Developing Diverse Senior Management National Human Services Assembly Presented by Karen Key, VP for Programs June 10, 2011 Consulting team: Adam Drucker Beth Gonzales Selena Juneau-Vogel Monisha Makhijani Michael Turi Project Objective To identify practices that increase the ethnic and racial diversity of senior management within Assembly member organizations. Racial & Ethnic Diversity in Member Organizations Average % professionals of color All Staff 37% Senior Management 29% Board 21% As reported by HR survey respondents. N = 25. Research Process Surveys CEO & HR Literature Review Interviews Themes Criteria CEO = 25 partial +19 complete = 44 Recommendations HR = 18 partial + 25 complete = 43 Responding Orgs = 40 Interviews = 25 Research Themes Develop & Retain Strategic Diversity Senior Management Diversity Attract & Recruit Organizational Culture Executive Commitment Metrics & Evaluation Recommendation Criteria 1. What practices effectively increase workplace diversity overall? 2. What practices increase senior management diversity specifically? 3. What practices are feasible for Assembly member organizations to implement? 4. What needs to happen first? 5. Are the recommendations complementary? Strategic Diversity HR survey respondents: 63% said their organization defines diversity 43% said their organization links diversity to their strategic plan Members value & use strategic diversity. Strategic Diversity A solid start…taking it to the next level. Develop an Organization- Specific Business Case for Diversity What does diversity do for your organization and your mission? What type of diversity do you want? How do your initiatives & policies support your strategy? Organizational Culture An open and inclusive environment is key…. HR survey respondents: Training & Development Employee Benefits Recruitment Efforts Strategic Planning Diversity Policies & Procedures Budgeting & Resource Allocation 0% 50% 100% Members encourage employee input in many forms. Organizational Recommendations for taking it to the next level Culture Promote Transparent & Inclusive Culture Make space for many cultural heritages Diverse staff attracts diverse candidates Inhibit potential bias Survey reveals a good starting point, but this is still a major reason for turnover across sectors in the U.S. Executive Commitment CEO survey respondents: 62% said their Board does NOT hold them accountable 60% do NOT hold managers accountable for diversity Members see a lack of accountability for diversity. Executive Commitment Recommendations for taking it to the next level Create Wide-Spread Accountability Demonstrate your commitment • Actively participate in diversity initiatives • Financially support diversity initiatives • Continually reinforce strategic value of diversity Make yourself accountable Make your senior managers accountable Metrics & Evaluation Members feel measurement is effective. Metrics & Evaluation Recommendations for taking it to the next level Measure Diversity Program Achievement Establish Thoughtful Goals Benchmark to Sector Benchmark to Geographic Area Assess Climate & Performance Attract & Recruit Diversity Recruitment Efforts Are rated as the 1st or 2nd Most Effective Practices for Senior Management Level Members feel diversity recruiting is most effective. Attract & Recruit Recommendations for taking it to the next level Use Targeted Recruitment Strategies Seek Out New Pools of Talent Involve Diverse Employees in Recruiting Engage Search Firms Consider Pipelines Develop & Retain 69% HR survey respondents: 50% do NOT do succession planning do NOT have formal mentoring Members lack strong development & retention practices. Develop & Retain Recommendations for taking it to the next level Invest in Growth & Success of Current Employees Consider Diversity in Leadership Transition Planning Conduct Thorough Onboarding Create Mentoring & Sponsorship Opportunities Recommendations for the Assembly • Facilitate sharing around: • business cases for diversity • accountability practices • onboarding practices • mentoring programs • Promote the benefits of human service sector