Sociology in foreign languages Overview It's a sociology class that

Sociology in foreign languages
Class requirements materials
It’s a sociology class that focuses on quality of
understanding rather than quantity of
vocabulary words, because of the language
barrier and all of the English innuendoes.
One Hour class
Notebook, pencil, basic understanding of
Teach the student in depth sociology terms
and let the students then explain it in their
own words
1) The teacher starts by writing down ten
words and definitions on a board and
has the students write it down .
2) After the student finishes writing the
words and definitions down the
teacher then explains the words in a
“for dummies” way.
3) Then the teacher explains the vocab
words in sociology talk.
4) The teacher finally asks the students to
explain a situation that uses all of the
vocab words.
The Student must explain a situation that has
all of the vocab words in it. This will show
mastery of the words.
Gorga, Susan M. , Mondak, Jeffery J. “Taking the Show on the Road: Teaching Political Science in English at Foreign
Universities”. PS: Political Sciences and Politics. March, 2001. 125-131