LAB PREP NOTEBOOK CCC – M. Lawliss Table of contents: Buffers: - Catalase Lab Buffer (100mM Phosphate Buffer) - TBE Buffer -TAE Buffer Dilutions: - H2O2 dilutions for Catalase - Hydrochloric Acid Standard Solutions: - 600 mM Sucrose - 0.15 Cobalt Chloride - 100mM Glucose - 20mM NaCl - Chloride Ion Standards for Env Sci -0.05M Conductivity Solutions -10 mM Caffeine -Cal. Sol. for Conductivity Meter Env-Sci Bio 101 salt and glucose solutions gradient Other: - Fake Blood - Potato Extract - Benedict’s Solution - Fake Urines - I2 Clock - Methoxide for BioFuels Lab Demo preps: - Stoplight Reaction 100mM Phosphate Buffer • Dissolve the following then dilute to 1.0 L total volume: – 8.702g Potassium Phosphate Dibasic – 6.805g Potassium Phosphate Dibasic Home TBE Buffer • Makes 1L of 10x concentration: – 108g Tris (hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane C4H11NO3 [121.14 g/mol] – 55g Boric Acid H3BO3 [61.84 g/mol] – 20ml of 0.5M EDTA (Ethylenediamenetetraacetic acid Disodium salt) or 7.5g of EDTA –Disodium Salt [372.2 g/mol] Home TAE Buffer • Makes 1L of 10x concentration: – 108g Tris (hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane C4H11NO3 [121.14 g/mol] – 10.9g Glacial Acetic Acid [60.05 g/mol] – 20ml of 0.5M EDTA (Ethylenediamenetetraacetic acid Disodium salt) or 7.5g of EDTA –Disodium Salt [372.2 g/mol] – Adjust pH to 8.5 with KOH Home Home 600mM Sucrose • For a 200ml volume. Dissolve the following then dilute to 200ml total volume: – 41.076g Sucrose 200ml | 0.60 mole_| 342.30g Sucrose_| = 41.047g sucrose | 1000ml | 1 mole Sucrose | Home 0.15 M CoCl2*6H2O • To make 500ml 500ml | 0.15 mole_| 237.93g CoCl2_| = 17.845g CoCl2 | 1000ml | 1 mole CoCl2 | Home 100mM Glucose • For a 250ml volume. Dissolve the following then dilute to 250ml total volume: – 4.504g Glucose 250ml | 0.100 mole_| 180.16g Glucose_| = 4.504g Glucose | 1000ml | 1 mole Glucose | Home 20mM NaCl • For a 250ml volume. Dissolve the following then dilute to 250ml total volume: – 1.292g NaCl 250ml | 0.020 mole| 58.44g NaCl__| = 0.292g NaCl | 1000ml | 1 mole NaCl | Home Cl-1 Ion Solution Prep Mass Chlorine 10mg/L 100mg/L 300mg/L 10mg 100mg 300mg 164.7mg/L 494.2mg/L 0.1647g NaCl 0.4942g NaCl Mass NaCl/Liter 16.47mg/L For 1 Liter of solution 0.01647g NaCl Home Conductivity Standards 0.05M Substance Formula Mass Amount to use Dissolve and Dilute to: CaCl2*2H2O 147.02g/mol 3.6755g 500ml AlCl3*6H2O 241.43g/mol NaCl 58.44g/mol H3BO3 61.83g/mol C2H6O2 62.07g/mol 6.0358g 1.461g 1.546g 1.5518g 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml (ethylene Glycol) CH3OH 32.04g/mol Dens = 0.7910 g/ml 0.801g -> 1.01ml 500ml Acetic Acid (17.4M)(vol)=(1000ml)(0.05M) HCl (12.1M)(vol)=(1000ml)(0.05M) 2.87ml 4.13ml 1000ml 1000ml Home 10mM Caffeine • 0.388g caffeine in 200ml 200ml | 0.010 mole | 194.19 g Caff__| = 0.292g Caffeine ~0.15% | 1000ml | 1 mole Caff | Tobacco Tea – (approx. 0.011 mg/ml) ~0.001% 2 regular cigarettes’ worth of tobacco in 500ml hot distilled water. Filter. Home Sodium Methoxide • Ratio 0.5g NaOH in 15ml of MeOH • 8.333g NaOH in 250ml MeOH Home Calibration Solution for Conductivity Meter (0.01 M KCl, 1411 μS at 25°C) • • • • • • • • • • • a) Place 2-3 g of AR potassium chloride (KCl) in a 50 ml beaker and dry in an oven for 3-5 hours at 105°C then cool to room temperature in a desiccator. b) Weigh 0.746 g of KCl into another 50 ml beaker. c) Dissolve the KCl in the beaker with good quality de-ionised water, e.g. ‘Option water’. d) Pour the solution from the 50 ml beaker into a 1.0 litre volumetric flask. Thoroughly rinse the beaker into the flask with de-ionised water. Fill the flask almost to the mark then shake it to fully dissolve the KCl. Top up to the mark and invert the flask a few more times so the solution is fully mixed. e) Rinse out the storage bottle with de-ionised water then shake dry and rinse again with a small amount of the KCl solution then shake dry again. f) Fill the storage bottle with the new solution and label with appropriate information including the expiry date. This solution has a shelf life of 1 year. Home Home Dilutions of 3% H2O2 Desired % conc. QTY of 3% to use (ml) Dilute to: 0.3% 50.0 500ml 0.6% 100 500ml 0.8% 133 500ml 1.0% 167 500ml 1.5% 250 500ml 2.0% 333 500ml Home Hydrochloric Acid Dilutions • From 12.1M HCl stock (37%): To make 1 L of n concentration Math Use x ml of 12.1M HCl Dilute to: 6 Molar HCl (12.1M)(vol)=(1000ml)(6M) 495.9 ml 1.0 Liter 5 Molar HCl (12.1M)(vol)=(1000ml)(5M) 413.2 ml 1.0 Liter 2 Molar HCl (12.1M)(vol)=(1000ml)(2M) 165.3 ml 1.0 Liter 0.2% HCl (37%)(vol)=(1000ml)(0.2%) 5.4 ml 1.0 Liter Home Bio 101 salt and glucose solutions gradient Volume of solution Molarity 200 ml of Solution 0.050 0.080 0.150 0.300 1.000 0.5844 0.93504 1.7532 3.5064 11.688 0.29% 0.47% 0.88% 1.75% 5.84% 1.8016 2.88256 5.4048 10.8096 36.032 0.90% 1.44% 2.70% 5.40% 18.02% Form Weight NaCl 58.44 grams of solute % Molec Weight Glucose (anhyd) 180.16 grams of solute % Home Fake Blood Recipe To make 1 Liter of Fake Blood – – – – – 225 ml corn syrup 90 ml Sobe citrus drink 3 TBS choc powder 15 drops red dye 3 TBS corn starch In a second mug place 1 level tsp of corn starch Add 1-2 tsp of water and stir until it is completely mixed and will flow. In a coffee mug boil 100ml of water (~3.5 oz) Dump the boiling water into the mug with the corn starch, stir to mix this completely. Allow to cool until warm. Add ½ tsp baking cocoa. Add 12 drops of red food coloring When completely cooled, add 3-4 squirts of hand sanitizer Home Potato Extract for Catalase • This ratio is to standardize the prep only. – 250g of potato – 100ml of 100mM Phosphate Buffer Home Benedict’s Solution 1 L of Benedict's reagent can be prepared from: - 100 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate, - 173 g of sodium citrate and - 17.3 g of copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate Home • Normal Urine (2L): – – – – – Fake Urines Mix 36.4 grams urea with 1.5L distilled water until completely dissolved Add: 15g NaCl; 9g KCl; 9.6g Na3PO4 Adjust pH to range between 5- 7 using HCl and NaOH Dilute with water until Spec Grav is between 1.015 and 1.025 Add 0.1g Albumin (bovine) and 4g of creatine Conditions simulated ( per 1L of normal urine from above): • • • • • • • Glycosuria: Add 2.5 – 5g glucose Proteinuria: Add 1g Albumine Ketonuria: Add 0.1g Acetoacetic acid OR 1 ml acetone Low pH: add HCl until pH is 4.0 – 4.5 High pH: add NaOH until pH is between 8.0 – 9.0 Hyposenthuria: Add D-H2O until Spec Grav is below 1.010 Hematuria: Add 0.5g bovine hemoglobin Home Home STOPLIGHT Reaction • 300ml total volume, equal amounts of – 150 ml of 0.133M Dextrose – 150 ml of 1.0M NaOH – Small amt of Indigo Carmine 150ml | 0.133 mole_| 180g Dextrose _| = 3.6g Dextrose | 1000ml | 1 mole Dextrose | 150ml | 1.0 mole_| 40g NaOH _| = 6.0g NaOH | 1000ml | 1 mole NaOH | Home I2 Clock NaI Sodium Iodide 0.2M NaCl Sodium Chloride 0.2M Na2S2O3 Sodium Thiosulfate 0.01M K2SO4 K2S2O8 Potassium Sulfate Potassium Persulfate 0.2M 0.2M * 2% Starch Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home