March 5 - University of Waterloo Library

Present: Jennifer Keir; Sandra Keys (Chair); Helene LeBlanc; Judy McTaggart (Recorder); Kathy
Szigeti; Agnes Zientarska-Kayko
Guests: Margo Hilbrecht (CIW); Jackie Stapleton
1. Guest Speaker: Margo Hilbrecht; Associate Director,Research – Canadian Index of
Wellbeing (CIW)
The CIW, housed within the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, identifies, develops, and
publishes statistical measures on wellbeing goals and outcomes Canadians seek as a
nation. The CIW goes beyond narrow economic measures like Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) and provides the only national index that will measure wellbeing across a wide
spectrum of domains using a set of key indicators to track progress. Margo provided an
overview of these indicators and examples of research reports generated.
2. Approval of the Minutes of November 6, 2012:
The minutes were approved.
3. Business Arising:
There was no business arising.
4. Additional Agenda:
There was no additional agenda.
5. Review of CARL Research Data Management Services Workshop (Kathy, Michael,
Kathy, Michael, and Sandra attended the CARL Research Data Management Services
workshop January 22-25 (Robarts Library, UofT). The purpose of the workshop is for
Canadian universities to develop a 3 year strategic plan for data management. Kathy
and Sandra are in the process of completing UW’s plan; it will be presented in 3 weeks.
Michael noted Laurier is also in the process of developing a data management plan
which will be presented shortly. The group would be happy to share their notes, papers,
etc. to anyone interested.
6. Dataverse (Kathy)
Dataverse (Scholars Portal) is an online platform for research data. Researchers create
and manage their own records; directly deposit data; write text descriptions of their
study/studies; and, release meta/data (or not) under access conditions that they
themselves determine. Of particular interest: DataVerse is indexed by Google which
makes it easy to find data. Kathy noted that anyone can sign up for a DataVerse
account. There was discussion about the future potential of this platform.
7. Around the Table:
SSPS 21 is now available
IST is currently in the process of reorganizing
Michael’s position as Data Management Librarian is now permanent
Laurier has hired a new Associate Librarian
Suggested a Springtime lunch
Welcomed back from her sabbatical leave
She will continue to attend EDS meetings
The Staff Conference is being held in April; likely no EDS meeting
Next EDS meeting will be in May unless something comes up that cannot
be handled by email
Next Meeting: To be determined