Nutrition Ed in Science/Health

Including Nutrition Education
Nutrition Ed in Science Preschoolers
Plants give us food.
Healthy foods give us energy and make us
Nutrition Ed in Science & Health Elementary School
Information about plants and farming.
Use MyPlate as a tool to introduce healthy
Compare and contrast foods that people
eat vs. foods that animals eat, food that
plants eat, food that fish eat, etc.
Elementary Students, cont.
Let students become the teachers
 Host
a small nutrition/physical activity-related
science fair
Healthy foods provide more efficient “fuel”
for the body
Discuss what a calorie is and how many are
burned in different activities
Nutrition Ed in Science & Health Middle/High School
Grow a garden or help younger children
start a garden
Nutrition relating to human anatomy &
physiology, cell growth & development, etc.
Middle/High School Students,
Explore how unhealthy foods can affect the
 Weight
 Heart
 Cancer
 High cholesterol
 High blood pressure
Calorie discussion and activity
Cooking activities in chemistry
Calorie Activity
Definition of a calorie
How many calories are in some fast foods?
How much activity does it take to burn half
the calories you consume?
Food Safety
Fits easily into science classes for all grade
Young children – learning the importance of
hand washing
Older students – Types of foodborne illness
and how to prevent them
Fight Bac! campaign from
Partnership for Food Safety
Including Physical Activity
Physical Activity in Science Preschoolers
The body and its parts
 Benefits
of exercise (strong bones & muscles,
 Demonstrate body movements
 Hands-on lessons and
 Gardening activities
 Activity’s effect on the body
Preschoolers, cont.
Have students demonstrate their favorite
Discuss how it is good to move and not sit at
a TV or computer for too long
Physical Activity in Science & Health –
Elementary School
When learning about the body, talk about
exercise and how it affects the body (bones,
muscles, etc.).
Watch muscles shorten to lift an object or
bend a joint.
Feel muscles lengthen during a stretch.
Elementary Students, cont.
Discuss calories with students. What are they and
how does our body use calories?
Make it real: compare different activities
(walking, jumping, stair-climbing, etc.) to show
how muscles have to work harder in
some activities than others.
Elementary Students, cont.
Hold a nutrition/physical activity-related
science fair.
Physical Activity in Science & Health –
Middle/High School
Talk about it…
 Discuss the physiology of exercise and how
it affects the body.
 Talk about the definition of a calorie and
how many calories are burned doing
different activities.
 Explore how sedentary behaviors can affect
the body (weight control, chronic disease,
Middle/High School, cont.
…Then get moving!
 Build “human molecules”
 Mimic the movements of planets/moons in
the solar system
 Get outside!
 Make up an anatomy dance
Middle/High School, cont.
Explore how sedentary behaviors can affect
the body
 Weight control
 Chronic disease, etc.