CASE STUDY SAP ERP Configuration Phase V – Material Planning Product MOTIVATION PREREQUISITES SAP ERP GBI Release 6.04 You will configure the master data and business processes for Material Planning. You should be familiar with navigation in the SAP system. Revised 6/24/2014 Focus Material Planning Authors Simha R. Magal Stefan Weidner Tom Wilder Version 2.23 You will create necessary master data and test the business process. It is also recommended that you have gone through the production exercise. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This material was prepared with the assistance of student interns at the Seidman ERP program at Grand Valley State University and the SAP Club at CSU Chico as well as student and research assistants at SAP UCC Magdeburg. Also, thanks to Corrie Fiedler (Senior Lecturer, Information & Decision Sciences, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota) for her assistance in improving this exercise. © SAP AG Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY Overview and Table of Contents Enterprise Structure Rules and Parameters Master Data Process Execution Table of Contents General Notes and Cautions ...................................................................................................... 1 Part V.1 – Enterprise Structure .................................................................................................. 3 Part V.2 – Rules and Parameters ............................................................................................... 4 Part V.3 – Master Data............................................................................................................... 5 Part V.4 – Process Execution....................................................................................................19 © SAP AG Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY General Notes and Cautions Warning: When working with other classmates at the same time in the same transactions within “SPRO”, tables will tend to lock up and you will only be able to display them. This is due to the fact that the system does not allow multiple users in the same transaction at the same time. To get passed this message, simply wait until the current user in the transaction is finished and then proceed. Attributes: At times, certain attributes or fields may not appear to have the name of them in front of the user. To display the full name of the attribute or field, simply click within the field and then press the F1 key. This will bring up not only the title of the field, but it will bring up the full description of it to read. The ## Symbol: When working with other classmates at the same time, you will be assigned your own unique identifier which is called the ## Symbol or the “Pound Pound” Symbol. This will be your identifier and is ASSIGNED FOR YOUR OWN USE ONLY!!! Please be cautious about other classmates attempting to use your identifier whether it is on purpose or not and if you suspect other classmates using it, inform your professor immediately so that fixes can be made accordingly. For example, if Ashley has an identifier of 09, Ashley’s company code will be US09. The Search Tool: At times in this document, the instructions will ask you to search for something to put in a field. When it does this, simply click on the field itself and click on the icon to the right of it (it looks like a white square). Clicking on it will bring up another window and you will search from there. You may also search other field by clicking on the downward arrow that may be on the left or right of the field. It will bring up a drop down menu that will have options to choose from and click. Where do I start? : There are three ways to proceed within the SAP system: Using the “SAP Easy Access” menu, using the “SAP Menu Bar”, and using the “SAP Customizing Implementation Guide” menu. All three of these are explained below: 1. The SAP Easy Access menu appears when you start a new session. 2. The SAP Menu Bar also appears when you start a new session at the very top of the screen. 3. In the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide, there are two ways you may use to get here: a. The first is to simply type “SPRO” in the transaction field at the top of the screen. b. Proceed through the path to get there. The path consists of the following: (In the main menu of SAP, click on the black arrows on the left of these names) SAP menu ► Tools ► Customizing ► IMG ► Execute Project (double-click on “Execute Project”) In the “Customizing: Execute Project” screen, click on the icon. Saving: When the instructions to tell you to save data, always press the “Enter” key to validate. If there are error(s) that occur, they must be corrected before continuing to the next task. You will find errors from a transaction when there are red icons that appear in the message area. Messages that are yellow contain warnings and not errors. At times, these must be fixed in order to move on. However, most of the time, they do not need to be fixed and you can simply enter through them. Green messages are obviously showing that nothing went wrong with the transaction and that you may proceed to the next task. © SAP AG Page 1 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY Set Controlling Area Pop-Up: At times throughout this phase, there will be times when the system asks you enter your controlling area to clarify which controlling area you are configuring for. If this should happen, in the “Set Controlling Area” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Controlling Area Click on Description Uniquely identifies a controlling area. Data Value NA## (CONTINUE (ENTER)). This will get you into the next screen where the instructions will then tell you what to do for the task. Enter Chart of Accounts Pop-Up: At times throughout this phase, there will be times when the system asks you enter your chart of accounts to clarify which chart of accounts you are configuring for. If this should happen, in the “Enter Chart of Accounts” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Chart of Accounts Click on Description Key that uniquely identifies a chart of accounts. Data Value GL## (CONTINUE (ENTER)). This will get you into the next screen where the instructions will then tell you what to do for the task. Differences in Font: Throughout this phase you will see tables with different fonts used in the Data Value column. The normal Times New Roman indicates you enter exactly what is typed out except for the ## Symbol where you would put in your identifier. The italicized Times New Roman font indicates the data is looked up or found. Attribute Times New Roman Times New Roman (Italicized) © SAP AG Description Font that tells you to enter what is written. Font that tells you the data that needs to be looked up. Data Value Times New Roman Times New Roman (Italicized) Page 2 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY Part V.1 – Enterprise Structure Enterprise Structure Rules and Parameters Master Data Process Execution There are no Enterprise Structure steps to be completed in this phase. © SAP AG Page 3 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY Part V.2 – Rules and Parameters Enterprise Structure Rules and Parameters Master Data Process Execution There are no Rules and Parameters steps to be completed in this phase. © SAP AG Page 4 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY Part V.3 – Master Data Enterprise Structure Rules and Parameters Master Data Process Execution Table of Contents V.3.1: Create Raw Material ........................................................................................................ 6 V.3.2: Create Finished Good ...................................................................................................... 8 V.3.3: Create Bill of Materials ....................................................................................................10 V.3.4: Create Product Routing ..................................................................................................11 V.3.5: Create Vendors...............................................................................................................13 V.3.6: Create Product Groups ...................................................................................................14 © SAP AG Page 5 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.3.1: Create Raw Material Description: In Phase IV, you created all the Raw Materials required to produce a Deluxe Touring Bike (red). In this step, you will follow the same procedure to create any additional Raw Material required to produce the Deluxe Touring Bike (black). Navigation: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Material Master ► Material ► Create (Special) ► Raw Material Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Create Raw Material (Initial Screen)” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Material Industry sector Copy from…Material Click on Description Key uniquely identifying the material. Branch of industry. Material whose data you want the system to copy. Data Value TRFR10## Mechanical engineering TRFR1000 (ENTER). If you get an error saying the material has already been created go to change material in the SAP menu and enter in your purchasing group. In the “Select View(s)” pop-up, highlight the “Basic Data 1” row. Highlight the “Purchasing” row. Highlight the “MRP 1” row. Highlight the “MRP 2” row. Highlight the “General Plant Data / Storage 1” row. Highlight the “Accounting 1” row. Highlight the “Costing 1” row. Click on Click on (SAVE AS DEFAULT VALUES). (CONTUNUE (ENTER)). In the “Organizational Levels” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Plant Stor. Location Copy from Plant Copy from Stor. Location © SAP AG Description Key uniquely identifying a plant. The storage location at which the material is stored. Plant of the reference material. Storage location of the reference material. Data Value Your Plant Dallas Your Raw Materials Plant Dallas Raw Materials Page 6 Phase V – Material Planning Click on Click on CASE STUDY (SAVE AS DEFAULT VALUES). (CONTINUE (ENTER)). You will receive a message that says “The material already exists and will be extended”. In the “Create Raw Material TRFR10##” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Material Description (Short Text) Purchasing Group Click on Description Material Description A buyer or a group of buyers. Data Value ## Touring Frame-Black Your North America (ENTER). Enter the following information: Attribute MRP Controller Description MRP Controller Data Value Your DL Controller Click on (ENTER) until you reach the last tab. Click on (ENTER). In the “Last data screen reached” pop-up, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Material TRFR10## created”. © SAP AG Page 7 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.3.2: Create Finished Good Description: In Phase IV, you created a Deluxe Touring Bike (red) Finished Good. In this step, you will follow the same procedure to create a Deluxe Touring Bike (black). Navigation: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Material Master ► Material ► Create (Special) ► Finished Product Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Create Finished Product (Initial Screen)” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Material Copy from…Material Click on Description Key uniquely identifying the material. Material you want the system to copy. Data Value DXTR10## DXTR1000 (ENTER). In the “Select View(s)” pop-up, highlight the “Work Scheduling” row. Click on (CONTUNUE (ENTER)). In the “Organization Levels” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Stor. Location Copy from Stor. Location Click on Description Location at which the material is stored. Storage location of the reference material. Data Value Your Finished Goods Finished Goods (CONTINUE (ENTER)). You will receive a message that says “The material already exists and will be extended”. In the “Create Finished Product DXTR10##” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Material Description MRP Controller Click on Description Data Value Text that describe the material in more detail. ## Deluxe Touring Bike (black) Number of the controller responsible. Your DL Controller (ENTER). Enter the following information: Attribute In-house production Click on © SAP AG Description The time in workdays needed to produce the material in-house. Data Value 1 (ENTER). Page 8 Phase V – Material Planning Attribute Prodn Supervisor Description Responsible for materials in production. Click on (ENTER) until you reach the last tab. Click on (ENTER). CASE STUDY Data Value Your DL Production Scheduler In the “Last data screen reached” pop-up, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Material DXTR10## created”. © SAP AG Page 9 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.3.3: Create Bill of Materials Description: In Phase IV, you created a Bill of Materials for your Deluxe Touring Bike (red) Finished Good. In this step, you will follow the same procedure to create a Bill of Materials for your Deluxe Touring Bike (black). Navigation: Logistics ► Production ► Master Data ► Bills of Material ► Bill of Material ► Material BOM ► Create Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Create material BOM: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Material Plant BOM Usage Click on Description Key uniquely identifying the material. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Defines the area where a BOM can be used. Data Value Your Deluxe Touring Bike (black) Your Plant Dallas Production (COPY FROM…). In the “Copy From…” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Material Plant Click on Description Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the material. Key uniquely identifying a plant. (CONTINUE (ENTER)). In the “Create material BOM: Copy From” screen, click on the Click on Data Value Deluxe Touring Bike (black) Plant Dallas icon. (COPY). You will receive an error that says “Material TRWA1000 not maintained in plant DL##”. In the “Create material BOM: Item: General data” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Component Click on Description Number of the components that you enter. Data Value Your Touring Aluminum Wheel Assembly (ENTER). You will receive an error that says “Material not maintained in plant DL##”. Repeat this to add all of your raw materials to your deluxe touring bike (black) bill of materials. In the “Create material BOM: general Item Overview” screen, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Creating BOM for material DXTR10##”. © SAP AG Page 10 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.3.4: Create Product Routing Description: In Phase IV, you created a Product Routing for your Deluxe Touring Bike (red) Finished Good. In this step, you will follow the same procedure to create a Product Routing for your Deluxe Touring Bike (black). Navigation: Logistics ► Production ► Master Data ► Routings ► Routings ► Standard Routings ► Create Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Create Routing: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Material Plant Description Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the material. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Data Value Your Deluxe Touring Bike (black) Your Plant Dallas Make sure to clear the “group” field in the “Create Routing: Initial Screen” before creating the DXTR10## routing. (COPY FROM…). Click on In the “Select Type” pop-up, click on the icon. You are in the “Create Using Copy Function: Select Object to be Copied” pop-up, Enter the following information: Attribute Material Plant Click on Description Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the material. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Data Value Deluxe Touring Bike (black) Plant Dallas (CONTINUE (ENTER)). In the “Create Routing: Header Data Check” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Status Click on Description You use the status key to indicate the processing status of a task list. Data Value Released (general) (ENTER). You will receive an error that says “Work center ASSY10## does not exist in plant DL##”. In the “Create Routing: Operation – Check” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Work center © SAP AG Description Key identifying the work center. Data Value Your DL Assembly Page 11 Phase V – Material Planning Click on (ENTER). In the “Information” pop-up, click on the Click on CASE STUDY icon. (CONTINUE (ENTER)). You will receive a message that says “Enter standard value Setup”. In the “Create Routing: Operation – Check” screen, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Enter standard value Setup”. Click on (ENTER). Repeat this to add the rest of your work centers to your deluxe touring bike (black) product routing. In the “Create Routing: Operation Overview” screen, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Routing was saved with group and material DXTR10##”. © SAP AG Page 12 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.3.5: Create Vendors Description: In Phase II, you created a Vendor from whom you purchased Trading Goods. In this step, you will follow the same procedure to create two Vendors from whom you will purchase Raw Materials. Navigation: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Purchasing ► Master Data ► Vendor ► Central ► Create Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Create Vendor: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Vendor Company Code Description Identifies a vendor. Organizational unit within financial accounting. PurchasingOrganization Purchasing Organization Account group A classifying feature within vendor master records. Reference Vendor Vendor account that you want to use as a reference. Company code Here you enter the company code you want to use as a reference during creation. Reference Organizational unit that negotiates general PurchasingOrganization conditions of purchase for a plant or plants. Click on Data Value 1050## Your Global Bike Inc. Your GBI US Vendor (int.number assgnmnt) 105000 Global Bike Inc. GBI US (ENTER). In the “Create Vendor: Accounting information Accounting” screen, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Vendor has been created for company code US##”. In the “Create Vendor: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Vendor Reference Vendor Click on Description Identifies a vendor. Vendor account that you want to use as a reference when creating. Data Value 1100## 110000 (ENTER). In the “Create Vendor Accounting information Accounting” screen, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Vendor has been created for company code US##”. © SAP AG Page 13 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.3.6: Create Product Groups Description: You will create Product Groups by copying from Company Code US00. A Product Group (sometimes known as a product family) is a collection of Finished Goods with similar planning characteristics or manufacturing processes. Aggregating products into Product Groups allow efficiencies in both forecasting demand and planning production. You will create the Bicycle Product Group (PG-BIKE0##) consisting of Off-Road Bike Product Group (PG-ORBK0##), Touring Bike Product Group (PGTRBK0##), and Deluxe Touring Bike Product Group (PG-PRTR0##) You will specify the three components of the Deluxe Touring Bike Product Group (black version, silver version, and red version). GBI has determined that demand is split as follows: Black = 40%, Silver = 30%, and Red = 30%. Navigation: Logistics ► Production ► SOP ► Product Group ► Create Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Create Product Group: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Product Group Product Group Description Plant Base Unit Members Click on Description Customer defined name used for classifying inventory items into logistic units of similar products. Group Description Plant for the product group. Unit in which stocks are managed. Members are materials or product groups. Data Value PG-BIKE0## 0## Product Group Bicycles Your Plant Dallas each Product groups (ENTER). In the “Information” pop-up, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Master data created for product group PG-BIKE0## in plant”. You are in the “Create Product Group: Maintain Members (Product Groups)” screen Enter the following information: Attribute Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor Proportion © SAP AG Description Identifies a product group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the quantities of the planning object are weighted. Percentage value that defines the proportion of the planning level represented by this planning object. Data Value PG-ORBK0## Your Plant Dallas 1 40 Page 14 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY UoM MTyp Short Text Unit of measure. Short description of the member. each 0## Product Group OffRoad Bicycles Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor Identifies a product group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the quantities of the planning object are weighted. Percentage value that defines the proportion of the planning level represented by this planning object. Unit of. Short description of the member. PG-TRBK0## Your Plant Dallas 1 Proportion UoM MTyp Short Text Click on 60 each 0## Product Group Touring (ENTER). You will receive a message that says “Master data created for product group PG-TRBK0## in plant”. Double-click on PG-TRBK0##. In the “Define Members Type” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Members should be: Click on Description Whether the members are materials or product groups. Data Value Product groups (CONTINUE (ENTER)). You are in the “Create Product Group: Maintain Members (Product Groups)” screen. Enter the following information: Attribute Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor Proportion UoM MTyp Short Text Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor © SAP AG Description Identifies a group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the material consumption quantities of the planning object are weighted. Value that defines the proportion of the planning level represented by this planning object. Unit of measure in which stocks of the material are managed. Short explanatory description of the product group member. Data Value PG-DXTR0## Your Plant Dallas 1 Identifies a group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the material consumption quantities of the planning object are weighted. PG-PRTR0## Your Plant Dallas 1 70 each 0## Product Group Deluxe Touring Bicycle Page 15 Phase V – Material Planning Proportion UoM MTyp Short Text Click on CASE STUDY Value that defines the proportion of the planning level represented by this planning object. Unit of measure in which stocks of the material are managed. Short explanatory description of the product group member. 30 each 0## Product Group Professional Touring (ENTER). In the “Information” pop-up, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Master data created for product group PG-TRBK0## in plant”. You are in the “Create product Group: Maintain Members (Product Groups)” screen. Double-click on PG-PRTR0##. In the “Define Members Type” pop-up, make sure materials is selected and click on the icon. In the “Create Product Group: Maintain Members (Materials)” enter the following information: Attribute Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor Proportion Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor Proportion Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor Proportion Click on (ENTER). Click on (BACK). Description Identifies a product group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the material consumption quantities of the planning object are weighted. Percentage value that defines the proportion of the planning level represented by this planning object. Data Value PRTR10## Original Plant Dallas 1 Identifies a product group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the material consumption quantities of the planning object are weighted. Percentage value that defines the proportion of the planning level represented by this planning object. PRTR20## Original Plant Dallas 1 Identifies a product group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the material consumption quantities of the planning object are weighted. Percentage value that defines the proportion of the planning level represented by this planning object. PRTR30## Original Plant Dallas 1 40 30 30 You are in the “Create Product Group: Maintain Members (Product Groups)” screen. © SAP AG Page 16 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY Double-click on PG-DXTR0##. In the “Define Members Type” pop-up, click on the icon. In the “Create Product Group: Maintain Members (Materials)” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor Proportion Description Identifies a product group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the quantities are weighted. Value that defines the proportion of the planning level represented by this object. Data Value Your Deluxe Touring Bike (black) Your Plant Dallas 1 40 Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor Proportion Identifies a product group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the quantities are weighted. Defines the proportion of the planning level. Your Deluxe Touring Bike (silver) Original Plant Dallas 1 30 Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor Proportion Identifies a product group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the quantities are weighted. Defines the proportion of the planning level. Your Deluxe Touring Bike (red) Your Plant Dallas 1 30 Click on (ENTER). If you get an error saying material does not exist, make sure you have created the material from previous exercises and make sure you are entering the correct plant. Click on (BACK). In the “Create Product Group: Maintain Members (Product Groups)” screen, click on the icon. Double-click on PG-ORBK0##. In the “Define Members Type” pop-up, click on the icon. In the “Create Product Group: Maintain Members (Materials)” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Member Number Plant Aggregation Factor Proportion Description Identifies a product group member. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the quantities are weighted. Percentage value that defines the proportion of the planning level represented by this planning object. Data Value ORMN10## Original Plant Dallas 1 65 Member Number Identifies a product group member. ORWN10## © SAP AG Page 17 Phase V – Material Planning Plant Aggregation Factor Proportion Key uniquely identifying a plant. Determines how the quantities are weighted. Percentage value that defines the proportion of the planning level represented by this planning object. CASE STUDY Original Plant Dallas 1 35 Click on (ENTER). Click on (SAVE). You will receive a message that says “Product group created”. © SAP AG Page 18 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY Part V.4 – Process Execution Enterprise Structure Rules and Parameters Master Data Process Execution Table of Contents V.4.1: Create SOP Plan ............................................................................................................20 V.4.2: Disaggregate SOP ..........................................................................................................21 V.4.3: Transfer Plans ................................................................................................................24 V.4.4: Complete MRP Runs ......................................................................................................25 V.4.5: Complete MPS Run ........................................................................................................26 V.4.6: Convert Planned Order ...................................................................................................27 V.4.7: Convert Purchase Requisition.........................................................................................28 © SAP AG Page 19 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.4.1: Create SOP Plan Description: This is the first of seven steps to test your Material Planning process. You will input your sales and production plans for the next three months at the aggregated (Product Group) level. Navigation: Logistics ► Production ► SOP ► Planning ► For Product Group ► Change Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Product Group Click on the Description Customer defined name used for classifying inventory items into logistic units of similar products. Data Value PG-BIKE0## icon. In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen, enter the following information: Planning table Sales Production Target stock level Click on © SAP AG Current Month 1200 2000 800 Next Month 1200 1200 800 Two Months from Now 850 650 600 (SAVE). You will receive a message that says “Plan saved under version number A00”. Page 20 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.4.2: Disaggregate SOP Description: This is the second of seven steps to test your Material Planning process. You will disaggregate the Product-Group level production plan into Product-level quantities. The disaggregation percentages were entered when you created the Product Groups. . Navigation: Logistics ► Production ► SOP ► Disaggregation ► Break Down PG Plan Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” screen, click on the In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” pop-up, click on the In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen, click on the icon. icon. icon. In the “Macro Selection” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Description Macros A mathematical operation made up of a sequence of instructions. Click on Data Value Disaggregate Production -> Production (CONTINUE (ENTER)). In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Plan saved under version A00”. In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Product group Click on Description Uniquely identifies a product group. Data Value Your Product Group OffRoad Bicycles (ACTIVE VERSION). In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” pop-up, click on the In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen, click on the icon. icon. In the “Macro Selection” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Description Macros A mathematical operation made up of a sequence of instructions. © SAP AG Data Value Disaggregate Production -> Production Page 21 Phase V – Material Planning Click on CASE STUDY (CONTINUE (ENTER)). In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Plan saved under version A00”. In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Product group Click on Description Uniquely identifies the product group. Data Value Your Product Group Touring (ACTIVE VERSION). In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” pop-up, click on the In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen, click on the icon. icon. In the “Macro Selection” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Description Macros A mathematical operation made up of a sequence of instructions. Click on Data Value Disaggregate Production -> Production (CONTINUE (ENTER)). In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Plan saved under version A00”. In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Product group Click on Description Uniquely identifies the product group. Data Value Your Product Group Deluxe Touring Bicycle (ACTIVE VERSION). In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” pop-up, click on the In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen, click on the icon. icon. In the “Macro Selection” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Description Macros A mathematical operation made up of a sequence of instructions. © SAP AG Data Value Disaggregate Production -> Production Page 22 Phase V – Material Planning Click on CASE STUDY (CONTINUE (ENTER)). In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Plan saved under version A00”. In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Product group Click on Description Uniquely identifies the product group. Data Value Your Product Group Professional Touring (ACTIVE VERSION). In the “Change Plan: Initial Screen” pop-up, click on the In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen, click on the icon. icon. In the “Macro Selection” pop-up, enter the following information: Attribute Description Macros A mathematical operation made up of a sequence of instructions. Click on Data Value Disaggregate Production -> Production (CONTINUE (ENTER)). In the “Change Rough-Cut Plan” screen click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Plan saved under version A00”. © SAP AG Page 23 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.4.3: Transfer Plans Description: This is the third of seven steps to test your Material Planning process. You will transfer your disaggregated production plans to SAP’s demand management. Navigation: Logistics ► Production ► SOP ► Disaggregation ► Transfer PG to Demand Management Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Transfer Planning Data to Demand Management” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Product group Version Production plan for material or PG members From To Requirements type Invisible transfer Description Identifies the product group. Number of the planning for version for an information structure. The production plan of the product group will be adopted. Data Value Your Product Group Bicycles Active Version Date on which the period is to start Date on which the period to end Determines the planning strategy. Specifies that you do not see the independent requirement quantities for SOP data transferred to Demand Management First Day of Current Month Last Day of Month Two Months Later Make-to-stock production Deselected Click on (TRANSFER NOW). Click on (SAVE) for each of the materials. © SAP AG Selected Page 24 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.4.4: Complete MRP Runs Description: This is the fourth of seven steps to test your Material Planning process. You will execute the MRP runs against the disaggregated plan. GBI management prefers to have MRP create planned purchase orders – rather than purchase requisitions – to streamline their Material Planning process. Navigation: Logistics ► Production-Process ► Production Planning ► MPS ► MPS ► Single-Item, Interactive Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Single-Item Planning – Interactive -” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Material Product group Create purchase req. Description Key uniquely identifying materials. With this indicator, the members of the product group entered above are listed and can be selected for displaying purposes. For materials procured externally, this indicator controls whether the system creates purchase requisitions or planned orders and how they are handled. Data Value Your Product Group Bicycles Selected Planned Orders Click on (ENTER). You will receive a message that says “Please check input parameters”. Click on (ENTER). In the “Product Group PG-BIKE0## DL##” pop-up, follow the following path: PG-TRBK## ► PG-DXTR0## ► DXTR10## You need to double-click on DXTR10## In the “Planning Result: Individual Lines” screen, click on the Click on © SAP AG icon. (SAVE). You will receive a message that says “MRP carried out for DXTR10## DL##”. Page 25 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.4.5: Complete MPS Run Description: This is the fifth of seven steps to test your Material Planning process. You will execute the MPS runs against the disaggregated plan. GBI management prefers to have MPS create planned purchase orders – rather than purchase requisitions – to allow management oversight of their Material Planning process. Navigation: Logistics ► Production-Process ► Production Planning ► MPS ► MPS ► Single-Item, Multi-Level Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Single-Item, Multi-Level” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Material Description Identifies materials. Plant Create purchase req. Identifies the plant to run MPS in. For materials procured externally, this indicator controls whether the system creates purchase requisitions or planned orders and how they are handled. How procurement proposals from the last planning run are to be dealt with. Components contained in the bill of material are planned even if they are not changed. Planning mode Also plan unchanged components Data Value Your Deluxe Touring Bike (black) Your Dallas Plant Purchase requisitions Delete and recreate planning data Selected Click on (ENTER). You will receive a message that says “Please check input parameters”. Click on (ENTER). © SAP AG Page 26 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.4.6: Convert Planned Order Description: This is the sixth of seven steps to test your Material Planning process. MPS created a planned production order for Deluxe Touring Bikes (black). In this step, you convert your planned production order into a production order. Navigation: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Material Requirements Planning (MRP) ► MRP ► Evaluations ► Stock/Reqmts List Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Stock/Requirements List: Initial Screen” screen, click on the “Collective access” tab. Click on Product group. Click on (ENTER). In the “Stock/Requirements List: Material List” screen, double-click on DXTR10##. In the “Stock/Requirements List” screen, click on the icon next to the first planned order. In the “Additional data for MRP Element” pop-up, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Release carried out”. In the “Production order Create: Header” screen, click on the icon. You will receive a message that says “Order number saved”. © SAP AG Page 27 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY V.4.7: Convert Purchase Requisition Description: This is the last of seven steps to test your Material Planning process. MRP created purchase requisitions for all raw materials required to manufacture Deluxe Touring Bikes (black). In this step, you convert your purchase requisitions into purchase orders, associate each purchase order with a vendor, and add a purchase price. Navigation: Logistics ► Materials Management ► Material Requirements Planning (MRP) ► MRP ► Evaluations ► Stock/Reqmts List Tasks and Data Entry: In the “Stock/Requirements List: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Description Material Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the material. Click on Data Selection Your Touring Frame-Black (ENTER). In the “Stock/Requirements List” screen, click on the icon next to the first purchase requisition. In the “Additional Data for MRP Element” pop-up, click on the icon. You will receive an error message that says “Enter Purchasing Org.”. In the “Create Purchase Order” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Vendor Purch. Org. Company Code Description Number of the vendor. Denotes the purchasing organization. The company code is an organizational unit within financial accounting. Data Value Your Space Bike Composites Your Purchasing Organization Your Company Code Click on your purchase requisition number on the left side of the screen. Click on the (ADOPT) icon. You will receive an error that says “Net price must be greater than 0”. Enter the following information: Attribute Net Price Click on Description Net price per price unit. Data Value 200 (SAVE). In the “Save Document” pop-up, click on the “Save” icon. © SAP AG Page 28 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY You will receive a message that says “Standard Po created under the number”. In the “Stock/Requirements List” screen, click on the icon. In the “Stock/Requirements List: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Description Material Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the material. Click on Data Value Your Touring Seat Kit (ENTER). In the “Stock/Requirements List” screen, take note of the first purchase requisition number. Click on (BACK). In the “Stock/Requirements List: Initial Screen” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Description Material Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the material. Click on Data Value Your Touring Handle Bar (ENTER). Take note of the first purchase requisition number In the “Stock/Requirements List” screen, click on the icon next to the first purchase requisition. In the “Additional Data for MRP Element” pop-up, click on the icon. You will receive an error message that says “Enter Purchasing Org.” In the “Create Purchase Order” screen, enter the following information: Attribute Vendor Purch. Org. Company Code Click on Description Number of the vendor. Denotes the purchasing organization. The company code is an organizational unit within financial accounting. Data Value Your Fun N the Sun Seats N Bar Your Purchasing Organization Your Company Code (SELECTION VARIANT). Click on Purchase Requisitions. In the “Purchasing Requisitions” screen in the, clear out all contents except “Max. no. of hits”. Click on (EXECUTE). In the “Create Purchase Order” screen, click on your requisition number for the touring seat kit. Click on © SAP AG (ADOPT). You will receive an error that says “Net price must be greater than 0”. Page 29 Phase V – Material Planning CASE STUDY Click on the your purchase requisition number for the touring handle bars. Click on (ADOPT). You will receive an error that says “Net price must be greater than 0”.Enter the following information: Attribute Seat Kit Net Price Handle Bar Net Price Click on Description Net price per price unit Net price per price unit Data Value 50 25 (SAVE). In the “Save Document” pop-up, click on the “Save” icon. You will receive a message that says “Standard PO created under the number”. © SAP AG Page 30