget to plan a trip. 80 Basketball The students in basketball breakout will play basketball in the peg and ultimate Frisbee on the football field when testing starts. Boys and girls can play, but this is not an introductory basketball breakout. You should be familiar with basketball to sign up for this breakout. To play students must be dressed in athletic shoes.