Bayesian evaluation and selection strategies in portfolio decision analysis E. Vilkkumaa, J. Liesiö, A. Salo INFORMS Annual meeting, Phoenix, Oct 14th-17th 2012 The document can be stored and made available to the public on the open internet pages of Aalto University. All other rights are reserved. Post-decision disappointment in portfolio selection * • Project portfolio selection is important • Decisions are typically based on uncertain value estimates vE about true value v • If the value of a project is overestimated, this project is more likely to be selected • Disappointments are therefore likely = Optimal project based on vE = Optimal project based on v Size is proportional to cost 18 H E Estimate v ($M) 16 14 C * 12 J * * G D * 10 E 8 B A 6 I * 4 F 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 True value v ($M) Brown (1974, Journal of Finance), Harrison and March (1986, Administrative Science Quarterly), Smith and Winkler (2006, Management Science) Frequency (%) Underestimation of costs in public work projects (1/2) • Flyvbjerg et al. 2002 found statistically significant escalation (p<0.001) of costs in public infrastructure Average escalation projects μ=27,6% • This escalation was attributed to strategic misrepresentation by project promoters Cost escalation (%) Source: Flyvbjerg et al. (2002), Underestimating Costs in Public Work Projects – Error or Lie? Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 68, pp. 279-295. Underestimation of costs in public work projects (2/2) 0.035 0.03 Distribution of maximal escalation among 6 projects, =25% Distribution of maximal escalation among 3 projects, =17% 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 Distribution of escalation for each project, =0%, =20% • Cost escalation could therefore be attributed to ʻpost-decision disappointment’ as well 0.005 0 -100 -80 -60 -40 • If projects with the lowest cost estimates are selected, the realized costs tend to be higher even if cost estimates are unbiased a priori -20 0 20 40 60 Cost escalation (%) 80 100 Bayesian revision of value estimates (1/2) • Assume that the prior f(v) and the likelihood f(vE|v) are E known such that E[Vi | V v ] v iEf (v iE | v ) dv iE v i • By Bayes’ rule we have f(v|vE) f(v)·f(vE|v) • Use the Bayes estimates viB for selection v E[Vi | V v ] v i f (v i | v E ) dv i B i E E • If Vi~N(μi,σi2), ViE=vi+εi, εi~N(0,τi2) , then Vi|viE~N(viB,ρi2), where 2 2 4 σ τ σ v iB 2 i 2 v iE 2 i 2 μi , ρi2 2 i 2 . σi τi σi τi σi τi Bayesian revision of value estimates (2/2) • Portfolio selection based on the revised estimates viB – Eliminates post-decision disappointment – Maximizes the expected portfolio value given the estimates viE • Using f(v|vE), we show how to: 1. Determine the expected value of acquiring additional estimates viE 2. Determine the probability that project i belongs to the truly optimal portfolio (= portfolio that would be selected if the true values v were known) Example (1/2) • • • • 10 projects (A,...,J) with costs from $1M to $12M Budget $25M Projects’ true values Vi ~ N(10,32) A,...,D conventional projects – Estimation error εi ~ N(0,12) – Two interdependent projects: B can be selected only if A is selected • E,...,J novel, radical projects – These are more difficult to estimate: εi ~ N(0, 2.82) Example (2/2) = Optimal project based on vE / vB = Optimal project based on v Size proportional to cost * 18 18 H 14 Bayes estimate v ($M) E C * 12 J Prior mean 10 * * G D * B Estimate v ($M) 16 E 8 B A 6 I * 4 F 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 True value v ($M) True value = 52$M Estimated value = 62$M 16 18 16 H 14 12 J Prior mean 10 * B I* 1 6 * E A 8 * G * C D F 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 True value v ($M) True value = 55$M Estimated value = 58$M * 18 Value of additional information (1/2) EVI for a single project evaluation = Optimal project based on current information • Knowing f(v|vE), we can determine – The expected value (EVI) of additional value estimates VE prior to acquiring vE – The probability that project i belongs to the truly optimal portfolio 0.3 0.25 F E H 0.2 B I D 0.15 A 0.1 0.05 G C 0 J -0.05 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Probability that the project belongs to the truly optimal portfolio The probability that the project belongs to the truly optimal portfolio is here close to 0 or 1 Value of additional information (2/2) • Select 20 k=100out of 100 projects k=30 76 Best 30 • Re-evaluation strategies 78 k=100 k=30 Best 30 Random 30 96 Share of correct choices (%) Portfolio value (% of the optimum) 97 1. 2.72 3. 70 4. 95 94 93 92 91 1 2 3 Number of evaluation rounds 4 74 Random 30 All 100 projects 30 projects with the highest EVI ʻShort list’ approach (Best 30) 30 randomly selected projects • Due to evaluation costs, 66 strategy 2 is likely to outperform strategy 1 64 68 1 2 3 Number of evaluation rounds 4 Conclusions • Uncertainties in cost and value estimates should be explicitly accounted for • Bayesian revision of the uncertain estimates helps – Increase the expected value of the selected portfolio – Alleviate post-decision disappointment • Bayesian modeling of uncertainties guides the costefficient acquisition of additional estimates as well