

Bellwork 1/28/16

1.How would you describe the term behavior in animals?

2.List 10 examples of animal behavior.

On Your Desk:





s get CAUGHT up

1. Turn in:

• Facebook Page (staple rubric, reading and FB page together)

• Progress Report signature due tomorrow

2. Go over Genetics Test

Natural Selection

- Animal Behavior ------- Pg. ____

- Natural Selection

- Selective Breeding

- Extinction

- Symbiosis

Animal Traits and Behaviors that

Enhance Survival

What We Are Going To Learn:

• What are traits?

• Inherited vs. Learned

• Response to stimuli

• Evolutionary Adaptations

• Natural Selection and

Selective Breeding

What is a Trait?

Write down on your own paper what you think a trait is. You may give an example as well.

 Share your definition with your neighbor.

 Discuss what you both have written down and re-write your definition if you and your partner come up with something better.

What is a Trait Cont.?

 Did you come up with something like this?

– A characteristic of some organism, like how it looks or acts.

– Can be passed down from parents to offspring = (inherited)

– Can be learned

– Allows organism to survive and reproduce in its environment in which it lives.

Add this information to your definition if you do not have it.

Inherited vs. Learned

• What do we mean when we say


– Whom are traits inherited from?

– How are they passed down?

– Give some examples of things you inherit:

• Looks…

• Behaviors…

Learned Behaviors

 What are some things you are NOT born knowing?

– List some items you must learn and share with a partner to see if you come up with some similar or different ideas.

– Share your thoughts with the class.

What are Some of the Inherited Traits Seen

Here and What are They Used for?

Animal Behaviors:

Learned vs. Instinct:

OUTPUT: Number 1-5

• Discuss the following pictures and label them on your paper as learned or instinct. Some may be both, be able to explain.

Be able to share your thoughts on how or why you labeled them.


Bellwork 1/29/16

1. List 5 animal behaviors that enhance survival.

2. After each behavior list if they are instinctive or learned.

On Your Desk:




Other Instinctual Behaviors:

 Fight or Flight response:

– When startled by an outside stimulus the animals instinctive behavior will be triggered.

– Those behaviors can be to run, hide, or stand your ground and fight

Some Other Behaviors:

• Living in herds and packs vs. living solitary lives

• Three reasons to live in herds or packs:

1. Protection from predators

2. Hunting packs- more efficient at capturing prey

3. Reproductive Efficiency – mates found within pack or herd

Solitary Lives:

 Why do some animals live solitary lives?

– Some animals live alone because there are not enough resources to support more than one animal in the territory

(i.e. food, shelter, etc)

Predator vs. Prey:

• Most prey animals live in social groups, packs, schools

(fish), herds, for protection, finding of resources and reproducing.

• Some do live solitary lives. Where these animals live determines how they live.

• Some prey animals react to a predator very differently from other prey animals.


Run away from predators.


Freeze in the presence of a predator, and will try to hide as soon as possible.

Predator vs. Prey continued:

 Predator animals can either live solitary lives or live in packs.

 They live in packs not for protection like prey animals, but for easier hunting, and reproducing.

 Some predator animals do live in social or family groups as well (such as chimpanzees and apes).

Behavioral Differences Between Male

And Female Animals?

 Female animals: tend to take care of the young , can lead the herd/pack and be the hunters/gatherers of the pack/herd and watch/listen for danger.

 Male animals: In some cases lead, watch for danger but in most cases they must fight off other males who may want the females of the pack/herd for reproducing and thus the passing on of his traits.

The stronger male wins, which means the stronger traits get passed on.

There are Alpha males and females in all packs/herds.

What is the difference between them and non-alpha animals?


Earthworm Behavior Lab




Bellwork 2/1/16

List a characteristic that each animal has that gives them an advantage to survival.


1. Animal “A”

2. Animal “B”

3. Animal “C”

4. Animal “D”



On Your Desk:





Natural Selection

- Animal Behavior ------- Pg. ____

- Natural Selection ------ Pg. ____

- Selective Breeding

- Extinction

- Symbiosis


s Questions…

• Why are organisms different?

• Why are organisms similar?

• Why are there so many different types of organisms?

The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

• Charles Darwin was an

English Natural Scientist during the 19 th century

• He is credited with one of the most important theories in life science.

• Darwin spent 20 years making observations to develop this theory.

• Explains why species change over time.


s Journey of Observations

Voyage of the HMS Beagle

Voyage of the HMS Beagle

The Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Iguanas

Giant Tortoises

The giant tortoise is a unique animal found only in the Galápagos Islands.

There are only about 200 tortoises remaining on these islands.


s Finches

• Most studied.

• Each island had its own distinct species.

• Beaks differed in size and shape.

• The finches came from the same ancestor.

• Evolved to adapt to different food sources.

What happened next?

• Darwin returned to England.

• Studied for another 20 years.

• Wrote a book

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859)

Describes Darwin ’ s observations and Evidence he collected in order to formulate the Theory of Evolution.

Darwin for a Day!

Darwin Booklet

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Charles Darwin

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1. What country were you born in?

2. What year were you born?

3. What was your childhood like growing up?

Early Life

5. What was your favorite subject in school?

6. Did you go to any other schools?

7. What did you study at these new schools?

4. Where did you go to school?

8. Why did you join the HMS


Darwin for a Day

1. Read article with your group

2. Answer the questions that go along with your reading

3. Decide who will read to the class (one person or one paragraph per person).

4. Decide who is going to answer each question during the interview time.

5. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse!!

**Group Presentations tomorrow!

HW: Do Lunar Cycles Make

Animals Crazy? Due Friday 2/5

Bellwork 2/2/16

1. List 3 interesting facts you learned about Darwin during your reading yesterday.

**Write in complete sentences.

On Your Desk:




Darwin for a Day : Interview

Changes Over Time

Evolutionary Adaptations

 What can cause changes in animal behaviors or genetic traits?

Changes Over

Time Continued:

• Evolutionary Adaptations are the changes that occur over long periods of time.

– Adaptations are changes made by organisms in response to the environment. (external stimuli)

– If an organism can survive without needing to change or adapt then it will. Example, armadillos, many insects, fish…

– However, some organisms must adapt to environmental changes or risk the chance of extinction.

 What are some specific adaptations seen in these pictures, and what are their purposes for that organism?????

Animal adaptations allow animals to live effectively within their environments.

Do all of these pictures represent that statement? Why or Why Not?

Within an Ecosystem:

Organisms that live together within an ecosystem are all competing for the same resources.

However, their specific adaptations allow them to be specialized in their niche and therefore reduce the competition for resources in some way.


Giraffes eat from tall trees instead of the shorter ones where all other animals eat.

Zebras eat from the top part of the grass

Wildebeest eats the leaves,

Gazelles eat the rest of what's left.

Bellwork 2/3/16

1. What is an evolutionary adaptation?

Evolutionary Adaptations are the changes that occur over long periods of time.

2. What is an animal adaptation?

Animal adaptations allow animals to live effectively within their environments.

On Your Desk:






• A ll organisms need to reproduce to survive. The successful organisms pass on the genetic information of the surviving species from generation to generation.

Survival of the fittest- The 'weeding out' of the less suited organisms, and the reward of survival to those better suited.

• Fitness= the ability to Survive AND Reproduce

Natural selection is considered to be the biggest factor resulting in the diversity of species (speciation).

These pictures show variation in species in big cats and owls.

Adaptation vs. Mutation:

What is a Mutation?

• When a new/different genetic trait first appears in an organism it is often looked at as a “ mutation ” .

• Note: Not all “ Mutations ” are bad. When they are caused by “ Gene Shuffling ” it just means something different than what is normally expected, was passed on to the offspring.


• If the “ mutation ” allows for the organism to survive and reproduce it may become a new trait and create a new species.

– those traits being important/necessary for their survival.

• Competition for resources and the ever changing environment calls for organisms to change if they are going to survive and continue in the future.

The tapir is a member of the same family as the horse and the elephant. Tapirs are mammals.

They produce one, and in rare cases two, live babies after a thirteen-month gestation period.

Tapirs are herbivores, and play an important part in their habitat as seed dispersers, making them a keystone species for many plant species

Adaptation/Mutation Continued:

 If a mutation is caused by an outside interference, like air pollution, then severe mutations can occur and may in be harmful to the organism.

 These types of mutations are different than a gene shuffling mutation which is caused by the different DNA possibilities of the parents.

A piglet was born with three eyes and two mouths. The piglet was among eight newborn piglets at Liu Dingsheng's farm in China. A local vet said the abnormality may have been caused by genetic mutation or feed pollution. China suffers heavily from environmental pollution.


Student Break:

Put your thinking cap on!

• Take a moment and come up with some examples of possible mutations that are due to interference with the growth of the organism and what the causes may have been.

• Come up with some examples of mutations caused by gene shuffling that may get passed on as a new trait.

Just Some Cool Animals You May Not

Know About:

What do you think their adaptations are for?

Mongolian Mickey Mouse!

Bask Shark!

Purple Frog!

Look them up and check them out!

Natural Selection

- Animal Behavior ------- Pg. ____

- Natural Selection ------ Pg. ____

- Selective Breeding ---- Pg. ___

- Extinction

- Symbiosis

What is Selective Breeding?

Angora Rabbits – bred for soft fluffy fur.

Used in clothing.


Horses - bred for speed!

• Breeders of animals and plants in today's world want to produce organisms that will possess the most desirable characteristics.

• What are desirable characteristics?

Corn – new hybrids created to be high producing, drought resistant, and disease resistant.

Selective Breeding:

Cattle like this are used to increase beef production.

• This process of selecting the

“ best ” parents.

• Plants or animals with specific traits are crossed to get offspring with the same desirable traits.

Some selective breeding can change things about a species. Like this cauliflower that has had color bred in to it.

Natural Selection

- Animal Behavior ------- Pg. ____

- Natural Selection ------ Pg. ____

- Selective Breeding ---- Pg. ____

- Extinction --------------- Pg. ___

- Symbiosis

What happens if an animal doesn’t adapt to the environment in which it lives??

The Extinction Project- A Night at the Museum (Due- Feb. 29



Recently Extinct Animals:


Check out these lists of extinct animals: ls

Citing Sources: ework/reference/bibliography.html

Bellwork 2/4/16

1. What organism have you selected for your “Extinction Project”?

2. List 4 reasons you selected that organism.

On Your Desk:




PBS Evolution- Great


Evidence of Evolution- Worksheet

Bird Adaptations- Worksheet

Natural Selection Lab - BEAKS

Bead lab

Design a Bird- Activity 7.2

Butterfly Lab- Test Review… Darwin Quiz


Natural Selection

- Animal Behavior ------- Pg. ____

- Natural Selection ------ Pg. ____

- Selective Breeding ---- Pg. ____

- Extinction --------------- Pg. ____

- Symbiosis --------------- Pg. ____


Our goal for today is to answer these questions:

What is symbiosis?

What are the different kinds of symbiosis?

What are some examples of symbiosis?

What is symbiosis?

Symbiosis: the act of living together


What it means:

Two organisms that live together

Temporarily or for a longer time

At least one of the organisms benefits from the relationship

What are the different kinds of symbiosis?

Mutualism both organisms benefit

Commensalism one organism benefits one organism is unaffected

Parasitism one organism benefits one organism is harmed


Organism One Organism Two


Organism One Organism Two


Organism One Organism Two

Acacia Plant & Ants parasitism

The ants lay eggs on acacia tree so they get a nice safe place for their eggs. The acacia covers the infected area with brown flesh

(called a gall.) The plant has to use valuable resources to create the gall.

What symbiotic relationship is this?

Boxer Crab & Anemones

This Boxer Crab carries a pair of stinging anemones in its claws, which it uses to defend itself from predators. The anemones get to move around which increases their food supply.


What symbiotic relationship is this?

Shark & Remora mutualism

The remora attaches itself to the shark and saves energy since it doesn ’ t have to swim, and it gets to snack on the sharks gills. The shark gets parasites removed and dead skin cells.

What symbiotic relationship is this?

Emperor Shrimp & Sea Cucumber

This tiny emperor shrimp is riding along on the back of a sea cucumber (a long worm-like starfish relative) while it crawls along a sandy bottom. The shrimp gets to travel around under the protection of its much larger partner, and the sea cucumber doesn't seem to mind.


What symbiotic relationship is this?

Moray Eel & Cleaner Fish

This moray eel has a small fish cleaning between its teeth. The eel gets a clean mouth while the cleaner fish gets a nice meal.


What symbiotic relationship is this?

Cattle & Cattle Egrets

As these cattle walk around eating grass they stir up lots of insects. The egrets hang around and get a yummy meal of insects.

What symbiotic relationship is this?


Clown Fish & Anemone

This clown fish swims in the anemone and gets protection, since its predators will get stung.

The anemone is unaffected.


What symbiotic relationship is this?

This ox bird hangs out on the antelope and gets a delicious meal of bugs living on the antelope. The antelope gets rid of parasites.

Antelope & Ox Bird

What symbiotic relationship is this?


Loa Loa Worm & Human

This worm infects human the blood stream and gets a nice warm safe home there. The human may go blind or have other complications as a result.

What symbiotic relationship is this?


Goby and Alpheid Shrimp

This alpheid shrimp (on the right) uses its strong claws like a bulldozer to create a burrow in the sand. The shrimp is nearly blind. It relies upon its partner, the sharpeyed goby, to warn of danger.

When a potential predator approaches, both animals disappear quickly into the burrow mutualism

What symbiotic relationship is this?

Wrasse & Batfish

Can you see the two cleaner wrasses are removing parasites from a batfish? One of the wrasses has entered the gill slit of the batfish, and may even enter its mouth in search of food.

The batfish gets a bath and the wrasse gets a meal.

What symbiotic relationship is this?


Hummingbird Moth & Flower


This hummingbird moth is drinking the nectar of a flower. The flower gets pollinated (the moth brings pollen from other flowers) and the moth gets a tasty meal.

What symbiotic relationship is this?


1. What is symbiosis?

2. What are the different kinds of symbiosis?

3. Describe one example of each kind of symbiotic relationship.

The Good Guys- Worksheet
