Year 4, Yearly Overview Year 4 Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2 Year 4, Autumn Term 1 Wk Strands MASMental addition and subtraction 1 PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Weekly Summary Finding pairs with a total of 100; adding to the next multiple of 100 and subtracting to the previous multiple of 100; subtract by counting up to find a difference; adding several numbers MEAMeasurement 4 MASMental addition and subtraction DPEDecimals, percentages and their equivalence to fractions Tell and write the time to the minute on analogue and digital clocks; calculate time intervals; measure in metres, centimetres and millimetres; convert lengths between units; record using decimal notation MMDMental multiplication and division PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra 3 WMDWritten multiplication and division Learn × and ÷ facts for the 6 and 9 times-table and identify patterns; multiply multiples of 10 by single-digit numbers; multiply 2-digit numbers by single-digit numbers (the grid method); find fractions of amounts FRPFractions, ratio and proportion 2 NPVNumber and place value Read, write 4-digit numbers and know what each digit represents; compare 4-digit numbers using < and > and place on a number MASMental addition and line; add 2-digit numbers mentally; subtract 2-digit and 3-digit subtraction numbers 5 WASWritten addition and subtraction Add two 3-digit numbers using column addition; subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number using an expanded column method (decomposing only in one column) Back to top Year 4, Autumn Term 2 Wk Strands MMDMental multiplication and division 6 PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra FRPFractions, ratio and proportion Weekly Summary Double 3-digit numbers and halve even 3-digit numbers; revise unit fractions; identify equivalent fractions; reduce a fraction to its simplest form; count in fractions (each fraction in its simplest form) DPEDecimals, percentages and their equivalence to fractions 7 Look at place value in decimals and the relationship between tenths and decimals; add two 4-digit numbers; practise written NPVNumber and place value and mental addition methods; use vertical addition to investigate patterns WASWritten addition and subtraction DPEDecimals, percentages and their equivalence to fractions 8 MEAMeasurement STAStatistics Convert multiples of 100 g into kilograms; convert multiples of 100 ml into litres; read scales to the nearest 100 ml; estimate capacities; draw bar charts, record and interpret information PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra NPVNumber and place value 9 WASWritten addition and subtraction MASMental addition and subtraction Round 4-digit numbers to the nearest: 10, 100 and 1000; subtract 3-digit numbers using the expanded written version and the counting up mental strategy and decide which to use Use the grid method to multiply 3-digit by single-digit numbers and introduce the vertical algorithm; begin to estimate products; divide numbers (up to 2 digits) by single-digit numbers with no WMDWritten multiplication remainder, then with a remainder MMDMental multiplication 10 and division Year 4, Autumn Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary and division PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Back to top Year 4, Spring Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary Place 4-digit numbers on landmarked lines; 0–10 000 and 1000–2000; NPVNumber and place round 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000; mentally add value and subtract to/from 4-digit and 3-digit numbers using place-value; 11 PRAProblem solving, count on and back in multiples of 10, 100 and 1000; count on in reasoning and algebra multiples of 25 and 50; add and subtract multiples of 10 and 100 to/from 4-digit numbers WASWritten addition and subtraction MMDMental multiplication and division 12 WMDWritten multiplication and division PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Use expanded written subtraction and compact written subtraction to subtract pairs of 3-digit numbers (one ʻexchangeʼ); use expanded column subtraction and compact column subtraction to subtract pairs of 3-digit and 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers (one ʻcarryʼ); learn the 7× table and ʻtrickyʼ facts; use the vertical algorithm to multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; solve simple money problems with decimals to two decimal places MEAMeasurement MMDMental multiplication and 13 division Use mental multiplication and division strategies; find non-unit fractions of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers; find equivalent fractions and use them to FRPFractions, ratio and simplify fractions (halves, thirds, quarters) proportion Year 4, Spring Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Recognise and compare acute, right and obtuse angles; draw lines of a given length; identify perpendicular and parallel lines; recognise and draw line symmetry in shapes; sort 2D shapes according to their 14 PRAProblem solving, properties; draw shapes with given properties and explain reasoning; reasoning and algebra draw the other half of symmetrical shapes GPSGeometry: properties of shapes MMDMental multiplication and division WMDWritten multiplication and 15 division MASMental addition and subtraction Understand how to divide 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using place value and mental strategies; divide numbers by 1-digit numbers to give answers between 10 and 25, with remainders; identify factor pairs and use these to solve multiplications and divisions with larger numbers; use Frog to find complements to multiples of 1000; use Frog to find change from £10, £20 and £50 PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Back to top Year 4, Spring Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary DPEDecimals, Recognise, use, compare and order decimal numbers; understand percentages and their equivalence to fractions place value in decimal numbers; recognise that decimals are tenths; round decimals numbers to the nearest whole number; divide 2-digit NPVNumber and place numbers by 10 to get decimal numbers; multiply decimal numbers by 16 10 to get 2-digit numbers; divide 3-digit multiples of ten by 100 to get value decimal numbers; multiply decimal numbers by 100 to get 3-digit PRAProblem solving, multiples of ten; add four digit numbers using written method with reasoning and algebra answers greater than 10 000 WASWritten addition Year 4, Spring Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary and subtraction MASMental addition and subtraction WASWritten addition 17 and subtraction MEAMeasurement PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra MEAMeasurement 18 PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra NPVNumber and place value 19 WASWritten addition and subtraction MASMental addition and subtraction Add amounts of money using written methods and mentally using place value and number facts; choose to add using the appropriate strategy: mental or written; subtract, choosing appropriate mental strategies: counting up or taking away (using counting back, place value or number facts); solve subtractions using a suitable written method (column subtraction) Tell the time on a 24 hour clock, using am and pm correctly; convert pm times to 24 hour clock and vice versa; use 24 hour clock in calculating intervals of time; measure and calculate perimeters of rectilinear shapes where each side is labelled in cm and m; find missing lengths in rectilinear composite shapes; find the perimeters of rectilinear shapes with some lengths not marked; convert from one unit of length to another; solve word problems involving lengths including those involving perimeters Understand place value in 4-digit numbers; partition 4-digit numbers; solve subtraction of 4-digit numbers using column subtraction (decomposition); choose an appropriate method to solve subtractions, either mental or written, and either column or counting up (Frog) WMDWritten multiplication and division Use the vertical algorithm to multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; explore patterns; use mental strategies and tables facts to divide 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers to give answers MASMental addition and between 10 and 35, without remainders; solve word problems subtraction PRAProblem solving, 20 reasoning and algebra WASWritten addition and subtraction Back to top Year 4, Summer Term 1 Wk Strands NPVNumber and place value 21 PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Weekly Summary Read, write and compare 4-digit numbers and place on a line; find 1000 more or less than any given number; read, write and compare 5digit numbers; recognise what each digit represents in a 5-digit number; read, use and compare negative numbers in the context of temperature Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 including decimals (tenths MASMental addition and and hundredths); read and write decimals (to 1 and 2 places), understanding that these represent parts (tenths and hundredths) of subtraction numbers; mark 1- and 2- place decimals on a line; count in tenths 22 DPEDecimals, (0.1s) and hundredths (0.01s); multiply numbers with up to 2 decimal percentages and their places by 10 and 100, and divide numbers by 10 and 100; say the equivalence to fractions number one tenth and one hundredth more or less than a given number; round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number MMDMental multiplication and division PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra 23 NPVNumber and place value WMDWritten multiplication and division Learn 11 and 12× tables; develop and use effective mental multiplication strategies; use a vertical written method to multiply 3digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; use rounding to estimate answers; use a written method to multiply 3-digit numbers, including amounts of money by 1-digit numbers; multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; understand how division ʻundoesʼ multiplication and vice versa; divide above the tables facts using multiples of 10 MEAMeasurement Recognise and write Roman numerals to 100; begin to know the history of our number system including 0; calculate area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes using multiplication and addition, or counting; recognise, name and classify 2D shapes identifying regular 24 MEAMeasurement and irregular polygons; sort 2D shapes according to properties GPSGeometry: properties including types of quadrilaterals and triangles; revise 3D shapes, of shapes consider 2D-shaped sides on 3D shapes, and sort shapes NPVNumber and place value Year 4, Summer Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary DPEDecimals, percentages and their Understand, read and write 2-place decimals; compare 2-place equivalence to fractions decimals in the context of lengths; add and subtract 0·1 and 0·01 and say a number one-tenth (0·1) or one-hundredth (0·01) more or less 25 PRAProblem solving, than a given number; revise equivalent fractions; write fractions with reasoning and algebra different denominators with a total of 1; recognise decimal and FRPFractions, ratio and fraction equivalents proportion Back to top Year 4, Summer Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary MASMental addition and subtraction MMDMental multiplication and division 26 WMDWritten multiplication and division Add two 2-digit numbers or a 2-digit number to a 3- or 4-digit number mentally; subtract 2-, 3- and 4-digit numbers using counting up; derive factors of 2-digit numbers and use factors and doubling to solve multiplication mentally; solve integer scaling problems using mental strategies and spot a relationship between products; solve correspondence problems, using a systematic approach and calculate using mental multiplication strategies PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra WASWritten addition and subtraction Solve written addition of two 4-digit numbers; add amounts of money (pounds and pence) using column addition; solve 4-digit minus 4-digit PRAProblem solving, and 4-digit minute 3-digit subtractions using written column method 27 reasoning and algebra (decomposition) and check subtraction with addition; solve word MASMental addition problems choosing an appropriate method and subtraction 28 GPDGeometry: Use coordinates to draw polygons; find the coordinates of shapes after translation; draw and interpret bar charts and pictograms; draw line Year 4, Summer Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary position and direction graphs and understand that intermediate points have meaning STAStatistics WMDWritten multiplication and division PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra MMDMental multiplication and 29 division FRPFractions, ratio and proportion Use the vertical algorithm (ladder) to multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; find non-unit fraction of amounts, using ʻchunkingʼ; add fractions with like denominators, including totals greater than 1; divide by 10 and 100 (to give answers with 1 and 2 decimal places) DPEDecimals, percentages and their equivalence to fractions MMDMental multiplication and division Multiply 2-digit numbers by 11 and 12; look for patterns and write rules; PRAProblem solving, multiply 2-digit numbers by numbers between 10 and 20 using the grid reasoning and algebra method; begin to use the grid method to multiply pairs of 2-digit 30 numbers; use mental strategies and tables facts to divide 2-digit and 3WMDWritten digit numbers by 1-digit numbers to give answers between 20 and 50, multiplication and with and without remainders; find non-unit fractions of amounts division FRPFractions, ratio and proportion Please ensure you have Javascript enabled for this site. Home Resources Product Abacus Collections Current Allocations My Files Assessment Support pages My Abacus Assessment Test Results Maths Observations Pupil Profiles Activity Reporting Abacus Planning Product Abacus 4 Win £40 Amazon voucher We would like to get an understanding of what sort of maths manipulables and physical resources primary school teachers have access to in their classroom. Your feedback will help us ensure we develop activities that you and your pupils will love - and you'll go into a draw to win a £40 Amazon voucher. Show meGot it Check out The Wordsmith World Have you checked out the Wordsmith World? It has lots of useful hints and tips for using Wordsmith plus some great ‘Getting Started’ tools. Show meGot it Browser recommendations We recommend Chrome or Firefox as your default browser. If you wish to use IE it should be IE9 or above. Got it Year 5, Yearly Overview Year 5 Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2 Year 5, Autumn Term 1 Wk Strands NPVNumber and place value 1 Weekly Summary Read, write, compare and order 5-digit numbers, understanding the place value and using < and >signs; add and subtract multiples of 10, WASWritten addition and 100 and 1000 to and from 5-digit numbers; use written addition to add two 4-digit numbers; sustain a line of enquiry; make and test a subtraction hypothesis PRAProblem solving, Year 5, Autumn Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary reasoning and algebra MASMental addition and subtraction 2 NPVNumber and place value 3 Add and subtract 2-digit numbers mentally; choose a strategy for solving mental additions or subtractions; solve word problems DPEDecimals, percentages and their equivalence to Understand place value in decimal numbers; multiply and divide fractions numbers with up to two decimal places by 10 and 100; multiply and PRAProblem solving, divide by 0 and 100; add and subtract 0·1 and 0·01; multiply and divide by 4 by doubling or halving twice; use mental multiplication reasoning and algebra strategies to multiply by 20, 25 and 9 MMDMental multiplication and division Revise converting 12-hour clock times to 24-hour clock times; find a time a given number of minutes or hours and minutes later; calculate time intervals using 24-hour clock format; measure lengths in mm and convert to cm; find perimeters in cm and convert cm to m 4 MEAMeasurement 5 WASWritten addition and Solve subtraction using a written method for 3-digit − 3-digit subtraction numbers and for 4-digit numbers; use counting up (Frog) as a MASMental addition and strategy to perform mental subtraction; find change from a multiple of ten pounds using counting up subtraction Back to top Year 5, Autumn Term 2 Wk Strands 6 MMDMental multiplication and division FRPFractions, ratio Weekly Summary Recognise which numbers are divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 25 and identify multiples; find factors; recording results systematically and finding all factors of a given number; compare and place fractions on a line; find equivalent fractions and reduce them to their simplest form Year 5, Autumn Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary and proportion MMDMental multiplication and division 7 WMDWritten multiplication and division Use mental strategies to multiply and divide multiples of 10 and 100; use a written method to multiply 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and estimate answers, divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using a written method and express remainders as a fraction and solve division word problems PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra 8 Use a protractor to measure and draw angles in degrees; recognise, use terms and classify angles as obtuse, acute and reflex; recognise that GPSGeometry: properties of shapes angles on a line total 180° and angles round a point total 360°; identify and name parts of a circle including diameter, radius and circumference; PRAProblem solving, draw circles to a given radius using a pair of compasses; relate angles to reasoning and algebra turns, and recognise that a 360° angle is a complete turn; use angle facts to solve problems related to turn NPVNumber and place value 9 Place numbers to 100 000 and decimals up to two places on a line, round DPEDecimals, numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and decimals up to two places percentages and their to the nearest whole number; compare and order numbers with up to equivalence to two decimal places; reduce fractions to their simplest form; know and fractions recognise equivalent fractions and decimals to half, tenths and fifths FRPFractions, ratio and proportion MASMental addition and subtraction Revise mental and written addition and subtraction strategies, choose to use a mental strategy or written method to solve addition and WASWritten addition subtraction, choose to solve word problems involving multiplication and division questions including 2- and 3-digit by 1-digit and 2-digit by 2-digit and subtraction 10 using a mental or a written method, use mathematical reasoning to work NPVNumber and out a function, identify the operation being used on numbers, place value understand that addition and subtraction are inverse operations multiplication and division, use function machines MMDMental multiplication and Year 5, Autumn Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary division WMDWritten multiplication and division PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Back to top Year 5, Spring Term 1 Wk Strands NPVNumber and place value DPEDecimals, 11 percentages and their equivalence to fractions PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Weekly Summary Read, write and order numbers with up to 6 digits and understand the place value of each digit; place 6-digit numbers on a number line and find numbers between; solve place-value additions and subtractions with 6-digit numbers; understand place value in decimal numbers as tenths and hundredths; multiply and divide by 10/100/1000 using a place-value grid; understand place value in decimal numbers to 2decimal places; place decimal numbers on a line; round two-place decimal numbers to nearest tenth and whole number; say the number a tenth or a hundredth more MASMental addition and subtraction Rehearse mental addition strategies for decimals and whole numbers; use counting on as a strategy to perform mental addition of 2-place PRAProblem solving, decimals to the next whole number; solve missing number sentences; 12 reasoning and algebra use mental strategies to solve multi-step word problems; use counting WASWritten addition and up as a strategy to perform written subtraction (Frog) subtraction MMDMental multiplication and 13 division NPVNumber and place value Use rules of divisibility to find if numbers are divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10; identity prime numbers; revise finding factors of numbers; find squares and square roots of square numbers; finding patterns and making and testing rules; use mental multiplication and division strategies; relate mental division strategies to multiples of ten of the Year 5, Spring Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra divisor Know properties of equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right-angled triangles; find that angles in a triangle have a total of 180°; sort triangles according to their properties; use scales to weigh amounts to GPSGeometry: properties the nearest half interval; convert from grams to kilograms and vice versa, from millilitres to litres and vice versa, and from metres to 14 of shapes kilometres and vice versa; read scales to the nearest half division; MEAMeasurement understand that we measure distance in kilometres and miles; use ready reckoning to give approximate values of miles in kilometres and STAStatistics vice versa; draw line conversion graphs PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra WASWritten addition and subtraction 15 PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Use a written column method to add amounts of money in pounds and pence; add 2-place decimals using written column addition; subtract decimal numbers using counting up (Frog) MEAMeasurement Back to top Year 5, Spring Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary WMDWritten 16 multiplication and division Use a written method (grid) to multiply pairs of 2-digit numbers; use short division to divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, including those which leave a remainder WMDWritten multiplication and 17 division FRPFractions, ratio and proportion 18 GPSGeometry: Find unit fractions and non-unit fractions of 3-digit numbers; use short multiplication to multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; begin to use short multiplication to multiply 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers Understand what a polygon is; draw polygons using dotted square and isometric paper; revise terms obtuse, acute and reflex angles, Year 5, Spring Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary perpendicular and parallel sides; recognise quadrilaterals as polygons and identify their properties; classify quadrilaterals; draw regular PRAProblem solving, polygons and explore their properties; revise metric units of weight, reasoning and algebra capacity and length; understand that we can measure in imperial units and relate these to their instances in daily life MEAMeasurement properties of shapes FRPFractions, ratio and proportion Place mixed numbers on lines; count up in fractions using equivalence; convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa; write 19 PRAProblem solving, improper fractions as mixed numbers and vice versa; multiply proper reasoning and algebra fractions by whole numbers WASWritten addition Solve subtraction of 4-digit numbers using written column subtraction and subtraction (decomposition); add several numbers using written column addition; 20 PRAProblem solving, use column to solve problems reasoning and algebra Back to top Year 5, Summer Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary MASMental addition and subtraction Add mentally 2-place decimal numbers in the context of money using DPEDecimals, rounding; add several small amounts of money using mental methods; percentages and their mentally subtract amounts of money including giving change; calculate 21 equivalence to the difference between two amounts using counting up; solve word fractions problems, including 2-step problems, choosing an appropriate method PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra FRPFractions, ratio 22 and proportion PRAProblem solving, Multiply fractions less than 1 by whole numbers, convert improper fractions to whole numbers; use short multiplication to multiply 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; use long multiplication to multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by teens numbers Year 5, Summer Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary reasoning and algebra WMDWritten multiplication and division DPEDecimals, percentages and their Read, write and compare decimals to three decimal places, equivalence to understanding that the third decimal place represents thousandths; fractions multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 using 3-place decimal numbers in the calculations; place 2-place decimals on a number line and 23 PRAProblem solving, round them to the nearest tenth and whole number; read, write, order reasoning and algebra and compare 3-place decimal numbers; understand and use negative NPVNumber and place numbers in the context of temperature value Read and mark co-ordinates in the first two quadrants; draw simple GPDGeometry: polygons using co-ordinates; translate simple polygons by adding to and position and direction subtracting from the co-ordinates; reflect simple shapes in the y axis or in a line, noting the effect on the co-ordinates; translate simple shapes and PRAProblem solving, note what happens to the co-ordinates; draw regular and irregular 2D 24 reasoning and algebra shapes using given dimensions and angles; use the properties of 2D shapes, including rectangles, to derive related facts; identify 3D shapes GPSGeometry: properties of shapes from 2D representations; create 3D shapes using 2D nets and draw 3D shapes WASWritten addition Add 5-digit numbers using written column addition; subtract 5-digit numbers using written method (decomposition); check answers to and subtraction subtractions using written column addition; solve subtractions of 4- and 25 PRAProblem solving, 5-digit numbers using written column subtraction or number line reasoning and algebra counting up Back to top Year 5, Summer Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary Year 5, Summer Term 2 Wk Strands MMDMental multiplication and division 26 PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra FRPFractions, ratio and proportion WMDWritten 27 multiplication and division PRAProblem solving, 28 reasoning and algebra MEAMeasurement Weekly Summary Identify factors and multiples, find factor pairs; revise equivalent fractions; compare and order fractions with related denominators; add fractions with same or related denominators, then convert answer into a mixed number; subtract fractions with same and related denominators, revise multiplying fractions by whole numbers Use short division to divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and 4digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, including those which leave a remainder; express a remainder as a fraction; use long multiplication to multiply 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by teens numbers Find the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles by calculation and pursue a line of enquiry; estimate and find the area of irregular shapes; calculate the perimeter and area of composite shapes; use the relations of area and perimeter to find unknown lengths; begin to understand the concept of volume; find the volume of a cube or cuboid by counting cubes; understand volume as measurement in three dimensions; relate volume to capacity; recognise and estimate volumes DPEDecimals, percentages and their Understand what percentages are, relating them to hundredths; know equivalence to fractions key equivalences between percentages and fractions, finding 29 FRPFractions, ratio and percentages of amounts of money; find equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages; solve problems involving fraction and percentage proportion equivalents; write dates using Roman numerals NPVNumber and place value NPVNumber and place value STAStatistics 30 MEAMeasurement WMDWritten multiplication and Find cubes of numbers to 10; draw and interpret line graphs showing change in temperature over time; begin to understand rate; use timetables using the 24-hour clock and use counting up to find time intervals of several hours and minutes; solve problems involving scaling by simple fractions; use factors to multiply; solve scaling problems involving measure Year 5, Summer Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary Please ensure you have Javascript enabled for this site. Home Resources Product Abacus Collections Current Allocations My Files Assessment Support pages My Abacus Assessment Test Results Maths Observations Pupil Profiles Activity Reporting Abacus Planning Product Abacus 4 Win £40 Amazon voucher We would like to get an understanding of what sort of maths manipulables and physical resources primary school teachers have access to in their classroom. Your feedback will help us ensure we develop activities that you and your pupils will love - and you'll go into a draw to win a £40 Amazon voucher. Show meGot it Check out The Wordsmith World Have you checked out the Wordsmith World? It has lots of useful hints and tips for using Wordsmith plus some great ‘Getting Started’ tools. Show meGot it Browser recommendations We recommend Chrome or Firefox as your default browser. If you wish to use IE it should be IE9 or above. Got it Don't forget... To visit MyAbacus for curriculum support, help videos, classroom goodies & more. Show meGot it Help This page Abacus Help General Teacher Help Pupil Help Glossary Information Submit feedback Professional Development Abacus Admin My Account Robert Stakelum My Profile Log out Key Stage 2 Area Year 3 Year 4 Mixed-age Year 3/4 Year 5 Year 6 Mixed-age Year 5/6 Year 6, Yearly Overview Year 6 Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2 Year 6, Autumn Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary NPVNumber and place value MMDMental multiplication and division 1 DPEDecimals, percentages and their equivalence to fractions Read, write and compare 6-digit numbers and know what each digit represents; read, write and compare 1-, 2- and 3-place decimal numbers; multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000; round decimals to nearest tenth and whole number and place on a number line; convert decimals (up to 3 places) to fractions and vice-versa. FRPFractions, ratio and proportion MASMental addition and subtraction NPVNumber and place value 2 Use mental addition strategies to solve additions including decimal WASWritten addition and numbers; use column addition to add 5-digit numbers, decimal numbers and amounts of money; solve problems involving number up subtraction to 3 decimal places, choose an appropriate method to solve decimal DPEDecimals, addition. percentages and their equivalence to fractions PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Express missing number problems algebraically and find pairs of numbers that satisfy equations involving two unknowns; find missing lengths and angles; understand how brackets can be used in MASMental addition and calculation problems; use knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the four operations, solve addition and subtraction subtraction multi-step problems using knowledge of the order of PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra 3 Year 6, Autumn Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary operations. MEAMeasurement 4 PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra NPVNumber and place value Convert between grams and kilograms, millilitres and litres, millimetres and centimetres, centimetres and metres, metres and kilometres, and miles and kilometres; revise reading the 24-hour clock and convert 12-hour times to 24-hour; read and write Roman numerals; find time intervals using the 24-hour clock. MASMental addition and subtraction 5 WASWritten addition and Use mental addition, column subtraction and Counting up to solve subtraction subtractions of amounts of money and word problems; use NPVNumber and place mathematical reasoning to investigate. value PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra MMDMental multiplication and division WMDWritten multiplication and division 6 Use mental multiplication strategies to multiply by numbers such as 4, 8, 5, 25, 19, 29 and 99; revise using short multiplication to multiply 4digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and use this to multiply amounts of MASMental addition and money; solve word problems involving multiplication including twostep problems and finding change; use long multiplication to multiply subtraction 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by teens numbers. PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra NPVNumber and place value Back to top Year 6, Autumn Term 2 Wk Strands NPVNumber and place value 7 PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra FRPFractions, ratio and proportion 8 Weekly Summary Understand negative numbers; calculate small differences between negative numbers and negative and positive numbers; add and subtract negative numbers; compare fractions with unlike, but related, denominators; correctly use the terms fraction, denominator and numerator; understand what improper fractions and mixed numbers are and add fractions with the same denominator, writing the answer as a mixed number Calculate the perimeter, area and volume of shapes, and know their units of measurement; understand that shapes can have the same MEAMeasurement perimeters but different areas and vice versa; calculate the area of a GPSGeometry: properties triangle using the formula A = 1/2 b × h ; find the area of parallelograms using the formula A = b × h ; name and describe of shapes properties of 3D shapes; systematically find and compare nets for different 3D shapes. MMDMental multiplication and division FRPFractions, ratio and proportion 9 WMDWritten multiplication and division Use mental strategies to divide by 2, 4, 8, 5, 20 and 25; find non-unit fractions of amounts; use short division to divide 3- and 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, including those which leave a remainder; express a remainder as a fraction, simplifying where possible. PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra FRPFractions, ratio and proportion PRAProblem solving, 10 reasoning and algebra DPEDecimals, percentages and their equivalence to fractions 11 FRPFractions, ratio and proportion Add and subtract unit fractions with different denominators including mixed numbers; use mental strategies to find simple percentages of amounts, including money Multiply fractions less than 1 by whole numbers, converting improper fractions to whole numbers; use commutativity to efficiently multiply fractions by whole numbers; divide unit and non-unit fractions by Year 6, Autumn Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary whole numbers; solve word problems involving fractions. Back to top Year 6, Spring Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary NPVNumber and place value Read and write numbers with up to 7-digits, understanding what each digit represents; work systematically to find out how many numbers 12 WASWritten addition round to 5000000; solve subtraction of 5- and 6-digit numbers using written column method (decomposition). and subtraction DPEDecimals, percentages and their Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000; compare and order numbers equivalence to with up to three decimal places; know common fraction / decimal 13 fractions equivalents; multiply pairs of unit fractions and multiply unit fractions by non-unit fractions FRPFractions, ratio and proportion MMDMental multiplication and division WMDWritten multiplication and 14 division PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Use partitioning to mentally multiply 2-digit numbers with one decimal place by whole 1-digit numbers; multiply numbers with two decimal places; use short multiplication to multiply amounts of money; use estimation to check answers to calculations; use long multiplication to multiply 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by numbers between 10 and 30. NPVNumber and place value GPSGeometry: 15 properties of shapes PRAProblem solving, Name, classify and identify properties of quadrilaterals; explore how diagonal lines can bisect quadrilaterals; understand what an angle is and that it is measured in degrees; know what the angles of triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and octagons add to and use these Year 6, Spring Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary reasoning and algebra facts and mathematical reasoning to calculate missing angles; recognise and identify the properties of circles and name their parts; draw circles using pairs of compasses; draw polygons using a ruler and a protractor MASMental addition and subtraction Add and subtract numbers using mental strategies; solve addition of 4- to 7-digit numbers using written column addition; identify patterns in the NPVNumber and number of steps required to generate palindromic numbers; solve place value subtraction of 5-, 6- and 7-digit numbers using written column method 16 WASWritten addition (decomposition); solve additions and subtractions choosing mental and subtraction strategies or written procedures as appropriate; read, understand and solve word problems PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra WMDWritten multiplication and division 17 NPVNumber and place value PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra Identity common factors and common multiples; understand that a prime number has exactly two factors and find prime numbers less than 100; understand what a composite (non-prime) number is; use long division to divide 3- and 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers, giving remainders as a fraction, simplifying where possible Back to top Year 6, Spring Term 2 Wk Strands MASMental addition and subtraction Weekly Summary Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in shopping contexts, and add and subtract money using column addition and counting up; add and subtract decimal numbers choosing an appropriate strategy, and add WASWritten addition decimal numbers with different numbers of places using column 18 and subtraction addition; use mathematical reasoning to investigate and solve problems, PRAProblem solving, and solve subtractions of decimal numbers with different numbers of reasoning and algebra places (2-places) using counting up Year 6, Spring Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary STAStatistics Calculate and understand the mean average; construct and interpret DPEDecimals, distance/time line graphs where intermediate points have meaning, 19 percentages and their including conversion line graphs; understand pie charts are a way of equivalence to representing data using percentages, interpret and construct pie charts fractions GPDGeometry: position and direction Read and plot coordinates in all four quadrants, draw and translate NPVNumber and place simple polygons using coordinates and find missing coordinates for a value vertex on a polygon; draw and reflect simple polygons in both the x-axis 20 PRAProblem solving, and y-axis using coordinates; find unknown angles around a point, on a reasoning and algebra line, in a triangle or vertically opposite and in polygons where diagonals intersect GPSGeometry: properties of shapes Multiply 4-digit numbers including those with two decimal places by 1digit numbers; use long multiplication to multiply 4-digit numbers by WMDWritten numbers between 10 and 30, including those with two decimal places; multiplication and revise using short division to divide 4-digit by 1-digit and 2-digit numbers 21 division including those which leave a remainder, and divide the remainder by PRAProblem solving, the divisor to give a fraction, simplifying where possible, and make reasoning and algebra approximations; use long division to divide 4-digit by 2-digit numbers, and use a systematic approach to solve problems Generalise a relationship between pairs of numbers, express simple PRAProblem solving, formulae in words, then using letters; describe and continue sequences, reasoning and algebra generalise to predict the tenth term, begin to generalise a term in a 22 sequence using n to stand for the number of the term in a sequence; FRPFractions, ratio describe ratio and use ratio to solve problems; find fractions and simplify and proportion ratios Back to top Year 6, Summer Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary Revise reading, writing, comparing and ordering numbers with up to NPVNumber and place seven digits and decimal numbers with up to three decimal places; revise value rounding decimal numbers to the nearest tenth and whole number; revise rounding big numbers to the nearest thousand, ten thousand, 23 DPEDecimals, percentages and their hundred thousand and million; revise locating a number on a number line marking numbers it lies between; revise comparing and ordering equivalence to negative numbers including calculating differences between negative fractions numbers and positive and negative numbers NPVNumber and place value MASMental addition and subtraction WASWritten addition Revise adding and subtracting whole numbers and decimal numbers and subtraction using mental and written methods; revise finding percentages of numbers, converting fractions, decimals and percentages and making DPEDecimals, comparisons using percentages; revise how brackets can be used in percentages and their calculation problems, revise the order of operations for calculations 24 equivalence to involving the four operations; revise solving missing number problems fractions using inverse operations; revise using trial and improvement to solve equations involving one or two unknowns, and find missing lengths and FRPFractions, ratio angles and proportion PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra GPSGeometry: properties of shapes MASMental addition and subtraction FRPFractions, ratio and proportion 25 WMDWritten multiplication and division MMDMental multiplication and division Revise scaling, using mental strategies for multiplying and dividing; revise solving problems involving rate; revise multiplying pairs of 2-digit numbers and finding factors of 2-digit numbers; multiply 3-digit and 4digit numbers including decimals by whole 1-digit numbers and solve word problems involving multiplication of money and measures; use a systematic approach to solve problems involving multiplication and division, including long multiplication of 3-digit and 4-digit numbers and decimals Year 6, Summer Term 1 Wk Strands Weekly Summary PRAProblem solving, reasoning and algebra NPVNumber and place value WMDWritten multiplication and division Revise using short division to find unit fractions of amounts, including decimals, and round answers to money problems according to the PRAProblem solving, context; revise using long division to divide 4-digit by 2-digit numbers, reasoning and algebra giving remainders as a fraction, simplifying where possible; revise using long division to divide 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by numbers between 26 NPVNumber and place 10 and 30, writing the fractional part of the answer as a decimal where value equivalents are known; revise calculating the mean average; revise reading and marking coordinates in all four quadrants, draw simple STAStatistics polygons and find missing coordinates on a polygon or line GPDGeometry: position and direction Back to top Year 6, Summer Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary NPVNumber and place Revise equivalence simplifying fractions and changing improper fractions value into mixed numbers and vice versa; revise adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators, including those which give 27 FRPFractions, ratio answers greater than 1; revise multiplying pairs of fractions and and proportion multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers; solving problems involving ratios; read intermediate points off scales MEAMeasurement GPSGeometry: properties of shapes 28 MEAMeasurement STAStatistics Revise properties and classification of 2D shapes, drawing 2D shapes using ruler, protractor and compasses, parts of a circle and angles in polygons; revise calculating missing angles by knowing angle facts; use a protractor to measure and draw angles in degrees; identify and name acute, right, obtuse and reflex angles; understand perimeter, area and volume; find the perimeter of rectangles, find the area of rectangles, Year 6, Summer Term 2 Wk Strands Weekly Summary parallelograms and triangles, and find the volumes of cubes and cuboids; revise reading and interpreting different types of data display NPVNumber and place value PRAProblem solving, Use mathematical reasoning to investigate and solve problems, and to reasoning and algebra estimate and predict; solve problems using doubling, solve calculations with enormous numbers; find out about famous mathematicians 29 GPDGeometry: including Brahmagupta and John Napier and use their different methods position and direction to multiply; use lattice multiplication to solve multiplications of 2-, 3- and 4-digit numbers; begin to compare historical multiplication methods WMDWritten multiplication and division NPVNumber and place value Explore binary numbers; solve mathematical puzzles; including using PRAProblem solving, multiplication facts, find digital roots and look for patterns; explore 30 reasoning and algebra Fibonacci sequences and Pythagoras' theorem GPSGeometry: properties of shapes