
Florida Atlantic University
Student Government House of Representatives
3rd Legislative Session
Rules and Policies Committee
10th July, 2009
Call to Order at 1:33PM
*Motion to amend the Agenda to change the next house meeting to July 10th, 2009 and next committee
meeting to July 10th 2009 by Scalice; seconded by Estevez
*Motion to approve26th June, 2009 Minutes by Scalice; seconded by Estevez
*Motion to approve 10th July, 2009 Agenda by Scalice; seconded by Estevez
Chair Report
*Motion to omit all members by Scalice; seconded by Estevez
-Forbes: Committee met today at 1:33PM in the Legislative Workroom and made the following
recommendations to the “Night Owls Payment Proposal”: insert a numerical (3) in the first Where-As
clause after the word “three”, in the Therefore Be It Resolved clause insert the word “of” between
House and Representative and add an “s” after the word allows, and change the two periods after the
word “below” to a colon. Also add commas after every $150.00 in the Driver Payment breakdown, and
add a period after $450.00. We also discussed the appointment of Emmanuel as Program Board Director
and the committee came to a conclusion that we would like to recommend Emmanuel to officially be
appointed as PB Director and the next time a conflict of interest occurs in appointing a person in SGA,
we make sure that all necessary hiring parties are able to express their feelings even if they do not have
the final say due to a conflict of interest. Representative Estevez is now my Vice-Chair.
Open Forum
Vetoed Business
Tabled Business
Old Business
New Business: Night Owls Payment Proposal, Program Board Appointment of Nora Emmanuel
BRHB-09-12: (read out loud by Scalice)
*Motion to amend Therefore be it Resolved to have a colon instead of a period by Hudson; seconded by
*Motion to amend by adding a comma after $150 and adding “and” after the third $150 seconded by
*Motion to amend the first Where As clause to insert a numerical (3) after the three by Scalice;
seconded by Hudson
*Motion to amend Therefore Be It Resolved to read House “of” Representatives and pluralizing “allow”
by Scalice; seconded by Hudson
(Agreed to having 15 hours to cover Friday’s)
Dates to Remember
Next House Meeting: Today, Friday 26th June, 2009 – 3:30PM Senate Chambers
Next Committee Meeting: Friday 10th July, 2009 – 1:30PM Legislative Workroom
Final Roll Call
*Meeting adjourned at 1:48PM
Florida Atlantic University
Student Government House of Representatives
3rd Legislative Session
Ways and Means Committee
10th July, 2009
Call to Order at 2:05PM
*Motion to approve26th June, 2009 Minutes by Jean-Marie; seconded by Haye
*Motion to approve 10th July, 2009 Agenda by Massetti; seconded by Jean-Marie
Open Forum
Vetoed Business
Tabled Business
Old Business
*Motion to amend BRHB-09-12 to move from Old Business to New Business by Owens
New Business: Night Owls Payment Proposal, Program Board Appointment of Nora Emmanuel
BRHB-09-12: (read out loud by Scalice)
*Motion to suspend the rules by Haye; seconded by Jean-Marie
-Owens: The assistant manager hasn’t responded to us but Speaker Pollock and myself have discussed
and thought 15 hours would be a reasonable amount of time.
-Massetti: I agree.
-Haye: Around 7:04PM – June 27th, My friend John said he was doing nothing but working. Since you
aren’t doing anything why don’t you drive us around campus? And, that was it.
Program Board Appointment: Nora Emmanuel
Chair Report:
-Owens: The Ways and Means Committee convened today at 2:05PM. We discussed BRHB-09-12. While
we attempted to get in contact with the Night Owls Assistant Director so that he could come and speak
on behalf of his organization, there was never any response. Taking it then upon ourselves to determine
a reasonable amount of time required to fulfill the necessary 4 hour shifts, from 7-11PM, MondayFriday, with two drivers present at all times, the increase to 20 hours from 12, as presented in the bill, is
not necessary. That said, it is the committee’s recommendation that the bill be amended from 20 hours
per driver to 15. This number allows the entire Night Owls work schedule to be filled satisfactorily and
gives a comfortable amount of room for individuals calling in sick. With this conclusion reached, we then
adjourned at 2:24PM.
Dates to Remember
Next House Meeting: Today, Friday 26th June, 2009 – 3:30PM Senate Chambers
Next Committee Meeting: Friday 10th July, 2009 – 2:00PM Legislative Workroom
*Motion to admit all members by Massetti; seconded by Jean-Marie
Final Roll Call
*Motion to adjourn by Haye; seconded by Massetti
*Meeting adjourned at 2:24PM
Florida Atlantic University
Student Government House of Representatives
3rd Legislative Session
Campus Actions Committee
10th July, 2009
Call to Order at 2:30PM
*Motion to approve26th June, 2009 Minutes by Ejene; seconded by Hyppolite
*Motion to approve 10th July, 2009 Agenda by Capata; seconded by Hyppolite
Open Forum
Vetoed Business
Tabled Business
Old Business
New Business: Night Owls Payment Proposal, Program Board Appointment of Nora Emmanuel
Program Board Appointment: Nora Emmanuel
-Emmanuel: I do have my resume for all of you to see. As you can see during my time here at FAU, I
started off here as freshmen. I did small event programs for the students. I became the Student Chair for
Programs Board last year. I have had a lot of experience for the position.
(4Y, 0N. We vote in favor of Emmanuel)
-Mena: Some committees had discussion on BRHB-09-12 and could shed some light to this committee.
-Owens: 20hrs is not necessary. We worked out the pay scale and 4 hours isn’t filled. Instead of hiring a
new driver or increase to 20hrs, we suggest 15hours.
-Forbes: All we went over is grammar and if you have any questions on grammar, ask.
*Motion to change 20 hours to 15 hours by Capata; seconded by Hyppolite.
Open Forum
Chair Report
-Ejene: No Report
Dates to Remember
Next House Meeting: Today, Friday 26th June, 2009 – 3:30PM Senate Chambers
Next Committee Meeting: Friday 10th July, 2009 – 2:30PM Legislative Workroom
Final Roll Call
*Motion to adjourn by Capata; seconded by Hyppolite
*Meeting adjourned at 3:10PM
Florida Atlantic University
Student Government House of Representatives
3rd Legislative Session
Committee on Committee
10th July, 2009
Call to Order at 3:12PM
*Motion to insert an approval for 26th June 2009 Minutes by Forbes; seconded by Ejene
*Motion to approve 26th June, 2009 Minutes by Owens: seconded by Forbes
*Motion to approve 10th July, 2009 Agenda by Owens; seconded by Forbes
Open Forum
Chair Reports:
Rules and Policies:
-Forbes: Committee met today at 1:33PM in the Legislative Workroom and made the following
recommendations to the “Night Owls Payment Proposal”: insert a numerical (3) in the first Where-As
clause after the word “three”, in the Therefore Be It Resolved clause insert the word “of” between
House and Representative and add an “s” after the word allows, and change the two periods after the
word “below” to a colon. Also add commas after every $150.00 in the Driver Payment breakdown, and
add a period after $450.00. We also discussed the appointment of Emmanuel as Program Board Director
and the committee came to a conclusion that we would like to recommend Emmanuel to officially be
appointed as PB Director and the next time a conflict of interest occurs in appointing a person in SGA,
we make sure that all necessary hiring parties are able to express their feelings even if they do not have
the final say due to a conflict of interest. Representative Estevez is now my Vice-Chair.
Ways and Means:
-Owens: The Ways and Means Committee convened today at 2:05PM. We discussed BRHB-09-12. While
we attempted to get in contact with the Night Owls Assistant Director so that he could come and speak
on behalf of his organization, there was never any response. Taking it then upon ourselves to determine
a reasonable amount of time required to fulfill the necessary 4 hour shifts, from 7-11PM, MondayFriday, with two drivers present at all times, the increase to 20 hours from 12, as presented in the bill, is
not necessary. That said, it is the committee’s recommendation that the bill be amended from 20 hours
per driver to 15. This number allows the entire Night Owls work schedule to be filled satisfactorily and
gives a comfortable amount of room for individuals calling in sick. With this conclusion reached, we then
adjourned at 2:24PM.
Campus Actions:
-Ejene: No Report
Time Capsule:
-Shackelford: No Report
Absence Appeals
-Khonat (2 house meetings) on June 12th and 19th , 2009
*Motion to excuse both by Shackelford; seconded by Ejene
-Estevez on June 26th, 2009
*Motion to excuse by Estevez by Forbes; seconded by Scalice
-Haye on June 26th, 2009
*Motion to excuse by Owens; seconded by Shackelford
-Massetti on July 2nd, 2009
*Motion to table by Shackelford; seconded by Owens
-Estevez on July 2nd, 2009
*Motion to excuse by Forbes; seconded by Owens
Chair Report
-Pollack: The committee met today at 3:00PM. All chairs were in attendance and gave their respective
Dates to Remember
Next House Meeting: Today, Friday 26th June, 2009 – 3:30PM Senate Chambers
Next Committee Meeting: Friday 10th July, 2009 – 3:00PM Legislative Workroom
Final Roll Call
*Motion to adjourn by Shackelford; seconded by Scalice
*Meeting adjourned at 3:25PM