
Central Office
Co46191110 University Ave. Suite 205
P.O. Box 2384
Honolulu, HI 96804
Minutes of Feb. 2012 Meeting
Friendly reminders—please kokua. We want to keep our meeting place.
 Parking: Lot off Vinyard in front of main building.
 Overflow Parking: Follow fence line past gym to lot behind gym.
 Meeting Location: Dining Hall in center of property.
 Smoking: Allowed. Please dispose in but cans or ashtrays provide around
Serenity Prayer - Jessica
Intergroup Preamble - Kalei
Twelve Traditions - Mary Ann
Introduction of New Members
Jeff - Downtown Lunch, Mary Ann - A Spiritual Awakening
Approval of Minutes
Arkie moves to approve minutes as they are
Jim seconds the move and the minutes are approved as they were written.
Chairpersons Opening Remarks - Jessica
Welcomes everyone and reviews the facility for the group. Expresses thanks for the area
Financial Report - Jim
As you can see from the report everything is in line and we are O.K. Any questions ? Elise
asks about negative net income, Jim answers that we are showing that because of the
trends and we will rebound.
Linda the area delegate asks about bank balance difference from last month and this was
referred to C.O.M. for later explanation.
Central Office Report - Dick
Talks about two things, a possible phone system change and the office move on the 25th of
February, would like volunteers to call and confirm as to their ability to help.
Elise - Do we have enough volunteers at this time ? No we could use some more.
Bruce - How many people do we need ? We need 10 people call the office and let us know if
you plan on helping.
Activities Report - Jessica
We have a No-Booze Cruise scheduled for march 10th and tickets are $60.00, also there is
a camp-out April 19th thru the 22nd call C.O. to get into service. We are looking at having
C.O. open house on May 5th, also there will be the Bill and Lois dinner at Hickam and the
cost is $35.00.
Kalei - Founders Day Report
We have some flyers made that are mock as we want groups to have alkathon on June
23rd at MaCoy Beach 9am start with multiple meetings with topics involving an area panel
workshop. Also a luau with tickets priced under $20.00 has been planed. Service positions
are still available and there is a dance after the meetings at fleet reserve 9 to 11 p.m. cost
is $5.00. There is also a drawing contest for the shirts and the theme is "Working with
Others". My phone number is 454-3416 and my email is Mel's
number is 343-3274. Please take some flyers with you.
By-Laws Review Committee - Elise
We are reviewing the C.O.M. position and the conflicts with the by-laws. We have settled on
a salary range with benefits and so now we are working on the conflicts with the by-laws
and our recommendations will be ready in April.
Old Business - Election of Vice-Chair
Three members of A.A. stood for the position and after three ballots Connie became the
Area Report - Linda
Results are still out from the assembly that was held in Hilo. We are working to reduce the
archive because we can no longer afford to pay for storage. We will also be moving it on
the 25th of February and it is possible that we will make it digital. We could use an archive
chair as well. For rest of report go to area website.
Dave - April Assembly Diamond Head District with workshops, the theme will be
"Anonymity Response in Internet Age"
New Business
Dick M. talks about phones and possible change to answering system, noting that the
phone number will stay the same.
Questions and Answers
Kalei asked about the founders day binder that is passed along as well as about the
suggested sobriety time for inter-group service positions.
The binder is available from the C.O. and the suggested sobriety time is 2yrs. and these
are just suggested as it is possible to have less time in some service positions and this is a
case by case decision process. (Vice-Chair)
Scott - Hang Loose - Salvation Army - Sign language
Bob H. - Alt. Chair Area - Mina Bird is on-line want articles and they can be sent to
Connie - Vice-Chair Intergroup - Aloha Roundup (visit there website) coming up along with
no-booze cruise.
Grapevine Anniversary at Palama Settlement all are welcome.
Kalei - Motions to close seconded and meeting is done.
Recorded Attendants of Meeting (The one's Who Signed In.)
Tanya P. - Daily Reflections, Chuck M. - Hawa'awa'a, Parry M. - Semper Fi, Kalae - Kalihi
Sobriety, Scott C. - (???),
Mary Ann E. - A Spiritual Awakening, Bruce A. - As Bill Sees It, Frank S. - Waikiki Men's
Stag, Dolan T. - Black Experience, Dave E. - TYG, Bob H. - Alt. Chair Area, Keith B. - Eatin'
Meetin', Linda McD. - Area Delegate, Jonathan B. - Bad Brains, Arkie K. - A.A. History, Elise
C. - Mililani Women's, Dick M. - C.O.M., Ted K. - Downtown Lunch, Jay C. - OYPAA, The
Steering Committee.
Thanks for letting me serve.
Mike P.
Oahu Inter-group Steering Committee