Chapter 6 The Income Statement and Measures of Performance Chapter 6--Learning Objectives 1. Explain the different concepts of income, cash, economic, and accrual-based income measures Concepts of Income $Cash Basis $Economic $Accrual Basis Cash Basis Income Income = Cash inflow - Cash outflow Not reported as income under GAAP Reported in Statement of Cash Flows as net cash flow from operating activities Economic Income Based on concept of “well-offness” Economic Income is the maximum amount that can be distributed to owners during the accounting period and leave the business as well off at the end of the accounting period as it was at the beginning of the period Economic Income A Capital maintenance concept of income Income is the change in “value” of the net assets of the business during the accounting period Measurements of assets and liabilities would be based on “fair value” at the balance sheet date, i.e., the present value of expected future cash flows Accounting Income Accrual Basis Income Transactions based The change in net assets is measured utilizing historical cost (with modifications) A financial capital maintenance concept of income Accrual Basis Income Characteristics Revenue recognized when earned Expenses matched with revenue Based on historical cost Income = Revenue + Gains - Expenses - Losses SFAC 1 Objectives Of Financial Reporting To provide information Useful in Investment & Credit Decisions Useful in Assessing Cash Flow Prospects About Enterprise Resources, Claims to Those Resources, & Changes in Them SFAC 1: Enterprise Performance & Earnings The primary focus of financial reporting Expectations about future performance are commonly based on past performance Accrual based earnings provide a better indication of performance than cash flows Relate Benefits and Costs of Operations, Events & Circumstances that affect the Enterprise Accrual Basis Accounting Income Consistent with the concept of Financial Capital Maintenance Income = the change in net assets occurring during the period excluding transactions with owners Chapter 6--Learning Objectives 2. Demonstrate the format of the income statement Income Statement Includes the following elements of financial statements Revenues Expenses Gains & Losses Income Statement Formats Single Step Multiple Step Single Step Revenues & Gains minus Expenses & Losses Including Income Taxes Single-step income statement form Revenues: Sales revenue Interest income Dividend revenue Gain on sale of equipment Other income Total revenue $XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Single-step income statement form Expenses: Cost of goods sold Selling & administrative expense Interest expense Loss on sale of land Other expense Provision for income taxes Total expenses XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Multiple-step income statement form Sales revenue $XXX Cost of goods sold XXX Gross profit XXX Operating expenses: Selling & administrative expense XXX Other operating expenses XXX Operating expenses XXX Income from operations XXX Multiple-step income statement form Other revenue and gains: Interest revenue Gain on sale of equipment Other expenses and losses: Loss on sale of land Other expenses Other revenue (expense) Income before taxes Provision for income taxes Net Income XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Income statement form Both single-step and multi-step formats are acceptable APB Opinion No. 30 requires special presentation of: Discontinued operations Extraordinary items Cumulative effects of changes in accounting principles Elements of the income statement Sales and operating revenues Revenues from sales less discounts, returns and allowances Cost of goods sold Beginning inventory plus purchases (net of returns & allowances but including transportation) less ending inventory Operating expenses Normally classified as administrative expenses and selling expenses Elements of the income statement Non-operating items Revenues, expenses, gains and losses outside the normal operations of the business Provision for income taxes Includes federal, state and local income taxes Special reporting items Discontinued operations, extraordinary items and accounting changes Chapter 6--Learning Objectives 3. Specify which circumstances qualify as special reporting items, and explain how to measure and report those special items on the income statement Extraordinary Items APB 30 Absent discontinued operations, the following main captions should be reported in the income statement if extraordinary items are reported Income before Extraordinary Item XXX Extraordinary Item (less applicable taxes of $____) XXX Net Income XXX Net sales CGS Gross profit Operating expenses Income from operations Other…(non operating items) XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Income before tax & extraordinary item XXX Income tax XXX Income before extraordinary item XXX Extraordinary item (net of tax) Net income XXX XXX Extraordinary Items? APB 30 Events and transactions that are distinguished by their unusual nature and infrequency of occurrence Unusual Nature Abnormal Significantly different from ordinary and typical activities of the entity Beyond the control of management Unusual Nature Primary consideration The environment in which the entity operates Characteristics of the industry Geographical location Extent of governmental regulation Infrequent Not reasonably expected to recur in the foreseeable future Take into account the environment in which the entity operates Prior occurrence provides evidence to assess the probability of recurrence Extraordinary Items Examples Results of a major casualty, e.g., Earthquake Expropriation Prohibition under a newly enacted law or regulation Items which are NEVER considered to be extraordinary Write-downs of receivables and inventories Foreign exchange gains and losses Gains and losses from sale or abandonment of property, plant and equipment Labor disturbances Accounting Change APB 20 Change in Accounting Principle Change in Reporting Entity Change in Estimate Change in Accounting Principle Changing from one generally accepted accounting principle to another Examples: Change from LIFO to FIFO Change from SYD Depreciation to Straight-line Change in Reporting Entity When a company has investments in other entities over which it exercises significant influence or control Change how the investment is reported in the balance sheet and income statement Example Change from the equity method of accounting to consolidation Change in Estimate Change in “good faith” estimate Prompted by Environmental changes Availability of new information Examples Change in estimate of useful life of building Change in fair value of investments in “trading securities” Accounting Treatments for Accounting Changes Current Retroactive Prospective Current Treatment Report Cumulative Effect in the Income Statement Do not restate prior financial statements Report Pro-forma Effects for Income before extraordinary items Net Income Cumulative effect in income statement APB 30 Income from 0perations Other…(non operating items) Income before extraordinary item and cumulative effect of accounting change Extraordinary item (less taxes of $____) Cumulative effect of accounting change (less taxes of $_____) Net income XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX When to apply Current Treatment Changes in Principle Exceptions are treated retroactively Example Change from Straight-line Depreciation to Double Declining Balance Retroactive Treatment Report cumulative effect as an adjustment to the beginning balance of Retained Earnings Restate prior financial statements No need to report separate Pro-formas Retroactive treatment is required for Changes from LIFO Changes to or from full cost method in the extractive industry Changes to the equity method of accounting for investments in stock Changes in accounting for long-term contracts Changes from retirement/replacement accounting to other depreciation methods Changes associated with an IPO of stock Discontinued operations: APB: 30 Income from continuing operations before tax XXX Income tax expense XXX Income from continuing operations XXX Discontinued operations (less taxes) XXX Extraordinary Items (less taxes) Cum effect of accounting change (less taxes) Net income XXX XXX Discontinued Operations: APB 30 Separately identifiable segment which is being disposed of A major class of business Separately identifiable assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses Discontinued Operations In the Income Statement Two components Income (loss) from operations Gain (loss) from disposal Discontinued Segment Income (Loss) from Operations Disclosed when the decision to discontinue was made after the beginning of the year Amount of income (loss) is determined from the beginning of the year to the date the decision is made to discontinue a segment’s operations (measurement date) Gain (loss) from disposal of segment assets Gain (loss) during the phase-out period Phase-out period can extend to subsequent accounting period The Possibilities Measurement Date & Disposal Date occur in same accounting period Measurement Date occurs in current period, Disposal Date occurs in a subsequent accounting period Measurement Date & Disposal Date in Same Period Beginning of year Measurement Date A Disposal Date B Phase Out Realized Gain (Loss) Year End Disposal Date in Subsequent Period Beginning Measurement of year Date A Disposal Year End 2 Date Year End 1 B Realized Gain (Loss) C Estimated Gain (Loss) Disposal During a Subsequent Period - Special Rules 1 A realized Loss on disposal a b 2 Increase by estimated loss Decrease by estimated gain (but only to zero) A realized Gain on disposal a b Decrease by estimated loss Do not increase by estimated gain Chapter 6--Learning Objectives 4. Specify which circumstances qualify as prior-period adjustments, and explain how to measure, account for, and report those adjustments in the financial statements Prior period adjustments SFAS No. 16 specifies three types: 1. Corrections of errors 2. Adjustments involving tax loss carryforwards of purchased subsidiaries 3. Others specified by the FASB Our focus is on the first type Prior period adjustments Require Retroactive Treatment Do not affect income in the year of discovery Are NOT reported on the income statement Adjustments are made directly to the Retained Earnings account Adjustments are reported on the Retained Earnings statement Prepare the statement of retained earnings Retained earnings, Jan. 1, 2000, (as previously reported) $900,000 Correction of error in depreciation expense not charged in prior periods (net of $7,000 tax) ( 15,000) Retained earnings, Jan. 1, 2000, (restated) $885,000 Net income 110,000 Retained earnings, Dec 31, 2000 $995,000 Chapter 6--Learning Objectives 5. Illustrate the computations and reporting requirements for earningsper-share presentations EPS EPS What a share of common stock earned during the accounting period Numerator = Income to Common Stockholders Subtract preferred dividends Denominator = Weighted average number of shares outstanding Must report EPS for Income from Continuing Operations Discontinued Operations Extraordinary Items Net Income Chapter 6--Learning Objectives 6. Understand corporate risk and profitability analysis, using the basic ratios and categories of ratios Profitability analysis The most common measure is return on assets (ROA) calculated as follows: Net income + [(Interest expense) x (1 - Tax rate)] Average total assets Return on assets Measures the return on the average capital invested in assets during the accounting period. Since both lenders and stockholders provide capital, ROA includes income before interest and its associated tax benefit. Risk Analysis ROA ignores the means by which operations are financed. Also, investors are interested in the return to common stock Hence, a frequent adjustment is to calculate the return on equity (ROE), sometimes called return on common equity (ROCE) Return on common equity Return on assets Less: Return to creditors Less: Return to preferred shareholders Equals: Return to common shareholders or Net income - preferred dividends Average common equity