r START RIGHT SPELLING A Scientific Approach to Spelling Welcome! Thank you for purchasing the application pages! This is just the beginning of guiding your students/child to becoming life-long spellers!! I will be adding more sections to this spelling program, so be sure to visit my store in the next several weeks and months to add to and enhance your classroom spelling time. “Start Right Spelling” is a scientific approach to spelling. This approach to teaching spelling will create life-long spellers. Teaching the English rules & patterns of spelling is the purpose of Start Right Spelling. Learning the spelling rule first, allows spelling to become automatic instead of memorized and forgotten by Monday morning. When a spelling rule is learned, that rule enables the student to spell more English words without memorization. The teaching of reliable patterns and rules allows students to spell accurately and confidently as they write. This knowledge also reinforces important patterns for reading. Visit my blog, www.turningarounddyslexia.com for a video demonstration of the presentation for any of these lessons. Also, check out the video demo of sound to letter correspondence spelling with your students. ~sherri SHERRI TURNQUIST START RIGHT SPELLING www.turningarounddyslexia.com Initial/Medial /k/ /k/ before e, i, or y is spelled K /k/ before a, o, u, or any consonant is spelled C Directions: Each word below begins or has a medial /k/ sound. Using the rules above, choose the correct /k/ spelling to complete each word. 1. ___ap 2. ___id 3. s___an 4. s___ill 5. ___ing 6.____usp 7. ___ramp 8. ___iss 9. ___ept Teacher Guide Initial/Medial /k/ Discovery: Encourage students to listen for the /k/ sound in each of these words: cost, kit, skin, crust Write the words on the board so students see k & c are spelling the sound of /k/ in initial & medial positions. Spelling Rule: When discovering spelling patterns for initial & medial sounds, look at the letter right after the /k/ sound. Write down the letters that follow /k/ when it is spelled k and when it is spelled c. (**letter(s) btwn slash marks “/k/” refers to the sound of that letter, which corresponds to any spelling that makes that sound) Help students come to the conclusion that: */k/ before e, i, or y is spelled K */k/ before a, o, u, or any consonant is spelled C Show students Spelling Rule Chart, review rules and hang up in the classroom or classwork area. **Answer Guide: 1. cap 2. kid 3. scan 4. skill 5. king 6. cusp 7. cramp 8. kiss 9. kept