Year One Introduction to modelling Using a word bank Information around us Labelling and classifying Representing information graphically – pictograms Understanding instruction and making things happen Skills: Use mouse to move and place items accurately on the screen Use simple tools in a painting package Print work Add stamps/motifs or clip art to a scene Use keyboard Select and listen to text from a word bank Use of a word bank Use pictograms to answer simple questions Give instructions in correct order Give instructions: directions Give instructions: use unit lengths Give instructions: in a sequence Give instructions: read a set of instructions, predict, follow and test results Year Four Writing for different audiences Developing images using repeated patterns Branching databases Collecting and presenting information: questionnaires and pie charts Modelling effects on screen Skills Alter font size and use effects (bold, underline) Delete and replace text (insert and overtype) Use spell checker Use find and replace Use stamps and / or copy tool Alter size of brush tool Select areas, copy and resize them Use reflection, Use SAVE AS to keep drafts Search branching database Year Two Writing stories Creating pictures The information around us Routes – controlling a floor turtle Questions and answers Year Three Combining text and graphics Manipulating sound Introduction to databases Exploring simulations E-mail (to include e-safety guidelines) Skills Use backspace key Type in text, including space, use shift key Use return/enter key Delete and insert text Use simple mark making tools Use SAVE AS Use straight line, geometric shapes and flood fill tools Use spray tool Use buttons to navigate CD-ROM Use menus Use index Search using key words (including reminders about e-safety) Use hyperlinks Use FD,BK,LT,RT Enter sequence of instructions Use repeat key to produce symmetrical shapes Use the search tool to find the answer to simple questions Skills Alter font – type, size, colour Amend text and save changes Combine graphics and text Use shift key for quotation, question marks etc Use equipment to record sound samples Use icons to arrange musical phrases Add a record to a data file Answer simple questions matching contents of a single field Order records by a key field Use database to produce bar charts Enter data into the simulation Read e-mail (e-safety) Annotate and reply Use address book to send e-mail Add an attachment Year Five Year Six Graphical modelling Analysing data and asking questions Evaluating information, checking accuracy and questioning plausibility Introduction to spreadsheets Controlling devices Monitoring environmental conditions and changes Skills Move, rotate and re-size graphic elements Create objects with geometric tools Search using => and <= Use AND in search criteria Use OR Skim read and sift information to modify a search strategy Check for text, data errors, incorrect field types (e.g. girl when Multimedia Presentation Spreadsheet Modelling Control and Monitoring – What happens when? Using the internet to search large databases and interpret information (to include e-safety guidelines) Skills Evaluate and then design own multimedia pages Sample sounds and play them from a button Produce a diagram to show links between pages Create a presentation to include images, sound and text Identify formulae and enter into a spreadsheet Copy cells Draw graph using spreadsheet Change data and formulae to answer ‘what if?’ questions Create own branching data base in groups Design simple questionnaire to record numbers, text and choices Create pie charts Create line graphs Transfer floor turtle instructions to the screen Type commands in immediate mode List commands to produce a predrawn shape Use repeat command Use and change a pre-written procedure Write a procedure that uses other procedures Use repeat command and procedures it should be F) Use graphs to error check Enter labels and numbers Enter formulae (=C2+C3) Use SUM Use spreadsheet to answer ‘what if…?’ questions and check predictions Control simple devices with direct instructions Use simple procedures to control more than one output Use simple control language to activate multiple devices concurrently Build a sequence of events to solve a problem Attach a sensor to a device connected to a computer to take readings Alter program set-up for a particular sensor, alter time span of recording Use IF… THEN…Use REPEAT FOREVER Use a light sensor Use and program 2 inputs Develop a system that controls events in response to conditions Access an internet site using a favourites list Print a page from the internet Use a search engine to find information Use ‘AND’ in a search Use hyperlinks to trail an idea Type in a URL to locate a web page To save and use pictures and text and import into a document for a presentation