UNCLASSIFED (U) Global Force Management (U) Global Force Management Division Joint Operations Division, J-3 This Joint Staff briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED Derived from: Multiple Sources Declassify on: N/A 1 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 Classified by: N/A Declassify on: N/A UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Overview • Definitions & Authorities • Global Force Management Process • GFM Allocation Process and Practices • Rotational Forces Requirements • Emerging Force Requirements (Requests for Forces) • SecDef Operations Book Process – Alert/Mobilization Orders – CJCS Certification 2 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Title 10 U.S.C.: Force Deployment Authorities • Assignment: The President, through the UCP documents his direction for assigning forces for Unified Commands (Title 10 U.S.C., Sections 161, 162, and 167) • Allocation: By the authority of the SecDef, forces assigned to a combatant command may be transferred or allocated to another combatant commander for employment…under procedures prescribed by the SecDef and approved by the President (Title 10 U.S.C., Section 162) • Apportionment: The CJCS is responsible for preparing strategic plans including projected resource levels…the CJCS apportions forces to combatant commands based on the SecDef’s contingency planning guidance (Title 10 U.S.C., Section 153) The three A’s of Global Force Management 3 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Global Force Management - What is it? • Integrates processes of: – Force assignment – Force apportionment (Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan) – Force allocation (CJCS orders/GFMAP) • • • Globally assesses force sourcing risk and addresses mitigation options Enables global sourcing with best force sourcing option, regardless of command or Service to which the force is assigned Keys to GFM execution: – Consolidated force allocation under Joint Force Providers • USJFCOM for conventional forces • USSOCOM for SOF • USTRANSCOM for mobility forces • USSTRATCOM for strategic/ISR forces (Joint Functional Manager) – Quarterly Global Force Management Board – Joint Staff-hosted • General Officer representation from all JFPs, COCOMs and Services • Develop strategic-level GFM guidance for SecDef Enables SecDef to make proactive, informed force management decisions 4 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Global Force Management: Process Capstone Guidance • • • • • • • U.S. Code Title 10 Unified Command Plan National Security Strategy National Defense Strategy National Military Strategy Quadrennial Defense Review Guidance for Development of the Force (GDF) • Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF) • Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan • GFMIG Guidance SECDEF Combatant Commands, Services, Other Force Assignment & Allocation CJCS Recommendation Chairman / Joint Chiefs of Staff • Manages global forces • Validates requests Guidance • Provides strategic risk assessment • Prioritizes competing needs Force Requirements • Recommends allocation to SecDef • Conducts quarterly reviews JFP Sourcing Combatant Commands Joint Force Providers/Manager 5 USTRANSCOM USJFCOM USSOCOM USSTRATCOM Mobility Forces Conventional Forces Special Operations Forces Strategic Forces/ISR Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Joint Force Provider Role COCOM RFF Request For Forces Sourcing Recommendation JFCOM TRANSCOM “Conventional” Forces Mobility Forces COCOM Service Other DEPORD GFMAP Mod EXORD Global Visibility SOCOM STRATCOM SOF Strategic Forces/ISR Sourcing Option Global Looking Components • JMD/JIA • Unit Fill Shortfalls ACC CFFC FC MFL EUCOM PACOM PAF PFLT USAP MFP EUR EUR EUR EUR Component Coordination Identifies Available Conventional Forces 6 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Force Allocation Management Practices • Annually – SecDef Guidance • Strategic prioritization • Force rotational policy – “Global Force Management Implementation Guidance” • Section 3 – Allocation of Forces – Standing Execution Orders – Fiscal Year GFM Allocation Plan (annual DEPORD) • Quarterly – Global Force Management Board (GFMB) • Semi-Monthly – SecDef Operations Book (SDOB): “The Book” – General/Flag Officer force sourcing video teleconference (SVTC) • Weekly – Action officer force sourcing SVTC 7 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) GFM Allocation Process COCOM Requirements OPLANS / CONPLANS OPERATIONS Rotational Forces Requests – EXORD – GFM Allocation Plan Baseline – Rotational Schedules TSCP GFM Allocation Process DEPLOY FORCES EMERGING REQUIRMENTS Requests for Forces – DEPORD / GFMAP Mod – EXORD – EXORD MOD COCOMs 8 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Rotational Force Allocation Global Force Management Board • A flag officer-level body supported by the Joint Staff to provide senior DOD decision-makers the means to: – Assess operational impacts of force management decisions – Recommend strategic planning guidance • Roles / Responsibilities (codified in DJS memo, dated 2 Sep 2005): – – – – • Composition - flag officer or equivalent representation from: – – – – • DJS chairs J3 plans, prepares and executes J5 reviews strategic guidance, assumptions, recommendations J8 supports operational assessment, analysis and wargaming OSD: Policy and P&R -- others as required All Combatant commands Joint Staff Services Convenes quarterly to address specific recurring tasks, as required to address emergent issues – Q1: Review rotational schedule for changes; review and approve COCOM rotational planning guidance (Product: Rotational Forces Request PLANORD) – Q2: Review and approve JFP sourcing guidance (Product: JFP PLANORD) – Q3: Review and prioritize requests (Product: CCDR submissions sent to JFPs) – Q4: Review and recommend JFP sourcing solutions; risk and mitigation options (Product: Annual GFM Allocation Plan) • 9 GFM Board output vetted by a CJCS Tank as required Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Emergent Force Allocation Request For Forces (RFF) Requirements • Request from a COCOM or Force Provider for units or capabilities to address emergent (un-forecasted) requirements within their AOR that cannot be met by the requesting headquarters or its components, or the COCOM’s assigned or allocated forces – Unit/capability is not resident in the existing assigned forces – Unit/capability is not available due to current commitments • An RFF is not the proper vehicle to source exercises (JTIMS), individual requirements (JMD) or equipment-only requirements (service or JUONS) • RFF / RFC timelines, RFF to LAD: – Non-urgent: 120 days prior – Urgent (emergent): Within 120 days – Immediate: Within next 30 days 10 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Emergent Force Allocation RFF Validation For validation, an RFF must have: (must make operational sense) • Regional JOD provides operational validation with JOD-GFM support • Unit capability; description suitable for ILO sourcing if applicable • Unit quantity • Destination • Earliest arrival date (EAD); Latest arrival date (LAD) • Deployment Duration – service rotations authorized? • Mission Justification – – – • • Similar capabilities in AOR - number and justification of why they cannot be used Identify additional or replacement – – • 11 Detailed justification for the requested force If additional, what has changed in the AOR (enemy situation, mission, environment, etc) Justification for continuation of requirement for replacement forces – • • Why the capability is required Operational risk if not sourced Mitigation measures available to reduce that risk Why is this capability still needed and can a smaller force be substituted Training requirements Command and control relationships Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) RFF Staffing Process COCOM Request 120+ days prior to LAD JOD GFM Staffing 1 to 3 days JFP Staffing 14+ days COCOM identifies operational need JOD GFM accepts for staffing JFP staffs RFF to force providers COCOM drafts capabilities-based request for forces Pit Boss targets SDOB Force providers work solutions AO builds JSAP package: RFF, JS 136, draft EXORD, trans memo JFP posts daily updates Regional JOD reviews draft RFF, generates RFIs RFF issues worked in SVTC AO staffs package to JFP (usually JFCOM) COCOM answers RFIs Force providers forward solutions to JFP Conduct research, form RFIs COCOM releases RFF Force provider non-concurs forwarded by GO Regional JOD validates released RFF or requests information JFP consolidates provider input COCOM answers RFIs JFP recommends solution to JOD GFM RFF with Chops to SDOB Requestor 12 Joint Staff JFP Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 Provider ALCON UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) SecDef Operations Book (SDOB) Timeline (Thu) Commands & Services Latest sourcing solutions Joint Staff JOD AO drafts Order, Map & Summary JOD Pit Boss sets Orders DOD (Fri) Brief -3 (Weekend) (Mon) JFP, COCOM review for errors Commands, Services meet RFIs Brief to SecDef Brief +1 (Thu) (Fri) (Wed) (Tue) PA, Legal, J5, J8, others, staff Order J3 thru CJCS briefed JOD briefer preparing JSAP to J3, editors, DJS AO updates Order as RFIs/ chops come in USD(P&R), USD(P), USD(I), ASD/PA staff Order DoD GC, NESA, others staff Order 13 Brief -1 Brief -2 Order released & posted (Wed) Brief -4 Chops due by COB Brief -5 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 AO certifies edited Order Chops due by COB (Tue) Brief -6 Draft Order out for staffing: COCOMs and Services Brief -7 JOD briefs SecDef UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Alert/Mobilization Approval Process • SecDef authorized Service Secretaries to approve Reserve Component Alert/Mob (Action Memo, 12 Jul 07) – Must be mobilizing for 12 months or less Services Joint Staff – Must have dwell ratio of 1:4 or greater – SecDef must be notified prior to orders release via SDOB ASD/RA Notification Matrix • For Alert/Mob orders requiring SecDef approval USD(P&R) DJ-3 CJCS – Services submit Alert/Mob requests to J-4 – J-4 consolidates all requests & submits to J-3 – J-3 integrates requests into SDOB Alert/Mob tab – Requests simultaneously reviewed by OSD & Joint Staff CJCS & USD(P&R) recommendations SecDef – SecDef decision at SDOB brief – Joint Staff disseminates requests back to Services – Services issue Alert/Mobilization orders Joint Staff • Up to 24 months in advance for Alerts • 180 day goal (90 day minimum) mobilization order issuance to mobilization date 14 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 Services UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) SDOB Chairman Certification • SecDef delegated certification of certain SDOB actions to CJCS – Mission to be accomplished is assigned to COCOM in UCP or by EXORD, Action Memo, or similar means – Must be less than O-6 command – Conventional or Special Ops forces (Non-nuclear) – Active forces must have BOG/Dwell of 1:1 • Exception for forces covered by policy for BOG/Dwell of 15:12 – Reserve forces must have BOG/Dwell of 1:4 or volunteer – Must have staffing concurrence – No strategic implications – No new force offers to NATO • SecDef notified of Chairman certified actions via SDOB 15 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) GFM Ongoing Initiatives • Force Management Integration Project – Requirements Management Tool – Sourcing and Staffing Tool – Global Visibility Tool • Advancement of the GFM timeline to better forecast requirements and provide as much lead time to forces for predictability – FY10: Rotational Sourcing ongoing – Dec 08 target – FY11: CCDR submissions – Mar 09 • Maturing the GFM process and improving efficiency requires: – JFPs must leverage their Service components headquarters – Further information technology development – Culture change for the “old” way of doing business 16 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) QUESTIONS 17 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) 18 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Governing Law and Directives • Title 10, US Code, Sections 161, 162, 164, and 167 • Unified Command Plan (UCP) • Required by title 10, US Code, section 161(b) • Outlines combatant commander missions and responsibilities • Forces for Unified Commands Memorandum (“Forces For”) • Required by UCP • Assigns forces/capabilities to combatant commanders • Joint Pub 0-2, Unified Action Armed Forces (UNAAF) • Defines command relationships: – Combatant command (COCOM), operational control (OPCON), tactical control (TACON), and support 19 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Governing Law and Directives • Title 10, US Code, Section 162 – Secretaries of the Military Departments shall assign all forces under their jurisdiction to combatant commands or to USELEMNORAD to perform missions assigned to those commands. Such assignments shall be made as directed by SecDef ... • Except as otherwise directed by SecDef, forces assigned to the combatant commands or USELEMNORAD do not include forces assigned to carry out functions of the Secretary of a Military Department … or forces assigned to multinational peacekeeping organizations. – A force assigned to a combatant command or USELEMNORAD may be transferred from the command to which it is assigned only by authority of SecDef, and under procedures prescribed by SecDef and approved by the President. – Except as otherwise directed by SecDef, all forces operating within the geographic area assigned to a unified combatant command shall be assigned to, and under the command of, the commander of that command. 20 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Governing Law and Directives • Unified Command Plan – Establishes missions, responsibilities (including geographic boundaries), and force structure of combatant commands – Chairman must review at least biannually (title 10, US Code, section 161(b)) – Paragraph 6: “Unified combatant command forces will be assigned to such commands by the Secretary of Defense’s memorandum entitled ‘Forces for Unified Commands’” • “Forces For” – Directs assignment of forces to combatant commands and USELEMNORAD – Reflects peacetime disposition of forces – Prescribes use of execution and deployment orders to transfer forces between combatant commanders 21 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Governing Law and Directives • Joint Operations Planning and Execution Systems (JOPES) – Published by CJCS – Outlines planning policies and procedures governing joint activities – Spells out the formats for messages that transfer forces and shift command relationships. – The “how to” manual for moving forces 22 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Deployment Order vs Execute Order • Deployment Order (DEPORD) – A planning directive from the SecDef, issued by the CJCS, that authorizes and directs the transfer of forces between combatant commands by reassignment or attachment. A DEPORD normally specifies the authority that the gaining combatant commander will exercise over the transferred forces • Execute Order (EXORD) – An order issued by the CJCS, by the authority and at the direction of the SecDef, to implement NCA decision to initiate military operations – An order to initiate military operations, as directed 23 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Combatant Commander’s DEPORD Criteria Strategic Guidance (Contingency Planning Guidance, Defense Planning Guidance, National Command Authorities) Mission Assigned to Combatant Commander Plan Development Combatant Commanders develop plans (Deliberate, Crisis Action) Forces Required? Forces Assigned to Combatant Commander Yes No SECDEF DEPORD Required No DEPORD Required Review by Joint Staff, Supporting Commanders, Services, OUSD(P), OGC SecDef Approval 24 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Broad Summary of DEPORD Guidelines • Only SecDef has authority to transfer forces and change command relationships, including temporary changes in OPCON, TACON, or support authorities between combatant commanders … DEPORD is the most common vehicle • DEPORDs normally deploy additional forces, parts of units, individual personnel and equipment -- not force augmentation, unit replacement, resupply, sustainment or non-unit related pers/equip. • Not all movements require a DEPORD – Exercises – Temporary duty of short duration that is not operational – Service training • Some movements specifically require a DEPORD – Special operations – Counterdrug • A separate, expedited orders process is used for Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) 25 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Secretary of Defense Operations Book (SDOB) • Bi-weekly comprehensive J3 product including: – DEPORDS – EXORDS – All Service alert and mobilization requests • Combined book for: – J3 (Regional Ops): conventional forces, command relationships – J3 (Anti-terrorism/Homeland Defense): NORTHCOM – J3 (Global Ops): ISR, Global Strike – J3 (Special Ops): SOF issues – Prepared by J3 (Regional Ops) for presentation • Special Access Program issues managed similarly, but as stand-alone books 26 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) SDOB Continued… • SDOB is typically presented on Thursday or Friday of every other week – Special SDOB sessions scheduled as needed • DJ3 and / or VDJ3 review all materials prior to briefing with the VCJCS or the CJCS • SDOB sequence – Initiating division—GFM—ADDJO—DDRO—DJ3 or VDJ3—CJCS or VCJCS—SecDef • All actions require CJCS or VCJCS signature prior to SecDef briefing – Alert/mobilizations require USD (P&R) signature as well 27 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) SecDef Operations Book (SDOB) Approval Process RFF from COCOM Joint Staff / JFP OSD Intel, Legal, LA, PA, P&R, Policy Services & COCOMS Days 120+ • Combatant Commanders submit Request for Forces to J-3 • J-3 staffs request to JFP for sourcing 14+ • JFP develops sourcing solution • J-3 writes DEPORD (GFMAP MOD) • Sourced RFF package is integrated into the SDOB DJ-3 CJCS 7 • Package simultaneously reviewed by OSD agencies, Sevices, COCOMs and JS • CJCS makes recommendations SecDef Joint Staff Combatant Command 28 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 • J-3 Briefer presents SDOB to SecDef 1 • SecDef decision on SDOB • Joint Staff releases orders to COCOMs UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Reserve Component Alert & Mobilization Authorities • Title 10 U.S.C., Section 3013: The Secretary of the Army, subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense…is responsible for, and has the authority necessary to conduct all affairs of the Department of the Army, including the following functions: Recruiting, Organizing…Mobilizing, and Demobilizing… • Executive Order 13223, 14 Sep 2001: …the authority under Title 10 U.S.C. to order any unit and individual of the Ready Reserve to active duty for not more than 24 consecutive months, is invoked, and made available to the Service Secretary concerned…under the direction of the Secretary of Defense… • SecDef Memo, 13 Oct 2001:…Pursuant to section 12302 of title 10….I hereby delegate to the Secretaries of the Military Departments authority to order to active duty Ready Reserve members…The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall submit to me requests for additional authority to order Ready reserve units and personnel to active duty as necessary… 29 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Alert/Mobilization Approval Process Services • Services submit alert/mobilization requests to J-4 Joint Staff • J-4 consolidates all Service requests • J-4 submits requests to J-3 • J-3 integrates requests into SecDef book • Requests simultaneously reviewed by OSD and the Joint Staff ASD/RA DJ-3 USD(P&R) CJCS Joint Staff • CJCS and USD(P&R) make recommendations • J-3 briefs requests in SecDef book SecDef • SecDef decision on requests • Joint Staff disseminates requests back to the Services • Services issue alert/mobilization orders 30 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 Joint Staff Services UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Alert/Mobilization Approval Process - Incorporates Alert/Mob Book CJCS Sign Coord Sheet into SDOB and brief CJCS Joint Staff Joint Staff Joint Staff - J-4 Consolidates Matrix and unit data into Alert/Mob book - Prepares Summary Table/Coordination Package - J4 files and notify Services CJCS SecDef Joint Staff Services Dr. Chu Sign Coord Sheet ASD/RA - ASD Coords Alert/Mob send to USD(P&R) USD(P&R) - J3 briefs SecDef in weekly update - SecDef approves Alert of all OIF/OEF RC Forces - Services issue Alert Order and/or Mob Order - Forces Deploy IAW TPFDD --AND/OR— - SecDef approves alert/mob of RC forces in Deployment Window - Sign Coord Sheet Services (Alert/Mob Matrix, Deployment Timeline Mission Destination/LAD 31 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) J-3 JOD Force Allocation Process JOD-GFM posts to Copy to Force Tracking Supported GCC Database & JFPs START Geographic Combatant Command (GCC) Identifies a required Force or a required capability GCC develops Request for Forces (RFF) or Capability (RFC) CJCS released DEPORD/EXORD/ Schedule Back to GCC or GFM for rework (Info Copy to R-JOD) Draft RFF/RFC to Regional JOD Staffing/ RFF/RFC Validated? Back to J-3, JFP or GCC for rework GFM AO Builds Package/DIV Chief QCs YES GCC releases RFF/RFC NO JOD-GFM AO certifies Order GFM logs-in RFF / builds web entry / and assigns AO Issues ID’d W/ Package? SDOB Process (GFM) NO SecDef provides Guidance YES DDRO / DJ-3 / DJS / VCJCS / CJCS Review Package to Joint Force Provider / JFP builds Sourcing Solution GFM AO Builds SDOB required items Validation Process (managed by Regional JOD) Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 NO GFMB / SVTC Provides allocation/ sourcing guidance to GCCs/force providers Notes 32 YES SecDef NO 1. In the case of NATO requirements, SACEUR releases a Consolidated Joint Statement of Requirements (CJSOR) in lieu of an RFF/RFC 2. For NATO requirements, NATO holds a Force Generation Conference in lieu of a Sourcing Conference 3. For NATO requirements, SecDef releases a Force Prep Message in lieu of an EXORD, DEPORD or Schedule 4. GFMB participation depends on the scope of the issue – GFMB only addresses strategically significant issues. If GFMB review is not warranted, AO and/or flag-officer SVTCs will review. Sourcing conferences used for large-package requirements (e.g., OIF rotations). Some actions will not require GFMB or SVTC review. 5. OSD staffing typically includes OSD(P) and DOD(GC) for all actions, ASD(SOLIC) for Special Operations, USD(I) for ISR, and OSD(P&R) for RC issues SecDef Approved? Issues ID’d? YES NO Sourcing Solution Contentious? YES GFMB/SVTC/ Sourcing Conference(s) Sourcing Solution Approved? YES OSD/JS/ Interagency Staffing NO Sourcing Process (managed by GFM) UNCLASSIFIED (U) UNCLASSIFED (U) Global Force Management Board • Periodic GFMB’s: Tied to Fiscal Year quarters - adjust dates within the quarter as required – – Rotational force allocation plan (produced by JS) approves requirements, designates force provider(s), and provides SecDef authority to deploy forces / change COCOM Rotational force schedule (produced by JFP) designates “named” units that will deploy DATES Task & Purpose Input(s) Prior to GFMB Output(s) after GFMB 33 JAN – MAR APR - JUN JUL - SEP OCT - DEC Validate CCDR requirements for next three fiscal years (execution year, FY+1 and planning years, FY+2 and FY+3) and approve: - Sourcing solution development of CCDR requests for rotational forces Establish guidance to JFPs for capturing persistent shortfalls data Review / endorse - JFP developed force sourcing recommendations - Associated risk / mitigation options required to gain SecDef approval to deploy forces Review and approve: - Rotational force schedule for any identified changes. - Force Provider LS/HD asset nominations - Rotational Force strategic guidance and assumptions for combatant command use in developing next round of rotational force requirements - Persistent Shortfalls assessment -OSD-provided force allocation prioritization & guidance CCDR requests for rotational forces or capabilities) -JFP developed sourcing recommendations -JFP provided initial persistent shortfalls data Combatant command or force provider identified changes to the allocation plan - Force Provider nominated LS/HD assets. - CJCS PLANORD outlining JFP roles, responsibilities, and guidance in support of sourcing rotational force allocation requirements Joint Staff message passing: - CCDR rotational force requests to designated JFPs for sourcing - Guidance to JFPs for capturing persistent shortfalls during sourcing - SecDef approved FY allocation plan - GFMB validated persistent shortfalls list - Approved changes to the rotational force allocation plan - CJCS PLANORD directing CCDR execution-level planning in support of rotational force allocation requirements - Anticipated persistent shortfalls for FY+1 that may require alternative sourcing solutions. Review and approve: - Sourcing guidance, assumptions and prioritization for JFPs to use in sourcing Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) Quarterly GFMB Input / Sourcing Guidance - OSD, Joint Staff, COCOM, Service participation - Develops - OCT: Review / prioritize / develop guidance for COCOMdeveloped rotational requirements to be sourced by JFPs - JAN: Review / recommend approval on JFP developed schedule and allocation plan - APR: Review SecDef-approved schedule and allocation plan - JUL: Review / approve strategic guidance and assumptions for COCOMs to use in developing their rotational force requirements SecDef Decision SERVICES USN USMC USAF USA 2 8 Step #1: • Using GFMB, JS develops assumption / guidance for COCOM use in developing rotational requirements • COCOMs develop & submit to JS their rotational requirements • GFMB reviews / prioritizes COCOM rotational requirements; determines sourcing guidance for JFPs Step #2: As required, JS directs functional requirements directly to other Federal Agencies Step #3: JS sends GFMB-reviewed rotational requirements to JFPs to develop rotational force schedule and allocation plan CJCS Step #7: GFMB reviews /recommends approval of JFP-developed rotational schedule & allocation plan; as required, use Tank to address additional issues Step #8: JS staff DRAFT schedule & allocation plan w/ OSD / agencies & forward recommendation to SecDef 7 Other Federal Agencies Step #6: JFPs provide recommended rotational schedule & allocation plan sourcing solution to CJCS. Info copies COCOMs and Services 6 3 7 JFP MOB/RC Policy decisions Step #5: JFP Service components develop rotational schedule & allocation plan sourcing options (both AC & RC) from all forces worldwide - COCOM assigned & those under Service control. Sourcing recommendation includes: • Risk to sourcing other requirements • Sustainability assessment • Issues identified by COCOM / Service providing force(s) NGB / RC Directors 4/5 RC/NG Data Visibility 5 4 Step #4: JFP endorses requirements and forwards w/ any additional sourcing guidance to its Service components to determine sourcing recommendation & issues 4/5 USN Comp USA Comp USAF Comp USMC Comp 1 Supported COCOM CDR Supporting COCOM CDRs & components Legend Coordination as required Direct Coordination UNCLASSIFED (U) Request for Forces Process • GFM Board provides overarching guidance • COCOM submits an RFF to JS • JS validates RFF • JS “packages” RFF and sends to Joint Force Provider (JFP) (JFCOM, TRANSCOM, SOCOM, or STRATCOM) • JFP staffs out for a sourcing solution • JFP provides a recommended sourcing solution to JS • JS staffs “locally” within the Pentagon and begins the orders process 35 Joint Staff J-3 DDRO-JOD-GFM, GFM 101.ppt, 3/14/2016 UNCLASSIFIED (U) Global Force Management Board Input / Sourcing Guidance - OSD, Joint Staff, COCOM, Service participation - Rotational Force Allocation Process development - Policy / priority guidance for RFF/RFC sourcing from QTRLY mtg - Review major RFF/RFC sourcing issues that impact Defense Strategy 7 SecDef Decision 2 7 Step #7: JS staff DRAFT sourcing recommendation w/ OSD / agencies • Attempts adjudication of COCOM CDR / Military Department Secretary / Service Chief issues associated w/ JFPs sourcing solution. • Forward recommendation to SecDef 6 3 SERVICES USMC USAF USA MOB/RC Policy decisions Step #3: JS develops DRAFT DEPORD and sends validated RFF/C to designated JFP for action w/ appropriate sourcing guidance. Info copies COCOMs and Military Depts JFP Step #5: JFP Service components recommend RFF/C sourcing options (both AC & RC) from all forces worldwide - COCOM assigned & those under Military Dept control. Sourcing recommendation includes: • Risk to sourcing other requirements • Sustainability assessment • Issues identified by COCOM / Military Dept providing force(s) 5 4 Step #4: JFP endorses RFF/C and forwards w/ any additional sourcing guidance to its Service components to determine sourcing recommendation & issues Supporting COCOM CDRs & components USN Comp NGB / RC Directors Step #1: CJCS validates RFF/C (capability & priority) Step #2: As required, JS directs functional requirements directly to other federal agencies CJCS Step #6: JFP provides recommended sourcing solution to CJCS. Info copies COCOMs and Services USN Other Federal Agencies 1 Step #1: Submit Capabilities-based request (RFF/C) to SecDef via CJCS Supported COCOM CDR Additional Requirements Generated Force Flow Document Generated USAF Comp 4/5 4/5 USA Comp 7 USMC Comp RC/NG Data Visibility Legend Coordination as required Direct Coordination Subordinate Commanders • Service / functional component CDR • Subordinate JFC • Sub-unified Combatant CDR